Ping SDKs

Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget

Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget

Server support:

  • PingOne

  • PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud

  • PingAM

  • PingFederate

SDK support:

  • Ping SDK for Android

  • Ping SDK for iOS

  • Ping SDK for JavaScript

The Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget for PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud and PingAM is an all-inclusive UI component to help you add authentication, user registration, and other self-service journeys into your web applications.

You can use the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget within React, Vue, Angular and a number of other modern JavaScript frameworks, as well as vanilla JavaScript.

It does not currently support server-side rendering (SSR), including Node.js.

The Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget uses the Ping SDK for JavaScript internally, and adds a user interface and state management. This rendering layer helps eliminate the need to develop and maintain the UI components for providing complex authentication experiences.

This rendering layer uses Svelte and Tailwind, but these are "compiled away" resulting in no runtime dependencies.

The resulting Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget is both library- and framework-agnostic.


The Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget supports the following PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud and PingAM features:

Supported Unsupported
  • Page node

  • Username

  • Password

  • QR codes

  • Push authentication and registration

  • One-time passwords and registration

  • WebAuthn

  • Device profiles

  • Social login providers:

    • Apple

    • Facebook

    • Google

  • Email suspend, or "magic links"

  • CAPTCHA display

    • hCaptcha

    • reCAPTCHA v2

    • reCAPTCHA v3

  • PingOne Protect

  • Centralized login

  • TextOutputCallback callbacks containing scripts

  • SAML federation


The Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget is designed to work with the following:

  • An ECMAScript module or CommonJS enabled client-side JavaScript app

  • A "modern", fully-featured browser such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Chromium Edge

The Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget supports vanilla JavaScript and many frameworks. It is tested against the following:

Tested Unsupported
  • Angular

  • React

  • Vue

  • Svelte

  • Server-side rendering (SSR), including Node.js

The Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget is not designed or tested for use with the following:

  • Internet Explorer

  • Legacy Edge

  • WebView

  • Electron

  • Modified, browser-like environments


This tutorial guides you through adding the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget to your application in the modal or inline form factor.


You need to set up your PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud or PingAM instance with an authentication journey, and a demo user. To obtain access tokens, you also need to create an OAuth 2.0 client.

You may need to edit the CORS configuration on your server.


Step 1. Install the widget

In this step, you use npm to add the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget to your project. It also covers how to download and build the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget to support custom requirements.

Step 2. Configure the CSS

In this step, you add the default CSS to your app, and learn how to use layers to control the CSS cascade.

Step 3. Import the widget

In this step, you import the modules from the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget you want to use in your app.

Step 4. Configure the SDK

In this step, you provide the configuration necessary for the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget to contact your server, such as which realm to use, and the server URL.

Step 5. Instantiate the widget

In this step, you choose where in your app to mount the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget, and then instantiate an instance, choosing either the inline or modal form factor.

Step 6. Start a journey

In ths step, you start a journey so that the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget can display the UI for the first callback.

Step 7. Subscribe to events

In this step, you subscribe to observables to capture and react to events that occur during use of the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget.

Step 1. Install the widget

You can add the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget to your app by using Node Package Manager (npm), or you can download it from GitHub and build it yourself, adding results to your project directly.

Install the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget with npm

The easiest way to add the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget to your project.

Build a customized Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget

If you want to customize the themes included in the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget, you need to download the Ping (ForgeRock) Web Login Framework source, make your modifications, and build a customized package.

Install the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget with npm

Add the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget to your project using npm as follows:

npm install @forgerock/login-widget

Next, you can Step 2. Configure the CSS.

Build a customized Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget

The following steps show how to download the Ping (ForgeRock) Web Login Framework and build the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget:

  1. Download the Ping (ForgeRock) Web Login Framework from the Git repository:

    git clone

  2. In a terminal window, navigate to the root of the Ping (ForgeRock) Web Login Framework:

    cd forgerock-web-login-framework

  3. Run npm to download and install the required packages and modules:

    npm install

  4. Build the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget with npm:

    npm run build:widget

  5. Copy the built package/ directory into your app project

  6. Import the Widget component into your app:

    import Widget from '../path/to/package/index.js';

    The exact syntax for importing the widget into your app varies depending on the technologies your app uses.


Next, you can Step 2. Configure the CSS.

Step 2. Configure the CSS

You can use any of the following methods to add the default Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget styles to your app:

  1. Import it into your JavaScript project as a module.

  2. Import it using a CSS preprocessor, like Sass, Less, or PostCSS.

If you decide to import the CSS into your JavaScript, make sure your bundler is able to import and process the CSS as a module. If using a CSS preprocessor, configure your preprocessor to access files from within your package or from a directory.


Import the CSS into your JavaScript:

// app.js
import '@forgerock/login-widget/widget.css';

Import the CSS into your CSS:

/* style.css */
@import '@forgerock/login-widget/widget.css';

Controlling the CSS cascade

How the browser applies styles to an app can depend on the order you import or declare CSS into it, referred to as the cascade.

You can use the @layer CSS rule to declare a cascade layer, ensuring Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget styles apply separately from your own.

For more information, refer to @layer in the MDN docs.

The Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget styles will not overwrite any of your CSS.

They are namespaced to help prevent collisions and use a CSS selector prefix of tw_.

To create a cascade layer for the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget styles:

  1. Wrap your existing styles in a new layer, for example, "app":

    @layer app {
        /* Your app's existing CSS */
  2. Declare the order of layers in your index HTML file before loading any CSS.

    The Widget has multiple @layer declarations in its CSS files
    <style type="text/css">
      /* Your existing "app" CSS layer first */
      @layer app;
      /* List the Widget layers after your own styles */
      @layer 'fr-widget.base';
      @layer 'fr-widget.utilities';
      @layer 'fr-widget.components';
      @layer 'fr-widget.variants';
    The CSS imported for the Widget will not overwrite any of your app’s CSS. It’s all namespaced to ensure there are no collisions. To help achieve this, the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget uses a selector naming convention with a tw_ prefix.


Step 3. Import the widget

To use the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget, import the modules you want to use into your app:

// Import the Login Widget
import Widget, { configuration } from '@forgerock/login-widget';

The exact syntax for importing the widget depends on the module system you are using.

The Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget exports a number of different modules, each providing different functionality.

Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget modules
Module Description API reference


Use this main class to instantiate the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget, mount it into the DOM, and set up event listeners.

Widget API reference


Use this module to configure the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget. You can configure the settings it needs to contact the authorization server, styles, layout, and override content.

Configuration API reference


Use this module to configure and start an authentication journey.

Journey API reference


Use this module to subscribe to events triggered by the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget and for controlling the modal form factor.

Component API reference


Use this module for managing users in the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget, such as obtaining user or token information, and logging users out.

User API reference


Next, you can Step 4. Configure the SDK.

Step 4. Configure the SDK

The Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget requires information about the server instance it connects to, as well as OAuth 2.0 client configuration and other settings.

To provide these settings, import and use the configuration module and its set() method.

The Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget uses the same underlying configuration properties as the main SDK. Add your configuration under the forgerock property:

Example Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget configuration
// Import the modules
import Widget, { configuration } from '@forgerock/login-widget';

// Create a configuration instance
const myConfig = configuration();

// Set the configuration properties
  forgerock: {
    // Minimum required configuration:
    serverConfig: {
        baseUrl: '',
        timeout: 3000,
    // Optional configuration:
    clientId: '', // The default is `WebLoginWidgetClient`
    realmPath: '',  // This is the default if not specified
    redirectUri: window.location.href,  // This is the default if not specified
    scope: '', // The default is `openid profile` if not specified

Set your Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget configuration at the top level of your application, such as its index.js or app.js file.

This ensures the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget has the configuration needed to call out to your PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud or PingAM server whenever and wherever you use its APIs in your app.

For example, you must set the configuration before starting a journey with journeyEvents.start() or calling either userEvents.get() or tokenEvents.get().

SDK configuration properties

The configuration properties available in both the SDK and the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget are as follows:


Property Description


An interface for configuring how the SDK contacts the PingAM instance.

Contains baseUrl and timeout.

serverConfig: {baseUrl}

The base URL of the server to connect to, including port and deployment path.

Identity Cloud example:

Self-hosted example:

serverConfig: {wellknown}

A URL to the server’s .well-known/openid-configuration endpoint.

Use the Config.setAsync() method to set SDK configuration using values derived from those provided at the URL.



Self-hosted example:


serverConfig: {timeout}

A timeout, in milliseconds, for each request that communicates with your server.

For example, for 30 seconds specify 30000.

Defaults to 5000 (5 seconds).


The realm in which the OAuth 2.0 client profile and authentication journeys are configured.

For example, .

Defaults to the self-hosted top-level realm root.


The name of the user authentication tree configured in your server.

For example, sdkUsernamePasswordJourney.

