ForgeRock Developer Experience

API reference

This page lists the modules that the ForgeRock Login Widget provides for use in your apps.


This is a compiled Svelte class. This is what instantiates the component, mounts it to the DOM, and sets up all the event listeners.

import Widget from '@forgerock/login-widget';

// Instantiate Widget
const widget = new Widget({
  target: widgetRootEl, // REQUIRED; Element mounted in DOM
  props: {
    type: 'modal', // OPTIONAL; "modal" or "inline"; "modal" is default

// OPTIONAL; Remove widget from DOM and destroy component listeners

Call $destroy() if you instantiate the ForgeRock Login Widget within a part of your application frequently created and destroyed.

We strongly encourage you to instantiate the modal form factor of the ForgeRock Login Widget high up in your application code. Instantiate it close to the top-level file in a component that is created once and preserved.


The ForgeRock Login Widget requires information about the server instance it connects to, as well as OAuth 2.0 client configuration and other settings.

For information on setting up your server for use with the ForgeRock Login Widget, refer to Prerequisites.

To provide these settings, import and use the configuration module and its set() method.

The ForgeRock Login Widget uses the same underlying configuration properties as the main SDK.

import { configuration } from '@forgerock/login-widget';

const myConfig = configuration();
  forgerock: {
     * REQUIRED; SDK configuration object
    serverConfig: {
      baseUrl: '',
      timeout: 3000, // Number (in milliseconds); 3 to 5 seconds should be fine
     * Remaining config is optional with fallback values shown
    clientId: 'sdkPublicClient', // String; defaults to 'WebLoginWidgetClient'
    realmPath: 'alpha', // String; defaults to 'alpha'
    redirectUri: window.location.href, // URL string; defaults to `window.location.href`
    scope: 'openid profile email address', // String; defaults to 'openid email'
   * OPTIONAL; Pass custom content
  content: {},
   * OPTIONAL; Provide link for terms and conditions page
  links: {},
   * OPTIONAL; Provide style configuration
  style: {},
   * OPTIONAL; Map HREFs to journeys or trees
  journeys: {},

Content configuration options

Use the content configuration element to pass custom text content to the ForgeRock Login Widget, replacing its default values.

Example content configuration
const myConfig = configuration();

     content: {
        "userName": "Identifier",
        "passwordCallback": "Passphrase",
        "nextButton": "Let's go!",
law config custom content en
Figure 1. Result of example content configuration

For a list of the content you can override, refer to the en-us locale file in the ForgeRock Web Login Framework repository.

Use the links configuration element to set the full canonical URL to your terms and conditions page.

This should be a page hosted on your website or elsewhere within your app. Users are sent to this URL if they click to view the terms and conditions in the ForgeRock Login Widget.

This supports the TermsAndConditionsCallback often used in registration journeys.

Example links configuration
const myConfig = configuration();

    links: {
        termsAndConditions: '',

Style configuration options

Use the style configuration element to configure the look and feel of the ForgeRock Login Widget. This allows you to choose the type of labels used or provide a logo for the modal.

modal theme params en
Figure 2. Use the style property to control aspects of the display


  1. Use style/logo to add images for use in dark or light modes

  2. Set style/stage/icon to true to render UI specific to certain stage parameter values. Supported stage values are:

    • OneTimePassword - enable the ForgeRock Login Widget to display one-time password entry forms correctly.

    • DefaultRegistration - adds UI elements to the display most suitable for user self-registration forms.

    • DefaultLogin - adds UI elements to the display most suitable for user log in forms.

  3. A section that displays the Page Header and Page Description fields from the page node configuration

  4. To float labels above their respective fields, set style/labels to floating

Adding logos and enabling icons
const myConfig = configuration();

  style: {
    checksAndRadios: 'animated', // OPTIONAL; choices are 'animated' or 'standard'
    labels: 'floating', // OPTIONAL; choices are 'floating' or 'stacked'
    logo: {
      // OPTIONAL; only used with modal form factor
      dark: '', // OPTIONAL; used if theme has a dark variant
      light: '', // REQUIRED if logo property is provided; full URL
      height: 300, // OPTIONAL; number of pixels for providing additional controls to logo display
      width: 400, // OPTIONAL; number of pixels for providing additional controls to logo display
    sections: {
      // OPTIONAL; only used with modal form factor
      header: false, // OPTIONAL; separate the logo section from the rest of the modal
    stage: {
      icon: true, // OPTIONAL; displays generic icons for the provided stages

The logo and sections properties only apply to the "modal" form factor and not the "inline".

