
Changing management log levels

Complete the following steps to change management log levels.

About this task

The management log (balancer.log and controller.log) levels are initially configured in ase.conf file by setting log_level to one of the following five values:

  • fatal

  • error

  • warning

  • info

  • debug

The default value is info.


  • To change the log level of management logs during run-time, use the log_level command.

    The log_level command works in an identical way for both sideband and inline API Security Enforcer (ASE) modes.

  • In an ASE cluster set up, run the log_level command with the warn option on all the ASE nodes in the command-line interface (CLI).


    The following is an example CLI output of the log_level command to change the log level to warning:

    #./bin/ -u admin -p admin log_level warn


    The change in log-level is also recorded in Audit logs.

  • Verify the current log level by using the ASE status command.


    #./bin/ -u admin -p status
    API Security Enforcer
    status              : started
    mode                : inline
    http/ws             : port 8080
    https/wss           : port 8443
    firewall            : enabled
    abs                 : disabled, ssl: enabled
    abs attack          : disabled
    audit               : enabled
    ase detected attack : disabled
    attack list memory  : configured 128.00 MB, used 25.60 MB, free 102.40 MB
    log level           : warn
    timezone            : local (MST)