Access Management 7.4.1

Sample scripts

The following sample scripts demonstrate how to extend AM.

Groovy Samples


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 * Copyright 2020 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS.
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.field
import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.json
import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.object

return json(object(
        field("id", rawProfile.user_id),


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 * Copyright 2021-2022 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS.
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.
 * In some common default configurations, the following keys are required to be not empty:
 * username, givenName, familyName, email.
 * From RFC4517: A value of the Directory String syntax is a string of one or more
 * arbitrary characters from the Universal Character Set (UCS).
 * A zero-length character string is not permitted.

import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.field
import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.json
import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.object

String email = ""
String subjectId = rawProfile.sub
String firstName = " "
String lastName = " "
String username = subjectId
String name

if (rawProfile.isDefined("email") &&{ // User can elect to not share their email
    email =
    username = email
if (rawProfile.isDefined("name") && {
    if ("firstName") && {
        firstName =
    if ("lastName") && {
        lastName =

name = (firstName?.trim() ? firstName : "") + (lastName?.trim() ? ((firstName?.trim() ? " " : "") + lastName) : "")
name =  (!name?.trim()) ? " " : name

return json(object(
        field("id", subjectId),
        field("displayName", name),
        field("email", email),
        field("givenName", firstName),
        field("familyName", lastName),
        field("username", username)))


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 * Copyright 2020 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS.
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.field
import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.json
import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.object

return json(object(
        field("givenName", rawProfile.first_name),
        field("familyName", rawProfile.last_name),


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 * Copyright 2022 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS.
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.field
import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.json
import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.object

return json(object(
        field("username", rawProfile.login)))


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 * Copyright 2020 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS.
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.field
import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.json
import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.object

return json(object(
        field("id", rawProfile.sub),
        field("givenName", rawProfile.given_name),
        field("familyName", rawProfile.family_name),
        field("photoUrl", rawProfile.picture),
        field("locale", rawProfile.locale)))


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 * Copyright 2020 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS.
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.field
import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.json
import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.object

return json(object(
        field("username", rawProfile.username)))


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 * Copyright 2020-2021 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS.
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.field
import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.json
import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.object

import org.forgerock.json.JsonValue

JsonValue managedUser = json(object(
        field("id", rawProfile.sub),
        field("givenName", rawProfile.given_name),
        field("familyName", rawProfile.family_name),
return managedUser


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 * Copyright 2020 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS.
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.field
import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.json
import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.object

return json(object(
        field("givenName", rawProfile.firstName.localized.get(0)),
        field("familyName", rawProfile.lastName.localized.get(0)),
        field("photoUrl", rawProfile.profilePicture.displayImage),
        field("email", rawProfile.elements.get(0).get("handle~").emailAddress),
        field("username", rawProfile.elements.get(0).get("handle~").emailAddress)))


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 * Copyright 2020 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS.
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.field
import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.json
import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.object

return json(object(
        field("displayName", rawProfile.displayName),
        field("givenName", rawProfile.givenName),
        field("familyName", rawProfile.surname),
        field("email", rawProfile.userPrincipalName),
        field("username", rawProfile.userPrincipalName)))


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 * Copyright 2021 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS.
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.field
import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.json
import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.object

import org.forgerock.json.JsonValue

JsonValue identity = json(object(
        field("givenName", normalizedProfile.givenName),
        field("sn", normalizedProfile.familyName),
        field("cn", normalizedProfile.displayName),
        field("userName", normalizedProfile.username),
        field("iplanet-am-user-alias-list", selectedIdp + '-' +

return identity


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 * Copyright 2020-2022 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS.
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.field
import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.json
import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.object

import org.forgerock.json.JsonValue

JsonValue managedUser = json(object(
        field("givenName", normalizedProfile.givenName),
        field("sn", normalizedProfile.familyName),
        field("userName", normalizedProfile.username)))

if (normalizedProfile.postalAddress.isNotNull()) managedUser.put("postalAddress", normalizedProfile.postalAddress)
if (normalizedProfile.addressLocality.isNotNull()) managedUser.put("city", normalizedProfile.addressLocality)
if (normalizedProfile.addressRegion.isNotNull()) managedUser.put("stateProvince", normalizedProfile.addressRegion)
if (normalizedProfile.postalCode.isNotNull()) managedUser.put("postalCode", normalizedProfile.postalCode)
if ( managedUser.put("country",
if ( managedUser.put("telephoneNumber",

// if the givenName and familyName is null or empty
// then add a boolean flag to the shared state to indicate names are not present
// this could be used elsewhere
// for eg. this could be used in a scripted decision node to by-pass patching
// the user object with blank values when givenName  and familyName is not present
boolean noGivenName = normalizedProfile.givenName.isNull() || (!normalizedProfile.givenName.asString()?.trim())
boolean noFamilyName = normalizedProfile.familyName.isNull() || (!normalizedProfile.familyName.asString()?.trim())
sharedState.put("nameEmptyOrNull", noGivenName && noFamilyName)

return managedUser


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 * Copyright 2019-2020 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS.
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

import org.forgerock.http.protocol.Request
import org.forgerock.http.protocol.Response

import com.iplanet.sso.SSOException

import groovy.json.JsonSlurper

 * Defined variables:
 * accessToken - The access token to be updated. Mutable object, all changes to the access token will be reflected.
 * httpClient - always present, the HTTP client that can be used to make external HTTP requests
 * identity - always present, the identity of the resource owner
 * logger - always present, corresponding log files will be prefixed with: scripts.OAUTH2_ACCESS_TOKEN_MODIFICATION.
 * scopes - always present, the requested scopes
 * session - present if the request contains the session cookie, the user's session object
 * scriptName - always present, the display name of the script
 * requestProperties - always present, contains a map of request properties:
 *                     requestUri - the request URI
 *                     realm - the realm that the request relates to
 *                     requestParams - a map of the request params and/or posted data. Each value is a list of one or
 *                     more properties. Please note that these should be handled in accordance with OWASP best
 *                     practices.
 * clientProperties - present if the client specified in the request was identified, contains a map of client
 *                    properties:
 *                    clientId - the client's Uri for the request locale
 *                    allowedGrantTypes - list of the allowed grant types (org.forgerock.oauth2.core.GrantType)
 *                                        for the client
 *                    allowedResponseTypes - list of the allowed response types for the client
 *                    allowedScopes - list of the allowed scopes for the client
 *                    customProperties - A map of the custom properties of the client.
 *                                       Lists or maps will be included as sub-maps, e.g:
 *                                       testMap[Key1]=Value1 will be returned as testmap -> Key1 -> Value1
 * No return value - changes shall be made to the accessToken parameter directly.
 * The changes made to OAuth2 access tokens will directly impact the size of the CTS tokens, and similarly the size of
 * the JWTs if client based OAuth2 tokens are utilised.
 * When adding/updating fields make sure that the token size remains within client/user-agent limits.

//Field to always include in token
accessToken.setField("hello", "world")

//Obtain additional values by performing a REST call to an external service
try {
    Response response = httpClient.send(new Request()
            .modifyHeaders({ headers -> headers.put("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=UTF-8") })
//          .setEntity('foo=bar&hello=world'))
            .setEntity([foo: 'bar']))
    if (response.status.successful) {
        def result = new JsonSlurper().parseText(response.entity.string)
    } else {
        logger.error("Unable to obtain access token modifications: {}, {}", response.status, response.entity.toString())
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
    logger.error("The request processing was interrupted", ex)
    //The access token request will fail with HTTP 500 error in this case.
    throw new RuntimeException("Unable to obtain response from ")

//Add new fields containing identity attribute values
def attributes = identity.getAttributes(["mail", "telephoneNumber"].toSet())
accessToken.setField("mail", attributes["mail"])
accessToken.setField("phone", attributes["telephoneNumber"])

//Add new fields containing session property values
if (session != null) { // session is not available for resource owner password credentials grant
    try {
        accessToken.setField("ipAddress", session.getProperty("Host"))
    } catch (SSOException ex) {
        logger.error("Unable to retrieve session property value", ex)

// Remove a native field from the token entry, that was set by AM. For complete list of remove* methods see the JavaDoc
// for org.forgerock.oauth2.core.AccessToken class.


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 * Copyright 2020 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS.
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

 * Defined variables:
 * token - The access token to be updated. Mutable object, all changes to the access token will be reflected.
 * logger - always present, corresponding log files will be prefixed with: scripts.OAUTH2_ACCESS_TOKEN_MODIFICATION.
 * scriptName - always present, the display name of the script
 * session - present if the request contains the session cookie, the user's session object
 * requestProperties - always present, contains a map of request properties:
 *                     requestUri - the request URI
 *                     realm - the realm that the request relates to
 *                     requestParams - a map of the request params and/or posted data. Each value is a list of one or
 *                     more properties. Please note that these should be handled in accordance with OWASP best
 *                     practices.
 * clientProperties - present if the client specified in the request was identified, contains a map of client
 *                    properties:
 *                    clientId - the client's Uri for the request locale
 *                    allowedGrantTypes - list of the allowed grant types (org.forgerock.oauth2.core.GrantType)
 *                                        for the client
 *                    allowedResponseTypes - list of the allowed response types for the client
 *                    allowedScopes - list of the allowed scopes for the client
 *                    customProperties - A map of the custom properties of the client.
 *                                       Lists or maps will be included as sub-maps, e.g:
 *                                       testMap[Key1]=Value1 will be returned as testmap -> Key1 -> Value1
 * identity - always present, the identity of the resource owner
 * scopes - always present, the requested scopes
import org.forgerock.json.JsonValue

        JsonValue.field("client_id", "myClient"), 
        JsonValue.field("sub", "(usr!myActor)"))))

Open oauth2-may-act.groovy in your browser.


View script
 * Copyright 2014-2020 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS.
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.
import com.iplanet.sso.SSOException
import com.sun.identity.idm.IdRepoException
import org.forgerock.oauth2.core.exceptions.InvalidRequestException
import org.forgerock.oauth2.core.UserInfoClaims
import org.forgerock.openidconnect.Claim

* Defined variables:
* logger - always presents, the "OAuth2Provider" debug logger instance
* claims - always present, default server provided claims - Map<String, Object>
* claimObjects - always present, default server provided claims - List<Claim>
* session - present if the request contains the session cookie, the user's session object
* identity - always present, the identity of the resource owner
* scopes - always present, the requested scopes
* scriptName - always present, the display name of the script
* requestProperties - always present, contains a map of request properties:
*                     requestUri - the request URI
*                     realm - the realm that the request relates to
*                     requestParams - a map of the request params and/or posted data. Each value is a list of one or
*                     more properties. Please note that these should be handled in accordance with OWASP best practices.
* clientProperties - present if the client specified in the request was identified, contains a map of client
*                    properties:
*                    clientId - the client's Uri for the request locale
*                    allowedGrantTypes - list of the allowed grant types (org.forgerock.oauth2.core.GrantType)
*                                        for the client
*                    allowedResponseTypes - list of the allowed response types for the client
*                    allowedScopes - list of the allowed scopes for the client
*                    customProperties - A map of the custom properties of the client.
*                                       Lists or maps will be included as sub-maps, e.g:
*                                       testMap[Key1]=Value1 will be returned as testmap -> Key1 -> Value1
* requestedClaims - Map<String, Set<String>>
*                  always present, not empty if the request contains a claims parameter and server has enabled
*                  claims_parameter_supported, map of requested claims to possible values, otherwise empty,
*                  requested claims with no requested values will have a key but no value in the map. A key with
*                  a single value in its Set indicates this is the only value that should be returned.
* requestedTypedClaims - List<Claim>
*                       always present, not empty if the request contains a claims parameter and server has enabled
*                       claims_parameter_supported, list of requested claims with claim name, requested possible values
*                       and if claim is essential, otherwise empty,
*                       requested claims with no requested values will have a claim with no values. A claims with
*                       a single value indicates this is the only value that should be returned.
* claimsLocales - the values from the 'claims_locales' parameter - List<String>
* Required to return a Map of claims to be added to the id_token claims
* Expected return value structure:
* UserInfoClaims {
*    Map<String, Object> values; // The values of the claims for the user information
*    Map<String, List<String>> compositeScopes; // Mapping of scope name to a list of claim names.
* }

// user session not guaranteed to be present
boolean sessionPresent = session != null

 * Pulls first value from users profile attribute
 * @param claim The claim object.
 * @param attr The profile attribute name.
def fromSet = { claim, attr ->
    if (attr != null && attr.size() == 1){
    } else if (attr != null && attr.size() > 1){
    } else if (logger.warningEnabled()) {
        logger.warning("OpenAMScopeValidator.getUserInfo(): Got an empty result for claim=$claim");

// ---vvvvvvvvvv--- EXAMPLE CLAIM ATTRIBUTE RESOLVER FUNCTIONS ---vvvvvvvvvv---
 * Claim resolver which resolves the value of the claim from its requested values.
 * This resolver will return a value if the claim has one requested values, otherwise an exception is thrown.
defaultClaimResolver = { claim ->
    if (claim.getValues().size() == 1) {
        [(claim.getName()): claim.getValues().iterator().next()]
    } else {

 * Claim resolver which resolves the value of the claim by looking up the user's profile.
 * This resolver will return a value for the claim if:
 * # the user's profile attribute is not null
 * # AND the claim contains no requested values
 * # OR the claim contains requested values and the value from the user's profile is in the list of values
 * If no match is found an exception is thrown.
userProfileClaimResolver = { attribute, claim, identity ->
    if (identity != null) {
        userProfileValue = fromSet(claim.getName(), identity.getAttribute(attribute))
        if (userProfileValue != null && (claim.getValues() == null || claim.getValues().isEmpty() || claim.getValues().contains(userProfileValue))) {
            return [(claim.getName()): userProfileValue]

 * Claim resolver which resolves the value of the claim of the user's address.
 * This resolver will return a value for the claim if:
 * # the value of the address is not null
userAddressClaimResolver = { claim, identity ->
    if (identity != null) {
        addressFormattedValue = fromSet(claim.getName(), identity.getAttribute("postaladdress"))
        if (addressFormattedValue != null) {
            return [
                    "formatted" : addressFormattedValue

 * Claim resolver which resolves the value of the claim by looking up the user's profile.
 * This resolver will return a value for the claim if:
 * # the user's profile attribute is not null
 * # AND the claim contains no requested values
 * # OR the claim contains requested values and the value from the user's profile is in the list of values
 * If the claim is essential and no value is found an InvalidRequestException will be thrown and returned to the user.
 * If no match is found an exception is thrown.
essentialClaimResolver = { attribute, claim, identity ->
    if (identity != null) {
        userProfileValue = fromSet(claim.getName(), identity.getAttribute(attribute))
        if (claim.isEssential() && (userProfileValue == null || userProfileValue.isEmpty())) {
            throw new InvalidRequestException("Could not provide value for essential claim $claim")
        if (userProfileValue != null && (claim.getValues() == null || claim.getValues().isEmpty() || claim.getValues().contains(userProfileValue))) {
            return [(claim.getName()): userProfileValue]
    return [:]

 * Claim resolver which expects the user's profile attribute value to be in the following format:
 * "language_tag|value_for_language,...".
 * This resolver will take the list of requested languages from the 'claims_locales' authorize request
 * parameter and attempt to match it to a value from the users' profile attribute.
 * If no match is found an exception is thrown.
claimLocalesClaimResolver = { attribute, claim, identity ->
    if (identity != null) {
        userProfileValue = fromSet(claim.getName(), identity.getAttribute(attribute))
        if (userProfileValue != null) {
            localeValues = parseLocaleAwareString(userProfileValue)
            locale = claimsLocales.find { locale -> localeValues.containsKey(locale) }
            if (locale != null) {
                return [(claim.getName()): localeValues.get(locale)]
    return [:]

 * Claim resolver which expects the user's profile attribute value to be in the following format:
 * "language_tag|value_for_language,...".
 * This resolver will take the language tag specified in the claim object and attempt to match it to a value
 * from the users' profile attribute. If no match is found an exception is thrown.
languageTagClaimResolver = { attribute, claim, identity ->
    if (identity != null) {
        userProfileValue = fromSet(claim.getName(), identity.getAttribute(attribute))
        if (userProfileValue != null) {
            localeValues = parseLocaleAwareString(userProfileValue)
            if (claim.getLocale() != null) {
                if (localeValues.containsKey(claim.getLocale())) {
                    return [(claim.getName()): localeValues.get(claim.getLocale())]
                } else {
                    entry = localeValues.entrySet().iterator().next()
                    return [(claim.getName() + "#" + entry.getKey()): entry.getValue()]
            } else {
                entry = localeValues.entrySet().iterator().next()
                return [(claim.getName()): entry.getValue()]
    return [:]

 * Given a string "en|English,jp|Japenese,fr_CA|French Canadian" will return map of locale -> value.
parseLocaleAwareString = { s ->
    return result = s.split(",").collectEntries { entry ->
        split = entry.split("\\|")
        [(split[0]): value = split[1]]
// ---^^^^^^^^^^--- EXAMPLE CLAIM ATTRIBUTE RESOLVER FUNCTIONS ---^^^^^^^^^^---

 * List of claim resolver mappings.
// [ {claim}: {attribute retriever}, ... ]
claimAttributes = [
        "email": userProfileClaimResolver.curry("mail"),
        "address": { claim, identity -> [ "address" : userAddressClaimResolver(claim, identity) ] },
        "phone_number": userProfileClaimResolver.curry("telephonenumber"),
        "given_name": userProfileClaimResolver.curry("givenname"),
        "zoneinfo": userProfileClaimResolver.curry("preferredtimezone"),
        "family_name": userProfileClaimResolver.curry("sn"),
        "locale": userProfileClaimResolver.curry("preferredlocale"),
        "name": userProfileClaimResolver.curry("cn")

// -------------- UPDATE THIS TO CHANGE SCOPE TO CLAIM MAPPINGS --------------
 * Map of scopes to claim objects.
// {scope}: [ {claim}, ... ]
scopeClaimsMap = [
        "email": [ "email" ],
        "address": [ "address" ],
        "phone": [ "phone_number" ],
        "profile": [ "given_name", "zoneinfo", "family_name", "locale", "name" ]

// ---------------- UPDATE BELOW FOR ADVANCED USAGES -------------------
if (logger.messageEnabled()) {
    scopes.findAll { s -> !("openid".equals(s) || scopeClaimsMap.containsKey(s)) }.each { s ->
        logger.message("OpenAMScopeValidator.getUserInfo()::Message: scope not bound to claims: $s")

 * Computes the claims return key and value. The key may be a different value if the claim value is not in
 * the requested language.
def computeClaim = { claim ->
    try {
        claimResolver = claimAttributes.get(claim.getName(), { claimObj, identity -> defaultClaimResolver(claim)})
        claimResolver(claim, identity)
    } catch (IdRepoException e) {
        if (logger.warningEnabled()) {
            logger.warning("OpenAMScopeValidator.getUserInfo(): Unable to retrieve attribute=$attribute", e);
    } catch (SSOException e) {
        if (logger.warningEnabled()) {
            logger.warning("OpenAMScopeValidator.getUserInfo(): Unable to retrieve attribute=$attribute", e);

 * Converts requested scopes into claim objects based on the scope mappings in scopeClaimsMap.
def convertScopeToClaims = {
    scopes.findAll { scope -> "openid" != scope && scopeClaimsMap.containsKey(scope) }.collectMany { scope ->
        scopeClaimsMap.get(scope).collect { claim ->
            new Claim(claim)

// Creates a full list of claims to resolve from requested scopes, claims provided by AS and requested claims
def claimsToResolve = convertScopeToClaims() + claimObjects + requestedTypedClaims

// Computes the claim return key and values for all requested claims
computedClaims = claimsToResolve.collectEntries() { claim ->
    result = computeClaim(claim)

// Computes composite scopes
def compositeScopes = scopeClaimsMap.findAll { scope ->

return new UserInfoClaims((Map)computedClaims, (Map)compositeScopes)

Open oidc-claims-extension.groovy in your browser.


