Access Management 7.3.1


This reference is written for access management designers, developers, and administrators using ForgeRock Access Management tools, logs, and global configuration.

ForgeRock Access Management provides two online API references for developers:

  • Access Management Public API Javadoc. For a reference to the Access Management Java API, see the Javadoc.

  • ForgeRock® Common Rest API. Access Management provides an online reference to the Common REST API. Access the API on the AM admin UI by pointing to the following URL:

ForgeRock® Identity Platform serves as the basis for our simple and comprehensive Identity and Access Management solution. We help our customers deepen their relationships with their customers, and improve the productivity and connectivity of their employees and partners. For more information about ForgeRock and about the platform, see

Command line tools

This reference covers the ForgeRock Access Management command line tools.


Change passwords for the AM Administrator.

ampassword { options }


This command allows you to change passwords held in the configuration store, and to encrypt passwords.


The following options are supported.

-a | --admin [ -o | --old old-password-file -n | --new new-password-file ]

Change the password for amAdmin from the value stored in old-password-file to the value stored in new-password-file.

-p | --proxy [ -o | --old old-password-file -n | --new new-password-file ]

Change the password for the proxy administrator from the value stored in old-password-file to the value stored in new-password-file.

The proxy administrator password is shown encrypted in the output from ssoadm get-svrcfg-xml.

-e | --encrypt [ password-file ]

Display the password value provided encrypted with the key generated during AM installation.

-h | --help

Display the usage message.


The following example encrypts the password contained within a text file.

  • Create a text file, for example $HOME/.pwd.txt, containing the password string on a single line.

  • Encrypt the password by using the ampassword command:

    $ ampassword -e $HOME/.pwd.txt


Check AM log archives for tampering.

amverifyarchive { options }


This command checks log archive integrity.


The following options are required.

-l logName

Verify log files of the specified type. To specify an individual log rather than a type, provide the entire log file name.

-p path

Path to log files to verify.

-u userName

User who can read log files.

-w password

Password of the user who can read log files.


The following example checks the amConsole logs:

$ amverifyarchive \
 -l amConsole \
 -p /path/to/openam/var/audit/ \
 -u amadmin \
 -w password


Install or upgrade AM using a configuration file.

configurator.jar { options }


This executable .jar file, openam-configurator-tool-, lets you perform silent installation, configuring a deployed AM server by applying settings from a configuration file.


The following options are supported.

-f | --file configuration-file

Configure a deployed AM web application archive using the specified configuration file. Installation and upgrade configuration files are described in the sections below.


Auto-accept the software license agreement and suppress the display of the licence acceptance screen to the user. If the configuration file contains the ACCEPT_LICENSES property, it will have precedence over the command-line option.

-? | --help

Display the usage message.

Installation configuration file

Base your configuration on the sampleconfiguration file delivered with AM, and using the hints in this section, or the comments included in the file.

Server Properties

These properties pertain to the AM server instance.


URL to the web container where you want AM to run, such as


URI where you want to deploy AM on the web container, such as /openam.


Configuration directory where AM stores files and embedded configuration directory server, such as $HOME/openam.


The user locale, such as en_GB


The locale of the AM server, such as en_US


The password encryption key, which must be the same on all servers in a multi-server installation, such as O6QWwHPO4os+zEz3Nqn/2daAYWyiFE32. If left blank, installing AM generates a random password encryption key that you can view in the AM admin UI, under Deployment > Servers > Server Name > Security.


Password of the AM administrator user amAdmin, which must be at least 8 characters in length and must match that of other servers in a multiserver deployment.


Name of the trusted DNS domain AM returns to a browser when it grants a session ID to a user. By default, it is set to the full URL that was used to access the configurator, such as


Optional boolean property that can be set to always auto-accept the software license agreement and suppress the display of the license acceptance screen to the user. A value of true auto-accepts the license; any other value will be assumed to equal false, resulting in the presentation of the license. Default value is false. This property takes precedence over the --acceptLicense option, which can also be passed in to the application with the openam-configurator-tool- file.

Configuration Store Properties

These properties pertain to the directory server where AM stores its configuration.


Type of the configuration data store. The value embedded means set up AM with an embedded, DS configuration store. The value dirServer means an external directory server, such as ForgeRock Directory Services, or Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition. If you set this to dirServer, and the configuration store contains the configuration of other AM servers, then the server is added to the existing multiserver installation.


To use LDAP without SSL, set this to SIMPLE. To use LDAP with SSL, set this to SSL.


Fully qualified domain name of the configuration store directory server host, such as


LDAP or LDAPS port number for the configuration store directory server, such as 389 or 636.


Administration port number for the configuration store directory server, such as 4444.


Java Management eXtension port number, such as 1689, used with the DS embedded configuration store.


Root suffix distinguished name (DN) for the configuration store, such as o=openam.


Distinguished name of the directory manager of the configuration store, such as uid=admin.


Password for the directory manager of the configuration store.

User Data Store Properties

These properties pertain to the directory server where AM stores user profiles. If you do not include these properties, or you leave these properties commented out, then AM uses the same directory server as it uses for the configuration store.


The type of directory server used. Valid values include the following.

  • LDAPv3ForOpenDS: ForgeRock 0penDJ or Sun OpenDS

  • LDAPv3ForAD: Active Directory with host and port settings

  • LDAPv3ForADDC: Active Directory with a Domain Name setting

  • LDAPv3ForADAM: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services (Formerly known as Active Directory Application Mode (ADAM).)

  • LDAPv3ForODSEE: Sun Java System Directory Server

  • LDAPv3ForTivoli: IBM Tivoli Directory Server


To use LDAP without SSL, set this to SIMPLE. To use LDAP with SSL, set this to SSL.


If USERSTORE_TYPE is LDAPv3ForADDC, you set this to the Active Directory Domain Name, such as, and then set only the USERSTORE_SSL, USERSTORE_MGRDN, and USERSTORE_PASSWD additional parameters. This lets Active Directory use DNS to retrieve service locations. Otherwise, do not use.


Fully qualified domain name of the user data store directory server, such as


Port number of the user data store. Default for LDAP is 389, and for LDAP over SSL is 636.


Root suffix distinguished name for the user data in the directory, such as dc=example,dc=com.


Distinguished name of the directory manager of the user data store, such as uid=admin.


Password for the directory manager of the user data store.

Site Properties

These properties pertain when you configure multiple AM servers in a site deployment, where a load balancer spreads request across multiple servers.


The name of the AM site


The load balancer URL for the site, such as

Upgrade Configuration File

Base your configuration on the sampleconfiguration file delivered with AM, and using the hints in this section, or the comments included in the file.

Upgrade Properties

URL to the web container where AM runs, such as


URI where AM is deployed on the web container, such as /openam


Optional boolean property that can be set to always auto-accept the software license agreement and suppress displaying the license acceptance screen to the user. A value of true auto-accepts the license; any other value will be assumed to equal false, resulting in the presentation of the license. Default value is false. This property takes precedence over the --acceptLicense option, which can also be passed in to the application with the openam-configurator-tool- file.


The following example shows a configuration file to install a server with an external configuration and identity data stores:

# Server properties, AM_ENC_KEY="" means generate random key

# External configuration data store

# External DS-based user data store

# Uncomment to specify the site for the first server in a site configuration

The following example shows a configuration file to install the second server in a site configuration.

# Server properties, AM_ENC_KEY from first server

# External configuration data store

# External DS-based user data store

# Site properties

The following example shows a configuration file to upgrade an AM server:


The following example uses a configuration file with the --acceptLicense option on the command line.

$ java \
 -jar openam-configurator-tool- \
 -f config.file \


Upgrade AM using a configuration file.

upgrade.jar { options }


This executable jar file, openam-upgrade-tool-, lets you perform a silent upgrade on a deployed AM server by applying settings from a configuration file or using arguments. This capability allows you to include the upgrade.jar from a command line or in an upgrade script.


The following options are supported.

-f | --file configuration-file

Upgrade a deployed AM web application archive using the specified configuration file. Upgrade configuration files are described in the sections below. Also, you can specify the system properties on the command line, instead of using the configuration file.


Auto-accept the software license agreement and suppress the display of the licence acceptance screen to the user. If the configuration file contains the ACCEPT_LICENSES property, it will have precedence over the command-line option.

-? | --help

Display the usage message.

Upgrade configuration file

Base your configuration on the sampleupgrade file delivered with AM, and using the hints in this section, or the comments included in the file.

Upgrade properties

URL to the web container where AM runs, such as


URI where AM is deployed on the web container, such as /openam.


Optional boolean property that can be set to always auto-accept the software license agreement and suppress displaying the license acceptance screen to the user. A value of true auto-accepts the license; any other value will be assumed to equal false, resulting in the presentation of the license. Default value is false. This property takes precedence over the --acceptLicense option, which can also be passed in to the application with the openam-upgrade-tool- file.


The following example shows a configuration file and the commands to upgrade a server using the upgrade.jar. The configuration file is saved as /tmp/upgrade.txt.

$JAVA_HOME/bin/java -jar ~/openam/tools/openam-upgrade-tool- -f /tmp/upgrade.txt

The following example shows how to specify system properties with the upgrade.jar.

$JAVA_HOME/bin/java -jar ~/openam/tools/openam-upgrade-tool- \

The following example shows the use of the --acceptLicense option with the upgrade.jar.

$JAVA_HOME/bin/java -jar ~/openam/tools/openam-upgrade-tool- \


Configure OpenAM core services.

ssoadm [ subcommand ] [ options ]


The ssoadm command provides a rich command-line interface for configuring OpenAM core services.

Also see Set up administration tools for instructions on setting up the ssoadm command.

Global options

The following global options are supported.

--debug, -d

Run in debug mode. Results sent to the debug file.

--help, -?

Print usage.

This command can also be used with subcommands as in ssoadm subcommand --help.

--information, -O

Print basic information about the tool.

--locale, -l

Name of the locale to display the results.

--verbose, -v

Run in verbose mode. Results sent to standard output.

--version, -V

Print the version of this tool.

JVM Properties for ssoadm

You can specifically set the authentication module or chain for administrator logins using two JVM settings. These settings provide more control to select the exact authentication mechanisms to be used when ssoadm authenticates administrators in the top-level realm.

To set these properties, manually edit the following two JVM settings in the ssoadm or ssoadm.bat script.


Specifies the module or chain-based authentication in the top level realm. If the property is set, OpenAM uses only that authentication mechanism.


Specifies the actual name of the authentication module/chain as controlled by the indexType setting. For example, if the indexType is set to module_instance and indexName is set to LDAP, then ssoadm authenticates using only the LDAP authentication module.

Subcommands by category

This section lists subcommands by category. The subsequent section lists subcommands in alphabetical order with a short description.

See ssoadm subcommand --help for detailed options.

Subcommands: Alphabetical Order

The following subcommands are supported.

See also ssoadm subcommand --help.

ssoadm add-agent-to-grp

Add agents to a agent group.

Usage: ssoadm add-agent-to-grp --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--agentgroupname, -b

Name of agent group.

--agentnames, -s

Names of agents.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Name of realm.

ssoadm add-amsdk-idrepo-plugin

Create AMSDK IdRepo Plug-in

Usage: ssoadm add-amsdk-idrepo-plugin --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--basedn, -b

Directory Server base distinguished name.

--bind-password-file, -m

File that contains password of bind password.

--binddn, -e

Directory Server bind distinguished name.

--directory-servers, -s

directory servers <protocol>://<hostname>:<port>. Can have multiple entries.

--dsame-password-file, -x

File that contains password of the dsameuser

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--puser-password-file, -p

File that contains password of the puser

[--org, -o]

Organization objects naming attribute (defaults to 'o')

[--user, -a]

User objects naming attribute (defaults to 'uid')

ssoadm add-app-priv

Add a policy set privilege to delegate resources of a given policy set. Note that policy sets are cached for 30 minutes. Restart OpenAM to apply changes immediately.

Usage: ssoadm add-app-priv --options [--global-options]

--actions, -a

Possible values are READ, MODIFY, DELEGATE, ALL

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--application, -t

Policy set name

--name, -m

Name for the this delegation

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Realm name

--subjects, -s

Subject name

--subjecttype, -b

Possible values are User or Group

[--description, -p]

Description for the this delegation.

[--resources, -r]

Resources to delegate, All resources in the policy set will be delegated if this option is absent.

ssoadm add-attr-defs

Add default attribute values in schema.

Usage: ssoadm add-attr-defs --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--schematype, -t

Type of schema.

--servicename, -s

Name of service.

[--attributevalues, -a]

Attribute values e.g. homeaddress=here.

[--datafile, -D]

Name of file that contains attribute values data.

[--subschemaname, -c]

Name of sub schema.

ssoadm add-attrs

Add attribute schema to an existing service.

Usage: ssoadm add-attrs --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--attributeschemafile, -F

XML file containing attribute schema definition.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--schematype, -t

Schema Type.

--servicename, -s

Service Name.

[--subschemaname, -c]

Name of sub schema.

ssoadm add-auth-cfg-entr

Add authentication configuration entry

Usage: ssoadm add-auth-cfg-entr --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--criteria, -c

Criteria for this entry. Possible values are REQUIRED, OPTIONAL, SUFFICIENT, REQUISITE

--modulename, -o

Module Name.

--name, -m

Name of authentication configuration.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Name of realm.

[--options, -t]

Options for this entry.

[--position, -p]

Position where the new entry is to be added. This is option is not set, entry shall be added to the end of the list. If value of this option is 0, it will be inserted to the front of the list. If value is greater of the length of the list, entry shall be added to the end of the list.

ssoadm add-cot-member

Add a member to a circle of trust.

Usage: ssoadm add-cot-member --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--cot, -t

Circle of Trust

--entityid, -y

Entity ID

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

[--realm, -e]

Realm where circle of trust resides

[--spec, -c]

Specify metadata specification, either wsfed, idff or saml2, defaults to saml2

ssoadm add-member

Add an identity as member of another identity

Usage: ssoadm add-member --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--idname, -i

Name of identity.

--idtype, -t

Type of Identity

--memberidname, -m

Name of identity that is member.

--memberidtype, -y

Type of Identity of member such as User, Role and Group.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Name of realm.

ssoadm add-plugin-interface

Add Plug-in interface to service.

Usage: ssoadm add-plugin-interface --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--i18nkey, -k

Plug-in I18n Key.

--interfacename, -i

Name of interface.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--pluginname, -g

Name of Plug-in.

--servicename, -s

Name of service.

ssoadm add-plugin-schema

Add Plug-in schema to service.

Usage: ssoadm add-plugin-schema --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--classname, -c

Name of the Plugin Schema class implementation

--i18nkey, -k

Plug-in I18n Key.

--i18nname, -n

Plug-in I18n Name.

--interfacename, -i

Name of interface.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--pluginname, -g

Name of Plug-in.

--servicename, -s

Name of service.

ssoadm add-privileges

Add privileges to an identity. To add a privilege to all authenticated users, use the "All Authenticated Users" idname with "role" idtype.

Usage: ssoadm add-privileges --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--idname, -i

Name of identity.

--idtype, -t

Type of Identity such as Role and Group.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--privileges, -g

Name of privileges to be added. Privilege names are AgentAdmin, ApplicationModifyAccess, ApplicationReadAccess, ApplicationTypesReadAccess, ConditionTypesReadAccess, DecisionCombinersReadAccess, EntitlementRestAccess, FederationAdmin, LogAdmin, LogRead, LogWrite, PolicyAdmin, PrivilegeRestAccess, PrivilegeRestReadAccess, RealmAdmin, RealmReadAccess, ResourceTypeModifyAccess, ResourceTypeReadAccess, SubjectAttributesReadAccess, and SubjectTypesReadAccess.

--realm, -e

Name of realm.

ssoadm add-res-bundle

Add resource bundle to data store.

Usage: ssoadm add-res-bundle --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--bundlefilename, -B

Resource bundle physical file name.

--bundlename, -b

Resource Bundle Name.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

[--bundlelocale, -o]

Locale of the resource bundle.

ssoadm add-site-members

Add members to a site.

Usage: ssoadm add-site-members --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--servernames, -e

Server names, such as

--sitename, -s

Site name, e.g. mysite

ssoadm add-site-sec-urls

Add Site Secondary URLs.

Usage: ssoadm add-site-sec-urls --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--secondaryurls, -a

Secondary URLs

--sitename, -s

Site name, e.g. mysite

ssoadm add-sub-schema

Add sub schema.

Usage: ssoadm add-sub-schema --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--filename, -F

Name of file that contains the schema

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--schematype, -t

Type of schema.

--servicename, -s

Name of service.

ssoadm add-svc-attrs

Add service attribute values in a realm. Long content for an attribute can be supplied in a file by appending '-file' to the attribute name, and giving the filename as the value.

Usage: ssoadm add-svc-attrs --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Name of realm.

--servicename, -s

Name of service.

[--attributevalues, -a]

Attribute values to be added e.g. homeaddress=here.

[--datafile, -D]

Name of file that contains attribute values to be added.

ssoadm add-svc-identity

Add Service to an identity

Usage: ssoadm add-svc-identity --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--idname, -i

Name of identity.

--idtype, -t

Type of Identity such as User, Role and Group.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Name of realm.

--servicename, -s

Name of service.

[--attributevalues, -a]

Attribute values e.g. homeaddress=here.

[--datafile, -D]

Name of file that contains attribute values data.

ssoadm add-svc-realm

Add service to a realm. Long content for an attribute can be supplied in a file by appending '-file' to the attribute name, and giving the filename as the value.

Usage: ssoadm add-svc-realm --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Name of realm.

--servicename, -s

Service Name.

[--attributevalues, -a]

Attribute values e.g. homeaddress=here.

[--datafile, -D]

Name of file that contains attribute values data.

ssoadm agent-remove-props

Remove agent’s properties.

Usage: ssoadm agent-remove-props --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--agentname, -b

Name of agent.

--attributenames, -a

properties name(s).

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Name of realm.

ssoadm clone-server

Clone a server instance.

Usage: ssoadm clone-server --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--cloneservername, -o

Clone server name

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--servername, -s

Server name

ssoadm create-agent

Create a new agent configuration.

Usage: ssoadm create-agent --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--agentname, -b

Name of agent.

--agenttype, -t

Type of agent. Possible values: J2EEAgent, WebAgent, 2.2_Agent, SharedAgent, OAuth2Client

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Name of realm.

[--agenturl, -g]

Agent URL. such as http://www.agent.example:8080/agent\. WebAgent does not take URL with path, such as http://www.agent.example:8080. This option is valid only for J2EEAgent and WebAgent agent types, and is required when the agent type is J2EEAgent or WebAgent.

[--attributevalues, -a]

Properties, such as sunIdentityServerDeviceKeyValue=

[--datafile, -D]

Name of file that contains properties.

[--serverurl, -s]

Server URL. such as This option is valid only for J2EEAgent and WebAgent agent types, and is required when the agent type is J2EEAgent or WebAgent.

ssoadm create-agent-grp

Create a new agent group.

Usage: ssoadm create-agent-grp --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--agentgroupname, -b

Name of agent group.

--agenttype, -t

Type of agent group. e.g. J2EEAgent, WebAgent

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Name of realm.

[--attributevalues, -a]

Properties e.g. homeaddress=here.

[--datafile, -D]

Name of file that contains properties.

[--serverurl, -s]

Server URL. such as This option is valid for J2EEAgent and WebAgent.

ssoadm create-appl

Create policy set.

Usage: ssoadm create-appl --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--applicationtype, -t

Application type name

--name, -m

Policy set name

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Realm name

[--attributevalues, -a]

Attribute values e.g. applicationType=iPlanetAMWebAgentService.

[--datafile, -D]

Name of file that contains attribute values data. Mandatory attributes are resources, subjects, conditions and entitlementCombiner. Optional ones are actions, searchIndexImpl, saveIndexImpl, resourceComparator, subjectAttributeNames.

ssoadm create-appl-type

Create application type.

Usage: ssoadm create-appl-type --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--name, -m

Application Type name

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

[--attributevalues, -a]

Application Type attribute values e.g. actions=enabled=true.

[--datafile, -D]

Name of file that contains attribute type values data. Mandatory attributes are actions, searchIndexImpl and saveIndexImpl. Optional are resourceComparator.

ssoadm create-auth-cfg

Create authentication configuration

Usage: ssoadm create-auth-cfg --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--name, -m

Name of authentication configuration.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Name of realm.

ssoadm create-auth-instance

Create authentication module instance

Usage: ssoadm create-auth-instance --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--authtype, -t

Type of authentication module instance. Possible values include AD, Adaptive, Anonymous, Cert, DataStore, DeviceIdMatch, DeviceIdSave, Federation, HOTP, HTTPBasic, JDBC, LDAP, Membership, MSISDN, OATH, OAuth, OpenIdConnect, PersistentCookie, RADIUS, SAE, Scripted, WindowsDesktopSSO, NT, and WSSAuthModule.

--name, -m

Name of authentication module instance.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Name of realm.

ssoadm create-cot

Create circle of trust.

Usage: ssoadm create-cot --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--cot, -t

Circle of Trust

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

[--prefix, -p]

Prefix URL for idp discovery reader and writer URL.

[--realm, -e]

Realm where circle of trust resides

[--trustedproviders, -k]

Trusted Providers

ssoadm create-datastore

Create data store under a realm

Usage: ssoadm create-datastore --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--datatype, -t

Type of datastore. Use the list-datastore-types subcommand to get a list of supported datastore types.

--name, -m

Name of datastore.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Name of realm.

[--attributevalues, -a]

Attribute values e.g. sunIdRepoClass=com.sun.identity.idm.plugins.files.FilesRepo.

[--datafile, -D]

Name of file that contains attribute values data.

ssoadm create-identity

Create identity in a realm

Usage: ssoadm create-identity --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--idname, -i

Name of identity.

--idtype, -t

Type of Identity such as User, Role and Group.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Name of realm.

[--attributevalues, -a]

Attribute values e.g. sunIdentityServerDeviceStatus=Active.

[--datafile, -D]

Name of file that contains attribute values data.

ssoadm create-metadata-templ

Create new metadata template.

Usage: ssoadm create-metadata-templ --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--entityid, -y

Entity ID

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

[--affiecertalias, -K]

Affiliation encryption certificate alias

[--affiliation, -F]

Specify metaAlias for hosted affiliation. to be created. The format must be <realm name>/<identifier>.

[--affimembers, -M]

Affiliation members

[--affiownerid, -N]

Affiliation Owner ID

[--affiscertalias, -J]

Affiliation signing certificate alias

[--attraecertalias, -G]

Attribute authority encryption certificate alias.

[--attrascertalias, -B]

Attribute authority signing certificate alias

[--attrauthority, -I]

Specify metaAlias for hosted attribute authority to be created. The format must be <realm name>/<identifier>.

[--attrqecertalias, -R]

Attribute query provider encryption certificate alias

[--attrqscertalias, -A]

Attribute query provider signing certificate alias

[--attrqueryprovider, -S]

Specify metaAlias for hosted attribute query provider to be created. The format must be <realm name>/<identifier>.

[--authnaecertalias, -E]

Authentication authority encryption certificate alias.

[--authnascertalias, -D]

Authentication authority signing certificate alias

[--authnauthority, -C]

Specify metaAlias for hosted authentication authority to be created. The format must be <realm name>/<identifier>.

[--extended-data-file, -x]

Specify file name for the extended metadata to be created. XML will be displayed on terminal if this file name is not provided.

[--identityprovider, -i]

Specify metaAlias for hosted identity provider to be created. The format must be <realm name>/<identifier>.

[--idpecertalias, -g]

Identity provider encryption certificate alias.

[--idpscertalias, -b]

Identity provider signing certificate alias

[--meta-data-file, -m]

Specify file name for the standard metadata to be created. XML will be displayed on terminal if this file name is not provided.

[--serviceprovider, -s]

Specify metaAlias for hosted service provider to be created. The format must be <realm name>/<identifier>.

[--specertalias, -r]

Service provider encryption certificate alias

[--spec, -c]

Specify metadata specification, either wsfed, idff or saml2, defaults to saml2

[--spscertalias, -a]

Service provider signing certificate alias

[--xacmlpdpecertalias, -j]

Policy decision point encryption certificate alias

[--xacmlpdpscertalias, -t]

Policy decision point signing certificate alias

[--xacmlpdp, -p]

Specify metaAlias for policy decision point to be created. The format must be <realm name>/<identifier>.

[--xacmlpepecertalias, -z]

Policy enforcement point encryption certificate alias

[--xacmlpepscertalias, -k]

Policy enforcement point signing certificate alias

[--xacmlpep, -e]

Specify metaAlias for policy enforcement point to be created. The format must be <realm name>/<identifier>.

ssoadm create-realm

Create realm.

Usage: ssoadm create-realm --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Name of realm to be created.

ssoadm create-server

Create a server instance.

Usage: ssoadm create-server --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--serverconfigxml, -X

Server Configuration XML file name.

--servername, -s

Server name, such as

[--attributevalues, -a]

Attribute values e.g. homeaddress=here.

[--datafile, -D]

Name of file that contains attribute values data.

ssoadm create-site

Create a site.

Usage: ssoadm create-site --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--sitename, -s

Site name, e.g. mysite

--siteurl, -i

Site’s primary URL, such as

[--secondaryurls, -a]

Secondary URLs

ssoadm create-sub-cfg

Create a new sub configuration. Long content for an attribute can be supplied in a file by appending '-file' to the attribute name, and giving the filename as the value.

Usage: ssoadm create-sub-cfg --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--servicename, -s

Name of service.

--subconfigname, -g

Sub-schema name of (or path to) the type of sub-configuration being added.

[--attributevalues, -a]

Attribute values e.g. homeaddress=here.

[--datafile, -D]

Name of file that contains attribute values data.

[--priority, -p]

Priority of the sub configuration.

[--realm, -e]

Name of realm (Sub Configuration shall be added to global configuration if this option is not provided).

[--subconfigid, -b]

User-specfieid ID of (or path to) the sub-configuration.

ssoadm create-svc

Create a new service in server.

