Upgrade AM instances
To upgrade an AM deployment, you must upgrade each server instance in your site. This is achieved by upgrading the AM server software on each server. However, you only need to upgrade the configuration on one server in the site.
High-level upgrade steps
Upgrading AM involves the following high-level steps:
On one server in your site:
Deploy the new AM
file and restart the server. -
Upgrade the configuration.
Restart the server.
On the remaining servers in your site:
Deploy the new AM
file and restart the server.
For older AM versions, you might not be able to upgrade directly to AM 7.3. Learn more in Supported upgrade paths.
Upgrade the following elements of an AM instance:
- AM server software
The server is upgraded when you deploy the
file of the new version. You must deploy the new.war
file to each server in the site. - Configuration
Use one of the following methods to upgrade the configuration:
This utility is provided in the
file and upgrades a configuration exported using Amster. This is the recommended way to update the configuration. -
The upgrade wizard is launched when you replace a deployed AM
file with a newer version, then go to the deployment URL. -
is installed when you set up the configuration tools.
You cannot upgrade the configuration by deploying a new version and then using ssoadm import-svc-config
to import an existing configuration. -
- Schema
Generally, the configuration store schema is updated when you update the configuration. From time to time, updates are required to the schema of other data stores, such as the identity store, or the CTS store. These updates must be made manually.
Refer to Update the schema for more information.
- Tools and scripts
Read the Release notes to understand the changes introduced in each version before you upgrade AM tools and scripts.
The embedded ForgeRock Directory Services (DS) server is not supported in production from AM 7 onwards. If you have an existing site that uses an embedded DS, you must migrate it to an external DS store before you upgrade to AM 7.x. The embedded DS was deprecated in AM 7 and will be removed in a future release. How do I know if my deployment uses the embedded DS?
Use either of the following methods to migrate an embedded DS to an external DS before you upgrade AM:
Before you upgrade
You must follow these steps before you start an upgrade.
Route client application traffic to another site during the upgrade.
Make the secure state encryption key available to all instances in the site.
An AES 256-bit key called
must be available to all instances in the site. This might mean, for example, copying the keystore across the site.This key does not need to be the same key that AM provides in the default keystore.
If you don’t provide this key, AM will not start up after the upgrade.
What is the
key for?AM uses the
key to encrypt information stored in the secure state of authentication trees. This encryption is a mandatory feature of the trees from AM 7 onwards.The upgrade process maps this key to the
secret ID.How do I make the
key available?-
If you’re upgrading from a version of AM earlier than 6.5:
The key alias must exist in the keystore configured as the AM keystore. Check the path where the keystore and its files are configured by going to Configure > Server Defaults > Security > Key Store.
If you’re upgrading from AM 6.5 or later:
The alias must exist in a secret store configured globally, so that all realms can access it. You can configure additional secrets by realm, if required, after the upgrade.
You can create a new secret store to house this secret, or you can add it to one of your existing stores.
The following example creates the key alias in the AM keystore, or in a keystore configured in a secret store:
$ keytool \ -genseckey \ -alias directenctest \ -keyalg AES \ -keysize 256 \ -storetype JCEKS \ -keystore /path/to/keystore.jceks
Where do I find the keystore passwords?
(AM versions earlier than 6.5) The passwords are stored in the files configured in Configure > Server Defaults > Security > Key Store.
(AM 6.5) The passwords are secrets provided by a different secret store. For example, a file system volume secret store.
After the upgrade, you can rename the key alias or configure a different key in the secret ID mapping. Make sure the secret ID is always mapped to an existing, resolvable secret or key alias.
Upgrade the server and configuration
Use one of the following methods to upgrade the AM server software and configuration:
The amupgrade
utility converts a set of exported AM configuration files so that the configuration can be used
with the latest AM version. Use this utility with Amster
and to upgrade file-based configurations (from version
7.0 onwards). The utility has the same Java requirements as Amster
. Refer to the
Amster Release notes for more information.