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 * Copyright 2020 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS.
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.field
import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.json
import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.object

return json(object(
        field("id", rawProfile.user_id),
        field("givenName", rawProfile.given_name),
        field("familyName", rawProfile.family_name),
        field("photoUrl", rawProfile.picture),
        field("locale", rawProfile.zoneInfo)))


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 * Copyright 2020 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS.
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

/* Default Social Identity Provider Profile Transformation script to use as a template for new scripts */


View script
 * Copyright 2020 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS.
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.field
import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.json
import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.object

return json(object(
        field("id", rawProfile.id_str),
        field("photoUrl", rawProfile.profile_image_url),
        field("username", rawProfile.screen_name)))


View script
 * Copyright 2020 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS.
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.field
import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.json
import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.object

return json(object(
        field("displayName", rawProfile.first_name),
        field("givenName", rawProfile.first_name),
        field("familyName", rawProfile.last_name),
        field("photoUrl", rawProfile.photo_50),


View script
 * Copyright 2020 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS.
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.field
import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.json
import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.object

return json(object(
        field("id", rawProfile.openid),
        field("displayName", rawProfile.nickname),
        field("photoUrl", rawProfile.headimgurl),
        field("username", rawProfile.nickname)))


View script
 * Copyright 2020 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS.
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.field
import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.json
import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.object

return json(object(
        field("id", rawProfile.username),
        field("displayName", rawProfile.display_name),
        field("photoUrl", rawProfile.avatar_URL),
        field("username", rawProfile.username)))


View script
 * Copyright 2020 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS.
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.field
import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.json
import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.object

return json(object(
        field("id", rawProfile.sub),
        field("givenName", rawProfile.given_name),
        field("familyName", rawProfile.family_name),
        field("photoUrl", rawProfile.picture),
        field("locale", rawProfile.locale)))

JavaScript Samples

The comments describe the variables available in the execution context of the script, so use them for reference even if your script’s function differs from the sample:


View script
 * Copyright 2021 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

 * This script returns the social identity profile information for the authenticating user
 * in a standard form expected by the Social Provider Handler Node.
 * Defined variables:
 * rawProfile - The social identity provider profile information for the authenticating user.
 *              JsonValue (1).
 * logger - The debug logger instance:
 * realm - String (primitive).
 *         The name of the realm the user is authenticating to.
 * requestHeaders - TreeMap (2).
 *                  The object that provides methods for accessing headers in the login request:
 * requestParameters - TreeMap (2).
 *                     The object that contains the authentication request parameters.
 * selectedIdp - String (primitive).
 *               The social identity provider name. For example: google.
 * sharedState - LinkedHashMap (3).
 *               The object that holds the state of the authentication tree and allows data exchange between the stateless nodes:
 * transientState - LinkedHashMap (3).
 *                  The object for storing sensitive information that must not leave the server unencrypted,
 *                  and that may not need to persist between authentication requests during the authentication session:
 * Return - a JsonValue (1).
 *          The result of the last statement in the script is returned to the server.
 *          Currently, the Immediately Invoked Function Expression (also known as Self-Executing Anonymous Function)
 *          is the last (and only) statement in this script, and its return value will become the script result.
 *          Do not use "return variable" statement outside of a function definition.
 *          This script's last statement should result in a JsonValue (1) with the following keys:
 *          {
 *              {"displayName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"email": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"familyName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"givenName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"id": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"locale": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"photoUrl": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"username": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"}
 *          }
 *          The consumer of this data defines which keys are required and which are optional.
 *          For example, the script associated with the Social Provider Handler Node and,
 *          ultimately, the managed object created/updated with this data
 *          will expect certain keys to be populated.
 *          In some common default configurations, the following keys are required:
 *          username, givenName, familyName, email.
 * (1) JsonValue -
 * (2) TreeMap -
 * (3) LinkedHashMap -

(function () {
    var frJava = JavaImporter(

    var normalizedProfileData = frJava.JsonValue.json(frJava.JsonValue.object());

    normalizedProfileData.put('id', rawProfile.get('user_id'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('displayName', rawProfile.get('name'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('email', rawProfile.get('email'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('username', rawProfile.get('email'));

    return normalizedProfileData;

Open amazon-profile-normalization.js in your browser.


View script
 * Copyright 2021-2022 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

 * This script returns the social identity profile information for the authenticating user
 * in a standard form expected by the Social Provider Handler Node.
 * Defined variables:
 * rawProfile - The social identity provider profile information for the authenticating user.
 *              JsonValue (1).
 * logger - The debug logger instance:
 * realm - String (primitive).
 *         The name of the realm the user is authenticating to.
 * requestHeaders - TreeMap (2).
 *                  The object that provides methods for accessing headers in the login request:
 * requestParameters - TreeMap (2).
 *                     The object that contains the authentication request parameters.
 * selectedIdp - String (primitive).
 *               The social identity provider name. For example: google.
 * sharedState - LinkedHashMap (3).
 *               The object that holds the state of the authentication tree and allows data exchange between the stateless nodes:
 * transientState - LinkedHashMap (3).
 *                  The object for storing sensitive information that must not leave the server unencrypted,
 *                  and that may not need to persist between authentication requests during the authentication session:
 * Return - a JsonValue (1).
 *          The result of the last statement in the script is returned to the server.
 *          Currently, the Immediately Invoked Function Expression (also known as Self-Executing Anonymous Function)
 *          is the last (and only) statement in this script, and its return value will become the script result.
 *          Do not use "return variable" statement outside of a function definition.
 *          This script's last statement should result in a JsonValue (1) with the following keys:
 *          {
 *              {"displayName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"email": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"familyName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"givenName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"id": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"locale": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"photoUrl": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"username": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"}
 *          }
 *          The consumer of this data defines which keys are required and which are optional.
 *          For example, the script associated with the Social Provider Handler Node and,
 *          ultimately, the managed object created/updated with this data
 *          will expect certain keys to be populated.
 *          In some common default configurations, the following keys are required to be not empty:
 *          username, givenName, familyName, email.
 *          From RFC4517: A value of the Directory String syntax is a string of one or more
 *          arbitrary characters from the Universal Character Set (UCS).
 *          A zero-length character string is not permitted.
 * (1) JsonValue -
 * (2) TreeMap -
 * (3) LinkedHashMap -

(function () {
    var frJava = JavaImporter(

    var normalizedProfileData = frJava.JsonValue.json(frJava.JsonValue.object());

    var email = '';
    var subjectId = rawProfile.get('sub');
    var firstName = ' ';
    var lastName = ' ';
    var name = '';
    var username = subjectId;

    if(rawProfile.isDefined('email') && rawProfile.get('email').isNotNull()) { // User can elect to not share their email
        email = rawProfile.get('email').asString();
        username = email;
    if (rawProfile.isDefined('name') && rawProfile.get('name').isNotNull()) {
        if ('firstName') && rawProfile.get('firstName').isNotNull()) {
            firstName = rawProfile.get('name').get('firstName').asString()
        if ('lastName') && rawProfile.get('lastName')..isNotNull()) {
            lastName = rawProfile.get('name').get('lastName').asString()

    var hasFirstName = firstName && firstName.trim().length > 0
    var hasLastName = lastName && lastName.trim().length > 0
    name = (hasFirstName ? firstName : '') + (hasLastName ? (hasFirstName ? ' ' : '') + lastName : '')
    name =  name ? name : ' '

    normalizedProfileData.put('id', subjectId);
    normalizedProfileData.put('displayName', name);
    normalizedProfileData.put('email', email);
    normalizedProfileData.put('givenName', firstName);
    normalizedProfileData.put('familyName', lastName);
    normalizedProfileData.put('username', username);

    return normalizedProfileData;

Open apple-profile-normalization.js in your browser.


View script
 * Copyright 2016-2022 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS.
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.
/* Default Authentication client side script to use as a template for new scripts */

Open authentication-client-side.js in your browser.


View script
 * Copyright 2015-2022 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS.
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

var START_TIME = 9;  // 9am
var END_TIME   = 17; // 5pm
var longitude, latitude;
var localTime;

logger.message("Starting scripted authentication");
logger.message("User: " + username);

var userPostalAddress = getUserPostalAddress();
logger.message("User address: " + userPostalAddress);


logger.message("Current time at the users location: " + localTime.getHours());
if (localTime.getHours() < START_TIME || localTime.getHours() > END_TIME) {
    logger.error("Login forbidden outside work hours!");
    authState = FAILED;
} else {
    logger.message("Authentication allowed!");
    authState = SUCCESS;

function getLongitudeLatitudeFromUserPostalAddress() {

    var request = new org.forgerock.http.protocol.Request();
    request.setUri("" + encodeURIComponent(userPostalAddress));
  	//the above URI has to be extended with an API_KEY if used in a frequent manner
  	//see documentation:

    var response = httpClient.send(request).get();

    var geocode = JSON.parse(response.getEntity());
    var i;
    for (i = 0; i < geocode.results.length; i++) {
        var result = geocode.results[i];
        latitude =;
        longitude = result.geometry.location.lng;

   	    logger.message("latitude:" + latitude + " longitude:" + longitude);

function getLocalTime() {

    var now = new Date().getTime() / 1000;
    var location = "location=" + latitude + "," + longitude;
    var timestamp = "timestamp=" + now;

    var request = new org.forgerock.http.protocol.Request();
    request.setUri("" + location + "&" + timestamp);
  	//the above URI has to be extended with an API_KEY if used in a frequent manner
  	//see documentation:

    var response = httpClient.send(request).get();

    var timezone = JSON.parse(response.getEntity());
    var localTimestamp = parseInt(now) + parseInt(timezone.dstOffset) + parseInt(timezone.rawOffset);
    localTime = new Date(localTimestamp*1000);

function getUserPostalAddress() {
    var userAddressSet = idRepository.getAttribute(username, "postalAddress");
    if (userAddressSet == null || userAddressSet.isEmpty()) {
        logger.warning("No address specified for user: " + username);
        return false;
    return userAddressSet.iterator().next()

function logResponse(response) {
    logger.message("User REST Call. Status: " + response.getStatus() + ", Body: " + response.getEntity());

Open authentication-server-side.js in your browser.


View script
  - Data made available by nodes that have already executed are available in the sharedState variable.
  - The script should set outcome to either "true" or "false".

outcome = "true";


View script
 * Copyright 2021-2022 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS.
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

 * The following script is a simplified template for understanding how to build
 * up a config Map object with custom values. The Config Provider Node will then
 * provide this config Map to the desired node type. It is important that the Map
 * you build here is named 'config'.
 * Defined variables:
 * nodeState - Node State (1)
 *           Always present, this represents the current values stored in the node state.
 * idRepository - Profile Data (2)
 *           Always present, a repository to retrieve user information.
 * secrets - Credentials and Secrets (3)
 *           Always present, an interface to access the Secrets API from a scripting context.
 * requestHeaders (4) - Map (5)
 *           Always present, an object that provides methods for accessing headers in the login request.
 * logger - Debug Logging (6)
 *          Always present, the debug logger instance.
 * httpClient - HTTP Client (7)
 *          Always present, the HTTP client that can be used to make external HTTP requests.
 * realm - String (primitive).
 *          Always present, the name of the realm the user is authenticating to.
 * existingSession - Map<String, String> (5)
 *          Present if the request contains the session cookie, the user's session object. The returned map from
 *          SSOToken.getProperties() (8)
 * requestParameters - Map (5)
 *          Always present, the object that contains the authentication request parameters.
 * Outputs:
 * config - Map (5)
 *           Define and fill a Map object named 'config' with custom values, this will define the configuration for the
 *           associated node selected in the ConfigProviderNode.
 * Reference:
 * (1) Node State -
 * (2) Profile Data -
 * (3) Credentials and Secrets -
 * (4) Request Headers -
 * (5) Map -
 * (6) Debug Logging -
 * (7) HTTP Client -
 * (8) SSOToken -

config = {
    "key0": {"subKey": "value0"},
    "key1": "value1"

Open config-provider-node.js in your browser.


View script
 * Copyright (c) 2009 Sun Microsystems Inc. All Rights Reserved
 * The contents of this file are subject to the terms
 * of the Common Development and Distribution License
 * (the License). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License.
 * You can obtain a copy of the License at
 * or
 * opensso/legal/CDDLv1.0.txt
 * See the License for the specific language governing
 * permission and limitations under the License.
 * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL
 * Header Notice in each file and include the License file
 * at opensso/legal/CDDLv1.0.txt.
 * If applicable, add the following below the CDDL Header,
 * with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by
 * your own identifying information:
 * "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"
 * Portions Copyrighted 2013 Syntegrity.
 * Portions Copyrighted 2013-2014 ForgeRock AS.

var collectScreenInfo = function () {
        var screenInfo = {};
        if (screen) {
            if (screen.width) {
                screenInfo.screenWidth = screen.width;

            if (screen.height) {
                screenInfo.screenHeight = screen.height;

            if (screen.pixelDepth) {
                screenInfo.screenColourDepth = screen.pixelDepth;
        } else {
            console.warn("Cannot collect screen information. screen is not defined.");
        return screenInfo;
    collectTimezoneInfo = function () {
        var timezoneInfo =  {}, offset = new Date().getTimezoneOffset();

        if (offset) {
            timezoneInfo.timezone = offset;
        } else {
            console.warn("Cannot collect timezone information. timezone is not defined.");

        return timezoneInfo;
    collectBrowserPluginsInfo = function () {

        if (navigator && navigator.plugins) {
            var pluginsInfo = {}, i, plugins = navigator.plugins;
            pluginsInfo.installedPlugins = "";

            for (i = 0; i < plugins.length; i++) {
                pluginsInfo.installedPlugins = pluginsInfo.installedPlugins + plugins[i].filename + ";";

            return pluginsInfo;
        } else {
            console.warn("Cannot collect browser plugin information. navigator.plugins is not defined.");
            return {};

// Getting geolocation takes some time and is done asynchronously, hence need a callback which is called once geolocation is retrieved.
    collectGeolocationInfo = function (callback) {
        var geolocationInfo = {},
            successCallback = function(position) {
                geolocationInfo.longitude = position.coords.longitude;
                geolocationInfo.latitude = position.coords.latitude;
            }, errorCallback = function(error) {
                console.warn("Cannot collect geolocation information. " + error.code + ": " + error.message);
        if (navigator && navigator.geolocation) {
            // NB: If user chooses 'Not now' on Firefox neither callback gets called
            navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(successCallback, errorCallback);
        } else {
            console.warn("Cannot collect geolocation information. navigator.geolocation is not defined.");
    collectBrowserFontsInfo = function () {
        var fontsInfo = {}, i, fontsList = ["cursive","monospace","serif","sans-serif","fantasy","default","Arial","Arial Black",
            "Arial Narrow","Arial Rounded MT Bold","Bookman Old Style","Bradley Hand ITC","Century","Century Gothic",
            "Comic Sans MS","Courier","Courier New","Georgia","Gentium","Impact","King","Lucida Console","Lalit",
            "Modena","Monotype Corsiva","Papyrus","Tahoma","TeX","Times","Times New Roman","Trebuchet MS","Verdana",
        fontsInfo.installedFonts = "";

        for (i = 0; i < fontsList.length; i++) {
            if (fontDetector.detect(fontsList[i])) {
                fontsInfo.installedFonts = fontsInfo.installedFonts + fontsList[i] + ";";
        return fontsInfo;
    devicePrint = {};

devicePrint.screen = collectScreenInfo();
devicePrint.timezone = collectTimezoneInfo();
devicePrint.plugins = collectBrowserPluginsInfo();
devicePrint.fonts = collectBrowserFontsInfo();

if (navigator.userAgent) {
    devicePrint.userAgent = navigator.userAgent;
if (navigator.appName) {
    devicePrint.appName = navigator.appName;
if (navigator.appCodeName) {
    devicePrint.appCodeName = navigator.appCodeName;
if (navigator.appVersion) {
    devicePrint.appVersion = navigator.appVersion;
if (navigator.appMinorVersion) {
    devicePrint.appMinorVersion = navigator.appMinorVersion;
if (navigator.buildID) {
    devicePrint.buildID = navigator.buildID;
if (navigator.platform) {
    devicePrint.platform = navigator.platform;
if (navigator.cpuClass) {
    devicePrint.cpuClass = navigator.cpuClass;
if (navigator.oscpu) {
    devicePrint.oscpu = navigator.oscpu;
if (navigator.product) {
    devicePrint.product = navigator.product;
if (navigator.productSub) {
    devicePrint.productSub = navigator.productSub;
if (navigator.vendor) {
    devicePrint.vendor = navigator.vendor;
if (navigator.vendorSub) {
    devicePrint.vendorSub = navigator.vendorSub;
if (navigator.language) {
    devicePrint.language = navigator.language;
if (navigator.userLanguage) {
    devicePrint.userLanguage = navigator.userLanguage;
if (navigator.browserLanguage) {
    devicePrint.browserLanguage = navigator.browserLanguage;
if (navigator.systemLanguage) {
    devicePrint.systemLanguage = navigator.systemLanguage;

// Attempt to collect geo-location information and return this with the data collected so far.
// Otherwise, if geo-location fails or takes longer than 30 seconds, auto-submit the data collected so far.
autoSubmitDelay = 30000;
output.value = JSON.stringify(devicePrint);
collectGeolocationInfo(function(geolocationInfo) {
    devicePrint.geolocation = geolocationInfo;
    output.value = JSON.stringify(devicePrint);

Open deviceIdMatch-client-side.js in your browser.