Usage: ssoadm create-svc --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--xmlfile, -X

XML file(s) that contains schema.

[--continue, -c]

Continue adding service if one or more previous service cannot be added.

ssoadm create-svrcfg-xml

Create serverconfig.xml file. No options are required for flat file configuration data store.

Usage: ssoadm create-svrcfg-xml --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

[--basedn, -b]

Directory Server base distinguished name.

[--dsadmin, -a]

Directory Server administrator distinguished name

[--dshost, -t]

Directory Server host name

[--dspassword-file, -x]

File that contains Directory Server administrator password

[--dsport, -p]

Directory Server port number

[--outfile, -o]

File name where serverconfig XML is written.

ssoadm create-xacml

Create policies in a realm with XACML input.

Usage: ssoadm create-xacml --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Name of realm.

--xmlfile, -X

File that contains the policy XACML definition. In the console, paste the XML into the text field instead.

[--dryrun, -n]

Provide a summary of the policies which would be updated, and those which would be added, as a result of the create-xacml command without the 'dryrun' option specified. Nothing will be updated or added when using this option.

[--outfile, -o]

Filename where the output of a 'dryrun' command will be sent to. If no 'dryrun' command is specified, the outfile will not be used for anything.

ssoadm delete-agent-grps

Delete agent groups.

Usage: ssoadm delete-agent-grps --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Name of realm.

[--agentgroupnames, -s]

Separate multiple agent group names with spaces.

[--file, -D]

File containing agent group names, with multiple group names separated by spaces.

ssoadm delete-agents

Delete agent configurations.

Usage: ssoadm delete-agents --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Name of realm.

[--agentnames, -s]

Separate multiple agent names with spaces.

[--file, -D]

File containing agent names, with multiple agent names separated by spaces.

ssoadm delete-appl-types

Delete application types.

Usage: ssoadm delete-appl-types --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--names, -m

Application Type names

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

ssoadm delete-appls

Delete policy sets. Note that policy sets are cached for 30 minutes. Restart OpenAM to apply changes immediately.

Usage: ssoadm delete-appls --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--names, -m

Policy set names

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Realm name

ssoadm delete-attr

Delete attribute schemas from a service

Usage: ssoadm delete-attr --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--attributeschema, -a

Name of attribute schema to be removed.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--schematype, -t

Type of schema.

--servicename, -s

Name of service.

[--subschemaname, -c]

Name of sub schema.

ssoadm delete-attr-def-values

Delete attribute schema default values.

Usage: ssoadm delete-attr-def-values --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--attributeschema, -a

Name of attribute schema

--defaultvalues, -e

Default value(s) to be deleted

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--schematype, -t

Type of schema.

--servicename, -s

Name of service.

[--subschemaname, -c]

Name of sub schema.

ssoadm delete-auth-cfgs

Delete authentication configurations

Usage: ssoadm delete-auth-cfgs --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--names, -m

Name of authentication configurations.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Name of realm.

ssoadm delete-auth-instances

Delete authentication instances

Usage: ssoadm delete-auth-instances --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--names, -m

Name of authentication instances.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Name of realm.

ssoadm delete-cot

Delete circle of trust.

Usage: ssoadm delete-cot --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--cot, -t

Circle of Trust

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

[--realm, -e]

Realm where circle of trust resides

ssoadm delete-datastores

Delete data stores under a realm

Usage: ssoadm delete-datastores --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--names, -m

Names of datastore.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Name of realm.

ssoadm delete-entity

Delete entity.

Usage: ssoadm delete-entity --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--entityid, -y

Entity ID

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

[--extendedonly, -x]

Set to flag to delete only extended data.

[--realm, -e]

Realm where data resides

[--spec, -c]

Specify metadata specification, either wsfed, idff or saml2, defaults to saml2

ssoadm delete-identities

Delete identities in a realm

Usage: ssoadm delete-identities --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--idtype, -t

Type of Identity such as User, Role and Group.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Name of realm.

[--file, -D]

Name of file that contains the identity names to be deleted.

[--idnames, -i]

Names of identites.

ssoadm delete-realm

Delete realm.

Usage: ssoadm delete-realm --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Name of realm to be deleted.

[--recursive, -r]

Delete descendent realms recursively.

ssoadm delete-realm-attr

Delete attribute from a realm.

Usage: ssoadm delete-realm-attr --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--attributename, -a

Name of attribute to be removed.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Name of realm.

--servicename, -s

Name of service.

ssoadm delete-server

Delete a server instance.

Usage: ssoadm delete-server --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--servername, -s

Server name, such as

ssoadm delete-site

Delete a site.

Usage: ssoadm delete-site --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--sitename, -s

Site name, e.g. mysite

ssoadm delete-sub-cfg

Remove Sub Configuration.

Usage: ssoadm delete-sub-cfg --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--servicename, -s

Name of service.

--subconfigname, -g

Name of sub configuration.

[--realm, -e]

Name of realm (Sub Configuration shall be deleted from the global configuration if this option is not provided).

ssoadm delete-svc

Delete service from the server.

Usage: ssoadm delete-svc --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--servicename, -s

Service Name(s).

[--continue, -c]

Continue deleting service if one or more previous services cannot be deleted.

[--deletepolicyrule, -r]

Delete policy rule.

ssoadm delete-xacml

Delete XACML policies from a realm.

Usage: ssoadm delete-xacml --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Name of realm.

[--file, -D]

Name of file that contains the policy names to be deleted.

[--policynames, -p]

Names of policy to be deleted.

ssoadm do-batch

Do multiple requests in one command.

Usage: ssoadm do-batch --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--batchfile, -Z

Name of file that contains commands and options.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

[--batchstatus, -b]

Name of status file.

[--continue, -c]

Continue processing the rest of the request when preceeding request was erroneous.

ssoadm do-bulk-federation

Perform bulk federation.

Usage: ssoadm do-bulk-federation --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--metaalias, -m

Specify metaAlias for local provider.

--nameidmapping, -e

Name of file that will be created by this sub command. It contains remote user Id to name identifier. It shall be used by remote provider to update user profile.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--remoteentityid, -r

Remote entity Id

--useridmapping, -g

File name of local to remote user Id mapping. Format <local-user-id>|<remote-user-id>.

[--spec, -c]

Specify metadata specification, either idff or saml2, defaults to saml2

ssoadm do-migration70

Migrate organization to realm.

Usage: ssoadm do-migration70 --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--entrydn, -e

Distinguished name of organization to be migrated.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

ssoadm embedded-status

Status of embedded store.

Usage: ssoadm embedded-status --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--port, -p

Embedded store port

[--password, -w]

Embedded store password

ssoadm export-entity

Export entity.

Usage: ssoadm export-entity --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--entityid, -y

Entity ID

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

[--extended-data-file, -x]

Extended data

[--meta-data-file, -m]


[--realm, -e]

Realm where data resides

[--sign, -g]

Set this flag to sign the metadata

[--spec, -c]

Specify metadata specification, either wsfed, idff or saml2, defaults to saml2

ssoadm export-server

Export a server instance.

Usage: ssoadm export-server --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--servername, -s

Server name

[--outfile, -o]

Filename where configuration was written.

ssoadm export-svc-cfg

Export service configuration. In production environments, you should back up the service configuration using file system utilities or the export-ldif command. Note that export-ldif/import-ldif commands must be on the same deployment where the encryption keys are located.

Usage: ssoadm export-svc-cfg --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--encryptsecret, -e

Secret key for encrypting password. Any arbitrary value can be specified.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

[--outfile, -o]

Filename where configuration was written.

ssoadm get-attr-choicevals

Get choice values of attribute schema.

Usage: ssoadm get-attr-choicevals --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--attributename, -a

Name of attribute.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--schematype, -t

Type of schema.

--servicename, -s

Name of service.

[--subschemaname, -c]

Name of sub schema.

ssoadm get-attr-defs

Get default attribute values in schema.

Usage: ssoadm get-attr-defs --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--schematype, -t

Type of schema. One of dynamic, global, or organization (meaning realm).

--servicename, -s

Name of service.

[--attributenames, -a]

Attribute name(s).

[--subschemaname, -c]

Name of sub schema.

ssoadm get-auth-cfg-entr

Get authentication configuration entries

Usage: ssoadm get-auth-cfg-entr --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--name, -m

Name of authentication configuration.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Name of realm.

ssoadm get-auth-instance

Get authentication instance values

Usage: ssoadm get-auth-instance --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--name, -m

Name of authentication instance.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Name of realm.

ssoadm get-identity

Get identity property values

Usage: ssoadm get-identity --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--idname, -i

Name of identity.

--idtype, -t

Type of Identity such as User, Role and Group.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Name of realm.

[--attributenames, -a]

Attribute name(s). All attribute values shall be returned if the option is not provided.

ssoadm get-identity-svcs

Get the service in an identity

Usage: ssoadm get-identity-svcs --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--idname, -i

Name of identity.

--idtype, -t

Type of Identity such as User, Role and Group.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Name of realm.

ssoadm get-realm

Get realm property values.

Usage: ssoadm get-realm --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Name of realm.

--servicename, -s

Name of service.

ssoadm get-realm-svc-attrs

Get realm’s service attribute values.

Usage: ssoadm get-realm-svc-attrs --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Name of realm.

--servicename, -s

Name of service.

ssoadm get-recording-status

Get the status of recording operations.

Usage: ssoadm get-recording-status --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--servername, -s

Server name, such as\

ssoadm get-revision-number

Get service schema revision number.

Usage: ssoadm get-revision-number --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--servicename, -s

Name of service.

ssoadm get-sub-cfg

Get sub configuration.

Usage: ssoadm get-sub-cfg --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--servicename, -s

Name of service.

--subconfigname, -g

Name of sub configuration.

[--realm, -e]

Name of realm (Sub Configuration shall be retrieved from the global configuration if this option is not provided).

ssoadm get-svrcfg-xml

Get server configuration XML from centralized data store

Usage: ssoadm get-svrcfg-xml --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--servername, -s

Server name, such as

[--outfile, -o]

File name where serverconfig XML is written.

ssoadm import-bulk-fed-data

Import bulk federation data which is generated by 'do-bulk-federation' sub command.

Usage: ssoadm import-bulk-fed-data --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--bulk-data-file, -g

File name of bulk federation data which is generated by 'do-bulk-federation' sub command.

--metaalias, -m

Specify metaAlias for local provider.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

[--spec, -c]

Specify metadata specification, either idff or saml2, defaults to saml2

ssoadm import-entity

Import entity.

Usage: ssoadm import-entity --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

[--cot, -t]

Specify name of the Circle of Trust this entity belongs.

[--extended-data-file, -x]

Specify file name for the extended entity configuration to be imported. Extended entity configuration to be imported.

[--meta-data-file, -m]

Specify file name for the standard metadata to be imported.<web>Standard metadata to be imported.

[--realm, -e]

Realm where entity resides.

[--spec, -c]

Specify metadata specification, either wsfed, idff or saml2, defaults to saml2

ssoadm import-server

Import a server instance.

Usage: ssoadm import-server --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--servername, -s

Server name

--xmlfile, -X

XML file that contains configuration.

ssoadm import-svc-cfg

Import service configuration. In production environments, you should restore the service configuration using file system utilities or the import-ldif command. Note that import-ldif/export-ldif commands must be on the same deployment where the encryption keys are located.

Usage: ssoadm import-svc-cfg --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--encryptsecret, -e

Secret key for decrypting password.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--xmlfile, -X

XML file that contains configuration data.

ssoadm list-agent-grp-members

List agents in agent group.

Usage: ssoadm list-agent-grp-members --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--agentgroupname, -b

Name of agent group.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Name of realm.

[--filter, -x]

Filter (Pattern).

ssoadm list-agent-grps

List agent groups.

Usage: ssoadm list-agent-grps --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Name of realm.

[--agenttype, -t]

Type of agent. e.g. J2EEAgent, WebAgent

[--filter, -x]

Filter (Pattern).

ssoadm list-agents

List agent configurations.

Usage: ssoadm list-agents --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Name of realm.

[--agenttype, -t]

Type of agent. e.g. J2EEAgent, WebAgent

[--filter, -x]

Filter (Pattern).

ssoadm list-app-privs

List policy set privileges in a realm.

Usage: ssoadm list-app-privs --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Realm name

ssoadm list-appl-types

List application types.

Usage: ssoadm list-appl-types --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

ssoadm list-appls

List policy set in a realm.

Usage: ssoadm list-appls --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Realm name

ssoadm list-auth-cfgs

List authentication configurations

Usage: ssoadm list-auth-cfgs --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Name of realm.

ssoadm list-auth-instances

List authentication instances

Usage: ssoadm list-auth-instances --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Name of realm.

ssoadm list-cot-members

List the members in a circle of trust.

Usage: ssoadm list-cot-members --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--cot, -t

Circle of Trust

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

[--realm, -e]

Realm where circle of trust resides

[--spec, -c]

Specify metadata specification, either wsfed, idff or saml2, defaults to saml2

ssoadm list-cots

List circles of trust.

Usage: ssoadm list-cots --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

[--realm, -e]

Realm where circle of trusts reside

ssoadm list-datastore-types

List the supported data store types

Usage: ssoadm list-datastore-types --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

ssoadm list-datastores

List data stores under a realm

Usage: ssoadm list-datastores --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Name of realm.

ssoadm list-entities

List entities under a realm.

Usage: ssoadm list-entities --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

[--realm, -e]

Realm where entities reside.

[--spec, -c]

Specify metadata specification, either wsfed, idff or saml2, defaults to saml2

ssoadm list-identities

List identities in a realm

Usage: ssoadm list-identities --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--filter, -x

Filter (Pattern).

--idtype, -t

Type of Identity such as User, Role and Group.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Name of realm.

ssoadm list-identity-assignable-svcs

List the assignable service to an identity

Usage: ssoadm list-identity-assignable-svcs --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--idname, -i

Name of identity.

--idtype, -t

Type of Identity such as User, Role and Group.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Name of realm.

ssoadm list-realm-assignable-svcs

List the assignable services to a realm.

Usage: ssoadm list-realm-assignable-svcs --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Name of realm.

ssoadm list-realms

List realms by name.

Usage: ssoadm list-realms --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Name of realm where search begins.

[--filter, -x]

Filter (Pattern).

[--recursive, -r]

Search recursively

ssoadm list-res-bundle

List resource bundle in data store.

Usage: ssoadm list-res-bundle --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--bundlename, -b

Resource Bundle Name.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

[--bundlelocale, -o]

Locale of the resource bundle.

ssoadm list-server-cfg

List server configuration.

Usage: ssoadm list-server-cfg --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--servername, -s

Server name, such as or enter default to list default server configuration.

[--withdefaults, -w]

Set this flag to get default configuration.

ssoadm list-servers

List all server instances.

Usage: ssoadm list-servers --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

ssoadm list-sessions

List server-side sessions.

Usage: ssoadm list-sessions --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--host, -t

Host Name.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

[--filter, -x]

Filter (Pattern).

[--quiet, -q]

Do not prompt for session invalidation.

ssoadm list-sites

List all sites.

Usage: ssoadm list-sites --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

ssoadm list-xacml

Export policies in realm as XACML.

Usage: ssoadm list-xacml --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Name of realm.

[--namesonly, -n]

Returns only names of matching policies. Policies are not returned.

[--outfile, -o]

Filename where policy definition will be printed to. Definition will be printed in standard output if this option is not provided.

[--policynames, -p]

Names of policy. This can be a wildcard. All policy definition in the realm will be returned if this option is not provided.

ssoadm policy-export

Export policy configuration for a given realm

Usage: ssoadm policy-export --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--jsonfile, -J

JSON file for which to write the policy model to.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Realm name

--servername, -s

Server name, such as

ssoadm policy-import

Import policy model into a given realm

Usage: ssoadm policy-import --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--jsonfile, -J

JSON file containing the policy model to be imported.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Realm name

--servername, -s

Server name, such as

ssoadm register-auth-module

Registers authentication module.

Usage: ssoadm register-auth-module --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--authmodule, -a

Java class name of authentication module.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

ssoadm remove-agent-from-grp

Remove agents from a agent group.

Usage: ssoadm remove-agent-from-grp --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--agentgroupname, -b

Name of agent group.

--agentnames, -s

Names of agents.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Name of realm.

ssoadm remove-app-priv-resources

Remove policy set privilege resources. Note that policy sets are cached for 30 minutes. Restart OpenAM to apply changes immediately.

Usage: ssoadm remove-app-priv-resources --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--application, -t

Policy set name

--name, -m

Name for the this delegation

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Realm name

[--resources, -r]

Resources to removed. All resources in the policy set will be removed if this option is absent.

ssoadm remove-app-priv-subjects

Remove policy set privilege subjects.

Usage: ssoadm remove-app-priv-subjects --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--name, -m

Name for the this delegation

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Realm name

--subjects, -s

Subject name

--subjecttype, -b

Possible values are User or Group

ssoadm remove-app-privs

Remove policy set privileges.

Usage: ssoadm remove-app-privs --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--names, -m

Names of policy set privileges to be removed

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Realm name

ssoadm remove-attr-choicevals

Remove choice values from attribute schema.

Usage: ssoadm remove-attr-choicevals --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--attributename, -a

Name of attribute.

--choicevalues, -k

Choice values such as Inactive

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--schematype, -t

Type of schema.

--servicename, -s

Name of service.

[--subschemaname, -c]

Name of sub schema.

ssoadm remove-attr-defs

Remove default attribute values in schema.

Usage: ssoadm remove-attr-defs --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--attributenames, -a

Attribute name(s).

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--schematype, -t

Type of schema.

--servicename, -s

Name of service.

[--subschemaname, -c]

Name of sub schema.

ssoadm remove-cot-member

Remove a member from a circle of trust.

Usage: ssoadm remove-cot-member --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--cot, -t

Circle of Trust

--entityid, -y

Entity ID

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

[--realm, -e]

Realm where circle of trust resides

[--spec, -c]

Specify metadata specification, either wsfed, idff or saml2, defaults to saml2

ssoadm remove-member

Remove membership of identity from another identity

Usage: ssoadm remove-member --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--idname, -i

Name of identity.

--idtype, -t

Type of Identity

--memberidname, -m

Name of identity that is member.

--memberidtype, -y

Type of Identity of member such as User, Role and Group.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Name of realm.

ssoadm remove-plugin-schema

Add Plug-in interface to service.

Usage: ssoadm remove-plugin-schema --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--interfacename, -i

Name of interface.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--pluginname, -g

Name of Plug-in.

--servicename, -s

Name of service.

ssoadm remove-privileges

Remove privileges from an identity

Usage: ssoadm remove-privileges --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--idname, -i

Name of identity.

--idtype, -t

Type of Identity such as Role and Group.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--privileges, -g

Name of privileges to be removed. Privilege names are AgentAdmin, ApplicationModifyAccess, ApplicationReadAccess, ApplicationTypesReadAccess, ConditionTypesReadAccess, DecisionCombinersReadAccess, EntitlementRestAccess, FederationAdmin, LogAdmin, LogRead, LogWrite, PolicyAdmin, PrivilegeRestAccess, PrivilegeRestReadAccess, RealmAdmin, RealmReadAccess, ResourceTypeModifyAccess, ResourceTypeReadAccess, SubjectAttributesReadAccess, and SubjectTypesReadAccess.

--realm, -e

Name of realm.

ssoadm remove-res-bundle

Remove resource bundle from data store.

Usage: ssoadm remove-res-bundle --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--bundlename, -b

Resource Bundle Name.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

[--bundlelocale, -o]

Locale of the resource bundle.

ssoadm remove-server-cfg

Remove server configuration.

Usage: ssoadm remove-server-cfg --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--propertynames, -a

Name of properties to be removed.

--servername, -s

Server name, such as or enter default to remove default server configuration.

ssoadm remove-site-members

Remove members from a site.

Usage: ssoadm remove-site-members --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--servernames, -e

Server names, such as

--sitename, -s

Site name, such as mysite

ssoadm remove-site-sec-urls

Remove Site Secondary URLs.

Usage: ssoadm remove-site-sec-urls --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--secondaryurls, -a

Secondary URLs

--sitename, -s

Site name, such as mysite

ssoadm remove-sub-schema

Remove sub schema.

Usage: ssoadm remove-sub-schema --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--schematype, -t

Type of schema.

--servicename, -s

Name of service.

--subschemanames, -a

Name(s) of sub schema to be removed.

[--subschemaname, -c]

Name of parent sub schema.

ssoadm remove-svc-attrs

Remove service attribute values in a realm.

Usage: ssoadm remove-svc-attrs --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Name of realm.

--servicename, -s

Name of service.

[--attributevalues, -a]

Attribute values to be removed such as homeaddress=here.

[--datafile, -D]

Name of file that contains attribute values to be removed.

ssoadm remove-svc-identity

Remove Service from an identity

Usage: ssoadm remove-svc-identity --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--idname, -i

Name of identity.

--idtype, -t

Type of Identity such as User, Role and Group.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Name of realm.

--servicename, -s

Name of service.

ssoadm remove-svc-realm

Remove service from a realm.

Usage: ssoadm remove-svc-realm --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Name of realm.

--servicename, -s

Name of service to be removed.

ssoadm set-appl

Set policy set attributes. Note that policy sets are cached for 30 minutes. Restart OpenAM to apply changes immediately.

Usage: ssoadm set-appl --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--name, -m

Policy set name

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Realm name

[--attributevalues, -a]

Attribute values such as applicationType=iPlanetAMWebAgentService.

[--datafile, -D]

Name of file that contains attribute values data. Possible attributes are resources, subjects, conditions, actions, searchIndexImpl, saveIndexImpl, resourceComparator, subjectAttributeNames and entitlementCombiner.

ssoadm set-attr-any

Set any member of attribute schema.

Usage: ssoadm set-attr-any --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--any, -y

Attribute Schema Any value

--attributeschema, -a

Name of attribute schema

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--schematype, -t

Type of schema.

--servicename, -s

Name of service.

[--subschemaname, -c]

Name of sub schema.

ssoadm set-attr-bool-values

Set boolean values of attribute schema.

Usage: ssoadm set-attr-bool-values --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--attributename, -a

Name of attribute.

--falsei18nkey, -j

Internationalization key for false value.

--falsevalue, -z

Value for false.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--schematype, -t

Type of schema.

--servicename, -s

Name of service.

--truei18nkey, -k

Internationalization key for true value.

--truevalue, -e

Value for true.

[--subschemaname, -c]

Name of sub schema.

ssoadm set-attr-choicevals

Set choice values of attribute schema.

Usage: ssoadm set-attr-choicevals --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--attributename, -a

Name of attribute.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--schematype, -t

Type of schema.

--servicename, -s

Name of service.

[--add, -p]

Set this flag to append the choice values to existing ones.

[--choicevalues, -k]

Choice value such as o102=Inactive.

[--datafile, -D]

Name of file that contains attribute values data.

[--subschemaname, -c]

Name of sub schema.

ssoadm set-attr-defs

Set default attribute values in schema.

Usage: ssoadm set-attr-defs --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--schematype, -t

Type of schema.

--servicename, -s

Name of service.

[--attributevalues, -a]

Attribute values such as homeaddress=here.

[--datafile, -D]

Name of file that contains attribute values data.

[--subschemaname, -c]

Name of sub schema.

ssoadm set-attr-end-range

Set attribute schema end range.

Usage: ssoadm set-attr-end-range --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--attributeschema, -a

Name of attribute schema

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--range, -r

End range

--schematype, -t

Type of schema.

--servicename, -s

Name of service.

[--subschemaname, -c]

Name of sub schema.

ssoadm set-attr-i18n-key

Set i18nKey member of attribute schema.

Usage: ssoadm set-attr-i18n-key --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--attributeschema, -a

Name of attribute schema

--i18nkey, -k

Attribute Schema I18n Key

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--schematype, -t

Type of schema.

--servicename, -s

Name of service.

[--subschemaname, -c]

Name of sub schema.

ssoadm set-attr-start-range

Set attribute schema start range.

Usage: ssoadm set-attr-start-range --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--attributeschema, -a

Name of attribute schema

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--range, -r

Start range

--schematype, -t

Type of schema.

--servicename, -s

Name of service.

[--subschemaname, -c]

Name of sub schema.

ssoadm set-attr-syntax

Set syntax member of attribute schema.

Usage: ssoadm set-attr-syntax --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--attributeschema, -a

Name of attribute schema

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--schematype, -t

Type of schema.

--servicename, -s

Name of service.

--syntax, -x

Attribute Schema Syntax

[--subschemaname, -c]

Name of sub schema.

ssoadm set-attr-type

Set type member of attribute schema.

Usage: ssoadm set-attr-type --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--attributeschema, -a

Name of attribute schema

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--schematype, -t

Type of schema.

--servicename, -s

Name of service.

--type, -p

Attribute Schema Type

[--subschemaname, -c]

Name of sub schema.

ssoadm set-attr-ui-type

Set UI type member of attribute schema.

Usage: ssoadm set-attr-ui-type --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--attributeschema, -a

Name of attribute schema

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--schematype, -t

Type of schema.

--servicename, -s

Name of service.

--uitype, -p

Attribute Schema UI Type

[--subschemaname, -c]

Name of sub schema.

ssoadm set-attr-validator

Set attribute schema validator.

Usage: ssoadm set-attr-validator --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--attributeschema, -a

Name of attribute schema

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--schematype, -t

Type of schema.

--servicename, -s

Name of service.

--validator, -r

validator class name

[--subschemaname, -c]

Name of sub schema.

ssoadm set-attr-view-bean-url

Set properties view bean URL member of attribute schema.

Usage: ssoadm set-attr-view-bean-url --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--attributeschema, -a

Name of attribute schema

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--schematype, -t

Type of schema.

--servicename, -s

Name of service.

--url, -r

Attribute Schema Properties View Bean URL

[--subschemaname, -c]

Name of sub schema.

ssoadm set-entitlement-conf

Set entitlements service configuration

Usage: ssoadm set-entitlement-conf --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

[--attributevalues, -a]

Attribute values such as evalThreadSize=4.

