
Purging WebGUI logs

The script either archives or purges processed access log files and admin log files that are stored in the /opt/pingidentity/webgui/logs/access/ and /opt/pingidentity/webgui/logs/admin/ directories respectively.

About this task

Located in the /opt/pingidentity/webgui/util directory, the purge script deletes logs older than the specified number of days.

The number of days specified should be between 1-365 days.


  1. Run the script using the WebGUI command line.


    /opt/pingidentity/webgui/util/ -d 1
    This will delete the logs in /opt/e2e/pingidentity/webgui/logs/admin and /opt/e2e/pingidentity/webgui/logs/access that are older than 1 days.
    Are you sure (yes/no): yes
    Removing /opt/e2e/pingidentity/webgui/logs/admin/admin.log.2020-04-08 : last changed at Wed Apr  8 17:07:49 UTC 2020
    removing /opt/e2e/pingidentity/webgui/logs/access/access.log.2020-04-08 : last changed at Wed Apr  8 19:03:31 UTC 2020

    When the purge script is run, the log files are permanently deleted. Hence it is recommended to always back up the files before deleting.

  2. To force delete the WebGUI files:

    1. Use the -f option with the script.

    When using this option, the script does not check for confirmation to purge the log files.

    1. Use the force purge option with the -d option to provide the number of days of logs to keep.


      The following snippet shows an example of the force purge and -d option. In this example, the script force purges the WebGUI log files while keeping log files of 2 days.

      /opt/pingidentity/webgui/util/ -d 2 -f
  3. To archive logs older than the specified number of days to secondary storage, use the -l option the script and include the path of the secondary storage to archive log files.


    In this example, log files older than 2-days are archived to the backup directory. To automate log archival, add the script to a cron job.

    /opt/pingidentity/webgui/util/ -d 2 -l /backup/