PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud

PingIDM REST API reference

Guide to creating and managing objects in Advanced Identity Cloud.

This reference describes specific characteristics of identity management REST APIs. For an overview of ForgeRock REST APIs, refer to Advanced Identity Cloud REST.


Representational State Transfer (REST) is a software architecture style for exposing resources, using the technologies and protocols of the World Wide Web. REST describes how distributed data objects, or resources, can be defined and addressed.

IDM provides a RESTful API for accessing managed objects, system objects, workflows, and the system configuration.

ForgeRock REST and IDM

IDM implements the ForgeRock REST API as described in the previous section, with the exception of the following elements:

  • IDM provides limited support for the in expression clause. You can use this clause for queries on singleton string properties, not arrays. in query expressions are not supported through the IDM admin UI.

  • The PATCH transform action is supported only on the config endpoint. Note that this is an optional action and not implemented everywhere across the ForgeRock Identity Platform.

  • ForgeRock REST supports PATCH operations by list element index, as shown in the example in Patch. IDM does not support PATCH by list element index. So, for PATCH operations, you cannot use an ordinal when adding or removing list items.

    You can add an item using the special hyphen index, which designates that the element should be added to the end of the list. To remove specific items from a list, you must specify the value to be removed, for example:

            "operation" : "remove",
            "field" : "/phoneNumber/",
            "value" : "202-555-0185"
    When you remove items in this way, if the list contains two or more items with the same value, they are all removed.
  • If _fields is left blank (null), the server returns all default values. In IDM, this excludes relationships and virtual fields. To include these fields in the output, add "returnByDefault" : true in the applicable schema.

    IDM also implements wild-card (*) handling with the _fields parameter. So, a value of _fields=*_ref will return all relationship fields associated with an object. A value of _fields=*_ref/* will return all the fields within each relationship.

  • IDM does not implement the ESTIMATE total paged results policy. The totalPagedResults is either the exact total result count (_totalPagedResultsPolicy=EXACT) or result counting is disabled (_totalPagedResultsPolicy=NONE). For more information, refer to Page Query Results.

REST API versioning

ForgeRock REST API features are assigned version numbers. Providing version numbers in the REST API helps ensure compatibility between releases. The version number of a feature increases when ForgeRock introduces a change that is not backwards-compatible, and that affects clients that use the feature.

If there is more than one version of the API, you must select the version by setting a version header that specifies which version of the resource is requested. To ensure that your clients are always compatible with a newer IDM version, you should always include resource versions in your REST calls.

Specify the API version in REST calls

HTTP requests can optionally include the Accept-API-Version header with the value of the resource version, such as resource=2.0. If no Accept-API-Version header is included, the latest resource version is invoked by the HTTP request.

The following call requests version 2.0 of the specified resource:

curl \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <token>" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=2.0" \
--request POST \
--data '{
}' \

Specify the API version in scripts

You can specify a resource version in scripts using the fourth (additional parameters) argument. If present, the Accept-API-Version parameter is applied to the actual REST request. Any other parameters are set as Additional Parameters on the request.

The following examples request specific resource versions:

REST with Inline Javascript
curl \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <token>" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request POST \
--data '{
  "source":"openidm.action(\"external/rest\", \"call\", {\"url\": \"\", \"method\": \"GET\"}, {\"Accept-API-Version\": \"resource=1.0\"});"
}' \
Standalone Javascript
openidm.action("external/rest", "call",
 {"url": "", "method": "GET"},
 {"Accept-API-Version": "resource=1.0"});

API version header warnings

IDM can log warnings when API version headers are not specified. Additionally, you can enable warnings when scripts don’t specify API versions. Warnings are disabled by default. To enable this feature, set one or more of the following properties:

  • A message will be logged once per resource path, at the info level. For example:

    INFO: Accept-API-Version header missing from external request (authentication); transactionId=e017258a-8bac-4507-9575-78a41152e479-1929
  • The HTTP response will apply a warning header. For example:

    Warning: 100 CREST "Accept-API-Version should be included in the request."
This setting requires openidm.apiVersion.warning.enabled=true.
  • A message will be logged once per resource path and script-name pair, at the info level.

