Access Management 7.3.1

Key benefits

The goal of AM is to provide secure, low friction access to valued resources while presenting the user with a consistent experience. AM provides excellent security, which is totally transparent to the user.

AM provides the following key benefits to your organization:

  • Enables solutions for additional revenue streams. AM provides the tools and components to quickly deploy services to meet customer demand. For example, AM’s Federation Services supports quick and easy deployment with existing SAML v2.0, OAuth2, and OpenID Connect systems. For systems that do not support a full SAMLv2 deployment, AM provides a Fedlet, a small SAML v2.0 application, which lets service providers quickly add SAML v2.0 support to their Java applications. These solutions open up new possibilities for additional revenue streams.

  • Reduces operational cost and complexity. AM can function as a hub, leveraging existing identity infrastructures and providing multiple integration paths using its authentication, SSO, and policies to your applications without the complexity of sharing Web access tools and passwords for data exchange. AM decreases the total cost of ownership (TCO) through its operational efficiencies, rapid time-to-market, and high scalability to meet the demands of our market.

  • Improves user experience. AM enables users to experience more services using SSO without the need of multiple passwords.

  • Easier configuration and management. AM centralizes the configuration and management of your access management system, allowing easier administration through its console and command-line tools. AM also features a flexible deployment architecture that unifies services through its modular and embeddable components. AM provides a common REST framework and common user interface (UI) model, providing scalable solutions as your customer base increases to the hundreds of millions. AM also allows enterprises to outsource IAM services to system integrators and partners.

  • Increased compliance. AM provides an extensive entitlements service, featuring attribute-based access control (ABAC) policies as its main policy framework with features like import/export support to XACML, a policy editor, and REST endpoints for policy management. AM also includes an extensive auditing service to monitor access according to regulatory compliance standards.