IDM 7.2.2


Guide to configuring audit logs and notifications.

ForgeRock Identity Platform™ serves as the basis for our simple and comprehensive Identity and Access Management solution. We help our customers deepen their relationships with their customers, and improve the productivity and connectivity of their employees and partners. For more information about ForgeRock and about the platform, see

The ForgeRock Common REST API works across the platform to provide common ways to access web resources and collections of resources.

Configure audit logging

The audit service publishes and logs information to one or more targets, including local data files, the repository, and remote systems.

Audit logs help you to record activity by account. With audit data, you can monitor logins, identify problems such as unresponsive devices, and collect information to comply with regulatory requirements.

The audit service logs information related to the following events:

  • System access

  • System activity

  • Authentication operations

  • Configuration changes

  • Reconciliations

  • Synchronizations

You can customize what is logged for each event type. Auditing provides the data for all relevant reports, including those related to orphan accounts.

When you first start IDM, you’ll see an audit log file for each configured audit event topic in the /path/to/openidm/audit directory. Until there is a relevant event, these files will be empty.

When IDM sends data to these audit logs, you can query them over the REST interface.

Configure the audit service

You access the audit logging configuration over REST at the openidm/config/audit context path and in the conf/audit.json file. To configure the audit service, edit the audit.json file or use the admin UI. Select Configure > System Preferences, and click the Audit tab. The fields on that form correspond to the configuration parameters described in this section.

You can configure the following major options for the audit service:

Which audit handlers are used

Audit event handlers are responsible for handling audit events. They are listed in the availableAuditEventHandlers property in your conf/audit.json file.

Which handler is used for queries

You must configure one audit event handler to manage queries on the audit logs.

What events are logged

The events that are logged are configured in the events list for each audit event handler.

Track transactions across products

If you use more than one ForgeRock product, you can specify that a common transactionId be used to track audit data across products. Edit your conf/ file and set:


Specify the audit query handler

By default, queries on audit logs are managed by the JSON audit event handler. You can configure one of the other available event handlers to handle queries. The audit event handler that you configure to manage queries must be enabled, either by including its definition in audit.json, or setting it to Enabled in the admin UI.

To specify which audit event handler should be used for queries, set the handlerForQueries property in the audit.json file, as follows:

    "auditServiceConfig" : {
        "handlerForQueries" : "json",
        "availableAuditEventHandlers" : [

In this case, the handlerForQueries is set to json, which is the name of the JsonAuditEventHandler.

  • Do not use a file-based audit event handler, such as CSV or JSON, to handle queries in a clustered environment. ForgeRock recommends using an audit handler that aggregates audit records from all nodes in the cluster, such as JDBC.

    You can use a file-based audit handler for queries in a non-clustered demonstration or evaluation environment. However, be aware that these handlers do not implement paging, and are therefore subject to general query performance limitations.

  • The JMS and Syslog handlers can not be used as the handler for queries.

  • Logging via CSV or JSON may lead to errors in one or more mappings in the admin UI.

Choose audit event handlers

An audit event handler manages audit events, sends audit output to a defined location, and controls the output format. IDM provides a number of default audit event handlers, and audit event handlers for third-party log management tools.

Each audit event handler has a set of Common audit event handler properties. Specific audit event handlers have additional configuration properties.

The standard configuration for a new install includes the following handlers:


Default state: Enabled

Property: openidm.audit.handler.json.enabled


Default state: Disabled

Property: openidm.audit.handler.stdout.enabled


Default state: Disabled

Property: openidm.audit.handler.repo.enabled

To change the enable state for any of these handlers, use Property value substitution.

ForgeRock recommends that you DO NOT configure an audit event handler that points to the same repo IDM uses (RepositoryAuditEventHandler), as this causes audit records to compete with IDM for resources on the database, which impacts performance.

List the Active Audit Event Handlers

This command returns the available audit event handlers, along with the audit configuration (in the conf/audit.json file):

curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--request POST \

The output includes the configured options for each audit event handler.

To view the audit configuration in the admin UI, click Configure > System Preferences > Audit.

The following sections show how to configure the standard audit event handlers. For additional audit event handlers, see Audit event handler configuration.

JSON audit event handler

The JSON audit event handler logs events as JSON objects to a set of JSON files. This is the default handler for queries on the audit logs.

Result paging can improve responsiveness when scanning large numbers of audit records through the IDM REST API. The default JSON audit handler does not support paging. If you need to page audit results, use a handler that does support paging, such as the Repository Audit Event Handler.

The following excerpt of an audit.json file shows a sample JSON audit event handler configuration:

"eventHandlers" : [
        "class" : "org.forgerock.audit.handlers.json.JsonAuditEventHandler",
        "config" : {
            "name" : "json",
            "enabled" : {
                "$bool" : "&{openidm.audit.handler.json.enabled|true}"
            "logDirectory" : "&{}/audit",
            "buffering" : {
                "maxSize" : 100000,
                "writeInterval" : "100 millis"
            "topics" : [

A JSON audit event handler configuration includes the following mandatory properties:


The audit event handler name (json).


The name of the directory in which the JSON log files should be written, relative to the working location. For more information on the working location, see Startup configuration.

You can use property value substitution to direct log files to another location on the filesystem. For more information, see Property value substitution.

buffering - maxSize

The maximum number of events that can be buffered. The default (and minimum) number of buffered events is 100000.

buffering - writeInterval

The delay after which the file-writer thread is scheduled to run after encountering an empty event buffer. The default delay is 100 milliseconds.


The list of topics for which audit events are logged.

One JSON file is created for each audit topic that is included in this list:


Reconciliations are available as an audit topic, but are not enabled by default. To enable auditing on reconciliations, add recon to the list of topics. This will add a recon.audit.json file to the audit directory.

If you want to get information about a reconciliation without enabling the audit topic, you can get similar details from the recon/assoc endpoint. For more information about recon association data, see Viewing Reconciliation Association Details.

For a description of all the configurable properties of the JSON audit event handler, see JSON Audit Event Handler Properties.

The following excerpt of an authentication.audit.json file shows the log message format for authentication events:

	"context": {
		"ipAddress": "0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1"
	"entries": [{
		"moduleId": "JwtSession",
		"result": "FAILED",
		"reason": {},
		"info": {}
		"moduleId": "INTERNAL_USER",
		"result": "SUCCESSFUL",
		"info": {
			"org.forgerock.authentication.principal": "openidm-admin"
	"principal": ["openidm-admin"],
	"result": "SUCCESSFUL",
	"userId": "openidm-admin",
	"transactionId": "94b9b85f-fbf1-4c4c-8198-ab1ff52ed0c3-24",
	"timestamp": "2016-10-11T12:12:03.115Z",
	"eventName": "authentication",
	"trackingIds": ["5855a363-a1e0-4894-a2dc-fd5270fb99d1"],
	"_id": "94b9b85f-fbf1-4c4c-8198-ab1ff52ed0c3-30"
} {
	"context": {
		"component": "internal/user",
		"roles": ["internal/role/openidm-admin", "internal/role/openidm-authorized"],
		"ipAddress": "0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1",
		"id": "openidm-admin",
		"moduleId": "INTERNAL_USER"

JSON standard output audit event handler

Standard output is also known as stdout. A JSON stdout handler sends messages to standard output. The following code is an excerpt of the audit.json file, which depicts a sample JSON stdout audit event handler configuration:

    "class" : "org.forgerock.audit.handlers.json.stdout.JsonStdoutAuditEventHandler",
    "config" : {
        "name" : "stdout",
        "enabled" : {
            "$bool" : "&{openidm.audit.handler.stdout.enabled|false}"
        "topics" : [

CSV audit event handler

The CSV audit event handler logs events to a comma-separated value (CSV) file.

The CSV handler does not sanitize messages when writing to CSV log files.

Do not open CSV logs in spreadsheets and other applications that treat data as code.

The following excerpt of the audit.json file shows a sample CSV handler configuration:

"eventHandlers" : [
    "class" : "",
    "config" : {
        "name" : "csv",
        "logDirectory" : "&{}/audit",
        "topics" : [ "access", "activity", "sync", "authentication", "config" ]

The logDirectory indicates the name of the directory in which log files should be written, relative to the working location. For more information on the working location, see Startup configuration.

You can use property value substitution to direct logs to another location on the filesystem. For more information, see Property Value Substitution.

If you set up a custom CSV handler, you may configure over 20 different properties, as described in Common Audit Event Handler Properties.

Audit file names are fixed and correspond to the event being audited:


Restrictions on configuring the CSV audit handler in the admin UI

If you configure the CSV handler in the admin UI, set at least the following properties:

  • The logDirectory, the full path to the directory with audit logs, such as /path/to/openidm/audit . You can substitute &{idm.install.dir} for /path/to/openidm .

  • Differing entries for the quote character, quoteChar and delimiter character, delimiterChar.

    After you have set these options, do not change them in the admin UI. Rather, rotate any CSV audit files and edit the configuration properties directly in conf/audit.json. Changing the properties in the admin UI generates an error in the console.

  • If you enable the CSV tamper-evident configuration, include the keystoreHandlerName, or a filename and password. Do not include all three options.

    Before including tamper-evident features in the audit configuration, set up the keys as described in Configure Keys to Protect Audit Logs.

    The signatureInterval property supports time settings in a human-readable format (default = 1 hour). Examples of allowable signatureInterval settings are:

    • 3 days, 4 m

    • 1 hour, 3 sec

    Allowable time units include:

    • days, day, d

    • hours, hour, h

    • minutes, minute, min, m

    • seconds, second, sec, s

Configure Tamper Protection for CSV Audit Logs

Tamper protection can ensure the integrity of audit logs written to CSV files. You can activate tamper protection in the audit.json file directly, or by editing the CSV Audit Event Handler in the admin UI.

Before you change the audit configuration for tamper protection, move or delete any current audit CSV files:

mv /path/to/openidm/audit/*.csv /tmp

Tamper protection requires keys in the default IDM keystore. If you have not already done so, import a certificate into the keystore, or create your own self-signed certificate:

Configure Keys to Protect Audit Logs

IDM includes a Java Cryptography Extension Keystore (JCEKS), keystore.jceks, in the /path/to/openidm/security directory.

Initialize a key pair using the RSA encryption algorithm, using the SHA256 hashing mechanism:

keytool \
 -genkeypair \
 -alias "Signature" \
 -dname CN=openidm \
 -keystore /path/to/openidm/security/keystore.jceks \
 -storepass changeit \
 -storetype JCEKS \
 -keypass changeit \
 -keyalg RSA \
 -sigalg SHA256withRSA

You can now set up a secret key, in Hash-based message authentication code, using the SHA256 hash function (HmacSHA256):

keytool \
 -genseckey \
 -alias "Password" \
 -keystore /path/to/openidm/security/keystore.jceks \
 -storepass changeit \
 -storetype JCEKS \
 -keypass changeit \
 -keyalg HmacSHA256 \
 -keysize 256

To configure tamper protection, add a security property to the CSV audit handler configuration in your conf/audit.conf file:

   "class" : "org.forgerock.audit.handlers.csv.CsvAuditEventHandler",
   "config" : {
      "security" : {
        "enabled" : true,
        "filename" : "",
        "password" : "",
        "keyStoreHandlerName" : "openidm",
        "signatureInterval" : "10 minutes"

This excerpt shows a tamper-evident configuration where a signature is written to a new line in each CSV file, every 10 minutes. The signature uses the default keystore, configured in the install-dir/resolver/ file. The properties are described in Common audit event handler properties.