[--datafile, -D]

Name of file that contains attribute values data. Possible attributes are evalThreadSize, searchThreadSize, policyCacheSize and indexCacheSize.

ssoadm set-identity-attrs

Set attribute values of an identity

Usage: ssoadm set-identity-attrs --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--idname, -i

Name of identity.

--idtype, -t

Type of Identity such as User, Role and Group.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Name of realm.

[--attributevalues, -a]

Attribute values such as homeaddress=here.

[--datafile, -D]

Name of file that contains attribute values data.

ssoadm set-identity-svc-attrs

Set service attribute values of an identity

Usage: ssoadm set-identity-svc-attrs --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--idname, -i

Name of identity.

--idtype, -t

Type of Identity such as User, Role and Group.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Name of realm.

--servicename, -s

Name of service.

[--attributevalues, -a]

Attribute values such as homeaddress=here.

[--datafile, -D]

Name of file that contains attribute values data.

ssoadm set-inheritance

Set Inheritance value of Sub Schema.

Usage: ssoadm set-inheritance --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--inheritance, -r

Value of Inheritance.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--schematype, -t

Type of schema.

--servicename, -s

Name of service.

--subschemaname, -c

Name of sub schema.

ssoadm set-plugin-viewbean-url

Set properties view bean URL of plug-in schema.

Usage: ssoadm set-plugin-viewbean-url --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--interfacename, -i

Name of interface.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--pluginname, -g

Name of Plug-in.

--servicename, -s

Name of service.

--url, -r

Properties view bean URL.

ssoadm set-realm-attrs

Set attribute values of a realm.

Usage: ssoadm set-realm-attrs --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Name of realm.

--servicename, -s

Name of service.

[--append, -p]

Set this flag to append the values to existing ones.

[--attributevalues, -a]

Attribute values such as homeaddress=here.

[--datafile, -D]

Name of file that contains attribute values data.

ssoadm set-realm-svc-attrs

Set attribute values of a service that is assigned to a realm. Long content for an attribute can be supplied in a file by appending '-file' to the attribute name, and giving the filename as the value.

Usage: ssoadm set-realm-svc-attrs --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Name of realm.

--servicename, -s

Name of service.

[--append, -p]

Set this flag to append the values to existing ones.

[--attributevalues, -a]

Attribute values such as homeaddress=here.

[--datafile, -D]

Name of file that contains attribute values data.

ssoadm set-revision-number

Set service schema revision number.

Usage: ssoadm set-revision-number --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--revisionnumber, -r

Revision Number

--servicename, -s

Name of service.

ssoadm set-site-id

Set the ID of a site.

Usage: ssoadm set-site-id --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--siteid, -i

Site’s ID, such as 10

--sitename, -s

Site name, such as mysite

ssoadm set-site-pri-url

Set the primary URL of a site.

Usage: ssoadm set-site-pri-url --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--sitename, -s

Site name, such as mysite

--siteurl, -i

Site’s primary URL, such as

ssoadm set-site-sec-urls

Set Site Secondary URLs.

Usage: ssoadm set-site-sec-urls --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--secondaryurls, -a

Secondary URLs

--sitename, -s

Site name, such as mysite

ssoadm set-sub-cfg

Set sub configuration. Long content for an attribute can be supplied in a file by appending '-file' to the attribute name, and giving the filename as the value.

Usage: ssoadm set-sub-cfg --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--operation, -o

Operation (either add/set/delete) to be performed on the sub configuration.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--servicename, -s

Name of service.

--subconfigname, -g

Name of sub configuration.

[--attributevalues, -a]

Attribute values such as homeaddress=here.

[--datafile, -D]

Name of file that contains attribute values data.

[--realm, -e]

Name of realm (Sub Configuration shall be set to global configuration if this option is not provided).

ssoadm set-svc-attrs

Set service attribute values in a realm. Long content for an attribute can be supplied in a file by appending '-file' to the attribute name, and giving the filename as the value.

Usage: ssoadm set-svc-attrs --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Name of realm.

--servicename, -s

Name of service.

[--attributevalues, -a]

Attribute values such as homeaddress=here.

[--datafile, -D]

Name of file that contains attribute values data.

ssoadm set-svc-i18n-key

Set service schema i18n key.

Usage: ssoadm set-svc-i18n-key --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--i18nkey, -k

I18n Key.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--servicename, -s

Name of service.

ssoadm set-svc-view-bean-url

Set service schema properties view bean URL.

Usage: ssoadm set-svc-view-bean-url --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--servicename, -s

Name of service.

--url, -r

Service Schema Properties View Bean URL

ssoadm set-svrcfg-xml

Set server configuration XML to centralized data store

Usage: ssoadm set-svrcfg-xml --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--servername, -s

Server name, such as

--xmlfile, -X

XML file that contains configuration.

ssoadm show-agent

Show agent profile.

Usage: ssoadm show-agent --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--agentname, -b

Name of agent.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Name of realm.

[--includepassword, -p]

Include the hashed password in the export.

[--inherit, -i]

Set this to inherit properties from parent group.

[--outfile, -o]

Filename where configuration is written to.

ssoadm show-agent-grp

Show agent group profile.

Usage: ssoadm show-agent-grp --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--agentgroupname, -b

Name of agent group.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Name of realm.

[--outfile, -o]

Filename where configuration is written to.

ssoadm show-agent-membership

List agent’s membership.

Usage: ssoadm show-agent-membership --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--agentname, -b

Name of agent.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Name of realm.

ssoadm show-agent-types

Show agent types.

Usage: ssoadm show-agent-types --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

ssoadm show-app-priv

Show policy set privilege.

Usage: ssoadm show-app-priv --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--name, -m

Name of policy set privilege

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Realm name

ssoadm show-appl

Show policy set attributes.

Usage: ssoadm show-appl --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--name, -m

Policy set name

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Realm name

ssoadm show-appl-type

Show application type details.

Usage: ssoadm show-appl-type --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--name, -m

Application Type name

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

ssoadm show-auth-modules

Show the supported authentication modules in the system.

Usage: ssoadm show-auth-modules --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

ssoadm show-data-types

Show the supported data type in the system.

Usage: ssoadm show-data-types --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

ssoadm show-datastore

Show data store profile.

Usage: ssoadm show-datastore --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--name, -m

Name of datastore.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Name of realm.

ssoadm show-entitlement-conf

Display entitlements service configuration

Usage: ssoadm show-entitlement-conf --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

ssoadm show-identity-ops

Show the allowed operations of an identity a realm

Usage: ssoadm show-identity-ops --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--idtype, -t

Type of Identity such as User, Role and Group.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Name of realm.

ssoadm show-identity-svc-attrs

Show the service attribute values of an identity

Usage: ssoadm show-identity-svc-attrs --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--idname, -i

Name of identity.

--idtype, -t

Type of Identity such as User, Role and Group.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Name of realm.

--servicename, -s

Name of service.

ssoadm show-identity-types

Show the supported identity type in a realm

Usage: ssoadm show-identity-types --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Name of realm.

ssoadm show-members

Show the members of an identity. For example show the members of a role

Usage: ssoadm show-members --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--idname, -i

Name of identity.

--idtype, -t

Type of Identity such as User, Role and Group.

--membershipidtype, -m

Membership identity type.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Name of realm.

ssoadm show-memberships

Show the memberships of an identity. For sample show the memberships of an user.

Usage: ssoadm show-memberships --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--idname, -i

Name of identity.

--idtype, -t

Type of Identity such as User, Role and Group.

--membershipidtype, -m

Membership identity type.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Name of realm.

ssoadm show-privileges

Show privileges assigned to an identity

Usage: ssoadm show-privileges --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--idname, -i

Name of identity.

--idtype, -t

Type of Identity such Role and Group.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Name of realm.

ssoadm show-realm-svcs

Show services in a realm.

Usage: ssoadm show-realm-svcs --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Name of realm.

[--mandatory, -y]

Include Mandatory services.

ssoadm show-site

Show site profile.

Usage: ssoadm show-site --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--sitename, -s

Site name, such as mysite

ssoadm show-site-members

Display members of a site.

Usage: ssoadm show-site-members --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--sitename, -s

Site name, such as mysite

ssoadm start-recording

Start recording a bundle that contains troubleshooting information, including debug logs, thread dumps, and environment information.

Usage: ssoadm start-recording --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--jsonfile, -J

JSON control file for a recording operation.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--servername, -s

Server name, such as

ssoadm stop-recording

Stop an active recording operation.

Usage: ssoadm stop-recording --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--servername, -s

Server name, such as

ssoadm unregister-auth-module

Unregisters authentication module.

Usage: ssoadm unregister-auth-module --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--authmodule, -a

Java class name of authentication module.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

ssoadm update-agent

Update agent configuration.

Usage: ssoadm update-agent --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--agentname, -b

Name of agent.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Name of realm.

[--attributevalues, -a]

Properties such as homeaddress=here.

[--datafile, -D]

Name of file that contains properties.

[--set, -s]

Set this flag to overwrite properties values.

ssoadm update-agent-grp

Update agent group configuration.

Usage: ssoadm update-agent-grp --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--agentgroupname, -b

Name of agent group.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Name of realm.

[--attributevalues, -a]

Properties such as homeaddress=here.

[--datafile, -D]

Name of file that contains properties.

[--set, -s]

Set this flag to overwrite properties values.

ssoadm update-app-priv

Update a policy set privilege.

Usage: ssoadm update-app-priv --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--name, -m

Name for the this delegation

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Realm name

[--actions, -a]

Possible values are READ, MODIFY, DELEGATE, ALL

[--description, -p]

Description for the this delegation.

ssoadm update-app-priv-resources

Set policy set privilege resources. Note that policy sets are cached for 30 minutes. Restart OpenAM to apply changes immediately.

Usage: ssoadm update-app-priv-resources --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--application, -t

Policy set name

--name, -m

Name for the this delegation

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Realm name

[--add, -p]

Resources are added to this policy set if this option is set. Otherwise, resources in the current policy set privilege will be overwritten.

[--resources, -r]

Resources to delegate. All resources in the policy set will be delegated if this option is absent.

ssoadm update-app-priv-subjects

Set policy set privilege subjects.

Usage: ssoadm update-app-priv-subjects --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--name, -m

Name for the this delegation

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Realm name

--subjects, -s

Subject name

--subjecttype, -b

Possible values are User or Group

[--add, -p]

Subjects are added to this policy set if this option is set. Otherwise, subjects in the current policy set privilege will be overwritten.

ssoadm update-auth-cfg-entr

Set authentication configuration entries

Usage: ssoadm update-auth-cfg-entr --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--name, -m

Name of authentication configuration.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Name of realm.

[--datafile, -D]

Name of file that contains formatted authentication configuration entries in this format name|flag|options. option can be REQUIRED, OPTIONAL, SUFFICIENT, REQUISITE, such as myauthmodule|REQUIRED|my options.

[--entries, -a]

Formatted authentication configuration entries in this format name|flag|options. Option can be REQUIRED, OPTIONAL, SUFFICIENT, REQUISITE, such as myauthmodule|REQUIRED|my options.

ssoadm update-auth-cfg-props

Set authentication configuration properties

Usage: ssoadm update-auth-cfg-props --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--name, -m

Name of authentication configuration.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Name of realm.

[--attributevalues, -a]

authentication configuration properties, valid configuration keys are: iplanet-am-auth-login-failure-url, iplanet-am-auth-login-success-url and iplanet-am-auth-post-login-process-class.

[--datafile, -D]

Name of file that contains authentication configuration properties.

ssoadm update-auth-instance

Update authentication instance values

Usage: ssoadm update-auth-instance --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--name, -m

Name of authentication instance.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Name of realm.

[--attributevalues, -a]

Attribute values such as homeaddress=here.

[--datafile, -D]

Name of file that contains attribute values data.

ssoadm update-datastore

Update data store profile.

Usage: ssoadm update-datastore --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--name, -m

Name of datastore.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--realm, -e

Name of realm.

[--attributevalues, -a]

Attribute values such as sunIdRepoClass=com.sun.identity.idm.plugins.files.FilesRepo.

[--datafile, -D]

Name of file that contains attribute values data.

ssoadm update-entity-keyinfo

Update XML signing and encryption key information in hosted entity metadata.

Usage: ssoadm update-entity-keyinfo --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--entityid, -y

Entity ID

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

[--idpecertalias, -g]

Identity provider encryption certificate aliases.

[--idpscertalias, -b]

Identity provider signing certificate aliases

[--realm, -e]

Realm where entity resides.

[--specertalias, -r]

Service provider encryption certificate aliases

[--spec, -c]

Specify metadata specification, either wsfed, idff or saml2, defaults to saml2

[--spscertalias, -a]

Service provider signing certificate aliases

ssoadm update-server-cfg

Update server configuration.

Usage: ssoadm update-server-cfg --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--servername, -s

Server name, such as, or enter default to update default server configuration.

[--attributevalues, -a]

Attribute values such as homeaddress=here.

[--datafile, -D]

Name of file that contains attribute values data.

ssoadm update-svc

Update service.

Usage: ssoadm update-svc --options [--global-options]

--adminid, -u

Administrator ID of running the command.

--password-file, -f

File name that contains password of administrator.

--xmlfile, -X

XML file(s) that contains schema.

[--continue, -c]

Continue updating service if one or more previous services cannot be updated.

Set multiple attributes in a single ssoadm command

You can set multiple attributes in a single ssoadm command by using a text file or by specifying multiple attributes with the -a option.

Text file

  1. Create a text file with each property on each line followed by a line feed and save the file for example, as TEXT_FILE:

  2. Run the ssoadm command specifying the name of the file with the --datafile (-D) option:

    $ ./ssoadm set-attr-defs \
      --servicename iPlanetAMSessionService \
      --schematype dynamic \
      --adminid uid=amAdmin,ou=People,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org \
      --password-file passwordfile \
      --datafile TEXT_FILE

The --attributevalues option

Run ssoadm using the --attributevalues (-a) option. Separate each attribute with a space:

$ ./ssoadm set-attr-defs \
  --servicename iPlanetAMSessionService \
  --schematype dynamic \
  --adminid uid=amAdmin,ou=People,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org \
  --password-file passwordfile \
  --attributevalues \
      iplanet-am-session-max-session-time=150 \
      iplanet-am-session-max-idle-time=15 \

Core authentication attributes

Every AM realm has a set of authentication properties that applies to all authentication performed to that realm. The settings are referred to as core authentication attributes.

To configure core authentication attributes for an entire AM deployment, go to Configure > Authentication in the AM admin UI, and click Core Attributes.

To override the global core authentication configuration in a realm, go to Realms > Realm Name > Authentication > Settings in the AM admin UI.

amster service name: Authentication

ssoadm service name: iPlanetAMAuthService

Global Attributes

The following properties are available under the Global Attributes tab:

Pluggable Authentication Module Classes

Lists the authentication modules classes available to AM. If you have custom authentication modules, add classes to this list that extend from the com.sun.identity.authentication.spi.AMLoginModule class.

For more information about custom authentication modules, see Creating a Custom Authentication Module.

This setting applies only to modules within authentication chains.

amster attribute: authenticators

ssoadm attribute: iplanet-am-auth-authenticators

LDAP Connection Pool Size

Sets a minimum and a maximum number of LDAP connections to be used by any authentication module that connects to a specific directory server. This connection pool is different than the SDK connection pool configured in serverconfig.xml file.

Format is host:port:minimum:maximum.

This attribute is for LDAP and Membership authentication modules only.

amster attribute: ldapConnectionPoolSize

ssoadm attribute: iplanet-am-auth-ldap-connection-pool-size

Default LDAP Connection Pool Size

Sets the default minimum and maximum number of LDAP connections to be used by any authentication module that connects to any directory server. This connection pool is different than the SDK connection pool configured in serverconfig.xml file.

Format is minimum:maximum.

When tuning for production, start with 10 minimum, 65 maximum. For example, 10:65.

This attribute is for LDAP and Membership authentication modules only.

amster attribute: ldapConnectionPoolDefaultSize

ssoadm attribute: iplanet-am-auth-ldap-connection-pool-default-size

Remote Auth Security

When enabled, AM requires the authenticating application to send its SSO token. This allows AM to obtain the username and password associated with the application.

amster attribute: remoteAuthSecurityEnabled

ssoadm attribute: sunRemoteAuthSecurityEnabled

Keep Post Process Objects for Logout Processing

When enabled, AM stores instances of post-processing classes into the user session. When the user logs out, the original post-processing classes are called instead of new instances. This may be required for special logout processing.

Enabling this setting increases the memory usage of AM.

amster attribute: keepPostProcessInstances

ssoadm attribute: sunAMAuthKeepPostProcessInstances


The following properties are available under the Core tab:

Administrator Authentication Configuration

Specifies the default authentication chain or tree used when an administrative user, such as amAdmin, logs in to the AM admin UI.

ssoadm attribute: iplanet-am-auth-admin-auth-module

Organization Authentication Configuration

Specifies the default authentication chain or tree used when a non-administrative user logs in to AM.

amster attribute: orgConfig

ssoadm attribute: iplanet-am-auth-org-config

User Profile

The following properties are available under the User Profile tab:

User Profile

Specifies whether a user profile needs to exist in the user data store, or should be created on successful authentication. The possible values are:

true. Dynamic.

After successful authentication, AM creates a user profile if one does not already exist. AM then issues the SSO token. AM creates the user profile in the user data store configured for the realm.

createAlias. Dynamic with User Alias.

After successful authentication, AM creates a user profile that contains the User Alias List attribute, which defines one or more aliases for mapping a user’s multiple profiles.

ignore. Ignored.

After successful authentication, AM issues an SSO token regardless of whether a user profile exists in the data store. The presence of a user profile is not checked.

Any functionality which needs to map values to profile attributes, such as SAML or OAuth 2.0, will not operate correctly if the User Profile property is set to ignore.

false. Required.

After successful authentication, the user must have a user profile in the user data store configured for the realm in order for AM to issue an SSO token.

ssoadm attribute: iplanet-am-auth-dynamic-profile-creation. Set this attribute’s value to one of the following: true, createAlias, ignore, or false.

User Profile Dynamic Creation Default Roles

Specifies the distinguished name (DN) of a role to be assigned to a new user whose profile is created when either the true or createAlias options are selected under the User Profile property. There are no default values. The role specified must be within the realm for which the authentication process is configured.

This role can be either an AM or Sun DSEE role, but it cannot be a filtered role. If you wish to automatically assign specific services to the user, you have to configure the Required Services property in the user profile.

This functionality is deprecated.

amster attribute: defaultRole

ssoadm attribute: iplanet-am-auth-default-role

Alias Search Attribute Name

After a user is successfully authenticated, the user’s profile is retrieved. AM first searches for the user based on the data store settings. If that fails to find the user, AM will use the attributes listed here to look up the user profile. This setting accepts any data store specific attribute name.

amster attribute: aliasAttributeName

ssoadm attribute: iplanet-am-auth-alias-attr-name

If the Alias Search Attribute Name property is empty, AM uses the iplanet-am-auth-user-naming-attr property from the iPlanetAmAuthService. The iplanet-am-auth-user-naming-attr property is only configurable through the ssoadm command-line tool and not through the AM admin UI.

$ ssoadm get-realm-svc-attrs \
--adminid uid=amAdmin,ou=People,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org \
--password-file PATH_TO_PWDFILE \
--realm REALM \
--servicename iPlanetAMAuthService$ ssoadm set-realm-svc-attrs \
 --adminid uid=amAdmin,ou=People,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org \
 --password-file PATH_TO_PWDFILE \
 --realm REALM \
 --servicename iPlanetAMAuthService \
 --attributevalues iplanet-am-auth-user-naming-attr=SEARCH_ATTRIBUTE
Account Lockout

The following properties are available under the Account Lockout tab:

Login Failure Lockout Mode

When enabled, AM deactivates the LDAP attribute defined in the Lockout Attribute Name property in the user’s profile upon login failure. This attribute works in conjunction with the other account lockout and notification attributes.

amster attribute: loginFailureLockoutMode

ssoadm attribute: iplanet-am-auth-login-failure-lockout-mode

Login Failure Lockout Count

Defines the number of attempts that a user has to authenticate within the time interval defined in Login Failure Lockout Interval before being locked out.

amster attribute: loginFailureCount

ssoadm attribute: iplanet-am-auth-login-failure-count

Login Failure Lockout Interval

Defines the time in minutes during which failed login attempts are counted. If one failed login attempt is followed by a second failed attempt within this defined lockout interval time, the lockout count starts, and the user is locked out if the number of attempts reaches the number defined by the Login Failure Lockout Count property. If an attempt within the defined lockout interval time proves successful before the number of attempts reaches the number defined by the Login Failure Lockout Count property, the lockout count is reset.

amster attribute: loginFailureDuration

ssoadm attribute: iplanet-am-auth-login-failure-duration

Email Address to Send Lockout Notification

Specifies one or more email addresses to which notification is sent if a user lockout occurs.

Separate multiple addresses with spaces, and append |locale|charset to addresses for recipients in non-English locales.

amster attribute: lockoutEmailAddress

ssoadm attribute: iplanet-am-auth-lockout-email-address

Warn User After N Failures

Specifies the number of authentication failures after which AM displays a warning message that the user will be locked out.

ssoadm attribute: iplanet-am-auth-lockout-warn-user

Login Failure Lockout Duration

Defines how many minutes a user must wait after a lockout before attempting to authenticate again. Entering a value greater than 0 enables duration lockout and disables persistent (physical) lockout. Duration lockout means the user’s account is locked for the number of minutes specified. The account is unlocked after the time period has passed.

amster attribute: lockoutDuration

ssoadm attribute: iplanet-am-auth-lockout-duration

Lockout Duration Multiplier

For duration lockout, this attribute defines a multiplier that is applied to the value of the Login Failure Lockout Duration for each successive lockout. For example, if Login Failure Lockout Duration is set to 3 minutes, and the Lockout Duration Multiplier is set to 2, the user is locked out of the account for 6 minutes. After the 6 minutes has elapsed, if the user again provides the wrong credentials, the lockout duration is then 12 minutes. With the Lockout Duration Multiplier, the lockout duration is incrementally increased based on the number of times the user has been locked out.

amster attribute: lockoutDurationMultiplier

ssoadm attribute: sunLockoutDurationMultiplier

Lockout Attribute Name

Defines the LDAP attribute used for physical lockout. The default attribute is inetuserstatus, although the field in the AM admin UI is empty. The Lockout Attribute Value field must also contain an appropriate value.

amster attribute: lockoutAttributeName

ssoadm attribute: iplanet-am-auth-lockout-attribute-name

Lockout Attribute Value

Specifies the action to take on the attribute defined in Lockout Attribute Name. The default value is inactive, although the field in the AM admin UI is empty. The Lockout Attribute Name field must also contain an appropriate value.

amster attribute: lockoutAttributeValue

ssoadm attribute: iplanet-am-auth-lockout-attribute-value

Invalid Attempts Data Attribute Name

Specifies the LDAP attribute used to hold the number of failed authentication attempts towards Login Failure Lockout Count. Although the field appears empty in the AM admin UI, AM stores this data in the sunAMAuthInvalidAttemptsDataAttrName attribute defined in the sunAMAuthAccountLockout objectclass by default.

amster attribute: invalidAttemptsDataAttributeName

ssoadm attribute: sunAMAuthInvalidAttemptsDataAttrName

Store Invalid Attempts in Data Store

When enabled, AM stores the information regarding failed authentication attempts as the value of the Invalid Attempts Data Attribute Name in the user data store. Information stored includes number of invalid attempts, time of last failed attempt, lockout time and lockout duration. Storing this information in the identity repository allows it to be shared among multiple instances of AM.

Enable this property to track invalid log in attempts when using server-side or client-side authentication sessions.

amster attribute: storeInvalidAttemptsInDataStore

ssoadm attribute: sunStoreInvalidAttemptsInDS


The following properties are available under the General tab:

Default Authentication Locale

Specifies the default language subtype to be used by the Authentication service. The default value is en_US.

amster attribute: locale

ssoadm attribute: iplanet-am-auth-locale

Identity Types

Lists the type or types of identities used during a profile lookup. You can choose more than one to search on multiple types if you would like AM to conduct a second lookup if the first lookup fails.

This setting applies only to modules within authentication chains.

amster attribute: identityType

ssoadm attribute: sunAMIdentityType

The possible values are:


Searches for identities under your agents.


Searches for identities according to your established agent group.


Searches for identities only under your agents.


Searches for identities according to your established groups.


Searches for identities according to your users.

Default: Agent and User.

Pluggable User Status Event Classes

Specifies one or more Java classes used to provide a callback mechanism for user status changes during the authentication process. The Java class must implement the com.sun.identity.authentication.spi.AMAuthCallBack interface. AM supports account lockout and password changes. AM supports password changes through the LDAP authentication module, and so the feature is only available for the LDAP module.

A .jar file containing the user status event class belongs in the WEB-INF/lib directory of the deployed AM instance. If you do not build a .jar file, add the class files under WEB-INF/classes.

amster attribute: userStatusCallbackPlugins

ssoadm attribute: sunAMUserStatusCallbackPlugins

Use Client-Side Sessions

When enabled, AM assigns client-side sessions to users authenticating to this realm. Otherwise, AM users authenticating to this realm are assigned server-side sessions.

For more information about sessions, see Introduction to sessions.

amster attribute: statelessSessionsEnabled

ssoadm attribute: openam-auth-stateless-sessions

Two Factor Authentication Mandatory

When enabled, users authenticating to a chain that includes a ForgeRock Authenticator (OATH) module are always required to perform authentication using a registered device before they can access AM. When not selected, users can opt to forego registering a device and providing a token and still successfully authenticate.

Letting users choose not to provide a verification token while authenticating carries implications beyond the required, optional, requisite, or sufficient flag settings on the ForgeRock Authenticator (OATH) module in the authentication chain.

The Two Factor Authentication Mandatory property only applies to modules within authentication chains, and does not affect nodes within authentication trees.

amster attribute: twoFactorRequired

ssoadm attribute: forgerockTwoFactorAuthMandatory

For example, suppose you configured authentication as follows:

  • The ForgeRock Authenticator (OATH) module is in an authentication chain.

