
API discovery in your environment

PingIntelligence supports API discovery in sideband and inline mode as an automated method of building API definitions that provide the properties of the managed APIs.

These API definitions are then used to provide API visibility and detection of anomalous client behavior. You can configure API discovery through the Dashboard, which displays, manages, and renders the discovered APIs. The Dashboard also allows you to edit the discovered APIs and export their definition files.

To set up PingIntelligence for discovery, you must:

Configuring ASE with API discovery

About this task

Configure API discovery when API Security Enforcer (ASE) is deployed in sideband mode. To configure ASE for inline discovery, contact Ping Identity support.

ASE requires a root definition that enables it to route all API traffic to the AI engine. The AI engine receives and monitors all API traffic that is not associated with a known API. It analyzes the traffic and builds API models for the unknown APIs, which are shown on the Discovery dashboard.

To add a root API in ASE:


  1. Use the sample root API JSON shipped with ASE in the <ASE_Installation path>/pingidentity/ase/config/api/ directory and configure the API JSON for the root API.

    For sideband environments, use the following settings:

    Parameter Setting







  2. To capture client identifiers such as token, cookies, API keys, IP addresses, and username, configure the root API JSON file with the following client identifiers.

    If the identifiers are not present in at least 50% of the traffic received for a discovered API, then the identifiers are not reported or used in Indicator of Attack (IoA) detection.

    Client Identifier Description


    If a bearer token is present, set to true.


    If cookies are used as the primary client identifier, configure the cookie name.

    apikey_qs or apikey_header

    Set for the API key in query parameter or for the API key in header.


    The following is a sample API JSON for the root API:

     "api_metadata": {
     "protocol": "http",
     "url": "/",
     "hostname": "*",
     "cookie": "",
     "oauth2_access_token": true,
     "apikey_qs": "",
     "apikey_header": "",
     "login_url": "",
     "enable_blocking": true,
     "api_memory_size": "1mb",
    { "decoy_enabled": false, "response_code": 200, "response_def": "", "response_message": "", "decoy_subpaths": [] }

    IP addresses and usernames are captured separately.

  3. After configuring an API JSON file for the root API, add it to ASE to initiate the API discovery process by running the following command:

    /<ASE_Installation path>/pingidentity/ase/bin/ –u admin -p admin add_api {file_path/api_name}

Configuring discovery settings in the Dashboard

About this task

To customize the discovery process, configure the discovery parameters on the Dashboard.


  1. Go to Discovered APIs → Settings.

A screen capture of the Discovered APIs page in PingIntelligence with the Discovered APIs and Settings links highlighted in yellow. Discovered APIs is numbered 1, and Settings is numbered 2 to show the order of your clicks.
  1. Click the Discovery Configuration tab and set the value for AI Engine Subpath Depth.

    AI Engine Subpath Depth defines the number of subpaths used to uniquely discover the base path of a new API. The maximum allowed value is 6 when ASE is deployed in inline mode and 10 when ASE is deployed in sideband mode.


    The following are examples of subpath values and what they mean:

    • 1 indicates /atmapp is the base path for /atmapp/zipcode,/atmapp/update, and so on.

    • 3 indicates v1/cust1/atmapp is the base path for v1/cust1/atmapp/zipcode, and so on.

  2. Click Discovered APIs on the Dashboard and click Export to download the API definition in .json format .

    A screen capture of the Discovered APIs page in the PingIntelligence Dashboard with a yellow arrow pointing to Discovered APIs in the left navigation pane and a second yellow arrow pointing to the Export link next to an API definition.
  3. Add the downloaded API JSON definitions to ASE by running the following command:

    # /<ASE_Installation path>/pingidentity/ase/bin/ –u admin -p admin add_api {file_path/api_name}