When searching large data sets, the results can be numerous and produce errors about a request matching too many results relative to the lookthrough limit. Paged searches avoid these errors and reduce memory usage.
The paged System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM) searches feature is not available for entry-balanced data sets. To use paged SCIM searches, your SCIM service's backend servers must be LDAP directory servers.
Complete the following one-time operation. You only need to run the command once per PingDirectoryProxy.
If you're not sure if you have run the command, you can run it again safely.
$ dsconfig set-request-processor-prop \
--processor-name <proxying-request-processor> \
--set supported-control-oid:2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.9 \
--set supported-control-oid:1.2.840.113556.1.4.473
is the request processor handling the entries targeted by the search.
The PingDirectoryProxy server does SCIM searches using LDAP requests. After you complete the following steps, the PingDirectoryProxy server creates LDAP requests that include request controls that ask the backend servers to sort and page the search results before returning the results.
These request controls are marked noncritical, meaning that if the backend server can't page the results, the backend server still returns the results. In this case, the PingDirectoryProxy server handles the sorting and paging itself.
If your SCIM searches result in an error because the request matched too many results, you can avoid the error by using paged searches. For more information, see SCIM 2.0 searches.
For each search: