PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud

Set up an OIDC-compliant federation identity provider

To set up an OIDC-compliant federation identity provider in PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud, perform the following steps:

  1. Configure an OIDC client profile:

    1. Choose a client ID or note the automatically generated client ID. Some OIDC providers let you choose the client ID while others autogenerate it for you.

    2. Choose a client secret or note the automatically generated client secret. Some OIDC providers let you choose the client secret while others autogenerate it for you.

    3. Configure the allowed scopes. Recommended scopes: openid, profile, and email.

    4. Configure the client authentication method. Supported authentication methods: client_secret_post and client_secret_basic.

  2. Obtain the well-known URL from the OIDC-compliant identity provider. You will enter this URL when you enable the provider in Advanced Identity Cloud.