MFA: Web authentication (WebAuthn)
WebAuthn lets users authenticate with an authenticator device, such as the fingerprint scanner on their laptop or phone. The user’s browser communicates with the authenticator device.
AM can request the browser to activate the authenticator device with certain criteria; for example:
The authenticator device must be built-in, not a USB device that the user can eject
The device must verify the user’s identity, not just the user’s presence
To use WebAuthn with AM, users must first register their authenticators. If recovery codes are enabled, users should copy their codes on successful registration.
Registration involves the selected authenticator creating, or minting, a key pair. The public key of the pair is returned to AM and stored in the user’s profile. The private key is stored securely, either in the authenticator itself, or in the platform managing the authenticators. The private key does not leave the client at any time.
When authenticating by using WebAuthn, the authenticator locks some data using the stored private key, which is sent to AM to verify using the public key stored in the user’s profile. If the data is verified as being from the correct device, and passes any attestation checks, the authentication is considered successful.
AM supports web authentication in the following user agents and platform minimum versions:
Browser(1) | Platform |
Google Chrome |
Desktop |
Android |
Safari |
Desktop |
iOS |
Microsoft Edge |
Desktop |
Mozilla Firefox |
Desktop |
(1) Latest stable versions are supported.
Create authentication trees for WebAuthn
This section explains how to create an authentication tree to authenticate users by using a WebAuthn device, and allow them to register a device if they have not already done so.
If the user has already registered a WebAuthn device, they only need to enter their username, and then perform the authorization gesture with their registered device to access their profile.
If the user does not have a registered device, they are prompted for their password, and must be verified by the Data Store Decision node before registering a new WebAuthn device. Once completed, they must authenticate with the new device before gaining access to their profile page.
This procedure assumes the following:
The WebAuthn Profile Encryption Service is configured.
This service specifies the attribute in which to store information about registered WebAuthn devices, and whether to encrypt that information.
For detailed information about the available properties, see WebAuthn profile encryption service.
The tree created in this procedure is an example, and does not provide user-friendly features, such as allowing retries of the users' password. |
To create a multi-factor authentication tree for WebAuthn authentication, and registration if required, perform the following steps:
In the AM admin UI, go to Realms > Realm Name > Authentication > Trees.
Create the authentication tree as follows:
Click Create Tree.
Specify a name of your choosing, for example,
, and click Create.The authentication tree designer is displayed, with the Start entry point connected to the Failure exit point.
You can add nodes to the authentication tree by dragging the node from the Components panel on the left-hand side and dropping it into the designer area.
Add the following nodes to the authentication tree:
Connect the nodes as demonstrated in the following figure:
Figure 1. Standalone AMFigure 2. ForgeRock Identity Platform -
Save your changes.
Test your WebAuthn authentication and registration tree as follows:
Log out of AM, and then go to a URL similar to the following:
You must connect over HTTPS in order to use Web Authentication. -
Enter the username of an existing account in the specified realm. For example, enter
. -
If the
user does not have a registered device:-
When asked for the user’s password, enter the default
. -
At the following screen, register a WebAuthn authenticator by performing an authorization gesture, for example press the button on a connected Yubikey.
Figure 3. The WebAuthn Registration node waiting for an authenticator (Standalone AM)Figure 4. The WebAuthn Registration node waiting for an authenticator (ForgeRock Identity Platform)The user’s browser may present a consent pop-up to allow access to the authenticators available on the client. When consent has been granted, the browser activates the relevant authenticators, ready for registration.
If the device registration is successful, the user is redirected to the new node in the tree in order to authenticate with the newly registered device.
When prompted, authenticate to AM by performing an authorization gesture with a registered device.
If the authorization is verified, the user’s profile page is displayed.
Click the Dashboard link to see a list of the registered WebAuthn authenticators, and to rename or delete them. The default name for a new device is
New Security Key
Configure usernameless authentication with ForgeRock Go
With ForgeRock Go, you can create a secure and seamless login experience by authenticating with any credential on the user’s device that supports FIDO2 WebAuthn.