View script
 * Copyright (c) 2009 Sun Microsystems Inc. All Rights Reserved
 * The contents of this file are subject to the terms
 * of the Common Development and Distribution License
 * (the License). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License.
 * You can obtain a copy of the License at
 * or
 * opensso/legal/CDDLv1.0.txt
 * See the License for the specific language governing
 * permission and limitations under the License.
 * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL
 * Header Notice in each file and include the License file
 * at opensso/legal/CDDLv1.0.txt.
 * If applicable, add the following below the CDDL Header,
 * with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by
 * your own identifying information:
 * "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"
 * Portions Copyrighted 2013 Syntegrity.
 * Portions Copyrighted 2013-2018 ForgeRock AS.

var ScalarComparator = {}, ScreenComparator = {}, MultiValueComparator = {}, UserAgentComparator = {}, GeolocationComparator = {};

var config = {
    profileExpiration: 30,              //in days
    maxProfilesAllowed: 5,
    maxPenaltyPoints: 0,
    attributes: {
        screen: {
            required: true,
            comparator: ScreenComparator,
            args: {
                penaltyPoints: 50
        plugins: {
            installedPlugins: {
                required: false,
                comparator: MultiValueComparator,
                args: {
                    maxPercentageDifference: 10,
                    maxDifferences: 5,
                    penaltyPoints: 100
        fonts: {
            installedFonts: {
                required: false,
                comparator: MultiValueComparator,
                args: {
                    maxPercentageDifference: 10,
                    maxDifferences: 5,
                    penaltyPoints: 100
        timezone: {
            timezone: {
                required: false,
                comparator: ScalarComparator,
                args: {
                    penaltyPoints: 100
        userAgent: {
            required: true,
            comparator: UserAgentComparator,
            args: {
                ignoreVersion: true,
                penaltyPoints: 100
        geolocation: {
            required: false,
            comparator: GeolocationComparator,
            args: {
                allowedRange: 100,			//in miles
                penaltyPoints: 100

//                           Comparator functions                            //

var all, any, calculateDistance, calculateIntersection, calculatePercentage, nullOrUndefined, splitAndTrim,

// ComparisonResult

 * Constructs an instance of a ComparisonResult with the given penalty points.
 * @param penaltyPoints (Number) The penalty points for the comparison (defaults to 0).
 * @param additionalInfoInCurrentValue (boolean) Whether the current value contains more information
 *                                               than the stored value (defaults to false).
function ComparisonResult() {

    var penaltyPoints = 0,
        additionalInfoInCurrentValue = false;

    if (arguments[0] !== undefined && arguments[1] !== undefined) {
        penaltyPoints = arguments[0];
        additionalInfoInCurrentValue = arguments[1];

    if (arguments[0] !== undefined && arguments[1] === undefined) {
        if (typeof(arguments[0]) === "boolean") {
            additionalInfoInCurrentValue = arguments[0];
        } else {
            penaltyPoints = arguments[0];

    this.penaltyPoints = penaltyPoints;
    this.additionalInfoInCurrentValue = additionalInfoInCurrentValue;


ComparisonResult.ZERO_PENALTY_POINTS = new ComparisonResult(0);

 * Static method for functional programming.
 * @return boolean true if comparisonResult.isSuccessful().
ComparisonResult.isSuccessful =  function(comparisonResult) {
    return comparisonResult.isSuccessful();

 * Static method for functional programming.
 * @return boolean true if comparisonResult.additionalInfoInCurrentValue.
ComparisonResult.additionalInfoInCurrentValue =  function(comparisonResult) {
    return comparisonResult.additionalInfoInCurrentValue;

 * Comparison function that can be provided as an argument to array.sort
 */ = function(first, second) {
    if (nullOrUndefined(first) && nullOrUndefined(second)) {
        return 0;
    } else if (nullOrUndefined(first)) {
        return -1;
    } else if (nullOrUndefined(second)) {
        return 1;
    } else {
        if (first.penaltyPoints !== second.penaltyPoints) {
            return first.penaltyPoints - second.penaltyPoints;
        } else {
            return (first.additionalInfoInCurrentValue ? 1 : 0) - (second.additionalInfoInCurrentValue ? 1 : 0);

 * Amalgamates the given ComparisonResult into this ComparisonResult.
 * @param comparisonResult The ComparisonResult to include.
ComparisonResult.prototype.addComparisonResult = function(comparisonResult) {
    this.penaltyPoints += comparisonResult.penaltyPoints;
    if (comparisonResult.additionalInfoInCurrentValue) {
        this.additionalInfoInCurrentValue = comparisonResult.additionalInfoInCurrentValue;

 * Returns true if no penalty points have been assigned for the comparison.
 * @return boolean true if the comparison was successful.
ComparisonResult.prototype.isSuccessful = function() {
    return nullOrUndefined(this.penaltyPoints) || this.penaltyPoints === 0;

 * Compares two simple objects (String|Number) and if they are equal then returns a ComparisonResult with zero
 * penalty points assigned, otherwise returns a ComparisonResult with the given number of penalty points assigned.
 * @param currentValue (String|Number) The current value.
 * @param storedValue (String|Number) The stored value.
 * @param config: {
 *            "penaltyPoints": (Number) The number of penalty points.
 *        }
 * @return ComparisonResult.
 */ = function (currentValue, storedValue, config) {
    if (logger.messageEnabled()) {
        logger.message(" " + JSON.stringify(currentValue));
        logger.message(" " + JSON.stringify(storedValue));
        logger.message(" " + JSON.stringify(config));
    if (config.penaltyPoints === 0) {
        return ComparisonResult.ZERO_PENALTY_POINTS;

    if (!nullOrUndefined(storedValue)) {
        if (nullOrUndefined(currentValue) || currentValue !== storedValue) {
            return new ComparisonResult(config.penaltyPoints);
    } else if (!nullOrUndefined(currentValue)) {
        return new ComparisonResult(true);

    return ComparisonResult.ZERO_PENALTY_POINTS;

 * Compares two screens and if they are equal then returns a ComparisonResult with zero penalty points assigned,
 * otherwise returns a ComparisonResult with the given number of penalty points assigned.
 * @param currentValue: {
 *            "screenWidth": (Number) The current client screen width.
 *            "screenHeight": (Number) The current client screen height.
 *            "screenColourDepth": (Number) The current client screen colour depth.
 *        }
 * @param storedValue: {
 *            "screenWidth": (Number) The stored client screen width.
 *            "screenHeight": (Number) The stored client screen height.
 *            "screenColourDepth": (Number) The stored client screen colour depth.
 *        }
 * @param config: {
 *            "penaltyPoints": (Number) The number of penalty points.
 *        }
 * @return ComparisonResult
 */ = function (currentValue, storedValue, config) {
    if (logger.messageEnabled()) {
        logger.message(" " + JSON.stringify(currentValue));
        logger.message(" " + JSON.stringify(storedValue));
        logger.message(" " + JSON.stringify(config));

    if (nullOrUndefined(currentValue)) {
        currentValue = {screenWidth: null, screenHeight: null, screenColourDepth: null};
    if (nullOrUndefined(storedValue)) {
        storedValue = {screenWidth: null, screenHeight: null, screenColourDepth: null};

    var comparisonResults = [, storedValue.screenWidth, config),, storedValue.screenHeight, config),, storedValue.screenColourDepth, config)];

    if (all(comparisonResults, ComparisonResult.isSuccessful)) {
        return new ComparisonResult(any(comparisonResults, ComparisonResult.additionalInfoInCurrentValue));
    } else {
        return new ComparisonResult(config.penaltyPoints);

 * Splits both values using delimiter, trims every value and compares collections of values.
 * Returns zero-result for same multi-value attributes.
 * If collections are not same checks if number of differences is less or equal maxDifferences or
 * percentage of difference is less or equal maxPercentageDifference.
 * If yes then returns zero-result with additional info, else returns penaltyPoints-result.
 * @param currentValue: (String) The current value.
 * @param storedValue: (String) The stored value.
 * @param config: {
 *            "maxPercentageDifference": (Number) The max difference percentage in the values,
 *                                                before the penalty is assigned.
 *            "maxDifferences": (Number) The max number of differences in the values,
 *                                       before the penalty points are assigned.
 *            "penaltyPoints": (Number) The number of penalty points.
  *        }
 * @return ComparisonResult
 */ = function (currentValue, storedValue, config) {
    if (logger.messageEnabled()) {
        logger.message(" " + JSON.stringify(currentValue));
        logger.message(" " + JSON.stringify(storedValue));
        logger.message(" " + JSON.stringify(config));

    var delimiter = ";",
        currentValues = splitAndTrim(currentValue, delimiter),
        storedValues = splitAndTrim(storedValue, delimiter),
        maxNumberOfElements = Math.max(currentValues.length, storedValues.length),
        numberOfTheSameElements = calculateIntersection(currentValues, storedValues).length,
        numberOfDifferences = maxNumberOfElements - numberOfTheSameElements,
        percentageOfDifferences = calculatePercentage(numberOfDifferences, maxNumberOfElements);

    if (nullOrUndefined(storedValue) && !nullOrUndefined(currentValue)) {
        return new ComparisonResult(true);

    if (logger.messageEnabled()) {
        logger.message(numberOfTheSameElements + " of " + maxNumberOfElements + " are same");

    if (maxNumberOfElements === 0) {
        logger.message("Ignored because no attributes found in both profiles");
        return ComparisonResult.ZERO_PENALTY_POINTS;

    if (numberOfTheSameElements === maxNumberOfElements) {
        logger.message("Ignored because all attributes are same");
        return ComparisonResult.ZERO_PENALTY_POINTS;

    if (numberOfDifferences > config.maxDifferences) {
        if (logger.messageEnabled()) {
            logger.message("Would be ignored if not more than " + config.maxDifferences + " differences");
        return new ComparisonResult(config.penaltyPoints);

    if (percentageOfDifferences > config.maxPercentageDifference) {
        if (logger.messageEnabled()) {
            logger.message(percentageOfDifferences + " percents are different");
            logger.message("Would be ignored if not more than " + config.maxPercentageDifference + " percent");
        return new ComparisonResult(config.penaltyPoints);

    if (logger.messageEnabled()) {
        logger.message("Ignored because number of differences(" + numberOfDifferences + ") not more than "
            + config.maxDifferences);
        logger.message(percentageOfDifferences + " percents are different");
        logger.message("Ignored because not more than " + config.maxPercentageDifference + " percent");
    return new ComparisonResult(true);

 * Compares two User Agent Strings and if they are equal then returns a ComparisonResult with zero penalty
 * points assigned, otherwise returns a ComparisonResult with the given number of penalty points assigned.
 * @param currentValue (String) The current value.
 * @param storedValue (String) The stored value.
 * @param config: {
 *            "ignoreVersion": (boolean) If the version numbers in the User Agent Strings should be ignore
 *                                       in the comparison.
 *            "penaltyPoints": (Number) The number of penalty points.
 *        }
 * @return A ComparisonResult.
 */ = function (currentValue, storedValue, config) {
    if (logger.messageEnabled()) {
        logger.message(" " + JSON.stringify(currentValue));
        logger.message(" " + JSON.stringify(storedValue));
        logger.message(" " + JSON.stringify(config));

    if (config.ignoreVersion) {
        // remove version number
        currentValue = nullOrUndefined(currentValue) ? null : currentValue.replace(/[\d\.]+/g, "").trim();
        storedValue = nullOrUndefined(storedValue) ? null : storedValue.replace(/[\d\.]+/g, "").trim();

    return, storedValue, config);

 * Compares two locations, taking into account a degree of difference.
 * @param currentValue: {
 *            "latitude": (Number) The current latitude.
 *            "longitude": (Number) The current longitude.
 *        }
 * @param storedValue: {
 *            "latitude": (Number) The stored latitude.
 *            "longitude": (Number) The stored longitude.
 *        }
 * @param config: {
 *            "allowedRange": (Number) The max difference allowed in the two locations, before the penalty is assigned.
 *            "penaltyPoints": (Number) The number of penalty points.
*         }
 * @return ComparisonResult
 */ = function (currentValue, storedValue, config) {
    if (logger.messageEnabled()) {
        logger.message(" " + JSON.stringify(currentValue));
        logger.message(" " + JSON.stringify(storedValue));
        logger.message(" " + JSON.stringify(config));

    // Check for undefined stored or current locations

    if (undefinedLocation(currentValue) && undefinedLocation(storedValue)) {
        return ComparisonResult.ZERO_PENALTY_POINTS;
    if (undefinedLocation(currentValue) && !undefinedLocation(storedValue)) {
        return new ComparisonResult(config.penaltyPoints);
    if (!undefinedLocation(currentValue) && undefinedLocation(storedValue)) {
        return new ComparisonResult(true);

    // Both locations defined, therefore perform comparison

    var distance = calculateDistance(currentValue, storedValue);

    if (logger.messageEnabled()) {
        logger.message("Distance between (" + currentValue.latitude + "," + currentValue.longitude + ") and (" +
            storedValue.latitude + "," + storedValue.longitude + ") is " + distance + " miles");

    if (parseFloat(distance.toPrecision(5)) === 0) {
        logger.message("Location is the same");
        return ComparisonResult.ZERO_PENALTY_POINTS;

    if (distance <= config.allowedRange) {
        if (logger.messageEnabled()) {
            logger.message("Tolerated because distance not more then " + config.allowedRange);
        return new ComparisonResult(true);
    } else {
        if (logger.messageEnabled()) {
            logger.message("Would be ignored if distance not more then " + config.allowedRange);
        return new ComparisonResult(config.penaltyPoints);

//                    Device Print Logic - DO NOT MODIFY                     //

// Utility functions

 * Returns true if evaluating function f on each element of the Array a returns true.
 * @param a: (Array) The array of elements to evaluate
 * @param f: (Function) A single argument function for mapping elements of the array to boolean.
 * @return boolean.
all = function(a, f) {
    var i;
    for (i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
        if (f(a[i]) === false) {
            return false;
    return true;

 * Returns true if evaluating function f on any element of the Array a returns true.
 * @param a: (Array) The array of elements to evaluate
 * @param f: (Function) A single argument function for mapping elements of the array to boolean.
 * @return boolean.
any = function(a, f) {
    var i;
    for (i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
        if (f(a[i]) === true) {
            return true;
    return false;

 * Returns true if the provided location is null or has undefined longitude or latitude values.
 * @param location: {
 *            "latitude": (Number) The latitude.
 *            "longitude": (Number) The longitude.
 *        }
 * @return boolean
undefinedLocation = function(location) {
    return nullOrUndefined(location) || nullOrUndefined(location.latitude) || nullOrUndefined(location.longitude);

 * Returns true if the provided value is null or undefined.
 * @param value: a value of any type
 * @return boolean
nullOrUndefined = function(value) {
    return value === null || value === undefined;

 * Calculates the distances between the two locations.
 * @param first: {
 *            "latitude": (Number) The first latitude.
 *            "longitude": (Number) The first longitude.
 *        }
 * @param second: {
 *            "latitude": (Number) The second latitude.
 *            "longitude": (Number) The second longitude.
 *        }
 * @return Number The distance between the two locations.
calculateDistance = function(first, second) {
    var factor = (Math.PI / 180),
    function degreesToRadians(degrees) {
        return degrees * factor;
    function radiansToDegrees(radians) {
        return radians / factor;
    theta = first.longitude - second.longitude;
    dist = Math.sin(degreesToRadians(first.latitude)) * Math.sin(degreesToRadians(second.latitude))
        + Math.cos(degreesToRadians(first.latitude)) * Math.cos(degreesToRadians(second.latitude))
        * Math.cos(degreesToRadians(theta));
    dist = Math.acos(dist);
    dist = radiansToDegrees(dist);
    dist = dist * 60 * 1.1515;
    return dist;

 * Converts a String holding a delimited sequence of values into an array.
 * @param text (String) The String representation of a delimited sequence of values.
 * @param delimiter (String) The character delimiting values within the text String.
 * @return (Array) The comma separated values.
splitAndTrim = function(text, delimiter) {

    var results = [],
    if (text === null) {
        return results;

    values = text.split(delimiter);
    for (i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
        value = values[i].trim();
        if (value !== "") {

    return results;

 * Converts value to a percentage of range.
 * @param value (Number) The actual number to be converted to a percentage.
 * @param range (Number) The total number of values (i.e. represents 100%).
 * @return (Number) The percentage.
calculatePercentage = function(value, range) {
    if (range === 0) {
        return 0;
    return parseFloat((value / range).toPrecision(2)) * 100;

 * Creates a new array containing only those elements found in both arrays received as arguments.
 * @param first (Array) The first array.
 * @param second (Array) The second array.
 * @return (Array) The elements that found in first and second.
calculateIntersection = function(first, second) {
    return first.filter(function(element) {
        return second.indexOf(element) !== -1;

function getValue(obj, attributePath) {
    var value = obj,
    for (i = 0; i < attributePath.length; i++) {
        if (value === undefined) {
            return null;
        value = value[attributePath[i]];
    return value;

function isLeafNode(attributeConfig) {
    return attributeConfig.comparator !== undefined;

function getAttributePaths(attributeConfig, attributePath) {

    var attributePaths = [],

    for (attributeName in attributeConfig) {
        if (attributeConfig.hasOwnProperty(attributeName)) {

            if (isLeafNode(attributeConfig[attributeName])) {
                attrPath = attributePath.slice();
            } else {
                attrPath = attributePath.slice();
                attrPaths = getAttributePaths(attributeConfig[attributeName], attrPath);
                for (i = 0; i < attrPaths.length; i++) {

    return attributePaths;

function getDevicePrintAttributePaths(attributeConfig) {
    return getAttributePaths(attributeConfig, []);

function hasRequiredAttributes(devicePrint, attributeConfig) {

    var attributePaths = getDevicePrintAttributePaths(attributeConfig),

    for (i = 0; i < attributePaths.length; i++) {

        attrValue = getValue(devicePrint, attributePaths[i]);
        attrConfig = getValue(attributeConfig, attributePaths[i]);

        if (attrConfig.required && attrValue === undefined) {
            logger.warning("Device Print profile missing required attribute, " + attributePaths[i]);
            return false;

    logger.message("device print has required attributes");
    return true;

function compareDevicePrintProfiles(attributeConfig, devicePrint, devicePrintProfiles, maxPenaltyPoints) {

    var attributePaths = getDevicePrintAttributePaths(attributeConfig),
        dao = sharedState.get('_DeviceIdDao'),

    results = [];
    for (j = 0; j < devicePrintProfiles.length; j++) {
        curDevicePrintProfile = JSON.parse(org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.json(devicePrintProfiles[j]));
        aggregatedComparisonResult = new ComparisonResult();
        for (i = 0; i < attributePaths.length; i++) {

            currentValue = getValue(devicePrint, attributePaths[i]);
            storedValue = getValue(curDevicePrintProfile.devicePrint, attributePaths[i]);
            attrConfig = getValue(attributeConfig, attributePaths[i]);

            if (storedValue === null) {
                comparisonResult = new ComparisonResult(attrConfig.penaltyPoints);
            } else {
                comparisonResult =, storedValue, attrConfig.args);

            if (logger.messageEnabled()) {
                logger.message("Comparing attribute path: " + attributePaths[i]
                    + ", Comparison result: successful=" + comparisonResult.isSuccessful() + ", penaltyPoints="
                    + comparisonResult.penaltyPoints + ", additionalInfoInCurrentValue="
                    + comparisonResult.additionalInfoInCurrentValue);
        if (logger.messageEnabled()) {
            logger.message("Aggregated comparison result: successful="
                + aggregatedComparisonResult.isSuccessful() + ", penaltyPoints="
                + aggregatedComparisonResult.penaltyPoints + ", additionalInfoInCurrentValue="
                + aggregatedComparisonResult.additionalInfoInCurrentValue);

            key: aggregatedComparisonResult,
            value: devicePrintProfiles[j]

    if (results.length === 0) {
        return null;

    results.sort(function(a, b) {
        return, b.key);
    selectedComparisonResult = results[0].key;
    if (logger.messageEnabled()) {
        logger.message("Selected comparison result: successful=" + selectedComparisonResult.isSuccessful()
            + ", penaltyPoints=" + selectedComparisonResult.penaltyPoints + ", additionalInfoInCurrentValue="
            + selectedComparisonResult.additionalInfoInCurrentValue);

    selectedProfile = null;
    if (selectedComparisonResult.penaltyPoints <= maxPenaltyPoints) {
        selectedProfile = results[0].value;
        if (logger.messageEnabled()) {
            logger.message("Selected profile: " + selectedProfile +
                " with " + selectedComparisonResult.penaltyPoints + " penalty points");

    if (selectedProfile === null) {
        return false;

    /* update profile */
        java.lang.Integer.valueOf(parseInt(selectedProfile.get("selectionCounter"), 10) + 1));
    selectedProfile.put("lastSelectedDate", java.lang.Long.valueOf(new Date().getTime()));
    selectedProfile.put("devicePrint", devicePrint);

    vals = [];
    for (i = 0; i < devicePrintProfiles.length; i++) {

    dao.saveDeviceProfiles(username, realm, vals);

    return true;

function matchDevicePrint() {

    if (!username) {
        logger.error("Username not set. Cannot compare user's device print profiles.");
        authState = FAILED;
    } else {

        if (logger.messageEnabled()) {
            logger.message("client devicePrint: " + clientScriptOutputData);

        var getProfiles = function () {

                function isExpiredProfile(devicePrintProfile) {
                    var expirationDate = new Date(),
                    expirationDate.setDate(expirationDate.getDate() - config.profileExpiration);

                    lastSelectedDate = new Date(devicePrintProfile.lastSelectedDate);

                    return lastSelectedDate < expirationDate;

                function getNotExpiredProfiles() {
                    var profile,
                        dao = sharedState.get('_DeviceIdDao'),
                        results = [],

                    profiles = dao.getDeviceProfiles(username, realm);

                    if (profiles) {
                        iter = profiles.iterator();

                        while (iter.hasNext()) {
                            profile =;
                            if (!isExpiredProfile(profile)) {
                    if (logger.messageEnabled()) {
                        logger.message("stored non-expired profiles: " + results);
                    return results;

                return getNotExpiredProfiles();
            devicePrint = JSON.parse(clientScriptOutputData),
            devicePrintProfiles = getProfiles();

        if (!hasRequiredAttributes(devicePrint, config.attributes)) {
            logger.message("devicePrint.hasRequiredAttributes: false");
            // Will fail this module but fall-through to next module. Which should be OTP.
            authState = FAILED;
        } else if (compareDevicePrintProfiles(config.attributes, devicePrint, devicePrintProfiles, config.maxPenaltyPoints)) {
            logger.message("devicePrint.hasValidProfile: true");
            authState = SUCCESS;
        } else {
            logger.message("devicePrint.hasValidProfile: false");
            sharedState.put('devicePrintProfile', JSON.stringify(devicePrint));
            // Will fail this module but fall-through to next module. Which should be OTP.
            authState = FAILED;


Open deviceIdMatch-server-side.js in your browser.