Upgrade paths with amupgrade
You can use amupgrade
to upgrade the following versions of a configuration exported with Amster
Upgrade from | Upgrade to |
5.0, 5.1 |
5.5 |
5.5 |
6.0 |
6.0.x |
6.5 |
6.5.x |
7.0.x |
7.0.x |
7.1.x, 7.2.x, 7.3.x |
7.1.x |
7.2.x, 7.3.x |
7.2.x |
7.3.x |
You cannot use amupgrade to upgrade a running AM instance.
Before you start
Download the AM
file from the ForgeRock BackStage download site. -
Extract the contents of the
file. -
In the extracted
directory, locate theConfig-Upgrader-7.3.2.zip
file. -
Extract the
Upgrade from an Amster
configuration export
Follow the Amster documentation to export your configuration.
Upgrade the exported configuration to the new version:
$ amupgrade \ -i exported configuration \ -o output directory \ -a amster version \ rules/amster/from-to-to.groovy
exported configuration is the path to the configuration directory you generated in step 1
output directory is the directory in which the updated configuration should be saved
amster version is the version of Amster you’ll use to import the configuration
from is the AM version from which you’re upgrading
to is the AM version to which you’re upgrading
rules specifies the path to a configuration rules file in the
For example:
$ amupgrade \ -i /path/to/AM7Config/ \ -o /path/to/AM7.3Config \ -a 7.2 \ rules/amster/7.2.x-to-7.3.x.groovy Reading existing configuration from files in /path/to/AM72-config/… Modifying configuration based on rules in [rules/amster/7.2.x-to-7.3.x.groovy]… reading configuration from Amster json files Writing configuration to new location at /path/to/AM7.3Config… Upgrade Completed, modified configuration saved to /path/to/AM7.3Config
bashIf you are upgrading a file-based configuration, rather than a configuration exported with Amster, use the --fileBasedMode
option instead of the-i
options. -
Install a new version of DS with an
profile.Don’t upgrade or use an existing DS configuration store because configuration associated with the older DS version can cause conflicts.
Stop AM or the container where it runs.
Undeploy the AM web application.
For example, if you are using Apache Tomcat as the web container, remove the
file and expanded web application from the container:$ cd /path/to/tomcat/webapps/ $ rm -rf openam.war openam/
bash -
Install the new version of AM using the new DS server for your configuration store.
Follow the Amster documentation to import the upgraded configuration.
Restart AM or the container where it runs.
Upgrade wizard
The upgrade wizard brings the AM configuration, including the version number, up to date with the new version.
Stop AM or the container where it runs.
Deploy your customized AM
file.When you deploy the new
file, you might need to delete working files left by the old deployment.For example, if you deploy on Apache Tomcat, replace
with the customized.war
file, then recursively delete the/path/to/tomcat/webapps/openam/
directories before restarting the server. -
Restart AM or the container where it runs.
After deploying AM, but before upgrading, your application container serves AM’s upgrader user interface.
Suspend any external network access to the application container until the upgrade is complete. After the upgrade is complete, AM prevents access to the upgrader UI.
Go to the deployment URL and follow the prompts to upgrade.
Restart AM or the container where it runs.
Update the identity store schema:
Log into AM.
Go to Realms > Realm Name > Datastores > External User Store.
Click Load Schema then click Save to apply your changes.
If you have additional identity stores, repeat the previous steps for each store.
The openam-upgrade-tool
lets you upgrade the configuration without user intervention.
Stop AM or the container where it runs.
Deploy your customized AM
file.When you deploy the new
file, you might need to delete working files left by the old deployment.For example, if you deploy on Apache Tomcat, replace
with the customized.war
file, then recursively delete the/path/to/tomcat/webapps/openam/
directories before restarting the server. -
Restart AM or the container where it runs.
