Access Management 7.2.2

Metadata annotation

The annotation specifies the outcome provider and config class, and optional config validator class.


The class name that the node uses to set up the possible outcomes.

The SingleOutcomeNode and AbstractDecisionNode base classes provide suitable outcome provider classes for those node types. You can create a custom outcome provider for other circumstances.

For example, the following is the custom outcome provider from the LDAP Decision node, which has True, False, Locked, Cancelled, and Expired exit paths:

* Defines the possible outcomes from this Ldap node.
public static class LdapOutcomeProvider implements OutcomeProvider {
  public List<Outcome> getOutcomes(PreferredLocales locales, JsonValue nodeAttributes) {
    ResourceBundle bundle = locales.getBundleInPreferredLocale(LdapDecisionNode.BUNDLE,
    return ImmutableList.of(
      new Outcome(, bundle.getString("trueOutcome")),
      new Outcome(, bundle.getString("falseOutcome")),
      new Outcome(, bundle.getString("lockedOutcome")),
      new Outcome(, bundle.getString("cancelledOutcome")),
      new Outcome(, bundle.getString("expiredOutcome")));

The class name that contains the configuration of any attributes requested by the node when using it as part of a tree.

For more information, See Config interface.


An optional class name used to validate the provided configuration.


An optional list of tags which help to categorize the node when using the tree designer view.

Tags are made up of one or more text strings that let users find the node more easily when designing trees. For example, you could include common pseudonyms for the functionality the node provides, such as mfa for a node that provides multi-factor authentication functionality.

The tree designer view organizes nodes into a number of categories, based on the presence of certain tag values, as described in the table below:

Authentication Node Tag Categories
Icon Category Tag Example Nodes

Basic Authentication

"basic authentication"












Identity Management

"identity management"



Nodes which are not tagged with one of the previous tags appear in an Uncategorized section.

For example, the following is the @Node.Metadata annotation from the Set Session Properties node:

@Node.Metadata(outcomeProvider = AbstractSocialAuthLoginNode.SocialAuthOutcomeProvider.class,
    configClass = SocialFacebookNode.FacebookOAuth2Config.class,
    tags = {"social", "federation"})

For more information on the @Node.Metadata annotation, see the Node.Metadata annotation type in the AM Public API Javadoc.