Directory Services 7.4.3

HDAP API reference

HDAP APIs offer HTTP access to directory data as JSON resources. DS software maps JSON resources to LDAP entries.

HDAP is a ForgeRock® Common REST application.

Examples in this documentation depend on features activated in the ds-evaluation setup profile. For details, refer to Learn about the evaluation setup profile.

The code samples demonstrate how to contact the server over HTTPS using the deployment CA certificate. Before trying the samples, generate the CA certificate in PEM format from the server deployment ID and password:

$ dskeymgr \
 export-ca-cert \
 --deploymentId $DEPLOYMENT_ID \
 --deploymentIdPassword password \
 --outputFile ca-cert.pem


When you perform an operation without authenticating, HDAP returns an error:

$ curl \
 --cacert ca-cert.pem \
{"code":401,"reason":"Unauthorized","message":"Invalid Credentials"}

HTTP status code 401 means the user must authenticate.

By default, HDAP supports HTTP Basic authorization with the _id of resource as the HTTP username. The _id matches the suffix of the path to the resource. For example, when you set up DS with the ds-evaluation profile, Babs Jensen’s _id is dc=com/dc=example/ou=People/uid=bjensen.

HTTP Basic authorization
$ curl \
 --user dc=com/dc=example/ou=People/uid=bjensen:hifalutin \
 --cacert ca-cert.pem \
{"_id":"dc=com/dc=example/ou=People/uid=bjensen","_rev":"<revision>","cn":["Barbara Jensen","Babs Jensen"]}
HTTP Basic with credentials in the URL
$ curl \
 --cacert ca-cert.pem \
{"_id":"dc=com/dc=example/ou=People/uid=bjensen","_rev":"<revision>","cn":["Barbara Jensen","Babs Jensen"]}

For alternative authentication options, refer to:


HDAP resources are JSON objects whose top-level elements are fields with string identifiers; for example:

  "_id" : "dc=com/dc=example/ou=People/uid=user.0",
  "_rev" : "0d3ce3bf-4107-3b34-9e5a-fa71deb8b504",
  "objectClass" : [ "top", "person", "organizationalPerson", "inetOrgPerson" ],
  "cn" : [ "Aaccf Amar" ],
  "description" : [ "This is the description for Aaccf Amar." ],
  "employeeNumber" : "0",
  "givenName" : [ "Aaccf" ],
  "homePhone" : [ "+1 720 204 9090" ],
  "initials" : [ "AAA" ],
  "l" : [ "Harrisonburg" ],
  "mail" : [ "" ],
  "mobile" : [ "+1 412 030 0042" ],
  "pager" : [ "+1 439 180 6470" ],
  "postalAddress" : [ "Aaccf Amar$31206 Spring Street$Harrisonburg, IL  04284" ],
  "postalCode" : [ "04284" ],
  "sn" : [ "Amar" ],
  "st" : [ "IL" ],
  "street" : [ "31206 Spring Street" ],
  "telephoneNumber" : [ "+1 485 381 2060" ],
  "uid" : [ "user.0" ]

HDAP resources have the following special fields:


Unique identifier.

The resource _id matches the trailing components of its path. For example, the resource at /hdap/dc=com/dc=example/ou=People/uid=bjensen has "_id":"dc=com/dc=example/ou=People/uid=bjensen".

The path elements of an _id are URL path-encoded RDN strings. When you create a resource:

  • Percent-encode each path element.

  • If the path element includes characters to escape in LDAP, " # + , ; < = > \, escape those characters in the LDAP RDN string before percent-encoding the result for HDAP.

CN value LDAP RDN HDAP path element

Babs Jensen

cn=Babs Jensen












The resource revision.

HDAP versions individual resources with revision numbers corresponding to the LDAP ETag operational attribute. HDAP uses the If-Match: <revision> header to determine whether to apply changes to a resource.

The other JSON fields have the same names as the LDAP attributes they represent.


Multivalued LDAP attributes correspond to arrays in JSON. Unlike arrays in JavaScript, these arrays have set semantics. No duplicates are allowed and the element order is arbitrary.

By default, HDAP behaves like a normal LDAP client application, returning JSON fields for all non-empty LDAP user attributes.

  • To return JSON fields for operational LDAP attributes, request them specifically with the _fields parameter.

    Use +, which encodes to %2B, to return fields for all operational attributes.