OAuth 2.0

Property Description


The client_id of the OAuth 2.0 client profile to use.


The redirect_uri as configured in the OAuth 2.0 client profile.

The Ping SDK for JavaScript attempts to load the redirect page to capture the OAuth 2.0 code and state query parameters that the server appended to the redirect URL.

If the page you redirect to does not exist, takes a long time to load, or runs any JavaScript you might get a timeout, delayed authentication, or unexpected errors.

To ensure the best user experience, we highly recommend that you redirect to a static HTML page with minimal HTML and no JavaScript when obtaining OAuth 2.0 tokens.

For example, /callback.html.


A list of scopes to request when performing an OAuth 2.0 authorization flow, separated by spaces.

For example, .


A threshold, in seconds, to refresh an OAuth 2.0 token before the access_token expires.

Defaults to 30 seconds.


Property Description


The API to use for storing tokens on the client:


Store tokens using the sessionStorage API. The browser clears session storage when a page session ends.


Store tokens using the localStorage API. The browser saves local storage data across browser sessions. This is the default setting, as it provides the highest browser compatibility.


Override the default fr prefix string applied to the keys used for storing data on the client, such as tokens, device IDs, and information about the steps in a journey.

For example, the key used for storing tokens consists of the prefix, followed by the ID of the OAuth 2.0 client:



Property Description


Specify whether the SDK should output its log messages in the console and the level of messages to display.

One of:

  • none (default)

  • info

  • warn

  • error

  • debug


Specify a function to override the default logging behavior.


Property Description


Specify whether to include an X-Requested-Platform header in outgoing requests.

The server can use the value of this header to alter the logic of an authentication flow. For example, if the value indicates a JavaScript web app, the journey could avoid device binding nodes, as they are only supported by Android and iOS apps.

Defaults to false.


Property Description

serverConfig: { paths: { authenticate }}

Override the path to the authorization server’s authenticate endpoint.

Default: json/{realmPath}/authenticate

serverConfig: { paths: { authorize }}

Override the path to the authorization server’s authorize endpoint.

Default: oauth2/{realmPath}/authorize

serverConfig: { paths: { accessToken }}

Override the path to the authorization server’s access_token endpoint.

Default: oauth2/{realmPath}/access_token

serverConfig: { paths: { revoke }}

Override the path to the authorization server’s revoke endpoint.

Default: oauth2/{realmPath}/token/revoke

serverConfig: { paths: { userInfo }}

Override the path to the authorization server’s userinfo endpoint.

Default: oauth2/{realmPath}/userinfo

serverConfig: { paths: { sessions }}

Override the path to the authorization server’s sessions endpoint.

Default: json/{realmPath}/sessions

serverConfig: { paths: { endSession }}

Override the path to the authorization server’s endSession endpoint.

Default: oauth2/{realmPath}/connect/endSession


Step 5. Instantiate the widget

To use the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget in your app you must choose an appropriate place to mount it. Then, you need to choose which form factor to implement, either inline, or modal.

With those decisions made, you can instantiate the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget in your app, ready for your users to start their authentication or self-service journey.

Choose where to mount the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget

To implement the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget, we recommend you add a new element into your HTML file.

For most single page applications (SPA) this is your index.html file.

This new element should be a direct child element of <body> and not within the element where you mount your SPA.

Example HTML structure
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<!-- ... -->
    <!-- Root element for main app -->
    <div id="root"></div>

    <!-- Root element for Widget -->
    <div id="widget-root"></div>

    <!-- scripts ... -->

We recommend that you do not inject the element into which you mount the modal form factor in your app. This can cause virtual DOM issues.

Instead, manually hard-code the element in your HTML file.

To use the default Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget modal form factor, import the modules into your app and instantiate the widget as follows:

Instantiate the modal form factor
// Import the Login Widget
import Widget, { configuration } from '@forgerock/login-widget';

// Configure SDK options
const myConfig = configuration();

  forgerock: {
    serverConfig: {
        baseUrl: '',
        timeout: 3000,
    // Optional but recommended configuration:
    realmPath: '',
    clientId: '',
    redirectUri: window.location.href,
    scope: ''

// Get the element in your HTML into which you will mount the widget
const widgetRootEl = document.getElementById('widget-root');

// Instantiate Widget with the `new` keyword
new Widget({
  target: widgetRootEl,

This mounts the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget into the DOM. The modal form factor is the default and is hidden when first instantiated.

Top open the modal, import the component module, assign the function, and call its open() method:

Open the modal
// Import the Login Widget
import Widget, { configuration, component } from '@forgerock/login-widget';

// Configure SDK options
const myConfig = configuration();

  forgerock: {
    serverConfig: {
        baseUrl: '',
        timeout: 3000,
    // Optional but recommended configuration:
    realmPath: '',
    clientId: '',
    redirectUri: window.location.href,
    scope: ''

// Get the element in your HTML into which you will mount the widget
const widgetRootEl = document.getElementById('widget-root');

// Instantiate Widget with the `new` keyword
new Widget({
  target: widgetRootEl, // Any existing element from static HTML file

// Assign the component function
const componentEvents = component();

// Call the open() method, for example after a button click
const loginButton = document.getElementById('loginButton');

loginButton.addEventListener('click', () => {;

The modal form factor opens and displays a spinner graphic until you start a journey.

The modal form factor closes itself when a journey completes successfully.

You can also close it by calling componentEvents.close();

Instantiate the inline form factor

You override the default Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget modal form factor and instead use the inline form factor. The inline form factor mounts within your application’s controlled DOM, so it is important to consider how your framework mounts elements to the DOM.

For example, the inline form factor cannot mount into a virtual DOM element, such as those used by React. In this scenario, you must wait until the element has been property mounted to the real DOM before instantiating the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget.

To use the inline form factor, instantiate the widget with a type: 'inline' property, as follows:

Instantiate the inline form factor
// Import the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget
import Widget, { configuration } from '@forgerock/login-widget';

import { useRef } from 'react';

// Configure SDK options
const myConfig = configuration();

  forgerock: {
    serverConfig: {
        baseUrl: '',
        timeout: 3000,
    // Optional but recommended configuration:
    realmPath: '',
    clientId: '',
    redirectUri: window.location.href,
    scope: ''

// Target needs to be an actual DOM element, so ref is needed with inline type
const widgetElement = useRef(null);

// Instantiate Widget with the `new` keyword
new Widget({
  target: widgetElement.current,
  props: {
    type: 'inline', // Override the default 'modal' form factor

The inline form factor loads into the specified DOM element and displays a spinner graphic until you start a journey.


Next, you can Step 6. Start a journey.

Step 6. Start a journey

The Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget displays a loading spinner graphic if it does not yet have a callback from the server to render.

You must specify and start a journey to make the initial call to the server and obtain the first callback.

To start a journey, import the journey function and execute it to receive a journeyEvents object. After you have this journeyEvents object, you can call the journeyEvents.start() method, which starts making requests to the server for the initial form fields.

You can call the journeyEvents.start() method anywhere in your application, or anytime, as long as it is after calling the configuration’s set() method and after instantiating the Widget.

Start the default journey
// Import the Login Widget
import Widget, { configuration, journey } from '@forgerock/login-widget';

// Configure SDK options
const myConfig = configuration();

  forgerock: {
    serverConfig: {
        baseUrl: '',
        timeout: 3000,
    // Optional but recommended configuration:
    realmPath: '',
    clientId: '',
    redirectUri: window.location.href,
    scope: ''

// Get the element in your HTML into which you will mount the widget
const widgetRootEl = document.getElementById('widget-root');

// Instantiate Widget with the `new` keyword
new Widget({
  target: widgetRootEl,

// Assign the journey function
const journeyEvents = journey();

// Ensure you call `.start` *AFTER* instantiating the Widget

This starts the journey configured as the default in your server and renders the initial callback.

To specify which journey to use and other parameters, refer to Configure start() parameters.

Configure start() parameters

If you do not pass any parameters when calling the start() method the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget will use whichever journey is marked as the default in your server.

The Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget will also use the values configured in the last invocation of the configuration’s set() method.

You can override both of these behaviors by passing in JSON parameters:

Optional start() parameters
Parameter Description


Specify the name of the journey to use.

If not specified, the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget uses whichever journey is marked as the default


Override the current SDK configuration with any new or altered settings.

For more information, refer to Step 4. Configure the SDK.


Specify the full URL to visit if resuming a suspended journey. The server uses this to return your users to your application after clicking a "magic link" in an email, for example.

The default is window.location.href.

Example of specifying the journey to use:
// Specify a different journey
  journey: 'sdkRegistrationJourney',

For more information, refer to journey in the API reference.

Configure journey() parameters

If you do not pass any parameters when calling the journey() function the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget will attempt to retrieve OAuth 2.0 tokens and user information by default.

