Directory Services 7.4.3


Examples in this documentation depend on features activated in the ds-evaluation setup profile. For details, refer to Learn about the evaluation setup profile.

The code samples demonstrate how to contact the server over HTTPS using the deployment CA certificate. Before trying the samples, generate the CA certificate in PEM format from the server deployment ID and password:

$ dskeymgr \
 export-ca-cert \
 --deploymentId $DEPLOYMENT_ID \
 --deploymentIdPassword password \
 --outputFile ca-cert.pem

Read a resource

Read with HTTP GET:

$ curl \
 --get \
 --cacert ca-cert.pem \
 --user dc=com/dc=example/ou=People/uid=kvaughan:bribery \
 --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
 --data '_prettyPrint=true' \
  "_id" : "dc=com/dc=example/ou=People/uid=bjensen",
  "_rev" : "<revision>",
  "objectClass" : [ "person", "cos", "oauth2TokenObject", "inetOrgPerson", "organizationalPerson", "posixAccount", "top" ],
  "classOfService" : "bronze",
  "cn" : [ "Barbara Jensen", "Babs Jensen" ],
  "departmentNumber" : [ "3001" ],
  "description" : [ "Original description" ],
  "diskQuota" : [ "10 GB" ],
  "facsimileTelephoneNumber" : [ "+1 408 555 1992" ],
  "gidNumber" : 1000,
  "givenName" : [ "Barbara" ],
  "homeDirectory" : "/home/bjensen",
  "l" : [ "San Francisco" ],
  "mail" : [ "" ],
  "mailQuota" : [ "1 GB" ],
  "manager" : [ "dc=com/dc=example/ou=People/uid=trigden" ],
  "oauth2Token" : [ {
    "access_token" : "123",
    "expires_in" : 59,
    "token_type" : "Bearer",
    "refresh_token" : "456"
  } ],
  "ou" : [ "Product Development", "People" ],
  "preferredLanguage" : "en, ko;q=0.8",
  "roomNumber" : [ "0209" ],
  "sn" : [ "Jensen" ],
  "street" : [ "201 Mission Street Suite 2900" ],
  "telephoneNumber" : [ "+1 408 555 1862" ],
  "uid" : [ "bjensen" ],
  "uidNumber" : 1076,
  "userPassword" : [ "<hashed-password>" ]

Read specific fields

HDAP can return only specified fields in the resource. Use the _fields parameter:

$ curl \
 --get \
 --cacert ca-cert.pem \
 --user dc=com/dc=example/ou=People/uid=kvaughan:bribery \
 --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
 --data '_fields=cn,mail' \
 --data '_prettyPrint=true' \
  "_id" : "dc=com/dc=example/ou=People/uid=bjensen",
  "_rev" : "<revision>",
  "mail" : [ "" ],
  "cn" : [ "Barbara Jensen", "Babs Jensen" ]