To configure tamper protection in the admin UI:

  1. Click Configure > System Preferences > Audit, and select an existing CSV audit handler, or add a new one.

  2. Scroll down to Security, and set the keystore options.


When you have saved the configuration changes, you should see the following files in the /path/to/openidm/audit directory:


When you have configured tamper protection, you can periodically check the integrity of your log files:

Check Log File Integrity

The following command verifies audit files in the --archive directory (audit/), that belong to the access --topic, verified with the keystore.jceks keystore, using the CSV audit handler bundle, forgerock-audit-handler-csv-version.jar:

java -jar \
bundle/forgerock-audit-handler-csv-version.jar \
--archive audit/ \
--topic access \
--keystore security/keystore.jceks \
--password changeit

If there are changes to your tamper-evident-access.csv file, you’ll see a message similar to:

FAIL tamper-evident-access.csv-2016.05.10-11.05.43 The HMac at row 3 is not correct.

Note the following restrictions on verifying CSV audit files:

  • You can only verify audit files that have already been rotated. You cannot verify an audit file that is currently being written to.

  • Verification of tampering is supported only for CSV audit files with the following format:

    "formatting" : {
        "quoteChar" : "\"",
        "delimiterChar" : ",",
        "endOfLineSymbols" : "\n"
  • A tamper-evident audit configuration rotates files automatically and pairs the rotated file with the required keystore file. Files that are rotated manually cannot be verified, as the required keystore information is not appended.

Router Audit Event Handler

The router audit event handler logs events to any external or custom endpoint, such as system/scriptedsql or custom-endpoint/myhandler. It uses target-assigned values of _id.

A sample configuration for a router event handler is provided in the audit.json file in the openidm/samples/audit-jdbc/conf directory, and described in About the Configuration Files. This sample directs log output to a JDBC repository. The audit configuration file (conf/audit.json) for the sample shows the following event handler configuration:

    "class": "org.forgerock.openidm.audit.impl.RouterAuditEventHandler",
    "config": {
        "name": "router",
        "topics" : [ "access", "activity", "sync", "authentication", "config" ],
        "resourcePath" : "system/auditdb"

The resourcePath property in the configuration indicates that logs should be directed to the system/auditdb endpoint. This endpoint, and the JDBC connection properties, are defined in the connector configuration file (conf/provisioner.openicf-auditdb.json), as follows:

    "configurationProperties" : {
        "username" : "root",
        "password" : "password",
        "driverClassName" : "com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver",
        "url" : "jdbc:mysql://&{}:&{openidm.repo.port}/audit",
        "autoCommit" : true,
        "jdbcDriver" : "com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver",
        "scriptRoots" : ["&{idm.instance.dir}/tools"],
        "createScriptFileName" : "CreateScript.groovy",
        "testScriptFileName" : "TestScript.groovy",
        "searchScriptFileName" : "SearchScript.groovy"

Include the correct URL or IP address of your remote JDBC repository in the file for your project.

When JSON information is sent to the router audit event handler, the value of _id is replaced with eventId.

Repository Audit Event Handler

The repository audit event handler sends information to a JDBC repository. If you are using ForgeRock Directory Services (DS) as the repository, you cannot enable this audit event handler, because audit data cannot be stored in DS.

ForgeRock recommends that you DO NOT use the RepositoryAuditEventHandler, as this causes audit records to compete with IDM for resources on the database, which impacts performance.

Log entries are stored in the following tables of a JDBC repository:

  • auditaccess

  • auditactivity

  • auditauthentication

  • auditconfig

  • auditrecon

  • auditsync

You can use the repository audit event handler to generate reports that combine information from multiple tables.

Each of these JDBC tables maps to an object in the database table configuration file (repo.jdbc.json). The following excerpt of that file illustrates the mappings for the auditauthentication table:

"audit/authentication" : {
    "table" : "auditauthentication",
    "objectToColumn" : {
        "_id" : "objectid",
        "transactionId" : "transactionid",
        "timestamp" : "activitydate",
        "userId" : "userid",
        "eventName" : "eventname",
        "result" : "result",
        "principal" : {"column" : "principals", "type" : "JSON_LIST"},
        "context" : {"column" : "context", "type" : "JSON_MAP"},
        "entries" : {"column" : "entries", "type" : "JSON_LIST"},
        "trackingIds" : {"column" : "trackingids", "type" : "JSON_LIST"},

The tables correspond to the topics listed in the audit.json file. For example:

    "class": "org.forgerock.openidm.audit.impl.RepositoryAuditEventHandler",
    "config": {
        "name": "repo",
        "topics" : [ "access", "activity", "sync", "authentication", "config" ]

JMS audit event handler

The Java Message Service (JMS) is a Java API for sending asynchronous messages between clients. IDM audit information can be handled by the JMS audit event handler, which sends information to message brokers. The message brokers can then forward that information to external log analysis systems.

The JMS audit event handler works with the following message brokers:

This implementation supports the publish/subscribe model. For more information, see Basic JMS API Concepts.

The JMS audit event handler does not support queries. If you enable JMS, and need to query audit events, you must enable a second audit handler that supports queries. Specify that audit handler in the audit.json file with the handlerForQueries property, or in the admin UI with the Use For Queries option.

The JMS audit event handler supports JMS communication, based on the following components:

  • A JMS message broker that provides clients with connectivity, along with message storage and message delivery functionality.

  • JMS messages that follow a specific format, described in JMS Message Format.

  • Destinations external to IDM and the message broker. IDM (including the audit service) is a producer and not a destination. IDM sends messages to a topic in a message broker. Consumers (clients) subscribe to the message broker.

    JMS Topics are not the same as the ForgeRock audit event topics listed in your project’s audit.json file. For more information about JMS topics, see the documentation on the publish/subscribe model. ForgeRock audit event topics specify categories of events (including access, activity, authentication, configuration, reconciliation, and synchronization). These event topics are published via the audit handler(s).

Dependencies for JMS messaging

The JMS audit event handler requires Apache ActiveMQ Artemis and additional dependencies bundled with the ActiveMQ Artemis delivery. This section lists the dependencies, and where they must be installed in the IDM instance. If you use a different ActiveMQ version, you may need to download the corresponding dependencies separately.

  1. Download the following files:

  2. Unpack the ActiveMQ Artemis archive. For example:

    tar -zxvf ~/Downloads/apache-artemis-2.20.0-bin.tar.gz
  3. Create a temporary directory, and then change to that directory:

    mkdir ~/Downloads/tmp
    cd ~/Downloads/tmp/
  4. Move the ActiveMQ Artemis Client and bnd JAR files to the temporary directory.

    mv ~/Downloads/apache-artemis-2.20.0/lib/client/artemis-jms-client-all-2.20.0.jar ~/Downloads/tmp/
    mv ~/Downloads/biz.aQute.bnd-version.jar ~/Downloads/tmp/
  5. Create an OSGi bundle:

    1. In a text editor, create a BND file named activemq.bnd with the following contents, and save it to the current directory:

      Export-Package: *;version=${version}
      Import-Package: !org.apache.log4j.*,!org.apache.log.*,!org.apache.avalon.framework.logger.*,!org.apache.avalon.framework.logger.*,!org.glassfish.json.*,!org.conscrypt.*,!org.apache.logging.*,!org.bouncycastle.jsse.*,!org.eclipse.*,!*,!reactor.*,!org.apache.activemq.artemis.shaded.*,!com.aayushatharva.*,!com.github.luben.zstd,!com.jcraft.jzlib,!com.ning.compress,!com.ning.compress.lzf,!com.ning.compress.lzf.util,!,!lzma.*,!net.jpountz.*,*
      Bundle-Name: ActiveMQArtemis :: Client
      Bundle-SymbolicName: org.apache.activemq
      Bundle-Version: ${version}

      Your tmp/ directory should now contain the following files:

      ls -1 ~/Downloads/tmp/
    2. In the same directory, create the OSGi bundle archive file. For example:

      java -jar biz.aQute.bnd-version.jar wrap \
      --properties activemq.bnd \
      --output artemis-jms-client-all-2.20.0-osgi.jar \
  6. Copy the resulting artemis-jms-client-all-2.20.0-osgi.jar file to the openidm/bundle directory:

    cp artemis-jms-client-all-2.20.0-osgi.jar /path/to/openidm/bundle/

Configure the JMS audit event handler

You can configure the JMS audit event handler in the admin UI, or in your conf/audit.json file.

To configure the JMS audit event handler in the admin UI:

  1. Select Configure > System Preferences > Audit.

  2. Under Event Handlers, select JmsAuditEventHandler > Add Event Handler.

The event handler configuration properties are discussed in this section. For a complete list of configuration options, see JMS Audit Event Handler Properties.

To configure the audit event handler in the conf/audit.json file, see the sample configuration provided in /path/to/openidm/samples/audit-jms/conf/audit.json. The following excerpt of that file shows the JMS audit event handler configuration:

    "class" : "org.forgerock.audit.handlers.jms.JmsAuditEventHandler",
    "config" : {
        "name": "jms",
        "enabled" : true,
        "topics": [
        "deliveryMode": "NON_PERSISTENT",
        "sessionMode": "AUTO",
        "batch": {
            "writeInterval": "1 second",
            "capacity": 1000,
            "maxBatchedEvents": 100
        "jndi": {
            "contextProperties": {
                "java.naming.factory.initial" : "org.apache.activemq.artemis.jndi.ActiveMQInitialContextFactory",
                "java.naming.provider.url" : "tcp://",
                "topic.forgerock.idm.audit" : "forgerock.idm.audit"
            "topicName": "forgerock.idm.audit",
            "connectionFactoryName": "ConnectionFactory"

In this sample configuration, the JMS audit event handler is enabled, with NON_PERSISTENT delivery of audit events in batches. The handler is configured to use the Apache ActiveMQ Artemis Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) message broker, on port 61616.

For an example of how to configure Apache ActiveMQ Artemis, see Direct audit information to a JMS broker.

If you substitute a different JNDI message broker, change the jndi.contextProperties accordingly. If you configure the JNDI message broker on a remote system, substitute the corresponding IP address.

Configure SSL for Apache ActiveMQ Artemis

For information on configuring Apache ActiveMQ Artemis security features, including SSL, see the ActiveMQ Artemis Documentation:

JMS message format

The following JMS message reflects the authentication of the openidm-admin user, logging into the admin UI from a remote location, IP address

  "event": {
    "_id": "134ee773-c081-436b-ae61-a41e8158c712-565",
    "trackingIds": [
  "context": {
    "id": "openidm-admin",
    "ipAddress": "",
    "roles": [
    "component": "internal/user"
  "entries": [
      "info": {
        "org.forgerock.authentication.principal": "openidm-admin"
      "result": "SUCCESSFUL",
      "moduleId": "JwtSession"
  "principal": [
    "result": "SUCCESSFUL",
    "userId": "openidm-admin",
    "transactionId": "134ee773-c081-436b-ae61-a41e8158c712-562",
    "timestamp": "2016-04-15T14:57:53.114Z",
    "eventName": "authentication"
  "auditTopic": "authentication"


You can integrate the JMS audit event handler with the TIBCO Enterprise Message Service.

You’ll need to use two bundles from your TIBCO installation: tibjms.jar, and if you’re setting up a secure connection, tibcrypt.jar. With the following procedure, you’ll process tibjms.jar into an OSGi bundle:

  1. Download the most recent bnd JAR file from The bnd utility lets you create OSGi bundles for libraries that do not yet support OSGi. If you have previously set up the ActiveMQ Artemis server, you may have already downloaded this file.