    Example script file log entry:

    [127] Sep 22, 2021 4:08:15.162 AM org.forgerock.openidm.servlet.internal.ResourceApiVersionFilterRegistration logOnceForScriptRequest
    INFO: Accept-API-Version header missing from script (policyFilter.js) request: policy

    Example inline script log entry:

    INFO: Accept-API-Version header missing from script (d6fc81179beaca37094a23c2fcd00aaf54bb3ef9:router:onRequest) request (config)
    INFO: Accept-API-Version header missing from script (policy.js) request (managed/user)

Filter resource path warnings

To filter which resource paths are logged, edit the logFilterResourcePaths array located in the apiVersion configuration:

  1. Get the current configuration:

    curl \
    --header "Authorization: Bearer <token>" \
    --header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
    --request GET \
    Default apiVersion Configuration
        "warning" : {
            "enabled" : {
                "$bool" : "&{openidm.apiVersion.warning.enabled|false}"
            "includeScripts" : {
                "$bool" : "&{openidm.apiVersion.warning.includeScripts|false}"
            "logFilterResourcePaths" : [
  2. Make changes, and replace the configuration:

    curl \
    --header "Authorization: Bearer <token>" \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    --header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
    --request PUT \
    --data '{
        "warning" : {
            "enabled" : {
                "$bool" : "&{openidm.apiVersion.warning.enabled|false}"
            "includeScripts" : {
                "$bool" : "&{openidm.apiVersion.warning.includeScripts|false}"
            "logFilterResourcePaths" : [ <Insert modified resourcePaths here>
    }' \

REST API structure

URI scheme

The URI scheme for accessing a managed object follows this convention, assuming the IDM web application was deployed at /openidm.


The URI scheme for accessing a system object follows this convention:


An example of a system object in an LDAP directory might be:


For LDAP resources, you should not map the LDAP dn to the IDM uidAttribute (_id). The attribute that is used for the _id should be immutable. You should therefore map the LDAP entryUUID operational attribute to the IDM _id, as shown in the following excerpt of the provisioner configuration file:

"uidAttribute" : "entryUUID",

Object identifiers

Every managed and system object has an identifier (expressed as id in the URI scheme) used to address the object through the REST API. The REST API allows for client-generated and server-generated identifiers, through PUT and POST methods. The default server-generated identifier type is a UUID. If you create an object using POST, a server-assigned ID is generated in the form of a UUID. If you create a managed user object using PUT the client-assigned ID must be in the form of a UUID.

Content negotiation

The REST API fully supports negotiation of content representation through the Accept HTTP header. Currently, the supported content type is JSON. When you send a JSON payload, you must include the following header:

Accept: application/json

In a REST call (using the curl command, for example), you would include the following option to specify the noted header:

--header "Content-Type: application/json"

You can also specify the default UTF-8 character set as follows:

--header "Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8"

The application/json content type is not needed when the REST call does not send a JSON payload.

Conditional operations

The REST API supports conditional operations through the use of the ETag, If-Match and If-None-Match HTTP headers. The use of HTTP conditional operations is the basis of IDM’s optimistic concurrency control system. Clients should make requests conditional in order to prevent inadvertent modification of the wrong version of an object.

Table 1. REST API Conditional Operations
HTTP Header Operation Description

If-Match: <rev>


Update the object if the <rev> matches the revision level of the object.

If-Match: *


Update the object regardless of revision level.

If-None-Match: <rev>

Bad request.

If-None-Match: *


Create; fails if the object already exists.

When the conditional operations If-Match, If-None-Match are not used


Upsert; attempts a create, and then an update; if both attempts fail, return an error.

REST endpoints

Bulk import

The bulk import service lets you import large numbers of entries from a CSV file into the IDM repository. Importing user entries is a very common use case, but you can import any managed object type.

The following table shows the endpoints used by the bulk import service:

URI HTTP Operation Description



Generates a CSV header row that you can use as a template for the import. You can safely remove generated columns for properties that are not required. Set the query parameters _fields=header and _mimeType=text/csv to download the header file.



Uploads the file specified by the --form (-F) parameter to the specified resource collection. ?uniqueProperty=propertyName is required. Generally, for managed/realm-name_user objects, the uniqueProperty is userName. You can specify multiple comma-delimited values here to identify unique records; for example, ?uniqueProperty=firstName,lastName. Example.



