Configuration Guides

Configuring SAML SSO with Zendesk and PingOne

Learn how to configure SAML SSO with ZenDesk and PingOne.

About this task

The following table details the required and optional attributes to be configured in the assertion attribute contract.

Attribute Name Description Required / Optional


Email Address


The following table details the references that are used within this guide that are environment specific. Replace these with the suitable value for your environment.

Reference Description


Zendesk Tenant name

Create a PingOne Application for Zendesk

  1. Sign on to PingOne for Enterprise and go to Applications → Application Catalog.

  2. Search for Zendesk.

  3. Click the Zendesk row.

    Screen capture of the PingOne Applications page with the Application Catalog tab clicked. There is a application catalog search bar and button. The search results show all the matching results for Zendesk, listed by the application icon, Application Name, and Type fields. In the same row, to the right of the Zendesk search results is a black arrowhead pointing right.
  4. Click Setup.

  5. In the Signing Certificate list, select the appropriate signing certificate.

    A screen capture of the 1. SSO Instructions section. There are fields for Signing Certificate and the Download option, Saas ID, IdP ID, Initiate Single Sign-On (SSO) URL, and Issuer.
  6. Review the steps, and make a note of the PingOne SaaS ID, IdP ID, Single Sign-On URL, and Issuer values shown.

  7. Click Continue to Next Step.

  8. Make sure that ACS URL is set to

  9. Make sure that Entity ID is set to

    A screen capture of the 2. Connection Configuration section. The introduction sentence is Assign the attribute values for single sign-on (SSO) to the application. There are fields for Upload Metadata with a Select File button and Or use URL option, ACS URL, Entity ID, Target Resource, Single Logout Endpoint, Single Logout Response Endpoint, Primary Verification Certificate, Secondary Verification Certificate, Force Re-authentication check box, Encrypt Assertion check box, Signing with two radio buttons, Sign Assertion, which is clicked, and Sign Response, which is not clicked.
  10. Click Continue to Next Step.

  11. In the Attribute Mapping section, in the Identity Bridge Attribute or Literal Value column of the SAML_SUBJECTrow, enter SAML_SUBJECT.

    A screen capture of the 3. Attribute Mapping section. The sentence introduction is Map your identity bridge to the attributes required by the application. The are fields for Application Attribute, Description, and Identity Bridge Attribute or Literal Value. All the fields have default entries for Application Attribute and Description. The Identity Bridge Attribute or Literal Value field requires an entry from the user and has a cleared As Literal check box and Advanced button in all rows.
  12. Enter the values for the other attributes as required.

  13. Click Continue to Next Step.

  14. Update the Name, Description, and Category fields as required.

    A screen capture of the 4. PingOne App Customization – Zendesk section. There are fields for Icon with a Select Image button, Name, Description, and Category. At the bottom of the section, on the left side is the text, “NEXT: Group Access” and on the right side is the Cancel, Back and Continue to Next Step buttons.
  15. Click Continue to Next Step.

  16. Add the user groups for the application.

    A screen capture of the 5. Group Access section. The sentence introduction is Select all user groups that should have access to this application. Users that are members of the added groups will be able to SSO to this application and will see this application on their personal dock. There is a search bar with a Search button. The search results are listed by Group Name. Both entries have a Remove button. There is a Continue to Next Step button.
  17. Click Continue to Next Step.

  18. Review the settings.

    A screen capture of the 6. Review Setup section. The introduction sentence is Test your connection to the application. There are fields for Icon, Name, Description, Category, Connection ID, saasid, and idpid.
  19. Copy the Single Sign-On (SSO) URL value to a temporary location.

    This is the IdP-initiated SSO URL that you can use for testing.

    1. On the Signing Certificate line, click Download.

      You’ll use this in the Zendesk configuration.

  20. On the SAML Metadata line, click Download.

    You’ll use this in the Zendesk configuration.