  2. In the same directory, create a file named tibco.bnd , and add the following lines to that file:

    Export-Package: *;version=${version}
    Bundle-Name: TIBCO Enterprise Message Service
    Bundle-SymbolicName: com/tibco/tibjms
    Bundle-Version: ${version}
  3. Add the tibco.jar file to the same directory.

  4. Run the following command to create the bundle:

    java \
    -jar biz.aQute.bnd-version.jar wrap \
    -properties tibco.bnd tibjms.jar
  5. Rename the newly created file to tibjms-osgi.jar , and copy it to the /path/to/openidm/bundle directory.

  6. If you’re configuring SSL, copy the tibcrypt.jar file from your TIBCO installation to the /path/to/openidm/bundle directory.

You also need to configure your project’s audit.conf configuration file. The options are similar to those listed earlier in Configure the JMS Audit Event Handler, except for the following jndi code block:

"jndi": {
   "contextProperties": {
      "java.naming.factory.initial" : "com.tibco.tibjms.naming.TibjmsInitialContextFactory",
      "java.naming.provider.url" : "tibjmsnaming://localhost:7222"
   "topicName": "audit",
   "connectionFactoryName": "ConnectionFactory"

If your TIBCO server is on a remote system, substitute appropriately for localhost. If you’re configuring a secure TIBCO installation, you’ll want to configure a different code block:

"jndi": {
   "contextProperties": {
      "java.naming.factory.initial" : "com.tibco.tibjms.naming.TibjmsInitialContextFactory",
      "java.naming.provider.url" : "ssl://localhost:7243",
      "com.tibco.tibjms.naming.security_protocol" : "ssl",
      "com.tibco.tibjms.naming.ssl_trusted_certs" : "/path/to/tibco/server/certificate/cert.pem",
      "com.tibco.tibjms.naming.ssl_enable_verify_hostname" : "false"
   "topicName": "audit",
   "connectionFactoryName": "SSLConnectionFactory"

Do not add the TIBCO certificate to the IDM truststore. The formats are not compatible.

When this configuration work is complete, don’t forget to start your TIBCO server before starting IDM. For more information, see the TIBCO Enterprise Message Service Users’s Guide.

Syslog audit event handler

The Syslog audit event handler lets you log messages to a Syslog server, based on the Syslog Protocol.

You can configure the Syslog audit event handler in the admin UI, or in your project’s conf/audit.json file. The following excerpt from this file shows a possible Syslog configuration:

    "class" : "org.forgerock.audit.handlers.syslog.SyslogAuditEventHandler",
    "config" : {
        "protocol" : "UDP",
        "host" : "",
        "port" : 514,
        "connectTimeout" : 5,
        "facility" : "KERN",
        "severityFieldMappings" : [
                "topic" : "recon",
                "field" : "exception",
                "valueMappings" : {
                    "SEVERE" : "EMERGENCY",
                    "INFO" : "INFORMATIONAL"
        "buffering" : {
            "enabled" : false
        "name" : "syslog1",
        "topics" : [
        "enabled" : true

The name, topics, and enabled options in the last part of the excerpt are common to all audit event handlers. For detailed information on the remaining properties, see Syslog Audit Event Handler Properties.

Audit event topics

The audit service logs information from six event topics: access, activity, authentication, configuration, reconciliation, and synchronization.

When you start IDM, it creates audit log files in the openidm/audit directory. The default file-based audit event handler is the JSON handler, which creates one JSON file for each event topic.

To configure default and custom audit topics in the admin UI, select Configure > System Preferences. Click on the Audit tab, and scroll down to Event Topics.

Default audit event topics

The audit service logs the following event topics by default:

Access Events

IDM writes messages at system boundaries, that is REST endpoints and the invocation of scheduled tasks in this log. In short, it includes who, what, and output for every access request.

Default file: openidm/audit/access.audit.json

Activity Events

IDM logs operations on internal (managed) and external (system) objects to this log.

Entries in the activity log contain identifiers, both for the action that triggered the activity, and for the original caller and the relationships between related actions, on internal and external objects.

Default file: openidm/audit/activity.audit.json

Authentication Events

IDM logs the results of authentication operations to this log, including situations and the actions taken on each object, including when and how a user authenticated and related events. The activity log contains additional detail about each authentication action.

Default file: openidm/audit/authentication.audit.json

Configuration Events

IDM logs the changes to the configuration in this log. The configuration log includes the "before" and "after" settings for each configuration item, with timestamps.

Default file: openidm/audit/config.audit.json

Reconciliation Events

IDM logs the results of reconciliation runs to this log (including situations and the resulting actions taken). The activity log contains details about the actions, where log entries display parent activity identifiers, recon/reconID, links, and policy events by data store.

Default file: openidm/audit/recon.audit.json

Synchronization Events

IDM logs the results of automatic synchronization operations (liveSync and implicit synchronization) to this log, including situations and the actions taken on each object, by account. The activity log contains additional detail about each action.

Default file: openidm/audit/sync.audit.json

For detailed information about each audit event topic, see Audit event handler configuration.

Custom audit event topics

You can create custom event topics to collect audit information for customizations, such as scripts. Creating a new event topic has a few additional requirements:

  • You must specify a schema for your custom topic. The schema determines the structure and type of information stored in audit logs.

  • Your script needs to call the new audit event topic (for example audit/example), providing the values you specified in your topic schema.

Create custom event topics directly in audit.json, or using the admin UI. The following example, from an audit.json file, has been modified to include a custom audit event topic named example:

"eventTopics": {
  "authentication": {},
  "access": {},
  "example": {
    "schema": {
      "$schema": "",
      "id": "/",
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "_id": {
          "id": "_id",
          "type": "string"
        "transactionId": {
          "id": "transactionId",
          "type": "string"
        "timestamp": {
          "id": "timestamp",
          "type": "string"
        "status": {
          "id": "status",
          "type": "string"
        "message": {
          "id": "message",
          "type": "string"
      "filter": {
        "actions": []

When your topic has been created, add it to an event handler such as the JsonAuditEventHandler, in order to output the audit logs in your desired format. New audit events can be sent by calling the audit topic endpoint (in this example, audit/example). For example, the following REST call will add a new audit event for the example topic:

curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request POST \
--data '{
   "transactionId": "779d3cda-dab3-4e54-9ab1-e0ca4c7ae6df-699",
   "timestamp": "2019-02-12T01:11:02.675Z",
   "status": "SUCCESS",
   "message": "Script has run successfully."
}' \
  "_id": "2091c3f2-7a22-47bf-a618-b2af4c322e46-1192",
  "transactionId": "779d3cda-dab3-4e54-9ab1-e0ca4c7ae6df-699",
  "timestamp": "2019-02-12T01:11:02.675Z",
  "status": "SUCCESS",
  "message": "Script has run successfully."

This new audit event will be logged to the audit log specified by your event handler. For example, if you had added the example topic to the JsonAuditEventHandler, you can find your new audit event logged in audit/example.audit.json.

Filter audit data

The audit configuration (in conf/audit.json) includes a filter parameter that lets you specify what should be logged, per event topic. The information that is logged can be filtered in various ways.

The following excerpt of a sample audit.json file shows the filter element for the activity log:

"eventTopics" : {
    "authentication" : { },
    "access" : { },
    "activity" : {
        "filter" : {
            "actions" : [

To configure audit filtering in the admin UI, select Configure > System Preferences > Audit. Scroll down to Event Topics, and click the pencil icon next to the event that you want to filter. The filter tabs, Filter Actions, Filter Fields, Filter Script, and Filter Triggers, correspond to the filtering capabilities discussed here.

Filter by action

The filter actions list enables you to specify the actions that are logged, per event type. This filter is essentially a fields filter (as described in Filter by Field Value) that filters log entries by the value of their actions field.

The following configuration specifies that the actions create, update, delete, patch, and action should be included in the log, for the activity audit event topic.

"eventTopics" : {
    "activity": {
        "filter" : {
            "actions" : [

The list of actions that can be filtered into the log depend on the event type. The following table lists the actions that can be filtered, per event type.

Actions that can be Filtered Per Event Type
Event Type Actions Description

Activity and Configuration


When an object is read by using its identifier. By default, read actions are not logged.

Note that due to the potential result size in the case of read operations on system/ endpoints, only the read is logged, and not the resource detail. If you really need to log the complete resource detail, set the following property in your resolver/ file:



When an object is created.


When an object is updated.


When an object is deleted.


When an object is partially modified. (Activity only.)


When a query is performed on an object. By default, query actions are not logged.

Note that, due to the potential result size in the case of query operations on system/ endpoints, only the query is logged, and not the resource detail. If you really need to log the complete resource detail, add the following line to your resolver/ file:



When an action is performed on an object. (Activity only.)

Reconciliation and Synchronization


When a target object is created.


When a target object is deleted.


When a target object is updated.


When a link is created between a source object and an existing target object.


When a link is removed between a source object and a target object.


When the synchronization situation results in an exception. For more information, see Synchronization situations and actions.


When the target object is ignored; that is, no action is taken.

Authentication and Access


No actions can be specified for the authentication or the access log event type.

Filter by field value

You can add a list of filter fields to the audit configuration, that lets you filter log entries by specific fields. For example, you might want to restrict the reconciliation or audit log so that only summary information is logged for each reconciliation operation. The following addition to the audit.json file specifies that entries are logged in the reconciliation log only if their entryType is start or summary.

"eventTopics" : {
    "activity" : {
        "filter" : {
            "actions" : [
            "fields" : [
                    "name" : "entryType",
                    "values" : [

To use nested properties, specify the field name as a JSON pointer. For example, to filter entries according to the value of the, you would specify the field name as authentication/id.

Filter with a script

Apart from the audit filtering options described in the previous sections, you can use a JavaScript or Groovy script to filter what is logged. Audit filter scripts are referenced in the audit configuration file (conf/audit.json), and can be configured per event type. The following sample configuration references a script named auditfilter.js, which is used to limit what is logged in the reconciliation audit log:

    "eventTopics" : {
        "recon" : {
            "filter" : {
                "script" : {
                    "type" : "text/javascript",
                    "file" : "auditfilter.js"

The request and context objects are available to the script. Before writing the audit entry, IDM can access the entry as a request.content object. For example, to set up a script to log just the summary entries for mapping managed users in an LDAP data store, you could include the following in the auditfilter.js script:

(function() {
    return request.content.entryType == 'summary' &&
    request.content.mapping == 'systemLdapAccounts_managedUser'

The script must return true to include the log entry; false to exclude it.

Filter by trigger

You can add a filter`triggers list to the audit configuration, that specifies the actions that will be logged for a specific trigger. For example, the following addition to the audit.json file specifies that only `create and update actions are logged for in the activity log, for an activity that was triggered by a recon.

"eventTopics" : {
    "activity" : {
        "filter" : {
            "actions" : [
            "triggers" : {
                "recon" : [

If a trigger is provided, but no actions are specified, nothing is logged for that trigger. If a trigger is omitted, all actions are logged for that trigger. Only the recon trigger is implemented. For a list of reconciliation actions that can be logged, see Synchronization Actions.