  • To return empty fields, set the advanced HDAP endpoint configuration property return-null-for-missing-properties:true.

    With the feature enabled, HDAP returns empty single-valued fields as null and empty multivalued fields as [], except for password fields, which HDAP returns as an array even if they are constrained to being single-valued.

    ACI deny rules can cause misleading results, where although an "empty" attribute is set you cannot read it. Check the applicable ACIs when HDAP does not return an expected field.


HDAP derives its resource field values from LDAP attribute values based on the attribute syntax.

LDAP attribute type LDAP example JSON field type JSON example


(targetattr="userPassword")(version 3.0; acl "Read own password";allow (read,search,compare) userdn="ldap:///self";)

ACI string1

(targetattr=\"userPassword\")(version 3.0; acl \"Read own password\";allow (read,search,compare) userdn=\"ldap:///self\";)


A binary photo or a certificate

Base64-encoded string

A base64-encoded photo or certificate







_id string











A password hash

Password string

The same password hash

Postal address

1234 Main St.$Anytown, CA 12345$USA

Array of strings1

["1234 Main St.","Anytown, CA 12345","USA"]


Hello world!


Hello world!

Subtree specification

{ base "ou=people", specificationFilter "(uid=bjensen)" }

Subtree specification object1,2

{ "base": "ou=people", "filter": "uid eq \"bjensen\"" }

Telephone number

+1 408 555 1212

Telephone number string

+1 408 555 1212



ISO 8601 string




UUID string


1 JSON strings are enclosed in double quotes, so double quotes are escaped with a backslash \".

2 DS supports more subtree specification features than demonstrated in this simple example. For complex subtree specifications, add an example from LDIF, read the resource, and review the resulting JSON.


HDAP provides two ways to read JSON schema for resources:

  • Read the schema for an existing resource or a resource to create with the schema action.

  • Read the schema for an individual field or object class directly.

    The fields map to LDAP attribute types. A resource’s objectClass values map to LDAP object classes.

    To read the schema for Use

    An individual field.

    HTTP GET on schemas/attributeTypes/type.


    GET /hdap/schemas/attributeTypes/cn HTTP/1.1
    Accept: application/json

    An object class.

    HTTP GET on schemas/objectClasses/class.


    GET /hdap/schemas/objectClasses/person HTTP/1.1
    Accept: application/json


HDAP APIs support the following operations:

HDAP operation Description HTTP method

Add a new resource


Retrieve a single resource


Replace content in an existing resource


Remove an existing resource


Modify an existing resource


Perform a predefined action


List resources



Use either HTTP POST or HTTP PUT.

Use HTTP POST with the query string parameter _action=create and the JSON resource as a payload. Accept a JSON response. HDAP builds the _id using the parent resource path and the field in the resource corresponding to the LDAP RDN:

POST /hdap/dc=com/dc=example/ou=People?_action=create HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Content-Length: ...
Content-Type: application/json
{ JSON resource }

Use HTTP PUT with the _id in the resource and the URL path. Use the If-None-Match: * header. Accept a JSON response:

PUT /hdap/dc=com/dc=example/ou=People/uid=newuser HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Content-Length: ...
Content-Type: application/json
If-None-Match: *
{ JSON resource }

The response indicates the resource location in the Location header.

  • If you include the If-None-Match header, you must use If-None-Match: *. In this case, the request creates the object if it does not exist and fails if the object does exist.

    If you include any value other If-None-Match: *, HDAP returns an HTTP 400 Bad Request error. For example, creating an object with If-None-Match: revision returns a bad request error.

  • If you do not include If-None-Match: *, the request creates the object if it does not exist and updates the object if it does exist.

Supported parameters:

  • _action=create

  • dryRun=true

  • _fields

  • manageDsaIT=true

  • passwordQualityAdvice=true

  • _prettyPrint=true

  • relax=true

For examples, refer to Create.


Read a resource with HTTP GET and accept a JSON response:

GET /hdap/dc=com/dc=example/ou=People/uid=newuser HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json

Supported parameters:

  • _fields

  • manageDsaIT=true

  • _prettyPrint=true

For examples, refer to Read.


Update a resource with HTTP PUT and the JSON resource as the payload. Accept a JSON response.

  • Unlike other Common REST applications, HDAP does not require the full JSON resource.

    HDAP replaces the fields in the resource with the fields in the payload, operating like a patch Replace. Other fields retain their existing values.

