PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud

Role membership certification

Select a role membership certification to certify or revoke user’s role memberships using a template.

Certifiers review roles a user has in Advanced Identity Cloud. When certifying, if the role line item has the decision of revoke, then Identity Governance removes the role when the certification is signed-off.

Before creating a role membership certification template, assign a role owner to each role in Advanced Identity Cloud. Role owners are the individuals responsible for the role, for example, the members of the role and metadata.

To assign a role owner:

  1. From the Advanced Identity Cloud admin UI, click people > Manage > Alpha realm — roles.

  2. Select desired role.

  3. On the Details tab, select a user from the Role Owner field.

  4. Click Save.

The following table lists the areas to configure for each campaign template type:

Section Description


General details of the template, such as the name, description, and a default certifier.

What to Certify

The items to be certified.

When to Certify

The cadence in which the review process is kicks off (campaign).

Who will Certify

The end users responsible for certifying the items in the campaign.


Optional. Set up email notifications based on various events that take place during the certification process.

Additional options

Optional. Various configurations to allow during the campaign, such as bulk actions on line items or self-certification.


Summary of configured sections.


This section includes basic information about the template, such as the display name, description, owner, and staging process. To add basic template information, do the following:

  1. From the Advanced Identity Cloud admin UI, click Certification > Templates > + New Template.

  2. Select Role Membership Certification.

  3. Click Next.

  4. Complete the following fields:

    Field Description

    Certification Name

    The display name for the certification. This certification name displays on both the certification tab and the end-user task dashboard.

    Define a date variable in the name of the certification to know which campaign kicks off. Identity Governance uses moment.js to format the date.

    For example, if you have a certification that’s scheduled to run every two weeks, appending the date to the name lets you know which campaign you are working on. The certification name can include the date (year, month, day), time (hour, minute), and time of day (AM/PM):

    Campaign name — {{YYYY-MM-DD-hh:mma}}

    When you kick off a template into a campaign, an example of the name is: Campaign name — 2023-12-12-08:18pm

    Once you start the campaign for the first time, you cannot change the template name.


    Enter a general description for the certification. Your company should follow a convention to describe each of your certifications.

    This field is limited to 1000 characters.

    Certification Owner

    Enter the owner of the certification. Only certification owners can fully control their certifications, including certification decisions, certifier assignment changes, sign off, and more.

    Enable Campaign Staging

    Enable certification staging to set up the certification in the system but not activate it in production. This option allows compliance officers to preview a certification before it’s activated and exposed to end users. Compliance officers can inspect and review the content, decision items, and other details to decide whether to activate or delete the campaign.

  5. Click Next.

What to Certify

This section lets you define which roles or users to certify.

To define which users and roles to certify:

  1. Complete the following fields:

    Field Description


    Certify one of the following:

    • All roles

    • Roles matching a filter — Create a filter to certify specific roles.

      If you create a governance glossary attribute and enhance roles with the attribute, you can filter on the attribute(s) you create.

      For more information, refer to the Manage governance glossary.


    Certify one of the following:

    • All users

    • A single user

    • Users matching a filter — Create a filter to certify select users.

    Exclude dynamically granted role memberships

    Enabled by default.

    Exclude role line items that are granted to an end user through a condition.

    Identity Governance can’t certify or revoke an end user being a member of a role through a condition; therefore, excluding these line items can help reduce unnecessary information in the certification.

    For more information, refer to Decisions change based on how you grant access.

    (Optional) Show advanced filters

    To certify accounts based on properties from the last certification decision made on a line item from the drop-down, select Filter by last certification decision.

    A line item is a particular record for a certifier to review.

  2. Click Next.

When to Certify

The When to Certify section lets the administrator specify when to kick off the review process (campaign) and what to do in the event the campaign expires.

To complete this section, do the following:

  1. Complete the following fields:

    Field Description


    Define whether the template will kick off on a periodic basis. If selected, input various choices to define the schedule.

    Check the Run on a schedule box to define a schedule for the template.

    Options include:

    • Run Every - Run the certification every specified number of days, weeks, months, or years.

    • Start - Specify a start time when this campaign kicks off for the first time.

    • End - Run the certification on its defined periodic basis until this date is reached.

    Campaign Duration

    Specify the amount of time each access review (campaign) has before expiration. You can specify the duration in days, weeks, months, or years.

    When Campaign Expires

    Select a behavior to handle the open access review (campaign) line items when the campaign expires:

    • Close open items - Complete the items using the given information after the campaign expires. The administrator can select what decision to add to the item (certify, revoke, and allow exception to) and when that decision takes effect. The decision can take effect immediately or after a duration (in days).

    • Reassign to - Select a given user or role that the access review (campaign) is reassigned to after the expiration date. The campaign will not be closed.

    • Do Nothing - No action will be taken, and the line items will remain in progress.

  2. Click Next.

Who will Certify

This section allows you to specify the users that review and make decisions about the items you defined in the What to Certify section.

To define who will certify the certification:

  1. Complete the following fields:

    Field Description

    Certifier Type

    Specify who can review and certify user access by selecting one of the following:

    • User — Select a single user to review and make a decision on every record. When you select this, a Select user box displays. Select the user who will certify the campaign.

