PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud

User create event workflow - send email

In this example, an administrator creates a workflow that:

  • Sends an email notification to the new user when a user create event occurs.

  • Copies their manager, as well, if present.


  • Each user has a manager.

  • Make sure to catch any error/failure conditions.


An example of user create event send email workflow.
  • 1 The Script node sends email to the new user and cc’s to the user’s manager.

    Click to display send email script"Running user create event role workflow - send email");
    var content = execution.getVariables();
    var requestId = content.get('id');
    // Read event user information from request object
    try {
      var requestObj = openidm.action('iga/governance/requests/' + requestId, 'GET', {}, {});
      var userObj = requestObj.request.common.blob.after;
      var userDisplayName = userObj.givenName + " " + + " (" + userObj.userName + ")";
      var body = {
        subject: "New user created: " + userDisplayName,
        to: userObj.mail,
        body: "New user created: " + userDisplayName + ".",
        object: {}
      if (userObj && userObj.manager && userObj.manager.mail) { = userObj.manager.mail
      openidm.action("external/email", "send", body);
    catch (e) {"Unable to send new user creation email");
    // Update event request as final
    var decision = {'status': 'complete', 'outcome': 'fulfilled', 'decision': 'approved'};
    var queryParams = { '_action': 'update'};
    openidm.action('iga/governance/requests/' + requestId, 'POST', decision, queryParams);"Request " + requestId + " completed.");

Download the JSON file for this workflow here.

Learn more about how to import or export workflows in workflow editor canvas.