Ping SDKs

Step 2. Install dependencies

To capture contextual data and perform risk evaluations, you must add the PingOne Protect module to your Ping SDK project.

Select your platform below for instructions on installing the required modules or dependencies:

Add Android dependencies

To add the PingOne Protect dependencies to your Android project:

  1. In the Project tree view of your Android Studio project, open the Gradle Scripts/build.gradle file for the module.

  2. In the dependencies section, add the required dependencies:

    Example dependencies section after editing:
    dependencies {
        // Ping SDK main module
        implementation 'org.forgerock:forgerock-auth:4.6.0'
        // PingOne Protect module
        implementation 'org.forgerock:ping-protect:4.6.0'

After installing the module, you can proceed to Step 3. Develop the client app.

Add iOS dependencies

You can use CocoaPods or the Swift Package Manager to add the PingOne Protect dependencies to your iOS project.

Add dependencies using CocoaPods

  1. If you do not already have CocoaPods, install the latest version.

  2. If you do not already have a Podfile, in a terminal window, run the following command to create a new Podfile:

    pod init
  3. Add the following lines to your Podfile:

    pod 'PingProtect' // Add-on for {p1p_name}
  4. Run the following command to install pods:

    pod install

Add dependencies using Swift Package Manager

  1. With your project open in Xcode, select File > Add Package Dependencies.

  2. In the search bar, enter the Ping SDK for iOS repository URL:

  3. Select the forgerock-ios-sdk package, and then click Add Package.

  4. In the Choose Package Products dialog, ensure that the PingProtect library is added to your target project.

  5. Click Add Package.

  6. In your project, import the library:

    // Import the {p1p_name} library
    import PingProtect

After installing the module, you can proceed to Step 3. Develop the client app.

Add JavaScript dependencies

Install the PingOne Protect module by using npm:

npm install @forgerock/ping-protect

After installing the module, you can proceed to Step 3. Develop the client app.