You can override this behavior by passing in the following JSON parameters:

Optional journey() parameters
Parameter Description


Set to false to prevent the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget attempting to obtain OAuth 2.0 tokens after successfully completing a journey.

The default is true.


Set to user to prevent the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget attempting to obtain user information by calling the /oauth2/userinfo endpoint after successfully completing a journey.

The default is true.

Example - obtaining only a user session token:
const journeyEvents = journey({
    oauth: false,
    user: false,

For more information, refer to journey API reference

Listen for journey completion

Use the journeyEvents.subscribe method to know when a user has completed their journey.

A summary of the events for a journey and their order is as follow:

  1. Journey is loading

  2. Journey is complete

  3. Tokens are loading

  4. Tokens are complete

  5. Userinfo is loading

  6. Userinfo is complete

Pass a callback function into this method to run on journey related events, of which there will be many, and each event object you receive contains a lot of information about the event.

You conditionally check for the events you are interested in and ignore what you do not need.

Example - subscribe to journey events
journeyEvents.subscribe((event) => {
  // Called multiple times, filtering by event data is recommended
  if (event.journey.successful) {
    // Only output successfull journey log entries


Next, you can learn more information about observables and how to Step 7. Subscribe to events.

Step 7. Subscribe to events

The Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget has a number of asynchronous APIs, which are designed around an event-centric observable pattern. It uses Svelte’s simplified, standard observable implementation called a "store".

These Svelte stores are embedded into the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget itself.

They are not a dependency that your app layer needs to import or manage.

For more information on Svelte stores, refer to the Svelte documentation.

This observable pattern is optimal for UI development as it allows for a dynamic user experience. You can update your application in response to the events occurring within the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget. For example, the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget has events such as "loading", "completed", "success", and, "failure".

Assign an observable

You can create a variable and assign the observable to it:

Assign an observable
const userInfoEvents =;

Subscribe to observable events

An observable is a stream of events over time. The Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget invokes the callback for each and every event from the observable, until you unsubscribe from it.

Use the subscribe() method on your variable to observe the event stream:

Example userInfoEvents observable
userInfoEvents.subscribe((event) => {
  if (event.loading) {
    console.log('User info is being requested from server');
  } else if (event.successful) {
    console.log('User info request was successful');
  } else if (event.error) {
    console.error('User info request failed');

For information on the events each observable returns, refer to the API reference.

Unsubscribe from an observable

Unlike a JavaScript promise, an observable does not resolve and then get cleaned up after completion.

You need to unsubscribe from an observable if it is no longer needed. This is especially important if you are subscribing to observables in a component that gets created and destroyed many times over. Subscribing to an observable over and over without unsubscribing creates a memory leak.

To unsubscribe, assign the function that is returned from calling the subscribe() method to a variable. Call this variable at a later time to unsubscribe from the obeservable.

Example unsubscribe from an observable
const unsubUserInfoEvents = userInfoEvents.subscribe((event) => console.log(event));

// ...

// Unsubscribe when no longer needed

You do not need to unsubscribe from observables if you subscribe to observables in a top-level component of your app that is only initiated once, and is retained over the lifetime of your application.

A good location in which to subscribe to observables might be the central state management component or module of your application.

Get current local values

The Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget stores a number of important values internally.

You can get the current values stored within the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget without subscribing to any future events or their resulting state changes by calling subscribe() and then immediately calling its unsubscribe method:

Get current stored values and unsubscribe
// Create variable for user info
let userInfo;

// Call subscribe, get the current local value, and then immediately call the returned function
userInfoEvents.subscribe((event) => (userinfo = event.response))(); // <-- notice the second pair of parentheses

Get updated values

You can ask the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget to request new, fresh values from the server, rather than just what it has stored locally, by calling the observable action methods, such as get.

Get latest values from the server

When using the observable pattern, you can call this method and forget about it. The get causes any subscribe callback functions you have for the observable to receive the events and new state.

The subscribe can exist before or after this get call, and it will still capture the resulting events.

Use promises rather than observables

We recommend observables, but the choice is up to you.

All of the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget APIs that involve network calls have an alternative promise implementation that you can use.

The following example again shows userInfoEvents but converted to use promises:

Using promises rather than observables
// async-await
let userInfo;
async function example() {
  try {
    userInfo = await userInfoEvents.get();
  } catch (err) {

// Promise
let userInfo;
  .then((data) => (userInfo = data))
  .catch((err) => console.log(err));

Theme the widget

The Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget provides a default theme with both light and dark modes.

law dark theme example en
Figure 1. Example of the modal component in dark mode

You can alter these themes by using the Tailwind configuration file.

Switch between light and dark themes

To switch to the dark mode, you can manually add tw_dark to the <body> element:

<body class="tw_dark"></body>

The Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget defaults to the light mode if the class is not present.

You can programmatically apply the class if required:

const prefersDarkTheme = window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)').matches;
if (prefersDarkTheme) {

Customize the theme

To reconfigure the theme to use different colors, fonts, or sizing you can provide new values to the Tailwind configuration file and rebuild the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget, as follows:

  1. Download the Ping (ForgeRock) Web Login Framework from the GitHub repository:

    git clone

  2. In a terminal window, navigate to the root of the Ping (ForgeRock) Web Login Framework:

    cd forgerock-web-login-framework

  3. Run npm to download and install the required packages and modules:

    npm install

  4. Run the development script:

    npm run dev

  5. Run Storybook:

    npm run storybook

    Make a note of the URLs to the Storybook UI listed in the terminal output:

    law custom theme storybook url en
    Figure 2. URLs to the Storybook UI
  6. Open the tailwind.config.cjs file in the root of the Ping (ForgeRock) Web Login Framework and adjust your theme by adding them under the extend property:

    // tailwind.config.cjs
    module.exports = {
      content: ['./src/**/*.{html,js,svelte,ts}', './.storybook/preview-head.html'],
      darkMode: 'class',
      presets: [require('./themes/default/config.cjs')],
      theme: {
        extend: {
          // Add your customizations here
          colors: {
            body: {
              light: 'darkblue',
            primary: {
              dark: 'darkorange',
            background: {
              light: "gainsboro",
          fontFamily: {
            sans: ['Impact'],
  7. Navigate to the Storybook UI provided in the terminal output earlier to view your changes:

    law custom theme storybook en
    Figure 3. Customized registration modal in Storybook

    Changes you make to the tailwind.config.cjs file are automatically reflected in the Storybook UI when you save them to disk.


Anything configurable in Tailwind is also configurable in the theme. The custom properties the default theme uses are stored in the /themes/default/tokens.cjs file.

We recommend you do not directly modify these default theme files. Only modify the root tailwind.config.cjs.

Supported customization

Using the methods on this page, you can customize:

  • Colors

  • Fonts

  • Type sizes

  • Spacing

  • Breakpoints

Implement your use cases with the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget

Find out how to achieve some common use case scenarios using the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget.

Log in with social authentication

Social authentication provides your users with a choice of ways to sign in that suits them.

Select from supported social providers in a journey to initiate an OAuth 2.0 flow to authenticate with the social provider, before returning to the original journey.

Log in with OATH one-time passwords

If your users have registered the ForgeRock Authenticator for one-time passwords using a browser for example, then an app using the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget will be able to accept the one-time password from the authenticator app.

Implement a CAPTCHA

Help to prevent automated scripts from attempting to authenticate to your servers by implementing a CAPTCHA in your Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget app.

Suspend journeys with "magic links"

You can use the Email Suspend Node within your journeys to support a number of authentication experiences, including verifying a user’s email address, building a "forgot password" flow, or using an email address for multifactor authentication.

Log in with social authentication

Social authentication provides your users with a choice of ways to sign in that suits them.

The Ping SDK for JavaScript supports social authentication with the following providers:

  • Apple

  • Facebook

  • Google

Selecting one of these providers in a journey initiates an OAuth 2.0 flow allowing them to authenticate themselves with the social provider before returning to the original journey.

To enable this flow you need to:

  1. Offer a choice of social identity providers using the Select Identity Provider node.

    • Optionally, you can allow users to skip social authentication and enter their credentials in the same form, provided nodes such as a username collector are also present.

  2. Handle the OAuth 2.0 flow for your users using the Social Provider Handler Node.

  3. Determine if the user signed in to the social provider maps to a known user by adding the Identify Existing User Node.

The following is an example journey for social authentication:

law social login journey en
Figure 4. Example social login journey

For a detailed guide covering the creation of social authentication journeys, refer to How do I create end user journeys for social registration and login in PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud? in the Backstage Knowledge Base.

On the client side, the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget handles the selection of the identity provider and redirection to the provider.

