There are four important advanced properties to fine tune the failover mechanism:

  • max-operation-attempts (Sync Pipe)
  • response-timeout (source and destination endpoints)
  • max-failover-error-code-frequency (source and destination endpoints)
  • max-backtrack-replication-latency (source endpoints only)

These properties apply to the following LDAP error codes:

LDAP Error Codes
Error Code Description
ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED(11) Indicates that processing on the requested operation could not continue, because an administrative limit was exceeded.

Indicates that a problem was encountered while attempting to dereference an alias for a search operation.

CANCELED(118) Indicates that a cancel request was successful, or that the specified operation was canceled.
CLIENT_SIDE_LOCAL_ERROR(82) Indicates that a local (client-side) error occurred.

Indicates that an error occurred while encoding a request.


Indicates that an error occurred while decoding a request.

CLIENT_SIDE_TIMEOUT(85) Indicates that a client-side timeout occurred.
CLIENT_SIDE_USER_CANCELLED(88) Indicates that a user canceled a client-side operation.

Indicates that the client could not obtain enough memory to perform the requested operation.

CLIENT_SIDE_CLIENT_LOOP(96) Indicates that a referral loop was detected.
CLIENT_SIDE_REFERRAL_LIMIT_EXCEEDED(97) Indicates that the referral hop limit was exceeded.
DECODING_ERROR(84) Indicates that an error occurred while decoding a response.
ENCODING_ERROR(83) Indicates that an error occurred while encoding a response.


Indicates that an interactive transaction was aborted.

LOCAL_ERROR(82) Indicates that a local error occurred.
LOOP_DETECT(54) Indicates that a referral or chaining loop was detected while processing a request.
NO_MEMORY(90) Indicates that not enough memory could be obtained to perform the requested operation.
OPERATIONS_ERROR(1) Indicates that an internal error prevented the operation from being processed properly.
OTHER(80) Indicates that an error occurred that does not fall into any of the other categories.
PROTOCOL_ERROR(2) Indicates that the client sent a malformed or illegal request to the server.
TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED(3) Indicates that a time limit was exceeded while attempting to process the request.
TIMEOUT(85) Indicates that a timeout occurred.
UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM(53) Indicates that the server is unwilling to perform the requested operation.