You can also extend passwordless authentication to include usernameless authentication with popular authenticators that support resident keys; for example, Windows Hello (biometric authenticators).
To use usernameless authentication, you must register an authenticator that supports resident keys to the user’s profile, and enable the option to associate a certificate on the device with the user’s username.
Once registered, that device can be used to authenticate the user without them having to provide their credentials; they just have to select the appropriate entry to use from the list their device provides.
To configure usernameless authentication with ForgeRock Go, create a Web Authentication registration tree to associate a device that supports resident keys with a user. The registration tree is similar to that described in Create authentication trees for WebAuthn.
Create a second tree that lets users authenticate to AM without entering their username or password, by using Forgerock Go.
The trees in this procedure are examples, and do not provide user-friendly features, such as allowing retries, or redirecting to further help on failures. |
In the AM admin UI, select the realm that will contain the ForgeRock Go registration tree.
Create the registration tree as follows:
Select Authentication > Trees, and click Create Tree.
Enter a name, for example,
, and click Create.The authentication tree designer is displayed, with the Start entry point connected to the Failure exit point.
You can add nodes to the authentication tree by dragging the node from the Components panel on the left side and dropping it into the designer area.
Add the following nodes to the authentication tree:
(Optional) Scripted Decision node
When configured for ForgeRock Go, the WebAuthn Registration node will store the value of the
authentication tree shared state variable in the device by default. This value will later be used to identify the user during authentication.Use a Scripted Decision Node to customize the display name or string to be saved in the shared state. You will later configure the variable containing the data in the WebAuthn Registration node.
Example JavaScript to create display names
var username = sharedState.get("username"); var displayName = ''; var fullName = idRepository.getAttribute(username, "CN").iterator().next(); var email = idRepository.getAttribute(username, "mail").iterator().next(); if(fullName){ displayName += fullName; } if(email){ displayName += ' (' + email + ')'; } sharedState.put("displayName", displayName.toString()); outcome = "continue";
javascript -
(Optional) Page node
Connect the nodes as demonstrated in the following figure:
Figure 5. Standalone AM
ForgeRock Identity Platform
In the WebAuthn Registration node properties, ensure Username to device is enabled.
(Optional) If you are using a Scripted Decision node to create the display name, enter the shared state variable name into the
Shared state attribute for display name
property in the WebAuthn Registration node. -
(ForgeRock Identity Platform deployments)
If you are
using the Scripted Decision node to create the display name, enteruserName
into theShared state attribute for display name
property in the WebAuthn Registration node. -
Save your changes.
Create an authentication tree for ForgeRock Go, and specify a name of your choosing; for example,
Add a WebAuthn Authentication node to the authentication tree.
Connect the nodes as demonstrated in the following figure:
Figure 6. Standalone AMFigure 7. ForgeRock Identity Platform -
In the WebAuthn Authentication node properties, ensure Username from device is enabled.
Save your changes.
You are now ready to register a device, and authenticate by using ForgeRock Go.
Proceed to Register and authenticate with ForgeRock Go.
Register and authenticate with ForgeRock Go
Follow these steps to register a device for use with usernameless authentication, and then authenticate without having to provide your username or password.
To register a device for use with ForgeRock Go:
Log out of AM, and then go to your ForgeRock Go registration tree, with a URL similar to the following:
You must connect over HTTPS in order to use Web Authentication. -
Enter the username and password of an existing account in the specified realm. For example, enter
, and the passwordCh4ng31t
, and click Log In. -
If you are authenticating from a FIDO2-enabled device, a dialog will display asking you to choose the method to verify your identity; for example, a USB security key, or built-in biometric sensor.
Select the option you want to associate with the user.
Perform the authorization gesture of the chosen option when asked to do so. For example, scan your fingerprint with TouchID, or press the button on your USB security key.
If successful, you are taken to the profile page for the user.
The new device appears on the Dashboard page, as New Security Key.