Returns the import UUIDs that have error records or temporary records. These can be cleaned up to free up database space. If you clean up error records, you will no longer be able to download a CSV of failed import records.



Cleans up temporary import records for the specified import UUID. To also clean up error records, set the query parameter ?deleteErrorRecords=true.



Cancels the specified in-progress import.



Deletes the specified import record. This does not affect the data that was imported.



Queries bulk imports.



Returns the specified import record.



Downloads a CSV file of failed import records. Returns 404 if there were no failures for the specified import UUID.


To configure the email service, see Email provider.

You can use the IDM outbound email service over REST at the external/email endpoint:

URI HTTP Operation Description



Sends an email.



Sends an email template.

For additional examples, refer to Send mail.

external/email POST parameters

IDM supports the following POST parameters:


Sender mail address


Comma-separated list of recipient mail addresses


Optional comma-separated list of copy recipient mail addresses


Optional comma-separated list of blind copy recipient mail addresses


Email subject


Email body text


Optional MIME type. One of "text/plain", "text/html", or "text/xml".

Feature enablement

Existing tenants can use the openidm/feature endpoint to install new features that require updating existing tenant configuration. Use this endpoint to test the feature in a developer environment before migrating those changes to production.

The openidm/feature endpoint requires an access token with the fr:idm:* scope. Learn more about making REST calls in Use an access token.

Uninstalling or disabling a feature once installed requires contacting support and rolling back your tenant. Always test installing a feature first, before making any changes to your production environment.
URI HTTP Operation Description



Returns a list of feature objects. If a feature is not installed, installedVersion returns null.

Groups feature

For more information, refer to Groups.

To install the groups feature, ensure the following:

  • The managed configuration defines the alpha_user and bravo_user objects.

  • The repo.ds configuration defines the alpha_user and bravo_user generic mappings.

  • The managed configuration for alpha_user and bravo_user does not define the groups or effectiveGroups properties.

  • The managed configuration does not define the alpha_group or bravo_group objects.

  • The repo.ds configuration for the alpha_user and bravo_user generic mappings does not define the groups or effectiveGroups properties.

  • Resources do not exist in the repository for alpha_group or bravo_group.

URI HTTP Operation Description



Returns the status of the groups feature.



Validates that any prerequisites to enable the groups feature are satisfied.



Attempts to patch and install a tenant’s configuration to enable the groups feature.

Password timestamps

Learn more in Password timestamps.

URI HTTP Operation Description



Returns the status of the password timestamp feature.



Validates that any prerequisites to enable the password timestamp feature are satisfied.



Attempts to patch and install a tenant’s configuration to enable the password timestamp feature.

Additional indexed strings

The additional indexed strings feature adds 15 additional indexed strings to your tenant. You can install this feature using the feature endpoint. To do so:

  1. Confirm that the feature is available by calling GET openidm/feature/indexed/strings/6thru20:

        "_id": "indexed/strings/6thru20",
        "installedVersion": null,
        "availableVersions": [
  2. Validate that the feature is installable by calling POST /openidm/feature/indexed/strings/6thru20?_action=validate:

        "status": 200,
        "success": true,
        "message": "Validate complete."
  3. Install the feature by calling POST /openidm/feature/indexed/strings/6thru20?_action=install:

        "status": 200,
        "message": "Install complete."
  4. Confirm that the feature is no longer installable by calling POST /openidm/feature/indexed/strings/6thru20?_action=validate:

        "status": 200,
        "success": false,
        "message": "Validate complete.config/repo.ds: frIndexedString6 must not already exist.",
URI HTTP Operation Description



Returns the status of the additional indexed strings feature.



Validates that the additional indexed strings feature is available to install.



Attempts to patch and install a tenant’s configuration to enable the additional indexed strings feature.