  • The ForgeRock Authenticator (OATH) module has the required flag set.

  • Two Factor Authentication Mandatory is not selected.

Users authenticating to the chain can authenticate successfully without providing tokens from their devices. The reason for successful authentication in this case is that the required setting relates to the execution of the ForgeRock Authenticator (OATH) module itself. Internally, the ForgeRock Authenticator (OATH) module has the ability to forego processing a token while still returning a passing status to the authentication chain.

External Login Page URL

Specifies the URL of the external login user interface, if the authentication user interface is hosted separately from AM.

When set, AM will use the provided URL as the base of the resume URI, rather than using the Base URL Source Service to obtain the base URL. AM will use this URL when constructing the resume URI if authentication is suspended in an authentication tree.

For more information about the Base URL Source Service, see Configure the Base URL source service.

This setting only applies to nodes within authentication trees, and does not affect modules within authentication chains.

amster attribute: externalLoginPageUrl

ssoadm attribute: externalLoginPageUrl

Default Authentication Level

Specifies the default authentication level for authentication modules.

This setting applies only to modules within authentication chains.

amster attribute: defaultAuthLevel

ssoadm attribute: iplanet-am-auth-default-auth-level


The following properties are available under the Trees tab, and apply only to authentication nodes and trees:

Authentication session state management scheme

Specifies the location where AM stores authentication sessions.

Possible values are:

  • CTS. AM stores authentication sessions server-side, in the CTS token store.

  • JWT. AM sends the authentication session to the client as a JWT.

  • In-Memory. AM stores authentication sessions in its memory.

For more information on authentication session storage locations, and the requirements for each, see Introduction to sessions.

Default: JWT (new installations), In-Memory (after upgrade)

amster attribute: authenticationSessionsStateManagement

ssoadm attribute: openam-auth-authentication-sessions-state-management-scheme

Max duration (minutes)

Specifies the maximum allowed duration of an authentication session, including any time spent in the suspended state, in minutes.

Values from 1 to 2147483647 are allowed.

Default: 5

amster attribute: authenticationSessionsMaxDuration

ssoadm attribute: openam-auth-authentication-sessions-max-duration

Suspended authentication duration (minutes)

Specifies the length of time an authentication session can be suspended, in minutes.

Suspending an authentication session allows time for out-of-band authentication methods, such as responding to emailed codes or performing an action on an additional device. The value must be less than or equal to the total time allowed for an authentication session, specified in the Max duration (minutes) property.

Values from 1 to 2147483647 are allowed.

Default: 5

ssoadm attribute: suspendedAuthenticationTimeout

Enable Allowlisting

When enabled, AM allowlists authentication sessions to protect them against replay attacks.

Default: Disabled

amster attribute: authenticationSessionsWhitelist

ssoadm attribute: openam-auth-authentication-sessions-whitelist

Stops sending tokenId

When HttpOnly session cookies are enabled and a client calls the /json/authenticate endpoint with a valid SSO token, AM returns an empty tokenId field.

Disable this property to have AM send a valid token ID in this scenario.

For security reasons, you should leave this property enabled. If you have migrated an existing deployment, adjust your clients to expect an empty token ID, then enable this property.

Default: Enabled

amster attribute: authenticationTreeCookieHttpOnly

ssoadm attribute: authenticationTreeCookieHttpOnly


The following properties are available under the Security tab:

Module Based Authentication

When enabled, users can authenticate using module-based authentication. Otherwise, all attempts at authentication using the module=module-name login parameter result in failure.

ForgeRock recommends disabling module-based authentication in production environments.

This setting applies only to modules within authentication chains.

amster attribute: moduleBasedAuthEnabled

ssoadm attribute: sunEnableModuleBasedAuth

Persistent Cookie Encryption Certificate Alias

Specifies the key pair alias in the AM keystore to use for encrypting persistent cookies.

Default: test

This setting only applies to nodes within authentication trees, and does not affect modules within authentication chains.

amster attribute: keyAlias

ssoadm attribute: iplanet-am-auth-key-alias

Zero Page Login

When enabled, AM allows users to authenticate using only GET request parameters without showing a login screen.

Enable with caution as browsers can cache credentials and servers can log credentials when they are part of the URL.

AM always allows HTTP POST requests for zero page login.

Default: false (disabled)

This setting applies only to modules within authentication chains.

amster attribute: zeroPageLoginEnabled

ssoadm attribute:

Zero Page Login Referer Allowlist

Lists the HTTP referer URLs for which AM allows zero page login. These URLs are supplied in the Referer HTTP request header, allowing clients to specify the web page that provided the link to the requested resource.

When zero page login is enabled, including the URLs for the pages from which to allow zero page login will provide some mitigation against Login Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks. Leave this list blank to allow zero page login from any Referer.

This setting applies for both HTTP GET and also HTTP POST requests for zero page login.

This setting applies only to modules within authentication chains.

amster attribute: zeroPageLoginReferrerWhiteList

ssoadm attribute:

Zero Page Login Allowed Without Referer?

When enabled, allows zero page login for requests without an HTTP Referer request header. Zero page login must also be enabled.

Enabling this setting reduces the risk of login CSRF attacks with zero page login enabled, but may potentially deny legitimate requests.

amster attribute: zeroPageLoginAllowedWithoutReferrer

ssoadm attribute:

Add clear-site-data Header on Logout

When enabled, AM adds the Clear-Site-Data header to successful logout responses. The Clear-Site-Data directive instructs the browser to delete relevant site data on logout. This directive includes cache, cookies, storage, and executionContexts.

Default: true (enabled)

amster attribute: addClearSiteDataHeader

Organization Authentication Signing Secret

Specifies a cryptographically-secure random-generated HMAC shared secret for signing RESTful authentication requests. When users attempt to authenticate to the UI, AM signs a JSON Web Token (JWT) containing this shared secret. The JWT contains the authentication session ID, realm, and authentication index type value, but does not contain the user’s credentials.

When modifying this value, ensure the new shared secret is Base-64 encoded and at least 128 bits in length.

amster attribute: sharedSecret

ssoadm attribute: iplanet-am-auth-hmac-signing-shared-secret

Post Authentication Processing

The following properties are available under the Post Authentication Processing tab:

Default Success Login URL

Accepts a list of values that specifies where users are directed after successful authentication. The format of this attribute is client-type|URL although the only value you can specify at this time is a URL which assumes the type HTML. The default value is /openam/console. Values that do not specify HTTP have that appended to the deployment URI.

amster attribute: loginSuccessUrl

ssoadm attribute: iplanet-am-auth-login-success-url

Default Failure Login URL

Accepts a list of values that specifies where users are directed after authentication has failed. The format of this attribute is client-type|URL although the only value you can specify at this time is a URL which assumes the type HTML. Values that do not specify HTTP have that appended to the deployment URI.

amster attribute: loginFailureUrl

ssoadm attribute: iplanet-am-auth-login-failure-url

Authentication Post Processing Classes

Specifies one or more Java classes used to customize post-authentication processes for successful or unsuccessful logins. The Java class must implement the com.sun.identity.authentication.spi.AMPostAuthProcessInterface AM interface.

A .jar file containing the post processing class belongs in the WEB-INF/lib directory of the deployed AM instance. If you do not build a .jar file, add the class files under WEB-INF/classes. For deployment, add the .jar file or classes into a custom AM .war file.

For information on creating post-authentication plugins, see Create Post-Authentication Plugins for Chains.

This setting applies only to modules within authentication chains.

For information about post-authentication processing for trees, see Create post-authentication hooks for trees.

amster attribute: loginPostProcessClass

ssoadm attribute: iplanet-am-auth-post-login-process-class

Generate UserID Mode

When enabled, the Membership module generates a list of alternate user identifiers if the one entered by a user during the self-registration process is not valid or already exists. The user IDs are generated by the class specified in the Pluggable User Name Generator Class property.

This setting applies only to modules within authentication chains.

amster attribute: usernameGeneratorEnabled

ssoadm attribute: iplanet-am-auth-username-generator-enabled

Pluggable User Name Generator Class

Specifies the name of the class used to generate alternate user identifiers when Generate UserID Mode is enabled. The default value is com.sun.identity.authentication.spi.DefaultUserIDGenerator.

This setting applies only to modules within authentication chains.

amster attribute: usernameGeneratorClass

ssoadm attribute: iplanet-am-auth-username-generator-class

User Attribute Mapping to Session Attribute

Enables the authenticating user’s identity attributes (stored in the identity repository) to be set as session properties in the user’s SSO token. The value takes the format User-Profile-Attribute|Session-Attribute-Name. If Session-Attribute-Name is not specified, the value of User-Profile-Attribute is used. All session attributes contain the am.protected prefix to ensure that they cannot be edited by the client applications.

For example, if you define the user profile attribute as mail and the user’s email address, available in the user session, as user.mail, the entry for this attribute would be mail|user.mail. After a successful authentication, the SSOToken.getProperty(String) method is used to retrieve the user profile attribute set in the session. The user’s email address is retrieved from the user’s session using the SSOToken.getProperty("am.protected.user.mail") method call.

Properties that are set in the user session using User Attribute Mapping to Session Attributes cannot be modified (for example, SSOToken.setProperty(String, String)). This results in an SSOException. Multivalued attributes, such as memberOf, are listed as a single session variable with a | separator.

When configuring authentication for a realm configured for client-side sessions, be careful not to add so many session attributes that the session cookie size exceeds the maximum allowable cookie size. For more information about client-side session cookies, see Session cookies and session security.

The User Attribute Mapping to Session Attribute property only applies to modules within authentication chains.

For authentication trees, use the Scripted Decision node to retrieve user attributes and session properties, or the Set Session Properties node for session properties only.

amster attribute: userAttributeSessionMapping

ssoadm attribute: sunAMUserAttributesSessionMapping

Deployment configuration

Under Deployment, you can manage different configurations for AM server instances, and site configurations when using multiple AM server instances.

Configure servers

AM server properties reside in two places:

  • The default configuration, under Configure > Server Defaults.

  • Per-server basis configuration, under Deployment > Servers > Server Name.

Default server properties are applied to all server instances, and can be overridden on a per-server basis. Changes to the value of a default server property are applied to all servers that are not overriding that property. The ability to set default properties and override them for an individual server lets you keep a set of properties with identical configuration across the environment, while providing the flexibility to change properties on specific servers when required.

A closed lock means inherited, an open lock means localized.
Figure 1. Inherited properties
  • A closed lock means the property is inherited from the defaults. To change an inherited value click on the lock, and the property will become localized for that server.

  • An open lock means the property is localized for this server. To return to the inherited values, click on the lock.

The Advanced section also takes values from the defaults, but the properties do not have locks for inheritance. Instead, if you want to override a particular advanced property value on a per-server basis, you need to add that property with its new value under Deployment > Servers > Server Name > Advanced.

After changing server configurations, restart AM or the web application container where AM runs for the changes to take effect unless otherwise noted.

General properties

The General page provides access to properties, such as site configuration, server base installation directory, default locale, debug levels, and other properties.


The following properties are available under the Site tab:

Parent Site

Specifies the site the server belongs to. The drop-down list defaults to [empty} until there is at least one site created in the deployment.

The Site tab is only available by navigating to Deployment > Servers > Server Name > General.


The following properties are available under the System tab:

Base installation directory

Specifies the directory where AM’s configuration data and logs reside. For example, /path/to/openam/.


Default Locale

Specifies the default locale of the UI pages when the client does not request a locale either by using the locale query string parameter or by setting the HTTP header, Accept-Language.

To set the locale when AM cannot find UI files for the requested locale, set the JVM platform locale instead.

Default: en_US


Notification URL

Specifies the URL of the notification service endpoint. For example,

Default: %SERVER_PROTO%://%SERVER_HOST%:%SERVER_PORT%/%SERVER_URI%/notificationservice

property: com.sun.identity.client.notification.url

XML Validation

When enabled, AM validates any XML document it parses.

Default: Off



The following properties are available under the Debugging tab:

Debug Level

Specifies the log level shared across components for debug logging.

Changes to this property take effect immediately. No server restart is necessary.

Default: Error


Merge Debug Files

When enabled, AM writes debug log messages to a single file, debug.out. By default, AM writes a debug log per component.

Changes to this property take effect immediately. No server restart is necessary.



Debug Directory

Specifies the path where AM writes debug logs. For example, /path/to/openam/var/debug.

Changes to this property do not take effect until you restart the AM server.

Default: %BASE_DIR%/%SERVER_URI%/var/debug


Mail server

The following properties are available under the Mail Server tab:

Mail Server Host Name

Specifies the hostname of the SMTP server AM uses for sending email.

Default: localhost


Mail Server Port Number

Specifies the port of the SMTP server AM uses for sending email.

Default: 25


Security properties

Most security settings are inherited by default.


The following properties are available under the Encryption tab:

Password Encryption Key

Specifies the encryption key for decrypting stored passwords.

The value of the am.encryption.pwd property must be the same for all deployed servers in a site. You can set the Password Encryption Key property at Deployment > Servers > Server Name > Security. Verify that all servers have the same setting for this property.

Example: TF1Aue9c63bWTTY4mmZJeFYubJbNiSE3

property: am.encryption.pwd

Encryption class

Specifies the default class used to handle encryption



Secure Random Factory Class

Specifies the class used to provide AM with cryptographically strong random strings. Possible values are the class for JSS and the class for pure Java.




The following properties are available under the Validation tab:

Platform Low Level Comm. Max. Content Length

Specifies the maximum content length for an HTTP request.

Default: 16384


Client IP Address Check

When enabled, AM checks client IP addresses when creating and validating SSO tokens.

Default: Disabled


The following properties are available under the Cookie tab:

Cookie Name

Specifies the cookie name AM uses to set a session handler ID during authentication.

Default: iPlanetDirectoryPro


Secure Cookie

When enabled, AM generates secure cookies, which are only transmitted over an encrypted connection like HTTPS.

Default: Disabled


Encode Cookie Value

When enabled, AM URL-encodes the cookie values.

Default: Disabled


Key store

The following properties are available under the Key Store tab:

Keystore File

Specifies the path to the AM keystore file, for example, /path/to/openam/security/keystores/keystore.jceks.

Default: %BASE_DIR%/%SERVER_URI%/keystore.jceks

property: com.sun.identity.saml.xmlsig.keystore

Keystore Type

Specifies the keystore type, for example JKS, JCEKS, PKCS11, or PKCS12.

This can be a custom keystore type, which must be supported by, and configured in, the local Java runtime environment.

Default: JCEKS

property: com.sun.identity.saml.xmlsig.storetype

Keystore Password File

Specifies the path to the password file for the keystore, for example, /path/to/openam/security/secrets/default/.storepass. The password contained in this file is in cleartext.

Default: %BASE_DIR%/%SERVER_URI%/.storepass

property: com.sun.identity.saml.xmlsig.storepass

Private Key Password File

Specifies the path to the password file for the private key aliases contained in the keystore, for example, /path/to/openam/security/secrets/default/.keypass. The password contained in this file is in cleartext.

Default: %BASE_DIR%/%SERVER_URI%/.keypass

property: com.sun.identity.saml.xmlsig.keypass

Certificate Alias

Leave the default test alias.

property: com.sun.identity.saml.xmlsig.certalias

Certificate revocation list caching

The following properties are available under the Certificate Revocation List Caching tab:

LDAP server host name

Specifies the hostname of the LDAP server where AM caches the certificate revocation list (CRL).


LDAP server port number

Specifies the port number of the LDAP server where AM caches the certificate revocation list.


SSL/TLS Enabled

When enabled, AM connects securely to the directory server holding the CRL cache. Ensure that AM trust the certificate from the LDAP server when enabling this option.

Default: Disabled


LDAP server bind user name

Specifies the bind DN of the service account AM uses to authenticate to the LDAP server holding the CRL cache.


LDAP server bind password

Specifies the bind password of the username set in the LDAP server bind user name property.


LDAP search base DN

Specifies a valid Base DN for the LDAP search, such as dc=example,dc=com.


Search Attributes

Specifies which DN component of issuer’s subject DN is used to retrieve the CRL in the LDAP server, for example, cn.


Online certificate status protocol check

The following properties are available under the Online Certificate Status Protocol Check tab:

Check Enabled

When enabled, AM checks the revocation status of certificates using the Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP).

Default: Disabled

property: com.sun.identity.authentication.ocspCheck

Responder URL

Specifies the URL for the OCSP responder to contact about the revocation status of certificates.

property: com.sun.identity.authentication.ocsp.responder.url

Certificate Nickname

Specifies the nickname for the OCSP responder certificate set in the Responder URL property.

property: com.sun.identity.authentication.ocsp.responder.nickname

Object deserialisation class allowlist

Specifies a list of classes that are considered valid when AM performs object deserialization operations.

Default: com.iplanet.dpro.session.DNOrIPAddressListTokenRestriction, com.sun.identity.common.CaseInsensitiveHashMap,com.sun.identity.common.CaseInsensitiveHashSet, com.sun.identity.common.CaseInsensitiveKey, com.sun.identity.common.configuration.ServerConfigXML, com.sun.identity.common.configuration.ServerConfigXML$DirUserObject, com.sun.identity.common.configuration.ServerConfigXML$ServerGroup, com.sun.identity.common.configuration.ServerConfigXML$ServerObject, com.sun.identity.console.base.model.SMSubConfig, com.sun.identity.console.service.model.SMDescriptionData, com.sun.identity.console.service.model.SMDiscoEntryData, com.sun.identity.console.session.model.SMSessionData, com.sun.identity.console.user.model.UMUserPasswordResetOptionsData, com.sun.identity.shared.datastruct.OrderedSet,com.sun.xml.bind.util.ListImpl, com.sun.xml.bind.util.ProxyListImpl, java.lang.Boolean,java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Number,java.lang.StringBuffer,,,$CertificateRep, java.util.ArrayList,java.util.Collections$EmptyMap, java.util.Collections$EmptySet, java.util.Collections$SingletonList, java.util.HashMap,java.util.HashSet, java.util.LinkedHashSet, java.util.Locale, org.forgerock.openam.authentication.service.protocol.RemoteCookie, org.forgerock.openam.authentication.service.protocol.RemoteHttpServletRequest, org.forgerock.openam.authentication.service.protocol.RemoteHttpServletResponse, org.forgerock.openam.authentication.service.protocol.RemoteServletRequest, org.forgerock.openam.authentication.service.protocol.RemoteServletResponse, org.forgerock.openam.authentication.service.protocol.RemoteSession, org.forgerock.openam.dpro.session.NoOpTokenRestriction

property: openam.deserialisation.classes.whitelist

Session properties

Session settings are inherited by default.

Session limits

The following properties are available under the Sessions Limits tab:

Maximum Session Cache Size

Specifies the maximum number of sessions to cache in the AM server’s internal session cache.

Default: 5000

property: org.forgerock.openam.session.service.access.persistence.caching.maxsize

Invalidate Session Max Time

Specifies the time in minutes after which invalid server-side sessions are removed from the session table.

Default: 3 (minutes)



The following properties are available under the Statistics tab:

Logging Interval (in seconds)

Specifies the time in seconds AM delays between logging server-side session statistics. Any value lower than 5 is interpreted as 5 seconds.

Default: 60



Specifies whether to write statistics to a File, to the Console, or to turn recording Off.

Default: File



Specifies the path where AM writes the statistic files, for example, /path/to/openam/var/stats.

Default: %BASE_DIR%/%SERVER_URI%/var/stats


Enable Host Lookup

When enabled, AM performs host lookup during server-side session logging.

Default: Disabled



The following properties are available under the Notification tab:

Notification Pool Size

Specifies the number of threads in the session change notification thread pool. Session notification applies to server-side sessions only.

Default: 10


Notification Thread Pool Threshold

Specifies the maximum number of tasks in the queue for serving session change notification threads. Session notification applies to server-side sessions only.

Default: 5000



The following properties are available under the Validation tab:

Case Insensitive client DN comparison

When enabled, AM performs case insensitive distinguished name comparison.

Default: Enabled


SDK properties

Most SDK settings are inherited.

Data store

The following properties are available under the Data Store tab:

Enable Datastore Notification

When enabled, AM uses data store notification. Otherwise, AM uses in-memory notification.

Changes to this property take effect immediately. No server restart is necessary.

Default: Enabled


Enable Directory Proxy

When enabled, AM accounts for the use of a directory proxy to access the directory server, for example, by enabling delegation privileges rather than ACIs for access control to the proxy.

Enable this option if you have deployed Directory Services as a directory proxy in front of a number of additional DS instances. For more information, see Directory Proxy in the DS documentation.

Default: Disabled


Notification Pool Size

Specifies the size of the thread pool used to send notifications. A value of 1 causes notifications to be processed sequentially, avoiding any potential out-of-order conditions. In production, where configuration is unlikely to change often, keeping the default of 1 is recommended.

Default: 1


Event service

The following properties are available under the Event Service tab:

Number of retries for Event Service connections

Specifies the maximum number of attempts to reestablish event service connections.

Default: 3


Delay between Event Service connection retries

Specifies the time in milliseconds between attempts to reestablish entry service connections.

Default: 3000


Error codes for Event Service connection retries

Specifies the LDAP error codes for which AM retries rather than returning failure.

Default: 80,81,91


Disabled Event Service Connection

Specifies which persistent search connections AM can disable. Any connection that is not specified as disabled is enabled.

Multiple values should be separated with a comma ,.

Default: aci,um


Possible values are:

  • aci. Obtain notification changes to the aci attribute.

  • um. Obtain notification changes in AM’s user store. For example, modifying a password.

  • sm. Obtain notification changes in AM’s configuration store. For example, modifying a realm.

LDAP connection

The following properties are available under the LDAP Connection tab:

Number of retries for LDAP Connection

Specifies the maximum number of attempts to reestablish LDAP connections.

Default: 3


Delay between LDAP connection retries

Specifies the time, in milliseconds, between attempts to reestablish LDAP connections.

Default: 1000


Error Codes for LDAP connection retries

Specifies the LDAP error codes for which AM retries rather than returning failure.

Default: 80,81,91


Caching and replica

The following properties are available under the Caching and Replica tab:

SDK Caching Max. Size

Specifies the cache size used when SDK caching is enabled. The size should be an integer greater than 0, or the default size of 10000 will be used.

Changes to this property clear the contents of the cache. No server restart is necessary.

Default: 10000


SDK Replica Retries

Specifies the maximum number of attempts to retry when an entry not found error is returned to the SDK.

Changes to this property take effect immediately. No server restart is necessary.

Default: 0


Delay between SDK Replica Retries

Specifies the time in milliseconds between attempts to retrieve entries through the SDK.

Changes to this property take effect immediately. No server restart is necessary.

Default: 1000


Time to live configuration

The following properties are available under the Time to Live Configuration tab:

Cache Entry Expiration Enabled

When disabled, cache entries expire based on the User Entry Expiration Time property.

Default: Disabled


User Entry Expiration Time

Specifies the time in minutes for which user entries remain valid in cache after their last modification. When AM accesses a user entry that has expired, it reads the entry from the directory server instead of from the cache.

Default: 15


Default Entry Expiration Time

Specifies the time in minutes for which non-user entries remain valid in cache after their last modification. When AM accesses a non-user entry that has expired, it reads the entry from the directory server instead of from the cache.

Default: 30


CTS properties

The Core Token Service (CTS) does not need to be configured in the same LDAP storage as the configuration store. The CTS can instead be configured on its own external directory server. There are some specific requirements for indexing and replication which need to be accounted for. In particular, WAN replication is an important consideration which needs to be handled carefully for optimum performance.

You may also choose to set advanced properties related to token size, including com.sun.identity.session.repository.enableEncryption, com.sun.identity.session.repository.enableCompression, and com.sun.identity.session.repository.enableAttributeCompression. For more information about these three properties, see Advanced properties.

CTS token store

The following properties are available under the CTS Token Store tab:

Store Mode

Specifies whether AM stores CTS tokens in the default token store or in an external token store.

CTS tokens are stored in the same data store used for the AM configuration when you specify the Default Token Store option. When specifying this option, you can only configure the properties available under the CTS Token Store tab.

You can separate the CTS store from the AM configuration on different external servers by selecting the External Token Store option. When specifying this option, you can configure the properties available under both the CTS Token Store and the External Store Configuration tabs.

Root Suffix

For either default or external token stores, specifies the base DN for CTS storage information in LDAP format, such as cn=cts,ou=famrecords,ou=openam-session,ou=tokens. The Root Suffix specifies a database that can be maintained and replicated separately from the standard user data store.

Max Connections

Specifies the maximum number of remote connections to the external data store. For affinity deployments, this property specifies the maximum number of remote connections to each directory server in the connection string.

Default: 100

For suggested settings, see Tuning CTS Store LDAP Connections.

Page Size

The number of results per page returned from the underlying CTS datastore.

If the result set is smaller than the page size, the number of results will never be paginated. If larger, the number of pages returned will be the result set size divided by the page size.

Increasing the page size results in fewer round trips to the CTS datastore when retrieving large result sets.

To return all results and disable pagination, set to 0.

Default: 0

VLV Page Size

The number of results per page returned from the underlying CTS datastore when using virtual list views (VLVs). Larger values will result in fewer round trips to the datastore when retrieving large result sets, and VLVs are enabled on the datastore.

For more information on VLVs, see Virtual List View Index in the DS documentation.

Default: 10

External store configuration

AM honors the following properties when External Token Store is selected under the CTS Token Store tab:

SSL/TLS Enabled

When enabled, AM accesses the external directory service using StartTLS or SSL.

Connection String(s)

Specifies the ordered list of connection strings for external DS servers. The format is HOST:PORT[|SERVERID[|SITEID]], where HOST:PORT are the LDAP server and its port. SERVERID and SITEID are optional parameters to specify an AM instance that prioritizes the particular connection. This does not exclude other AM instances from using that connection, although they must have no remaining priority connections available to them before they use it.