Give a suitable name to the device; for example, Apple Mac TouchID, by clicking the context icon, , and selecting Settings.
To use a device to authenticate without username or password by using ForgeRock Go:
Log out of AM, and then go to your ForgeRock Go authentication tree, with a URL similar to the following:
You must connect over HTTPS in order to use Web Authentication. -
Perform the authorization gesture of the chosen option when asked to do so. For example, scan your fingerprint with TouchID, or press the button on your USB security key.
If successful, a list of the accounts associated with the authentication device displays:
Note that in this example the user’s full name and email address appear, which were gathered by the Scripted Decision node from the user’s profile during registration.
Select the account that you want to sign in.
If successful, you are taken to the profile page for the user, without having to enter username or password credentials!
Configure WebAuthn trust anchors
AM 7 added support for a new CA attestation type, whereby the attestation data received from a device can be verified as authentic by using the relevant CA certificates.
If the trust chains defined by the CA certificates have CRL or OCSP entries, AM is also able to check for revocation.
To configure trust anchors in AM, you should obtain the CA-issued certificate chains for the devices you intend to verify, and make them available to AM in a secret store.
When the relevant certificate chains are in place,
configure the WebAuthn Registration node with the alias of the secret store,
and set Preferred mode of attestation to either DIRECT
Perform the following steps to enable trust anchors and achieve CA
attestation for trusted devices:
Obtain the CA-issued certificate chains for the devices you want to verify.
You may need to consult the device manufacturer to obtain the certificate chains.
Import the certificate chains into a keystore:
$ keytool -import \ -file /Downloads/vendor-a-ca.crt \ -alias "vendor-a-devices" \ -storetype JCEKS \ -storepass changeit \ -keystore /path/to/openam/security/keystores/webauthnTrustStore.jceks
bashThe command above imports a hypothetical trust chain from "Vendor A" into a secret store named
, located in the default AM path for keystores,/path/to/openam/security/keystores
.If the keystore does not exist, the command creates it and sets the store password to
; otherwise, it adds the specified certificate to the secret store. -
Repeat the previous step until the
secret store contains all of the CA-issued certificate chains for the devices you want to verify. -
Ensure that the password to access the new
secret store is available to your AM instance; for example, by encrypting the password and adding the result to a new file namedwebauthnStorepass
, in/path/to/openam/security/secrets/encrypted
.For more information, see File System Secret Volumes Secret Stores.
In the AM admin UI, go to the realm containing the web authentication registration tree that will attempt CA-level attestation, go to Authentication > Trees, and click your registration tree.
Select the WebAuthn Registration Node, and in the properties pane:
Set the Preferred mode of attestation property to
. -
Set the Trust Store alias property to a string that will identify both the name of the trust store, and will be the suffix of the secret ID used for mappings; for example,
. -
If you want to act upon the attestation type achieved when registering a device; for example, using a script, then you should enable the Store data in transient state property.
When this is enabled, the WebAuthn Registration Node stores the level of attestation achieved in a variable named
, in the transient state of the tree.Use code similar to the following JavaScript to read the value of
:var attestationLevel = transientState.get("webauthnAttestationType");
javascript -
Save your changes.
For more information on the available properties, see WebAuthn Registration node.
Navigate back to the realm page, select Secret Stores, and click Add Secret Store.
In Secret Store ID, enter the alias you specified in the registration node earlier; for example,
.Select the store type, specify the path to the store, and click Create.
Set the Store password secret ID to the name of the file you created earlier with the encrypted value of the store password in; for example,
.Save your changes.
On the Mappings tab, click Add Mapping.
In Secret ID, select the ID that begins with
, and has the alias you specified earlier as the suffix.For example,
. -
Enter the alias of the certificate chains you want to use for verification, and click Add.
Repeat this step to add all the aliases of certificate chains you want to use for CA-level attestation:
Save your changes.
Your registration tree is now ready to verify the attestation data against the list of configured certificate chains.