With the PingOne Cloud Platform, you can manage all of your organization’s environments and the users, applications, connections, and experiences within them, directly from the PingOne admin console. Applications are accessible from a catalog.

An administrative console is not yet available for PingOne Advanced Services, but the PingFederate and PingAccess admin consoles are. These consoles allow you to manage your applications, authentication policies, and data sources yourself. For tasks you can’t complete yourself, simply submit a service request. See the Task summary table for a complete list of these tasks.

PingCentral is also included in PingOne Advanced Services to help you manage your applications across your environments.

PingOne Cloud Platform PingOne Advanced Services

The PingOne Cloud Platform also includes:

  • A self-service administration portal that end users can access to update their profiles, passwords, and authentication methods.
  • The ability to change the look and feel of your registration pages, sign-on pages, and verification pages to match your organization’s branding.
  • OpenID Connect (OIDC) scope and grant administration capabilities.
  • Customizable domain names and notifications. Notification templates are included to help you get started.
  • Agreements that users must consent to during the sign-on process. You can present these agreements in different languages and for different locales.

With the PingOne Advanced Services, you work with our Professional Services team to design your virtual network.

This virtual network can connect to any data source and can closely resemble the network you operate in your data centers, but in a scalable, secure, cloud environment.

Connections can be made using integration kits, or you can use customized integrations to connect to the resources you need.

You can also:

  • Bulk import and export JSON files.
  • Import and export SAML metadata.
  • Import and export configuration archive .ZIP files and even automatically create backup files.