ForgeRock Developer Experience

Step 7. Subscribe to events

The ForgeRock Login Widget has a number of asynchronous APIs, which are designed around an event-centric observable pattern. It uses Svelte’s simplified, standard observable implementation called a "store".

These Svelte stores are embedded into the ForgeRock Login Widget itself.

They are not a dependency that your app layer needs to import or manage.

For more information on Svelte stores, refer to the Svelte documentation.

This observable pattern is optimal for UI development as it allows for a dynamic user experience. You can update your application in response to the events occurring within the ForgeRock Login Widget. For example, the ForgeRock Login Widget has events such as "loading", "completed", "success", and, "failure".

Assign an observable

You can create a variable and assign the observable to it:

Assign an observable
const userInfoEvents =;

Subscribe to observable events

An observable is a stream of events over time. The ForgeRock Login Widget invokes the callback for each and every event from the observable, until you unsubscribe from it.

Use the subscribe() method on your variable to observe the event stream:

Example userInfoEvents observable
userInfoEvents.subscribe((event) => {
  if (event.loading) {
    console.log('User info is being requested from server');
  } else if (event.successful) {
    console.log('User info request was successful');
  } else if (event.error) {
    console.error('User info request failed');

For information on the events each observable returns, refer to the API reference.

Unsubscribe from an observable

Unlike a JavaScript promise, an observable does not resolve and then get cleaned up after completion.

You need to unsubscribe from an observable if it is no longer needed. This is especially important if you are subscribing to observables in a component that gets created and destroyed many times over. Subscribing to an observable over and over without unsubscribing creates a memory leak.

To unsubscribe, assign the function that is returned from calling the subscribe() method to a variable. Call this variable at a later time to unsubscribe from the obeservable.

Example unsubscribe from an observable
const unsubUserInfoEvents = userInfoEvents.subscribe((event) => console.log(event));

// ...

// Unsubscribe when no longer needed

You do not need to unsubscribe from observables if you subscribe to observables in a top-level component of your app that is only initiated once, and is retained over the lifetime of your application.

A good location in which to subscribe to observables might be the central state management component or module of your application.

Get current local values

The ForgeRock Login Widget stores a number of important values internally.

You can get the current values stored within the ForgeRock Login Widget without subscribing to any future events or their resulting state changes by calling subscribe() and then immediately calling its unsubscribe method:

Get current stored values and unsubscribe
// Create variable for user info
let userInfo;

// Call subscribe, get the current local value, and then immediately call the returned function
userInfoEvents.subscribe((event) => (userinfo = event.response))(); // <-- notice the second pair of parentheses

Get updated values from ForgeRock

You can ask the ForgeRock Login Widget to request new, fresh values from the ForgeRock server, rather than just what it has stored locally, by calling the observable action methods, such as get.

Get latest values from the server

When using the observable pattern, you can call this method and forget about it. The get causes any subscribe callback functions you have for the observable to receive the events and new state.

The subscribe can exist before or after this get call, and it will still capture the resulting events.

Use promises rather than observables

We recommend observables, but the choice is up to you.

All of the ForgeRock Login Widget APIs that involve network calls have an alternative promise implementation that you can use.

The following example again shows userInfoEvents but converted to use promises:

Using promises rather than observables
// async-await
let userInfo;
async function example() {
  try {
    userInfo = await userInfoEvents.get();
  } catch (err) {

// Promise
let userInfo;
  .then((data) => (userInfo = data))
  .catch((err) => console.log(err));