Two-factor authentication (2FA) profile attributes

The two-factor authentication (2FA) profile attributes feature adds the following five multivalue (array) strings to existing Alpha and Bravo realm user identities in PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud:

  • deviceProfiles

  • devicePrintProfiles

  • webauthnDeviceProfiles

  • oathDeviceProfiles

  • pushDeviceProfiles

You can install this feature using the feature endpoint:

  1. Confirm that the feature is available by calling GET openidm/feature/am/2fa/profiles:

      "_id": "am/2fa/profiles",
      "installedVersion": null,
      "availableVersions": [
  2. Validate that the feature is installable by calling POST /openidm/feature/am/2fa/profiles?_action=validate:

      "status": 200,
      "success": true,
      "message": "Validate complete."
  3. Install the feature by calling POST /openidm/feature/am/2fa/profiles?_action=install:

      "status": 200,
      "message": "Install complete."
  4. Confirm that the feature is no longer installable by calling POST /openidm/feature/am/2fa/profiles?_action=validate:

      "status": 200,
      "success": false,
      "message": "Validate complete.config/repo.ds: am2faProfiles must not already exist."
URI HTTP Operation Description



Returns the status of the 2FA profile attributes feature.



Validates that the 2FA profile attributes feature is available to install.



Attempts to patch and install a tenant’s configuration to enable the 2FA profile attributes feature.

Internal objects

The following table lists the REST endpoints associated with internal objects:

URI HTTP Operation Description



Returns all internal roles.



Returns all internal users.



Adds a new internal user or changes the password of an existing internal user.



Adds or removes roles of an internal user.



Returns internal roles.



Returns internal and managed users with the specified internal role.

Managed groups

Groups are exposed under the context path managed/realm-name_group. The following table lists the REST commands associated with managed groups.

URI HTTP Operation Description



Returns the IDs of all managed groups.



Queries managed groups with the defined filter.



Returns the JSON representation of a specific group.



Returns the relationships (members) associated with a group.



Returns the members of a group.



Adds a member to a group.



Updates a group by replacing the entire object with a new one. If no group entry exists with that _id, one will be created.



Creates a new group. _id and name will be the same.



Deletes a group.

For additional commands and examples, refer to Groups.

Managed organizations

Organizations are exposed under the context path /managed/realm-name_organization. The following table lists the REST commands associated with managed organizations.

URI HTTP Operation Description



Returns the IDs of all managed organizations.



Queries managed organizations with the defined filter.



Returns the JSON representation of a specific organization.



Creates an organization with a user-defined ID.



Updates an organization by replacing the entire object. If no organization exists with that _id, one will be created.



Creates a new organization with a system-generated ID.



Deletes an organization.

For additional commands and examples, refer to Manage organizations over REST.

Managed users

User objects are stored in the repository and are exposed under the context path /managed/realm-name_user.

The following table lists available functionality associated with the /managed/realm-name_user context path:

URI HTTP Operation Description



Returns the IDs of all the managed users in the repository.



Returns all information for all managed users in the repository.



Returns the managed user object with the defined filter.



Returns the JSON representation of a specific user.



Updates a user entry by replacing it entirely with the new data. If a user entry with that _id does not exist in the system, one will be created.

If you create an object using PUT, the ID you assign must be a UUID, for example, 4cf65bb9-baa4-4488-aa73-216adf0787a1.



Creates a new user.



Updates specified fields of a user entry.



Updates specified fields of a user entry.



Deletes a user entry.

For additional commands and examples, refer to Manage identities.


Privileges are a part of internal roles, and can be created or modified using the REST calls specified in Internal objects. Additionally, openidm/privilege can be used for getting information about privileges on a resource as they apply to the authenticated user.

The following table outlines the REST endpoints used to access privileges.

URI HTTP Operation Description



Returns an array of privilege paths for the authenticated user, with additional detail required by the IDM admin UI.



Returns the privileges for the logged in user associated with the given resource path.



Returns the privileges for the logged in user associated with the specified object.

Reconciliation operations

Reconciliation is the process of ensuring that the objects in two different data stores are consistent. IDM can reconcile any object, such as groups, roles, and devices.

The following table lists available endpoints associated with the reconciliation engine:

URI HTTP Operation Description



Returns all reconciliation runs, including those in progress. The state property contains the reconciliation status.



Launches a reconciliation run with the specified mapping.



Restricts the reconciliation run to the specified ID.



Cancels the specified reconciliation run.

The following example runs a reconciliation for the mapping systemHrdb_managedUser:

curl \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <token>" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--request POST \

For more information on reconciliation, refer to Synchronization types.

Scanning tasks

The task scanner lets you perform a batch scan for a specified date, on a scheduled interval, and then execute a task when this date is reached.

The following table lists the endpoints associated with the task scanner:

URI HTTP Operation Description



Returns all present and past scanning tasks.