When a failed DS server becomes available again, AM instances create new connections to it based on the order specified in the list.

Examples for active/passive deployments:,

Every AM instance accesses for all CTS operations. If it goes down, they access

Every instance will open new connections to when it becomes available.|1|1,|2|1

Server 1 site 1 gives priority to Server 2 site 1 gives priority to Any server not specified accesses the first server on the list, while it is available.

If goes down, server 1 site 1 accesses Any server not specified access the second server on the list.

If goes down, server 2 site 1 accesses Any server not specified still accesses the first server on the list.

Server 1 site 1 and any server not specified will open new connections to when it becomes available. Only server 2 site 1 will open new connections to when it becomes available.|1|1,|1|1,|1|2

Server 1 site 1 gives priority to Any server not specified accesses the first server on the list, while it is available.

If goes down, server 1 site 1 accesses Any server not specified accesses the second server on the list.

If both and go down, server 1 site 1 accesses in site 2. Any server not specified accesses the third server on the list.

Server 1 site 1 and any server not specified will open new connections to any server in site 1 when they become available, with being the preferred server.

Example for affinity deployments:,,,

Access CTS tokens from one of the four servers listed in the connection string. For any given CTS token, AM determines the token’s affinity for one of the four servers, and always accesses the token from that same server. Tokens are distributed equally across the four servers.

Login Id

Specifies the user, in DN format, needed to authenticate to the external data store. The user needs sufficient privileges to read and write to the root suffix of the external data store.


Specifies the password associated with the login ID.


Specifies how often AM should send a heartbeat request to the directory server to ensure that the connection does not remain idle, in seconds. Configure the heartbeat to ensure that network hardware, such as routers and firewalls, does not drop the connection between AM and the directory server.

Default: 10

Affinity Enabled

When enabled, specifies whether to access the CTS token store by using multiple directory instances in an affinity deployment rather than a single master directory instance using an active/passive deployment.

When you enable this option, you must ensure that the value of the Connection String(s) property is identical for every server in multi-server deployments.

Default: Disabled

UMA properties

UMA server settings are inherited by default.

UMA resource store

The following settings appear on the UMA Resource Store tab:

Store Mode

Specifies the data store where AM stores UMA tokens. Possible values are:

  • Default Token Store: AM stores UMA tokens in the configuration data store.

  • External Token Store: AM stores UMA tokens in an external data store.

Root Suffix

Specifies the base DN for storage information in LDAP format, such as dc=uma-resources,dc=example,dc=com.

Max Connections

Specifies the maximum number of connections to the data store.

External UMA resource store configuration

AM honors the following properties when External Token Store is selected under the Resource Sets Store tab:

SSL/TLS Enabled

When enabled, AM uses SSL or TLS to connect to the external data store. Make sure AM trusts the data store’s certificate when using this option.

Connection String(s)

Specifies an ordered list of connection strings for external data stores. The format is HOST:PORT[|SERVERID[|SITEID]], where HOST:PORT specify the FQDN and port of the data store, and SERVERID and SITEID are optional parameters that let you prioritize the particular connection when used by the specified node(s).

Multiple connection strings must be comma-separated, for example,|1|1,|2|1.

See the entry for Connection String(s) in CTS properties for more syntax examples.

Login Id

Specifies the username AM uses to authenticate to the data store. For example, uid=am-uma-bind-account,ou=admins,dc=uma,dc=example,dc=com. This user must be able to read and write to the root suffix of the data store.


Specifies the password associated with the login ID property.


Specifies, in seconds, how often AM should send a heartbeat request to the data store to ensure that the connection does not remain idle.

Default: 10

UMA audit store

The following settings appear on the UMA Audit Store tab:

Store Mode

Specifies the data store where AM stores audit information generated when users access UMA resources. Possible values are:

  • Default Token Store: AM stores UMA audit information in the configuration data store.

  • External Token Store: AM stores UMA audit information in an external data store.

Root Suffix

Specifies the base DN for storage information in LDAP format, such as dc=uma-audit,dc=example,dc=com.

Max Connections

Specifies the maximum number of connections to the data store.

External UMA audit store configuration

AM honors the following properties when External Token Store is selected under the UMA Audit Store tab:

SSL/TLS Enabled

When enabled, AM uses SSL or TLS to connect to the external data store. Make sure AM trusts the data store’s certificate when using this option.

Connection String(s)

Specifies an ordered list of connection strings for external data stores. The format is HOST:PORT[|SERVERID[|SITEID]], where HOST:PORT specify the FQDN and port of the data store, and SERVERID and SITEID are optional parameters that let you prioritize the particular connection when used by the specified node(s).

Multiple connection strings must be comma-separated, for example,|1|1,|2|1.

See the entry for Connection String(s) in CTS properties for more syntax examples.

Login Id

Specifies the username AM uses to authenticate to the data store. For example, uid=am-uma-bind-account,ou=admins,dc=uma,dc=example,dc=com. This user must be able to read and write to the root suffix of the data store.


Specifies the password associated with the login ID property.


Specifies, in seconds, how often AM should send a heartbeat request to the data store to ensure that the connection does not remain idle.

Default: 10

Pending requests store

The following settings appear on the Pending Requests Store tab:

Store Mode

Specifies the data store where AM stores pending requests to UMA resources. Possible values are:

  • Default Token Store: AM stores UMA pending requests in the configuration data store.

  • External Token Store: AM stores UMA pending requests in an external data store.

Root Suffix

Specifies the base DN for storage information in LDAP format, such as dc=uma-pending,dc=forgerock,dc=com.

Max Connections

Specifies the maximum number of connections to the data store.

External pending requests store configuration

AM honors the following properties when External Token Store is selected under the Pending Requests Store tab:

SSL/TLS Enabled

When enabled, AM uses SSL or TLS to connect to the external data store. Make sure AM trusts the data store’s certificate when using this option.

Connection String(s)

Specifies an ordered list of connection strings for external data stores. The format is HOST:PORT[|SERVERID[|SITEID]], where HOST:PORT specify the FQDN and port of the data store, and SERVERID and SITEID are optional parameters that let you prioritize the particular connection when used by the specified node(s).

Multiple connection strings must be comma-separated, for example,|1|1,|2|1.

See the entry for Connection String(s) in CTS properties for more syntax examples.

Login Id

Specifies the username AM uses to authenticate to the data store. For example, uid=am-uma-bind-account,ou=admins,dc=uma,dc=example,dc=com. This user must be able to read and write to the root suffix of the data store.


Specifies the password associated with the login ID property.


Specifies, in seconds, how often AM should send a heartbeat request to the data store to ensure that the connection does not remain idle.

Default: 10

UMA resource labels store

The following settings appear on the UMA Resource Labels Store tab:

Store Mode

Specifies the data store where AM stores user-created labels used for organizing UMA resources. Possible values are:

  • Default Token Store: AM stores user-created labels in the configuration data store.

  • External Token Store: AM stores user-created labels in an external data store.

Root Suffix

Specifies the base DN for storage information in LDAP format, such as dc=uma-resources-labels,dc=forgerock,dc=com.

Max Connections

Specifies the maximum number of connections to the data store.

External UMA resource labels store configuration

AM honors the following properties when External Token Store is selected under the UMA Resource Labels Store tab.

SSL/TLS Enabled

When enabled, AM uses SSL or TLS to connect to the external data store. Make sure AM trusts the data store’s certificate when using this option.

Connection String(s)

Specifies an ordered list of connection strings for external data stores. The format is HOST:PORT[|SERVERID[|SITEID]], where HOST:PORT specify the FQDN and port of the data store, and SERVERID and SITEID are optional parameters that let you prioritize the particular connection when used by the specified node(s).

Multiple connection strings must be comma-separated, for example,|1|1,|2|1.

See the entry for Connection String(s) in CTS properties for more syntax examples.

Login Id

Specifies the username AM uses to authenticate to the data store. For example, uid=am-uma-bind-account,ou=admins,dc=uma,dc=example,dc=com. This user must be able to read and write to the root suffix of the data store.


Specifies the password associated with the login ID property.


Specifies, in seconds, how often AM should send a heartbeat request to the data store to ensure that the connection does not remain idle.

Default: 10

Directory configuration properties

Configure connection settings and additional LDAP directory server instances by navigating to Deployment > Servers > Server Name > Directory Configuration.

Directory configuration

The following properties are available under the Directory Configuration tab:

Minimum Connection Pool

Sets the minimum number of connections in the pool.

Changes to this property take effect immediately. No server restart is necessary.

Maximum Connection Pool

Sets the maximum number of connections in the pool.

Changes to this property take effect immediately. No server restart is necessary.

Bind DN

Sets the bind DN of the service account AM uses to connect to the configuration directory servers.

Changes to this property take effect immediately. No server restart is necessary.

Bind Password

Set the bind password to connect to the configuration directory servers.

Changes to this property take effect immediately. No server restart is necessary.


In the LDAP connection table, edit existing LDAP connections by selecting the pen icon to the right of the row you want to modify. To add a new entry, fill the NAME, HOST NAME, PORT NUMBER and CONNECTION TYPE columns using the following hints:

  • NAME. The name of the LDAP connection.

  • HOST NAME. The FQDN of the LDAP server.

  • PORT NUMBER. The port number to connect to the LDAP server.

  • CONNECTION TYPE. Whether the connection between the LDAP server and AM is SIMPLE (unsecured) or SSL (secured).

Advanced properties

Each server has a list of advanced properties that can be modified at Deployment > Servers > Server Name > Advanced. For a list of inherited advanced properties relevant to all servers, go to Configure > Server Defaults > Advanced.


File that contains the path to the AM configuration folder. By default, the .openamcfg directory is created in the home directory of the user that runs the web container. For example, /usr/local/.openamcfg/AMConfig_usr_local_apache-tomcat-8.0.35_webapps_openam_.

The backend type for the embedded DS server.

Default: je

Properly URL encode session tokens.

Default: true

Modules for which to open daemons at AM startup.

Default: securid

Whether to connect to the configuration directory server over LDAPS.

Default: false

AM Configuration and log file location.

Default: ~/openam/, such as ~/openam

When using JSS or JSSE, check whether the name values in the SubjectAltName certificate match the server FQDN.

Default: false

When using JSS or JSSE, check that the IP address of the server resolves to the host name.

Default: false

When using JSS or JSSE, comma-separated list of server FQDNs to trust if they match the certificate CN, even if the domain name is not correct.

When using JSS or JSSE, set to true to trust whatever certificate is presented without checking.

Default: true

Used with sticky load balancers that can inspect the cookie value.

Default: amlbcookie

Used with sticky load balancers that can inspect the cookie value. The value of this property defaults to the unique AM server ID, although you can set your own unique value.

To improve AM server performance, keep the value of the cookie set to the AM server ID when using Web Agents.

If you have replaced the value of the this property and you need to match the AM server URLs with their corresponding server IDs, query the global-config/servers endpoint. For example:

$ curl \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header "iPlanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5…​NDU1*" \
--header  "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0, protocol=2.1" \
    "result": [
            "_id": "01",
            "_rev": "-1541617246",
            "siteName": null,
            "url": ""
    "resultCount": 1,
    "totalPagedResults": -1,
    "totalPagedResultsPolicy": "NONE"

In the example above, the server ID for server is 01.

Default: 01

Persistent cookie name.

Default: DProPCookie

Not used

Default: server-host, such as

Not used

Default: server-port, such as 8080 or 8443

Enables caching for configuration data and user data.

Refer to Overall Server Cache Settings for important information about this property.

Changes to this property take effect immediately. No server restart is necessary.

Default: true

Time in minutes after which a web or Java agent’s server-side session expires. Note that this setting is ignored when AM creates a client-side session for a web or Java agent.

Default: 1440 (session expires after one day). You can set this property to 0 (session never expires), or any integer higher than 30 (no maximum limit).

Whether client applications such as web or Java agents poll for server-side session changes. If false, then client applications register listeners for notifications about changes to server-side sessions.

Default: false

If client applications poll for changes, number of seconds between polls.

Default: 180

Create an HttpSession for users on successful authentication.

Default: true

SSL socket factory implementation used by AM.

Default: com.sun.identity.shared.ldap.factory.JSSESocketFactory, uses a pure Java provider


Replication port for the embedded DS server.

Default: 8989


This property applies to multi-server AM deployments that use the embedded DS store.

When this property is set to on, AM servers check during startup to determine whether the replication settings for the embedded store are consistent with the number of servers in the site. If they are not consistent, AM reconfigures replication to match the existing number of servers in the site.

Set this property on a per-server basis by navigating to Deployment > Servers > Server Name > Advanced, rather than globally under Configure > Server Defaults.

Default: on

Whether to check for cookie support in the user agent, and if not to return an error.

Default: false


Whether to append the session cookie to URL for a zero page session.

Default: true


Cookie used by the AM authentication service to handle the authentication process.

Default: AMAuthCookie


Set the name of the HTTP header that AM can examine to learn the client IP address when requests go through a proxy or load balancer. (When requests go through an HTTP proxy or load balancer, checking the IP address on the request alone returns the address of the proxy or load balancer rather than that of the client.) AM must be able to trust the proxy or load balancer to set the client IP address correctly in the header specified.

Example: com.sun.identity.authentication.client.ipAddressHeader=X-Forwarded-For


Whether to allow users to open many browser tabs to the login page at the same time without encountering an error.

Default: false


Whether to allow multiple cookie domains.

Default: true


List of special users always authenticated against the local directory server.

Default: cn=dsameuser,ou=DSAME Users,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org


Identifies an administrative user that replaces the amAdmin user. For example, uid=superroot,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com.

You must manually create a user account for the new administrative user in the configuration data store that has the same privileges as the uid=admin user.

The amAdmin account is "hard-coded" in the source of several files. The code in these files may affect the functionality of a top-level administrative user with a name other than amAdmin.

Default: uid=amAdmin,ou=People,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org


When cookie hijacking protection is configured, name of the cookie holding the URL to the AM server that authenticated the user.

Default: sunIdentityServerAuthNServer


Notification service endpoint for clients such as web and Java agents.

Default: server-protocol://server-host:server-port/server-uri/notificationservice, such as


Number of threads in the shared system timer pool used to schedule operations such as session timeout.

Default: 3


When set to true, mark cookies as HTTPOnly to prevent scripts and third-party programs from accessing the cookies.

Note that this configuration option is used only in non-UI deployments. The UI cannot set the HttpOnly name in a cookie.

Default: false


Configures support for applying SameSite cookie rules, as per internet-draft Cookies:HTTP State Management Mechanism.

Available settings are as follows:


Requests originating from different domains will not have cookies sent with them.

When this mode is enabled, any AM functionality that relies on requests being redirected back to the AM instance may not operate correctly. For example, OAuth 2.0 flows and SAML federation may not operate correctly if AM cannot access the required cookies.


Cookies received from different domains cannot be accessed, unless the request is using a top-level request and uses a "safe" HTTP method, such as GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, and TRACE.


No restrictions on the domain of cookies is applied. This is the default setting.

You must disable SameSite support if any of the following is true:

  • You have set Access-Control-Allow-Credentials=true in your CORS configuration.

    For more information on configuring CORS in AM, refer to Configuring CORS Support.

  • You are using SAML HTTP-POST bindings.

    For example, IDP-initiated single logout (SLO) functionality will not operate correctly if SameSite support is enabled, as the iPlanetDirectoryPro cookie would not be accessible in cross-domain POST requests. For more information on SAML single logout, refer to Implement SSO and SLO.

Default: off


If true, then AM is using protection against cookie hijacking.

Default: false


Whether JSS should take priority over other providers.

Default: true


Whether monitoring is active for AM.

Default: off


URL for local connection to the monitoring service.

Default: service:jmx:rmi://


Internal property used by AM.

Default: server-uri, such as openam


Weights of the cost of evaluating policy subjects, rules, and conditions. Evaluation is in order of heaviest weight to lightest weight.

Default: 10:10:10, meaning evaluation of rules, then conditions, then subjects


Maximum number of policy decisions AM caches.

Default: 10000

Whether to perform a Java security permissions check for AM.

Default: false


Enables virtual hosts, partial hostname and IP address. Maps invalid or virtual name keys to valid FQDN values for proper redirection.

To map myserver to, set com.sun.identity.server.fqdnMap[myserver]


For additional compression of CTS token JSON binaries, beyond GZip, if desired.

Default: false


For GZip-based compression of CTS tokens, if desired.

Default: false


Enables tokens to be encrypted when stored.

Multi-instance deployments require consistent use of this property, which should be configured under Configure > Server Defaults > Advanced.

The am.encryption.pwd property must also be the same for all deployed instances. You can set the Password Encryption Key property under Deployment > Servers > Server Name > Security. Verify that all servers have the same setting for this property.

Default: false

Enables service configuration caching.

See Overall Server Cache Settings for important information about this property.

Changes to this property take effect immediately. No server restart is necessary.

Default: true

When service configuration caching time-to-live is enabled, this sets the time to live in minutes.

Changes to this property take effect immediately. No server restart is necessary.

Default: 30

If service configuration caching is enabled, whether to enable a time-to-live for cached configuration.

Changes to this property take effect immediately. No server restart is necessary.

Default: false

File system directory to hold file-based representation of AM configuration.

Default: /path/to/openam/

Class used to read and write AM service configuration entries in the directory.



Used to set the read timeout in milliseconds for HTTP and HTTPS connections to other servers.

Default: 30000


Whether to perform an HTTP GET on com.sun.identity.urlchecker.targeturl as a health check against another server in the same site.

If set to false, then AM only checks the Socket connection, and does not perform an HTTP GET.

If each AM server runs behind a reverse proxy, then the default setting of true means the health check actually runs against the AM instance, rather than checking only the Socket to the reverse proxy.

Default: true


URL to monitor when com.sun.identity.urlchecker.dorequest is set to true.

Default: URL to the /openam/namingservice endpoint on the remote server


Whether to cache documents for HTTP and HTTPS connections to other servers.

Default: false


Name of the web container to correctly set character encoding, if necessary.



Used to assigned privileged console access to particular users. Set to a | separated list of users' Universal IDs, such as console.privileged.users=uid=demo,ou=user,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org|uid=demo2,ou=user,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org.


Where to destroy the old session after a session is successfully upgraded.

Default: true


Cookie used by the AM distributed authentication service to handle the authentication process.

Default: AMDistAuthCookie


Class that controls which session properties are copied during session upgrade, where default is to copy all properties to the upgraded session.

Default: org.forgerock.openam.authentication.service.DefaultSessionPropertyUpgrader


The X-DSAMEVersion http header provides detailed information about the version of AM currently running on the system, including the build and date/time of the build. AM will need to be restarted once this property is enabled.

Default: false


Whether to ignore the goto query string parameter on logout, instead displaying the logout page.

Default: false


Character set used for globalization.

Default: UTF-8

Comma-separated list of HTTP headers not to copy when the distributed authentication server forwards a request to another distributed authentication server.

Default: connection

Comma-separated list of HTTP headers not to copy when the distributed authentication server forwards a request to another distributed authentication server.

Default: connection


Comma-separated list of encryption algorithms that the OpenID Connect clients of the Social Identity Provider service can configure in the Private Key JWT Encryption Algorithm field.

For a list of algorithms that AM supports, refer to the JSON Web Algorithms (JWA) internet draft.

For more information, refer to the Social Identity Provider service client configuration reference.

Unrecognized or unsupported algorithms will be saved, but not exposed in the Private Key JWT Encryption Algorithm field.

This property is hot-swappable.



Comma-separated list of HTTP headers to copy to the forwarded response when the server forwards a request to another server.

Requests are forwarded when the server receiving the request is not the server that originally initiated authentication. The server that originally initiated authentication is identified by a cookie.

When the distributed authentication service (DAS) is in use, then the cookie is the AMDistAuthCookie that identifies the DAS server by its URL.

When authentication is done directly on AM, then the cookie is the AMAuthCookie that holds a session ID that identifies the AM server.

On subsequent requests the server receiving the request checks the cookie. If the cookie identifies another server, the current server forwards the request to that server.

If a header such as Cache-Control has been included in the list of values for the property openam.retained.http.request.headers and the header must also be copied to the response, then add it to the list of values for this property.

Example: openam.retained.http.headers=X-DSAMEVersion,Cache-Control

Default: X-DSAMEVersion


Comma-separated list of HTTP headers to copy to the forwarded request when the server forwards a request to another server.

Requests are forwarded when the server receiving the request is not the server that originally initiated authentication. The server that originally initiated authentication is identified by a cookie.

When the distributed authentication service (DAS) is in use, then the cookie is the AMDistAuthCookie that identifies the DAS server by its URL.

When authentication is done directly on AM, then the cookie is the AMAuthCookie that holds a session ID that identifies the AM server.

On subsequent requests the server receiving the request checks the cookie. If the cookie identifies another server, the current server forwards the request to that server.

When configuring the distributed authentication service, or when a reverse proxy is set up to provide the client IP address in the X-Forwarded-For header, if your deployment includes multiple AM servers, then this property must be set to include the header.

Example: openam.retained.http.request.headers=X-DSAMEVersion,X-Forwarded-For

AM copies the header when forwarding a request to the authoritative server where the client originally began the authentication process, so that the authoritative AM server receiving the forwarded request can determine the real client IP address.

In order to retain headers to return in the response to the AM server that forwarded the request, use the property openam.retained.http.headers.

Default: X-DSAMEVersion

Whether universal user IDs are considered case sensitive when matching them.

Default: false


Whether AM can output logging at the Message level for the org.apache.http.wire and org.apache.http.headers logging appenders.

Possible values are:

  • true. The appenders' debug log level can take the same value as AM’s, even Message.

    The appenders can log cleartext passwords or sensitive information related to client interactions. For example, scripted authentication or STS transactions.

    Enable this property for debugging purposes only when required.

  • false. The appender’s debug log level is always warning, unless debug is disabled.

You can also set this property as a JVM option in the container where AM runs.
Default: false


The class that implements the org.forgerock.openam.http.SslConnectionManager interface, which controls both keystore and truststore settings, as well as hostname verification.

If the container in which AM runs is configured with the java.protocol.handler.pkgs property set, then ensure this property is set to com.sun.identity.protocol.AmSslConnectionManager.

In previous versions of AM, this property was named opensso.protocol.handler.pkgs, and required a value of com.sun.identity.protocol if the java.protocol.handler.pkgs property was set by the container.

A comma-separated list of audit events that will not be logged.

The following events can be suppressed:




Logging these additional events can impact performance.



Whether a session’s authentication level is always the highest authentication level of any authentication module that passed, even if requisite or required modules in the authentication chain weren’t executed. For more information, refer to About Authentication Levels for Chains.

Default: false


Administration port for the embedded DS server.

Default: 4444


When true, AM generates audit log messages for each authentication node reached during authentication tree flows.

Possible values are true or false.

Default: true


When true, AM generates audit log messages with the outcome of authentication tree flows.

Possible values are true or false.

Default: true


Whether AM returns an HTTP 200 or HTTP 401 message when the user fails to complete the required actions to perform session upgrade during transactional authorization. Possible values are:

  • false. AM returns an HTTP 200 message with the original SSO token.

    For example:

        "tokenId": "AQIC5wM...TU3OQ*",
        "successUrl": "",
        "realm": "/"

    In this case, the user is redirected to the success URL and, when trying to access the protected resource, policy evaluation will fail since transactional authorization has failed.

  • true. AM returns an HTTP 401 message.

    For example:

        "message":"Login failure",

    In this case, the user is redirected to the failure URL.

Default: false


Days until account expiration set after successful authentication by the account expiration post-authentication plugin.

Default: 30


This property has no effect on authentication trees; it applies to authentication chains only.

Enables or disables the ForceAuth authentication parameter. If this property is set to false, the ForceAuth parameter will always be false, regardless of what the administrator sets. If this property is true, the configured value of the ForceAuth parameter is respected.

In new installations, this property is set to false by default, which means that the value of ForceAuth is always false.

When you upgrade AM, this property is set to true by default, which means that the value of ForceAuth is respected.

If you do not need ForceAuth to be enabled, it is strongly recommended that you set org.forgerock.openam.authentication.forceAuth.enabled to false.

Default: false for new installations, true for upgraded installations


Specifies whether input forms and password fields can be autocompleted. This property only affects end-user pages in the classic UI. Possible values are true, to enable autocomplete, and false, to disable it.

Default: true


Controls whether the results of resource file lookup should be cached.

While you are customizing the UI as described in UI customization, set this property to false to allow AM immediately to pick up changes to the files as you customize them.

Reset this to the default, true, when using AM in production.

Default: true

Specifies whether the server should throw an exception, when it encounters an unknown attribute while parsing file-based configurations. By default, the server ignores any unknown attributes, and does not throw an exception. To override this behavior, set this property to true.

Default: false


For file-based configurations, enables property value substitution.

Takes the following values:

  • ON enables property value substitution for all property types.

  • STRING_ONLY enables property value substitution for properties with string values only.

  • OFF disables property value substitution.

Default: OFF

The recommended way to enable property value substitution is through a Java system property, rather than with this advanced server property.

Enables access to the CTS REST endpoint /json/tokens.

Even when access to the CTS REST endpoint is enabled, only the AM global administrator has authorization to perform operations against /json/tokens.

Default: false

After changing this property, you must restart AM or the container in which it runs for the change to take effect.


Determines the digest algorithm used along with PBKDF2 key derivation method for AES Key Wrap encryption. Possible values are SHA1, SHA256, SHA384, or SHA512.

Set this property in AM’s web container’s startup script. For more information, refer to Use stronger encryption algorithms.

Default: SHA1


The number of iterations for the key derivation process specified in the org.forgerock.openam.encryption.key.digest advanced property.

Set this property in AM’s web container’s startup script. For more information, refer to Use stronger encryption algorithms.



The size of the derived key for the AES Key Wrap encryption operations.

Set this property in AM’s web container’s startup script. For more information, refer to Use stronger encryption algorithms.

Default: 128


Enables the algorithm introduced in AM 7.1 that reduces the performance cost of AES Key Wrap encryption even when high iteration counts are used. Possible values are true, to enable it, and false to disable it.

