
Global configuration update REST API

API Behavioral Security (ABS) provides a REST application programming interface (API) to update global configurations related to ABS AI engine.

The updated global configuration values take effect immediately. Following is the list of global configurations that you can update using the globalconfig API:

  • attack_initial_training

  • attack_update_interval

  • api_discovery

  • discovery_initial_period

  • discovery_subpath

  • discovery_update_interval

  • poc

    The poc variable is used to set the ABS AI engine in POC (proof-of-concept) mode to demonstrate the capabilities of the AI engine. In a production environment the value is always set to false. It is recommended not to switch the mode in production environment. If you must change the ABS AI engine to poc mode, contact PingIndentity support.

  • url_limit

  • response_size

  • continous_learning

  • attack_list_count

  • root_api_attack

  • session_inactivity_duration

You can use the globalconfig API with GET and PUT methods. Following is the URL for globalconfig API. Only the Admin user can use the PUT method to update the values. For more information on different ABS users, see ABS users for API reports.

URL - https//<abs_host>:<abs_port>/v5/abs/globalconfig

Header Value

Access Key



For example, abs_ak or the value of the access key that you configured at the time of installation.

Secret Key



For example, abs_sk or the value of the secret key that you configured at the time of installation.

When you use the globalconfig API with GET method, it fetches the current value of the global configuration.

    “company”: “ping identity”,
    “name”: “api_globalconfig”,
    “description”: “This report contains status information of ABS global configurations”,
    “global_config”: {
        “attack_initial_training”: 2,
        “attack_update_interval”: 1,
        “api_discovery”: true,
        “discovery_initial_period”: 100,
        “discovery_subpath”: 3,
        “discovery_update_interval”: 1,
        “poc”: false,
        “url_limit”: 120,
        “response_size”: 150,
        “continuous_learning”: false,
        “attack_list_count”: 400000,
        “root_api_attack”: true,
        “session_inactivity_duration”: 10

You can update the global configuration values that the API fetched using the PUT method. Provide the new values in the body as shown in the example below.

    "api_discovery": true,
    "discovery_initial_period": 1
    "discovery_update_interval": 1
    "success": "global config updated successfully"

You can update either one or more than one global configurations at once. Note that the values are updated only when the body of the request is well-formed.

You can also update the global configurations using Discovered APIs in PingIntelligence Dashboard or ABS Postman collections. However, you can only change the following variables using PingIntelligence Dashboard:

  • attack_initial_training

  • attack_update_interval

  • api_discovery

  • discovery_initial_period

  • discovery_subpath

  • discovery_update_interval