Returns a task by id.



Triggers the specified task scan run.



Cancels the specified task scan run.


Use the scheduler service and its associated endpoints to manage and monitor scheduled jobs:

URI HTTP Operation Description



Validates a cron expression.



Creates or updates a schedule with the specified ID.


Returns the details of the specified schedule.

POST with ?_action=trigger

API V2 only

Manually triggers the specified schedule.

POST with ?_action=pause

API V2 only

Suspends the specified schedule.

POST with ?_action=resume

API V2 only

Resumes the specified schedule.


Deletes the specified schedule.



Creates a schedule with a system-generated ID.



Queries the existing defined schedules.



Returns a list of the jobs that are currently running.



Suspends all scheduled jobs.



Resumes all suspended scheduled jobs.



Queries the existing triggers.



Returns the details of the specified trigger.



Returns an array of the triggers that have been acquired, per node.



Returns an array of the triggers that have not yet been acquired.


The Schema API lets you perform operations on managed object schemas. You can create, update, and delete custom relationship properties for managed objects using version 2 of the API. The following table lists the available endpoints for the /schema/ context path:

URI HTTP Operation Description



Returns the schema for the managed/realm-name_assignment object.



Returns the schema for the managed/realm-name_organization object.



Returns the schema for the managed/realm-name_role object.



Returns the schema for the managed/realm-name_user object.



Returns the custom_Example relationship property on the managed/realm-name_user object schema.

API V2 only



Creates the custom_Example relationship property on the managed/realm-name_user object schema.

API V2 only



Updates the custom_Example relationship property on the managed/realm-name_user object schema.

API V2 only



Deletes the custom_Example relationship property on the managed/realm-name_user object schema.

API V2 only

The following example creates a custom many-to-many relationship property, custom_Children, with a reverse property, custom_Parents:

curl \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <token>" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=2.0" \
--request PUT \
--data '{
  "description": "A user as a child of another user.",
  "title": "Custom children",
  "viewable": true,
  "type": "array",
  "required": false,
  "items": {
    "type": "relationship",
    "title": "Custom Parent",
    "reverseRelationship": true,
    "reversePropertyName": "custom_Parents",
    "notifySelf": false,
    "validate": true,
    "properties": {
      "_ref": {
        "description": "References a relationship from a managed object",
        "type": "string"
      "_refProperties": {
        "description": "Supports metadata within the relationship",
        "type": "object",
        "title": "Custom Provisioning Children Parents _refProperties",
        "properties": {
          "_id": {
            "description": "_refProperties object ID",
            "type": "string"
    "resourceCollection": [
        "path": "managed/alpha_user",
        "label": "User",
        "query": {
          "queryFilter": "true",
          "fields": [
        "notify": false,
        "reverseProperty": {
          "type": "array",
          "validate": true,
          "resourceCollection": {
            "notify": false,
            "query": {
              "queryFilter": "true",
              "fields": [
' \


You can interact with the script service over REST, as shown in the following table:

URI HTTP Operation Description



Compiles a script, to validate that it can be executed. Note that this action compiles a script, but does not execute it. A successful compilation returns true. An unsuccessful compilation returns the reason for the failure.

The following example compiles, but does not execute, the script provided in the JSON payload:

curl \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <token>" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request POST \
--data '{
  "type": "text/javascript",
  "source": "source.mail ? source.mail.toLowerCase() : null"
}' \

Server configuration

Advanced Identity Cloud stores configuration objects in the repository. They are accessed by making API requests to the context path /openidm/config.

Single instance configuration objects are accessed by adding the object’s name to the request’s path, for example, /openidm/config/object-name.

Multiple instance configuration objects are accessed by adding the object name and instance name to the request’s path, for example, /openidm/config/object-name/instance-name.

The following table outlines the REST endpoints used to access configuration objects.

URI HTTP Operation Description



Returns a list of configuration objects.



Returns the current access configuration.



Returns the current audit configuration.



Returns the current privilege configuration for managed objects.



Returns the configuration of the specified connector.



Returns the configuration of the specified self-service feature, registration, reset, or username.



Changes the router configuration. Modifications are provided with the --data option, in JSON format.



Changes one or more fields of the specified configuration object. Modifications are provided as a JSON array of patch operations.



