The following is a synchronization migration example from a Sun Directory Server
Enterprise Edition (DSEE) topology to the PingDirectory
server topology, including a change in the DIT structure to a flattened directory
structure. The Sync Pipe connects the Sun Directory Server topology as the Sync Source
and the PingDirectory server topology as the Sync
Destination. Each endpoint is defined with three external servers in their respective
topology. The Sync Pipe destination has its base DN set to o=example
which is used when performing LDAP searches for entries.
Two Sync Classes are defined: one for Subscribers, and one for Accounts. Each Sync Class
uses a single "Sun DS to PingData Attribute Map" that has four attribute mappings
defined. Each Sync Class also defines its own DN maps. For example, the Accounts Sync
Class uses a DN map, called PingData Account Map, that is used to flatten a hierarchical
DIT, so that the Account entries appear directly under ou=accounts
*,**,o=example ->{1},ou=accounts,o=example
With this mapping, if an entry DN has uid=jsmith,ou=people,o=example
then "*" matches uid=jsmith
, "**" matches ou=people
and {1}
matches uid=jsmith
. Therefore,
gets mapped to
. A similar map is configured for
the Subscribers Sync Class.