Advanced Identity Cloud

Password reset

Password reset lets users reset their password without assistance from an administrator. The Ping Identity Platform includes a sample reset password journey, which requests a user’s email address, checks if a user with that email exists, and if so, emails a reset link to the user. The journey then waits until the user clicks the link before presenting a password reset prompt.

Sample reset password journey

Make sure the Patch Object node's Patch As Object field is not selected (equivalent to false).

Example reset password REST output

When calling a reset password self-service endpoint, you will receive a JSON object back, containing callbacks for each of the nodes included in the reset password journey.

Sample JSON callbacks
  "authId": "<omitted for length>",
  "callbacks": [
      "type": "StringAttributeInputCallback",
      "output": [
          "name": "name",
          "value": "mail"
          "name": "prompt",
          "value": "Email Address"
          "name": "required",
          "value": true
          "name": "policies",
          "value": {}
          "name": "failedPolicies",
          "value": []
          "name": "validateOnly",
          "value": false
          "name": "value",
          "value": ""
      "input": [
          "name": "IDToken1",
          "value": ""
          "name": "IDToken1validateOnly",
          "value": false
      "_id": 0
  "header": "Reset Password",
  "description": "Enter your email address or <a href=\"#/service/Login\">Sign in</a>"