You need to ensure your app manages the return back from the provider. To handle the return from a social provider, detect code, state and form_post_entry query parameters, as these instruct the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget to resume authentication using the current URL:

Detect social authentication query parameters and continue the journey
import { journey } from '@forgerock/login-widget';

const journeyEvents = journey();

const url = new URL(location.href);
const codeParam = url.searchParams.get('code');
const stateParam = url.searchParams.get('state');
const formPostEntryParam = url.searchParams.get('form_post_entry');

if (formPostEntryParam || (codeParam && stateParam)) {
    journey.start({ resumeUrl: location.href });

The location.href value includes any query parameters returned from the social provider. Without all the query parameters, the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget might not be able to rehydrate the journey and continue as needed.

Log in with OATH one-time passwords

The Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget provides UI elements for the OATH Token Verifier node but not currently the OATH Registration.

If your users have registered the ForgeRock Authenticator for one-time passwords using a browser, for example, then an app using the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget will be able to accept the one-time password from the authenticator app.

The Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget requires that the OATH Token Verifier node is contained within a Page node configured with a specific Stage property.

In the containing Page Node, set the Stage property to OneTimePassword:

law oath journey with stage en
Figure 5. OATH journey example

The Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget detects that stage value as a special case and renders the appropriate UI:

law oath ui with stage en
Figure 6. Rendering with the OneTimePassword stage property

If you do not put the OATH Token Verifier node within a Page node, the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget will not render the UI correctly:

law oath ui en
Figure 7. Rendering a lone OATH Token Verifier node

Implement a CAPTCHA

The Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget supports the use of a CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart), which helps to prevent automated scripts from attempting to authenticate to your servers.

To use a CAPTCHA in the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget, add the CAPTCHA node to your authentication journey.

Supported CAPTCHA variants

Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget supports the following CAPTCHA variants:

CAPTCHA variant Support



Passive / 99% Passive



Full, except Invisible reCAPTCHA.



reCAPTCHA Enterprise

Not currently supported

Configure your app

The Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget cannot inject the scripts necessary to use a CAPTCHA in your app.

You must add the relevant scripts yourself, usually to the <head> of the page:


If you are using hCaptcha with the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget, you must first have the JavaScript loaded into your app’s DOM:

<script src="" async defer></script>

If you are using Google reCAPTCHA v2 with the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget, you must first have the JavaScript loaded into your app’s DOM:

<script async src=""></script>

If you are using Google reCAPTCHA v3, you must append your site key in a query string parameter named render:

<script async src="{reCAPTCHA_site_key}"></script>

When calling a journey that uses reCAPTCHA v3 you can add a recaptchaAction property with a custom value. That value tags the event in the reCAPTCHA console so that you can track different usage:

    journey: 'reCAPTCHAv3journey',
    // …​.any other journey config required…​.
    recaptchaAction: 'loginVIPArea', // reCAPTCHA v3 only, falls back to journey name

If you do not provide a recaptchaAction value, the SDK attempts to use the name of the journey instead, if available.


With your app configured and the necessary scripts in place, you can visit any journey that contains a CAPTCHA node to test a CAPTCHA with the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget.

For example, the following image shows how the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget handles a CAPTCHA node alongside a platform username and platform password nodes, all within a single page node:

Login Widget handling reCAPTCHA v2 in a page node
Figure 8. Login Widget handling reCAPTCHA v2 in a page node


This section contains information on how to diagnose issues when using a CAPTCHA with the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget.

Why does the reCAPTCHA display "ERROR for site owner: Invalid key type"?

Ensure the site key you have specified in the CAPTCHA node is configured for the version of reCAPTCHA type you want to use.

For example, the following image shows a configuration for v2 Tickbox:

recaptcha v2 google settings en

When using a v2 site key, do not select ReCaptcha V3 Node in the CAPTCHA node configuration.

Why does the browser console display "Error: Invalid site key or not loaded in api.js"?

Ensure you have added the correct site key value as a render query parameter of the Google api.js script.

For example:

<script async src=""></script>
Why does the reCAPTCHA display "Localhost is not in the list of supported domains for this site key."?

The localhost domain is blocked from working with reCAPTCHA by default.

You can add the domain to the site key configuration for testing purposes if required.

It can take several minutes for changes to the allowed domains to take effect.

For more information, refer to Google’s reCAPTCHA documentation.

You can use the Email Suspend Node within your journeys to support a number of experiences, including verifying a user’s email address, building a "forgot password" flow or using an email address for multifactor authentication.

The node suspends the journey until the user clicks a link—​referred to as a magic link--in their email. This link contains a generated unique code that can continue the suspended journey.

This page shows how to configure the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget to take advantage of this feature.

Configure the authentication server

  1. Add the Email Suspend Node to the journey to suspend it until the user continues the journey from the link found in their email.

    how to magic links tree en
    Figure 9. Insert the Email Suspend Node into your journey
  2. Configure the External Login Page URL property in the Access Management native console to match your custom app’s URL. This ensures the magic links are able to redirect users to your app to resume the journey. If not specified, the default behavior is to route users to the login page.

    how to magic links remote login en
    Figure 10. Configure external login URL in the PingAM native console
  3. When the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget encounters the Email Suspend Node, it renders the string configured in the Email Suspend Message property configured in the node. The user is not able to continue the journey until they click the link emailed to them.

Handle suspend IDs in your app

When your app handles a magic link, it needs to recognize it as a special condition and provide the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget with the full URL that the user clicked in their email.

Return this URL, including all query parameters, to the server as the value of the resumeUrl parameter:

import { journey } from '@forgerock/login-widget';

const journeyEvents = journey();

const url = new URL(location.href);
const suspendedId = url.searchParams.get('suspendedId');

if (suspendedId) {
  journeyEvents.start({ resumeUrl: location.href });

The location.href value includes all query parameters included in the magic link. Without all the query parameters, the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget might not be able to rehydrate the journey and continue as needed.

Integrating the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget

Find out how you can integrate the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget with different frameworks and libraries.

Integrate with PingOne Protect for risk evaluations

The Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget can integrate with PingOne Protect to evaluate the risk involved in a transaction.

Use PingOne Protect in your authentication journeys to help prevent identity fraud by incorporating advanced features and real-time detection.

Integrate Login Widget into a React app

Learn how to integrate the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget into a simple React app that you scaffold using Vite.

Integrate with PingOne Protect for risk evaluations

The Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget can integrate with PingOne Protect to evaluate the risk involved in a transaction.

PingOne Protect is supported in the following servers:

Advanced Identity Cloud

Use the official PingOne Protect nodes

PingAM 7.5 and later

Use the official PingOne Protect nodes

PingAM 7.2 - 7.4

Use the marketplace PingOne Protect nodes

A flowchart illustrating how risk predictors evaluate many different data points to determine whether to allow a user access or prompt mitigation.
Figure 11. A flowchart illustrating how risk predictors evaluate many different data points.

You can instruct the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget to use the embedded PingOne Signals SDK to gather information during a transaction. Your authentication journeys can then gather this information together and request a risk evaluation from PingOne.

Based on the response, you can choose whether to allow or deny the transaction or perform additional mitigation, such as bot detection measures.

You can use the audit functionality in PingOne to view the risk evaluations:

Risk evaluation records in the PingOne audit viewer.
Figure 12. Risk evaluation records in the PingOne audit viewer.


Step 1. Set up the servers

In this step, you set up your PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud or PingAM server, and your PingOne instance to perform risk evaluations.

For example, you create a worker application in PingOne and configure your server to access it. You also create an authentication journey that uses the relevant nodes.

Step 2. Configure the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget for PingOne Protect

With everything prepared, you can now configure the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget to evaluate risk by using PingOne Protect.

Step 1. Set up the servers

In this step, you set up your PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud or PingAM server, and your PingOne instance to perform risk evaluations.

Create a worker application in PingOne

To allow your server to access the PingOne administration API you must create a worker application in PingOne.

The worker application provides the client credentials your server uses to communicate with the PingOne admin APIs using the OpenID Connect protocol.

To create a worker application in PingOne:

  1. In the PingOne administration console, navigate to Applications  Applications, and then click Add ().

  2. In the Add Application panel:

    1. In Application name, enter a unique identifier for the worker application.

      For example, Ping SDK Worker.

    2. Optionally, enter a Description for the application and select an Icon.

      These do not affect the operation of the worker application but do help you identify it in the list.

    3. In Application Type, select Worker.

    4. Click Save.

  3. In the application properties panel for the worker application you created:

    1. On the Roles tab, click Grant Roles.

    2. On the Available responsibilities tab, select the Identity Data Admin row, and ensure the environment is correct.

    3. Click Save.

    4. On the Overview tab, ensure your worker application resembles the following image, and then enable it by using the toggle (1):

      Example worker application in PingOne
      Figure 13. Example worker application in PingOne
    5. Make a note of the Environment ID, Client ID, and Client Secret values (2).

      You need these values in the next step when you Configure the PingOne Worker service in your server.

Configure the PingOne Worker service in your server

After you create a worker application in PingOne, you must configure the PingOne Worker service in your server with the credentials.