If you configure a large iteration count when this property is set to false, AM startup times may refer to a performance impact if there are many agents in your deployment.

Set this property in AM’s web container’s startup script. For more information, refer to Use stronger encryption algorithms.

Default: false


Specifies the time that new client connections using ForgeRock’s ClientHandler code will wait before timing out.

The value is a string specifying a number and a unit of time.

Restart AM or the container in which it runs for the change to take effect.

Default: 10 seconds


Specifies the maximum number of connections allowed in the pool available for clients using ForgeRock’s ClientHandler code.

Use this property only when the org.forgerock.openam.httpclienthandler.system.clients.reuse.connections.enabled advanced server property is enabled.

Restart AM or the container in which it runs for the change to take effect.

Default: 64


Specifies, in milliseconds, the maximum time-to-live for pooled clients connections using ForgeRock’s ClientHandler code.

Restart AM or the container in which it runs for the change to take effect.

Default: Not set


Specifies the time that a client using ForgeRock’s ClientHandler code will wait for a response before timing out.

The value is a string specifying a number and a unit of time.

Restart AM or the container in which it runs for the change to take effect.

Default: 10 seconds


Specifies whether the ForgeRock’s ClientHandler code should retry failed connections. Possible values are true or false.

Restart AM or the container in which it runs for the change to take effect.

Default: true


Specifies whether the ForgeRock’s ClientHandler code should pool and reuse connections. Possible values are true or false.

Restart AM or the container in which it runs for the change to take effect.

Default: true


Lists the target hosts for which requests should not be proxied. Hostnames are separated by commas.

This property supports wildcards at the start and end of any value. For example, * would result in a match for and, and requests would not be proxied for those target hosts.

Configure alongside the org.forgerock.openam.httpclienthandler.system.proxy.uri, org.forgerock.openam.httpclienthandler.system.proxy.username, and org.forgerock.openam.httpclienthandler.system.proxy.password advanced server properties.

Default: localhost,127.*,[::1],,[::0]


When set to true, AM routes outgoing ForgeRock’s ClientHandler code requests through the HTTP proxy defined on the JVM.

Restart AM or the container in which it runs for the change to take effect.

Default: Not set


Specifies the password of the proxy that AM will use to route outgoing ForgeRock’s ClientHandler code requests.

Configure alongside the org.forgerock.openam.httpclienthandler.system.proxy.username, org.forgerock.openam.httpclienthandler.system.proxy.uri, and org.forgerock.openam.httpclienthandler.system.nonProxyHosts advanced server properties.

Restart AM or the container in which it runs for the change to take effect.

Default: Not set


Specifies the URI of the proxy that AM will use to route outgoing ForgeRock’s ClientHandler code requests. The URI must be in the format scheme://hostname:port. For example,

If the proxy requires authentication, also configure the org.forgerock.openam.httpclienthandler.system.proxy.username and org.forgerock.openam.httpclienthandler.system.proxy.password properties, and, optionally, the org.forgerock.openam.httpclienthandler.system.nonProxyHosts property.

This property takes precedence over the org.forgerock.openam.httpclienthandler.system.proxy.enabled advanced server property and its related JVM properties.

For more information, refer to Configuring AM for Outbound Communication.

Restart AM or the container in which it runs for the change to take effect.

Default: Not set


Specifies the username of the proxy that AM will use to route outgoing ForgeRock’s ClientHandler code requests.

Configure alongside the org.forgerock.openam.httpclienthandler.system.proxy.password and org.forgerock.openam.httpclienthandler.system.proxy.uri advanced server properties.

Restart AM or the container in which it runs for the change to take effect.

Default: Not set

Specifies whether the fields in JSON responses are always returned in lowercase. When true, AM converts the fields to lowercase.

Default: false


Specifies whether AM allows HTTP GET requests, and the use of token as a query parameter in POST requests, on the oauth2/introspect endpoint.

For security reasons, and in accordance with the OAuth 2.0 Token Introspection specification, AM disallows HTTP GET requests on the introspection endpoint, and requires HTTP POST requests instead. AM also disallows the use of token as a query parameter in a POST request on that endpoint; for example, /oauth2/introspect?token=access-token.

If your clients in an existing deployment need to send a GET request or token as a query parameter to the oauth2/introspect endpoint, you can change this setting to true. However, it is recommended that you adjust your clients to use the more secure setting.

Default: false


Configures the client-side timeout, in milliseconds, applied to LDAP operations performed with the Netscape LDAP SDK.

Default: 0 (no time limit)


Sets the DN cache timeout, in milliseconds, after which an entry should be removed from the cache. A value of 0 means that the DN cache will not expire, and entries will not be removed automatically.

Setting this value too low can have a severe performance impact.

Default: 0 (no time limit)


Specifies the number of seconds that AM should wait for a heartbeat operation to the DS server to complete, before considering the connection unavailable.

Some network administrators configure firewalls and load balancers to drop connections that are idle for too long. You can turn this off by setting the value to 0.

Default: 10

The protocols AM uses to connect to a secure LDAP server.

Specify a single value, for example TLSv1.2, for AM to use only that protocol when connecting to affected external resources. Refer to Secure network communication for a list of these resources.

Specify a comma-separated list with multiple protocols for AM to use the most secure protocol supported by the external resources.

For environments using Java 11 and later, a value of TLSv1.3,TLSv1.2 means that AM attempts to use the TLSv1.3 protocol to connect to external configuration and user data stores, but if a TLSv1.3 connection is not supported, AM uses TLSv1.2.

Upgrading to Java 11 (versions 11.0.11, 1.8.0_291 and later) disables protocol versions TLSv1 and TLSv1.1, which are considered less secure and are now deprecated.

Default: TLSv1.3,TLSv1.2


Controls whether to publish notifications for consumption by web agents and Java agents.

This property does not apply to web or Java agent versions earlier than version 5. If the deployment uses only earlier versions of web and Java agents, you can set this property to false.

Default: true


Lets you override the default maximum refresh token grace period.

By default, you cannot set a grace period that exceeds 120 seconds. Setting this server property to true disables the maximum and lets you set any grace period up to the maximum positive integer value. This value affects the refresh token grace period set in the OAuth2.0 provider configuration or on any OAuth 2.0 clients.

Having a long grace period poses a security risk. You should therefore keep the grace period as small as possible. Exceeding the default maximum of 120 seconds is not recommended.

Default: false

Controls whether OpenID Connect clients can register dynamically without providing an access token.

If you set this to true in production, take care to limit or throttle dynamic client registrations.

Default: false


Maximum number of RADIUS client sessions that can be cached concurrently on the AM server.

Default: 5000


Specifies the maximum length of redirection URLs validated by AM. The Validation Service and other AM services perform redirection URL validation.

The default value should be adequate in most cases. Increase the default value as needed if messages similar to the following appear in your debug log files with message-level debugging enabled:

RedirectUrlValidator.isRedirectUrlValid: The url was length 2015 which is longer than the allowed maximum of 2000

Default: 2000


Specifies the maximum size of the body of any request made to AM. For more information, refer to Limit the size of the request body.

The property is hot-swappable. You do not need to restart AM for the changes to take effect.

Default: 1 MB (1048576 bytes)


Specifies the name of the KeyStoreKeyIdProvider implementation AM uses to provide key ID (kids) to public keys when AM is configured as an OAuth 2.0 authorization server.

For more information, refer to Customizing Public Key IDs.

Default: org.forgerock.openam.secrets.DefaultKeyStoreKeyIdProvider.


Specifies the fully qualified resource ID of the Google Cloud KMS secret used to decrypt secrets as they are read from the filesystem, environment variables, or system properties.

This property may also specify the Google Cloud KMS secret used to decrypt the hash of the password of the amAdmin user, if the value of the org.forgerock.openam.secrets.special.user.passwords.format advanced server property is set to GOOGLE_KMS_ENCRYPTED.

Only one key can be specified at a time.

This property has no default.


Specifies the format used to store the hash of the amAdmin user password.

Possible values are:

  • ENCRYPTED_PLAIN. The hash is encrypted with the AM encryption key.

  • PLAIN. The hash is unencrypted. The password must be randomly generated and high entropy.

  • GOOGLE_KMS_ENCRYPTED. The hash is encrypted with the Google Cloud KMS secret specified in the org.forgerock.openam.secrets.googlekms.decryptionkey advanced server property.

For more information, refer to Changing the amAdmin Password (Secret Stores).


Sets the encryption method for client-side sessions. Possible values are:

  • A128CBC-HS256. AES 128-bit in CBC mode using HMAC-SHA-256-128 hash (HS256 truncated to 128 bits)

  • A192CBC-HS384. AES 192-bit in CBC mode using HMAC-SHA-384-192 hash (HS384 truncated to 192 bits)

  • A256CBC-HS512. AES 256-bit in CBC mode using HMAC-SHA-512-256 hash (HS512 truncated to 256 bits)

  • A128GCM. AES 128-bit in GCM mode

  • A192GCM. AES 192-bit in GCM mode

  • A256GCM. AES 256-bit in GCM mode

Default: A128CBC-HS256


The period (in seconds) after which the logout token cache purges expired entries. Changes to this property require a server restart.

Default: 60

For more information, refer to Invalidate all sessions for a user.


Sets the padding mode for RSA encryption of client-side sessions. Possible values are:

  • RSA1_5. RSA with PKCS#1 v1.5 padding.

  • RSA-OAEP. RSA with OAEP and SHA-1.

  • RSA-OAEP-256. RSA with OAEP padding and SHA-256.

Default: RSA-OAEP-256


Specifies whether signing client-side sessions is enabled. When true, AM allows selecting NONE as the signing algorithm for client-side sessions under Configure > Global Services > Session > Client-Side Sessions.


Specifies the amount of time, in milliseconds, that AM waits before considering that an outbound SMTP connection is unavailable.

Default: 10000

Specifies the amount of time, in milliseconds, that AM waits for an SMTP read request to receive an acknowledgement before returning an error.

Default: 10000


Specifies the amount of time, in milliseconds, that AM waits for an SMTP write request to receive an acknowledgement before returning an error.

Default: 10000


Controls whether trace-level logging messages are generated when message-level debug logging is enabled in AM.

Certain components that run in AM’s JVM, such as embedded DS configuration stores, write a large volume of trace-level debug records that are not required for troubleshooting in many cases. With this option set to false, trace-level debug records are not written for these components.

If you set this to true in production, take care to monitor the amount of disk space occupied by the AM debug logs.

Default: false


Specifies an ordered list of SSO providers. AM chooses the first applicable provider depending on the context for the requested SSO operation.

Default: org.forgerock.openidconnect.ssoprovider.OpenIdConnectSSOProvider, org.forgerock.openam.sso.providers.stateless.StatelessSSOProvider


Specifies the maximum number of trees in a realm for which to cache the results of "state" scans.

AM recursively scans the nodes and paths in authentication trees to determine the state data that each node consumes. Caching this information for a number of trees in each realm means AM does not have to make multiple calls to get the tree’s structure.

If you have many complex authentication trees and a large number of realms, increasing this value may reduce the impact on performance of the consumed state scans.

Default: 15


Changes the UI’s behavior when a user session expires. Possible values are false, where the user notices that their session has expired when trying to interact with the UI and they are redirected to the login screen, or true, where AM redirects the user to a page with the session expired message when their session expires. This prevents the display of possible sensitive information on the screen after a session expires.

This setting does not apply to those users that are global or realm administrators, for example, amAdmin.

Default: true


Maximum size in entries of the OpenIdConnectSSOProvider provider’s cache. This cache is used to map OIDC tokens to SSO tokens for quick lookup.

Default: 5000


Maintains a record of subject IDs matched or not matched in a given session. The cache is keyed on the token ID and the session is cleared when destroyed.

Default: 10000

Specifies the format of the subject (sub) claim of an OAuth 2.0 access token, logout token, and OpenID Connect ID token.

Tokens using the old sub format will still be accepted after the property is enabled. Before enabling this property, ensure that your clients can use the new sub claim format, or a combination of the sub and the subname claims.

About the subname Claim

The value of the subname claim matches the value of the sub claim as it was returned in versions of AM earlier than 7.1, or as returned when the advanced server property is disabled.

An example of the value of the subname claim is demo, or myOauth2Client.

This claim was introduced in AM 7.1, and is added by default to access and logout tokens. It is also available to ID tokens, but not included in the OIDC Claims Script. Therefore, AM does not add it to ID tokens by default.

Default: true for new installations, false for upgrades

Possible values are:

  • false.

    The value of the sub claim is the username of the identity, or the name or the client that is the subject of the token.

    For example, demo, or myOauth2Client.

  • true.

    The subject claim is in the format (type!subject), where:

    • subject is the identifier of the user/identity, or the name of the OAuth 2.0/OpenID Connect client that is the subject of the token.

    • type can be one of the following:

      • age. Specifies that the subject is an OAuth 2.0/OpenID Connect-related user-agent or client. For example, an OAuth 2.0 client, a Remote Consent Service agent, and a Web and Java Agent internal client.

      • usr. Specifies that the subject is a user/identity.

For example, (usr!demo), or (age!myOAuth2Client).

How often to poll the reaper cache for tokens that have expired, and delete them.

By default, an AM instance will review its cache for tokens eligible for deletion every 100 milliseconds.

Default: 100 (milliseconds)

For more information, refer to Tune the CTS.]

The number of records an AM instance will store in its CTS reaper cache.

Default: 500000

For more information, refer to Tune the CTS.

Specifies a grace period used when searching for expired tokens. Any tokens that expired more than the specified duration ago are returned.

Default: 300000 (milliseconds)

For more information, refer to Tune the CTS.

How often to perform a search for expired tokens in the CTS persistence store.

Default: 5000 (milliseconds)

For more information, refer to Tune the CTS.

The maximum number of expired tokens to return to the AM reaper when searching the CTS store.

Default: 5000

For more information, refer to Tune the CTS.

Specifies whether AM support for the DS entry expiration and deletion feature is enabled. Enabling this setting causes AM to clone the value of the coreTokenExpirationDate attribute to the coreTokenTtlDate attribute during token creation, which allows DS to index tokens using the coreTokenTtlDate attribute for the entry expiration and deletion feature.

This property does not clone the values of tokens that were created before the setting was enabled.

Set this property to true in conjunction with the advanced server property when you need to configure the AM reaper to manage the expiration time for a subset of the tokens in the CTS store only.

For more information, refer to Manage expired CTS tokens.

Default: false

Specifies whether the AM reaper is enabled.

Do not disable the AM reaper unless you have a system in place to clean up expired tokens, such as the DS entry expiration and deletion feature.

Set this property to true in the following scenarios:

  • When the AM reaper must manage the expiration times for all the tokens in the CTS store.

  • When the AM reaper must manage the expiration time for a subset of the tokens in the CTS store.

For more information, refer to Manage expired CTS tokens.

Default: true

When the advanced server property is set to true, this property specifies a list of token types which will not have their coreTokenExpirationDate data cloned. For example, SESSION.

The AM reaper will delete the excluded tokens when they expire.

The CTS token store lists the token types in use in your environment.

For more information, refer to Manage expired CTS tokens.
Default: Not set

Timeout in seconds for LDAP connections to the configuration data store.

Default: 10 (seconds)

For suggested settings, see Tuning CTS Store LDAP Connections.

Timeout in seconds for LDAP connections used for most CTS operations.

Default: 10 (seconds)

For suggested settings, see Tuning CTS Store LDAP Connections.

Timeout in seconds for the LDAP connection used for CTS token cleanup.

Default: None (do not time out)

For suggested settings, see Tuning CTS Store LDAP Connections.


Port on which SecurID daemon listens.

Default: 58943


The maximum time, in seconds, that AM caches client-side session JWTs.

Setting a long cache timeout may be more efficient, but AM will not detect if a client-side session JWT has expired or has become invalid until the cache expires.

The property is hot-swappable. You do not need to restart AM for the changes to take effect.

Default: 10


The size, in bytes, of the cache where AM stores client-side session JWTs.

Default: 10000

Defines the search base for:

  • The heartbeat request that checks connections to the LDAP server are alive and prevents idle timeouts (keepalive).

  • The load balancer availability check.

The LDAP server connection pool will be marked as unavailable if the search fails with an error, returns no entries, or if more than one entry is returned.

If the search results in an error, AM fails to start up with an exception such as org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.ConnectionException: Connect Error: No operational connection factories available.

Default: [Empty]

Defines the search filter for:

  • The heartbeat request that checks connections to the LDAP server are alive and prevents idle timeouts (keepalive).

  • The load balancer availability check.

    You can also use the absolute True and False filter (&).

The LDAP server connection pool will be marked as unavailable if the search fails with an error, returns no entries, or if more than one entry is returned.

If the search results in an error, AM fails to start up with an exception such as org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.ConnectionException: Connect Error: No operational connection factories available.

Default: (objectClass=*)

During authentication, AM records the type of user identified in an identity store. When this setting is enabled, AM uses these stored identities to decide which user to log in.

This lets the authentication trees engine correctly resolve identities that have the same username.

For more information, refer to the custom node documentation and the scripted decision node API.

Default: true

Configure sites

Sites involve multiple AM servers working together to provide services. You can use sites with load balancers and session high availability to configure pools of servers capable of responding to client requests in highly available fashion.


Sets the name of the site.

Primary URL

Sets the primary entry point to the site, such as the URL, to the load balancer for the site configuration.

Secondary URLs

Sets alternate entry points to the site.

Global services configuration

Under Configure > Global Services, you can set defaults for a range of AM services.

Audit logging

amster service name: audit

Global attributes

The following settings appear on the Global Attributes tab:

Audit logging

Enable audit logging in AM.

Default value: true

amster attribute: auditEnabled

Field whitelist filters

AM has a predefined allowlist that only records values that do not contain sensitive information. Use this property to allowlist fields in addition to the built-in list.

Each field filter should be provided using a JSON Pointer-like syntax which is prefixed with the event’s topic. The topic will be one of access, activity, authentication, or config.

For example, to record the values of the Accept-Language HTTP header in access events, the pointer is /access/http/request/headers/accept-language.

amster attribute: whitelistFieldFilters

Field blacklist filters

Denylist filters can be used to remove audit event fields which are allowlisted by default. These are fields which are safe to log but which you have decided are not necessary for your requirements.

Each field filter should be provided using a JSON Pointer-like syntax which is prefixed with the event’s topic. The topic will be one of access, activity, authentication, or config.

For example, you might want to filter out surnames by hiding the sn field from activity events. To do so, add the following pointers to the Field blacklist filters list:

  • /activity/before/sn

  • /activity/after/sn

amster attribute: blacklistFieldFilters

Realm defaults

The following settings appear on the Realm Defaults tab:

Audit logging

Enable audit logging in AM.

Default value: true

amster attribute: auditEnabled

Field whitelist filters

AM has a predefined allowlist that only records values that do not contain sensitive information. Use this property to allowlist fields in addition to the built-in list.

Each field filter should be provided using a JSON Pointer-like syntax which is prefixed with the event’s topic. The topic will be one of access, activity, authentication, or config.

For example, to record the values of the Accept-Language HTTP header in access events, the pointer is /access/http/request/headers/accept-language.

amster attribute: whitelistFieldFilters

Field blacklist filters

Denylist filters can be used to remove audit event fields which are allowlisted by default. These are fields which are safe to log but which you have decided are not necessary for your requirements.

Each field filter should be provided using a JSON Pointer-like syntax which is prefixed with the event’s topic. The topic will be one of access, activity, authentication, or config.

For example, you might want to filter out surnames by hiding the sn field from activity events. To do so, add the following pointers to the Field blacklist filters list:

  • /activity/before/sn

  • /activity/after/sn

amster attribute: blacklistFieldFilters

Secondary configurations

This service has the following secondary configurations.


A configured secondary instance of the JMS type has the following tabs:

General handler configuration

The General Handler Configuration tab contains the following secondary configuration properties:


Enables or disables an audit event handler.

Default value: true

amster attribute: enabled


List of topics handled by an audit event handler.

Default value:


amster attribute: topics

Audit event handler factory

The Audit Event Handler Factory tab contains the following secondary configuration properties:

Factory Class Name

The fully qualified class name of the factory responsible for creating the Audit Event Handler. The class must implement org.forgerock.openam.audit.AuditEventHandlerFactory.

Default value:

amster attribute: handlerFactory

JMS configuration

The JMS Configuration tab contains the following secondary configuration properties:

Delivery Mode

Specifies whether JMS messages used to transmit audit events use persistent or non-persistent delivery.

With persistent delivery, the JMS provider ensures that messages are not lost in transit in case of a provider failure by logging messages to storage when they are sent.

Specify the delivery mode as persistent if it is unacceptable for delivery of audit events to be lost in JMS transit. If the possible loss of audit events is acceptable, choose non-persistent delivery, which provides better performance.

Default value: NON_PERSISTENT

amster attribute: deliveryMode

Session Mode

Specifies the JMS session acknowledgement mode.

The following values are supported:

  • AUTO. Auto mode guarantees once-only delivery of JMS messages used to transmit audit events.

  • CLIENT. Client mode does not ensure delivery.

  • DUPS_OK. Duplicates OK mode ensures that messages are delivered at least once.

Use the default setting unless your JMS broker implementation requires otherwise. See your broker documentation for more information.

Default value: AUTO

amster attribute: sessionMode

JNDI Context Properties

Specifies JNDI properties that AM uses to connect to the JMS message broker to which AM will publish audit events.

AM acts as a JMS client, using a JMS connection factory to connect to your JMS message broker. In order for AM to connect to the broker, the JNDI context properties must conform to those needed by the broker. See the documentation for your JMS message broker for required values.

The default properties are example properties for connecting to Apache ActiveMQ.

Default value:

    &quot;java.naming.factory.initial&quot;: &quot;org.apache.activemq.jndi.ActiveMQInitialContextFactory&quot;,
    &quot;topic.audit&quot;: &quot;audit&quot;,
    &quot;java.naming.provider.url&quot;: &quot;tcp://localhost:61616&quot;

amster attribute: jndiContextProperties

JMS Topic Name

JNDI lookup name for the JMS topic

Default value: audit

amster attribute: jndiTopicName

JMS Connection Factory Name

Specifies the JNDI lookup name for the connection factory exposed by your JMS message broker. AM performs a JNDI lookup on this name to locate your broker’s connection factory.

See the documentation for your JMS message broker for the required value.

The default is the connection factory name for Apache ActiveMQ.

Default value: ConnectionFactory

amster attribute: jndiConnectionFactoryName

Batch events

The Batch Events tab contains the following secondary configuration properties:


Maximum event count in the batch queue; additional events are dropped.

Default value: 1000

amster attribute: batchCapacity

Max Batched

Maximum number of events per batch.

Default value: 100

amster attribute: maxBatchedEvents

Writing Interval

The interval (in seconds) for reading events from the buffer to transmit via jms.

Default value: 10

amster attribute: pollTimeoutSec


A configured secondary instance of the JSONStdout type has the following tabs:

General handler configuration

The General Handler Configuration tab contains the following secondary configuration properties:


Enables or disables an audit event handler.

Default value: true

amster attribute: enabled


List of topics handled by an audit event handler.

Default value:


amster attribute: topics

Audit event handler factory

The Audit Event Handler Factory tab contains the following secondary configuration properties:

Factory Class Name

The fully qualified class name of the factory responsible for creating the Audit Event Handler. The class must implement org.forgerock.openam.audit.AuditEventHandlerFactory.

Default value:

amster attribute: handlerFactory

JSON configuration

The JSON Configuration tab contains the following secondary configuration properties:

ElasticSearch JSON Format Compatible

JSON format should be transformed to be compatible with ElasticSearch format restrictions.

Default value: false

amster attribute: elasticsearchCompatible


A configured secondary instance of the Elasticsearch type has the following tabs:

General handler configuration

The General Handler Configuration tab contains the following secondary configuration properties:


Enables or disables an audit event handler.

Default value: true

amster attribute: enabled


List of topics handled by an audit event handler.

Default value:


amster attribute: topics

Audit event handler factory

The Audit Event Handler Factory tab contains the following secondary configuration properties:

Factory Class Name

The fully qualified class name of the factory responsible for creating the Audit Event Handler. The class must implement org.forgerock.openam.audit.AuditEventHandlerFactory.

Default value:

amster attribute: handlerFactory

Elasticsearch configuration

The Elasticsearch Configuration tab contains the following secondary configuration properties:

Server Hostname

Host name or IP address of the Elasticsearch server.

amster attribute: host

Server Port

Specifies the port number used to access Elasticsearch’s REST API.

amster attribute: port

SSL Enabled

Specifies whether SSL is configured on the Elasticsearch server.

If SSL is enabled, be sure to import the CA certificate used to sign Elasticsearch node certificates into the Java keystore on the host that runs AM before attempting to log audit events to Elasticsearch.

Default value: false

amster attribute: sslEnabled

Elasticsearch Index

Specifies the name of the Elasticsearch index to be used for AM audit logging.

amster attribute: index


The Authentication tab contains the following secondary configuration properties:


Specifies the username to access the Elasticsearch server.

Required if Elasticsearch Shield authentication is configured.

amster attribute: username


Specifies the password to access the Elasticsearch server.

Required if Elasticsearch Shield authentication is configured.

amster attribute: password


The Buffering tab contains the following secondary configuration properties:

Buffering Enabled

Default value: true

amster attribute: bufferingEnabled

Batch Size

Maximum number of events that can be buffered (default: 10000)

Default value: 500

amster attribute: batchSize

Queue Capacity

Maximum number of audit logs in the batch queue. Additional audit events are dropped.

Default value: 10000

amster attribute: maxEvents

Write interval (in milliseconds)

Specifies the interval in milliseconds at which buffered events are written to Elasticsearch.

Default value: 250

amster attribute: writeInterval


A configured secondary instance of the Syslog type has the following tabs:

General handler configuration

The General Handler Configuration tab contains the following secondary configuration properties:


Enables or disables an audit event handler.

Default value: true

amster attribute: enabled


List of topics handled by an audit event handler.

