
Performing health checks on the ABS AI engine

About this task

Use the following options to conduct a health check on the ABS AI engine:


  • To check the ABS Admin API, use the ABS Admin REST API either from the Postman Collection or use the curl command:

    $ curl -k -X GET 'https://<ABS Hostname>/IP:8080/v4/abs/admin' -H 'x-abs-ak:  <ABS access key>' -H 'x-abs-sk:  <ABS ssecret key>'
  • If the ABS AI engine is running as a systemctl service, use the following command to check the status of the service:

    $ systemctl status pi-abs.service
  • To check the ABS log for job failures, use the following command:

    $ grep allocated logs/abs/abs.log | grep failure


    If any failures are detected, reach out to the Ping Identity Support team.

  • Check the ABS log for MongoDB heartbeats in the /logs/abs/abs.log file, which reports the status of MongoDB heartbeats at regular intervals.

    This file indicates any ABS to MongoDB connectivity issues.