Connector framework changes
Connectors continue to be released outside the IDM release. Release notes for the latest versions of ICF connectors are available here. |
OPENICF-1998: Local/RemoteRequest congruence checks should throw a retryable exception upon failure
OPENIDM-17535: IDM stack releases that include bundled connectors should continue to work with existing provisioner configuration
OPENICF-1855: Investigate handling query 'poison pill' termination via recon automatic retry upon exception receipt
OPENICF-1704: Framework: resetConnectorInfos does not implement intent
OPENICF-1730: Client ConnectorInfos cache not refreshed upon RCS instance restart when using RCS Agent
OPENICF-1735: Upgrade to groovy 3.0.9
For a list of security issues addressed in this release, refer to the related Security Advisory in the ForgeRock Knowledge Base. |
OPENICF-1566: Framework: ICF Jetty servlet default maxMessageSize is too small
Starting in version, ICF connectors that previously had external library dependencies now have those dependencies bundled inside the connector. |
OPENICF-1413: Use framework version for ldap-connector to support Java8-compatible release
OPENICF-1414: Scripted Groovy (v3) based connectors fail to load with IDM releases prior to 7.0