Default value:


amster attribute: topics

Audit event handler factory

The Audit Event Handler Factory tab contains the following secondary configuration properties:

Factory Class Name

The fully qualified class name of the factory responsible for creating the Audit Event Handler. The class must implement org.forgerock.openam.audit.AuditEventHandlerFactory.

Default value:

amster attribute: handlerFactory

Syslog configuration

The Syslog Configuration tab contains the following secondary configuration properties:

Server hostname

Host name or IP address of receiving syslog server.

amster attribute: host

Server port

Port number of receiving syslog server.

amster attribute: port

Transport Protocol

Default value: TCP

amster attribute: transportProtocol

Connection timeout

Timeout for connecting to syslog server, in seconds.

amster attribute: connectTimeout


Syslog facility value to apply to all events.

Default value: USER

amster attribute: facility


The Buffering tab contains the following secondary configuration properties:

Buffering Enabled

Enables or disables audit event buffering.

Default value: true

amster attribute: bufferingEnabled

Buffer Size

Maximum number of events that can be buffered (default/minimum: 5000)

Default value: 5000

amster attribute: bufferingMaxSize


A configured secondary instance of the CSV type has the following tabs:

General handler configuration

The General Handler Configuration tab contains the following secondary configuration properties:


Enables or disables an audit event handler.

Default value: true

amster attribute: enabled


List of topics handled by an audit event handler.

Default value:


amster attribute: topics

Audit event handler factory

The Audit Event Handler Factory tab contains the following secondary configuration properties:

Factory Class Name

The fully qualified class name of the factory responsible for creating the Audit Event Handler. The class must implement org.forgerock.openam.audit.AuditEventHandlerFactory.

Default value:

amster attribute: handlerFactory

CSV configuration

The CSV Configuration tab contains the following secondary configuration properties:

Log Directory

Directory in which to store audit log CSV files.

Default value: %BASE_DIR%/var/audit/

amster attribute: location

File rotation

The File Rotation tab contains the following secondary configuration properties:

Rotation Enabled

Enables and disables audit file rotation.

Default value: true

amster attribute: rotationEnabled

Maximum File Size

Maximum size, in bytes, which an audit file can grow to before rotation is triggered. A negative or zero value indicates this policy is disabled.

Default value: 100000000

amster attribute: rotationMaxFileSize

File Rotation Prefix

Prefix to prepend to audit files when rotating audit files.

amster attribute: rotationFilePrefix

File Rotation Suffix

Suffix to append to audit files when they are rotated. Suffix should be a timestamp.

Default value:

amster attribute: rotationFileSuffix

Rotation Interval

Interval to trigger audit file rotations, in seconds. A negative or zero value disables this feature.

Default value: -1

amster attribute: rotationInterval

Rotation Times

Durations after midnight to trigger file rotation, in seconds.

amster attribute: rotationTimes

File retention

The File Retention tab contains the following secondary configuration properties:

Maximum Number of Historical Files

Maximum number of backup audit files allowed. A value of -1 disables pruning of old history files.

Default value: 1

amster attribute: retentionMaxNumberOfHistoryFiles

Maximum Disk Space

The maximum amount of disk space the audit files can occupy, in bytes. A negative or zero value indicates this policy is disabled.

Default value: -1

amster attribute: retentionMaxDiskSpaceToUse

Minimum Free Space Required

Minimum amount of disk space required, in bytes, on the system where audit files are stored. A negative or zero value indicates this policy is disabled.

Default value: -1

amster attribute: retentionMinFreeSpaceRequired


The Buffering tab contains the following secondary configuration properties:

Buffering Enabled

Enables or disables buffering.

Default value: true

amster attribute: bufferingEnabled

Flush Each Event Immediately

Performance may be improved by writing all buffered events before flushing.

Default value: false

amster attribute: bufferingAutoFlush

Tamper Evident Configuration

The Tamper Evident Configuration tab contains the following secondary configuration properties:

Is Enabled

Enables the CSV tamper evident feature.

Default value: false

amster attribute: securityEnabled

Certificate Store Location

Path to Java keystore.

Default value: %BASE_DIR%/var/audit/Logger.jks

amster attribute: securityFilename

Certificate Store Password

Password for Java keystore.

amster attribute: securityPassword

Signature Interval

Signature generation interval, in seconds.

Default value: 900

amster attribute: securitySignatureInterval


A configured secondary instance of the JDBC type has the following tabs:

General handler configuration

The General Handler Configuration tab contains the following secondary configuration properties:


Enables or disables an audit event handler.

Default value: true

amster attribute: enabled


List of topics handled by an audit event handler.

Default value:


amster attribute: topics

Audit event handler factory

The Audit Event Handler Factory tab contains the following secondary configuration properties:

Factory Class Name

The fully qualified class name of the factory responsible for creating the Audit Event Handler. The class must implement org.forgerock.openam.audit.AuditEventHandlerFactory.

Default value:

amster attribute: handlerFactory

Database Configuration

The Database Configuration tab contains the following secondary configuration properties:

Database Type

Select the database to use for logging audit events.

Identifies the database in use, for example MySQL, Oracle, or SQL.

Default value: oracle

amster attribute: databaseType

JDBC Database URL

URL of the JDBC database.

amster attribute: jdbcUrl

JDBC Driver

Fully qualified JDBC driver class name.

amster attribute: driverClassName

Database Username

Specifies the username to access the database server.

amster attribute: username

Database Password

Specifies the password to access the database server.

amster attribute: password

Connection Timeout (seconds)

Specifies the maximum wait time before failing the connection, in seconds.

Default value: 30

amster attribute: connectionTimeout

Maximum Connection Idle Timeout (seconds)

Specifies the maximum idle time before the connection is closed, in seconds.

Default value: 600

amster attribute: idleTimeout

Maximum Connection Time (seconds)

Specifies the maximum time a JDBC connection can be open, in seconds.

Default value: 1800

amster attribute: maxLifetime

Minimum Idle Connections

Specifies the minimum number of idle connections in the connection pool.

Default value: 10

amster attribute: minIdle

Maximum Connections

Specifies the maximum number of connections in the connection pool.

Default value: 10

amster attribute: maxPoolSize


The Buffering tab contains the following secondary configuration properties:

Buffering Enabled

Enables or disables audit event buffering.

Default value: true

amster attribute: bufferingEnabled

Buffer Size (number of events)

Size of the queue where events are buffered before they are written to the database.

This queue has to be big enough to store all incoming events that have not yet been written to the database.

If the queue reaches capacity, the process will block until a write occurs.

Default value: 100000

amster attribute: bufferingMaxSize

Write Interval

Specifies the interval (seconds) at which buffered events are written to the database.

Default value: 5

amster attribute: bufferingWriteInterval

Writer Threads

Specifies the number of threads used to write the buffered events.

Default value: 1

amster attribute: bufferingWriterThreads

Max Batched Events

Specifies the maximum number of batched statements the database can support per connection.

Default value: 100

amster attribute: bufferingMaxBatchedEvents


A configured secondary instance of the JSON type has the following tabs:

General handler configuration

The General Handler Configuration tab contains the following secondary configuration properties:


Enables or disables an audit event handler.

Default value: true

amster attribute: enabled


List of topics handled by an audit event handler.

Default value:


amster attribute: topics

Audit event handler factory

The Audit Event Handler Factory tab contains the following secondary configuration properties:

Factory Class Name

The fully qualified class name of the factory responsible for creating the Audit Event Handler. The class must implement org.forgerock.openam.audit.AuditEventHandlerFactory.

Default value:

amster attribute: handlerFactory

JSON configuration

The JSON Configuration tab contains the following secondary configuration properties:

Log Directory

Directory in which to store audit log JSON files.

Default value: %BASE_DIR%/var/audit/

amster attribute: location

ElasticSearch JSON Format Compatible

JSON format should be transformed to be compatible with ElasticSearch format restrictions.

Default value: false

amster attribute: elasticsearchCompatible

File Rotation Retention Check Interval

Interval to check time-based file rotation policies, in seconds.

Default value: 5

amster attribute: rotationRetentionCheckInterval

File rotation

The File Rotation tab contains the following secondary configuration properties:

Rotation Enabled

Enables and disables audit file rotation.

Default value: true

amster attribute: rotationEnabled

Maximum File Size

Maximum size, in bytes, which an audit file can grow to before rotation is triggered. A negative or zero value indicates this policy is disabled.

Default value: 100000000

amster attribute: rotationMaxFileSize

File Rotation Prefix

Prefix to prepend to audit files when rotating audit files.

amster attribute: rotationFilePrefix

File Rotation Suffix

Suffix to append to audit files when they are rotated. Suffix should be a timestamp.

Default value:

amster attribute: rotationFileSuffix

Rotation Interval

Interval to trigger audit file rotations, in seconds. A negative or zero value disables this feature.

Default value: -1

amster attribute: rotationInterval

Rotation Times

Durations after midnight to trigger file rotation, in seconds.

amster attribute: rotationTimes

File retention

The File Retention tab contains the following secondary configuration properties:

Maximum Number of Historical Files

Maximum number of backup audit files allowed. A value of -1 disables pruning of old history files.

Default value: 1

amster attribute: retentionMaxNumberOfHistoryFiles

Maximum Disk Space

The maximum amount of disk space the audit files can occupy, in bytes. A negative or zero value indicates this policy is disabled.

Default value: -1

amster attribute: retentionMaxDiskSpaceToUse

Minimum Free Space Required

Minimum amount of disk space required, in bytes, on the system where audit files are stored. A negative or zero value indicates this policy is disabled.

Default value: -1

amster attribute: retentionMinFreeSpaceRequired


The Buffering tab contains the following secondary configuration properties:

Batch Size

Maximum number of events that can be buffered (default/minimum: 100000)

Default value: 100000

amster attribute: bufferingMaxSize

Write interval

Interval at which buffered events are written to a file, in milliseconds.

Default value: 5

amster attribute: bufferingWriteInterval


A configured secondary instance of the Splunk type has the following tabs:

General handler configuration

The General Handler Configuration tab contains the following secondary configuration properties:


Enables or disables an audit event handler.

Default value: true

amster attribute: enabled


List of topics handled by an audit event handler.

Default value:


amster attribute: topics

Audit event handler factory

The Audit Event Handler Factory tab contains the following secondary configuration properties:

Factory Class Name

The fully qualified class name of the factory responsible for creating the Audit Event Handler. The class must implement org.forgerock.openam.audit.AuditEventHandlerFactory.

Default value:

amster attribute: handlerFactory

Splunk Configuration

The Splunk Configuration tab contains the following secondary configuration properties:

Authorization Token

Authorization token used to connect to Splunk HTTP Event Collector endpoint.

amster attribute: authzToken

Server Hostname

Host name or IP address of Splunk server.

amster attribute: host

Server Port

Port number of Splunk server.

amster attribute: port

SSL Enabled

Use HTTPS protocol for communication with Splunk.

Default value: false

amster attribute: sslEnabled


The Buffering tab contains the following secondary configuration properties:

Batch Size

Maximum number of events that can be buffered (default: 10000).

Default value: 500

amster attribute: batchSize

Queue Capacity

Maximum number of audit evens in the batch queue; additional events are dropped.

Default value: 10000

amster attribute: maxEvents

Write interval (in milliseconds)

Interval at which buffered events are written to Splunk.

Default value: 250

amster attribute: writeInterval

Base URL source

amster service name: BaseUrlSource

Realm defaults

The following settings appear on the Realm Defaults tab:

Base URL Source

Specifies how the base URL is generated.

The following values are supported:

  • Extension class (EXTENSION_CLASS). The extension class returns a base URL from a provided HttpServletRequest. In the Extension class name field, enter

  • Fixed value (FIXED_VALUE). The base URL is retrieved from the value specified in the Fixed value base URL field.

  • Forwarded header (FORWARDED_HEADER). The base URL is retrieved from a forwarded header field in the HTTP request. The Forwarded HTTP header field is standardized and specified in RFC7239.

  • Host/protocol from incoming request (REQUEST_VALUES). The hostname, server name, and port are retrieved from the incoming HTTP request.

  • X-Forwarded-* headers (X_FORWARDED_HEADERS). The base URL is retrieved from non-standard header fields, such as X-Forwarded-For, X-Forwarded-By, X-Forwarded-Proto, X-Forwarded-Host and X-Forwarded-Port.

    If the X-Forwarded-Proto header is not provided, the server uses a fallback scheme, based on the URI of the request.

    If multiple X-Forwarded-Host headers are specified, the outermost proxy host is used.

Default value: REQUEST_VALUES

amster attribute: source

Fixed value base URL

If Fixed value is selected as the Base URL source, enter the base URL in the Fixed value base URL field.

amster attribute: fixedValue

Extension class name

If Extension class is selected as the Base URL source, enter in the Extension class name field.

amster attribute: extensionClassName

Context path

Specifies the context path for the base URL.

If provided, the base URL includes the deployment context path appended to the calculated URL.

For example, /openam.

Default value: /openam

amster attribute: contextPath

Common federation configuration

amster service name: CommonFederationConfiguration

General configuration

The following settings appear on the General Configuration tab:

Maximum allowed content length

The maximum content length allowed in federation communications, in bytes.

Default value: 20480

amster attribute: maxContentLength

Check presence of certificates

Enable checking of certificates against local copy

Whether to verify that the partner’s signing certificate included in the Federation XML document is the same as the one stored in the said partner’s meta data.

The possible values for this property are:

  • off. Disabled

  • on. Enabled

Default value: on

amster attribute: certificateChecking

SAML Error Page URL

AM redirects users here when an error occurs in the SAML2 engine.

Both relative and absolute URLs are supported. Users are redirected to an absolute URL using the configured HTTP Binding whereas relative URLs are displayed within the request.

Default value: /saml2/jsp/saml2error.jsp

amster attribute: samlErrorPageUrl

SAML Error Page HTTP Binding

The possible values are HTTP-Redirect or HTTP-POST.

Default value: HTTP-POST

amster attribute: samlErrorPageHttpBinding

Implementation classes

The following settings appear on the Implementation Classes tab:

Datastore SPI implementation class

The Federation system uses this class to get/set user profile attributes.

The default implementation uses the Identity repository APIs to access user profile attributes. A custom implementation must implement the com.sun.identity.plugin.datastore.DataStoreProvider interface.

Default value: com.sun.identity.plugin.datastore.impl.IdRepoDataStoreProvider

amster attribute: datastoreClass

Root URL provider SPI implementation class

The Federation system uses this class to get the root URL of the AM deployment.

The default implementation uses the Root URL APIs to access the AM instance root url. A custom implementation must implement the org.forgerock.openam.federation.plugin.rooturl.RootUrlProvider interface.

Default value: org.forgerock.openam.federation.plugin.rooturl.impl.FmRootUrlProvider

amster attribute: rootUrlProviderClass

ConfigurationInstance SPI implementation class

The Federation system uses this class to fetch service configuration.

The default implementation uses the SMS APIs to access service configuration. A custom implementation must implement the com.sun.identity.plugin.configuration.ConfigurationInstance interface.

Default value: com.sun.identity.plugin.configuration.impl.ConfigurationInstanceImpl

amster attribute: configurationClass

Logger SPI implementation class

The Federation system uses this class to record log entries.

The default implementation uses the Logging APIs to record log entries. A custom implementation must implement the com.sun.identity.plugin.log.Logger interface.

Default value: com.sun.identity.plugin.log.impl.LogProvider

amster attribute: loggerClass

SessionProvider SPI implementation class

The Federation system uses this class to interface with the session service.

The default implementation uses the standard authentication and SSO APIs to access the session service. A custom implementation must implement the com.sun.identity.plugin.session.SessionProvider interface.

Default value: com.sun.identity.plugin.session.impl.FMSessionProvider

amster attribute: sessionProviderClass

PasswordDecoder SPI implementation class

The Federation system uses this class to decode password encoded by AM.

The default implementation uses the internal AM decryption API to decode passwords. A custom implementation must implement the com.sun.identity.saml.xmlsig.PasswordDecoder interface.

Default value: com.sun.identity.saml.xmlsig.FMPasswordDecoder

amster attribute: passwordDecoderClass

SignatureProvider SPI implementation class

The Federation system uses this class to digitally sign SAML documents.

The default implementation uses the XERCES APIs to sign the documents. A custom implementation must implement the com.sun.identity.saml.xmlsig.SignatureProvider interface.

Default value: com.sun.identity.saml.xmlsig.AMSignatureProvider

amster attribute: signatureProviderClass

KeyProvider SPI implementation class

The Federation system uses this class to provide access to the underlying Java keystore.

The default implementation uses the Java Cryptographic Engine to provide access to the Java keystore. A custom implementation must implement the com.sun.identity.saml.xmlsig.KeyProvider interface.

Default value: com.sun.identity.saml.xmlsig.JKSKeyProvider

amster attribute: keyProviderClass


The following settings appear on the Algorithms tab:

XML canonicalization algorithm

The algorithm used to canonicalize XML documents.

XML signature algorithm

The algorithm used to sign XML documents.

XML digest algorithm

The default digest algorithm to use in signing XML.

Query String signature algorithm (RSA)

The default signature algorithm to use for RSA keys.

Query String signature algorithm (DSA)

The default signature algorithm to use for DSA keys.

This property can only take the following value:

amster attribute: QuerySignatureAlgorithmDSA

Query String signature algorithm (EC)

The default signature algorithm to use for EC keys.

XML transformation algorithm

The algorithm used to transform XML documents.

Mask Generation Function Algorithm

Which MGF algorithm to use when encrypting the symmetric encryption key using RSA OAEP algorithm.

AES Key Wrap Algorithm

The AES key wrap algorithm to use when the remote entity provider does not specify which key wrap algorithms it supports.

RSA Key Transport Algorithm


The following settings appear on the Monitoring tab:

Monitoring Agent Provider Class

The Federation system uses this class to gain access to the monitoring system.

The default implementation uses the built-in AM monitoring system. A custom implementation must implement the com.sun.identity.plugin.monitoring.FedMonAgent interface.

Default value: com.sun.identity.plugin.monitoring.impl.AgentProvider

amster attribute: monitoringAgentClass

Monitoring Provider Class for SAML2

The SAML2 engine uses this class to gain access to the monitoring system.

The default implementation uses the built-in AM monitoring system. A custom implementation must implement the com.sun.identity.plugin.monitoring.FedMonSAML2Svc interface.

Default value: com.sun.identity.plugin.monitoring.impl.FedMonSAML2SvcProvider

amster attribute: monitoringSaml2Class

Configuration Version service

amster service name: ConfigurationVersionService

The following settings are available in this service:


amster attribute: configurationCommit

Configuration Version

AM’s configuration version

Default value:

amster attribute: configurationVersion

CORS service

amster service name: CorsConfiguration


The following settings appear on the Configuration tab:

Enable the CORS filter

If disable, no CORS headers will be added to responses.

Default value: true

amster attribute: enabled

Secondary configurations

This service has the following secondary configurations.

Enable the CORS filter

If disable, no CORS headers will be added to responses.

Default value: false

amster attribute: enabled

Accepted Origins

The set of accepted origins.

amster attribute: acceptedOrigins

Accepted Methods

The set of (non-simple) accepted methods, included in the pre-flight response in the header Access-Control-Allow-Methods.

amster attribute: acceptedMethods

Accepted Headers

The set of (non-simple) accepted headers, included in the pre-flight response in the header Access-Control-Allow-Headers.

amster attribute: acceptedHeaders

Exposed Headers

The set of headers to transmit in the header Access-Control-Expose-Headers.

amster attribute: exposedHeaders

Max Age

The max age (in seconds) for caching, included in the pre-flight response in the header Access-Control-Max-Age.

Default value: 0

amster attribute: maxAge

Allow Credentials

Whether to transmit the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true header in the response.

Default value: false

amster attribute: allowCredentials


amster service name: DashboardUserService

Realm defaults

The following settings appear on the Realm Defaults tab:

Available Dashboard Apps

List of application dashboard names available by default for realms with the Dashboard service configured.

amster attribute: assignedDashboard

Secondary configurations

This service has the following secondary configurations.

Dashboard Class Name

Identifies how to access the application, for example SAML2ApplicationClass for a SAML v2.0 application.

amster attribute: className

Dashboard Name

The application name as it will appear to the administrator for configuring the dashboard.

amster attribute: name

Dashboard Display Name

The application name that displays on the dashboard client.

amster attribute: displayName

Dashboard Icon

The icon name that will be displayed on the dashboard client identifying the application.

amster attribute: icon

Dashboard Login

The URL that takes the user to the application.

amster attribute: login

ICF Identifier

amster attribute: icfIdentifier

Device ID service

amster service name: deviceIdService

Realm defaults

The following settings appear on the Realm Defaults tab:

Profile Storage Attribute

The user’s attribute in which to store Device ID profiles.

The default attribute is added to the schema when you prepare a user store for use with AM. If you want to use a different attribute, you must make sure to add it to your user store schema prior to enabling the Device ID authentication module. AM must be able to write to the attribute.

Default value: devicePrintProfiles

amster attribute: deviceIdAttrName

Device Profile Encryption Scheme

Encryption scheme to use to secure device profiles stored on the server.

If enabled, each device profile is encrypted using a unique random secret key using the given strength of AES encryption in CBC mode with PKCS#5 padding. An HMAC-SHA of the given strength (truncated to half-size) is used to ensure integrity protection and authenticated encryption. The unique random key is encrypted with the given RSA key pair and stored with the device profile.

AES-256 may require installation of the JCE Unlimited Strength policy files.

The possible values for this property are:

  • Label: AES-256/HMAC-SHA-512 with RSA Key Wrapping (value: RSAES_AES256CBC_HS512)

  • Label: AES-128/HMAC-SHA-256 with RSA Key Wrapping (value: RSAES_AES128CBC_HS256)

  • Label: No encryption of device settings (value: NONE)

Default value: NONE

amster attribute: deviceIdSettingsEncryptionScheme

Encryption Key Store

Path to the key store from which to load encryption keys.

Default value: /path/to/openam/security/keystores/keystore.jks

amster attribute: deviceIdSettingsEncryptionKeystore

Key Store Type

Type of key store to load.

PKCS#11 key stores require hardware support such as a security device or smart card and is not available by default in most JVM installations.

See the JDK 8 PKCS#11 Reference Guide for more details.

The possible values for this property are:

  • Label: Java Key Store (JKS) (value: JKS)

  • Label: Java Cryptography Extension Key Store (JCEKS) (value: JCEKS)

  • Label: PKCS#11 Hardware Crypto Storage (value: PKCS11)

  • Label: PKCS#12 Key Store (value: PKCS12)

Default value: JKS

amster attribute: deviceIdSettingsEncryptionKeystoreType

Key Store Password

Password to unlock the key store. This password is encrypted when it is saved in the AM configuration. You should modify the default value.

amster attribute: deviceIdSettingsEncryptionKeystorePassword

Key-Pair Alias

Alias of the certificate and private key in the key store. The private key is used to encrypt and decrypt device profiles.

amster attribute: deviceIdSettingsEncryptionKeystoreKeyPairAlias

Private Key Password

Password to unlock the private key.

amster attribute: deviceIdSettingsEncryptionKeystorePrivateKeyPassword

Device Profiles service

amster service name: DeviceProfilesService

Realm defaults

The following settings appear on the Realm Defaults tab:

Profile Storage Attribute

The user’s attribute in which to store Device profiles.

The default attribute is added to the schema when you prepare a user store for use with AM. If you want to use a different attribute, you must make sure to add it to your user store schema prior to enabling the Device Profiles authentication module. AM must be able to write to the attribute.

Default value: deviceProfiles

amster attribute: deviceProfilesAttrName

Device Profile Encryption Scheme

Encryption scheme to use to secure device profiles stored on the server.

If enabled, each device profile is encrypted using a unique random secret key using the given strength of AES encryption in CBC mode with PKCS#5 padding. An HMAC-SHA of the given strength (truncated to half-size) is used to ensure integrity protection and authenticated encryption. The unique random key is encrypted with the given RSA key pair and stored with the device profile.

AES-256 may require installation of the JCE Unlimited Strength policy files.

The possible values for this property are:

  • Label: AES-256/HMAC-SHA-512 with RSA Key Wrapping (value: RSAES_AES256CBC_HS512)

  • Label: AES-128/HMAC-SHA-256 with RSA Key Wrapping (value: RSAES_AES128CBC_HS256)

  • Label: No encryption of device settings (value: NONE)

Default value: NONE

amster attribute: deviceProfilesSettingsEncryptionScheme

Encryption Key Store

Path to the key store from which to load encryption keys.

Default value: /path/to/openam/security/keystores/keystore.jks

amster attribute: deviceProfilesSettingsEncryptionKeystore

Key Store Type

Type of key store to load.

PKCS#11 key stores require hardware support such as a security device or smart card and is not available by default in most JVM installations.

See the JDK 8 PKCS#11 Reference Guide for more details.

The possible values for this property are:

  • Label: Java Key Store (JKS) (value: JKS)

  • Label: Java Cryptography Extension Key Store (JCEKS) (value: JCEKS)

  • Label: PKCS#11 Hardware Crypto Storage (value: PKCS11)

  • Label: PKCS#12 Key Store (value: PKCS12)

Default value: JKS

amster attribute: deviceProfilesSettingsEncryptionKeystoreType

Key Store Password

Password to unlock the key store. This password is encrypted when it is saved in the AM configuration. You should modify the default value.

amster attribute: deviceProfilesSettingsEncryptionKeystorePassword

Key-Pair Alias

Alias of the certificate and private key in the key store. The private key is used to encrypt and decrypt device profiles.

amster attribute: deviceProfilesSettingsEncryptionKeystoreKeyPairAlias

Private Key Password

Password to unlock the private key.

amster attribute: deviceProfilesSettingsEncryptionKeystorePrivateKeyPassword

Email service

amster service name: EmailService

Realm defaults

The following settings appear on the Realm Defaults tab:

Email From Address

Specifies the address from which to send email notifications.