View script
 * Copyright 2020-2022 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS.
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

/** ******************************************************************
 * The following script is a simplified template for understanding
 * the basics of device matching. _This is not functionally complete._
 * For a functionally complete script as well as a development toolkit,
 * visit
 * Global node variables accessible within this scope:
 * 1. `sharedState` provides access to incoming request
 * 2. `deviceProfilesDao` provides access to stored profiles
 * 3. `outcome` variable maps to auth tree node outcomes; values are
 *    'true', 'false', or 'unknownDevice' (notice _all_ are strings).
 * ******************************************************************/

 * Get the incoming request's device profile.
 * Returns serialized JSON (type string); parsing this will result a
 * native JS object.
var incomingJson = sharedState.get('forgeRock.device.profile').toString();
var incoming = JSON.parse(incomingJson);

 * Get the incoming user's username and realm.
 * Notice the use of `.asString()`.
var username = sharedState.get("username").asString();
var realm = sharedState.get("realm").asString();

 * Get the user's stored profiles for appropriate realm.
 * Returns a _special_ object with methods for profile data
var storedProfiles = deviceProfilesDao.getDeviceProfiles(username, realm);

// Default to `outcome` of 'unknownDevice'
outcome = 'unknownDevice';

if (storedProfiles) {
    var i = 0;
    // NOTE: `.size()` method returns the number of stored profiles
    var len = storedProfiles.size();

    for (i; i < len; i++) {
         * Get the stored profile.
         * Returns serialized JSON (type string); parsing this will result
         * a native JS object.
        var storedJson = storedProfiles.get(i);
        var stored = JSON.parse(storedJson);

         * Find a stored profile with the same identifier.
        if (incoming.identifier === stored.identifier) {

             * Now that you've found the appropriate profile, you will perform
             * the logic here to match the values of the `incoming` profile
             * with that of the `stored` profile.
             * The result of the matching logic is assigned to `outcome`. Since
             * we have profiles of the same identifier, the value (type string)
             * should now be either 'true' or 'false' (properties matched or not).
             * For more information about this topic, visit this Github repo:
            outcome = 'false';


View script
 * Copyright 2021 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

 * This script returns the social identity profile information for the authenticating user
 * in a standard form expected by the Social Provider Handler Node.
 * Defined variables:
 * rawProfile - The social identity provider profile information for the authenticating user.
 *              JsonValue (1).
 * logger - The debug logger instance:
 * realm - String (primitive).
 *         The name of the realm the user is authenticating to.
 * requestHeaders - TreeMap (2).
 *                  The object that provides methods for accessing headers in the login request:
 * requestParameters - TreeMap (2).
 *                     The object that contains the authentication request parameters.
 * selectedIdp - String (primitive).
 *               The social identity provider name. For example: google.
 * sharedState - LinkedHashMap (3).
 *               The object that holds the state of the authentication tree and allows data exchange between the stateless nodes:
 * transientState - LinkedHashMap (3).
 *                  The object for storing sensitive information that must not leave the server unencrypted,
 *                  and that may not need to persist between authentication requests during the authentication session:
 * Return - a JsonValue (1).
 *          The result of the last statement in the script is returned to the server.
 *          Currently, the Immediately Invoked Function Expression (also known as Self-Executing Anonymous Function)
 *          is the last (and only) statement in this script, and its return value will become the script result.
 *          Do not use "return variable" statement outside of a function definition.
 *          This script's last statement should result in a JsonValue (1) with the following keys:
 *          {
 *              {"displayName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"email": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"familyName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"givenName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"id": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"locale": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"photoUrl": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"username": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"}
 *          }
 *          The consumer of this data defines which keys are required and which are optional.
 *          For example, the script associated with the Social Provider Handler Node and,
 *          ultimately, the managed object created/updated with this data
 *          will expect certain keys to be populated.
 *          In some common default configurations, the following keys are required:
 *          username, givenName, familyName, email.
 * (1) JsonValue -
 * (2) TreeMap -
 * (3) LinkedHashMap -

(function () {
    var frJava = JavaImporter(

    var normalizedProfileData = frJava.JsonValue.json(frJava.JsonValue.object());

    normalizedProfileData.put('id', rawProfile.get('id'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('displayName', rawProfile.get('name'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('givenName', rawProfile.get('first_name'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('familyName', rawProfile.get('last_name'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('photoUrl', rawProfile.get('picture').get('data').get('url'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('email', rawProfile.get('email'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('username', rawProfile.get('email'));

    return normalizedProfileData;

Open facebook-profile-normalization.js in your browser.


View script
var fontDetector = (function () {
     * JavaScript code to detect available availability of a
     * particular font in a browser using JavaScript and CSS.
     * Author : Lalit Patel
     * Website:
     * License: Apache Software License 2.0
     * Version: 0.15 (21 Sep 2009)
     *          Changed comparision font to default from sans-default-default,
     *          as in FF3.0 font of child element didn't fallback
     *          to parent element if the font is missing.
     * Version: 0.2 (04 Mar 2012)
     *          Comparing font against all the 3 generic font families ie,
     *          'monospace', 'sans-serif' and 'sans'. If it doesn't match all 3
     *          then that font is 100% not available in the system
     * Version: 0.3 (24 Mar 2012)
     *          Replaced sans with serif in the list of baseFonts
     * Portions Copyrighted 2013 ForgeRock AS.
    var detector = {}, baseFonts, testString, testSize, h, s, defaultWidth = {}, defaultHeight = {}, index;

    // a font will be compared against all the three default fonts.
    // and if it doesn't match all 3 then that font is not available.
    baseFonts = ['monospace', 'sans-serif', 'serif'];

    //we use m or w because these two characters take up the maximum width.
    // And we use a LLi so that the same matching fonts can get separated
    testString = "mmmmmmmmmmlli";

    //we test using 72px font size, we may use any size. I guess larger the better.
    testSize = '72px';

    h = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];

    // create a SPAN in the document to get the width of the text we use to test
    s = document.createElement("span"); = testSize;
    s.innerHTML = testString;
    for (index in baseFonts) {
        //get the default width for the three base fonts = baseFonts[index];
        defaultWidth[baseFonts[index]] = s.offsetWidth; //width for the default font
        defaultHeight[baseFonts[index]] = s.offsetHeight; //height for the defualt font

    detector.detect = function(font) {
        var detected = false, index, matched;
        for (index in baseFonts) {
   = font + ',' + baseFonts[index]; // name of the font along with the base font for fallback.
            matched = (s.offsetWidth !== defaultWidth[baseFonts[index]] || s.offsetHeight !== defaultHeight[baseFonts[index]]);
            detected = detected || matched;
        return detected;

    return detector;

Open fontdetector.js in your browser.


View script
 * Copyright 2022 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

 * This script returns the social identity profile information for the authenticating user
 * in a standard form expected by the Social Provider Handler Node.
 * Defined variables:
 * rawProfile - The social identity provider profile information for the authenticating user.
 *              JsonValue (1).
 * logger - The debug logger instance:
 * realm - String (primitive).
 *         The name of the realm the user is authenticating to.
 * requestHeaders - TreeMap (2).
 *                  The object that provides methods for accessing headers in the login request:
 * requestParameters - TreeMap (2).
 *                     The object that contains the authentication request parameters.
 * selectedIdp - String (primitive).
 *               The social identity provider name. For example: google.
 * sharedState - LinkedHashMap (3).
 *               The object that holds the state of the authentication tree and allows data exchange between the stateless nodes:
 * transientState - LinkedHashMap (3).
 *                  The object for storing sensitive information that must not leave the server unencrypted,
 *                  and that may not need to persist between authentication requests during the authentication session:
 * Return - a JsonValue (1).
 *          The result of the last statement in the script is returned to the server.
 *          Currently, the Immediately Invoked Function Expression (also known as Self-Executing Anonymous Function)
 *          is the last (and only) statement in this script, and its return value will become the script result.
 *          Do not use "return variable" statement outside of a function definition.
 *          This script's last statement should result in a JsonValue (1) with the following keys:
 *          {
 *              {"displayName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"email": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"familyName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"givenName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"id": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"locale": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"photoUrl": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"username": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"}
 *          }
 *          The consumer of this data defines which keys are required and which are optional.
 *          For example, the script associated with the Social Provider Handler Node and,
 *          ultimately, the managed object created/updated with this data
 *          will expect certain keys to be populated.
 *          In some common default configurations, the following keys are required:
 *          username, givenName, familyName, email.
 * (1) JsonValue -
 * (2) TreeMap -
 * (3) LinkedHashMap -

(function () {
    var frJava = JavaImporter(

    var normalizedProfileData = frJava.JsonValue.json(frJava.JsonValue.object());

    normalizedProfileData.put('id', rawProfile.get('id'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('displayName', rawProfile.get('name'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('username', rawProfile.get('login'));

    return normalizedProfileData;

Open github-profile-normalization.js in your browser.


View script
 * Copyright 2021 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

 * This script returns the social identity profile information for the authenticating user
 * in a standard form expected by the Social Provider Handler Node.
 * Defined variables:
 * rawProfile - JsonValue (1).
 *              The social identity provider profile information for the authenticating user.
 * logger - The debug logger instance:
 * realm - String (primitive).
 *         The name of the realm the user is authenticating to.
 * requestHeaders - TreeMap (2).
 *                  The object that provides methods for accessing headers in the login request:
 * requestParameters - TreeMap (2).
 *                     The object that contains the authentication request parameters.
 * selectedIdp - String (primitive).
 *               The social identity provider name. For example: google.
 * sharedState - LinkedHashMap (3).
 *               The object that holds the state of the authentication tree and allows data exchange between the stateless nodes:
 * transientState - LinkedHashMap (3).
 *                  The object for storing sensitive information that must not leave the server unencrypted,
 *                  and that may not need to persist between authentication requests during the authentication session:
 * Return - a JsonValue (1).
 *          The result of the last statement in the script is returned to the server.
 *          Currently, the Immediately Invoked Function Expression (also known as Self-Executing Anonymous Function)
 *          is the last (and only) statement in this script, and its return value will become the script result.
 *          Do not use "return variable" statement outside of a function definition.
 *          This script's last statement should result in a JsonValue (1) with the following keys:
 *          {
 *              {"displayName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"email": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"familyName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"givenName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"id": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"locale": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"photoUrl": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"username": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"}
 *          }
 *          The consumer of this data defines which keys are required and which are optional.
 *          For example, the script associated with the Social Provider Handler Node and,
 *          ultimately, the managed object created/updated with this data
 *          will expect certain keys to be populated.
 *          In some common default configurations, the following keys are required:
 *          username, givenName, familyName, email.
 * (1) JsonValue -
 * (2) TreeMap -
 * (3) LinkedHashMap -

(function () {
    var frJava = JavaImporter(

    var normalizedProfileData = frJava.JsonValue.json(frJava.JsonValue.object());

    normalizedProfileData.put('id', rawProfile.get('sub'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('displayName', rawProfile.get('name'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('givenName', rawProfile.get('given_name'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('familyName', rawProfile.get('family_name'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('photoUrl', rawProfile.get('picture'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('email', rawProfile.get('email'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('username', rawProfile.get('email'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('locale', rawProfile.get('locale'));

    return normalizedProfileData;

Open google-profile-normalization.js in your browser.


View script
 * Copyright 2021 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

 * This script returns the social identity profile information for the authenticating user
 * in a standard form expected by the Social Provider Handler Node.
 * Defined variables:
 * rawProfile - The social identity provider profile information for the authenticating user.
 *              JsonValue (1).
 * logger - The debug logger instance:
 * realm - String (primitive).
 *         The name of the realm the user is authenticating to.
 * requestHeaders - TreeMap (2).
 *                  The object that provides methods for accessing headers in the login request:
 * requestParameters - TreeMap (2).
 *                     The object that contains the authentication request parameters.
 * selectedIdp - String (primitive).
 *               The social identity provider name. For example: google.
 * sharedState - LinkedHashMap (3).
 *               The object that holds the state of the authentication tree and allows data exchange between the stateless nodes:
 * transientState - LinkedHashMap (3).
 *                  The object for storing sensitive information that must not leave the server unencrypted,
 *                  and that may not need to persist between authentication requests during the authentication session:
 * Return - a JsonValue (1).
 *          The result of the last statement in the script is returned to the server.
 *          Currently, the Immediately Invoked Function Expression (also known as Self-Executing Anonymous Function)
 *          is the last (and only) statement in this script, and its return value will become the script result.
 *          Do not use "return variable" statement outside of a function definition.
 *          This script's last statement should result in a JsonValue (1) with the following keys:
 *          {
 *              {"displayName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"email": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"familyName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"givenName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"id": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"locale": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"photoUrl": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"username": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"}
 *          }
 *          The consumer of this data defines which keys are required and which are optional.
 *          For example, the script associated with the Social Provider Handler Node and,
 *          ultimately, the managed object created/updated with this data
 *          will expect certain keys to be populated.
 *          In some common default configurations, the following keys are required:
 *          username, givenName, familyName, email.
 * (1) JsonValue -
 * (2) TreeMap -
 * (3) LinkedHashMap -

(function () {
    var frJava = JavaImporter(

    var normalizedProfileData = frJava.JsonValue.json(frJava.JsonValue.object());

    normalizedProfileData.put('id', rawProfile.get('id'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('username', rawProfile.get('username'));

    return normalizedProfileData;


View script
 * Copyright 2021 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

 * This script returns the social identity profile information for the authenticating user
 * in a standard form expected by the Social Provider Handler Node.
 * Defined variables:
 * rawProfile - The social identity provider profile information for the authenticating user.
 *              JsonValue (1).
 * logger - The debug logger instance:
 * realm - String (primitive).
 *         The name of the realm the user is authenticating to.
 * requestHeaders - TreeMap (2).
 *                  The object that provides methods for accessing headers in the login request:
 * requestParameters - TreeMap (2).
 *                     The object that contains the authentication request parameters.
 * selectedIdp - String (primitive).
 *               The social identity provider name. For example: google.
 * sharedState - LinkedHashMap (3).
 *               The object that holds the state of the authentication tree and allows data exchange between the stateless nodes:
 * transientState - LinkedHashMap (3).
 *                  The object for storing sensitive information that must not leave the server unencrypted,
 *                  and that may not need to persist between authentication requests during the authentication session:
 * Return - a JsonValue (1).
 *          The result of the last statement in the script is returned to the server.
 *          Currently, the Immediately Invoked Function Expression (also known as Self-Executing Anonymous Function)
 *          is the last (and only) statement in this script, and its return value will become the script result.
 *          Do not use "return variable" statement outside of a function definition.
 *          This script's last statement should result in a JsonValue (1) with the following keys:
 *          {
 *              {"displayName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"email": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"familyName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"givenName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"id": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"locale": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"photoUrl": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"username": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"}
 *          }
 *          The consumer of this data defines which keys are required and which are optional.
 *          For example, the script associated with the Social Provider Handler Node and,
 *          ultimately, the managed object created/updated with this data
 *          will expect certain keys to be populated.
 *          In some common default configurations, the following keys are required:
 *          username, givenName, familyName, email.
 * (1) JsonValue -
 * (2) TreeMap -
 * (3) LinkedHashMap -

(function () {
    var frJava = JavaImporter(

    var normalizedProfileData = frJava.JsonValue.json(frJava.JsonValue.object());

    normalizedProfileData.put('id', rawProfile.get('sub'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('displayName', rawProfile.get('name'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('givenName', rawProfile.get('given_name'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('familyName', rawProfile.get('family_name'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('username', rawProfile.get('email'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('email', rawProfile.get('email'));

    return normalizedProfileData;

Open itsme-profile-normalization.js in your browser.


