Account linking

Page title and template file name Purpose Type Action
Link Your Account


Used to authenticate a user at the SP when an account link needs to be established. Normal None
Account Unlinked

Communicates a user's successful defederation operation. Normal None

Single sign-on and logout

Page title and template file name Purpose Type Action
Select Identity Provider


The user requested SP-initiated SSO, but the IdP partner was not specified in the appropriate query parameter or cookie. This page allows the user to select the IdP manually. Based on the user's selection, the server redirects the browser to the appropriate IdP partner's SSO service. Normal User must make selection
Please Specify Target

Displayed when an SSO request succeeds but no target-resource parameter is specified by the incoming URL, and no default URL is set on the Service Provider > Default URLs screen. Error Consult web developer or specify default URL
Sign On Error

Displayed when SP-initiated SSO fails (or IdP-initiated SSO fails on the SP side) and no other SSO error landing page is specified. Error Consult log and web developer
Sign Off Successful

Displayed when an SLO request succeeds and no other SLO success landing page is specified. Normal None
Sign Off Error

Displayed when an SLO request fails and no other SLO error landing page is specified. Error User should close the browser


Page title and template file name Purpose Type Action
Signed Off


Displays the user's sign-out status. Normal None
Unable to Authenticate


Displayed when an authentication challenge fails during WS-Federation processing. Error Consult log and web developer