PingIntelligence Docker evaluation deployment
This guide describes the installation and execution of PingIntelligence for APIs software in a Docker environment for inline and sideband deployment.
The automation script imports and installs the Docker images. A script is run to generate normal application programming interface (API) traffic to train the artificial ingelligence (AI) engine. After training is complete, another script is run to send a mixture of normal and attack traffic. Then, you can learn how to access a graphical dashboard that shows activity on the test environment and detailed reporting on the API activity.
This Docker Evaluation Guide provides instructions for deploying a test configuration. The Docker setup can be deployed in an inline mode where the client traffic directly reaches API Security Enforcer (ASE). It can also be deployed in sideband mode where the API traffic reaches the API gateway and the API gateway sends the request to ASE. For more information on sideband and inline deployment, see Sideband ASE and Inline ASE.