  • Use the If-Match: _rev header to update the resource only if the revision matches.

    Use If-Match: * to apply the update irrespective of the revision.

PUT /hdap/dc=com/dc=example/ou=People/uid=newuser HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Content-Length: ...
Content-Type: application/json
If-Match: _rev
{ JSON resource }

Supported parameters:

  • dryRun=true

  • _fields

  • manageDsaIT=true

  • passwordQualityAdvice=true

  • _prettyPrint=true

  • relax=true

For examples, refer to Update.


Use HTTP DELETE and accept a JSON response:

DELETE /hdap/dc=com/dc=example/ou=People/uid=newuser HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json

Supported parameters:

  • dryRun=true

  • _fields

  • manageDsaIT=true

  • _prettyPrint=true

  • subtreeDelete=true

For examples, refer to Delete.


Use HTTP PATCH request with a JSON array of patch objects appropriate to the operation. Each patch object in the payload can have these fields:


HDAP supports these patch operations:

HDAP does not support the ForgeRock common REST copy, move, or transform operations.


A JSON pointer to the target field


The value for the patch

The patch request has the following format:

PATCH /hdap/dc=com/dc=example/ou=People/uid=newuser HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Content-Length: ...
Content-Type: application/json
If-Match: _rev
[ JSON array of patch operations ]

Patch operations apply to these types of target fields:

  • Single-valued, such as an object, string, boolean, or number.

  • Set semantics array, where the elements are not ordered and duplicates are not allowed.

    If you reference array values by index, HDAP returns an error.

Supported parameters:

  • dryRun=true

  • _fields

  • manageDsaIT=true

  • passwordQualityAdvice=true

  • _prettyPrint=true

  • relax=true

For examples, refer to Patch.


Patch add ensures the target field contains the value provided, creating parent fields as necessary.

  • If the target field is single-valued and a value already exists, HDAP replaces the value with the value you provide.

    HDAP does not return an error when adding a value to a single-valued field with an existing value.

  • If the target field is multivalued (an array), HDAP merges the array of values you provide with the existing values.

    For arrays, HDAP adds new values and ignores duplicates.

Add a telephone number
  "operation" : "add",
  "field" : "/telephoneNumber",
  "value" : "+1 408 555 1212"


Patch remove ensures the target field does not contain the value provided.

  • If you do not provide a value and the target field exists, HDAP removes the entire field.

  • If you provide a value and the target field is single-valued, the value must match the existing value to remove; otherwise, HDAP does not change the field.

  • If the target field is multivalued, HDAP removes the values in the array you provide from the existing set of values.

Remove all telephone numbers
  "operation" : "remove",
  "field" : "/telephoneNumber"
Remove a specific telephone number
  "operation" : "remove",
  "field" : "/telephoneNumber",
  "value" : "+1 408 555 1212"


Patch replace removes existing values on the target field and replaces them with the values you provide. It is equivalent to a remove of the field followed by an add.

Reset the telephone number
  "operation" : "replace",
  "field" : "/telephoneNumber",
  "value" : "+1 408 555 1212"


Patch increment changes the value(s) in the target field by the amount you specify.

  • Use a positive number to increment or a negative number to decrement the value(s).

  • The target field must hold a number or a set of numbers.

  • The value you provide must be a single number.

Lower the temperature
  "operation" : "increment",
  "field" : "/temperature",
  "value" : -2


Use HTTP POST with the _action parameter to request a predefined action.

  • _action=accountUsability: Determine whether the user can authenticate to the directory.

  • _action=create: Create a resource with HTTP POST.

  • _action=modifyPassword: Change your password.

  • _action=rename: Rename a resource, changing its _id.

  • _action=resetPassword: Change another user’s password.

  • _action=schema: Get the JSON schema for an object.

Supported parameters:

  • _action

  • deleteOldRdn=true (rename operation)

  • dryRun=true (create, password, and rename operations)

  • _fields

  • manageDsaIT=true (rename operation)

  • objectClasses (schema operation)

  • passwordQualityAdvice=true (password operations)

  • _prettyPrint=true

  • relax=true (rename operation)

The request and response depend on the action. For details, refer to Actions.


Use HTTP GET with the _queryFilter parameter to list resources at or under a target resource and matching a query filter. Accept a JSON response.

GET /hdap/dc=com/dc=example/ou=People?_queryFilter=... HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json

HDAP returns the result as a JSON object including a results array. Other response fields depend on the parameters.

