PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud


Organization objects let you arrange and manage users in hierarchical trees. Organizations also allow you to give users fine-grained administrative privileges to various parts of the tree based on their location in that tree. For example, an administrator of one organization might have full access to the users within that organization but no access to the users in an adjacent organization.

IDM comes with two types of managed objects for organizations: Alpha realm organizations and Bravo realm organizations. The default schemas for these two organization types are similar, except that Alpha realm organizations have relationships with Alpha realm users, while Bravo realm organizations have relationships with Bravo realm users. You can modify the default schemas of either of these managed object types; refer to Define managed object schema for more information.

The Alpha and Bravo organization object types have array attributes called admins, owners, and members. These attribute enable the hierarchical organization model.

Users and organizations have a set of relationship-derived virtual properties used by the delegated administration filters to provide the visibility and access constraints that underpin the organization model. Users have the ids of all the organizations of which they are members, and organizations have the ids of all their admin and owner users.

Only IDM administrative users can create top-level organizations. Within organizations, there are various levels of privileges, depending on how a user is related to the organization.

Refer to the organization use case for an example that illustrates organization concepts, including:

  • Organizations in the Alpha and Bravo realms

  • Hierarchies of organizations

  • Organization owners

  • Organization administrators