Use Cases

Configuring IdentityIQ for SAML-based SSO

Use IdentityIQ’s settings to configure SAML-based single sign-on (SSO).


  1. From the IdentityIQ Administration console settings menu, select Global Settings.

Screenshot of IdentityIQ window showing the location of Global Settings in the menu beneath the wrench icon.
  1. From the Global Settings menu, select Login Configuration.

  2. Click the SSO Configuration tab and select the Enable SAML-based single sign-on (SSO) checkbox.

  3. Enter the SAML-based SSO settings.

+[caption=] .Identity Provider Settings

Field Description

EntityID / Issuer

The PingFederate SAML 2.0 Entity ID or Virtual Server ID.


The PingFederate IdP SSO endpoint. The default value is https://<domain>:9031/idp/SSO.saml2.

Public X.509 Certificate

The public certificate used in the PingFederate IdentityIQ SP connection

+[caption=] .SP Provider (IdentityIQ) Settings

Field Description

EntityID / Issuer

The Partner’s IdentityIQ/Connection ID setup in the PingFederate SP.


The IdentityIQ application URL, /identityiq/home.jsf.

SAML Binding

The HTTP method configured in the PingFederate SP connection.

SAML Name ID Format

The SAML Name ID Format configured in the PingFederate SP connection.

SAML Correlation Rule

The correlation rule in IdentityIQ. The default value is IdentityNowSAML.

  1. Click Save.

    After configuration, the default IdentityIQ login page redirects to the PingFederate identity provider (IdP). If you are required to authenticate to IdentityIQ, use the following URL: https://<domain>/identityiq/login.jsf?prompt=true.