PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud

Advanced Reporting

Advanced Reporting lets you create custom reports on activity in your Advanced Identity Cloud tenant environment. You can query a number of metrics to create useful reports for your company.

Advanced Identity Cloud add-on capability

Contact your Ping representative if you want to add Advanced Reporting to your Advanced Identity Cloud subscription.

Key features

The Advanced Reporting feature has the following features:

  • Supports detailed entity relationships to enable a variety of join operations.

  • Allows user-specified query parameters to be included dynamically at runtime.

  • Provide a wide range of operators to meet different query requirements.

  • Supports aggregate operations on the resulting dataset.

  • Restricts data access by assigning reports to specific users or a designated report_viewer group.

  • Supports report duplication to extend or modify existing queries.

Create custom reports using Advanced Reporting

  1. In the Advanced Identity Cloud admin UI, click New Report.

  2. On the New Report modal, enter the following properties, and then click Next:

    Field Description


    Name of the report. Follow the naming conventions established by your company.


    Optional. Enter a description describing the report.

    Who Can Run

    Click to set who can run this report.


    • Report Viewer


    • Select the users who can run this report. To select a user, you must have assigned one of the Report group permissions to the user from the Manage Identity page.

  3. Next, add a data source or select an existing data source:

    1. Click Data Source.

    2. On the Add a Data Source modal, select a data source to use in this report, and then click Next:

      Click to review the data sources:
      • am_access_outcome

      • idm_config

      • idm_sync

      • roles

      • idm_recon

      • users

      • orgs

      • node_events

      • applications

      • idm_activities

      • governance_data[1]

      • journey_events

      • governance_decision_events[1]

      • campaign_details[1]

      • campaign_decision_details[1]

  4. Next, select the columns in the report in the right pane for your report result. Each data source can have different attributes. As you click an attribute, the column appears on the main window.

  5. Click the plus icon () to define parameters that the end user provides or extracted from the end user profile while running the report:

    1. On the Add a Parameter modal, enter the following fields:

      Field Description


      Name of the parameter or profile attribute. Also, the name appears on the filter attribute list.

      Parameter Type

      User provided or profile attribute

      Input Label

      Label for parameter that appears when you do a reporting run.

      Input Type

      Options are:

      • String

      • Boolean

      • Integer

      • Float

      • Date

      Help Text

      Optional. Enter any help text for the parameter.


      Click Multivalued to allow the end user to provide multiple values while running the report.

      Enumerated Values

      Click Enumerated Values if the property is an enumerated value. This property creates a drop-down list for the end user to select a value when running the report.

    2. Click Save.

  6. Next, click Filters to specify data source attributes for report filtering:

    Click to review the filtering options:
    Field Description


    Select Any or All conditions that must be met for the filters.


    List of attributes of the selected data source.


    Options are:

    • contains

    • does not contain

    • greater than or equal to

    • equals to

    • not equals to

    • less than or equal to

    • less than

    • greater than

    • starts with

    • ends with

    • not starts with

    • not ends with

    • is null

    • is not null


    Value. End user provided variable. Select a value from the data source attributes or a property value passed by the end user during the report run.

    1. Click Save. A Filter active message with a checkmark appears.

  7. Click Aggregate to define aggregated data counts:

    1. On the Add an Aggregate modal, enter the following:

      Field Description


      Enter a descriptive label for the aggregate.


      Options are:

      • Count of specific rows

      • Sum of specific rows

      • Distinct count of specific rows


      Enter a value for the aggregate.

    2. Click Save.

  8. Click Sorting to sort the data tables in the report:

    1. On the Sort Data By modal, enter or select the following properties:

      Field Description

      Sort by

      Provided list of attributes from the selected data source.

      Sort order

      Select the sort order for your data. Options are:

      • Ascending

      • Descending

    2. Click Save.

  9. Click Save at the top of the report. Your report draft appears on the Reports page and is only visible to the report template creator.

    reports custom
    • 1 Click New Report to create a custom report.

    • 2 Search for a report.

    • 3 Click Run to generate a reporting run.

    • 4 Click ellipsis () to publish the draft, view the reporting run history, edit, duplicate, or delete the draft.

1. Identity Governance is an add-on capability to Advanced Identity Cloud. Contact your Ping Identity representative if you want to add PingOne® Identity Governance to your Advanced Identity Cloud subscription.