You need the following values from the PingOne Worker application you created in PingOne:

Client ID

Client ID of the worker application in PingOne.

Example: 6c7eb89a-66e9-ab12-cd34-eeaf795650b2

Client Secret

Client secret of the worker application in PingOne.

Use the Secret Mask () or Copy to Clipboard () buttons to obtain the value in the PingOne administration console.

Example: Ch15~o5Hm8N4_eS_m8~ARrV0KQAIQS6d.sJWe8TMXurEb~KWexY_p0gelR

Environment ID

Identifier of the environment that contains the worker application in PingOne.

Example: 3072206d-c6ce-ch15-m0nd-f87e972c7cc3

The PingOne Worker Service requires a configured OAuth2 provider service in your server.

  • If you are using a self-managed AM server, you must Configure the OAuth 2.0 provider.

  • The OAuth2 provider service is preconfigured in Advanced Identity Cloud.

Register the client secret in the server

You need to make the client secret of the worker application in PingOne available for use in the PingOne worker service.

Advanced Identity Cloud

If you are using Advanced Identity Cloud you will need to create an environment secret to hold the client secret value, as follows:

  1. In the PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud admin UI, go to Tenant Settings > Global Settings > Environment Secrets & Variables.

  2. Click the Secrets tab.

  3. Click + Add Secret.

  4. In the Add a Secret modal window, enter the following information:


    Enter a secret name. For example, ping-protect-client-secret.

    Secret names cannot be modified after the secret has been created.


    (optional) Enter a description of the purpose of the secret.


    Enter the Client Secret value you obtained when creating the worker application in PingOne.

    For example, Ch15~o5Hm8N4_eS_m8~ARrV0KQAIQS6d.sJWe8TMXurEb~KWexY_p0gelR.

    The field obscures the secret value by default. You can optionally click the visibility toggle () to view the secret value as you enter it.

  5. Click Save to create the variable.

  6. Click View Update, check the details of the new secret, and then click Apply Update.

    Advanced Identity Cloud displays a final confirmation page.

    aic save esv secret en
    Figure 14. Apply updated secrets in Advanced Identity Cloud
  7. Click Apply Now.

    Advanced Identity Cloud propagates the new secret and its value to all servers. You must wait until the secrets have propagated throughout the environment before attempting to use the secret.

    The Environment Secrets & Variables page displays the following message while the update is in progress:

    aic esv propagate en
    Figure 15. Propagating secrets in progress in Advanced Identity Cloud.
Self-managed AM

For information on adding secret values for use in services in a self-managed AM instance, refer to Create key aliases in the AM documentation.

Configure the PingOne worker service

To configure the PingOne worker service:

  1. If you are using PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud, in the administration console navigate to Native Consoles > Access Management.

  2. In the AM admin UI, click Services.

  3. If the PingOne Worker Service is in the list of services, select it.

  4. If you do not yet have a PingOne Worker Service:

    1. Click Add a Service.

    2. In Choose a service type, select PingOne Worker Service, and then click Create.

  5. On the Secondary Configurations tab, click Add a Secondary Configuration.

  6. On the New workers configuration page:

    1. Enter a Name for the configuration.

      For example, SDK PingOne Worker.

      You use this value when you configure an authentication journey that performs risk evaluations.

    2. In Client ID, enter the client ID of the PingOne Worker application you created earlier.

    3. In Client Secret Label Identifier, enter an identifier to create a specific secret label to represent the client secret of the worker application.

      For example, workerAppClientSecret.

      The secret label uses the template where identifier is the Client Secret Label Identifier value.

      This field can only contain characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and . and can’t start or end with a period.

    4. In Environment ID, enter the environment ID containing the PingOne Worker application you created earlier.

    5. Click Create

  7. On the Workers Configuration page, ensure that the PingOne API Server URL and PingOne Authorization Server URL are correct for the region of your PingOne servers:

    PingOne URLs by region
    Region Authorization URL API URL

    North America

    (Excluding Canada)




  8. Confirm your configuration resembles the image below, and then click Save changes.

    Example worker service configuration in AM
    Figure 16. Example worker application in PingOne

Map the Client Secret Label Identifier to a secret

To make the client secret available to the PingOne Worker Service, you must map the secret to the ID created.

Map secrets in Advanced Identity Cloud

  1. In the PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud admin UI, click Native Consoles > Access Management.

  2. In the AM admin UI (native console), go to Realm > Secret Stores.

  3. Click the ESV secret store, then click Mappings.

  4. Click + Add Mapping.

    1. In Secret Label, select the label generated when you entered the Client Secret Label Identifier previously.

      For example,

    2. In aliases, enter the name of the ESV secret you created earlier, including the esv- prefix, and then click Add.

      For example, esv-ping-protect-client-secret

    The result resembles the following:

    Example mapping of the Client Secret Label Identifier value.

  5. Click Create.

To learn more about mapping secrets and label identifiers in Advanced Identity Cloud, refer to Secret labels.

Map secrets in self-managed AM

To learn about mapping secrets in self-managed AM, refer to Map and rotate secrets.

You have now configured the PingOne Worker service in your server. You can now Configure a journey to perform PingOne Protect risk evaluations.

Configure a journey to perform PingOne Protect risk evaluations

To make risk evaluations in PingOne, you must configure an authentication journey in your server.

The following table covers the authentication nodes and callbacks for integrating your authentication journeys with PingOne Protect.

Node Callback Description

PingOne Protect Initialization node


Instruct the embedded PingOne Signals SDK to start gathering contextual information.

PingOne Protect Evaluation node


Returns contextual information that the server can send to your PingOne Protect instance to perform a risk evaluation.

PingOne Protect Result node


Inform the PingOne Protect instance about the status of the transaction.

In your server, log in as an administrator and create a new authentication journey similar to the following example:

An example PingOne Protect journey
Figure 17. An example PingOne Protect journey
  • The PingOne Protect Initialize node 1 instructs the SDK to initialize the PingOne Protect Signals API with the configured properties.

    Initialize the PingOne Protect Signals API as early in the journey as possible, before any user interaction.

    This enables it to gather sufficient contextual data to make an informed risk evaluation.

    You can initialize the PingOne Protect Signals API whenever you want to start collecting data. This could be at application startup, or when a particular page or view is visited.

  • The user enters their credentials, which are verified against the identity store.

  • The PingOne Protect Evaluation node 2 performs a risk evaluation against a risk policy in PingOne.

    The example journey continues depending on the outcome:


    The journey requests that the user respond to a push notification.

    Medium or Low

    The risk is not significant, so no further authentication factors are required.

    Exceeds Score Threshold

    The score returned is higher than the configured threshold and is considered too risky to complete successfully.


    The risk evaluation could not be completed, so the authentication attempt continues to the Failure node.


    The risk evaluation returned a recommended action to check for the presence of a human, so the journey continues to a CAPTCHA node.


    The client returned an error when attempting to capture the data to perform a risk evaluation, so the authentication attempt continues to the Failure node.

  • An instance of the PingOne Protect Result node 3 returns the Success result to PingOne, which can be viewed in the audit console to help with analysis and risk policy tuning.

  • A second instance of the PingOne Protect Result node 4 returns the Failed result to PingOne, which can be viewed in the audit console to help with analysis and risk policy tuning.

You have now configured a suitable authentication journey in your server. You can now proceed to Step 2. Configure the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget for PingOne Protect.

Step 2. Configure the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget for PingOne Protect

Integrating the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget with PingOne Protect enables you to perform risk evaluations during your customer’s journey.

Complete the following tasks to fully integrate with PingOne Protect:

Initialize data collection

You must initialize the PingOne Signals SDK so that it collects the data needed to evaluate risk.

The earlier you can initialize the PingOne Signals SDK, the more data it can collect to make a risk evaluation.

There are two options for initializing the PingOne Signals SDK in the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget:

  1. The Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget automatically initializes the PingOne Signals SDK on receipt of a PingOneProtectInitializeCallback callback from a journey you have started.

  2. Manually initialize the PingOne Signals SDK, import the module and pass in any configuration parameters you need, as follows:

    import Widget, { configuration, journey, protect } from '@forgerock/login-widget';
    new Widget({ target: widgetEl });
    // Start PingOne Protect Signals SDK
    await protect.start({
      envId: 3072206d-c6ce-ch15-m0nd-f87e972c7cc3,
      behavioralDataCollection: true,
      consoleLogEnabled: true,

    The PingOne Signals SDK supports a number of parameters which you can supply yourself, or are contained in the PingOneProtectInitializeCallback callback.

    Show PingOne Signals SDK start parameters







    Required. Your PingOne environment identifier.


    Optional. A list of device attributes to ignore when collecting device signals.




    When true, collect behavioral data.

    Default is true.



    When true, output SDK log messages in the developer console.