Add a header section

Enabling the header section separates the logo or branding from the journey form.

If you set header: true within the style/sections property, the modal uses a section with a separating line, and extra space:

modal widget with header
Figure 3. Modal form factor with header enabled

By default, the separating section is not enabled:

modal widget without header
Figure 4. Default modal form factor with header disabled

Journeys configuration options

Use the journeys configuration element to map HREF values rendered within the ForgeRock Login Widget to start a journey or authentication tree instead of visiting the URL.

law href to journey mapping en
Figure 5. Example HREF values in a page node

The ForgeRock Login Widget listens for click events on elements rendered within its container and compares the HREF to the configured mappings. If there is a match, it prevents the default action of visiting the URL and starts the journey configured in the mapping.

Mapping HREF strings to a journey
  forgerock: {
    // SDK config
  journeys: {
    forgetCookie: { // Any string, as long as it's not overriding a default mapping
      journey: 'ForgetCookie', // Must match actual journey name in the ForgeRock server
      match: [ '#/service/ForgetCookie' ], // Array of strings that match `HREF` values (case-sensitive)

The ForgeRock Login Widget has mappings configured internally to handle the links displayed in page nodes by default. These map the HREF values that are displayed by an out-of-the-box page node to corresponding journeys in an Identity Cloud tenant. You can override the mappings if required or add your own.

Default HREF strings to journey mappings
forgotPassword: {
    journey: 'ResetPassword',
    match: ['#/service/ResetPassword', '?journey=ResetPassword'],
forgotUsername: {
    journey: 'ForgottenUsername',
    match: ['#/service/ForgottenUsername', '?journey=ForgottenUsername'],
login: {
    journey: 'Login',
    match: ['#/service/Login', '?journey', '?journey=Login'],
register: {
    journey: 'Registration',
    match: ['#/service/Registration', '?journey=Registration'],


Use the component module for subscribing to modal and inline form factor events and for opening and controlling the modal form factor.

Call the component() method and assign the result to a variable to receive the observable. Subscribe to the observable to listen and react to the state of the ForgeRock Login Widget component.

import { component } from '@forgerock/login-widget';

// Initiate the component API
const componentEvents = component();

// Know when the component, both modal and inline has been mounted.
// When using the modal type, you will also receive open and close events.
// The property `reason` will be either "auto", "external", or "user"

const unsubComponentEvents = componentEvents.subscribe((event) => {
    /* Run anything you want */

// Open the modal;

// Close the modal

// Recommended: call when your UI component is destroyed

Schema for component events

The schema for component events is as follows:

Schema for component events
    lastAction: null, // null or the most recent action; one of `close`, `open`, or `mount`
    error: null, // null or object with `code`, `message`, and `step` that failed
    mounted: false, // boolean
    open: null, // boolean for the modal form factor, or null for inline form factor
    reason: null, // string to describe the reason for the event
    type: null, // 'modal' or 'inline'

Use the reason value to determine why the modal has closed.

The possible reason values are:


The user closed the dialog within the UI


The modal was closed because the user successfully authenticated


The application called the close() function


Use the journey module to manage interaction with authentication and self-service journeys.

import { journey } from '@forgerock/login-widget';

// Call to start the journey
// Optional config can be passed in, see below for more details
const journeyEvents = journey({
  oauth: true, // OPTIONAL; defaults to true; uses OAuth flow for acquiring tokens
  user: true, // OPTIONAL; default to true; returns user information from `userinfo` endpoint

// Start a journey
  forgerock: {}, // OPTIONAL; configuration overrides
  journey: 'Login', // OPTIONAL; specify the journey or tree you want to use
  resumeUrl: window.location.href, // OPTIONAL; the full URL for resuming a tree
  recaptchaAction: 'myCaptchaTag', // OPTIONAL; tag v3 reCAPTCHAs. Fallback to journey name.
  pingProtect: { // Set manually, or obtain from `PingOneProtectInitializeCallback` callback.
    // REQUIRED; Your PingOne environment identifier.
    envId: '3072206d-c6ce-4c19-a366-f87e972c7cc3',
    // OPTIONAL; When `true`, collect behavioral data.
    behavioralDataCollection: true,
    // OPTIONAL; When `true`, output SDK log messages in the developer console.
    consoleLogEnabled: false,