Supported parameters:

  • _countOnly=true

  • _fields

  • _pagedResultsCookie

  • _pageSize

  • _prettyPrint=true

  • _queryFilter

  • scope

  • _sortKeys

  • subentries=true

  • _totalPagedResultsPolicy

For examples, refer to Query.


In addition to the headers described for HDAP Operations, HDAP APIs support these Common REST headers.


The Accept-API-Version header specifies protocol and resource versions:

Accept-API-Version: protocol=version,resource=version

The version reflects changes in the Common REST protocol, such as common method parameters and headers specified by the protocol itself, or the input or response conventions it prescribes.

For example, protocol version 2.2 introduced the _countOnly parameter.


The version reflects changes in the resource implementation, including JSON representation of resources, input parameters required, and incompatible behavior changes.

For example, the version changes when errorMessage changes to message in a JSON response.

The Content-API-Version response header specifies the protocol and resource versions for the operation. The default HDAP settings are equivalent to:

Accept-API-Version: protocol=2.1,resource=1.0


The optional X-ForgeRock-TransactionId header helps to track related requests through the ForgeRock platform.

X-ForgeRock-TransactionId: transactionID

The transactionID consists of a unique identifier for the transaction optionally followed by a sequence number for the individual request.

You configure ForgeRock products to trust transaction IDs and let them propagate for audit purposes. For DS, refer to Log LDAP access to files or Log HTTP access to files.

Query parameters

HDAP supports the following query string parameters.

Some parameter values are not safe for URLs.

URL-encode parameter values as necessary.


Perform an extended action as part of an HTTP POST.

The <action> is one of:

  • accountUsability

  • create

  • modifyPassword

  • rename

  • resetPassword

  • schema


Return a count of query results without returning the resources.

This parameter requires protocol version 2.2 or later in the Accept-API-Version request header:

Accept-API-Version: protocol=2.2,resource=1.0

Delete the old RDN value when renaming a resource.


Discover how a server reacts to an operation without performing the operation.

This parameter relies on the LDAP no-op control, OID


Return only the specified fields in the body of the response.

The <field> values are JSON pointers. In {"parent":{"child":"value"}}, parent/child refers to "child": "value".

When the request omits the _field parameter, HDAP returns fields for all LDAP user attributes.

HDAP returns fields for operational attributes only when specifically requested. Use +, which encodes to %2B, to return fields for all operational attributes.


Manage referrals.

This parameter relies on the LDAP manage DSAIT request control, OID 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.2.


Return JSON schema for a resource to create based on the LDAP object classes and the parent resource.


The <cookie> is an opaque string HDAP uses when paging to keep track of the position in the query results:

  1. Set the _pageSize in the request to a non-zero number.

    HDAP returns the cookie with the first request.

  2. Supply the cookie in subsequent requests until HDAP returns a null cookie when it reaches the final page.


Return query results in pages of this size.

After the initial request, use _pagedResultsCookie or _pageResultsOffset to page through the results.


Get additional information for a failed password update.

The passwordQualityAdvice parameter relies on the DS LDAP password quality advice control, OID


Format the body of the response.


Query resources matching the filter expression.

You must URL-escape the filter-expression.


Relax data and service rules temporarily for the requested update.

This parameter relies on the LDAP relax rules control, OID


Scope of the query; one of:

  • base: Query only the target resource.

  • one (default): Query direct child resources of the target resource.

  • sub: Query the target resource and all child resources recursively.

  • subordinates: Query all child resources recursively but do not include the target resource.


Sort the query results based on the specified field(s).

  • Use + for ascending order (default, encoded as %2B).

  • Use - for descending order.


Return resources corresponding to LDAP subentries. Subentries aren’t returned by default.

This parameter relies on the LDAP subentries request control, OID


Delete an entire subtree of resources.

This parameter relies on the LDAP subtree delete control, OID 1.2.840.113556.1.4.805.


When a _pageSize is non-zero, HDAP can calculate totalPagedResults. It returns the totalPagedResults in the response depending on the <policy>:

  • "totalPagedResults": -1 by default, when _pageSize is not set, or when _totalPagedResultsPolicy=NONE.

  • An estimated count when _totalPagedResultsPolicy=ESTIMATE.

  • The exact count when _totalPagedResultsPolicy=EXACT, if possible.

Filter expressions

Query filters request entries matching the filter expression. You must URL-escape the filter expression.

