Install silently
AM provides configuration and upgrade tools for installing and maintaining your server.
file contains libraries, legal notices, and supported binaries for these configuration tools.
It also contains example configuration and upgrade properties files you can use as templates in your deployment.
When the AM server is deployed and running but not yet configured, you can use the configurator tool,
, to install AM silently.
Perform the following tasks to install AM silently:
Install the configuration tool. See Set up the configuration tools.
Use the configuration tool to install AM using a property file. See Install AM silently.
Set up the configuration tools
Verify that the
environment variable is properly set:$ echo $JAVA_HOME /path/to/jdk
bash -
Create a file system directory to unpack the tools:
$ mkdir -p /path/to/openam-tools/config
bash -
Unpack the tools from where you unzipped AM:
$ cd /path/to/openam-tools/config $ unzip ~/Downloads/openam/ Archive: ~/Downloads/openam/ creating: legal-notices/ inflating: legal-notices/LICENSE.DOM-software.html inflating: legal-notices/NOTICE.resolver.txt inflating: legal-notices/LICENSE.DOM-documentation.html … (more output) … extracting: lib/xml-apis-2.11.0.jar extracting: openam-configurator-tool- extracting: lib/servlet-api-2.5.jar
Install AM silently
Verify that the
environment variable is properly set:$ echo $JAVA_HOME /path/to/jdk
bash -
The configurator tool needs a property file to specify the AM configuration. For property file options, see configurator.jar.
Copy the sample configuration property file provided with AM, and modify properties as needed:
$ cd /path/to/openam-tools/config $ cp sampleconfiguration $ grep -v "^#" \| grep -v "^$" SERVER_URL= DEPLOYMENT_URI=/openam BASE_DIR=/home/openam/ locale=en_US PLATFORM_LOCALE=en_US AM_ENC_KEY= ADMIN_PWD=password ACCEPT_LICENSES=true DATA_STORE=dirServer DIRECTORY_SSL=SIMPLE DIRECTORY_PORT=50389 DIRECTORY_ADMIN_PORT=4444 DIRECTORY_JMX_PORT=1689 ROOT_SUFFIX=dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org DS_DIRMGRDN=uid=admin DS_DIRMGRPASSWD=password
bashWhen setting options in the property file, note the following:
If you include the
property, AM automatically accepts the software license agreement and suppresses the display of the license acceptance screen during silent installation. -
When installing AM to support HTTPS, make sure the
property specifies a URL with HTTPS.
Run the AM configurator tool,
:$ java -jar openam-configurator-tool- --file
bashYou can specify additional runtime options on the command line:
With the
option, the installer auto-accepts the software licensing agreement and suppresses the display of the license acceptance screen, resulting in the same behavior as specifyingACCEPT_LICENSES=true
in the configuration property file. -
option is required when installing AM to support HTTPS. Specify the AM web container’s trust store forPATH_TO_JKS_TRUSTSTORE
.The installer displays output similar to the following:
$ java -jar openam-configurator-tool- --file Checking license acceptance…License terms accepted. Checking configuration directory /home/openam….Success. Installing OpenAM configuration store…Success RSA/ECB/OAEPWithSHA1AndMGF1… Extracting OpenDJ, please wait…Complete Running OpenDJ setupSetup command: --cli --adminConnectorPort 4444 --baseDN dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org --rootUserDN uid=admin --ldapPort 50389 --skipPortCheck --rootUserPassword xxxxxxx --jmxPort 1689 --no-prompt --doNotStart --hostname … …Success Installing OpenAM configuration store in /home/openam/… …Success. Creating OpenAM suffixImport+task+ … …Success Tag swapping schema files….Success. Loading Schema opendj_config_schema.ldif…Success. … …Success. Reinitializing system properties….Done Registering service dashboardService.xml…Success. … Configuring system….Done Configuring server instance….Done Creating demo user….Done Creating Web Service Security Agents….Done Setting up monitoring authentication file. Configuration complete!
bash -