View script
 * Copyright 2021 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

 * This script returns the social identity profile information for the authenticating user
 * in a standard form expected by the Social Provider Handler Node.
 * Defined variables:
 * rawProfile - The social identity provider profile information for the authenticating user.
 *              JsonValue (1).
 * logger - The debug logger instance:
 * realm - String (primitive).
 *         The name of the realm the user is authenticating to.
 * requestHeaders - TreeMap (2).
 *                  The object that provides methods for accessing headers in the login request:
 * requestParameters - TreeMap (2).
 *                     The object that contains the authentication request parameters.
 * selectedIdp - String (primitive).
 *               The social identity provider name. For example: google.
 * sharedState - LinkedHashMap (3).
 *               The object that holds the state of the authentication tree and allows data exchange between the stateless nodes:
 * transientState - LinkedHashMap (3).
 *                  The object for storing sensitive information that must not leave the server unencrypted,
 *                  and that may not need to persist between authentication requests during the authentication session:
 * Return - a JsonValue (1).
 *          The result of the last statement in the script is returned to the server.
 *          Currently, the Immediately Invoked Function Expression (also known as Self-Executing Anonymous Function)
 *          is the last (and only) statement in this script, and its return value will become the script result.
 *          Do not use "return variable" statement outside of a function definition.
 *          This script's last statement should result in a JsonValue (1) with the following keys:
 *          {
 *              {"displayName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"email": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"familyName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"givenName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"id": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"locale": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"photoUrl": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"username": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"}
 *          }
 *          The consumer of this data defines which keys are required and which are optional.
 *          For example, the script associated with the Social Provider Handler Node and,
 *          ultimately, the managed object created/updated with this data
 *          will expect certain keys to be populated.
 *          In some common default configurations, the following keys are required:
 *          username, givenName, familyName, email.
 * (1) JsonValue -
 * (2) TreeMap -
 * (3) LinkedHashMap -

(function () {
    var frJava = JavaImporter(

    var normalizedProfileData = frJava.JsonValue.json(frJava.JsonValue.object());

    normalizedProfileData.put('id', rawProfile.get('id'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('givenName', rawProfile.get('firstName').get('localized').get(0));
    normalizedProfileData.put('familyName', rawProfile.get('lastName').get('localized').get(0));
    normalizedProfileData.put('photoUrl', rawProfile.get('profilePicture').get('displayImage'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('email', rawProfile.get('elements').get(0).get('handle~').get('emailAddress'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('username', rawProfile.get('elements').get(0).get('handle~').get('emailAddress'));

    return normalizedProfileData;

Open linkedIn-profile-normalization.js in your browser.


View script
 * Copyright 2021 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

 * This script returns the social identity profile information for the authenticating user
 * in a standard form expected by the Social Provider Handler Node.
 * Defined variables:
 * rawProfile - The social identity provider profile information for the authenticating user.
 *              JsonValue (1).
 * logger - The debug logger instance:
 * realm - String (primitive).
 *         The name of the realm the user is authenticating to.
 * requestHeaders - TreeMap (2).
 *                  The object that provides methods for accessing headers in the login request:
 * requestParameters - TreeMap (2).
 *                     The object that contains the authentication request parameters.
 * selectedIdp - String (primitive).
 *               The social identity provider name. For example: google.
 * sharedState - LinkedHashMap (3).
 *               The object that holds the state of the authentication tree and allows data exchange between the stateless nodes:
 * transientState - LinkedHashMap (3).
 *                  The object for storing sensitive information that must not leave the server unencrypted,
 *                  and that may not need to persist between authentication requests during the authentication session:
 * Return - a JsonValue (1).
 *          The result of the last statement in the script is returned to the server.
 *          Currently, the Immediately Invoked Function Expression (also known as Self-Executing Anonymous Function)
 *          is the last (and only) statement in this script, and its return value will become the script result.
 *          Do not use "return variable" statement outside of a function definition.
 *          This script's last statement should result in a JsonValue (1) with the following keys:
 *          {
 *              {"displayName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"email": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"familyName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"givenName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"id": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"locale": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"photoUrl": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"username": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"}
 *          }
 *          The consumer of this data defines which keys are required and which are optional.
 *          For example, the script associated with the Social Provider Handler Node and,
 *          ultimately, the managed object created/updated with this data
 *          will expect certain keys to be populated.
 *          In some common default configurations, the following keys are required:
 *          username, givenName, familyName, email.
 * (1) JsonValue -
 * (2) TreeMap -
 * (3) LinkedHashMap -

(function () {
    var frJava = JavaImporter(

    var normalizedProfileData = frJava.JsonValue.json(frJava.JsonValue.object());

    normalizedProfileData.put('id', rawProfile.get('id'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('displayName', rawProfile.get('displayName'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('givenName', rawProfile.get('givenName'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('familyName', rawProfile.get('surname'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('email', rawProfile.get('userPrincipalName'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('username', rawProfile.get('userPrincipalName'));

    return normalizedProfileData;


View script
 * Copyright 2021 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

 * This script translates the normalized social identity profile information for the authenticating user
 * into the identity object key/value pairs.
 * Defined variables:
 * normalizedProfile - The social identity provider profile information for the authenticating user
 *                     in a standard format expected by this node.
 *                     JsonValue (1).
 * logger - The debug logger instance:
 * realm - String (primitive).
 *         The name of the realm the user is authenticating to.
 * requestHeaders - TreeMap (2).
 *                  The object that provides methods for accessing headers in the login request:
 * requestParameters - TreeMap (2).
 *                     The object that contains the authentication request parameters.
 * selectedIdp - String (primitive).
 *               The social identity provider name. For example: google.
 * sharedState - LinkedHashMap (3).
 *               The object that holds the state of the authentication tree and allows data exchange between the stateless nodes:
 * transientState - LinkedHashMap (3).
 *                  The object for storing sensitive information that must not leave the server unencrypted,
 *                  and that may not need to persist between authentication requests during the authentication session:
 * Return - a JsonValue (1).
 *          The result of the last statement in the script is returned to the server.
 *          Currently, the Immediately Invoked Function Expression (also known as Self-Executing Anonymous Function)
 *          is the last (and only) statement in this script, and its return value will become the script result.
 *          Do not use "return variable" statement outside of a function definition.
 * (1) JsonValue -
 * (2) TreeMap -
 * (3) LinkedHashMap -

(function () {
    var frJava = JavaImporter(

    var identityData = frJava.JsonValue.json(frJava.JsonValue.object());

    identityData.put('givenName', normalizedProfile.get('givenName'));
    identityData.put('sn', normalizedProfile.get('familyName'));
    identityData.put('mail', normalizedProfile.get('email'));
    identityData.put('cn', normalizedProfile.get('displayName'));
    identityData.put('userName', normalizedProfile.get('username'));
    identityData.put('iplanet-am-user-alias-list', selectedIdp + '-' + normalizedProfile.get('id').asString());

    return identityData;

Open normalized-profile-to-identity.js in your browser.


View script
 * Copyright 2021-2022 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

 * This script translates the normalized social identity profile information for the authenticating user
 * into the managed user object key/value pairs.
 * Defined variables:
 * normalizedProfile - The social identity provider profile information for the authenticating user
 *                     in a standard format expected by this node.
 *                     JsonValue (1).
 * logger - The debug logger instance:
 * realm - String (primitive).
 *         The name of the realm the user is authenticating to.
 * requestHeaders - TreeMap (2).
 *                  The object that provides methods for accessing headers in the login request:
 * requestParameters - TreeMap (2).
 *                     The object that contains the authentication request parameters.
 * selectedIdp - String (primitive).
 *               The social identity provider name. For example: google.
 * sharedState - LinkedHashMap (3).
 *               The object that holds the state of the authentication tree and allows data exchange between the stateless nodes:
 * transientState - LinkedHashMap (3).
 *                  The object for storing sensitive information that must not leave the server unencrypted,
 *                  and that may not need to persist between authentication requests during the authentication session:
 * Return - a JsonValue (1).
 *          The result of the last statement in the script is returned to the server.
 *          Currently, the Immediately Invoked Function Expression (also known as Self-Executing Anonymous Function)
 *          is the last (and only) statement in this script, and its return value will become the script result.
 *          Do not use "return variable" statement outside of a function definition.
 * (1) JsonValue -
 * (2) TreeMap -
 * (3) LinkedHashMap -

(function () {
    var frJava = JavaImporter(

    var managedUserData = frJava.JsonValue.json(frJava.JsonValue.object());

    managedUserData.put('givenName', normalizedProfile.get('givenName'));
    managedUserData.put('sn', normalizedProfile.get('familyName'));
    managedUserData.put('mail', normalizedProfile.get('email'));
    managedUserData.put('userName', normalizedProfile.get('username'));

    if (normalizedProfile.get('postalAddress').isNotNull()) {
        managedUserData.put('postalAddress', normalizedProfile.get('postalAddress'));
    if (normalizedProfile.get('addressLocality').isNotNull()) {
        managedUserData.put('city', normalizedProfile.get('addressLocality'));
    if (normalizedProfile.get('addressRegion').isNotNull()) {
        managedUserData.put('stateProvince', normalizedProfile.get('addressRegion'));
    if (normalizedProfile.get('postalCode').isNotNull()) {
        managedUserData.put('postalCode', normalizedProfile.get('postalCode'));
    if (normalizedProfile.get('country').isNotNull()) {
        managedUserData.put('country', normalizedProfile.get('country'));
    if (normalizedProfile.get('phone').isNotNull()) {
        managedUserData.put('telephoneNumber', normalizedProfile.get('phone'));

    // if the givenName and familyName is null or empty
    // then add a boolean flag to the shared state to indicate names are not present
    // this could be used elsewhere
    // for eg. this could be used in a scripted decision node to by-pass patching
    // the user object with blank values when givenName  and familyName is not present
     var noGivenName = normalizedProfile.get('givenName').isNull()
                                      || normalizedProfile.get('givenName').asString().trim().length === 0
     var noFamilyName = normalizedProfile.get('familyName').isNull()
                                       || normalizedProfile.get('familyName').asString().trim().length === 0
     sharedState.put('nameEmptyOrNull', noGivenName && noFamilyName)

    return managedUserData;


View script
 * Copyright 2019-2021 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

 * This script lets you modify information associated with an OAuth2 access token
 * with methods provided by the AccessToken (1) interface.
 * The changes made to OAuth2 access tokens will directly impact the size of the CTS tokens,
 * and, similarly, the size of the JWTs if client-based OAuth2 tokens are utilized.
 * When adding/updating fields make sure that the token size remains within client/user-agent limits.
 * Defined variables:
 * accessToken - AccessToken (1).
 *               The access token to be updated.
 *               Mutable object, all changes to the access token will be reflected.
 * scopes - Set<String> (6).
 *          Always present, the requested scopes.
 * requestProperties - Unmodifiable Map (5).
 *                     Always present, contains a map of request properties:
 *                     requestUri - The request URI.
 *                     realm - The realm that the request relates to.
 *                     requestParams - A map of the request params and/or posted data.
 *                                     Each value is a list of one or more properties.
 *                                     Please note that these should be handled in accordance with OWASP best practices:
 * clientProperties - Unmodifiable Map (5).
 *                    Present if the client specified in the request was identified, contains a map of client properties:
 *                    clientId - The client's URI for the request locale.
 *                    allowedGrantTypes - List of the allowed grant types (org.forgerock.oauth2.core.GrantType) for the client.
 *                    allowedResponseTypes - List of the allowed response types for the client.
 *                    allowedScopes - List of the allowed scopes for the client.
 *                    customProperties - A map of the custom properties of the client.
 *                                       Lists or maps will be included as sub-maps; for example:
 *                                       customMap[Key1]=Value1 will be returned as customMap -> Key1 -> Value1.
 *                                       To add custom properties to a client, update the Custom Properties field
 *                                       in AM Console > Realm Name > Applications > OAuth 2.0 > Clients > Client ID > Advanced.
 * identity - AMIdentity (3).
 *            Always present, the identity of the resource owner.
 * session - SSOToken (4).
 *           Present if the request contains the session cookie, the user's session object.
 * scriptName - String (primitive).
 *              Always present, the display name of the script.
 * logger - Always present, the "OAuth2Provider" debug logger instance:
 *          Corresponding log files will be prefixed with: scripts.OAUTH2_ACCESS_TOKEN_MODIFICATION.
 * httpClient - HTTP Client (8).
 *              Always present, the HTTP Client instance:
 * Return - no value is expected, changes shall be made to the accessToken parameter directly.
 * Class reference:
 * (1) AccessToken -
 * (3) AMIdentity -
 * (4) SSOToken -
 * (5) Map -,
 *           or
 * (6) Set -
 * (8) Client -

(function () {
    var frJava = JavaImporter(

    // Always includes this field in the token.
    accessToken.setField('key1', 'value1');

    // Receives and adds to the access token additional values by performing a REST call to an external service.
    // WARNING: Below, you will find a reference to a third-party site, which is provided only as an example.
    var uri = '';

    try {
        var request = new frJava.Request();

        // You can chain methods that return the request object.
                updatedFields: {
                    key2: 'value2',
                    key3: 'value3'

        // You can call a method when chaining is not possible.
        request.getHeaders().add('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=UTF-8');

        // Sends the request and receives the response.
        var response = httpClient.send(request).getOrThrow();

        // Checks if the response status is as expected.
        if (response.getStatus() === org.forgerock.http.protocol.Status.CREATED) {
            var result = JSON.parse(response.getEntity().getString());

            // Set multiple token fields at once.
        } else {
            logger.error('Unable to obtain access token modifications. Status: ' + response.getStatus() + '. Content: ' + response.getEntity().getString());
    } catch (e) {
        logger.error('The request processing was interrupted. ' + e);

        // The access token request fails with the HTTP 500 error in this case.
        throw ('Unable to obtain response from: ' + uri);

    // Adds new fields containing identity attribute values to the access token.
    accessToken.setField('mail', identity.getAttribute('mail'));
    accessToken.setField('phone', identity.getAttribute('telephoneNumber').toArray()[0]);

    // Adds new fields containing the session property values.
    // NOTE: session may not be available for non-interactive authorization grants.
    if (session) {
        try {
            accessToken.setField('ipAddress', session.getProperty('Host'));
        } catch (e) {
            logger.error('Unable to retrieve session property value. ' + e);

    // Removes a native field from the token entry, that was set by AM.
    // WARNING: removing native fields from the token may result in loss of functionality.
    // accessToken.removeTokenName()

    // No return value is expected. Let it be undefined.


View script
 * Copyright 2021 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS.
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

 * This script lets you return additional data when authorize request is called.
 * Defined variables:
 * session - SSOToken (1)
 *           Present if the request contains the session cookie, the user's session object.
 * httpClient - HTTP Client (2).
 *              Always present, the HTTP client that can be used to make external HTTP requests
 * logger - Debug (3)
 *          Always present, the "ScriptedAuthorizeEndpointDataProvider" debug logger instance:
 *          Corresponding log files will be prefixed with: scripts.OAUTH2_AUTHORIZE_ENDPOINT_DATA_PROVIDER.
 * scriptName - String (primitive).
 *              Always present, the display name of the script
 * Return - a Map<String, String> of additional data (4).
 * Class reference:
 * (1) SSOToken -
 * (2) Client -
 * (3) Debug -
 * (4) Map -

 * Default authorize endpoint data provider script to use as a template for new scripts.

var map = new java.util.HashMap();

function addAdditionalData() {

    //If constant data needs to be returned
    map.put("hello", "world");

    //If some data needs to be returned from third party service

    //If there is a need to return some user session data

    return map;

function addAdditionalDataFromExternalService() {
  var frJava = JavaImporter(
  try {
        //Obtain additional data by performing a REST call to an external service
        var request = new org.forgerock.http.protocol.Request();
                    field("foo", "bar"))));
        var response = httpClient.send(request).getOrThrow();
        var result = JSON.parse(response.getEntity());
  } catch (err) {
     throw new frJava.ServerException(err);

function addAdditionalDataFromSessionProperties() {
  //Add additional data from session property values
   if (session != null) { // session is not available for resource owner password credentials grant
     map.put("ipAddress", session.getProperty("Host"))

function logResponse(response) {
    logger.message("User REST Call. Status: " + response.getStatus() + ", Body: " + response.getEntity());



View script
 * Copyright 2021 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS.
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

 * This script lets you populate the scopes with profile attribute values when the tokeninfo endpoint is called.
 * For example, if one of the scopes is mail, AM sets mail to the resource owner's email address in the token information returned.
 * Defined variables:
 * accessToken - AccessToken (1).
 *               The access token to be updated.
 *               Mutable object, all changes to the access token will be reflected.
 * identity - AMIdentity (2).
 *            The client's identity if present or the resource owner's identity. Can be null.
 * scriptName - String (primitive).
 *              Always present, the display name of the script.
 * logger - Always present, the debug logger instance:
 *          Corresponding log files will be prefixed with: scripts.OAUTH2_EVALUATE_SCOPE
 * httpClient - HTTP Client (3).
 *              Always present, the HTTP Client instance:
 * Return - a Map<String, Object> of the access token's information (4).
 * Class reference:
 * (1) AccessToken -
 * (2) AMIdentity -
 * (3) Client -
 * (4) Map -

 * Default evaluate scope script to use as a template for new scripts.

(function () {
    var map = new java.util.HashMap();
    if (identity !== null) {
        var scopes = accessToken.getScope().toArray();
        scopes.forEach(function (scope) {
            var attributes = identity.getAttribute(scope).toArray();
            map.put(scope, attributes.join(","));
    } else {
        logger.error('identity is null');
    return map;

Open oauth2-evaluate-scope.js in your browser.


View script
 * Copyright 2021 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

 * This script lets you add may_act field
 * to an OAuth2 access token
 * or OIDC ID Token
 * object with the setMayAct method.
 * Defined variables:
 * token - AccessToken (1) or org.forgerock.openidconnect.OpenIdConnectToken.
 *               The token to be updated.
 *               Mutable object, all changes to the token will be reflected.
 * scopes - Set<String> (6).
 *          Always present, the requested scopes.
 * requestProperties - Unmodifiable Map (5).
 *                     Always present, contains a map of request properties:
 *                     requestUri - The request URI.
 *                     realm - The realm that the request relates to.
 *                     requestParams - A map of the request params and/or posted data.
 *                                     Each value is a list of one or more properties.
 *                                     Please note that these should be handled in accordance with OWASP best practices:
 * clientProperties - Unmodifiable Map (5).
 *                    Present if the client specified in the request was identified, contains a map of client properties:
 *                    clientId - The client's URI for the request locale.
 *                    allowedGrantTypes - List of the allowed grant types (org.forgerock.oauth2.core.GrantType) for the client.
 *                    allowedResponseTypes - List of the allowed response types for the client.
 *                    allowedScopes - List of the allowed scopes for the client.
 *                    customProperties - A map of the custom properties of the client.
 *                                       Lists or maps will be included as sub-maps; for example:
 *                                       customMap[Key1]=Value1 will be returned as customMap -> Key1 -> Value1.
 *                                       To add custom properties to a client, update the Custom Properties field
 *                                       in AM Console > Realm Name > Applications > OAuth 2.0 > Clients > Client ID > Advanced.
 * identity - AMIdentity (3).
 *            Always present, the identity of the resource owner.
 * session - SSOToken (4).
 *           Present if the request contains the session cookie, the user's session object.
 * scriptName - String (primitive).
 *              Always present, the display name of the script.
 * logger - Always present, the "OAuth2Provider" debug logger instance:
 *          Corresponding log files will be prefixed with: scripts.OAUTH2_MAY_ACT.
 * Return - no value is expected, changes shall be made to the token parameter directly.
 * Class reference:
 * (1) AccessToken -
 * (3) AMIdentity -
 * (4) SSOToken -
 * (5) Map -,
 *           or
 * (6) Set -

(function () {
    var frJava = JavaImporter(

    var mayAct = frJava.JsonValue.json(frJava.JsonValue.object());
    mayAct.put('client_id', 'myClient');
    mayAct.put('sub', '(usr!myActor)');


    // No return value is expected. Let it be undefined.

Open oauth2-may-act.js in your browser.


