You can provide multiple OIDs by separating them with two pipe characters, optionally surrounded by spaces. When specifying control OIDs, wildcards are not allowed.

The following ACI example shows the controls required to allow an administrator to use and manage the soft delete feature. The soft delete request control allows the user to soft-delete an entry, so that it could be undeleted at a later time. The hard delete request control allows the user to permanently remove an entry or soft-deleted entry. The undelete request control allows the user to undelete a currently soft-deleted entry. The soft-deleted entry access request control allows the user to search for any soft-deleted entries in the server.

aci: (targetcontrol="||||||")
  (version 3.0; acl "Allow admins to use the Soft Delete Request Control, 
   Hard Delete Request Control,Undelete Request Control, and 
   Soft-deleted entry access request control"; 
   allow (read) userdn="ldap:///uid=admin,dc=example,dc=com";)