Ping SDKs

Step 2. Configure connection properties

In this step, you configure the "kotlin-ui-prototype" sample to connect to the OAuth 2.0 application you created in PingFederate, using OIDC login.

  1. In Android Studio, open the sdk-sample-apps/android/kotlin-ui-prototype folder you cloned in the previous step.

  2. In the Project pane, switch to the Android view.

  3. In the Android view, navigate to app > kotlin+java > > env, and open EnvViewModel.kt.

    This file has the server environments the sample app uses. Each specifies the properties using the method.

  4. Update the PingFederate example configuration with your environment’s details:

    // Example values for a PingFederate instance
    val PingFederate = {
        server {
            url = "<PingFederate Base URL>"
        oauth {
            oauthClientId = "<PingFederate Client ID>"
            oauthRedirectUri = "org.forgerock.demo://oauth2redirect"
            oauthSignOutRedirectUri = "org.forgerock.demo://oauth2redirect"
            oauthScope = "openid profile email address"

    Replace the following string with the value you obtained when you registered an OAuth 2.0 application in PingFederate.

    <PingFederate Client ID>

    The client ID from your OAuth 2.0 application in PingFederate.

    For example, sdkPublicClient

    <PingFederate Base URL>

    The Base URL of your PingFederate server.

    How do I find my PingFederate Base URL?

    To verify the base URL of your PingFederate server:

    1. Log in to your PingFederate administration console.

    2. Navigate to System  Server  Protocol Settings.

    3. Make a note of the Base URL value.

      Do not use the admin console URL.

    The sample code adds /.well-known/openid-configuration after the base URL value to form the .well-known endpoint of your server. The SDK reads the OAuth 2.0 paths it requires from this endpoint.

    The result resembles the following:

    val PingFederate = {
        server {
            url = ""
        oauth {
            oauthClientId = "sdkPublicClient"
            oauthRedirectUri = "org.forgerock.demo://oauth2redirect"
            oauthSignOutRedirectUri = "org.forgerock.demo://oauth2redirect"
            oauthScope = "openid profile email address"
  5. In the init object, check that PingFederate is in the list of server configurations available to the sample app:

    For example:

    init {

With the sample configured, you can proceed to Step 3. Test the app.