The string representation of the filter expression is:

Expr           = OrExpr
OrExpr         = AndExpr ( 'or' AndExpr ) *
AndExpr        = NotExpr ( 'and' NotExpr ) *
NotExpr        = '!' PrimaryExpr | PrimaryExpr
PrimaryExpr    = '(' Expr ')' | ComparisonExpr | PresenceExpr | LiteralExpr
ComparisonExpr = Pointer OpName JsonValue
PresenceExpr   = Pointer 'pr'
LiteralExpr    = 'true' | 'false'
Pointer        = JSON pointer
OpName         = 'eq' |  # equal to
                 'co' |  # contains
                 'sw' |  # starts with
                 'lt' |  # less than
                 'le' |  # less than or equal to
                 'gt' |  # greater than
                 'ge' |  # greater than or equal to
                 STRING  # extended operator
JsonValue      = NUMBER | BOOLEAN | '"' UTF8STRING '"'
STRING         = ASCII string not containing white-space
UTF8STRING     = UTF-8 string possibly containing white-space

JsonValue components of filter expressions follow RFC 7159: The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Data Interchange Format. In particular, as described in section 7 of the RFC, the escape character in strings is the backslash character. For example, to match the identifier test\, use _id eq 'test\\'. In the JSON resource, the \ is escaped the same way: "_id":"test\\".

When using a query filter in a URL, the filter expression is part of a query string parameter and requires URL encoding. For details, refer to RFC 3986: Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax. For example, spaces, double quotes, parentheses, and exclamation characters need URL encoding. The following rules apply to URL query components:

query       = *( pchar / "/" / "?" )
pchar       = unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / ":" / "@"
unreserved  = ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" / "." / "_" / "~"
pct-encoded = "%" HEXDIG HEXDIG
sub-delims  = "!" / "$" / "&" / "'" / "(" / ")"
                  / "*" / "+" / "," / ";" / "="

ALPHA, DIGIT, and HEXDIG are core rules of RFC 5234: Augmented BNF for Syntax Specifications:

ALPHA       =  %x41-5A / %x61-7A   ; A-Z / a-z
DIGIT       =  %x30-39             ; 0-9
HEXDIG      =  DIGIT / "A" / "B" / "C" / "D" / "E" / "F"

A backslash escape character in a JsonValue component is percent-encoded in the URL query string parameter as %5C. To encode the query filter expression uid eq 'test\\', use uid+eq'test%5C%5C'+, for example.

A simple filter expression can represent a comparison, presence, or a literal value.

For comparison expressions use json-pointer comparator json-value, where the comparator is one of the following:

eq (equals)
co (contains)
sw (starts with)
lt (less than)
le (less than or equal to)
gt (greater than)
ge (greater than or equal to)

For presence, use json-pointer pr to match resources where:

  • The JSON pointer is present.

  • The value it points to is not null.

Literal values include true (match anything) and false (match nothing).

Complex expressions employ and, or, and ! (not), with parentheses, (expression), to group expressions.

HTTP status codes

When working with a HDAP APIs, client applications should expect at least these HTTP status codes:

200 OK

The request succeeded and HDAP returned a resource, depending on the request.

201 Created

The request succeeded and the HDAP created the resource.

204 No Content

The action request succeeded and there was no content to return.

304 Not Modified

The read request included an If-None-Match header and the value of the header matched the revision value of the resource.

400 Bad Request

The request was malformed.

401 Unauthorized

The request requires user authentication.

403 Forbidden

Access was forbidden during an operation on a resource.

404 Not Found

The specified resource could not be found, perhaps because it does not exist.

405 Method Not Allowed

The HTTP method is not allowed for the requested resource.

406 Not Acceptable

The request contains unacceptable parameters, such as an unsupported resource or protocol version.

409 Conflict

The request would have resulted in a conflict with the current state of the resource.

410 Gone

The requested resource is no longer available and will not become available again. This can happen when resources expire, for example.

412 Precondition Failed

The resource’s current version does not match the version provided.

415 Unsupported Media Type

The request is in a format not supported by the requested resource for the requested method.

428 Precondition Required

The resource requires a version and no version was supplied in the request.

500 Internal Server Error

HDAP encountered an unexpected condition preventing it from fulfilling the request.

501 Not Implemented

The resource does not support the functionality required to fulfill the request.

503 Service Unavailable

The requested resource was temporarily unavailable.