View script
 * Copyright 2022 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS.
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

 * This script lets you to derive the configuration for a dynamic JWT issuer from the issuer string.
 * A JWT issuer is made up of the following:
 *   - issuer - the identifier of the entity that issues JWTs
 *   - resource owner subject claim - the name of the claim in the JWT that identifies the resource owner
 *   - consented scope claim - the name of the claim in the JWT that represents scope that the resource owner
 *                             has already consented to externally
 *   - authorized subjects - the set of principal identifiers that are authorized to be used as resource owners
 *                           by the issuer
 *   - JWKs - either a set of JWKs or connection details for obtaining that set, that are the public keys that
 *            can verify the signature on the issued JWTs.
 * Defined variables:
 * issuer - String
 *          The issuer from the bearer JWT.
 * realm - String
 *         The path of the realm that is handling the request.
 * scriptName - String.
 *              Always present, the display name of the script.
 * logger - Always present, the script debug logger instance:
 *          Corresponding log files will be prefixed with: scripts.OAUTH2_SCRIPTED_JWT_ISSUER.
 * httpClient - HTTP Client (1).
 *              Always present, the HTTP Client instance:
 * idRepository - Identity Repository (2). Always present.
 * secrets - Secrets accessor (3). Always present.
 * Return - org.forgerock.oauth2.core.TrustedJwtIssuerConfig (4) - the configuration of the trusted JWT issuer.
 * Class reference:
 * (1) Client -
 * (2) ScriptedIdentityRepository -
 * (3) ScriptedSecrets -
 * (4) TrustedJwtIssuerConfig -

(function () {
    var frJava = JavaImporter(

    var iss = idRepository.getIdentity(issuer);
    if (iss == null) {
        logger.message('No issuer found for: '+issuer);
        return null;
    logger.message('Found issuer: '+iss);
    // in this example either a JWK set or a URI to a JWK set are in the postalAddress attribute
    var jwksAttrs = iss.getAttributeValues('postalAddress');
    var jwkSet = jwksAttrs.length === 0 ? null : jwksAttrs[0];
    var config = new frJava.TrustedJwtIssuerConfig(
        // in this example, valid subjects are stored in the mail attribute
        jwkSet.startsWith('{') ? jwkSet : null,
        jwkSet.startsWith('http') ? jwkSet : null,
        '5 minutes',
        '1 minute'
    return config;

Open oauth2-scripted-jwt-issuer.js in your browser.


View script
 * Copyright 2021 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS.
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

 * This script validates the requested scopes against the allowed scopes.
 * If no scopes are requested, default scopes are assumed.
 * The script has four top level functions that could be executed during the different OAuth2 flows:
 *      - validateAuthorizationScope
 *      - validateAccessTokenScope
 *      - validateRefreshTokenScope
 *      - validateBackChannelAuthorizationScope
 * Defined variables:
 * requestedScopes - Set<String> (1).
 *          The set of requested scopes.
 * defaultScopes - Set<String> (1).
 *                 The set of default scopes.
 * allowedScopes - Set<String> (1).
 *                 The set of allowed scopes.
 * scriptName - String (primitive).
 *              Always present, the display name of the script.
 * logger - Always present, the debug logger instance:
 *          Corresponding log files will be prefixed with: scripts.OAUTH2_VALIDATE_SCOPE
 * httpClient - HTTP Client (2).
 *              Always present, the HTTP Client instance:
 * Throws InvalidScopeException:
 *      - if there are no scopes requested and default scopes are empty
 *      - if a requested scope is not allowed
 * Return - a Set<String> of validated scopes (1).
 * Class reference:
 * (1) Set -
 * (2) Client -

 * Default validate scope script.
function validateScopes () {
    var frJava = JavaImporter(

    var scopes;
    if (requestedScopes == null || requestedScopes.isEmpty()) {
        scopes = defaultScopes;
    } else {
        scopes = new java.util.HashSet(allowedScopes);
        if (requestedScopes.size() > scopes.size()) {
            var invalidScopes = new java.util.HashSet(requestedScopes);
            throw new frJava.InvalidScopeException('Unknown/invalid scope(s)');

    if (scopes == null || scopes.isEmpty()) {
        throw new frJava.InvalidScopeException('No scope requested and no default scope configured');
    return scopes;

function validateAuthorizationScope () {
    return validateScopes();

function validateAccessTokenScope () {
    return validateScopes();

function validateRefreshTokenScope () {
    return validateScopes();

function validateBackChannelAuthorizationScope () {
    return validateScopes();

Open oauth2-validate-scope.js in your browser.


View script
 * Copyright 2014-2021 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

 * This script computes claim values returned in ID tokens and/or at the UserInfo Endpoint.
 * The claim values are computed for:
 * the claims derived from the requested scopes,
 * the claims provided by the authorization server,
 * and the claims requested by the client via the claims parameter.
 * define the scope-to-claims mapping, and
 * assign to each claim a resolver function that will compute the claim value.
 * Defined variables (class references are provided below):
 * scopes - Set<String> (6).
 *          Always present, the requested scopes.
 * claims - Map<String, Object> (5).
 *          Always present, default server provided claims.
 * claimObjects - List<Claim> (7, 2).
 *                Always present, the default server provided claims.
 * requestedClaims - Map<String, Set<String>> (5).
 *                   Always present, not empty if the request contains the claims parameter and the server has enabled
 *                   claims_parameter_supported. A map of the requested claims to possible values, otherwise empty;
 *                   requested claims with no requested values will have a key but no value in the map. A key with
 *                   a single value in its Set (6) indicates that this is the only value that should be returned.
 * requestedTypedClaims - List<Claim> (7, 2).
 *                        Always present, the requested claims.
 *                        Requested claims with no requested values will have a claim with no values.
 *                        A claim with a single value indicates this is the only value that should be returned.
 * claimsLocales - List<String> (7).
 *                 The values from the 'claims_locales' parameter.
 *                 See for the OIDC specification details.
 * requestProperties - Unmodifiable Map (5).
 *                     Always present, contains a map of request properties:
 *                     requestUri - The request URI.
 *                     realm - The realm that the request relates to.
 *                     requestParams - A map of the request params and/or posted data.
 *                                     Each value is a list of one or more properties.
 *                                     Please note that these should be handled in accordance with OWASP best practices:
 * clientProperties - Unmodifiable Map (5).
 *                    Present if the client specified in the request was identified, contains a map of client properties:
 *                    clientId - The client's URI for the request locale.
 *                    allowedGrantTypes - List of the allowed grant types (org.forgerock.oauth2.core.GrantType) for the client.
 *                    allowedResponseTypes - List of the allowed response types for the client.
 *                    allowedScopes - List of the allowed scopes for the client.
 *                    customProperties - A map of the custom properties of the client.
 *                                       Lists or maps will be included as sub-maps; for example:
 *                                       customMap[Key1]=Value1 will be returned as customMap -> Key1 -> Value1.
 *                                       To add custom properties to a client, update the Custom Properties field
 *                                       in AM Console > Realm Name > Applications > OAuth 2.0 > Clients > Client ID > Advanced.
 * identity - AMIdentity (3).
 *            Always present, the identity of the resource owner.
 * session - SSOToken (4).
 *           Present if the request contains the session cookie, the user's session object.
 * scriptName - String (primitive).
 *              Always present, the display name of the script.
 * logger - Always present, the "OAuth2Provider" debug logger instance:
 *          Corresponding files will be prefixed with: scripts.OIDC_CLAIMS.
 * httpClient - HTTP Client (8).
 *              Always present, the HTTP Client instance:
 *              In order to use the client, you may need to add
 *              org.forgerock.http.Client,
 *              org.forgerock.http.protocol.*,
 *              and org.forgerock.util.promise.PromiseImpl
 *              to the allowed Java classes in the scripting engine configuration, as described in:
 * Return - a new UserInfoClaims(Map<String, Object> values, Map<String, List<String>> compositeScopes) (1) object.
 *          The result of the last statement in the script is returned to the server.
 *          Currently, the Immediately Invoked Function Expression (also known as Self-Executing Anonymous Function)
 *          is the last (and only) statement in this script, and its return value will become the script result.
 *          Do not use "return variable" statement outside of a function definition.
 *          See RESULTS section for additional details.
 * Class reference:
 * (1) UserInfoClaims -
 * (2) Claim -
 *         An instance of org.forgerock.openidconnect.Claim has methods to access
 *         the claim name, requested values, locale, and whether the claim is essential.
 * (3) AMIdentity -
 * (4) SSOToken -
 * (5) Map -,
 *           or
 * (6) Set -
 * (7) List -
 * (8) Client -

(function () {
    // SETUP

     * Claim processing utilities.
     * An object that contains reusable functions for processing claims.
     * @see CLAIM PROCESSING UTILITIES section for details.
    var utils = getUtils();


     * OAuth 2.0 scope values (scopes) can be used by the Client to request OIDC claims.
     * Call this configuration method, and pass in as the first argument
     * an object that maps a scope value to an array of claim names
     * to specify which claims need to be processed and returned for the requested scopes.
     * @see {@link}
     * for the scope values that could be used to request claims as defined in the OIDC specification.
     * Below, find a default configuration that is expected to work in the current environment.
     * You can choose the claim names returned for a scope.
        profile: [
        email: ['email'],
        address: ['address'],
        phone: ['phone_number']

     * In this script, each claim
     * derived from the requested scopes,
     * provided by the authorization server, and
     * requested by the client via the claims parameter
     * will be processed by a function associated with the claim name.
     * Call this configuration method, and pass in as the first argument
     * an object that maps a claim name to a resolver function,
     * which will be automatically executed for each claim processed by the script.
     * The claim resolver function will receive the requested claim information
     * in an instance of org.forgerock.openidconnect.Claim as the first argument.
     * @see {@link}
     * for details on the Claim class.
     * If the claim resolver function returns a value,
     * other than undefined or null,
     * the claim will be included in the script's results.
     * The Claim instance provides methods to check
     * what the name of the claim is,
     * which values the claim request contains,
     * whether the claim is essential, and
     * which locale the claim is associated with.
     * The resolver function can consider this information when computing and returning the claim value.
     * Below, find a default configuration that is expected to work in the current environment.
     * A reusable function, utils.getUserProfileClaimResolver(String attribute-name),
     * is called to return a claim resolver function based on a user profile attribute.
     * @see CLAIM RESOLVERS section for the implementation details and examples.
     * For the address claim, an example of a claim resolver that uses another claim resolver is provided.
     * You can reuse the predefined utils methods with your custom arguments.
     * You can also specify a custom resolver function for a claim name,
     * that will compute and return the claim value—as shown in the commented out example below.
        // An example of a simple claim resolver function that is defined for a claim
        // directly in the configuration object:
        custom-claim-name: function (requestedClaim) {
            // In this case, initially, the claim value comes straight from a user profile attribute value:
            var claimValue = identity.getAttribute('custom-attribute-name').toArray()[0]

            // Optionally, provide additional logic for processing (filtering, formatting, etc.) the claim value.
            // You can use:
            // requestedClaim.getName()
            // requestedClaim.getValues()
            // requestedClaim.getLocale()
            // requestedClaim.isEssential()

            return claimValue
         * The use of utils.getUserProfileClaimResolver shows how
         * an argument passed to a function that returns a claim resolver
         * becomes available to the resolver function (via its lexical context).
        name: utils.getUserProfileClaimResolver('cn'),
        family_name: utils.getUserProfileClaimResolver('sn'),
        given_name: utils.getUserProfileClaimResolver('givenname'),
        zoneinfo: utils.getUserProfileClaimResolver('preferredtimezone'),
        locale: utils.getUserProfileClaimResolver('preferredlocale'),
        email: utils.getUserProfileClaimResolver('mail'),
        address: utils.getAddressClaimResolver(
             * The passed in user profile claim resolver function
             * can be used by the address claim resolver function
             * to obtain the claim value to be formatted as per the OIDC specification:
             * @see
        phone_number: utils.getUserProfileClaimResolver('telephonenumber')


     * @returns {object} An object that contains reusable claim processing utilities.
     * @see PUBLIC METHODS section and the return statement for the list of exported functions.
    function getUtils () {
        // IMPORT JAVA

         * Provides Java scripting functionality.
         * @see {@link}.
        var frJava = JavaImporter(



         * Placeholder for a configuration option that contains
         * an object that maps the supported scope values (scopes)
         * and the corresponding claim names for each scope value.
        var scopeClaimsMap;

         * Placeholder for a configuration option that contains
         * an object that maps the supported claim names
         * and the resolver functions returning the claim value.
        var claimResolvers;

         * A (public) method that accepts an object that maps the supported scopes and the corresponding claim names,
         * and assigns it to a (private) variable that serves as a configuration option.
         * @param {object} params - An object that maps each supported scope value to an array of claim names,
         * in order to specify which claims need to be processed for the requested scopes.
         * @see {@link} for details.
         * @param {string[]} [params.profile] - An array of claim names to be returned if the profile scope is requested.
         * @param {string[]} [] - An array of claim names to be returned if the email scope is requested.
         * @param {string[]} [params.address] - An array of claim names to be returned if the address scope is requested.
         * @param {string[]} [] - An array of claim names to be returned if the phone scope is requested.
         * @returns {undefined}
        function setScopeClaimsMap(params) {
            scopeClaimsMap = params;

         * A (public) method that accepts an object that maps the supported claim names
         * and the resolver functions returning the claim value,
         * and assigns it to a (private) variable that serves as a configuration option.
         * @param {object} params - An object that maps
         * each supported claim name to a function that computes and returns the claim value.
        function setClaimResolvers(params) {
            claimResolvers = params;


         * Claim resolvers are functions that return a claim value.
         * @param {*}
         * @returns {*}

         * Defines a claim resolver based on a user profile attribute.
         * @param {string} attributeName - Name of the user profile attribute.
         * @returns {function} A function that will determine the claim value
         * based on the user profile attribute and the (requested) claim properties.
        function getUserProfileClaimResolver (attributeName) {
             * Resolves a claim with a user profile attribute value.
             * Returns undefined if the identity attribute is not populated,
             * OR if the claim has requested values that do not contain the identity attribute value.
             * ATTENTION: the aforementioned comparison is case-sensitive.
             * @param {org.forgerock.openidconnect.Claim} claim
             * An object that provides methods to obtain information/requirements associated with a claim.
             * @see {@link} for details.
             * @returns {string|HashSet|undefined}
            function resolveClaim(claim) {
                var userProfileValue;

                if (identity) {
                    userProfileValue = getClaimValueFromSet(claim, identity.getAttribute(attributeName));

                    if (userProfileValue && !userProfileValue.isEmpty()) {
                        if (!claim.getValues() || claim.getValues().isEmpty() || claim.getValues().contains(userProfileValue)) {
                            return userProfileValue;

            return resolveClaim;

         * Returns an address claim resolver based on a claim value obtained with another claim resolver.
         * @param {function} resolveClaim - A function that returns a claim value.
         * @returns {function} A function that will accept a claim as an argument,
         * run the claim resolver function for the claim and obtain the claim value,
         * and apply additional formatting to the value before returning it.
        function getAddressClaimResolver (resolveClaim) {
             * Creates an address claim object from a value returned by a claim resolver,
             * and returns the address claim object as the claim value.
             * @see {@link}.
             * The claim value is obtained with a claim resolving function available from the closure.
             * @param {org.forgerock.openidconnect.Claim} claim
             * An object that provides methods to obtain information/requirements associated with a claim.
             * @see {@link} for details.
             * @returns {java.util.LinkedHashMap|undefined} The address claim object created from a claim value.
            function resolveAddressClaim(claim) {
                var claimValue = resolveClaim(claim);
                var addressObject;

                if (isClaimValueValid(claimValue)) {
                    addressObject = new frJava.LinkedHashMap();

                    addressObject.put('formatted', claimValue);

                    return addressObject;

            return resolveAddressClaim;

         * Returns an essential claim resolver based on a claim value obtained with another claim resolver.
         * @param {function} resolveClaim - A function that returns a claim value.
         * @returns {function} A function that will accept a claim as an argument,
         * run the claim resolver function for the claim and obtain the claim value,
         * and apply additional logic for essential claims.
        function getEssentialClaimResolver (resolveClaim) {
             * Returns a claim value or throws an error.
             * The claim value is obtained with a claim resolving function available from the closure.
             * Throws an exception if the claim is essential and no value is returned for the claim.
             * Use of this resolver is optional.
             * @see {@link} stating:
             * "Note that even if the Claims are not available because the End-User did not authorize their release or they are not present,
             * the Authorization Server MUST NOT generate an error when Claims are not returned, whether they are Essential or Voluntary,
             * unless otherwise specified in the description of the specific claim."
             * @param {org.forgerock.openidconnect.Claim} claim
             * An object that provides methods to obtain information/requirements associated with a claim.
             * @see {@link} for details.
             * @returns {*}
             * @throws {org.forgerock.oauth2.core.exceptions.InvalidRequestException}
            function resolveEssentialClaim(claim) {
                var claimValue = resolveClaim(claim);

                if (claim.isEssential() && !isClaimValueValid(claimValue)) {
                    throw new frJava.InvalidRequestException('Could not provide value for essential claim: ' + claim.getName());

                return claimValue;

            return resolveEssentialClaim;

         * Provides default resolution for a claim.
         * Use it if a claim-specific resolver is not defined in the configuration.
         * @param {org.forgerock.openidconnect.Claim} claim
         * An object that provides methods to obtain information/requirements associated with a claim.
         * @see {@link} for details.
         * @returns {*} A single value associated with this claim.
        function resolveAnyClaim (claim) {
            if (claim.getValues().size() === 1) {
                return claim.getValues().toArray()[0];

        // UTILITIES

         * Returns claim value from a set.
         * If the set contains a single value, returns the value.
         * If the set contains multiple values, returns the set.
         * Otherwise, returns undefined.
         * @param {org.forgerock.openidconnect.Claim} claim
         * An object that provides methods to obtain information/requirements associated with a claim.
         * @see {@link} for details.
         * @param {java.util.HashSet} set The set—for example, a user profile attribute value.
         * @returns {string|java.util.HashSet|undefined}
        function getClaimValueFromSet (claim, set) {
            if (set && set.size()) {
                if (set.size() === 1) {
                    return set.toArray()[0];
                } else {
                    return set;
            } else if (logger.warningEnabled()) {
                logger.warning('OIDC Claims script. Got an empty set for claim: ' + claim.getName());

        function isClaimValueValid (claimValue) {
            if (typeof claimValue === 'undefined' || claimValue === null) {
                return false;

            return true;


         * Constructs and returns an object populated with the computed claim values
         * and the requested scopes mapped to the claim names.
         * @returns {org.forgerock.oauth2.core.UserInfoClaims} The object to be returned to the authorization server.
         * @see {@link}.
         * @see RESULTS section for the use of this function.
        function getUserInfoClaims () {
            return new frJava.UserInfoClaims(getComputedClaims(), getCompositeScopes());

