PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud

Effective roles and effective assignments

Effective roles and effective assignments are virtual properties of a user object. IDM uses the relationships between objects to know when to recalculate the values of these properties.

The relationships between objects are configured using the notify, notifySelf, and notifyRelationships settings for managed/realm-name_user, managed/realm-name_role, and managed/realm-name_assignment. The queryConfig property is used to configure which related objects to traverse for this calculation.

Calculation or recalculation is performed when IDM notifies the related objects that the roles or assignments for a managed user have been added, removed, or changed.

The following excerpt of the IDM managed object schema shows how these two virtual properties are constructed for each managed user object:

"effectiveRoles" : {
    "type" : "array",
    "title" : "Effective Roles",
    "description" : "Effective Roles",
    "viewable" : false,
    "returnByDefault" : true,
    "isVirtual" : true,
    "queryConfig" : {
        "referencedRelationshipFields" : ["roles"]
    "usageDescription" : "",
    "isPersonal" : false,
    "items" : {
        "type" : "object",
        "title" : "Effective Roles Items"
"effectiveAssignments" : {
    "type" : "array",
    "title" : "Effective Assignments",
    "description" : "Effective Assignments",
    "viewable" : false,
    "returnByDefault" : true,
    "isVirtual" : true,
    "queryConfig" : {
        "referencedRelationshipFields" : ["roles", "assignments"],
        "referencedObjectFields" : ["*"]
    "usageDescription" : "",
    "isPersonal" : false,
    "items" : {
        "type" : "object",
        "title" : "Effective Assignments Items"

When a user references a role which references an assignment, that user automatically references the assignment in its list of effective assignments.

effectiveRoles uses the roles relationship to calculate the grants currently in effect, including any qualified by temporal constraints.

effectiveAssignments uses the roles relationship and the assignments relationship for each role to calculate the current assignments in effect for that user. The synchronization engine reads the calculated value of the effectiveAssignments attribute when it processes the user. The target system is updated according to the configured assignmentOperation for each assignment.

When a user’s roles or assignments are updated, IDM calculates their effectiveRoles and effectiveAssignments based on the current value of their roles property and the assignments property of any roles referenced by that property. The previous set of examples showed the creation of a role employee that referenced an assignment employee and was granted to user bjensen. Querying that user entry would show the following effective roles and effective assignments:

curl \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <token>" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--request GET \
  "_id": "ca8855fd-a404-42c7-88b7-02f8a8a825b2",
  "_rev": "0000000081eebe1a",
  "userName": "bjensen",
  "effectiveRoles": [
      "_refResourceCollection": "managed/realm-name_role",
      "_refResourceId": "2243f5f8-ed75-4c3b-b4b3-058d5c58fbb4"
      "_ref": "managed/realm-name_role/2243f5f8-ed75-4c3b-b4b3-058d5c58fbb4"
  "effectiveAssignments": [
      "name": "employee",
      "description": "Assignment for employees.",
      "mapping": "managedUser_systemLdapAccounts",
      "attributes": [
          "assignmentOperation": "mergeWithTarget",
          "name": "employeeType",
          "unassignmentOperation": "removeFromTarget",
          "value": [
      "_rev": "0000000087d5a9a5",
      "_id": "46befacf-a7ad-4633-864d-d93abfa561e9"
      "_refResourceCollection": "managed/realm-name_assignment",
      "_refResourceId": "46befacf-a7ad-4633-864d-d93abfa561e9",
      "_ref": "managed/realm-name_assignment/46befacf-a7ad-4633-864d-d93abfa561e9"
  "roles": [
      "_ref": "managed/realm-name_role/2243f5f8-ed75-4c3b-b4b3-058d5c58fbb4",
      "_refResourceCollection": "managed/realm-name_role",
      "_refResourceId": "2243f5f8-ed75-4c3b-b4b3-058d5c58fbb4",
      "_refProperties": {
        "_id": "93552530-10fa-49a4-865f-c942dffd2801",
        "_rev": "0000000081ed9f2b"

In this example, synchronizing the managed/realm-name_user repository with the external LDAP system defined in the mapping populates user bjensen’s employeeType attribute in LDAP with the value employee.