If a user encounters an Unexpected System Error message with a reference code, ask the user for the reference code and search the value in the server log. The log message should help determine the root cause, which usually requires a configuration change.

If a user encounters a partner not active status, select Active in the Connection Status field and click Save on the Activation & Summary screen for the connection.


Unexpected System Error
When a PingFederate IdP server receives a SAML AuthnRequest message via the Redirect binding but such SAML profile is not selected in the applicable SP connection, PingFederate replies with an Unexpected System Error response with a reference code and logs an error message similar to the following entry:
2015-12-03 15:43:52,936 ERROR [org.sourceid.servlet.ErrorServlet] Top level error (ref#kwlqbn): javax.servlet.ServletException: org.sourceid.saml20.bindings.BindingException: Incoming binding urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-Redirect is not enabled for (SP) ::: sp1

In this sample log message, kwlqbn is the reference code.

The remedy is to update the applicable SP connection to allow the Redirect binding for inbound messages from the SP if the Redirect binding is one of the mutually-agreed SAML bindings that both parties should use. Alternatively, the SP can send SAML AuthnRequest messages via an allowable SAML binding based on the configuration of your SP connection.