         * Creates a map of (requested) claim names populated with the computed claim values.
         * @returns {java.util.LinkedHashMap}
         * A map of the requested claim names and the corresponding claim values.
        function getComputedClaims () {
             * Creates a complete list of claim objects from:
             * the claims derived from the scopes,
             * the claims provided by the authorization server,
             * and the claims requested by the client.
             * @returns {java.util.ArrayList}
             * Returns a complete list of org.forgerock.openidconnect.Claim objects available to the script.
             * @see {@link} for the claim object details.
            function getClaims() {
                 * Returns a list of claim objects for the requested scopes.
                 * Uses the scopeClaimsMap configuration option to derive the claim names;
                 * no other properties of a claim derived from a scope are populated.
                 * @returns {java.util.ArrayList}
                 * A list of org.forgerock.openidconnect.Claim objects derived from the requested scopes.
                 * @see {@link} for the claim object details.
                function convertScopeToClaims() {
                    var claims = new frJava.ArrayList();

                    scopes.toArray().forEach(function (scope) {
                        if (String(scope) !== 'openid' && scopeClaimsMap[scope]) {
                            scopeClaimsMap[scope].forEach(function (claimName) {
                                claims.add(new frJava.Claim(claimName));

                    return claims;

                var claims = new frJava.ArrayList();


                return claims;

             * Computes and returns a claim value.
             * To obtain the claim value, uses the resolver function specified for the claim in the claimResolvers configuration object.
             * @see claimResolvers
             * If no resolver function is found, uses the default claim resolver function.
             * @param {org.forgerock.openidconnect.Claim} claim
             * An object that provides methods to obtain information/requirements associated with a claim.
             * @see {@link} for details.
             * @returns {*} Claim value.
             * @throws {org.forgerock.oauth2.core.exceptions.InvalidRequestException}
             * Rethrows this exception if a claim resolver throws it.
             * You can throw org.forgerock.oauth2.core.exceptions.InvalidRequestException from your custom claim resolver
             * if you want to terminate the claim processing.
            function computeClaim(claim) {
                var resolveClaim;
                var message;

                try {
                    resolveClaim = claimResolvers[claim.getName()] || resolveAnyClaim;

                    return resolveClaim(claim);
                } catch (e) {
                    message = 'OIDC Claims script exception. Unable to resolve OIDC Claim. ' + e;

                    if (String(e).indexOf('org.forgerock.oauth2.core.exceptions.InvalidRequestException') !== -1) {
                        throw e;

                    if (logger.warningEnabled()) {

            var computedClaims = new frJava.LinkedHashMap();

            getClaims().toArray().forEach(function (claim) {
                var claimValue = computeClaim(claim);

                if (isClaimValueValid(claimValue)) {
                    computedClaims.put(claim.getName(), claimValue);
                } else {
                     * If a claim has been processed, but appears in the list again,
                     * and its value cannot be computed under the new conditions,
                     * the claim is removed from the final result.
                     * For example, a claim could be mapped to a scope and found in the user profile,
                     * but also requested by the client with required values that don't match the computed one.
                     * @see {link}.
                     * for the relevant OIDC specification details.

            return computedClaims;

         * Creates a map of requested scopes and the corresponding claim names.
         * @returns {java.util.LinkedHashMap}
        function getCompositeScopes () {
            var compositeScopes = new frJava.LinkedHashMap();

            scopes.toArray().forEach(function (scope) {
                var scopeClaims = new frJava.ArrayList();

                if (scopeClaimsMap[scope]) {
                    scopeClaimsMap[scope].forEach(function (claimName) {

                if (scopeClaims.size()) {
                    compositeScopes.put(scope, scopeClaims);

            return compositeScopes;


        return {
            setScopeClaimsMap: setScopeClaimsMap,
            setClaimResolvers: setClaimResolvers,
            getUserProfileClaimResolver: getUserProfileClaimResolver,
            getAddressClaimResolver: getAddressClaimResolver,
            getEssentialClaimResolver: getEssentialClaimResolver,
            getUserInfoClaims: getUserInfoClaims

    // RESULTS

     * This script returns an instance of the org.forgerock.oauth2.core.UserInfoClaims class
     * populated with the computed claim values and
     * the requested scopes mapped to the claim names.
     * @see {@link}.
     * Assigning it to a variable gives you an opportunity
     * to log the content of the returned value during development.
    var userInfoClaims = utils.getUserInfoClaims();

    logger.error(scriptName + ' results:')
    logger.error('Values: ' + userInfoClaims.getValues())
    logger.error('Scopes: ' + userInfoClaims.getCompositeScopes())

    return userInfoClaims;

Open oidc-claims-extension.js in your browser.


View script
 * Copyright 2015-2021 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.
 * This is a Policy Condition example script. It demonstrates how to access a user's information,
 * use that information in external HTTP calls and make a policy decision based on the outcome.

var userAddress, userIP, resourceHost;

if (validateAndInitializeParameters()) {

    var countryFromUserAddress = getCountryFromUserAddress();
    logger.message("Country retrieved from user's address: " + countryFromUserAddress);
    var countryFromUserIP = getCountryFromUserIP();
    logger.message("Country retrieved from user's IP: " + countryFromUserIP);
    var countryFromResourceURI = getCountryFromResourceURI();
    logger.message("Country retrieved from resource URI: " + countryFromResourceURI);

    if (countryFromUserAddress === countryFromUserIP && countryFromUserAddress === countryFromResourceURI) {
        logger.message("Authorization Succeeded");
        responseAttributes.put("countryOfOrigin", [countryFromUserAddress]);
        authorized = true;
    } else {
        logger.message("Authorization Failed");
        authorized = false;

} else {
    logger.message("Required parameters not found. Authorization Failed.");
    authorized = false;

 * Use the user's address to lookup their country of residence.
 * @returns {*} The user's country of residence.
function getCountryFromUserAddress() {

    var request = new org.forgerock.http.protocol.Request();
    request.setUri("" + encodeURIComponent(userAddress));

    var response = httpClient.send(request).get();

    var geocode = JSON.parse(response.getEntity());
    var i;
    for (i = 0; i < geocode.results.length; i++) {
        var result = geocode.results[i];
        var j;
        for (j = 0; j < result.address_components.length; i++) {
            if (result.address_components[i].types[0] == "country") {
                return result.address_components[i].long_name;

 * Use the user's IP to lookup the country from which the request originated.
 * @returns {*} The country from which the request originated.
function getCountryFromUserIP() {
    var request = new org.forgerock.http.protocol.Request();
    request.setUri("" + userIP);

    var response = httpClient.send(request).get();

    var result = JSON.parse(response.getEntity());
    if (result) {

 * Use the requested resource's host name to lookup the country where the resource is hosted.
 * @returns {*} The country in which the resource is hosted.
function getCountryFromResourceURI() {
    var request = new org.forgerock.http.protocol.Request();
    request.setUri("" + encodeURIComponent(resourceHost));

    var response = httpClient.send(request).get();

    var result = JSON.parse(response.getEntity());
    if (result) {

 * Retrieve and validate the variables required to make the external HTTP calls.
 * @returns {boolean} Will be true if validation was successful.
function validateAndInitializeParameters() {
    var userAddressSet = identity.getAttribute("postalAddress");
    if (userAddressSet == null || userAddressSet.isEmpty()) {
        logger.warning("No address specified for user: " + username);
        return false;
    userAddress = userAddressSet.iterator().next();
    logger.message("User address: " + userAddress);

    if (!environment) {
        logger.warning("No environment parameters specified in the evaluation request.");
        return false;

    var ipSet = environment.get("IP");
    if (ipSet == null || ipSet.isEmpty()) {
        logger.warning("No IP specified in the evaluation request environment parameters.");
        return false;
    userIP = ipSet.iterator().next();
    logger.message("User IP: " + userIP);

    if (!resourceURI) {
        logger.warning("No resource URI specified.");
        return false;
    resourceHost = resourceURI.match(/^(.*:\/\/)(www\.)?([A-Za-z0-9\-\.]+)(:[0-9]+)?(.*)$/)[3];
    logger.message("Resource host: " + resourceHost);

    return true;

function logResponse(response) {
    logger.message("User REST Call. Status: " + response.getStatus() + ", Body: " + response.getEntity());

Open policy-condition.js in your browser.


View script
 * Copyright 2021 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

 * This script returns the social identity profile information for the authenticating user
 * in a standard form expected by the Social Provider Handler Node.
 * Defined variables:
 * rawProfile - The social identity provider profile information for the authenticating user.
 *              JsonValue (1).
 * logger - The debug logger instance:
 * realm - String (primitive).
 *         The name of the realm the user is authenticating to.
 * requestHeaders - TreeMap (2).
 *                  The object that provides methods for accessing headers in the login request:
 * requestParameters - TreeMap (2).
 *                     The object that contains the authentication request parameters.
 * selectedIdp - String (primitive).
 *               The social identity provider name. For example: google.
 * sharedState - LinkedHashMap (3).
 *               The object that holds the state of the authentication tree and allows data exchange between the stateless nodes:
 * transientState - LinkedHashMap (3).
 *                  The object for storing sensitive information that must not leave the server unencrypted,
 *                  and that may not need to persist between authentication requests during the authentication session:
 * Return - a JsonValue (1).
 *          The result of the last statement in the script is returned to the server.
 *          Currently, the Immediately Invoked Function Expression (also known as Self-Executing Anonymous Function)
 *          is the last (and only) statement in this script, and its return value will become the script result.
 *          Do not use "return variable" statement outside of a function definition.
 *          This script's last statement should result in a JsonValue (1) with the following keys:
 *          {
 *              {"displayName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"email": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"familyName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"givenName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"id": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"locale": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"photoUrl": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"username": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"}
 *          }
 *          The consumer of this data defines which keys are required and which are optional.
 *          For example, the script associated with the Social Provider Handler Node and,
 *          ultimately, the managed object created/updated with this data
 *          will expect certain keys to be populated.
 *          In some common default configurations, the following keys are required:
 *          username, givenName, familyName, email.
 * (1) JsonValue -
 * (2) TreeMap -
 * (3) LinkedHashMap -

(function () {
    var frJava = JavaImporter(

    var normalizedProfileData = frJava.JsonValue.json(frJava.JsonValue.object());

    normalizedProfileData.put('id', rawProfile.get('user_id'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('displayName', rawProfile.get('name'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('givenName', rawProfile.get('given_name'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('familyName', rawProfile.get('family_name'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('photoUrl', rawProfile.get('picture'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('email', rawProfile.get('email'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('username', rawProfile.get('email'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('locale', rawProfile.get('zoneInfo'));

    return normalizedProfileData;


View script
 * Copyright 2021-2023 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS.
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

 * The script has these top level functions that could be executed during a SAML2 flow.
 *      - preSingleSignOn
 *      - preAuthentication
 *      - preSendResponse
 *      - preSignResponse
 *      - preSendFailureResponse
 * Please see the javadoc for the interface definition and more information about these methods.
 * Note that the initialize method is not supported in the scripts.
 * Defined variables. Check the documentation on the respective functions for the variables available to it.
 * hostedEntityId - String
 *     Entity ID for the hosted IDP
 * realm - String
 *     Realm of the hosted IDP
 * idpAdapterScriptHelper - IdpAdapterScriptHelper (1)
 *     An instance of IdpAdapterScriptHelper containing helper methods. See Javadoc for more details.
 * request - HttpServletRequest (2)
 *     Servlet request object
 * response - HttpServletResponse (3)
 *     Servlet response object
 * authnRequest - AuthnRequest (4)
 *     The original authentication request sent from SP
 * reqId - String
 *     The id to use for continuation of processing if the adapter redirects
 * res - Response (5)
 *     The SAML Response
 * session - SSOToken (6)
 *     The single sign-on session. The reference type of this is Object and would need to be casted to SSOToken.
 * relayState - String
 *     The relayState that will be used in the redirect
 * faultCode - String
 *     the fault code that will be returned in the SAML response
 * faultDetail - String
 *     the fault detail that will be returned in the SAML response
 * logger - Logger instance
 *     Corresponding log files will be prefixed with: scripts.<script name>
 * Throws SAML2Exception (7):
 *     for any exceptions occurring in the adapter. The federation process will continue
 * Class reference:
 * (1) idpAdapterScriptHelper -
 * (2) HttpServletRequest -
 * (3) HttpServletResponse -
 * (4) AuthnRequest -
 * (5) Response -
 * (6) SSOToken -
 * (7) SAML2Exception -

 * Template/default script for SAML2 IDP Adapter scripted plugin.

 * Available variables for preSingleSignOn:
 *     hostedEntityId
 *     realm
 *     idpAdapterScriptHelper
 *     request
 *     authnRequest
 *     response
 *     reqId
 *     logger
 * Return - true if browser redirection is happening after processing, false otherwise. Default to false.
function preSingleSignOn () {
    return false;

 * Available variables for preAuthentication:
 *     hostedEntityId
 *     realm
 *     idpAdapterScriptHelper
 *     request
 *     authnRequest
 *     response
 *     reqId
 *     session
 *     relayState
 *     logger
 * Return - true if browser redirection is happening after processing, false otherwise. Default to false.
function preAuthentication () {
    return false;

 * Available variables for preSendResponse:
 *     hostedEntityId
 *     realm
 *     idpAdapterScriptHelper
 *     request
 *     authnRequest
 *     response
 *     reqId
 *     session
 *     relayState
 *     logger
 * Return - true if browser redirection happened after processing, false otherwise. Default to false.
function preSendResponse () {
    return false;

 * Available variables for preSignResponse:
 *     hostedEntityId
 *     realm
 *     idpAdapterScriptHelper
 *     request
 *     authnRequest
 *     session
 *     relayState
 *     res
 *     logger
function preSignResponse () {

 * Available variables for preSendFailureResponse:
 *     hostedEntityId
 *     realm
 *     idpAdapterScriptHelper
 *     request
 *     response
 *     faultCode
 *     faultDetail
 *     logger
function preSendFailureResponse () {

Open saml2-idp-adapter.js in your browser.


View script
 * Copyright 2021-2022 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS.
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

 * This script returns a list of SAML Attribute objects for the IDP framework to insert into the generated Assertion.
 * Defined variables:
 * session - SSOToken (1)
 *           The single sign-on session.
 * hostedEntityId - String (primitive).
 *                  The hosted entity ID.
 * remoteEntityId - String (primitive).
 *                  The remote entity ID.
 * realm - String (primitive).
 *         The name of the realm the user is authenticating to.
 * logger - Always present, the debug logger instance:
 *          Corresponding log files will be prefixed with: scripts.SAML2_IDP_ATTRIBUTE_MAPPER
 * idpAttributeMapperScriptHelper - IdpAttributeMapperScriptHelper (2)
 *                                - An IdpAttributeMapperScriptHelper instance containing methods used for IDP attribute mapping.
 * Throws SAML2Exception:
 *      - on failing to map the IDP attributes.
 * Return - a list of SAML Attribute (3) objects.
 * Class reference:
 * (1) SSOToken -
 * (2) IdpAttributeMapperScriptHelper -
 * (3) Attribute -

 * Default SAML2 IDP Attribute Mapper.
function getAttributes() {
    var frJava = JavaImporter(

    const debugMethod = "ScriptedIDPAttributeMapper.getAttributes:: ";

    try {

        if (!idpAttributeMapperScriptHelper.isSessionValid(session)) {
            logger.error(debugMethod + "Invalid session.");
            return null;

        var configMap = idpAttributeMapperScriptHelper.getRemoteSPConfigAttributeMap(realm, remoteEntityId);
        logger.message(debugMethod + "Remote SP attribute map = {}", configMap);
        if (configMap == null || configMap.isEmpty()) {
            configMap = idpAttributeMapperScriptHelper.getHostedIDPConfigAttributeMap(realm, hostedEntityId);
            if (configMap == null || configMap.isEmpty()) {
                logger.message(debugMethod + "Configuration map is not defined.");
                return null;
            logger.message(debugMethod + "Hosted IDP attribute map = {}", configMap);

        var attributes = new java.util.ArrayList();
        var stringValueMap = new java.util.HashSet();
        var binaryValueMap;
        var localAttribute;

        // Don't try to read the attributes from the datastore if the ignored profile is enabled in this realm.
        if (!idpAttributeMapperScriptHelper.isIgnoredProfile(session, realm)) {
            try {
                // Resolve attributes to be read from the datastore.
                var stringAttributes = new java.util.HashSet();
                var binaryAttributes = new java.util.HashSet();
                var keyIter = configMap.keySet().iterator();
                while (keyIter.hasNext()) {
                    var key =;
                    localAttribute = configMap.get(key);
                    if (!idpAttributeMapperScriptHelper.isStaticAttribute(localAttribute)) {
                        if (idpAttributeMapperScriptHelper.isBinaryAttribute(localAttribute)) {
                            // add it to the list of attributes to treat as being binary
                        } else {

                if (!stringAttributes.isEmpty()) {
                    stringValueMap = idpAttributeMapperScriptHelper.getAttributes(session, stringAttributes);
                if (!binaryAttributes.isEmpty()) {
                    binaryValueMap = idpAttributeMapperScriptHelper.getBinaryAttributes(session, binaryAttributes);
            } catch (error) {
                logger.error(debugMethod + "Error accessing the datastore. " + error);
                //continue to check in ssotoken.

        var keyIter = configMap.keySet().iterator();
        while (keyIter.hasNext()) {
            var key =
            var nameFormat = null;
            var samlAttribute = key;
            localAttribute = configMap.get(key);
            // check if samlAttribute has format nameFormat|samlAttribute
            var samlAttributes = String(new java.lang.String(samlAttribute));
            var tokens = samlAttributes.split('|');

            if (tokens.length > 1) {
                nameFormat = tokens[0];
                samlAttribute = tokens[1];

            var attributeValues = new java.util.HashSet();
            if (idpAttributeMapperScriptHelper.isStaticAttribute(localAttribute)) {
                // Remove the static flag before using it as the static value
                localAttribute = idpAttributeMapperScriptHelper.removeStaticAttributeFlag(localAttribute);
                attributeValues = new java.util.HashSet([localAttribute]);
                logger.message(debugMethod + "Adding static value {} for attribute named {}", localAttribute, samlAttribute);
            } else {
                if (idpAttributeMapperScriptHelper.isBinaryAttribute(localAttribute)) {
                    // Remove the flag as not used for lookup
                    localAttribute = idpAttributeMapperScriptHelper.removeBinaryAttributeFlag(localAttribute);
                    attributeValues = idpAttributeMapperScriptHelper.getBinaryAttributeValues(samlAttribute, localAttribute,
                } else {
                    if (stringValueMap != null && !stringValueMap.isEmpty()) {
                        attributeValues = stringValueMap.get(localAttribute);
                    } else {
                        logger.message(debugMethod + "{} string value map was empty or null.", localAttribute);

                // If all else fails, try to get the value from the users ssoToken
                if (attributeValues == null || attributeValues.isEmpty()) {
                    logger.message(debugMethod + "User profile does not have value for {}, checking SSOToken.", localAttribute);
                    attributeValues = new java.util.HashSet(idpAttributeMapperScriptHelper.getPropertySet(session, localAttribute));

            if (attributeValues == null || attributeValues.isEmpty()) {
                logger.message(debugMethod + "{} not found in user profile or SSOToken.", localAttribute);
            } else {
                attributes.add(idpAttributeMapperScriptHelper.createSAMLAttribute(samlAttribute, nameFormat, attributeValues));

        return attributes;

    } catch (error) {
        logger.error(debugMethod + "Error mapping IDP attributes. " + error);
        throw new frJava.SAML2Exception(error);


Open saml2-idp-attribute-mapper.js in your browser.