Deletes the specified configuration object.



Queries the specified configuration object. You cannot create custom predefined queries to query the configuration.

Advanced Identity Cloud supports REST operations to create, read, update, query, and delete configuration objects.

One entry is returned for each configuration object. To obtain additional information on the configuration object, include its pid or _id in the URL. The following example displays configuration information on the sync object, based on a deployment using the sync-with-csv sample:

curl \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <token>" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--request GET \
  "_id": "sync",
  "mappings": [
      "name": "systemCsvfileAccounts_managedUser",
      "source": "system/csvfile/account",
      "target": "managed/realm-name_user",
      "correlationQuery": {
        "type": "text/javascript",
        "source": "var query = {'_queryId' : 'for-userName', 'uid' :};query;"
      "properties": [
          "source": "email",
          "target": "mail"
          "source": "firstname",
          "target": "givenName"
          "source": "lastname",
          "target": "sn"
          "source": "description",
          "target": "description"
          "source": "_id",
          "target": "_id"
          "source": "name",
          "target": "userName"
          "default": "Passw0rd",
          "target": "password"
          "source": "mobileTelephoneNumber",
          "target": "telephoneNumber"
          "source": "roles",
          "transform": {
            "type": "text/javascript",
            "source": "var _ = require('lib/lodash');','), function(role)
            { return {'_ref': 'internal/role/' + role} });"
          "target": "authzRoles"

Server state

You can access information about the current state of the IDM instance through the info endpoint, as shown in the following table:

URI HTTP Operation Description



Provides authentication and authorization details for the current user.


The /openidm/info/ping endpoint is a deprecated feature. Customers should update any external monitoring to use the Advanced Identity Cloud /monitoring/health endpoint instead.


Lists the current server state. Possible states are STARTING,ACTIVE_READY, ACTIVE_NOT_READY, and STOPPING.



Provides the software version of this IDM instance.

Synchronization service

You can interact with the synchronization service over REST, as shown in the following table:

URI HTTP Operation Description



Provides a list of linked resources for the specified resource.



Returns a list of all configured mappings, in the order in which they will be processed.



Lists the queued synchronization events, based on the specified filter.



Deletes a queued synchronization event, based on its ID.

For example:

curl \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <token>" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request POST \
    "resourceName": "system/ldap/account/03496258-1c5e-40a0-8744-badc2500f262",
    "content": {
      "uid": "joe.smith1",
      "mail": "",
      "sn": "Smith",
      "givenName": "Joe",
      "employeeType": [],
      "dn": "uid=joe.smith1,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com",
      "ldapGroups": [],
      "cn": "Joe Smith",
      "kbaInfo": [],
      "aliasList": [],
      "objectClass": [
      "_id": "03496258-1c5e-40a0-8744-badc2500f262"
    "linkQualifier": "default",
    "linkType": "systemLdapAccounts_managedUser"

System objects

System objects, which are objects that are stored in remote systems, are exposed under the /openidm/system context. IDM provides access to system objects over REST.

The following list describes the URIs and specifies the HTTP operations to use:



  • _action=availableConnectors returns a list of the connectors that are available in openidm/connectors or in openidm/bundle.

  • _action=createCoreConfig takes the supplied connector reference (connectorRef) and adds the configuration properties required for that connector. This generates a core connector configuration that you can use to create a full configuration with the createFullConfig action.

  • _action=createFullConfig generates a complete connector configuration, using the configuration properties from the createCoreConfig action and retrieving the object types and operation options from the resource, to complete the configuration.

  • _action=test returns a list of all remote systems, with their status and supported object types.

  • _action=testConfig validates the connector configuration provided in the POST body.

  • _action=liveSync triggers a liveSync operation on the specified source object.

  • _action=authenticate authenticates to the specified system with the credentials provided.



  • _action=test tests the status of the specified system.



  • _action=liveSync triggers a liveSync operation on the specified system object.

  • _action=script runs the specified script on the system object.

  • _action=authenticate authenticates to the specified system object, with the provided credentials.

  • _action=create creates a new system object.



Lists all IDs related to the specified system object, such as users and groups.



Lists the item(s) associated with the query filter.



Creates a system object, or updates the system object, if it exists (replaces the entire object).



Updates the specified fields of a system object.