Use policies to filter audit data

In addition to event-based filtering, you can use policies to include or exclude specific information in the audit logs. By default, IDM safelists fields that are safe to log. To include or exclude additional fields or values, edit conf/audit.json:

"filterPolicies" : {
    "value" : {
        "excludeIf" : [ ],
        "includeIf" : [ ]

Although you can’t edit the default safelist, IDM processes the safelist before the blocklist, so any items added to excludeIf override their safelist status.

  • To specify data to exclude from audit logs, use the excludeIf property.

    • To exclude an entire field, use the field property.

    • To exclude a field that contains a specific value, use the value property.

  • To specify data to include in custom audit event logs, use the includeIf property.

    This setting has no effect on default audit event topics.

Default audit log safelists by event topic

Access Safelist
  • /_id

  • /timestamp

  • /eventName

  • /transactionId

  • /trackingIds

  • /userId

  • /client

  • /server

  • /http/request/secure

  • /http/request/method

  • /http/request/path

  • /http/request/headers/accept

  • /http/request/headers/accept-api-version

  • /http/request/headers/content-type

  • /http/request/headers/host

  • /http/request/headers/user-agent

  • /http/request/headers/x-forwarded-for

  • /http/request/headers/x-forwarded-host

  • /http/request/headers/x-forwarded-port

  • /http/request/headers/x-forwarded-proto

  • /http/request/headers/x-original-uri

  • /http/request/headers/x-real-ip

  • /http/request/headers/x-request-id

  • /http/request/headers/x-requested-with

  • /http/request/headers/x-scheme

  • /request

  • /response

  • /roles

Activity Safelist
  • /_id

  • /timestamp

  • /eventName

  • /transactionId

  • /trackingIds

  • /userId

  • /runAs

  • /objectId

  • /operation

  • /changedFields

  • /revision

  • /status

  • /message

  • /passwordChanged

  • /context

  • /provider

Authentication Safelist
  • /_id

  • /timestamp

  • /eventName

  • /transactionId

  • /trackingIds

  • /userId

  • /principal

  • /entries

  • /result

  • /provider

  • /method

Configuration Safelist
  • /_id

  • /timestamp

  • /eventName

  • /transactionId

  • /trackingIds

  • /userId

  • /runAs

  • /objectId

  • /operation

  • /changedFields

  • /revision

Reconciliation Safelist
  • /_id

  • /action

  • /ambiguousTargetObjectIds

  • /entryType

  • /eventName

  • /exception

  • /linkQualifier

  • /mapping

  • /message

  • /messageDetail

  • /reconAction

  • /reconciling

  • /reconId

  • /situation

  • /sourceObjectId

  • /status

  • /targetObjectId

  • /timestamp

  • /trackingIds

  • /transactionId

  • /userId

Synchronization Safelist
  • /_id

  • /action

  • /eventName

  • /exception

  • /linkQualifier

  • /mapping

  • /message

  • /messageDetail

  • /situation

  • /sourceObjectId

  • /status

  • /targetObjectId

  • /timestamp

  • /trackingIds

  • /transactionId

  • /userId

Configure audit filter policies in the admin UI

  1. From the navigation bar, click Configure > System Preferences.

  2. On the System Preferences page, click the Audit tab.

    The Audit Filter Policy area displays the policies that exist in conf/audit.json.

  3. Make changes in the Audit Filter Policy area, and click Save.

Audit filter example

A typical use case for filtering audit data by policy is to keep personally identifiable information (PII) out of the logs. To exclude a specific field from the audit logs, add the field to the filterPolicies element, as follows:

"filterPolicies" : {
    "value" : {...}
    "field" : {
        "excludeIf" : [

Consider the following entry in a sample activity log, showing a change to the telephoneNumber field for a user:

  "_id": "334ed888-3179-4990-b475-c1982403f063-27593",
  "timestamp": "2021-11-09T23:33:25.802Z",
  "eventName": "activity",
  "transactionId": "334ed888-3179-4990-b475-c1982403f063-27554",
  "userId": "openidm-admin",
  "runAs": "openidm-admin",
  "objectId": "managed/user/ba46c2cc-e897-4a69-bb3c-a0c83d9f88bb",
  "operation": "PATCH",
  "changedFields": [],
  "revision": "d4907846-7a84-4da6-898c-a8c9b6f992c5-1210",
  "status": "SUCCESS",
  "message": "",
  "passwordChanged": false

Because the default Activity Safelist doesn’t contain telephoneNumber, the change isn’t reflected in the audit log.

To include the before and after telephone number in the activity audit log, add the following filter policy to conf/audit.json:

"filterPolicies" : {
  "field" : {
    "excludeIf" : [ ],
    "includeIf" : [
      "/activity/after/telephoneNumber" ]

With this configuration, a similar change would appear in the activity log as:

  "before": {
    "telephoneNumber": "360-555-5566"
  "after": {
    "telephoneNumber": "360-555-5555"
  "_id": "334ed888-3179-4990-b475-c1982403f063-28385",
  "timestamp": "2021-11-09T23:35:51.718Z",
  "eventName": "activity",
  "transactionId": "334ed888-3179-4990-b475-c1982403f063-28346",
  "userId": "openidm-admin",
  "runAs": "openidm-admin",
  "objectId": "managed/user/ba46c2cc-e897-4a69-bb3c-a0c83d9f88bb",
  "operation": "PATCH",
  "changedFields": [],
  "revision": "d4907846-7a84-4da6-898c-a8c9b6f992c5-1242",
  "status": "SUCCESS",
  "message": "",
  "passwordChanged": false

By default, the /access/http/request/headers and /access/http/response/headers fields are considered case-insensitive for filtering. All other fields are considered case-sensitive.

To specify that a value should be filtered, regardless of case, add the caseInsensitiveFields property to your audit configuration, including an array of fields that should be considered case-insensitive. Fields are referenced using JSON pointer syntax and the array of fields can be empty.

With the following configuration, the audit service excludes cookies named session-jwt and session-JWT from the log:

"caseInsensitiveFields" : [

Monitor specific activity log changes

For the activity log only, you can specify fields whose values are considered particularly important in terms of logging.

Fields to watch

The watchedFields property (in conf/audit.json) lets you define a list of properties that should be monitored for changes. When the value of one of the properties in this list changes, the change is logged in the activity log, under the column changedFields. This parameter enables you to have quick access to important changes in the log.

Properties to monitor are listed as values of the watchedFields property, separated by commas, for example:

"watchedFields" : [ "email", "address" ]

You can monitor changes to any field in this way.

To configure watched fields in the admin UI, select Configure > System Preferences > Audit. Scroll down to Event Topics, and click the pencil icon next to the activity event.

Password fields to watch

You can set a list of passwordFields that functions much like the watchedFields property. Changes to these property values are logged in the activity log, under the column changedFields. In addition, when a password property is changed, the boolean passwordChanged flag is set to true in the activity log. Properties that should be considered as passwords are listed as values of the passwordFields parameter, separated by commas. For example:

"passwordFields" : [ "password", "userPassword" ]

To configure password fields in the admin UI, select Configure > System Preferences > Audit. Scroll down to Event Topics, and click the pencil icon next to the activity event.

Configure an audit exception formatter

The audit service includes an exception formatter, configured in the following snippet of the audit.json file:

"exceptionFormatter" : {
   "type" : "text/javascript",
   "file" : "bin/defaults/script/audit/stacktraceFormatter.js"

As shown, you may find the script that defines how the exception formatter works in the stacktraceFormatter.js file. That file handles the formatting and display of exceptions written to the audit logger.

Change audit write behavior

You can buffer audit logging to minimize the writes on your systems. Configure buffering either in conf/audit.json, or using the admin UI.

To configure buffering for specific event handler in the admin UI, click Configure > System Preferences and click on the Audit tab. When you customize or create an event handler, you can configure the following settings:

Audit Buffering Options
Property UI Text Description


True or false

Enables / disables buffering.


True or false; whether the Audit Service automatically flushes events after writing them to disk.

The following sample code illustrates where you would configure these properties in the audit.json file.

    "eventHandlers" : [
        "config" : {
          "buffering" : {
            "autoFlush" : false,
            "enabled" : false

You can set up autoFlush when buffering is enabled. IDM then writes data to audit logs asynchronously, while autoFlush functionality ensures that the audit service writes data to logs on a regular basis.

If audit data is important, do activate autoFlush. It minimizes the risk of data loss in case of a server crash.

Purge obsolete audit information

If reconciliation audit volumes grow "excessively" large, any subsequent reconciliations, as well as queries to audit tables, can become "sluggish". In a deployment with limited resources, a lack of disk space can affect system performance.

You might already have restricted what is logged in your audit logs by setting up filters, as described in Filter Audit Data. You can also use specific queries to purge reconciliation audit logs, or you can purge reconciliation audit entries older than a specific date, using timestamps.

IDM provides a sample purge script, autoPurgeRecon.js, in the bin/defaults/script/audit directory. This script purges reconciliation audit log entries only from the internal repository. It does not purge data from the corresponding JSON files or external repositories.

To purge reconciliation audit logs on a regular basis, set up a schedule. A sample schedule is provided in openidm/samples/example-configurations/schedules/schedule-autoPurgeAuditRecon.json. You can change that schedule as required, and copy the file to the conf/ directory of your project, in order for it to take effect.

The sample purge schedule file is as follows:

   "enabled" : false,
   "type" : "cron",
   "schedule" : "0 0 */12 * * ?",
   "persisted" : true,
   "misfirePolicy" : "doNothing",
   "invokeService" : "script",
   "invokeContext" : {
      "script" : {
         "type" : "text/javascript",
         "file" : "audit/autoPurgeAuditRecon.js",
         "input" : {
            "mappings" : [ "%" ],
            "purgeType" : "purgeByNumOfReconsToKeep",
            "numOfRecons" : 1,
            "intervalUnit" : "minutes",
            "intervalValue" : 1

For information about the schedule-related properties in this file, see Schedule synchronization.

Beyond scheduling, the following parameters are of interest for purging the reconciliation audit logs:


Input information. The parameters below specify different kinds of input.


An array of mappings to prune. Each element in the array can be either a string or an object.

Strings must contain the mapping(s) name and can use "%" as a wild card value that will be used in a LIKE condition.

Objects provide the ability to specify mapping(s) to include/exclude and must be of the form:

      "include" : "mapping1",
      "exclude" : "mapping2"

The type of purge to perform. Can be set to one of the following values:


Uses the deleteFromAuditReconByNumOf function and the numOfRecons config variable.


Uses the deleteFromAuditReconByExpired function and the config variables intervalUnit and intervalValue.


The number of recon summary entries to keep for a given mapping, including all child entries.


The type of time interval when using purgeByExpired. Acceptable values include: minutes, hours, or days.


The value of the time interval when using purgeByExpired. Set to an integer value.

Log file rotation

The file-based audit event handlers let you rotate audit log files, either automatically, based on a set of criteria, or by using a REST call.

To configure automatic log file rotation, set the following properties in your project’s audit.json file:

    "class" : "org.forgerock.audit.handlers.json.JsonAuditEventHandler",
    "config" : {
        "fileRotation" : {
            "rotationEnabled" : true,
            "maxFileSize" : 0,
            "rotationFilePrefix" : "",
            "rotationTimes" : [ ],
            "rotationFileSuffix" : "",
            "rotationInterval" : ""

The file rotation properties are described in JSON Audit Event Handler Properties.

