IDM 7.2.2

Search or query script

Connectors continue to be released outside the IDM release. For the latest documentation, refer to the ICF documentation.

A search script searches for one or more objects on the external resource. Connectors that do not support searches should throw an UnsupportedOperationException.

A sample search script for an SQL database is provided in openidm/samples/scripted-sql-with-mysql/tools/SearchScript.groovy.

Input variables

The following variables are available to the search script:


A handler to the connector’s configuration object.


A handler to the Operation Options.


An OperationType that corresponds to the action (SEARCH).


The object class to search, such as __ACCOUNT__ or __GROUP__.


The ICF native Query filter for this operation.


A Map representation of the native Query filter that is easy to process.

Provides a convenient way to access the query filter parameter. For example:

query = [ operation: "CONTAINS", left: attribute, right: "value", not: true/false ]
 query = [ operation: "ENDSWITH", left: attribute, right: "value", not: true/false ]
 query = [ operation: "STARTSWITH", left: attribute, right: "value", not: true/false ]
 query = [ operation: "EQUALS", left: attribute, right: "value", not: true/false ]
 query = [ operation: "GREATERTHAN", left: attribute, right: "value", not: true/false ]
 query = [ operation: "GREATERTHANOREQUAL", left: attribute, right: "value", not: true/false ]
 query = [ operation: "LESSTHAN", left: attribute, right: "value", not: true/false ]
 query = [ operation: "LESSTHANOREQUAL", left: attribute, right: "value", not: true/false ]
 query = null : then we assume we fetch everything

 // AND and OR filter - embed these left/right queries:
 query = [ operation: "AND", left: query1, right: query2 ]
 query = [ operation: "OR", left: query1, right: query2 ]

For example, the equality query filter "sn == Smith" would be represented by the following query Map:

[ operation: "EQUALS", left: "sn", right: "Smith", not: false ]

A Closure handler for processing the search results.


A logger instance for the connector.


Optionally, the script can return a search result. The result can be be returned as a SearchResult object or as a String that represents the pagedResultsCookie to be used for the next paged results.

Returning search results

In a search operation, a result handler (callback) is passed to the script to return the results one by one. The handler must be called for every query result. The handler variable that is passed to the script is a Groovy Closure. You can call the handler in the following ways:

  • Using an ICF ConnectorObject object.

    You can use the ConnectorObjectBuilder to build this object. For example:

    def builder = new ConnectorObjectBuilder()
     builder.addAttribute("sn", snValue)
     // Call the handler with the ConnectorObject object
  • Using a Groovy Closure.

    In this case the Closure delegates calls to a specific Object that implements these calls. For example:

    handler {           // The handler parameter here is a Closure
         uid uidValue    // (mandatory), the method resolution for 'uid' is delegated to the Object
                         // handling the Closure. This is the ICF __UID__
         id nameValue    // (mandatory), the method resolution for 'id' is delegated to the Object
                         // handling the Closure. This is the ICF __NAME__
         attribute "sn", snValue // (optional), the method resolution for 'id' is delegated to the
                                //  Object handling the Closure
         // attribute <attribute2Name>, <attribute2Value>
         // etc...

    In the following example, the handler is called within a loop to return all the results of a query:

     for (user in userList) {
         handler {
                     uid user.userName
                     id user.userName
                     user.attributes.each(){ key,value -> attribute key, value }