    • Role — Select a role that allows any of its members to review every record. When you select this, a Select a role box displays. Select a role from the list of the created roles in Advanced Identity Cloud.

    • Role Owner — The individual who manages the role. For more information, refer to add role owner.

    Enable default certifiers

    Select a certifier to assign in case an access review (campaign) line item isn’t assigned a certifier. For example, if the role owner is the certifier and the role has no role owner defined, then Identity Governance assigns the specified default certifier to the access review for the role.

  2. Click Next.


This optional section allows you to send email notifications when one or more campaign events are triggered. For example, when a campaign is about to expire or when a certifier is reassigned.

To complete this section, do the following:

  1. Define an email template for each selected notification. Each notification requires an associated email template. From the left navigation pane in the Advanced Identity Cloud admin UI, go to Email > Templates. For more information, refer to Email templates.

    There are preset email templates created for certification templates. Use these as a base, copy the email template, and customize them to suit your needs.

    To reference variables in your email templates for Identity Governance, the object is nested an additional level. The following table shows how to access these objects:

    Item Usage

    User attributes

    Use the syntax object.user.userAttribute.

    Use the attributes available from the email template screen. For more information, refer to Email templates.

    Manager attributes

    Use the syntax object.manager.managerAttribute.

    Use the attributes available from the email template screen. For more information, refer to Email templates.

    If the manager is the certifier type in the Who will Certify section, use the same user attributes in the managerAttribute. For example, if you need to reference a user’s manager within the email, then use this object.

    Campaign attributes

    Use the syntax object.campaign.campaignAttribute.

    Available attributes are name and type.

  2. Select any of the notification types:

    Field Description

    Send initial notification

    Send a notification any time a certifier is assigned to a line item.

    Send reassign notification

    Send to a new certifier when a line item in an access review (campaign) is reassigned or forwarded to them.

    Send expiration notification

    Send a reminder notification to the certifiers before a campaign expires. Select the number of days, before the campaign expires, to send the reminder.

    To illustrate the expiration notification mechanism:

    If the notification is set for three days prior to expiration, reviewers will receive an email when the campaign is three days away from the expiration date. If the deadline is extended by a week, the expiration date of the notification will be recalculated and sent three days before the new deadline, regardless of any previously sent notifications.

    Send reminders

    Send a notification to remind certifiers to take action on access review (campaign) line items. Select the number of days, weeks, months, or years to send the reminder.

    Enable escalation

    Send an escalation notification to specific recipients that certifiers have not completed their actions on a campaign. When selected, an additional Escalation Owner box displays. Select the number of days, weeks, months, or years and the user to send the escalation to.

  3. Click Next.

Additional options

This optional section allows you to configure other options for a campaign, such as performing bulk certifications or reassigning tasks to another user or group.

To complete this section, do the following:

  1. Complete the following optional fields:

    Field Description

    Allow self-certification

    Allows select individuals to certify their own data.

    The options to choose from are:

    • All certifiers - Users who are certifying the access review (campaign) can certify their own access.

    • Owners and administrators - Users who are campaign owners or tenant administrators can certify their own access.

    Enable line item reassignment and delegation

    Allow the certifier to reassign or forward a line item to another user.

    When you select this box, you can choose the following options:

    • Forward - Allow certifiers to forward their access review (campaign) to another certifier. When forwarding an access review, other certifiers are removed from the access review in its entirety. For more information, refer to forward line items.

    • Reassign - Select the privileges the current certifier can assign to the new certifier:

      • Add Comment

      • Make Decision

      • Reassign/Forward

      • Sign off

        For context on how you use this as a certifier, refer to reassign line items.

    Require justification on revoke

    Require a mandatory comment or reason for the revocation.

    Require justification on exception

    Require a mandatory comment or reason for any allowed exception.

    Allow exceptions

    Allow certifiers to continue to certify line items assigned to them after the campaign expires. Select a duration in days, months, weeks, or years.

    Allow bulk-decisions

    Allow certifiers to make line item decisions in bulk.

    This includes:

    • Making a decision (certify, revoke, exception).

    • If Enable line item reassignment and delegation is enabled, then you can bulk Reassign and/or Forward line items.

    As an administrator, most access reviews require an in-depth look on each line item. This is to ensure accuracy of each item. Bulk-decisions allow for a certifier to make a decision on many items at once, which could lead to inaccurate data. Use caution when selecting this option.

    Allow partial sign-off

    Allow a certifier to sign-off on an access review before their assigned line items have a decision made on them.

    Process remediation

    Revokes the end user’s access in the target application when a certifier revokes (denies) the line item. Select a workflow to run either immediately after revocation of access or after a duration.

    To ensure end-user access is removed when revoking a line item, you must enable this property.
  2. Click Next.


The Summary section is the final section in creating a template. It gives a breakdown of each section in the template, allowing for a review.

Summary steps:

  1. Review each section.

  2. Click Save to complete the certification template.

    Under the What to Certify review section, ensure that the Total Decision Items is greater than 0. If you identify that this is 0, this means that the template did not identify items to be certified. Therefore, if you create the campaign off of the template, the system will immediately cancel the campaign. If you identify this to be 0, go back to the What to Certify section and adjust your settings.