If you have enabled file rotation ("rotationEnabled" : true), you can rotate the JSON log files manually for a specific audit event topic, over REST. The following command saves the current access log file with a date and time stamp, then starts logging to a new file with the same base name.

curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--request POST \
  "status": "OK"

If the command is successful, you will see two access.audit.json files in the openidm/audit directory, for example:

access.audit.json			access.audit.json-2016.10.12-17.54.41

The file with the extension (2016.10.12-17.54.41) indicates that audit logging to this file ended on October 12, 2016, at 5:54:41 pm.

To configure log rotation in the admin UI, click Configure > System Preferences > Audit, and edit the JSON audit event handler (or the CSV audit event handler if you are logging to CSV). You can set all the log rotation properties on this screen.

Log file retention

Log file retention specifies how long audit files remain on disk before they are automatically deleted.

To configure log file retention, set the following properties in your project’s audit.json file:

"fileRetention" : {
    "maxNumberOfHistoryFiles" : 100,
    "maxDiskSpaceToUse" : 1000,
    "minFreeSpaceRequired" : 10

The file retention properties are described in JSON Audit Event Handler Properties.

To configure log file retention in the admin UI, click Configure > System Preferences > Audit, and edit the JSON audit event handler (or the CSV audit event handler if you are logging to CSV). You can set all the log retention properties on this screen.

Query audit logs over REST

Regardless of where audit events are stored, they are accessible over REST on the /audit endpoint. The following sections describe how to query audit logs over REST.

Queries on the audit endpoint must use queryFilter syntax.

If you get no REST output on the correct endpoint, the corresponding audit file or JDBC table may not have audit data.

Some examples in this section use client-assigned IDs (such as bjensen and scarter) when creating objects, because it makes the examples easier to read. If you create objects using the admin UI, they are created with server-assigned IDs (such as 55ef0a75-f261-47e9-a72b-f5c61c32d339). Generally, immutable server-assigned UUIDs are used in production environments.

Query the Reconciliation Audit Log

With the default audit configuration, reconciliation operations are not audited. To enable reconciliation logging, add recon to the list of audit topics for your event handler in conf/audit.json. For example:

"eventHandlers" : [
        "class" : "org.forgerock.audit.handlers.json.JsonAuditEventHandler",
        "config" : {
            "name" : "json",
            "logDirectory" : "&{}/audit",
            "buffering" : {
                "maxSize" : 100000,
                "writeInterval" : "100 millis"
            "topics" : [
        "class": "org.forgerock.openidm.audit.impl.RepositoryAuditEventHandler",
        "config": {
            "name": "repo",
            "enabled": true,
            "topics": [

When enabled, the above example logs reconciliation operations in the file /path/to/openidm/audit/recon.audit.json, and in the repository. You can read and query the reconciliation audit logs over the REST interface, as outlined in the following examples.

To return all reconciliation operations logged in the audit log, query the audit/recon endpoint, as follows:

curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--request GET \

The following code extract shows the reconciliation audit log after the first reconciliation operation in the sync-with-csv sample. The output has been truncated for legibility.

   "result": [
       "_id": "49bdb7cb-79a4-429d-856d-a7154005e41a-182",
       "transactionId": "49bdb7cb-79a4-429d-856d-a7154005e41a-177",
       "timestamp": "2017-02-28T13:07:20.487Z",
       "eventName": "recon",
       "userId": "openidm-admin",
       "exception": null,
       "linkQualifier": null,
       "mapping": "systemCsvfileAccounts_managedUser",
       "message": "Reconciliation initiated by openidm-admin",
       "sourceObjectId": null,
       "targetObjectId": null,
       "reconciling": null,
       "ambiguousTargetObjectIds": null,
       "reconAction": "recon",
       "entryType": "start",
       "reconId": "49bdb7cb-79a4-429d-856d-a7154005e41a-177"
       "_id": "49bdb7cb-79a4-429d-856d-a7154005e41a-192",
       "transactionId": "49bdb7cb-79a4-429d-856d-a7154005e41a-177",
       "timestamp": "2017-02-28T13:07:20.934Z",
       "eventName": "recon",
       "userId": "openidm-admin",
       "action": "CREATE",
       "exception": null,
       "linkQualifier": "default",
       "mapping": "systemCsvfileAccounts_managedUser",
       "message": null,
       "situation": "ABSENT",
       "sourceObjectId": "system/csvfile/account/scarter",
       "status": "SUCCESS",
       "targetObjectId": "managed/user/scarter",
       "reconciling": "source",
       "ambiguousTargetObjectIds": "",
       "entryType": "entry",
       "reconId": "49bdb7cb-79a4-429d-856d-a7154005e41a-177"

Most of the fields in the reconciliation audit log are self-explanatory. Each distinct reconciliation operation is identified by its reconId. Each entry in the log is identified by a unique _id. The first log entry indicates the status for the complete reconciliation operation. Successive entries indicate the status for each entry affected by the reconciliation.

To obtain information about a specific log entry, include its entry _id in the URL. For example:

curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--request GET \

The following sample output shows the results of a read operation on a specific reconciliation audit entry. The entry shows the creation of scarter’s account in the managed user repository, as the result of a reconciliation operation.

   "_id": "49bdb7cb-79a4-429d-856d-a7154005e41a-192",
   "transactionId": "49bdb7cb-79a4-429d-856d-a7154005e41a-177",
   "timestamp": "2017-02-28T13:07:20.934Z",
   "eventName": "recon",
   "userId": "openidm-admin",
   "action": "CREATE",
   "exception": null,
   "linkQualifier": "default",
   "mapping": "systemCsvfileAccounts_managedUser",
   "message": null,
   "situation": "ABSENT",
   "sourceObjectId": "system/csvfile/account/scarter",
   "status": "SUCCESS",
   "targetObjectId": "managed/user/scarter",
   "reconciling": "source",
   "ambiguousTargetObjectIds": "",
   "entryType": "entry",
   "reconId": "49bdb7cb-79a4-429d-856d-a7154005e41a-177"

To obtain information for a specific reconciliation operation, include the reconId in the query. You can filter the log so that the query returns only the fields you want to see, by adding the _fields parameter.

The following query returns the mapping, timestamp, and entryType fields for a specific reconciliation operation:

curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--request GET \
  "result": [
      "_id": "49bdb7cb-79a4-429d-856d-a7154005e41a-182",
      "mapping": "systemCsvfileAccounts_managedUser",
      "timestamp": "2017-02-28T13:07:20.487Z",
      "entryType": "start"
      "_id": "49bdb7cb-79a4-429d-856d-a7154005e41a-192",
      "mapping": "systemCsvfileAccounts_managedUser",
      "timestamp": "2017-02-28T13:07:20.934Z",
      "entryType": "entry"
      "_id": "49bdb7cb-79a4-429d-856d-a7154005e41a-191",
      "mapping": "systemCsvfileAccounts_managedUser",
      "timestamp": "2017-02-28T13:07:20.934Z",
      "entryType": "entry"
      "_id": "49bdb7cb-79a4-429d-856d-a7154005e41a-193",
      "mapping": "systemCsvfileAccounts_managedUser",
      "timestamp": "2017-02-28T13:07:20.943Z",
      "entryType": "summary"

To query the reconciliation audit log for a particular reconciliation situation, include the reconId and the situation in the query. For example, the following query returns all ABSENT entries that were found during the specified reconciliation operation:

curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--request GET \
   "result": [
       "_id": "49bdb7cb-79a4-429d-856d-a7154005e41a-192",
       "situation": "ABSENT",
       "reconId": "49bdb7cb-79a4-429d-856d-a7154005e41a-177",
       "transactionId": "49bdb7cb-79a4-429d-856d-a7154005e41a-177",
       "timestamp": "2017-02-28T13:07:20.934Z",
       "eventName": "recon",
       "userId": "openidm-admin",
       "action": "CREATE",
       "exception": null,
       "linkQualifier": "default",
       "mapping": "systemCsvfileAccounts_managedUser",
       "message": null,
       "sourceObjectId": "system/csvfile/account/scarter",
       "status": "SUCCESS",
       "targetObjectId": "managed/user/scarter",
       "reconciling": "source",
       "ambiguousTargetObjectIds": "",
       "entryType": "entry"
       "_id": "49bdb7cb-79a4-429d-856d-a7154005e41a-191",
       "situation": "ABSENT",
       "reconId": "49bdb7cb-79a4-429d-856d-a7154005e41a-177",
       "transactionId": "49bdb7cb-79a4-429d-856d-a7154005e41a-177",
       "timestamp": "2017-02-28T13:07:20.934Z",
       "eventName": "recon",
       "userId": "openidm-admin",
       "action": "CREATE",
       "exception": null,
       "linkQualifier": "default",
       "mapping": "systemCsvfileAccounts_managedUser",
       "message": null,
       "sourceObjectId": "system/csvfile/account/bjensen",
       "status": "SUCCESS",
       "targetObjectId": "managed/user/bjensen",
       "reconciling": "source",
       "ambiguousTargetObjectIds": "",
       "entryType": "entry"
Query the Activity Audit Log

The activity logs track all operations on internal (managed) and external (system) objects. Entries in the activity log contain identifiers for the reconciliation or synchronization action that triggered an activity, and for the original caller and the relationships between related actions.

You can access the activity logs over REST with the following call:

curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--request GET \

The following excerpt of the activity log shows the entries that created user scarter, with ID 42f8a60e-2019-4110-a10d-7231c3578e2b:

   "result": [
       "_id": "49bdb7cb-79a4-429d-856d-a7154005e41a-190",
       "transactionId": "49bdb7cb-79a4-429d-856d-a7154005e41a-177",
       "timestamp": "2017-02-28T13:07:20.894Z",
       "eventName": "activity",
       "userId": "openidm-admin",
       "runAs": "openidm-admin",
       "operation": "CREATE",
       "before": null,
       "after": {
         "mail": "",
         "givenName": "Steven",
         "sn": "Carter",
         "description": "Created By CSV",
         "userName": "scarter",
         "password": {
           "$crypto": {
             "type": "x-simple-encryption",
             "value": {
               "cipher": "AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding",
               "salt": "tdrE2LZ+nBAnE44QY1UrCA==",
               "data": "P/z+OXA1x35aVWMRbOHMUQ==",
               "iv": "GACI5q4qZUWZRHzIle57TQ==",
               "key": "openidm-sym-default",
               "mac": "hqLmhjv67dxcmX8L3xxgZg=="
         "telephoneNumber": "1234567",
         "accountStatus": "active",
         "effectiveRoles": [],
         "effectiveAssignments": [],
         "_rev": "00000000dc6160c8",
         "_id": "42f8a60e-2019-4110-a10d-7231c3578e2b"
       "changedFields": [],
       "revision": "00000000bad8e88e",
       "message": "create",
       "objectId": "managed/user/42f8a60e-2019-4110-a10d-7231c3578e2b",
       "passwordChanged": true,
       "status": "SUCCESS"

For users who self-register through the End User UI, IDM provides more information. The following activity log excerpt depicts the information collected for user jsanchez. Note the following properties:

  • IDM runs as user anonymous.

  • Security questions (kbaInfo) are recorded with a salted hash SHA-256 algorithm.

  • Marketing preferences are included.

  • termsAccepted includes the date of the version of Terms & Conditions was accepted.

  • The message, context, and status properties indicate that this user was created in the SELFSERVICE context, successfully.