// Subscribe to journey events
const unsubJourneyEvents = journeyEvents.subscribe((event) => {
  /* Run anything you want */

// Recommended: call when your UI component is destroyed

Schema for journey events

The schema for journey events is as follows:

Schema for journey events
  journey: {
    completed: false, // boolean
    error: null, // null or object with `code`, `message`, and `step` that failed
    loading: false, // boolean
    step: null, // null or object with the last step object from the server
    successful: false, // boolean
    response: null, // null or object if successful containing the success response from the server
  oauth: {
    completed: false, // boolean
    error: null, // null or object with `code` and `message` properties
    loading: false, // boolean
    successful: false, // boolean
    response: null, // null or object with OAuth/OIDC tokens
  user: {
    completed: false, // boolean
    error: null, // null or object with `code` and `message` properties
    loading: false, // boolean
    successful: false, // boolean
    response: null, // null or object with user information driven by OAuth scope config


Use the user module to access methods for managing users:


  • user.tokens

  • user.logout

The and user.tokens methods requires use of OAuth 2.0. The method also requires a scope value of openid.

The ForgeRock Login Widget is configured to use both requirements by default.

You can use the user.logout method with both OAuth 2.0 and session-based authentication.

import { user } from '@forgerock/login-widget';

 * User info API
const userEvents =;

// Subscribe to user info changes
const unsubUserEvents = userEvents.subscribe((event) => {
  // Return current, *local*, user info and future state changes

// Fetch/get fresh user info from the server
userEvents.get(); // New state is returned in your `userEvents.subscribe` callback function

 * User tokens API
const tokenEvents = user.tokens();

// Subscribe to user token changes
const unsubTokenEvents = tokenEvents.subscribe((event) => {
  // Return current, *local*, user tokens and future state changes

// Return existing user tokens if available and not expired or about to expire
// Otherwise obtain fresh ones from the server
tokenEvents.get(); // State is returned in your `tokenEvents.subscribe` callback function

 * Logout
 * Log user out and clear user data (info and tokens)
user.logout(); // Resets user and emits event to your info and tokens' `.subscribe` callback function

// Recommended: call when your UI component is destroyed

You can use get() with both and user.tokens to obtain the user’s profile or OAuth 2.0 tokens. The get() function maps to the following methods in the SDK for JavaScript, and support the same parameters:

For example, when getting a user’s tokens you can force the ForgeRock Login Widget to obtain fresh tokens from the server as follows:

tokenEvents.get({forceRenew: true});

Refer to the SDK for JavaScript API reference for more information.

Schema for events

The schema for events is as follows:

Schema for events
    completed: false, // boolean
    error: null,  // null or object with `code`, `message`, and `step` that failed
    loading: false, // boolean
    successful: false, // boolean
    response: null, // object returned from the `/userinfo` endpoint

Schema for user.tokens events

The schema for user.tokens events is as follows:

Schema for user.tokens events
    completed: false, // boolean
    error: null,  // null or object with `code`, `message`, and `step` that failed
    loading: false, // boolean
    successful: false, // boolean
    response: null, // object returned from the `/access_token` endpoint


The ForgeRock Login Widget has an alias to the JavaScript SDK’s HttpClient.request method, which is a convenience wrapper around the native fetch. This method will auto-inject the access token into the Authorization header and manage some of the lifecycle around the token.

import { request } from '@forgerock/login-widget';

const response = await request({ init: { method: 'GET' }, url: '' });

The full options object:

  bypassAuthentication: false, // Boolean; if true, the access token is not injected into the `Authorization` header
  init: {
    // Options object for `fetch` API:
  timeout: 3000, // Fetch timeout in milliseconds
  url: '', // String; the URL of the resource

  // Unsupported properties
  authorization: {},
  requiresNewToken: () => {},

For more information, refer to the HttpClient reference documentation.