Violation workflow
In this example, an administrator creates a workflow that:
Processes a single violation task.
If the violation outcome is
, it remediates the violation, validates the result, and removes the entitlements. -
If the violation outcome is
, it creates an exception. -
If the violation outcome is
, it goes to a manual decision via the Fulfillment node. -
If the end user tasked with the manual fulfillment approves of the various outcomes, the workflow is complete.
If the end user tasked with the manual fulfillment denies the resulting outcomes, the workflow calls a reject requests script, and loops back for another manual confirmation.
1 The Violation node routes the violation to the appropriate outcome. Options are:
, andExpiration
. -
2 The Remediate Violation Script node gets the context information for the violation and sets the
.Click to display Remediate Violation script"Remediating violation"); var content = execution.getVariables(); var violationId = content.get('id'); var remediation = content.get('remediation');"Remediating violation - violationId: " + violationId + ', remediation payload: ' + remediation); var remediationContent = null; var remediationResponse = openidm.action('iga/governance/violation/' + violationId + '/remediate', 'POST', remediation);"Remediating response: " + remediationResponse); remediationContent = remediationResponse.decision.remediation; execution.setVariable("remediation", remediationContent);
3 The Remediate Violation IF/ELSE node routes successful validations to an auto remove script node and validation failures to a failure handling node.
4 The Remove Grants Auto script node removes the entitlement grants that caused the violation.
Click to display Auto Remove Entitlement Grants script"Removing grants automatically"); var content = execution.getVariables(); var violationId = content.get('id'); var failureReason = null; var phaseName = content.get('phaseName'); var violationObj;"Removing entitlement grants for violation " + violationId + " with phase name " + phaseName); try { violationObj = openidm.action('iga/governance/violation/lookup/' + violationId, 'GET', {}, {}); } catch (e) { failureReason = "Removing entitlement grants failed: Error reading violation with id " + violationId + ". Error message: " + e.message; } if (!failureReason) { var remediation = violationObj.decision.remediation; var failedDeprovisioning = false; var deprovisionedIds = []; for(var grant of violationObj.violatingAccess) { if (!remediation.grantIds.includes(grant.compositeId)) { continue; } var userId =;"Removing entitlement grant: " + grant.compositeId + ", user: " + userId + ", violation: " + violationId); try { var payload = { entitlementId: };'Payload to remove grant: ' + JSON.stringify(payload)); var queryParams = { "_action": "remove" } var result = openidm.action('iga/governance/user/' + userId + '/entitlements', 'POST', payload,queryParams); execution.setVariables(result);"Deprovisioned " + + " successfully, user " + userId + + ", violation: " + violationId); deprovisionedIds.push(grant.compositeId); } catch (e) { failureReason = failureReason + ". Removing grants failed: Error deprovisioning entitlement" + + " from user. Error message: " + e.message + "."; failedDeprovisioning = true; } } if (!failedDeprovisioning) { openidm.action('iga/governance/violation/' + violationId + '/remediation/status/complete', 'POST', {}); } else { failureReason = failureReason + ". Grants removed: " + deprovisionedIds; } } if (failureReason) { var update = { 'comment': failureReason }; openidm.action('iga/governance/violation/' + violationId + '/comment', 'POST', update, {}); }
5 The Allow Violation script node logs the information. If a failure arises, Identity Governance posts the failure with the reason.
Click to display Allow Violation script node"Allowing violation"); var content = execution.getVariables(); var violationId = content.get('id'); var phaseName = content.get('phaseName');"Violation to be allowed: " + violationId + " with phase name " + phaseName); var failureReason = null; try { var allowResponse = openidm.action('iga/governance/violation/' + violationId + '/allow', 'POST', {});"Violation " + violationId + " was allowed successfully.");} catch (e) { failureReason = "Failed allowing violation with id " + violationId + ". Error message: " + e.message; } if (failureReason) { var update = { "comment": failureReason }; try { openidm.action('iga/governance/violation/' + violationId + '/phases/' + phaseName + '/comment', 'POST', update, {}); } catch (e) { openidm.action('iga/governance/violation/' + violationId + '/comment', 'POST', update, {}); } }
6 The Fulfillment node requests a manual completion of the task by an authorized end user, typically during review time. If successful, the task is fulfilled, and the workflow is complete.
7 The Reject Request script node retrieves the
, logs the rejection, and sends a reject request.Click to display Reject Request script"Rejecting request"); var content = execution.getVariables(); var requestId = content.get('id');"Execution Content: " + content); var requestIndex = openidm.action('iga/governance/requests/' + requestId, 'GET', {}, {}); var decision = {'outcome': 'denied', 'status': 'complete', 'decision': 'rejected'}; var queryParams = { '_action': 'update'}; openidm.action('iga/governance/requests/' + requestId, 'POST', decision, queryParams);
Download the JSON file for this workflow here. Learn more about how to import or export workflows in workflow editor canvas. |