Access Management 7.2.2


As well as acting as the provider, AM can also act as the relying party. To share its client public secrets, AM exposes a JSON web key (JWK) URI endpoint for each realm.

Use this endpoint during ForgeRock Identity Platform social identity registration, where providers can use the exposed secrets to:

  • Encrypt ID tokens returned to AM.

  • Verify the signature of JWTs coming from AM, such as that of request objects or client authentication JWTs.

  • Decrypt client authentication JWTs coming from AM.

Specify the AM realm path in the URI, as follows:



$ curl
  "keys": [
      "kty": "RSA",
      "kid": "DkKMPE7hFVEn77WWhVuzaoFp4O8=",
      "use": "enc",
      "x5t": "JRxY4hJRL3sI_dAUWUEosCEQJ3A",
      "x5c": [
      "n": "i7t6m4d_02dZ8dOe-DFc…​zflF8jR9pewTbQ",
      "e": "AQAB"
      "kty": "RSA",
      "kid": "wU3ifIIaLOUAReRB/FG6eM1P1QM=",
      "use": "sig",
      "x5t": "5eOfy1Nn2MMIKVRRkq0OgFAw348",
      "x5c": [
      "n": "10iGQ5l5IdqB…​AJW4ZSg1PPO2UJSQ",
      "e": "AQAB"

Supply the JWK URI to the provider when registering AM as a relying party. Consult the documentation provided by your OpenID provider for more information.

The JWK URI endpoint publishes keys based on secret mappings made either globally, or in the specific realm.

The secret IDs to map are as follows:

The OpenID Connect provider obtains the public key from the alias mapped to this secret, and uses it to verify the signature applied to request objects it receives.

All aliases configured for the secret ID are published at the endpoint so that, when you rotate secrets, the provider is still able to validate JWTs with all the secrets.

The active secret is the only one that AM uses for signing, however.

The OpenID Connect provider obtains the public key from the alias mapped to this secret, and uses it to encrypt ID tokens and userinfo endpoint data in JWT format before returning it to AM.

Unlike the signing secret ID above, only the alias that is marked as active in the mappings is published at the endpoint. Any additional mappings are ignored.

The OpenID Connect provider obtains the public JWK from the alias mapped to this secret, and uses it to verify the mutual TLS self-signed certificate that the client uses to authenticate.

Secrets configured globally will show in the JWK URI for all realms.

In a new installation of AM, these signing and encryption secret IDs are mapped by default, as explained in the table below:

Secret ID mappings for decrypting ID tokens

The following table shows the secret ID mapping to support decryption of ID tokens and userinfo endpoint data in JWT format when AM is configured as a relying party of the Social Identity Provider Service:

Secret ID Default alias Algorithms


The public key is exposed in the /oauth2/connect/rp/jwk_uri.

For more information about the algorithms supported, and how to configure this secret ID mapping, see Social authentication.

Secret ID mappings for signing JWTs and objects

The following table shows the secret ID mapping that AM uses to sign JWTs and objects when configured as a relying party of the Social Identity Provider Service:

Secret ID Default alias Algorithms


The public key is exposed in the /oauth2/connect/rp/jwk_uri.

For more information about the algorithms supported, and how to configure this secret ID mapping, see Social authentication.

In upgraded AM instances, the secret IDs will not have default aliases mapped, and the JWK URI endpoint returns an empty JWK set.

By default, secret IDs are mapped to demo keys contained in the default keystore provided with AM and mapped to the default-keystore keystore secret store. Use these keys for demo and test purposes only. For production environments, replace the secrets as required and create mappings for them in a secret store configured in AM.

For more information about managing secret stores and mapping secret IDs to aliases, see Secrets, certificates, and keys.