PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud

Use ESVs for signing and encryption keys

PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud lets you store signing and encryption keys in ESV secrets, then map them to secret labels. Each secret label represents an authentication feature in Advanced Identity Cloud, such as signing OAuth 2.0 client access tokens.

Advanced Identity Cloud can directly access keys stored in a mapped ESV secret, there is no need to restart Advanced Identity Cloud services.

You can rotate keys stored in a mapped ESV secret by adding new secret versions to the ESV. The key in the latest secret version is used to sign new access tokens, then subsequently validate them. Keys in older secret versions (that are still enabled) are still used to validate existing access tokens.

You can also rotate SAML 2.0 certificates using ESV secrets. Learn more in Rotate SAML 2.0 certificates using ESVs

Secret labels

Secret labels (also known as secret IDs or purposes) represent authentication features in Advanced Identity Cloud that need a signing or encryption key. For example, to sign an OAuth 2.0 client access token with an HMAC key, you would use the secret label

For a full list of secret labels, learn more in Secret labels.

Secret labels with fixed names

Most secret labels represent an authentication feature that requires only a single secret per realm. These secret labels have fixed names as they require only a single mapping per realm to override them. An example of a secret label with a fixed name is, the label for the secret used to encrypt client-side access tokens issued in the realm.

Secret labels with identifiers

Some secret labels represent an authentication feature that could require multiple instances per realm, such as OAuth 2.0 clients. The names of these secret labels contain a configurable portion, known as the identifier, to support multiple override mappings per realm. An example of a secret label with an identifier is am.applications.oauth2.client.<identifier>.secret.

Authentication features that support secret labels with identifiers provide a Secret Label Identifier field that lets you define the identifier value. The value of the identifier must be alphanumeric, can also contain periods (but not at the start or end), and must not contain spaces. When you create an instance of the authentication feature and define a Secret Label Identifier, Advanced Identity Cloud creates a new secret label; for example, if you create a new OAuth 2.0 client and define the Secret Label Identifier as "salesforce", Advanced Identity Cloud creates the secret label am.applications.oauth2.client.salesforce.secret.

You can then map the secret label to an ESV secret. If you don’t create a mapping, the authentication feature falls back to a manually entered password.

In the case of OAuth 2.0 clients, Advanced Identity Cloud defines four secret labels for each client. In the example above, Advanced Identity Cloud creates the following secret labels:

  • am.applications.oauth2.client.salesforce.secret

  • am.applications.oauth2.client.salesforce.jwt.public.key


  • am.applications.oauth2.client.salesforce.mtls.trusted.cert

Continuing the example, Advanced Identity Cloud tries to find a mapping for any of the four secret labels, before falling back to a manually entered password.

Map ESV secrets to secret labels

In each realm, each secret label is mapped to a default secret key. You cannot access these default secret keys. However, you can override the default key mappings. To do this, map a secret label to an ESV secret in a realm’s ESV secret store.

To store a key in an ESV secret, then map it to a secret label:

  1. Create an ESV secret, containing the value of your new signing or encryption key:

    You can only create secrets that contain keys using the API. The UI currently does not support the encoding and useInPlaceholders parameters.

    For examples of how to generate asymmetric and symmetric keys, learn more in:

    1. Create an access token for the appropriate realm. Learn more in Get an access token.

    2. Create the ESV secret:

      Show request
      $ curl \
      --request PUT 'https://<tenant-env-fqdn>/environment/secrets/<secret-name>' \(1)
      --header 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token>' \(2)
      --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      --header 'Accept-API-Version: protocol=1.0;resource=1.0' \
      --data-raw '{
          "encoding": "<encoding-format>",(3)
          "useInPlaceholders": false,(4)
          "valueBase64": "<base64-encoded-key>"(5)
      1 Replace <secret-name> with an appropriate secret name; for example, esv-oauth2-signing-key. Learn more in ESV naming.
      2 Replace <access-token> with the access token.
      3 Replace <encoding-format> with pem for asymmetric keys or base64hmac for symmetric keys. Learn more in Encoding format.
      4 Ensure that useInPlaceholders is set to false. Learn more in Control access to secrets.
      5 Replace <base64-encoded-key> with your new signing or encryption key, encoded as a Base64 string.
      Show response
          "_id": "esv-oauth2-signing-key",
          "activeVersion": "",
          "description": "",
          "encoding": "base64hmac",
          "lastChangeDate": "2022-01-28T13:25:40.515Z",
          "lastChangedBy": "23b299e8-90d4-406e-9431-80faf25bc7c0",
          "loaded": true,
          "loadedVersion": "",
          "useInPlaceholders": false
  2. In the Advanced Identity Cloud admin UI, click Native Consoles > Access Management.

  3. In the AM admin UI (native console), go to Realm > Secret Stores.

  4. Click the ESV secret store, then click Mappings.

  5. Click + Add Mapping, then enter the following information:

    Secret Label

    Select a secret label; for example


    Enter the name of the ESV secret you created in step 1, including the esv- prefix; for example, esv-oauth2-signing-key. Then click Add.

    Only add a single ESV alias. The UI lets you add additional aliases, but this is a legacy mechanism for key rotation. Instead, rotate ESV keys by adding new secret versions to the ESV. Learn more in Rotate keys in mapped ESV secrets.
  6. Click Create.

Rotate keys in mapped ESV secrets

You can rotate keys stored in a mapped ESV secret by manipulating the enabled status of its secret versions:

idcloudui esv secrets manage versions rotation

Version 4

This is the latest secret version. It is enabled and cannot be disabled. It is used to sign new tokens. Existing tokens signed by this key are still valid.

Version 3 and version 2

These are older secret versions. They are still enabled. Existing tokens signed by these keys are still valid.

Version 1

This is an older secret version. It is disabled. Existing tokens signed by this key are not valid.

Rotate SAML 2.0 certificates using ESVs

Generate an RSA key pair

To generate an RSA key pair to use in an ESV:

  1. Run the following command to generate a private key:

    $ openssl genrsa -out private-key.pem
  2. Then, generate a public key using the private key:

    $ openssl req -new -x509 -key private-key.pem -out public-key.pem -days 365 -subj /CN=idcloud
  3. Combine the private key and public key into a key pair:

    $ cat private-key.pem public-key.pem > key-pair.pem
  4. If you intend to use an API request to create the ESV:

    1. Encode the key pair into base64:

      $ openssl enc -base64 -A -in key-pair.pem -out key-pair-base64.pem

      The file key-pair-base64.pem now contains a base64 encoded key pair value.

    2. You can now use this value in the valueBase64 property of the JSON body of the API request. Refer to step 1b in Map ESV secrets to secret labels for an example.

Generate an AES or HMAC key

To generate an AES or HMAC key to use in an ESV:

  1. Run the following command:

    $ head -c<bytes> /dev/urandom | openssl enc -base64 -A -out key.txt(1)
    1 Replace <bytes> with your required key length; for example, 512.

    Summary of command:

    • Generates a random number using /dev/urandom

    • Truncates the random number to your required key length using head

    • Encodes the truncated random number into base64 using openssl

  2. If you intend to use an API request to create the ESV:

    1. Encode the key into base64 again:

      $ openssl enc -base64 -A -in key.txt -out key-base64.txt

      The file key-base64.txt now contains a base64 encoded key value.

    2. You can now use this value in the valueBase64 property of the JSON body of the API request. Refer to step 1b in Map ESV secrets to secret labels for an example.