     "_id" : "ddc7f35b-4b97-4586-be31-f5a2599b0764-10781",
     "transactionId" : "ddc7f35b-4b97-4586-be31-f5a2599b0764-10779",
     "timestamp" : "2017-07-26T17:14:24.137Z",
     "eventName" : "activity",
     "userId" : "anonymous",
     "runAs" : "anonymous",
     "operation" : "CREATE",
     "before" : null,
     "after" : {
       "kbaInfo" : [ {
         "answer" : {
           "$crypto" : {
             "value" : {
               "algorithm" : "SHA-256",
               "data" : "jENrBtzgIHscnOnvqSMYPTJKjZVVSN7XEfTp6VUpdXzNQsbCjmNQWpbfa1k1Zp24"
             "type" : "salted-hash"
         "questionId" : "1"
       }, {
         "answer" : {
           "$crypto" : {
             "value" : {
               "algorithm" : "SHA-256",
               "data" : "obSQtsW3pgA4Yv4dPiISasvmrq4deoPOX4d9VRg+Bd/gGVDzu6fWPKd30Di3moEe"
             "type" : "salted-hash"
         "questionId" : "2"
       } ],
       "userName" : "jsanchez",
       "givenName" : "Jane",
       "sn" : "Sanchez",
       "mail" : "",
       "password" : {
         "$crypto" : {
           "type" : "x-simple-encryption",
           "value" : {
             "cipher" : "AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding",
             "stableId" : "openidm-sym-default",
             "salt" : "<hashValue>",
             "data" : "<encryptedValue>",
             "keySize" : 16,
             "purpose" : "idm.config.encryption",
             "iv" : "<encryptedValue>",
             "mac" : "<hashValue>"
       "preferences" : {
         "updates" : true,
         "marketing" : false
       "accountStatus" : "active",
       "effectiveRoles" : [ ],
       "effectiveAssignments" : [ ],
       "_rev" : "000000004eb36844",
       "_id" : "6e7fb8ce-4a97-42d4-90f1-b5808d51194a"
     "changedFields" : [ ],
     "revision" : "000000004eb36844",
     "message" : "create",
     "context" : "SELFSERVICE",
     "objectId" : "managed/user/6e7fb8ce-4a97-42d4-90f1-b5808d51194a",
     "passwordChanged" : true,
     "status" : "SUCCESS"

To return the activity information for a specific action, include the _id of the action in the URL, for example:

curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--request GET \

Each action in the activity log has a transactionId that is the same as the transactionId that was assigned to the incoming or initiating request. So, for example, if an HTTP request invokes a script that changes a user’s password, the HTTP request is assigned a transactionId. The action taken by the script is assigned the same transactionId, which enables you to track the complete set of changes resulting from a single action. You can query the activity log for all actions that resulted from a specific transaction, by including the transactionId in the query.

The following command returns all actions in the activity log that occurred as a result of the reconciliation with the specified transactionId. The query results are restricted to only the objectId and the resourceOperation. You can refer to from the output that the reconciliation with this transactionId resulted in two CREATEs and two UPDATEs in the managed repository:

curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--request GET \

The following sample output shows the result of a query that created users scarter (with ID 42f8a60e-2019-4110-a10d-7231c3578e2b) and bjensen (with ID 9dce06d4-2fc1-4830-a92b-bd35c2f6bcbb).

   "result" : [ {
     "_id" : "414a4921-5d9d-4398-bf86-7d5312a9f5d1-144",
     "objectId" : "managed/user/42f8a60e-2019-4110-a10d-7231c3578e2b",
     "operation" : "CREATE"
   }, {
     "_id" : "414a4921-5d9d-4398-bf86-7d5312a9f5d1-145",
     "objectId" : "managed/user/9dce06d4-2fc1-4830-a92b-bd35c2f6bcbb",
     "operation" : "CREATE"
   } ],
   "resultCount" : 2,
   "pagedResultsCookie" : null,
   "totalPagedResultsPolicy" : "NONE",
   "totalPagedResults" : -1,
   "remainingPagedResults" : -1

For users who register through social identity providers, the following command returns JSON-formatted output for someone who has registered socially with a LinkedIn account, based on their _id:

curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--request GET \

The following output illustrates the data collected from a hypothetical LinkedIn user:

   "_id" : "94001c97-c597-46fa-a6c9-f53b0ddd7ff0-1982",
   "transactionId" : "94001c97-c597-46fa-a6c9-f53b0ddd7ff0-1974",
   "timestamp" : "2018-02-05T19:55:18.427Z",
   "eventName" : "activity",
   "userId" : "anonymous",
   "runAs" : "anonymous",
   "operation" : "CREATE",
   "before" : null,
   "after" : {
     "emailAddress" : "",
     "firstName" : "Xie",
     "formattedName" : "Xie Na",
     "id" : "MW9FE_KyQH",
     "lastName" : "Na",
     "location" : {
       "country" : {
         "code" : "cn"
       "name" : "Beijing, China"
     "_meta" : {
       "subject" : "MW9FE_KyQH",
       "scope" : [ "r_basicprofile", "r_emailaddress" ],
       "dateCollected" : "2018-02-05T19:55:18.370"
     "_rev" : "00000000c29c9f46",
     "_id" : "MW9FE_KyQH"
   "changedFields" : [ ],
   "revision" : "00000000c29c9f46",
   "message" : "create",
   "provider" : "linkedIn",
   "context" : "SELFSERVICE",
   "objectId" : "managed/linkedIn/MW9FE_KyQH",
   "passwordChanged" : false,
   "status" : "SUCCESS"

Note the SELFSERVICE context, which is included for all user self-registrations, either through the End User UI, or through a social identity provider.

Query the Synchronization Audit Log

LiveSync and implicit sync operations are logged in the file /path/to/openidm/audit/sync.audit.json and in the repository. You can read the synchronization audit logs over the REST interface, as outlined in the following examples.

To return all operations logged in the synchronization audit log, query the audit/sync endpoint, as follows:

curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--request GET \
   "result" : [ {
     "_id" : "53709f21-5b83-4ea0-ac35-9af39c3090cf-95",
     "transactionId" : "53709f21-5b83-4ea0-ac35-9af39c3090cf-85",
     "timestamp" : "2015-11-23T05:07:39.376Z",
     "eventName" : "sync",
     "userId" : "openidm-admin",
     "action" : "UPDATE",
     "exception" : null,
     "linkQualifier" : "default",
     "mapping" : "managedUser_systemLdapAccounts",
     "message" : null,
     "situation" : "CONFIRMED",
     "sourceObjectId" : "managed/user/128e0e85-5a07-4e72-bfc8-4d9500a027ce",
     "status" : "SUCCESS",
     "targetObjectId" : "uid=jdoe,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com"
   }, {

Most of the fields in the synchronization audit log are self-explanatory. Each entry in the log synchronization operation is identified by a unique id. Each _synchronization operation is identified with a transactionId. The same base transactionId is assigned to the incoming or initiating request — so if a modification to a user entry triggers an implicit synchronization operation, both the sync operation and the original change operation have the same transactionId. You can query the sync log for all actions that resulted from a specific transaction, by including the transactionId in the query.

To obtain information on a specific sync audit log entry, include its entry _id in the URL. For example:

curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--request GET \
  "_id" : "53709f21-5b83-4ea0-ac35-9af39c3090cf-95",
  "transactionId" : "53709f21-5b83-4ea0-ac35-9af39c3090cf-85",
  "timestamp" : "2015-11-23T05:07:39.376Z",
  "eventName" : "sync",
  "userId" : "openidm-admin",
  "action" : "UPDATE",
  "exception" : null,
  "linkQualifier" : "default",
  "mapping" : "managedUser_systemLdapAccounts",
  "message" : null,
  "situation" : "CONFIRMED",
  "sourceObjectId" : "managed/user/128e0e85-5a07-4e72-bfc8-4d9500a027ce",
  "status" : "SUCCESS",
  "targetObjectId" : "uid=jdoe,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com"
Query the Authentication Audit Log

The authentication log includes details of all successful and failed authentication attempts. The output may be long. The output that follows is one excerpt from over 100 entries. To obtain the complete audit log over REST, use the following query:

curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--request GET \
    "principal" : [ "johndoe" ],
    "result" : "SUCCESSFUL",
    "userId" : "johndoe",
    "transactionId" : "cf967c5d-2b95-4cbe-9da0-e8952d726cd0-1016",
    "timestamp" : "2017-06-20T20:56:04.112Z",
    "eventName" : "LOGIN",
    "method" : "SOCIAL_PROVIDERS",
    "trackingIds" : [ "55fcec49-9631-4c00-83db-6931d10d04b8" ]
  }, {
    "_id" : "cf967c5d-2b95-4cbe-9da0-e8952d726cd0-1025",
    "provider" : "wordpress",
    "context" : {
      "component" : "managed/user",
      "provider" : "wordpress",
      "roles" : [ "internal/role/openidm-authorized" ],
      "ipAddress" : "",
      "id" : "8ead23d1-4f14-4102-a130-c4093237f250",
      "moduleId" : "SOCIAL_PROVIDERS"
    "entries" : [ {
      "moduleId" : "JwtSession",
      "result" : "SUCCESSFUL",
      "info" : {
        "org.forgerock.authentication.principal" : "johndoe"
    } ],

The output depicts a successful login using Wordpress as a social identity provider. From the information shown, you can derive the following information:

  • The userId, also known as the authentication principal, is johndoe. In the REST call that follows, you’ll see how to use this information to filter authentication attempts made by that specific user.

  • The login came from IP address

  • The login used the SOCIAL_PROVIDERS authentication and the JwtSession session modules. For more information, refer to Authentication and Session Modules.

Login failures can also be instructive, as you’ll see consecutive moduleId modules that correspond to the order of modules shown in your project’s authentication.json file.

You can filter the results to return only those audit entries that you are interested in. For example, the following query returns all authentication attempts made by a specific user (johndoe), but displays only the security context and the result of the authentication attempt:

curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--request GET \
  "result" : [ {
    "_id" : "cf967c5d-2b95-4cbe-9da0-e8952d726cd0-198",
    "provider" : null,
    "context" : {
      "ipAddress" : ""
    "entries" : [ {
      "moduleId" : "JwtSession",
      "result" : "FAILED",
      "reason" : { },
      "info" : { }
  }, {
    "_id" : "cf967c5d-2b95-4cbe-9da0-e8952d726cd0-922",
    "provider" : "wordpress",
    "context" : {
      "component" : "null",
      "provider" : "wordpress",
      "roles" : [ "internal/role/openidm-authorized" ],
      "ipAddress" : "",
      "id" : "e2b5bfc7-07a0-455c-a8f3-542089a8cc88",
      "moduleId" : "SOCIAL_PROVIDERS"
     "entries" : [ {
      "moduleId" : "JwtSession",
      "result" : "FAILED",
      "reason" : { },
      "info" : { }
      "moduleId" : "SOCIAL_PROVIDERS",
      "result" : "SUCCESSFUL",
      "info" : {
        "org.forgerock.authentication.principal" : "johndoe"
  }, {
    "_id" : "cf967c5d-2b95-4cbe-9da0-e8952d726cd0-1007",
    "provider" : "wordpress",
    "context" : {
      "component" : "managed/user",
      "provider" : "wordpress",
      "roles" : [ "internal/role/openidm-authorized" ],
      "ipAddress" : "",
      "id" : "johndoe",
      "moduleId" : "SOCIAL_PROVIDERS"
     "entries" : [ {
      "moduleId" : "JwtSession",
      "result" : "SUCCESSFUL",
      "info" : {
        "org.forgerock.authentication.principal" : "johndoe"

The above excerpt illustrates a FAILED authentication attempt through a social identity provider, possibly based on a mistaken password. That is followed by a SUCCESSFUL authentication through the SOCIAL_PROVIDERS module, with the user included in the Managed User component.

