Performing health checks on the ABS AI engine
About this task
Use the following options to conduct a health check on the ABS AI engine:
To check the ABS Admin API, use the ABS Admin REST API either from the Postman Collection or use the
command:$ curl -k -X GET 'https://<ABS Hostname>/IP:8080/v4/abs/admin' -H 'x-abs-ak: <ABS access key>' -H 'x-abs-sk: <ABS ssecret key>'
If the ABS AI engine is running as a
service, use the following command to check the status of the service:$ systemctl status pi-abs.service
To check the ABS log for job failures, use the following command:
$ grep allocated logs/abs/abs.log | grep failure
If any failures are detected, reach out to the Ping Identity Support team.
Check the ABS log for MongoDB heartbeats in the
file, which reports the status of MongoDB heartbeats at regular intervals.This file indicates any ABS to MongoDB connectivity issues.