Depending on your Browser SSO use cases, the administrative console prompts you to configure authentication requirements for inbound messages, outbound messages, or both. Refer to the following table for more information.

Use case Back-channel authentication requirements Back-channel messages
A connection is configured with a SAML ACS endpoint that uses the artifact binding on the Protocol Settings > Assertion Consumer Service URL screen. Inbound Artifact resolution requests
A connection is configured with a SAML 2.0 SLO endpoint that uses the artifact binding on the Protocol Settings > SLO Service URLs screen Inbound Artifact resolution requests

SOAP messages

A connection is configured with a SAML 2.0 SLO endpoint that uses the SOAP binding on the Protocol Settings > SLO Service URLs screen Outbound SOAP SLO messages
The SAML 2.0 Artifact binding is enabled on the Protocol Settings > Allowable SAML Bindings screen Outbound Outbound artifact resolution requests
The SOAP binding is enabled on the Protocol Settings > Allowable SAML Bindings screen Inbound Inbound SOAP messages
The SAML 2.0 Attribute Query profile is enabled on the Connection Options screen Inbound Inbound Attribute Query requests
  • Refer to subsequent topics for configuration steps.