View script
 * Copyright 2023 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS.
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

 * The script has these top level functions that could be executed during a SAML2 flow.
 *      - preSingleSignOnRequest
 *      - preSingleSignOnProcess
 *      - postSingleSignOnSuccess
 *      - postSingleSignOnFailure
 *      - postNewNameIDSuccess
 *      - postTerminateNameIDSuccess
 *      - preSingleLogoutProcess
 *      - postSingleLogoutSuccess
 * Please see the JavaDoc for the interface for more information about these methods.
 * Note that the initialize method is not supported in the scripts.
 * Defined variables. Check the documentation on the respective functions for the variables available to it.
 * hostedEntityId - String
 *     Entity ID for the hosted IDP
 * realm - String
 *     Realm of the hosted IDP
 * idpEntityId - String
 *     The entity ID for the Identity Provider for which the sign-on request will be sent.
 * request - HttpServletRequest (1)
 *     Servlet request object
 * response - HttpServletResponse (2)
 *     Servlet response object
 * authnRequest - AuthnRequest (3)
 *     The authentication request sent that is sent from the Service Provider.
 * session - SSOToken (4)
 *     The single sign-on session. The reference type of this is Object and would need to be casted to SSOToken.
 * res - Response (5)
 *     The SSO Response received from the Identity Provider.
 * profile - String
 *     The protocol profile that is used, this will be one of the following values from SAML2Constants (6):
 *          - SAML2Constants.HTTP_POST
 *          - SAML2Constants.HTTP_ARTIFACT
 *          - SAML2Constants.PAOS
 * out - PrintWriter (7)
 *     The PrintWriter that can be used to write to.
 * isFederation - boolean
 *     Set to true if using federation, otherwise false.
 * failureCode - int
 *     An integer holding the failure code when an error has occurred. For potential values see SPAdapter.
 * userId - String
 *     The unique universal ID of the user with whom the new name identifier request was performed.
 * idRequest - ManageNameIDRequest (8)
 *     The new name identifier request, this will be null if the request object is not available
 * idResponse - ManageNameIDResponse (9)
 *     The new name identifier response, this will be null if the response object is not available
 * binding - String
 *     The binding used for the new name identifier request. This will be one of the following values:
 *          - SAML2Constants.SOAP
 *          - SAML2Constants.HTTP_REDIRECT
 * logoutRequest - LogoutRequest (10)
 *     The single logout request.
 * logoutResponse - LogoutResponse (11)
 *     The single logout response.
 * spAdapterScriptHelper - SpAdapterScriptHelper (12)
 *     An instance of SpAdapterScriptHelper containing helper methods. See Javadoc for more details.
 * logger - Logger instance
 *     Corresponding log files will be prefixed with: scripts.<script name>
 * Throws SAML2Exception (13):
 *     for any exceptions occurring in the adapter. The federation process will continue
 * Class reference:
 * (1) HttpServletRequest -
 * (2) HttpServletResponse -
 * (3) AuthnRequest -
 * (4) SSOToken -
 * (5) Response -
 * (6) SAML2Constants -
 * (7) PrintWriter -
 * (8) ManageNameIDRequest -
 * (9) ManageNameIDResponse -
 * (10) LogoutRequest -
 * (11) LogoutResponse -
 * (12) SpAdapterScriptHelper -
 * (13) SAML2Exception -

 * Template/default script for SAML2 SP Adapter scripted plugin.

 * Available variables for preSingleSignOnRequest:
 *     hostedEntityId
 *     idpEntityId
 *     realm
 *     request
 *     response
 *     authnRequest
 *     spAdapterScriptHelper
 *     logger
function preSingleSignOnRequest() {

 * Available variables for preSingleSignOnProcess:
 *     hostedEntityId
 *     realm
 *     request
 *     response
 *     authnRequest
 *     res
 *     profile
 *     spAdapterScriptHelper
 *     logger
function preSingleSignOnProcess() {

 * Available variables for postSingleSignOnSuccess:
 *     hostedEntityId
 *     realm
 *     request
 *     response
 *     out
 *     session
 *     authnRequest
 *     res
 *     profile
 *     isFederation
 *     spAdapterScriptHelper
 *     logger
 * Return - true if response is being redirected, false if not. Default to false.
function postSingleSignOnSuccess() {
    return false;

 * Available variables for postSingleSignOnFailure:
 *     hostedEntityId
 *     realm
 *     request
 *     response
 *     authnRequest
 *     res
 *     profile
 *     failureCode
 *     spAdapterScriptHelper
 *     logger
 * Return - true if response is being redirected, false if not. Default to false.
function postSingleSignOnFailure() {
    return false;

 * Available variables for postNewNameIDSuccess:
 *     hostedEntityId
 *     realm
 *     request
 *     response
 *     userId
 *     idRequest
 *     idResponse
 *     binding
 *     spAdapterScriptHelper
 *     logger
function postNewNameIDSuccess() {

 * Available variables for postTerminateNameIDSuccess:
 *     hostedEntityId
 *     realm
 *     request
 *     response
 *     userId
 *     idRequest
 *     idResponse
 *     binding
 *     spAdapterScriptHelper
 *     logger
function postTerminateNameIDSuccess() {

 * Available variables for preSingleLogoutProcess:
 *     hostedEntityId
 *     realm
 *     request
 *     response
 *     userId
 *     logoutRequest
 *     logoutResponse
 *     binding
 *     spAdapterScriptHelper
 *     logger
function preSingleLogoutProcess() {

 * Available variables for postSingleLogoutSuccess:
 *     hostedEntityId
 *     realm
 *     request
 *     response
 *     userId
 *     logoutRequest
 *     logoutResponse
 *     binding
 *     spAdapterScriptHelper
 *     logger
function postSingleLogoutSuccess() {

Open saml2-sp-adapter.js in your browser.


View script
 * Copyright 2021 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

 * This script returns the social identity profile information for the authenticating user
 * in a standard form expected by the Social Provider Handler Node.
 * Defined variables:
 * rawProfile - JsonValue (1).
 *              The social identity provider profile information for the authenticating user.
 * logger - The debug logger instance:
 * realm - String (primitive).
 *         The name of the realm the user is authenticating to.
 * requestHeaders - TreeMap (2).
 *                  The object that provides methods for accessing headers in the login request:
 * requestParameters - TreeMap (2).
 *                     The object that contains the authentication request parameters.
 * selectedIdp - String (primitive).
 *               The social identity provider name. For example: google.
 * sharedState - LinkedHashMap (3).
 *               The object that holds the state of the authentication tree and allows data exchange between the stateless nodes:
 * transientState - LinkedHashMap (3).
 *                  The object for storing sensitive information that must not leave the server unencrypted,
 *                  and that may not need to persist between authentication requests during the authentication session:
 * Return - a JsonValue (1).
 *          The result of the last statement in the script is returned to the server.
 *          Currently, the Immediately Invoked Function Expression (also known as Self-Executing Anonymous Function)
 *          is the last (and only) statement in this script, and its return value will become the script result.
 *          Do not use "return variable" statement outside of a function definition.
 *          This script's last statement should result in a JsonValue (1) with the following keys:
 *          {
 *              {"displayName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"email": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"familyName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"givenName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"id": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"locale": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"photoUrl": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"username": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"}
 *          }
 *          The consumer of this data defines which keys are required and which are optional.
 *          For example, the script associated with the Social Provider Handler Node and,
 *          ultimately, the managed object created/updated with this data
 *          will expect certain keys to be populated.
 *          In some common default configurations, the following keys are required:
 *          username, givenName, familyName, email.
 * (1) JsonValue -
 * (2) TreeMap -
 * (3) LinkedHashMap -

 * Default Social Identity Provider Profile Transformation script to use as a template for new scripts.

(function () {
    var frJava = JavaImporter(

    var normalizedProfileData = frJava.JsonValue.json(frJava.JsonValue.object());

     * Add profile data.
     * @example
     * normalizedProfileData.put('id', rawProfile.get('sub'));

    return normalizedProfileData;


View script
 * Copyright 2021 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

 * This script returns the social identity profile information for the authenticating user
 * in a standard form expected by the Social Provider Handler Node.
 * Defined variables:
 * rawProfile - The social identity provider profile information for the authenticating user.
 *              JsonValue (1).
 * logger - The debug logger instance:
 * realm - String (primitive).
 *         The name of the realm the user is authenticating to.
 * requestHeaders - TreeMap (2).
 *                  The object that provides methods for accessing headers in the login request:
 * requestParameters - TreeMap (2).
 *                     The object that contains the authentication request parameters.
 * selectedIdp - String (primitive).
 *               The social identity provider name. For example: google.
 * sharedState - LinkedHashMap (3).
 *               The object that holds the state of the authentication tree and allows data exchange between the stateless nodes:
 * transientState - LinkedHashMap (3).
 *                  The object for storing sensitive information that must not leave the server unencrypted,
 *                  and that may not need to persist between authentication requests during the authentication session:
 * Return - a JsonValue (1).
 *          The result of the last statement in the script is returned to the server.
 *          Currently, the Immediately Invoked Function Expression (also known as Self-Executing Anonymous Function)
 *          is the last (and only) statement in this script, and its return value will become the script result.
 *          Do not use "return variable" statement outside of a function definition.
 *          This script's last statement should result in a JsonValue (1) with the following keys:
 *          {
 *              {"displayName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"email": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"familyName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"givenName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"id": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"locale": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"photoUrl": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"username": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"}
 *          }
 *          The consumer of this data defines which keys are required and which are optional.
 *          For example, the script associated with the Social Provider Handler Node and,
 *          ultimately, the managed object created/updated with this data
 *          will expect certain keys to be populated.
 *          In some common default configurations, the following keys are required:
 *          username, givenName, familyName, email.
 * (1) JsonValue -
 * (2) TreeMap -
 * (3) LinkedHashMap -

(function () {
    var frJava = JavaImporter(

    var normalizedProfileData = frJava.JsonValue.json(frJava.JsonValue.object());

    normalizedProfileData.put('id', rawProfile.get('id_str'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('displayName', rawProfile.get('name'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('photoUrl', rawProfile.get('profile_image_url'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('email', rawProfile.get('email'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('username', rawProfile.get('screen_name'));

    return normalizedProfileData;

Open twitter-profile-normalization.js in your browser.


View script
 * Copyright 2021 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

 * This script returns the social identity profile information for the authenticating user
 * in a standard form expected by the Social Provider Handler Node.
 * Defined variables:
 * rawProfile - The social identity provider profile information for the authenticating user.
 *              JsonValue (1).
 * logger - The debug logger instance:
 * realm - String (primitive).
 *         The name of the realm the user is authenticating to.
 * requestHeaders - TreeMap (2).
 *                  The object that provides methods for accessing headers in the login request:
 * requestParameters - TreeMap (2).
 *                     The object that contains the authentication request parameters.
 * selectedIdp - String (primitive).
 *               The social identity provider name. For example: google.
 * sharedState - LinkedHashMap (3).
 *               The object that holds the state of the authentication tree and allows data exchange between the stateless nodes:
 * transientState - LinkedHashMap (3).
 *                  The object for storing sensitive information that must not leave the server unencrypted,
 *                  and that may not need to persist between authentication requests during the authentication session:
 * Return - a JsonValue (1).
 *          The result of the last statement in the script is returned to the server.
 *          Currently, the Immediately Invoked Function Expression (also known as Self-Executing Anonymous Function)
 *          is the last (and only) statement in this script, and its return value will become the script result.
 *          Do not use "return variable" statement outside of a function definition.
 *          This script's last statement should result in a JsonValue (1) with the following keys:
 *          {
 *              {"displayName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"email": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"familyName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"givenName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"id": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"locale": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"photoUrl": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"username": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"}
 *          }
 *          The consumer of this data defines which keys are required and which are optional.
 *          For example, the script associated with the Social Provider Handler Node and,
 *          ultimately, the managed object created/updated with this data
 *          will expect certain keys to be populated.
 *          In some common default configurations, the following keys are required:
 *          username, givenName, familyName, email.
 * (1) JsonValue -
 * (2) TreeMap -
 * (3) LinkedHashMap -

(function () {
    var frJava = JavaImporter(

    var normalizedProfileData = frJava.JsonValue.json(frJava.JsonValue.object());

    normalizedProfileData.put('id', rawProfile.get('id'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('displayName', rawProfile.get('first_name'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('givenName', rawProfile.get('first_name'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('familyName', rawProfile.get('last_name'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('photoUrl', rawProfile.get('photo_50'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('email', rawProfile.get('email'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('username', rawProfile.get('email'));

    return normalizedProfileData;


View script
 * Copyright 2021 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

 * This script returns the social identity profile information for the authenticating user
 * in a standard form expected by the Social Provider Handler Node.
 * Defined variables:
 * rawProfile - The social identity provider profile information for the authenticating user.
 *              JsonValue (1).
 * logger - The debug logger instance:
 * realm - String (primitive).
 *         The name of the realm the user is authenticating to.
 * requestHeaders - TreeMap (2).
 *                  The object that provides methods for accessing headers in the login request:
 * requestParameters - TreeMap (2).
 *                     The object that contains the authentication request parameters.
 * selectedIdp - String (primitive).
 *               The social identity provider name. For example: google.
 * sharedState - LinkedHashMap (3).
 *               The object that holds the state of the authentication tree and allows data exchange between the stateless nodes:
 * transientState - LinkedHashMap (3).
 *                  The object for storing sensitive information that must not leave the server unencrypted,
 *                  and that may not need to persist between authentication requests during the authentication session:
 * Return - a JsonValue (1).
 *          The result of the last statement in the script is returned to the server.
 *          Currently, the Immediately Invoked Function Expression (also known as Self-Executing Anonymous Function)
 *          is the last (and only) statement in this script, and its return value will become the script result.
 *          Do not use "return variable" statement outside of a function definition.
 *          This script's last statement should result in a JsonValue (1) with the following keys:
 *          {
 *              {"displayName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"email": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"familyName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"givenName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"id": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"locale": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"photoUrl": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"username": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"}
 *          }
 *          The consumer of this data defines which keys are required and which are optional.
 *          For example, the script associated with the Social Provider Handler Node and,
 *          ultimately, the managed object created/updated with this data
 *          will expect certain keys to be populated.
 *          In some common default configurations, the following keys are required:
 *          username, givenName, familyName, email.
 * (1) JsonValue -
 * (2) TreeMap -
 * (3) LinkedHashMap -

(function () {
    var frJava = JavaImporter(

    var normalizedProfileData = frJava.JsonValue.json(frJava.JsonValue.object());

    normalizedProfileData.put('id', rawProfile.get('openid'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('displayName', rawProfile.get('nickname'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('photoUrl', rawProfile.get('headimgurl'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('username', rawProfile.get('nickname'));

    return normalizedProfileData;

Open wechat-profile-normalization.js in your browser.


View script
 * Copyright 2021 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

 * This script returns the social identity profile information for the authenticating user
 * in a standard form expected by the Social Provider Handler Node.
 * Defined variables:
 * rawProfile - The social identity provider profile information for the authenticating user.
 *              JsonValue (1).
 * logger - The debug logger instance:
 * realm - String (primitive).
 *         The name of the realm the user is authenticating to.
 * requestHeaders - TreeMap (2).
 *                  The object that provides methods for accessing headers in the login request:
 * requestParameters - TreeMap (2).
 *                     The object that contains the authentication request parameters.
 * selectedIdp - String (primitive).
 *               The social identity provider name. For example: google.
 * sharedState - LinkedHashMap (3).
 *               The object that holds the state of the authentication tree and allows data exchange between the stateless nodes:
 * transientState - LinkedHashMap (3).
 *                  The object for storing sensitive information that must not leave the server unencrypted,
 *                  and that may not need to persist between authentication requests during the authentication session:
 * Return - a JsonValue (1).
 *          The result of the last statement in the script is returned to the server.
 *          Currently, the Immediately Invoked Function Expression (also known as Self-Executing Anonymous Function)
 *          is the last (and only) statement in this script, and its return value will become the script result.
 *          Do not use "return variable" statement outside of a function definition.
 *          This script's last statement should result in a JsonValue (1) with the following keys:
 *          {
 *              {"displayName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"email": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"familyName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"givenName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"id": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"locale": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"photoUrl": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"username": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"}
 *          }
 *          The consumer of this data defines which keys are required and which are optional.
 *          For example, the script associated with the Social Provider Handler Node and,
 *          ultimately, the managed object created/updated with this data
 *          will expect certain keys to be populated.
 *          In some common default configurations, the following keys are required:
 *          username, givenName, familyName, email.
 * (1) JsonValue -
 * (2) TreeMap -
 * (3) LinkedHashMap -

(function () {
    var frJava = JavaImporter(

    var normalizedProfileData = frJava.JsonValue.json(frJava.JsonValue.object());

    normalizedProfileData.put('id', rawProfile.get('username'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('displayName', rawProfile.get('display_name'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('photoUrl', rawProfile.get('avatar_URL'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('email', rawProfile.get('email'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('username', rawProfile.get('username'));

    return normalizedProfileData;


View script
 * Copyright 2021 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

 * This script returns the social identity profile information for the authenticating user
 * in a standard form expected by the Social Provider Handler Node.
 * Defined variables:
 * rawProfile - The social identity provider profile information for the authenticating user.
 *              JsonValue (1).
 * logger - The debug logger instance:
 * realm - String (primitive).
 *         The name of the realm the user is authenticating to.
 * requestHeaders - TreeMap (2).
 *                  The object that provides methods for accessing headers in the login request:
 * requestParameters - TreeMap (2).
 *                     The object that contains the authentication request parameters.
 * selectedIdp - String (primitive).
 *               The social identity provider name. For example: google.
 * sharedState - LinkedHashMap (3).
 *               The object that holds the state of the authentication tree and allows data exchange between the stateless nodes:
 * transientState - LinkedHashMap (3).
 *                  The object for storing sensitive information that must not leave the server unencrypted,
 *                  and that may not need to persist between authentication requests during the authentication session:
 * Return - a JsonValue (1).
 *          The result of the last statement in the script is returned to the server.
 *          Currently, the Immediately Invoked Function Expression (also known as Self-Executing Anonymous Function)
 *          is the last (and only) statement in this script, and its return value will become the script result.
 *          Do not use "return variable" statement outside of a function definition.
 *          This script's last statement should result in a JsonValue (1) with the following keys:
 *          {
 *              {"displayName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"email": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"familyName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"givenName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"id": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"locale": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"photoUrl": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"username": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"}
 *          }
 *          The consumer of this data defines which keys are required and which are optional.
 *          For example, the script associated with the Social Provider Handler Node and,
 *          ultimately, the managed object created/updated with this data
 *          will expect certain keys to be populated.
 *          In some common default configurations, the following keys are required:
 *          username, givenName, familyName, email.
 * (1) JsonValue -
 * (2) TreeMap -
 * (3) LinkedHashMap -

(function () {
    var frJava = JavaImporter(

    var normalizedProfileData = frJava.JsonValue.json(frJava.JsonValue.object());

    normalizedProfileData.put('id', rawProfile.get('sub'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('displayName', rawProfile.get('name'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('givenName', rawProfile.get('given_name'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('familyName', rawProfile.get('family_name'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('photoUrl', rawProfile.get('picture'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('email', rawProfile.get('email'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('username', rawProfile.get('email'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('locale', rawProfile.get('locale'));

    return normalizedProfileData;

Open yahoo-profile-normalization.js in your browser.