Deletes a system object.

When you create a system object with a PUT request (that is, specifying a client-assigned ID), you should specify the ID in the URL only and not in the JSON payload. If you specify a different ID in the URL and in the JSON payload, the request will fail, with an error similar to the following:

    "reason":"Internal Server Error",
    "message":"The uid attribute is not single value attribute."

A POST request with a patch action is not currently supported on system objects. To patch a system object, you must send a PATCH request.

List available connector configurations:

curl \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <token>" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--request POST \
    "connectorRef": [
            "displayName": "Workday Connector",
            "bundleVersion": "",
            "systemType": "provisioner.openicf",
            "bundleName": "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.workday-connector",
            "connectorName": "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.workday.WorkdayConnector"
            "displayName": "SuccessFactors Connector",
            "bundleVersion": "",
            "systemType": "provisioner.openicf",
            "bundleName": "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.successfactors-connector",
            "connectorName": "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.successfactors.SuccessFactorsConnector"
            "displayName": "ServiceNow Connector",
            "bundleVersion": "",
            "systemType": "provisioner.openicf",
            "bundleName": "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.servicenow-connector",
            "connectorName": "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.servicenow.ServiceNowConnector"

List remote systems, and their status:

curl \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <token>" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--request POST \
    "name": "ldap",
    "enabled": true,
    "config": "config/provisioner.openicf/ldap",
    "connectorRef": {
      "bundleVersion": "[,",
      "bundleName": "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.ldap-connector",
      "connectorName": "org.identityconnectors.ldap.LdapConnector"
    "displayName": "LDAP Connector",
    "objectTypes": [
    "ok": true

Run liveSync on a specified system object:

curl \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <token>" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--request POST \
  "connectorData": {
    "nativeType": "integer",
    "syncToken": 0
  "_rev": "00000000a92657c7",

Run a script on a system object:

curl \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <token>" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--request POST \

Authenticate to a system object

curl \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <token>" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request POST \
--data '{
  "username" : "bjensen",
  "password" : "Passw0rd"
}' \
  "_id": "fc252fd9-b982-3ed6-b42a-c76d2546312c"

Create a new system object

curl \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <token>" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--data '{
  "cn": "James Smith",
  "dn": "uid=jsmith,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com",
  "uid": "jsmith",
  "sn": "Smith",
  "mail": "",
  "description": "Created by IDM REST"}' \
--request POST \
  "telephoneNumber": null,
  "description": "Created by IDM REST",
  "mail": "",
  "givenName": "James",
  "cn": "James Smith",
  "dn": "uid=jsmith,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com",
  "uid": "jsmith",
  "ldapGroups": [],
  "sn": "Smith",
  "_id": "07b46858-56eb-457c-b935-cfe6ddf769c7"

Rename a system object

You can rename a system object simply by supplying a new naming attribute value in a PUT request. The PUT request replaces the entire object. The naming attribute depends on the external resource.

The following example renames an object on an LDAP server, by changing the DN of the LDAP object (effectively performing a modDN operation on that object). The example renames the user created in the previous example:

curl \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <token>" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--header "If-Match: *" \
--data '{
  "cn": "James Smith",
  "dn": "uid=jimmysmith,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com",
  "uid": "jimmysmith",
  "sn": "Smith",
  "givenName": "James",
  "mail": ""}' \
--request PUT \
  "mail": "",
  "cn": "James Smith",
  "sn": "Smith",
  "dn": "uid=jimmysmith,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com",
  "ldapGroups": [],
  "telephoneNumber": null,
  "description": "Created by IDM REST",
  "givenName": "James",
  "uid": "jimmysmith",
  "_id": "07b46858-56eb-457c-b935-cfe6ddf769c7"

List IDs associated with a specific system object:

curl \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <token>" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--request GET \
  "remainingPagedResults": -1,
  "pagedResultsCookie": null,
  "resultCount": 3,
  "result": [
      "dn": "uid=jdoe,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com",
      "_id": "1ff2e78f-4c4c-300c-b8f7-c2ab160061e0"
      "dn": "uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com",
      "_id": "fc252fd9-b982-3ed6-b42a-c76d2546312c"
      "dn": "uid=jimmysmith,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com",
      "_id": "07b46858-56eb-457c-b935-cfe6ddf769c7"