    Default is false.



    When true, calculate metadata on demand rather than automatically after calling start.

    Default is false.



    Number of days that device attestation can rely upon the device fallback key.

    Default: 14



    When true, the client stores device data in the browser’s localStorage only.

    When false the client uses an iframe.

    Default is false.



    When true, the client does not collect tag data.

    Tags are used to record the pages the user visited, forming a browsing history.

    Default is false.



    When true, tie the device payload to a non-extractable crypto key stored in the browser for content authenticity verification.

    Default is false.



    Optional. A list of custom identifiers that are associated with the device entity in PingOne Protect.



    Optional. The iframe URL to use for cross-storage device IDs.



    When true, initialize the SDK on the load event, instead of the DOMContentLoaded event.

    Default is true.

Return collected data for a risk evaluation

To perform risk evaluations, the PingOne server requires the captured data.

There are two options for returning data in the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget:

  1. On receipt of a PingOneProtectEvaluationCallback callback within a journey, the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget automatically returns the captured data.

  2. Use the getData() method to manually return the captured data:

    import Widget, { configuration, journey, protect } from '@forgerock/login-widget';
    new Widget({ target: widgetEl });
    // Start PingOne Protect Signals SDK
    await protect.start({
      envId: 3072206d-c6ce-ch15-m0nd-f87e972c7cc3,
      behavioralDataCollection: true,
      consoleLogEnabled: true,
    // Return gathered data to the server
    await protect.getData();

Pause and resume behavioral data capture

The PingOne Protect Signals SDK can capture behavioral data, such as how the user interacts with the app, to help when performing evaluations.

There are scenarios where you might want to pause the collection of behavioral data. For example, the user might not be interacting with the app, or you only want to use device attribute data to be considered when performing PingOne Protect evaluations. You can then resume behavioral data collection when required.

There are two options for pausing and resuming behavioral data capture in the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget:

  1. The PingOneProtectEvaluationCallback callback can include a flag to pause or resume behavioral capture, which the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget automatically responds to.

  2. Use the pauseBehavioralData() and resumeBehavioralData() methods to manually pause or resume the capture of behavioral data:

    import Widget, { configuration, journey, protect } from '@forgerock/login-widget';
    new Widget({ target: widgetEl });
    // Start PingOne Protect Signals SDK
    await protect.start({
      envId: 3072206d-c6ce-ch15-m0nd-f87e972c7cc3,
      behavioralDataCollection: true,
      consoleLogEnabled: true,
    // Return gathered data to the server
    await protect.getData();
    // Pause behavioral data collection
    // Resume behavioral data collection

Integrate the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget into a React app

In this tutorial, you will learn how to integrate the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget into a simple React app that you scaffold using Vite.

You install the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget using npm, add an element to the HTML file for mounting the modal form factor, and wrap the app’s CSS in a layer.

With the app prepared, you then import and instantiate various components of the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget to start a journey. You subscribe to the events the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget emits so that the app can respond and display the appropriate UI.

When you have successfully authenticated a user, you add code to log the user out and invalidate their tokens, as well as update the UI to alter the button state.


  1. Node 18+

  2. NPM 8+

Configure your server

Configure your PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud or self-managed PingAM server by following the steps in the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget Tutorial.

  • When creating the OAuth 2.0 client, add the URL that you are using to host the app to the Sign-In URLs property.

    The URL is output to the console when you run the npm run dev command, and defaults to http://localhost:5173/

  • If your instance has the default Login journey, you can use that instead of creating a new journey as described in the tutorial.

Create a Vite app

  1. In a terminal window, create a Vite app with React as the template:

    npm create vite@latest login-widget-react-demo -- --template react

    For more information, refer to Scaffolding Your First Vite Project in the Vite developer documentation.

  2. When completed, change to the new directory, for example login-widget-react-demo, and then install dependencies with npm:

    npm install
  3. Run the app in developer mode:

    npm run dev
  4. In a web browser, open the URL output by the previous command to render the app. The URL is usually http://localhost:5173

    law react vite app en
    Figure 18. Example Vite + React app

Use a different browser for development testing than the one you use to log into PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud or PingAM.

This prevents admin user and test user sessions colliding and causing unexpected authentication failures.

Install the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget

In a new terminal window, install the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget using npm:

npm install @forgerock/login-widget

Prepare the HTML

In your preferred IDE, open the directory where you created the Vite app, and then open the index.html file.

To implement the modal form factor, create a root element to contain the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget.

Add <div id="widget-root"></div> toward the bottom of the <body> element but before the <script> tag:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8" />
    <link rel="icon" type="image/svg+xml" href="/vite.svg" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
    <title>Vite + React</title>
    <div id="root"></div>
    <!-- Widget mount point -->
    <div id="widget-root"></div>
    <script type="module" src="/src/main.jsx"></script>

Prepare the CSS

You should wrap the app’s CSS using @layer. This helps control the CSS cascade.

To wrap the app’s CSS, in your IDE, open src/index.css and src/App.css and wrap them both with the following code:

@layer app {
    /* existing styles */
    #root {
        max-width: 1280px;
        margin: 0 auto;
        padding: 2rem;
        text-align: center;

    .logo {
        height: 6em;
        padding: 1.5em;
        will-change: filter;
        transition: filter 300ms;
    /* ... */

You can then specify the order of the various layers as follows:

  @layer app;
  /* List the Widget layers last */
  @layer 'fr-widget.base';
  @layer 'fr-widget.utilities';
  @layer 'fr-widget.components';
  @layer 'fr-widget.variants';

Import and configure the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget

In your IDE, open the top-level application file, often called App.jsx.

Import the Widget class, the configuration module, and the CSS:

import Widget, { configuration } from '@forgerock/login-widget';
import '@forgerock/login-widget/widget.css';

Add a call to the configuration method within your App function component and save off the return value to a config variable for later use.

This internally prepares the Widget for use.

function App() {
  const [count, setCount] = useState(0);

  // Initiate all the Widget modules
  const config = configuration();

  // ...

Instantiate and mount the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget

To continue, you need to import useEffect from the React library. This is to control the execution of a number of statements you are going to write.

After importing useEffect, write it into the component with an empty dependency array:

import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';

// ...

function App() {

  // ...

  useEffect(() => {}, []);

  // ...

The empty dependency array is to tell React this has no dependencies at this point and should only run once.

Now that you have the useEffect written, follow these steps:

  1. Instantiate the Widget class within useEffect

  2. In the arguments, pass an object with a target property that specifies the DOM element you created in an earlier step

  3. Assign its return value to a widget variable

  4. Return a function that calls widget.$destroy()

useEffect(() => {
  const widget = new Widget({ target: document.getElementById('widget-root') });

  return () => {
}, []);

The reason for the returned function is for proper clean up when the React component unmounts.

If it remounts, you do not get two widgets added to the DOM.

In your browser, the app doesn’t look any different. This is because the Widget, by default, is invisible at startup.

To ensure it is working as expected, inspect the DOM in the browser developer tools.

Open the <div id="widget-root"> element in the DOM, and you should see the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget mounted within it:

law react instantiated en
Figure 19. Instantiated and mounted modal form factor

Controlling the component

An invisible Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget is not all that useful, so your next task is to pull in the component module to manage the component’s events.

  1. Add the component module to the list of imports from the @forgerock/login-widget

  2. Call the component function just under the configuration function

  3. Assign its return value to a componentEvents variable:

import Widget, { component, configuration } from '@forgerock/login-widget';

// ...

function App() {
  // ...

  const config = configuration();
  const componentEvents = component();

  // ...

Now that you have a reference to the component events observable, you can trigger an event such as open, and you can also listen for events.

Before calling the open method, repurpose the existing count is 0 button within the App component.

  1. Within the button’s onClick handler, change the setCount function to

  2. Change the button text to read "Login"

The result resembles the following:

  onClick={() => {;

You can now revisit your test browser and click the Login button. The modal opens and displays a "spinner" animating on repeat.

This is expected, because the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget does not yet have any information to render.

Click the button in the top-right to close the modal. The modal should be dismissed as expected.

Now that you have the modal mounted and functional, move on to the next step which configures the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget to be able to call the authorization server to get authentication data.

Calling the authorization server

Before the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget can connect you need to use the config variable you created earlier.

Call its set method within the exiting useEffect, and provide the configuration values for your server:

useEffect(() => {

    forgerock: {
      serverConfig: {
        baseUrl: '',
        timeout: 3000,

  const widget = new Widget({ target: document.getElementById('widget-root')});

  // ...

Now that you have the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget configured, add the journey module to the list of imports so that you can start the authentication flow:

import Widget, {
} from '@forgerock/login-widget';

Execute the journey function and assign its returned value to a journeyEvents variable. Do this underneath the other existing "event" variables:

import Widget, { component, configuration, journey } from '@forgerock/login-widget';

// ...

function App() {
  // ...

  const config = configuration();
  const componentEvents = component();
  const journeyEvents = journey();

  // ...

