Ping SDKs

Authentication journey tutorial for Angular

In this tutorial you build out a sample Angular SPA and make use of a Node.js REST API server sample app.

This guide uses the Ping SDK for JavaScript to implement the following application features:

  • Dynamic authentication form for login.

  • OAuth/OIDC token acquisition through the Authorization Code Flow with PKCE.

  • Protected client-side routing.

  • Resource requests to a protected REST API.

  • Log out - revoke tokens and end session.

todos page with todos
Figure 1. The Todo page of the sample app.

Before you begin

Before you begin this tutorial ensure you have set up your PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud tenant or PingAM server with the required configuration.

For example, you will need to configure CORS, have an OAuth 2.0 client application set up, as well as an authentication journey for the app to navigate.

Step 1. Download the samples

To start this tutorial, you need to download the SDK sample apps repo, which contains the projects you will use.

Step 2. Configure connection properties

Configure both the Todo client app, and the API backend server app to connect to the OAuth 2.0 application you created in PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud or PingAM.

Step 3. Build and run the projects

In this step you build and run the API backend server app, and then the Todo client app.

There are also troubleshooting tips if the apps do not start as expected.

Step 4. Implement the Ping SDK

In this final step you implement the Ping SDK into the Todo client app, so that it handles the responses from your PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud tenant or PingAM server, can get tokens and user information, and supports logging out.