Query the Configuration Audit Log

This audit log lists changes made to the configuration in the audited server. You can read through the changes in the config.extension file in the openidm/audit directory.

You can also read the complete audit log over REST with the following query:

curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--request GET \
   "result" : [ {
     "_id" : "414a4921-5d9d-4398-bf86-7d5312a9f5d1-73",
     "operation" : "CREATE",
     "userId" : "openidm-admin",
     "runAs" : "openidm-admin",
     "transactionId" : "414a4921-5d9d-4398-bf86-7d5312a9f5d1-58",
     "revision" : null,
     "timestamp" : "2015-11-23T00:18:17.808Z",
     "objectId" : "ui",
     "eventName" : "CONFIG",
     "before" : "",
     "after" : "{ \"icons\":
      } ],
   "resultCount" : 3,
   "pagedResultsCookie" : null,
   "totalPagedResultsPolicy" : "NONE",
   "totalPagedResults" : -1,
   "remainingPagedResults" : -1

The output includes before and after entries, which represent the changes made to the configuration files.

View audit events in the admin UI

The admin UI includes an audit widget that provides a visual display of audit events.

The audit widget is displayed on the System Monitoring dashboard by default. To show audit events:

  1. Log in to the admin UI, and select Dashboards > System Monitoring.

  2. On the Audit Events widget, select the type of audit event that you want to view. The event types correspond to the audit event topics, described in Default Audit Event Topics.

    Depending on the event type, you filter the events further. For example, if you select Config as the event type, you can then select to view all configuration audit events, or only Creates, Reads, Updates, and so on.

  3. By default, events are displayed for the current month. Use the arrow keys to scroll backwards and forwards to display the audit data for other months.

    The following image shows all access events for the month of March, 2020.


Use the move pointer to reposition the widget on the dashboard, or the vertical ellipses to delete the widget.

Audit log schema

The tables in this section show the schema for the six audit event topics. For the JSON audit event handler, each audit topic is logged to a distinct JSON file, with the topic in the filename. Files are created in the openidm/audit directory by default:

  • access.audit.json

  • activity.audit.json

  • authentication.audit.json

  • config.audit.json

  • recon.audit.json

  • sync.audit.json

You can parse the files in the openidm/audit directory using a JSON processor, such as jq. For example:

tail -f authentication.audit.json | jq .
  "context": {
    "component": "internal/user",
    "roles": [
    "ipAddress": "0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1",
    "id": "openidm-admin",
    "moduleId": "INTERNAL_USER"
  "entries": [
      "moduleId": "JwtSession",
      "result": "SUCCESSFUL",
      "info": {
        "org.forgerock.authentication.principal": "openidm-admin"
  "principal": [

Reconciliation event topic properties

Event Property Description


UUID for the message object, such as "0419d364-1b3d-4e4f-b769-555c3ca098b0".


UUID of the transaction; you might see the same ID in different audit event topics.


The time that IDM logged the message, in UTC format; for example, "2020-05-18T08:48:00.160Z".


Name of the audit event: recon for this log.


User ID.


A unique value for an object being tracked.


Reconciliation action, shown as a Common REST action.


Stack trace of the exception.


Link qualifier applied to the action.


Name of the mapping used for the synchronization operation.


Description of the synchronization action.


Details from the synchronization run, shown as Common REST output.



The object ID on the source system, such as managed/user/9dce06d4-2fc1-4830-a92b-bd35c2f6bcbb.


Reconciliation result status, such as SUCCESS or FAILURE.


The object ID on the target system, such as system/csvfile/account/bjensen.


What is currently being reconciled, source for the first phase, target for the second phase.


When the situation is AMBIGUOUS or UNQUALIFIED, and IDM cannot distinguish between more than one target object, the object IDs are logged, to help figure out what was ambiguous.


Reconciliation action, typically recon or null.


Type of reconciliation log entry, such as start, entry, or summary.


UUID for the reconciliation operation.

Synchronization event topic properties

Event Property Description


UUID for the message object, such as "0419d364-1b3d-4e4f-b769-555c3ca098b0".


UUID of the transaction; you might see the same ID in different audit event topics.


Time that IDM logged the message, in UTC format; for example, "2020-05-18T08:48:00.160Z".


Name of the audit event: sync for this log.


User ID.


A unique value for an object being tracked.


The synchronization action, depicted as a Common REST action.


Stack trace of the exception.


Link qualifier applied to the action.


Name of the mapping used for the synchronization operation.


Description of the synchronization action.


Details from the reconciliation run, shown as REST output.



Object ID on the source system, such as managed/user/9dce06d4-2fc1-4830-a92b-bd35c2f6bcbb.


Reconciliation result status, such as SUCCESS or FAILURE.


Object ID on the target system, such as uid=jdoe,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com.

Access event topic properties

Event Property Description


UUID for the message object, such as "0419d364-1b3d-4e4f-b769-555c3ca098b0".


Time that IDM logged the message, in UTC format; for example, "2020-05-18T08:48:00.160Z".


Name of the audit event: access for this log.


UUID of the transaction; you might see the same transaction for the same event in different audit event topics.


User ID.


A unique value for the object being tracked.


IP address of the IDM server.


Port number used by the IDM server.


Client IP address.


Client port number.


Protocol for request, typically Common REST.


Common REST operation taken on the object; for example, UPDATE, DELETE, or ACTION.


Typically, details for an ACTION request.

Boolean for request security.


HTTP method requested by the client.


Path of the HTTP request.


Parameters sent in the HTTP request, such as a key/value pair.


HTTP headers for the request (optional).


HTTP cookies for the request (optional).


HTTP response headers (optional).


Normally, SUCCESSFUL, FAILED, or null.


SUCCESS in response.status leads to a null response.statusCode; FAILURE leads to a 400-level error.


Message associated with response.statusCode, such as Not Found or Internal Server Error.


Time to execute the access event.


Units for response time.


IDM roles associated with the request.

Activity event topic properties

Event Property Description


UUID for the message object, such as "0419d364-1b3d-4e4f-b769-555c3ca098b0".


Time that IDM logged the message, in UTC format; for example, "2020-05-18T08:48:00.160Z".


Describes the audit event. Examples include activity, workflow-complete_task, and relationship_created.


UUID of the transaction; you might see the same transaction for the same event in different audit event topics.


User ID.


A unique value for the object being tracked.


User to run the activity as; may be used in delegated administration.


Object identifier, such as /managed/user/42f8a60e-2019-4110-a10d-7231c3578e2b.


Common REST operation taken on the object; for example, UPDATE, DELETE, or ACTION.


JSON representation of the object prior to the activity.


JSON representation of the object after the activity.


Fields that were changed, based on Fields to Watch.


Object revision number.


Result, such as SUCCESS.


Human readable text about the action.


True/False entry on changes to the password.


Flag for self-service logins, such as SELFSERVICE.


Name of the self-service provider, usually a social identity provider.

Authentication event topic properties

Event Property Description


UUID for the message object, such as "0419d364-1b3d-4e4f-b769-555c3ca098b0".


Time that IDM logged the message, in UTC format; for example, "2020-05-18T08:48:00.160Z".


Name of the audit event: authentication for this log.


UUID of the transaction; you might see the same transaction for the same event in different audit event topics.


User ID.


A unique value for the object being tracked.


Result of the transaction, either "SUCCESSFUL", or "FAILED".


An array of the accounts used to authenticate, such as [ "openidm-admin" ].


The complete security context of the authentication operation, including the authenticating ID, targeted endpoint, authentication module, any roles applied, and the IP address from which the authentication request was made.


JSON representation of the authentication session.


The authentication module used to authenticate, such as JwtSession or MANAGED_USER.


Social identity provider name.

Configuration event topic properties

Event Property Description


UUID for the message object, such as "0419d364-1b3d-4e4f-b769-555c3ca098b0".


Time that IDM logged the message, in UTC format; for example, "2020-05-18T08:48:00.160Z".


Name of the audit event: config for this log.


UUID of the transaction; you might see the same transaction for the same event in different audit event topics.


User ID.


A unique value for the object being tracked.


User to run the activity as; can be used in delegated administration.


Object identifier, such as ui.


Common REST operation taken on the object; for example, UPDATE, DELETE, or ACTION.


JSON representation of the object prior to the activity.


JSON representation of the object after to the activity.


Fields that were changed, based on Fields to Watch.


Object revision number.

Audit event handler configuration

To configure an audit event handler, set the config properties for that handler in your project’s conf/audit.json file.

To configure these properties from the admin UI, click Configure > System Preferences > Audit, and click the edit icon for your event handler.

The tables in this section show the configuration properties common to all audit event handlers, then the properties specific to each audit event handler.

Common audit event handler properties

UI Label / Text audit.json File Label Description



config sub-property. The name of the audit event handler.

Audit Events


config sub-property; the list of audit topics that are logged by this audit event handler, for example, access, activity, and config.

Use for Queries


Specifies whether this audit event handler manages the queries on audit logs.



config sub-property; specifies whether the audit event handler is enabled. An audit event handler can be configured, but disabled; in which case, it will not log events.



The JSON object used to configure the handler; includes several sub-properties.

Shown only in audit.json


The class name in the Java file(s) used to build the handler.

JSON audit event handler properties

Property Description


Groups the file rotation configuration parameters.


Specifies whether file rotation is enabled. Boolean: true, or false.


The maximum size of an audit file, in bytes, before rotation is triggered.


The prefix to add to the start of an audit file name when it is rotated.


Specifies a list of times when file rotation should be triggered. The times must be provided as durations, offset from midnight. For example, a list of 10 minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes will cause files to rotate at 10, 20 and 30 minutes after midnight.


The suffix appended to rotated audit file names. This suffix should take the form of a timestamp, in simple date format. The default suffix format, if none is specified, is


The interval to trigger a file rotation, expressed as a duration. For example, 5 seconds, 5 minutes, 5 hours. A value of 0 or disabled disables time-based file rotation. Note that you can specify a list of rotationTimes and a rotationInterval. The audit event handler checks all rotation and retention policies on a periodic basis, and assesses whether each policy should be triggered at the current time, for a particular audit file. The first policy to meet the criteria is triggered.


Groups the file retention configuration parameters. The retention policy specifies how long audit files remain on disk before they are automatically deleted.


The maximum number of historical audit files that can be stored. If the total number of audit files exceeds this maximum, older files are deleted.

A value of -1 disables purging of old log files.


The maximum disk space, in bytes, that can be used for audit files. If the total space occupied by the audit files exceeds this maximum, older files are deleted. A negative or zero value indicates that this policy is disabled; that is, that unlimited disk space can be used for historical audit files.


The minimum free disk space, in bytes, required on the system that houses the audit files. If the free space drops below this minimum, older files are deleted. A negative or zero value indicates that this policy is disabled; that is, that no minimum space requirements apply.


Interval for periodically checking file rotation and retention policies.

The interval must be a duration; for example, 5 seconds, 5 minutes, or 5 hours.


Directory with JSON audit files


Enable ElasticSearch JSON format compatibility. Boolean, true or false. Set this property to true, for example, if you are using Logstash to feed into ElasticSearch. When elasticsearchCompatible is true, the handler renames the _id field to _eventId because _id is reserved by ElasticSearch. The rename is reversed after JSON serialization, so that other handlers will see the original field name. For more information, see the ElasticSearch documentation.


Configuration for event buffering.