This new observable provides access to journey events. Within the Login button’s onClick handler add the start method.

Now, when you open the modal, you also call start to request the first authentication step from the server.

<button onClick={() => {

You are now capable of authenticating a user. With an existing user, authenticate as that user and see what happens.

If successful, you’ll notice the modal dismisses itself but your app is not capturing anything from this action. Proceed to the next step to capture user data.

Authenticating a user

There are multiple ways to capture the event of a successful login and access the user information.

In this guide, you use the journeyEvents observable created previously.

Within the existing useEffect function:

  1. Call the subscribe method and assign its return value to an unsubscribe variable

  2. Pass in a function that logs the emitted events to the console

  3. Call the unsubscribe function within the return function of useEffect

// ...

useEffect(() => {
  // ...

  const widget = new Widget({ target: document.getElementById('widget-root') });

  const journeyEventsUnsub = journeyEvents.subscribe((event) => {

  return () => {
}, []);

Unsubscribing from the observable is important to avoid memory leaks if the component mounts and unmounts frequently.

Revisit your app in the test browser, but remove all of the browser’s cookies and Web Storage to ensure you have a fresh start.

In Chromium browsers, you can find it under the "Application" tab of the developer tools.

In Firefox and Safari, you can find it under the "Storage" tab.

Once you have deleted all the cookies and storage, refresh the browser and try to log in your test user.

You will notice in the developer tools console that a lot of events are emitted.

Initially, you may not have much need for all this data, but over time, this information might become more valuable to you.

To narrow down all of this information, capture just one piece of the event: the user response after successfully logging in.

To do that, you can add a conditional, as follows:

  • Add an if condition within the subscribe callback function that tests for the existence of the user response.

    const journeyEventsUnsub = journeyEvents.subscribe((event) => {
      if (event.user.response) {

With the above condition, the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget only writes out the user information when it’s truthy. This helps narrow down the information to what is useful right now.

Remove all the cookies and Web Storage again and refresh the page. Try logging in again, and you should see only one log of the user information when it’s available:

Example user.event.response output
    email: '',
    sub: '54c77653-dc88-48fb-ac6b-d5078ebe9fb0',
    subname: '54c77653-dc88-48fb-ac6b-d5078ebe9fb0'

Next, repurpose the useState hook that’s already used in the component to save the user information.

  1. Change the zeroth index of the returned value from count to userInfo

  2. Change the first index of the returned value from setCount to setUserInfo

  3. Change the default value passed into the useState from 0 to null

  4. Change the condition from just truthy to userInfo !== event.user.response

  5. Replace the console.log with the setUserInfo function

  6. Add the userInfo variable in the dependency array of the useEffect

The top part of your App function component should resemble the following:

function App() {
  const [userInfo, setUserInfo] = useState(null);

  // Initiate all the Widget modules
  const config = configuration();
  const componentEvents = component();
  const journeyEvents = journey();

  useEffect(() => {
    // Set the Widget's configuration
      forgerock: {
        serverConfig: {
          baseUrl: '',
          timeout: 3000,

    // Instantiate the Widget and assign it to a variable
    const widget = new Widget({ target: document.getElementById('widget-root') });

    // Subscribe to journey observable and assign unsubscribe function to variable
    const journeyEventsUnsub = journeyEvents.subscribe((event) => {
      if (userInfo !== event.user.response) {

    // Return a function that destroys the Widget and unsubscribes from the journey observable
    return () => {
  }, [userInfo]);

  // ...

The condition comparing userInfo to event.user.response reduces the number of times the setUserInfo is called as it will now only be called if what is set in the hook is different than what is emitted from the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget.

Now that you have the user data set into the React component, print it out into the DOM.

  1. Replace the paragraph tag containing the text Edit <code>src/App.jsx</code> and save to test HMR with a <pre> tag

  2. Within the <pre> tag, write a pair of braces: {}

  3. Within these braces, use the JSON.stringify method to serialize the userInfo value

Your JSX should now look like this:

<pre>{JSON.stringify(userInfo, null, ' ')}</pre>

The null and ' ' (literal space character) help format the JSON to be more reader-friendly.

After clearing the browser data, try logging the user in and observe the user info get rendered onto the page after success.

law react user info
Figure 20. User info displaying after successful log in

Logging a user out

The final step is to log the user out, clearing all the user-related cookies, storage, and cache.

To do this, add the user module to the list of imports from the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget:

import Widget, {
} from '@forgerock/login-widget';

Next, configure the app to display the button as a Login button when the user has not yet authenticated and a Logout button when the user has already logged in:

  1. Wrap the button element with braces containing a ternary, using the falsiness of the userInfo as the condition

  2. When no userInfo exists—​the user is logged out—​render the Login button

  3. Write a Logout button with an onClick handler to run the user.logout function

The resulting JSX should resemble this:

import Widget, { user, component, configuration, journey } from '@forgerock/login-widget';

// ...

<h1>Vite + React</h1>
<div className="card">
    !userInfo ? (
        onClick={() => {
    ) : (
        onClick={() => {
  <pre>{JSON.stringify(userInfo, null, ' ')}</pre>
// ...

You do not have to add code to reset the userInfo with the setUserInfo function, because you are already "listening" to events emitted from the user observable nested within the journeyEvents subscribe.

If your app is already reacting to the presence of user info, it should be rendering the Logout button already. Click it and observe the application reacting.

You should now be able to log a user in and out, with the app reacting to the changes in state.

API reference

This page lists the modules that the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget provides for use in your apps.


This is a compiled Svelte class. This is what instantiates the component, mounts it to the DOM, and sets up all the event listeners.

import Widget from '@forgerock/login-widget';

// Instantiate Widget
const widget = new Widget({
  target: widgetRootEl, // REQUIRED; Element mounted in DOM
  props: {
    type: 'modal', // OPTIONAL; "modal" or "inline"; "modal" is default

// OPTIONAL; Remove widget from DOM and destroy component listeners

Call $destroy() if you instantiate the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget within a part of your application frequently created and destroyed.

We strongly encourage you to instantiate the modal form factor of the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget high up in your application code. Instantiate it close to the top-level file in a component that is created once and preserved.


The Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget requires information about the server instance it connects to, as well as OAuth 2.0 client configuration and other settings.

For information on setting up your server for use with the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget, refer to Prerequisites.

To provide these settings, import and use the configuration module and its set() method.

The Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget uses the same underlying configuration properties as the main SDK.

import { configuration } from '@forgerock/login-widget';

const myConfig = configuration();
  forgerock: {
     * REQUIRED; SDK configuration object
    serverConfig: {
      baseUrl: '',
      timeout: 3000, // Number (in milliseconds); 3 to 5 seconds should be fine
     * Remaining config is optional with fallback values shown
    clientId: '', // String; defaults to 'WebLoginWidgetClient'
    realmPath: '', // String; defaults to 'alpha'
    redirectUri: window.location.href, // URL string; defaults to `window.location.href`
    scope: '', // String; defaults to 'openid email'
   * OPTIONAL; Pass custom content
  content: {},
   * OPTIONAL; Provide link for terms and conditions page
  links: {},
   * OPTIONAL; Provide style configuration
  style: {},
   * OPTIONAL; Map HREFs to journeys or trees
  journeys: {},

Content configuration options

Use the content configuration element to pass custom text content to the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget, replacing its default values.

Example content configuration
const myConfig = configuration();

     content: {
        "userName": "Identifier",
        "passwordCallback": "Passphrase",
        "nextButton": "Let's go!",
law config custom content en
Figure 21. Result of example content configuration

For a list of the content you can override, refer to the en-us locale file in the Ping (ForgeRock) Web Login Framework repository.

Use the links configuration element to set the full canonical URL to your terms and conditions page.

This should be a page hosted on your website or elsewhere within your app. Users are sent to this URL if they click to view the terms and conditions in the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget.

This supports the TermsAndConditionsCallback often used in registration journeys.

Example links configuration
const myConfig = configuration();

    links: {
        termsAndConditions: '',

Style configuration options

Use the style configuration element to configure the look and feel of the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget. This allows you to choose the type of labels used or provide a logo for the modal.

modal theme params en
Figure 22. Use the style property to control aspects of the display


  1. Use style/logo to add images for use in dark or light modes

  2. Set style/stage/icon to true to render UI specific to certain stage parameter values. Supported stage values are:

    • OneTimePassword - enable the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget to display one-time password entry forms correctly.

    • DefaultRegistration - adds UI elements to the display most suitable for user self-registration forms.

    • DefaultLogin - adds UI elements to the display most suitable for user log in forms.