Set up the configuration tools to install the
file is expanded in the directory where you install the tool. -
Create a configuration file, for example,
.You can use the
file as a template.The upgrade configuration file should resemble the following:
$ grep -v "^#" upgrade.properties SERVER_URL=https://openam.example.com:8443 DEPLOYMENT_URI=/openam ACCEPT_LICENSES=true
bash -
Run the upgrade tool, specifying the
file you created:$ java -jar openam-upgrade-tool- --file upgrade.properties Writing Backup; Done. Upgrading Services New service iPlanetAMAuthPersistentCookieService; Done. New service iPlanetAMAuthOpenIdConnectService; Done. New service OAuth2Provider; Done. New service iPlanetAMAuthDevicePrintModuleService; Done. New service crestPolicyService; Done. New service RestSecurity; Done. New service MailServer; Done. New service dashboardService; Done. New service iPlanetAMAuthOATHService; Done. Add Organization schema to sunFAMSAML2Configuration; Done. Upgrade sunAMAuthHOTPService; Done. Upgrade sunAMAuthADService; Done. Upgrade sunAMAuthOAuthService; Done. Upgrade iPlanetAMAuthCertService; Done. Upgrade sunIdentityRepositoryService; Done. Upgrade iPlanetAMPasswordResetService; Done. Upgrade iPlanetAMSessionService; Done. Upgrade iPlanetAMAuthService; Done. Upgrade iPlanetAMAuthLDAPService; Done. Upgrade sunAMAuthDataStoreService; Done. Upgrade AgentService; Done. New sub schema sunIdentityRepositoryService; Done. New sub schema AgentService; Done. Delete service sunFAMLibertyInteractionService; Done. Delete service sunFAMLibertySecurityService; Done. Creating entitlement application type crestPolicyService; Done. Creating entitlement application crestPolicyService; Done. Re-enabling Generic LDAPv3 Data Store; Done. Upgrading data store embedded; Done. Updating Platform Properties; Done. Writing Upgrade Log; Done. Upgrade Complete.
bashFor more information about
, refer to the reference documentation. -
Restart AM or the container where it runs.
Update tools, scripts, and components
Update the AM tools.
Follow Set up administration tools and the Amster User Guide to install an updated version of the tools.
When you have confirmed that the new tools are working, delete the old tools.
Make sure the AM scripts are current and contain the modifications your environment requires.
To avoid overwriting changes made in customized scripts, the upgrade process does not update scripts from earlier versions of AM.
Check that the scripts in your environment are compatible with the version of AM you’re upgrading to by following these steps:
Read the Release notes for information about possible changes.
Install an AM 7.3.2 test environment, and compare the scripts.
New installations always have the current scripts.
Review the information in Upgrade components and services and decide if you need to reconfigure any of AM’s services or features.
Reconfigure any custom advanced properties if necessary. These properties are lost during the upgrade, and you will need to add them again in the AM admin UI.
How do I configure advanced server properties?
To configure advanced server properties for all instances of the AM environment, go to Configure > Server Defaults > Advanced in the AM admin UI.
To configure advanced server properties for a particular instance, go to Deployment > Servers > Server Name > Advanced.
If the property you want to add or edit is already configured, click on the pencil () button to edit it. When you are finished, click on the tick () button.
Click Save Changes.
Update the schema
You might need to update the schema for specific data stores, depending on the version from which you are upgrading and the data store type.
Configuration store
Generally, updating your configuration will also make the required schema updates to the configuration store.
After you have updated the configuration, add an access control instruction (ACI) to the configuration store directory to give the AM administrative user server-side sorting privileges.
The ACI should be similar to the following:
aci: (targetcontrol="1.2.840.113556.1.4.473")(version 3.0;
acl "Allow server-side sorting"; allow (read)
(userdn = "ldap:///uid=openam,ou=admins,dc=example,dc=com");)
Refer to Prepare configuration stores for more information about configuring AM configuration stores.
Identity store
Depending on the version you are upgrading from, and the features you have configured, you might need to update your identity store schema manually.
- Upgrade from a version prior to 6.0 with knowledge-based (KBA) user self-service questions
You must apply this update if you added the
schema to your external user data store, even if you did not configure user self-service.-
In the path where you deployed the
file (for example,/path/to/tomcat/webapps/openam
) locate the following files in theWEB-INF/template/ldif/opendj
If your user data store is not ForgeRock Directory Services, use these files as examples to create LDIF files suitable for your environment. -
In the
with the base DN you defined when you installed DS (for example,dc=userstore,dc=example,dc=com
). -
Apply the two LDIF files to the user data store schema.