  21. Click Finish.

    A screen capture of the PingOne My Applications page with the SAML tab open. The introduction sentence is Applications you’ve added to your account are listed here. You can search by application name, description or entity ID. A bulleted list of 2 items follows, Active applications are enabled for single sign-on (SSO) and Details displays the application details. There is a search bar and button. The results show all the matching results for a ZenDesk search. The results are listed by icon, Application Name, Type, Status, Enabled toggle switch, Remove button, and the setup button, which is a black triangle turned to the right. At the bottom of the section, on the left side is the Add Application button, and on the right side is the Pause All SSO button.

Configure the PingOne IdP connection for Zendesk

  1. Sign on to Zendesk as an administrator.

  2. Click the Products icon.

  3. Click Admin Centre.

    A screen capture of the Zendesk Administrator home page. The Get Started page view option is clicked. On the top right of the page is a search bar, a message icon, a bell icon, the products icon, and a user icon. The products icon is clicked and displays the menu options of Support, Guides, Gather, Chat, Talk, Explore, Sell, and Admin Centre. The Admin Centre option has a light blue background when the mouse hovers over it and is highlighted.
  4. Click the Security icon.

    A screen capture of the Admin Centre page. On the left side is a navigation pane with the icons for menu options. The Security icon which is a shield with a checkmark in the center is clicked. The Security sub-menu options has Staff Members, End users, Single sign-on, which is clicked and highlighted, and Advanced. The Single sign-on section is displayed. There are SAML and JSON Web Token configuration options with Configure buttons for each option. The SAML Configure button is highlighted.
  5. Click Single sign-on.

  6. In the SSO Login URL field, enter the URL Location for the SingleSignOnService Location from the PingOne SP metadata that you downloaded from the Zendesk configuration.

    For example:

  7. Open the signing certificate that you downloaded in the PingOne SP configuration and paste the thumbprint into the Certificate fingerprint section.

    A screen capture of the Certificate dialog with the Details tab open. In the Show list, <All> is selected. The list is organized by Field and Value. The Thumbprint line entry is selected and has a light grey background. At the bottom of the dialog is the Edit Properties button, which is blurred, and the Copy to File…​ button. Below these buttons is the OK button, which is highlighted with a blue outline.
  8. Click Enabled.

    The SAML configuration page. The introduction sentence is SAML is an industry standard SSO framework typically used by large enterprises for communicating identities across the internet. There are fields for Enabled, which is a selected checkbox, SAML SSO URL, Certificate fingerprint*, and the Remote logout URL.
  9. Click Save.

  10. Enable external authentication for Staff members or End users as required.

    The following example enables it for Staff members only.

    • Click the Security icon.

    • Click Staff members.

    • Select the External Authentication check box.

    • Click Single sign-on. + Click Save.

    A screen capture of the Staff members configuration page. There are fields for External authentication, which is a check box that is selected, Google and Microsoft radio buttons, which aren’t clicked, and a Single sign-on radio button which is clicked. At the bottom of the page is the Cancel and Save buttons.

Test the integration

Choose from:

For PingFederate IdP-Initiated SSO

Go to the Single Sign-On (SSO) URL in the PingOne Application configuration to perform IdP initiated SSO.

For example, https://PingFederateHostname:PingFederatePort__/idp/

The PingOne Sign On page. There are fields for Username and Password fields. There is a Remember Me checkbox, which is cleared, the Sign On button, and the Forgot Password link.
A screen capture of the Zendesk agent dashboard page. The page displays the Open Tickets (current) and Ticket Statistics (this week). Open tickets (current) contains the number of open tickets for You and Groups. The Ticket Statistics (this week) contains the number of tickets categorized by Good, Bad, and Solved. Below this is the section, Tickets requiring your attention (1), with a What is this? Link, and a Play button to the right. A ticket list showing all ticket results with the fields of a check box, the ID, Subject, Requester, Requester updated, Group, and Assignee.


For PingOne SP Initiated SSO
  1. Go to the URL for your Zendesk tenant. For example,

    Because SSO is only enabled for Staff, you should see a sign on form.

  2. Click I am an Agent to initiate SSO.

    A screen capture of the Zendesk sign on page. There are fields for Email and Password, a Sign in button, an I am an Agent link, which is highlighted, the Forgot my password link, and the Privacy Policy link.