  3. A section that displays the Page Header and Page Description fields from the page node configuration

  4. To float labels above their respective fields, set style/labels to floating

Adding logos and enabling icons
const myConfig = configuration();

  style: {
    checksAndRadios: 'animated', // OPTIONAL; choices are 'animated' or 'standard'
    labels: 'floating', // OPTIONAL; choices are 'floating' or 'stacked'
    logo: {
      // OPTIONAL; only used with modal form factor
      dark: '', // OPTIONAL; used if theme has a dark variant
      light: '', // REQUIRED if logo property is provided; full URL
      height: 300, // OPTIONAL; number of pixels for providing additional controls to logo display
      width: 400, // OPTIONAL; number of pixels for providing additional controls to logo display
    sections: {
      // OPTIONAL; only used with modal form factor
      header: false, // OPTIONAL; separate the logo section from the rest of the modal
    stage: {
      icon: true, // OPTIONAL; displays generic icons for the provided stages

The logo and sections properties only apply to the "modal" form factor and not the "inline".

Add a header section

Enabling the header section separates the logo or branding from the journey form.

If you set header: true within the style/sections property, the modal uses a section with a separating line, and extra space:

modal widget with header
Figure 23. Modal form factor with header enabled

By default, the separating section is not enabled:

modal widget without header
Figure 24. Default modal form factor with header disabled

Journeys configuration options

Use the journeys configuration element to map HREF values rendered within the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget to start a journey or authentication tree instead of visiting the URL.

law href to journey mapping en
Figure 25. Example HREF values in a page node

The Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget listens for click events on elements rendered within its container and compares the HREF to the configured mappings. If there is a match, it prevents the default action of visiting the URL and starts the journey configured in the mapping.

Mapping HREF strings to a journey
  forgerock: {
    // SDK config
  journeys: {
    forgetCookie: { // Any string, as long as it's not overriding a default mapping
      journey: 'ForgetCookie', // Must match actual journey name in the {fr_server}
      match: [ '#/service/ForgetCookie' ], // Array of strings that match `HREF` values (case-sensitive)

The Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget has mappings configured internally to handle the links displayed in page nodes by default. These map the HREF values that are displayed by an out-of-the-box page node to corresponding journeys in an PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud tenant. You can override the mappings if required or add your own.

Default HREF strings to journey mappings
forgotPassword: {
    journey: 'ResetPassword',
    match: ['#/service/ResetPassword', '?journey=ResetPassword'],
forgotUsername: {
    journey: 'ForgottenUsername',
    match: ['#/service/ForgottenUsername', '?journey=ForgottenUsername'],
login: {
    journey: 'Login',
    match: ['#/service/Login', '?journey', '?journey=Login'],
register: {
    journey: 'Registration',
    match: ['#/service/Registration', '?journey=Registration'],


Use the component module for subscribing to modal and inline form factor events and for opening and controlling the modal form factor.

Call the component() method and assign the result to a variable to receive the observable. Subscribe to the observable to listen and react to the state of the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget component.

import { component } from '@forgerock/login-widget';

// Initiate the component API
const componentEvents = component();

// Know when the component, both modal and inline has been mounted.
// When using the modal type, you will also receive open and close events.
// The property `reason` will be either "auto", "external", or "user"

const unsubComponentEvents = componentEvents.subscribe((event) => {
    /* Run anything you want */

// Open the modal;

// Close the modal

// Recommended: call when your UI component is destroyed

Schema for component events

The schema for component events is as follows:

Schema for component events
    lastAction: null, // null or the most recent action; one of `close`, `open`, or `mount`
    error: null, // null or object with `code`, `message`, and `step` that failed
    mounted: false, // boolean
    open: null, // boolean for the modal form factor, or null for inline form factor
    reason: null, // string to describe the reason for the event
    type: null, // 'modal' or 'inline'

Use the reason value to determine why the modal has closed.

The possible reason values are:


The user closed the dialog within the UI


The modal was closed because the user successfully authenticated


The application called the close() function


Use the journey module to manage interaction with authentication and self-service journeys.

import { journey } from '@forgerock/login-widget';

// Call to start the journey
// Optional config can be passed in, see below for more details
const journeyEvents = journey({
  oauth: true, // OPTIONAL; defaults to true; uses OAuth flow for acquiring tokens
  user: true, // OPTIONAL; default to true; returns user information from `userinfo` endpoint

// Start a journey
  forgerock: {}, // OPTIONAL; configuration overrides
  journey: 'Login', // OPTIONAL; specify the journey or tree you want to use
  resumeUrl: window.location.href, // OPTIONAL; the full URL for resuming a tree
  recaptchaAction: 'myCaptchaTag', // OPTIONAL; tag v3 reCAPTCHAs. Fallback to journey name.
  pingProtect: { // Set manually, or obtain from `PingOneProtectInitializeCallback` callback.
    // REQUIRED; Your {p1_name} environment identifier.
    envId: '3072206d-c6ce-4c19-a366-f87e972c7cc3',
    // OPTIONAL; When `true`, collect behavioral data.
    behavioralDataCollection: true,
    // OPTIONAL; When `true`, output SDK log messages in the developer console.
    consoleLogEnabled: false,

// Subscribe to journey events
const unsubJourneyEvents = journeyEvents.subscribe((event) => {
  /* Run anything you want */

// Recommended: call when your UI component is destroyed

Schema for journey events

The schema for journey events is as follows:

Schema for journey events
  journey: {
    completed: false, // boolean
    error: null, // null or object with `code`, `message`, and `step` that failed
    loading: false, // boolean
    step: null, // null or object with the last step object from the server
    successful: false, // boolean
    response: null, // null or object if successful containing the success response from the server
  oauth: {
    completed: false, // boolean
    error: null, // null or object with `code` and `message` properties
    loading: false, // boolean
    successful: false, // boolean
    response: null, // null or object with OAuth/OIDC tokens
  user: {
    completed: false, // boolean
    error: null, // null or object with `code` and `message` properties
    loading: false, // boolean
    successful: false, // boolean
    response: null, // null or object with user information driven by OAuth scope config


Use the user module to access methods for managing users:


  • user.tokens

  • user.logout

The and user.tokens methods requires use of OAuth 2.0. The method also requires a scope value of openid.

The Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget is configured to use both requirements by default.

You can use the user.logout method with both OAuth 2.0 and session-based authentication.

import { user } from '@forgerock/login-widget';

 * User info API
const userEvents =;

// Subscribe to user info changes
const unsubUserEvents = userEvents.subscribe((event) => {
  // Return current, *local*, user info and future state changes

// Fetch/get fresh user info from the server
userEvents.get(); // New state is returned in your `userEvents.subscribe` callback function

 * User tokens API
const tokenEvents = user.tokens();

// Subscribe to user token changes
const unsubTokenEvents = tokenEvents.subscribe((event) => {
  // Return current, *local*, user tokens and future state changes

// Return existing user tokens if available and not expired or about to expire
// Otherwise obtain fresh ones from the server
tokenEvents.get(); // State is returned in your `tokenEvents.subscribe` callback function

 * Logout
 * Log user out and clear user data (info and tokens)
user.logout(); // Resets user and emits event to your info and tokens' `.subscribe` callback function

// Recommended: call when your UI component is destroyed

You can use get() with both and user.tokens to obtain the user’s profile or OAuth 2.0 tokens. The get() function maps to the following methods in the Ping SDK for JavaScript, and support the same parameters:

For example, when getting a user’s tokens you can force the Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget to obtain fresh tokens from the server as follows:

tokenEvents.get({forceRenew: true});

Refer to the Ping SDK for JavaScript API reference for more information.

Schema for events

The schema for events is as follows:

Schema for events
    completed: false, // boolean
    error: null,  // null or object with `code`, `message`, and `step` that failed
    loading: false, // boolean
    successful: false, // boolean
    response: null, // object returned from the `/userinfo` endpoint

Schema for user.tokens events

The schema for user.tokens events is as follows:

Schema for user.tokens events
    completed: false, // boolean
    error: null,  // null or object with `code`, `message`, and `step` that failed
    loading: false, // boolean
    successful: false, // boolean
    response: null, // object returned from the `/access_token` endpoint


The Ping (ForgeRock) Login Widget has an alias to the Ping SDK for JavaScript’s HttpClient.request method, which is a convenience wrapper around the native fetch. This method will auto-inject the access token into the Authorization header and manage some of the lifecycle around the token.

import { request } from '@forgerock/login-widget';

const response = await request({ init: { method: 'GET' }, url: '' });

The full options object:

  bypassAuthentication: false, // Boolean; if true, the access token is not injected into the `Authorization` header
  init: {
    // Options object for `fetch` API:
  timeout: 3000, // Fetch timeout in milliseconds
  url: '', // String; the URL of the resource

  // Unsupported properties
  authorization: {},
  requiresNewToken: () => {},

For more information, refer to the HttpClient reference documentation.