For example, to update a DS instance, run the following command:
$ /path/to/opendj/bin/ldapmodify \ --hostname 'id.example.com' \ --port 1636 \ --useSsl \ --usePkcs12TrustStore /path/to/opendj/config/keystore \ --trustStorePasswordFile /path/to/opendj/config/keystore.pin \ --bindDN uid=admin \ --bindPassword str0ngAdm1nPa55word \ /path/to/tomcat/webapps/openam/WEB-INF/template/ldif/opendj/opendj_add_kba_attempts.ldif \ /path/to/tomcat/webapps/openam/WEB-INF/template/ldif/opendj/opendj_update_aci_kba_attempts.ldif # Processing MODIFY request for cn=schema # MODIFY operation successful for DN cn=schema # Processing MODIFY request for dc=userstore,dc=example,dc=com # MODIFY operation successful for DN dc=userstore,dc=example,dc=com
- Upgrade from a version prior to 7.1 with a ForgeRock Directory Services identity store
In the path where you deployed the
file (for example,/path/to/tomcat/webapps/openam
) locate the following file in theWEB-INF/template/ldif/opendj
Update the identity store schema as follows:
$ /path/to/opendj/bin/ldapmodify \ --hostname 'id.example.com' \ --port 1636 \ --useSsl \ --usePkcs12TrustStore /path/to/opendj/config/keystore \ --trustStorePasswordFile /path/to/opendj/config/keystore.pin \ --continueOnError \ --bindDN uid=admin \ --bindPassword str0ngAdm1nPa55word \ /path/to/tomcat/webapps/openam/WEB-INF/template/ldif/opendj/opendj_retry_limit_node_count.ldif
bashThis schema update is required for the Save Retry Limit to User feature in the Retry Limit Decision node. The feature is enabled by default.
Even if you are not currently using the Retry Limit Decision node, you should make this schema update, in case you decide to use the node in the future. If you cannot update the identity store schema at this point, you must disable the feature.
- Using push or web authentication, or using the ForgeRock SDK for device profiling
Apply the following LDIF files:
For example:
$ /path/to/opendj/bin/ldapmodify \ --hostname 'id.example.com' \ --port 1636 \ --useSsl \ --usePkcs12TrustStore /path/to/opendj/config/keystore \ --trustStorePasswordFile /path/to/opendj/config/keystore.pin \ --continueOnError \ --bindDN uid=admin \ --bindPassword str0ngAdm1nPa55word \ /path/to/tomcat/webapps/openam/WEB-INF/template/ldif/opendj/opendj_webauthndevices.ldif\ /path/to/tomcat/webapps/openam/WEB-INF/template/ldif/opendj/opendj_deviceprofiles.ldif
bashIf you do not make this schema change, you must remove the
object class from the user configuration after the upgrade:-
In the AM admin UI, go to Realms > Realm Name > Identity Stores > Identity Store Name.
On the User Configuration tab, remove
from the LDAP User Object Class. -
Save your changes.
Make the same change for each identity store that does not have the schema change, and in each realm that uses the identity store.
Core Token Service (CTS) store
If you are updating from a version prior to AM 6.5, apply the following LDIF file to update the CTS schema:
If you are updating from a version prior to AM 6, also apply the following LDIF files:
Replace the @DB_NAME@ variable inside the cts-add-multivalue-indices.ldif file with the CTS backend name.
For example, replace occurrences of @DB_NAME@ with ctsStore .
Apply the schema updates:
$ /path/to/opendj/bin/ldapmodify \
--hostname 'cts.example.com' \
--port 1636 \
--useSsl \
--usePkcs12TrustStore /path/to/opendj/config/keystore \
--trustStorePasswordFile /path/to/opendj/config/keystore.pin \
--continueOnError \
--bindDN uid=admin \
--bindPassword str0ngAdm1nPa55word \
/path/to/tomcat/webapps/openam/WEB-INF/template/ldif/sfha/cts-add-multivalue.ldif \
/path/to/tomcat/webapps/openam/WEB-INF/template/ldif/sfha/cts-add-multivalue-indices.ldif \