The maximum number of events that can be buffered (default/minimum: 100000).


The delay after which the file-writer thread is scheduled to run after encountering an empty event buffer (units of 'ms' are recommended).

Default: 100 ms.

CSV audit event handler properties

UI Label / Text audit.json File Label Description

File Rotation


Groups the file rotation configuration parameters.



Specifies whether file rotation is enabled. Boolean: true, or false.



The maximum size of an audit file, in bytes, before rotation is triggered.



The prefix to add to the start of an audit file name when it is rotated.

Rotation Times


Specifies a list of times when file rotation should be triggered.

The times must be provided as durations, offset from midnight. For example, a list of 10 minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes will cause files to rotate at 10, 20 and 30 minutes after midnight.

File Rotation Suffix


The suffix appended to rotated audit file names. This suffix should take the form of a timestamp, in simple date format. The default suffix format, if none is specified, is

Rotation Interval


The interval to trigger a file rotation, expressed as a duration. For example, 5 seconds, 5 minutes, 5 hours. A value of 0 or disabled disables time-based file rotation. Note that you can specify a list of rotationTimes and a rotationInterval. The audit event handler checks all rotation and retention policies on a periodic basis, and assesses whether each policy should be triggered at the current time, for a particular audit file. The first policy to meet the criteria is triggered.

File Retention


Groups the file retention configuration parameters. The retention policy specifies how long audit files remain on disk before they are automatically deleted.

Maximum Number of Historical Files


The maximum number of historical audit files that can be stored. If the total number of audit files exceeds this maximum, older files are deleted.

A value of -1 disables purging of old log files.

Maximum Disk Space


The maximum disk space, in bytes, that can be used for audit files. If the total space occupied by the audit files exceeds this maximum, older files are deleted. A negative or zero value indicates that this policy is disabled; that is, that unlimited disk space can be used for historical audit files.

Minimum Free Space Required


The minimum free disk space, in bytes, required on the system that houses the audit files. If the free space drops below this minimum, older files are deleted. A negative or zero value indicates that this policy is disabled; that is, that no minimum space requirements apply.



Interval for periodically checking file rotation and retention policies.

The interval must be a duration; for example, 5 seconds, 5 minutes, or 5 hours.

Log Directory


Directory with CSV audit files.

CSV Output Formatting




Formatting: Character used around a CSV field.



Formatting: Character between CSV fields.

End of Line Symbols


Formatting: end of line symbol, such as \n or \r.

Security: CSV Tamper Evident Configuration


Uses keystore-based signatures.



CSV Tamper Evident Configuration: true, or false.



CSV Tamper Evident Configuration: Path to the Java keystore.



CSV Tamper Evident Configuration: Password for the Java keystore.

Keystore Handler


CSV Tamper Evident Configuration: Keystore name. The value of this property must be openidm. This is the name that the audit service provides to the ForgeRock Common Audit Framework for the configured IDM keystore.

Signature Interval


CSV Tamper Evident Configuration: Signature generation interval. Default = 1 hour. Units described in Restrictions on Configuring the CSV Audit Handler in the UI.



Configuration for optional event buffering.



Buffering: true, or false.



Buffering: avoids flushing after each event.

Repository and router audit event handler properties

In addition to the common properties, the Repository and Router audit event handlers both have one unique property, resourcePath:

    "class" : "org.forgerock.openidm.audit.impl.RouterAuditEventHandler",
    "config" : {
        "name" : "router",
        "topics" : [ "access", "activity", "sync", "authentication", "config" ],
        "resourcePath" : "system/auditdb"
UI Label / Text audit.json File Label Description



Path to the repository resource.

JMS audit event handler properties

Note that the JMS audit handler config in audit.json includes the ForgeRock audit event topics and JMS audit topics.

To use the JMS resources provided by your web application container, leave the JNDI Context Properties settings empty. Values for topicName and connectionFactoryName will then depend on the configuration of your web application container.

UI Label / Text audit.json File Label Description

Delivery Mode


Required property, for messages from a JMS provider; may be PERSISTENT or NON_PERSISTENT

Session Mode


Acknowledgement mode, in sessions without transactions. May be AUTO, CLIENT, or DUPS_OK.

Batch Configuration Settings


Options for batch messaging.

Write Interval


Interval at which buffered events are written to JMS (units of 'ms' or 's' are recommended). Default is 10 ms.



Maximum event count in the batch queue; additional events are dropped.

Maximum Batched Events


Maximum number of events per batch.

JNDI Configuration


Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) Configuration Settings.

JNDI Context Properties


Settings to populate the JNDI initial context with.

JNDI Context Factory


Initial JNDI context factory, such as com.tibco.tibjms.naming.TibjmsInitialContextFactory.

JNDI Provider URL


Depends on provider; options include tcp://localhost:61616 and tibjmsnaming://

JNDI Topic


Relevant JNDI topic; default=forgerock.idm.audit.

JNDI Topic Name


JNDI lookup name for the JMS topic.

Connection Factory


JNDI lookup name for the JMS connection factory.

Syslog audit event handler properties

UI Label / Text audit.json File Label Description



Transport protocol for Syslog messages; may be TCP or UDP.



Host name or IP address of the receiving Syslog server.



The TCP/IP port number of the receiving Syslog server.



Timeout for connecting to the Syslog server (seconds).



Options shown in the admin UI, KERN, USER, MAIL, DAEMON, AUTH, SYSLOG, LPR, NEWS, UUCP, CRON, AUTPRIV, FTP, NTP, LOGAUDIT, LOGALERT, CLOCKD, LOCAL0, LOCAL1, LOCAL2, LOCAL3, LOCAL4, LOCAL5, LOCAL6, LOCAL7 correspond directly to facility values shown in RFC 5424 - The Syslog Protocol.



Sets the correspondence between audit event fields and Syslog severity values.



Severity Field Mappings: the audit event topic to which the mapping applies.



Severity Field Mappings: the audit event field to which the mapping applies; taken from the JSON schema for the audit event content.

Value Mappings


Severity Field Mappings: The map of audit event values to Syslog severities. Syslog severities may be: EMERGENCY, ALERT, CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, NOTICE, INFORMATIONAL, or DEBUG, in descending order of importance.



Disabled by default; all messages written immediately to the log.

Configure notifications

The customizable notification service sends messages, based on changes to objects. The notification service uses filters to assess incoming requests. If the filter conditions are met, the service sends the corresponding notification. Notification messages are sent to whatever routes you specify.

In a JDBC repository, notifications are stored in the notificationobjects table. The notificationobjectproperties, serves as the index table. In a DS repository, notifications are stored under the DN "ou=notification,ou=internal,dc=openidm,dc=forgerock,dc=com".

The notification service is disabled by default. To enable the service, add openidm.notifications=true to your project’s resolver/ file. You can perform additional configuration using the conf/notificationFactory.json file.

Default 'notificationFactory.json' Configuration
    "enabled" :{
        "$bool" : "&{openidm.notifications|false}"
    "threadPool" : {
        "steadyPoolThreads" : 1,
        "maxPoolThreads" : 2,
        "threadKeepAlive" : 60,
        "maxQueueSize" : 20000

Changing the notifications thread pool settings can adversely affect performance.

Notifications for a managed object are injected into a property in that object. The name of this property is specified in the managed object schema, in conf/managed.json. For example, notifications for managed user objects rely on the following construct in the user object definition in managed.json:

    "objects" : [
            "name" : "user",
            "notifications" : {
                "property" : "_notifications"

This excerpt indicates that notifications are injected into the _notifications property of the user object by default. The notifications object is mandatory for notifications to be generated for that managed object type. However, you can change the name of the property that is injected into the managed object when notifications are generated. If you omit the property field from the notifications object, notifications are stored in the _notifications field by default.

  • The ability to tie a specific notification to its corresponding managed object is regarded as an internal object relation. Notifications are therefore also configured in conf/internal.json with the following object:

        "name" : "notification",
        "properties" : {
            "target" : {
                "reversePropertyName" : "_notifications"

    If you change the property field in managed.json to something other than _notifications, you must also update the corresponding reversePropertyName in internal.json to reflect the change.

    The internal object service does not support runtime changes. If you update conf/internal.json over REST, you must restart IDM for the change to take effect.
  • If you have configured notifications for more than one managed object type, all the object types must use the same notification property name.

Custom notifications

Notifications are configured in files named notification-event.json, where event refers to the event that triggers the notification.

By default, IDM doesn’t send any notifications for password or profile updates. To enable these notifications, add the applicable line to your project’s resolver/ file:

  • openidm.notifications.passwordUpdate=true

  • openidm.notifications.profileUpdate=true

These notifications are configured in the conf/notification-passwordUpdate.json and conf/notification-profileUpdate.json files, respectively. You can use these default notification configuration files as the basis for setting up custom notifications.

The default notification-passwordUpdate.json file shows the structure of a notification configuration:

    "enabled" : {
        "$bool" : "&{openidm.notifications.passwordUpdate|false}"
    "path" : "managed/user/*",
    "methods" : [
    "condition" : {
        "type" : "groovy",
        "globals" : {
            "propertiesToCheck" : [
        "file" : "propertiesModifiedFilter.groovy"
    "target" : {
        "resource" : "managed/user/{{response/_id}}"
    "notification" : {
        "notificationType": "info",
        "message": "Your password has been updated."
enabled boolean, true or false

Specifies whether notifications will be triggered for that configured event. To enable/disable, set the openidm.notifications.passwordUpdate property in the resolver/ file.

path string

Specifies where the filter listens on the router. For user notifications, this is typically managed/user/*.

methods array of strings (optional)

One or more ForgeRock REST verbs, specifying the actions that should trigger the notification. These can include create, read, update, delete, patch, action, and query. If no methods are specified, the default is to listen for all methods.

condition string or object

An inline script or a path to a script file that specifies the condition on which the notification is triggered. The passwordUpdate notification configuration references the groovy script, /path/to/openidm/bin/defaults/script/propertiesModifiedFilter.groovy. This script monitors the properties listed in the propertiesToCheck array, and sends a notification when those properties are changed. The script also checks whether a modified property is the child (or parent) of a watched property.

To specify additional properties to watch, add the property names to the array of propertiesToCheck. The properties that you can specify here are limited to existing user properties defined in your managed.json file. For example, the following excerpt of the notification-profileUpdate.json file shows the properties that will trigger notifications if their values are changed:

    "condition" : {
        "type" : "groovy",
        "globals" : {
            "propertiesToCheck" : [
        "file" : "propertiesModifiedFilter.groovy"
target object

The target resource to which notifications are sent, typically managed/user/{{response/_id}}.

The target.resource field supports {{token}} replacement with contextual variables. The following variables are in scope:

  • request

  • context

  • resourceName

  • response


The actual notification, including the notificationType (info, warning, or error) and the message that is sent to the user.

The notification.message field supports {{token}} replacement with contextual variables, as described previously for target.resource.

Notification configuration files follow the format of the router.json file. For more information about how filtering is configured in router.json, see Router configuration.

Additional sample notification configuration files can be found in the /path/to/openidm/samples/example-configurations/conf directory:


This configuration notifies managers when a new direct reporting employee is assigned to them.


This configuration notifies all users who have accepted the Terms and Conditions of any updates to those Terms and Conditions.

To use these files (or create your own notifications based on these files), copy them to your project’s conf/ directory.

Limits on notification endpoints

Although notifications are highly configurable, you cannot apply them to services with their own internal routers, including internal objects. This list includes:
