On the System > Protocol Settings > Outbound Provisioning screen, select the database that PingFederate should use internally to facilitate provisioning for service providers when PingFederate is configured as an IdP.

The database stores the state of synchronization between the source datastore and the target datastore, enabling periodic checking to determine whether updates are required at the target site. PingFederate checks the source datastore for changes every minute by default. As needed, you may change the provisioning synchronization frequency on this screen as well.


PingFederate is tested with Amazon Aurora (MySQL and PostgreSQL), Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle Database, Oracle MySQL, and PostgreSQL as internal provisioning datastores. A demonstration-only, embedded HSQLDB database is installed by default. Scripts to aid setup are in the directory <pf_install>/pingfederate/server/default/conf/provisioner/sql-scripts.


A pre-installed, default HSQLDB database is selected for initial setup and testing. However, we strongly recommend that you use the built-in HSQLDB only for trial or training environments. For testing and production environments, always use a secured external storage solution for proper functioning in a clustered environment.

Testing involving HSQLDB is not a valid test. In both testing and production, it may cause various problems due to its limitations and HSQLDB involved cases are not supported by PingIdentity.

Note that the Outbound Provisioning screen appears only when the Outbound Provisioning protocol is enabled on the System > Protocol Settings > Roles & Protocols screen.

  1. Select a datastore from the Internal Provisioning Data Store list.

    If the datastore you want is not shown in the list, PingFederate is not yet configured to access the store; click Manage Data Stores to create a connection to the datastore.

  2. Optional: Change the Synchronization Frequency value.

    The default value is 60 (seconds).

  3. Click Next and continue with the rest of the configuration.

    When editing an existing configuration, you may also click Save as soon as the administrative console offers the opportunity to do so.