For example, you might set this property to:

For Microsoft Graph API transport configurations, this must exist as a valid address in the Microsoft Exchange administration center.

amster attribute: from

Email Attribute Name

Specifies the profile attribute from which to retrieve the end user’s email address.

Default value: mail

amster attribute: emailAddressAttribute

Email Subject

Specifies a subject for notification messages. If you do not set this, AM does not set the subject for notification messages.

amster attribute: subject

Email Content

Specifies content for notification messages. If you do not set this, AM includes only the confirmation URL in the mail body.

amster attribute: message

Email Rate Limit

Specifies the minimum number of seconds that must elapse between sending emails to an individual user.

Default value: 1

amster attribute: emailRateLimitSeconds

Transport Type

The mail server transport type to use. This value must be set to one of the secondary configurations.

amster attribute: transportType

Secondary configurations

This service has the following secondary configurations.

Microsoft Graph API
Email Message Implementation Class

Specifies the class that sends email notifications, such as those sent for user registration and forgotten passwords.

Default value:

amster attribute: emailImplClassName

Email Rest Endpoint URL

Specifies the REST endpoint for sending emails, in the format ID/sendMail.

Refer to the sendMail API reference for details.

amster attribute: emailEndpoint

OAuth2 Token Endpoint URL

Specifies the endpoint for OAuth 2.0 authentication, in the format ID/oauth2/v2.0/token.

amster attribute: tokenEndpoint

OAuth2 Client Id

Specifies the client ID for use in OAuth 2.0 authentication.

This is the client ID or application ID provided by the Microsoft Application Registration portal.

amster attribute: clientId

OAuth2 Scopes

Specifies the scopes to request as part of the OAuth 2.0 authentication.

The value supported by Microsoft Graph API is

amster attribute: scope

Email Message Implementation Class

Specifies the class that sends email notifications, such as those sent for user registration and forgotten passwords.

Default value:

amster attribute: emailImplClassName

Mail Server Host Name

Specifies the fully qualified domain name of the SMTP mail server through which to send email notifications.

For example, you might set this property to:

amster attribute: hostname

Mail Server Host Port

Specifies the port number for the SMTP mail server.

Default value: 465

amster attribute: port

Mail Server Authentication Username

Specifies the username for the SMTP mail server.

For example, you might set this property to: username

amster attribute: username

Mail Server Authentication Password

Specifies the password for the SMTP user name.

amster attribute: password

Mail Server Secure Connection

Specifies whether to connect to the SMTP mail server using SSL.

The possible values for this property are:

  • SSL

  • Non SSL

  • Start TLS

Default value: SSL

amster attribute: sslState

External data stores

amster service name: DataStoreService

Realm defaults

The following settings appear on the Realm Defaults tab:

Policy Data Store

Select a data store configuration to be used for policy storage

The possible values for this property are:

  • Label: Default Data Store (value: fd270e31-1788-4193-8734-eb2d500c47f3)

Default value: fd270e31-1788-4193-8734-eb2d500c47f3

amster attribute: policyDataStoreId

Application Data Store

Select a data store configuration to be used for application storage

The possible values for this property are:

  • Label: Default Data Store (value: fd270e31-1788-4193-8734-eb2d500c47f3)

Default value: fd270e31-1788-4193-8734-eb2d500c47f3

amster attribute: applicationDataStoreId

Secondary configurations

This service has the following secondary configurations.

Host Urls

An ordered list of connection strings for LDAP directories.Each connection string is composed as follows: HOST:PORT. serverHostname = Host Name

amster attribute: serverUrls

Bind DN

amster attribute: bindDN

Bind Password

amster attribute: bindPassword

Minimum Connection Pool Size

Default value: 1

amster attribute: minimumConnectionPool

Maximum Connection Pool Size

Default value: 10

amster attribute: maximumConnectionPool


amster attribute: useSsl

Start TLS

amster attribute: useStartTLS

Affinity Enabled

amster attribute: affinityEnabled

ForgeRock Authenticator (OATH) service

amster service name: AuthenticatorOath

Realm defaults

The following settings appear on the Realm Defaults tab:

Profile Storage Attribute

Attribute for storing ForgeRock Authenticator OATH profiles.

The default attribute is added to the user store during AM installation. If you want to use a different attribute, you must make sure to add it to your user store schema prior to deploying two-step verification with a ForgeRock OATH authenticator app in AM. AM must be able to write to the attribute.

Default value: oathDeviceProfiles

amster attribute: oathAttrName

Device Profile Encryption Scheme

Encryption scheme for securing device profiles stored on the server.

If enabled, each device profile is encrypted using a unique random secret key using the given strength of AES encryption in CBC mode with PKCS#5 padding. An HMAC-SHA of the given strength (truncated to half-size) is used to ensure integrity protection and authenticated encryption. The unique random key is encrypted with the given RSA key pair and stored with the device profile.

AES-256 may require installation of the JCE Unlimited Strength policy files.

The possible values for this property are:

  • Label: AES-256/HMAC-SHA-512 with RSA Key Wrapping (Value: RSAES_AES256CBC_HS512)

  • Label: AES-128/HMAC-SHA-256 with RSA Key Wrapping (Value: RSAES_AES128CBC_HS256)

  • Label: No encryption of device settings. (Value: NONE)

Default value: NONE

amster attribute: authenticatorOATHDeviceSettingsEncryptionScheme

Encryption Key Store

Path to the key store from which to load encryption keys.

Default value: /path/to/openam/openam/keystore.jks

amster attribute: authenticatorOATHDeviceSettingsEncryptionKeystore

Key Store Type

Type of encryption key store.

PKCS#11 keys tores require hardware support such as a security device or smart card and is not available by default in most JVM installations.

See the JDK 8 PKCS#11 Reference Guide for more details.

The possible values for this property are:

  • Label: Java Key Store (JKS). (Value: JKS)

  • Label: Java Cryptography Extension Key Store (JCEKS). (Value: JCEKS)

  • Label: PKCS#11 Hardware Crypto Storage. (Value: PKCS11)

  • Label: PKCS#12 Key Store. (Value: PKCS12)

Default value: JKS

amster attribute: authenticatorOATHDeviceSettingsEncryptionKeystoreType

Key Store Password

Password to unlock the key store. This password will be encrypted.

amster attribute: authenticatorOATHDeviceSettingsEncryptionKeystorePassword

Key-Pair Alias

Alias of the certificate and private key in the key store. The private key is used to encrypt and decrypt device profiles.

Default value: pushDeviceProfiles

amster attribute: authenticatorOATHDeviceSettingsEncryptionKeystoreKeyPairAlias

Private Key Password

Password to unlock the private key.

amster attribute: authenticatorOATHDeviceSettingsEncryptionKeystorePrivateKeyPassword

ForgeRock Authenticator (OATH) Device Skippable Attribute Name

The data store attribute that holds the user’s decision to enable or disable obtaining and providing a password obtained from the ForgeRock Authenticator app. This attribute must be writable.

Default value: oath2faEnabled

amster attribute: authenticatorOATHSkippableName

ForgeRock Authenticator (Push) service

amster service name: AuthenticatorPush

Realm defaults

The following settings appear on the Realm Defaults tab:

Profile Storage Attribute

The user’s attribute in which to store Push Notification profiles.

The default attribute is added to the schema when you prepare a user store for use with AM. If you want to use a different attribute, you must make sure to add it to your user store schema prior to deploying push notifications with the ForgeRock Authenticator app in AM. AM must be able to write to the attribute.

Default value: pushDeviceProfiles

amster attribute: pushAttrName

Device Profile Encryption Scheme

Encryption scheme to use to secure device profiles stored on the server.

If enabled, each device profile is encrypted using a unique random secret key using the given strength of AES encryption in CBC mode with PKCS#5 padding. An HMAC-SHA of the given strength (truncated to half-size) is used to ensure integrity protection and authenticated encryption. The unique random key is encrypted with the given RSA key pair and stored with the device profile.

AES-256 may require installation of the JCE Unlimited Strength policy files.

The possible values for this property are:

  • Label: AES-256/HMAC-SHA-512 with RSA Key Wrapping (value: RSAES_AES256CBC_HS512)

  • Label: AES-128/HMAC-SHA-256 with RSA Key Wrapping (value: RSAES_AES128CBC_HS256)

  • Label: No encryption of device settings (value: NONE)

Default value: NONE

amster attribute: authenticatorPushDeviceSettingsEncryptionScheme

Encryption Key Store

Path to the key store from which to load encryption keys.

Default value: /path/to/openam/openam/keystore.jks

amster attribute: authenticatorPushDeviceSettingsEncryptionKeystore

Key Store Type

Type of key store to load.

PKCS#11 key stores require hardware support such as a security device or smart card and is not available by default in most JVM installations.

See the JDK 8 PKCS#11 Reference Guide for more details.

The possible values for this property are:

  • Label: Java Key Store (JKS) (value: JKS)

  • Label: Java Cryptography Extension Key Store (JCEKS) (value: JCEKS)

  • Label: PKCS#11 Hardware Crypto Storage (value: PKCS11)

  • Label: PKCS#12 Key Store (value: PKCS12)

Default value: JKS

amster attribute: authenticatorPushDeviceSettingsEncryptionKeystoreType

Key Store Password

Password to unlock the key store. This password is encrypted when it is saved in the AM configuration. You should modify the default value.

amster attribute: authenticatorPushDeviceSettingsEncryptionKeystorePassword

Key-Pair Alias

Alias of the certificate and private key in the key store. The private key is used to encrypt and decrypt device profiles.

amster attribute: authenticatorPushDeviceSettingsEncryptionKeystoreKeyPairAlias

Private Key Password

Password to unlock the private key.

amster attribute: authenticatorPushDeviceSettingsEncryptionKeystorePrivateKeyPassword

ForgeRock Authenticator (Push) Device Skippable Attribute Name

Name of the attribute on a user’s profile used to store their selection of whether to skip ForgeRock Authenticator (Push) 2FA modules.

Default value: push2faEnabled

amster attribute: authenticatorPushSkippableName

Globalization settings

amster service name: Globalization

Global attributes

The following settings appear on the Global Attributes tab:

Charsets Supported by Each Locale

This table lets you configure the order of supported character sets used for each supported locale. Change the settings only if the defaults are not appropriate.

Default value:


amster attribute: charsetMappings

Charset Aliases

Use this list to map between different character set names used in Java and in MIME.

Default value:


amster attribute: sun-identity-g11n-settings-charset-alias-mapping

Realm defaults

The following settings appear on the Realm Defaults tab:

Auto Generated Common Name Format

Use this list to configure how AM formats names shown in the console banner.

This setting allows the name of the authenticated user shown in the AM admin UI banner to be customised based on the locale of the user.

Default value: zh={sn}{givenname}

amster attribute: commonNameFormats

Google Cloud platform service accounts

amster service name: GoogleCloudServiceAccountService

Secondary configurations

This service has the following secondary configurations.

Credentials Secret ID

The ID of the secret that contains the GCP service account credentials. Leave blank to usethe default credentials from the environment. Credentials can be loaded from disk using a FileSystem Secret Store.

amster attribute: credentialsSecretId

Allowed Realms

A list of realms that are allowed to use this service account. Realms should be specified in path form, such as /subrealm/subsubrealm.

amster attribute: allowedRealms

Allowed Secret Names

A list of patterns of Google Secret Manager secret names that are allowed to be usedwith this service account. Patterns can include the wildcard "*".

Default value: *

amster attribute: allowedSecretNamePatterns

Disallowed Secret Names

A list of patterns of Google Secret Manager secret names that are not allowed to be used with this service account. Patterns can include the wildcard "*".

amster attribute: disallowedSecretNamePatterns

IDM Provisioning

amster service name: IDMProvisioning

The following settings are available in this service:


Default value: false

amster attribute: enabled

Deployment URL

URL of the IDM deployment, for example, https://localhost:8080.

amster attribute: idmDeploymentUrl

Deployment Path

Path of the IDM deployment, for example, openidm.

amster attribute: idmDeploymentPath

IDM Provisioning Client

The name of the oauth client to be used for the client credentials flow.

amster attribute: idmProvisioningClient

Signing Key Alias

Alias of the signing symmetric key in AM’s default keystore. Must be a duplicate of the symmetric key used by IDM.

amster attribute: provisioningSigningKeyAlias

Encryption Key Alias

Alias of the encryption asymmetric key in AM’s default keystore. Must be a duplicate of the asymmetric key used by IDM.

amster attribute: provisioningEncryptionKeyAlias

Signing Algorithm

JWT signing algorithm.

amster attribute: provisioningSigningAlgorithm

Signing Compatibility Mode

Enable AM to communicate with IDM 6 and earlier.

When this option is enabled, AM will sign JWTs in a way that is compatible with versions of IDM 6 and earlier. The approach used is incompatible with non-extractable HSM keys. Disable this option if you have upgraded to IDM 6.5 or later.

Default value: false

amster attribute: jwtSigningCompatibilityMode

Encryption Algorithm

JWT encryption algorithm.

amster attribute: provisioningEncryptionAlgorithm

Encryption Method

JWT encryption method.

amster attribute: provisioningEncryptionMethod

Configuration Cache Duration

Specify a duration in minutes for caching static IDM configuration to reduce calls to IDM endpoints and improve performance.

The following values are cached for the specified duration: IDM schemas, consent mappings, validation requirements, KBA configuration, and the IDM active terms.

If changes are made to the IDM Provisioning service in AM during this period, the configuration cache is immediately cleared. If, however, changes are made to IDM, the cache is only refreshed when the duration expires.

A zero value disables this feature.

Default value: 0

amster attribute: configurationCacheDuration

IoT service

amster service name: IoTService

Realm defaults

The following settings appear on the Realm Defaults tab:

Create OAuth 2.0 Client

Create an OAuth 2.0 Client with the given name and default configuration required to serve as the client for the IoT Service. The client will be created without any scope(s).

Default value: false

amster attribute: createOAuthClient

OAuth 2.0 Client Name

The name of the default OAuth 2.0 Client used by the IoT Service to request access tokens for things.

Default value: forgerock-iot-oauth2-client

amster attribute: oauthClientName

Create OAuth 2.0 JWT Issuer

Create a Trusted JWT Issuer with the given name and default configuration required for the IoT Service to act as the Issuer when handling request for thing access tokens.

Default value: false

amster attribute: createOAuthJwtIssuer

OAuth 2.0 JWT Issuer Name

The name of the Trusted JWT Issuer used by the IoT Service to request access tokens for things.

Default value: forgerock-iot-jwt-issuer

amster attribute: oauthJwtIssuerName

OAuth 2.0 Subject Attribute

The name of the identity store attribute from which to read the OAuth 2.0 subject value. The subject is used in access tokens issued for things. This allows the thing’s access token subject to have a value other than the thing’s ID, which is the value used by default.

amster attribute: oauthSubjectAttribute

Readable Attributes

Specifies the list of attributes that a thing is allowed to request from its identity.

Default value: thingConfig

amster attribute: attributeAllowlist

Legacy User Self-Service

amster service name: SecurityProperties

Realm defaults

The following settings appear on the Realm Defaults tab:

Legacy Self-Service REST Endpoint

Specify whether to enable the legacy self-service endpoint.

AM supports two user self-service components: the Legacy User Self-Service, which is based on a Java SDK and is available in AM versions prior to AM 13, and a common REST-based/XUI-based User Self-Service available in AM 13 and later.

The Legacy User Self-Service will be deprecated in a future release.

Default value: false

amster attribute: selfServiceEnabled

Self-Registration for Users

If enabled, new users can sign up using a REST API client.

Default value: false

amster attribute: selfRegistrationEnabled

Self-Registration Token LifeTime (seconds)

Maximum life time for the token allowing User Self-Registration using the REST API.

Default value: 900

amster attribute: selfRegistrationTokenLifetime

Self-Registration Confirmation Email URL

This page handles the HTTP GET request when the user clicks the link sent by email in the confirmation request.

amster attribute: selfRegistrationConfirmationUrl

Forgot Password for Users

If enabled, users can assign themselves a new password using a REST API client.

Default value: false

amster attribute: forgotPasswordEnabled

Forgot Password Token Lifetime (seconds)

Maximum life time for the token that allows a user to process a forgotten password using the REST API.

Default value: 900

amster attribute: forgotPasswordTokenLifetime

Forgot Password Confirmation Email URL

This page handles the HTTP GET request when the user clicks the link sent by email in the confirmation request.

amster attribute: forgotPasswordConfirmationUrl

Destination After Successful Self-Registration

Specifies the behavior when self-registration has successfully completed.

The possible values for this property are:

  • Label: User is sent to a 'successful registration' page, without being logged in (value: default)

  • Label: User is sent to the login page, to authenticate (value: login)

  • Label: User is automatically logged in and sent to the appropriate page within the system (value: autologin)

Default value: default

amster attribute: userRegisteredDestination

Protected User Attributes

A list of user profile attributes. Users modifying any of the attributes in this list will be required to enter a password as confirmation before the change is accepted. This option applies to XUI deployments only.

amster attribute: protectedUserAttributes

Confirmation Id HMAC Signing Key

256-bit key (base64-encoded) to use for HMAC signing of the legacy self-service confirmation email links.

Default value: Bn+TrDWLSv1E3ADHWxgqpv4fZnVmKLqwQcZvGdo/3jU=

amster attribute: confirmationIdHmacKey


amster service name: Logging


The following settings appear on the General tab:

Log Status

Enable the AM logging system.

AM supports two audit logging services: a legacy logging service, based on a Java SDK and available in AM versions prior to AM 13.5, and a new common REST-based audit logging service available, from AM 13.5.

The legacy logging service will be deprecated in a future release.

The possible values for this property are:



Default value: INACTIVE

amster attribute: status

Logging Type

Specifies whether to log to a database, Syslog, or to the file system.

If you choose database then be sure to set the connection attributes correctly, including the JDBC driver to use.

The possible values for this property are:

  • File

  • DB

  • Syslog

Default value: File

amster attribute: type

Configurable Log Fields

Controls the fields that are logged by AM.

This property is the list of fields that are logged by default. Administrators can choose to limit the information logged by AM.

Default value:


amster attribute: fields

Log Verification Frequency

The frequency (in seconds) that AM verifies security of the log files.

When secure logging is enabled, this is the period that AM will check the integrity of the log files.

Default value: 3600

amster attribute: verifyPeriod

Log Signature Time

The frequency (in seconds) that AM will digitally sign the log records.

When secure logging is enabled, this is the period that AM will digitally signed the contents of the log files. The log signatures form the basis of the log file integrity checking.

Default value: 900

amster attribute: signaturePeriod

Secure Logging

Enable or disable secure logging.

If this setting is enabled, AM digitally signs and verifies the contents of log files, to help prevent and detect log file tampering. You must configure a certificate for this functionality to be enabled.

The possible values for this property are:

  • ON

  • OFF

Default value: OFF

amster attribute: security

Secure Logging Signing Algorithm

Determines the algorithm used to digitally sign the log records.

The possible values for this property are:

  • MD2withRSA. MD2 with RSA

  • MD5withRSA. MD5 with RSA

  • SHA1withDSA. SHA1 with DSA

  • SHA1withRSA. SHA1 with RSA

Default value: SHA1withRSA

amster attribute: signingAlgorithm

Logging Certificate Store Location

The path to the Java keystore containing the logging system certificate.

The secure logging system will use the certificate alias of Logger to locate the certificate in the specified keystore.

Default value: %BASE_DIR%/var/audit/Logger.jks

amster attribute: certificateStore

Number of Files per Archive

Controls the number of logs files that will be archived by the secure logging system.

Default value: 5

amster attribute: filesPerKeystore

Buffer Size

The number of log records held in memory before the log records will be flushed to the logfile or the database.

Default value: 25

amster attribute: bufferSize

Buffer Time

The maximum time (in seconds) AM will hold log records in memory before flushing to the underlying repository.

Default value: 60

amster attribute: bufferTime

Time Buffering

Enable or disable log buffering

When enabled AM holds all log records in a memory buffer that it periodically flushes to the repository. The period is set in the Buffer Time property.

The possible values for this property are:

  • ON

  • OFF

Default value: ON

amster attribute: buffering

Logging Level

Control the level of JDK logging within AM.

The possible values for this property are:

  • OFF



  • INFO


  • FINE



Default value: INFO

amster attribute: jdkLoggingLevel


The following settings appear on the File tab:

Log Rotation

Enable log rotation to cause new log files to be created when configured thresholds are reached, such as Maximum Log Size or Logfile Rotation Interval.

Default value: true

amster attribute: rotationEnabled

Maximum Log Size

Maximum size of a log file, in bytes.

Default value: 100000000

amster attribute: maxFileSize

Number of History Files

Sets the number of history files for each log that AM keeps, including time-based histories.

The previously live file is moved and is included in the history count, and a new log is created to serve as the live log file. Any log file in the history count that goes over the number specified here will be deleted.

For time-based logs, a new set of logs will be created when AM is started because of the time-based file names that are used.

Default value: 1

amster attribute: numberHistoryFiles

Logfile Rotation Prefix

The name of the log files will be prefixed with the supplied value.

This field defines the log file prefix. The prefix will be added to the name of all logfiles.

Only used when time-based log rotation is enabled.

amster attribute: prefix

Logfile Rotation Suffix

The name of the log files will be suffixed with the supplied value.

This field defines the log file suffix. If no suffix is provided, then the following default suffix format will be used: The suffix allows use of Date and Time patterns defined in SimpleDateFormat

This field is only used if the time based rotation is enabled.

Default value:

amster attribute: suffix

Logfile Rotation Interval

The rotation interval (in minutes).

The rotation interval determines the frequency of when the log files will be rotated. If the value is -1, then time based rotation is disabled and log file size based rotation is enabled.

Default value: -1

amster attribute: rotationInterval

Log File Location

The path to the location of the log files

This property controls the location of the log files. The value depends on whether File or DB logging is used:

  • File: The full pathname to the directory containing the log files.

  • DB: The JDBC URL to the database used to store the log file database.

Default value: %BASE_DIR%/var/audit/

amster attribute: location


The following settings appear on the Database tab:

Database User Name

When logging to a database, set this to the username used to connect to the database. If this attribute is incorrectly set, AM performance suffers.

Default value: dbuser

amster attribute: user

Database User Password

When logging to a database, set this to the password used to connect to the database. If this attribute is incorrectly set, AM performance suffers.

amster attribute: password

Database Driver Name

When logging to a database, set this to the class name of the JDBC driver used to connect to the database.

The default is for Oracle. AM also works with the MySQL database driver.

Default value: oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver

amster attribute: driver

Maximum Number of Records

The maximum number of records read from the logs through the logging API.

Default value: 500

amster attribute: maxRecords

DB Failure Memory Buffer Size

Max number of log records held in memory if DB logging fails.

This is the maximum number of log records that will be held in memory if the database is unavailable. When the buffer is full, new log records cause the oldest record in the buffer to be cleared. AM monitoring records the number of log entries cleared when the database was unavailable.

If the value of this property is less than that of the Buffer Size then the buffer size value will take precedence.

Default value: 2

amster attribute: databaseFailureMemoryBufferSize


The following settings appear on the Syslog tab:

Syslog server host

The URL or IP address of the syslog server, for example, or localhost.

Default value: localhost

amster attribute: host

Syslog server port

The port number the syslog server is configured to listen to.

Default value: 514

amster attribute: port

Syslog transport protocol

The protocol to use to connect to the syslog server.

The possible values for this property are:

  • UDP

  • TCP

Default value: UDP

amster attribute: protocol

Syslog facility

Syslog uses the facility level to determine the type of program that is logging the message.

The possible values for this property are:

  • kern

  • user

  • mail

  • daemon

  • auth

  • syslog

  • lpr

  • news

  • uucp

  • cron

  • authpriv

  • ftp

  • local0

  • local1

  • local2

  • local3

  • local4

  • local5

  • local6

  • local7

Default value: local5

amster attribute: facility

Syslog connection timeout

The period of time, in seconds, to wait when attempting to connect to the syslog server, before reporting a failure.

Default value: 30

amster attribute: timeout


amster service name: Monitoring


The following settings appear on the Configuration tab:

Monitoring Status

Enable / Disable the monitoring system

Default value: false

amster attribute: enabled

Monitoring HTTP Port

Port number for the HTTP monitoring interface

Default value: 8082

amster attribute: httpPort

Monitoring HTTP interface status

Enable / Disable the HTTP access to the monitoring system

Default value: false

amster attribute: httpEnabled

Monitoring HTTP interface authentication file path

Path to the monitoring system authentication file

The openam_mon_auth file contains the username and password of the account used to protect the monitoring interfaces. The default username is demo with a password of changeit. Use the ampassword command to encrypt a new password.

Default value: %BASE_DIR%/security/openam_mon_auth

amster attribute: authfilePath

Monitoring RMI Port

Port number for the JMX monitoring interface

Default value: 9999

amster attribute: rmiPort

Monitoring RMI interface status

Enable / Disable the JMX access to the monitoring system

Default value: false

amster attribute: rmiEnabled

Monitoring SNMP Port

Port number for the SNMP monitoring interface

Default value: 8085

amster attribute: snmpPort

Monitoring SNMP interface status

Enable / Disable the SNMP access to the monitoring system

Default value: false

amster attribute: snmpEnabled

Policy evaluation monitoring history size

Size of the window of most recent policy evaluations to record to expose via monitoring system. Valid range is 100 - 1000000.

Default value: 10000

amster attribute: policyHistoryWindowSize

Session monitoring history size

Size of the window of most recent session operations to record to expose via monitoring system. Valid range is 100 - 1000000.

Default value: 10000

amster attribute: sessionHistoryWindowSize

Secondary configurations

This service has the following secondary configurations.


Default value: false

amster attribute: enabled


The hostname of the Graphite server to which metrics should be published.

amster attribute: host


The port of the Graphite server to which metrics should be published.

Default value: 2004

amster attribute: port


The frequency (in seconds) at which metrics should be published.

Default value: 30

amster attribute: frequency


Default value: false

amster attribute: enabled

Authentication Type

Default value: BASIC

amster attribute: authenticationType


Default value: prometheus

amster attribute: username


amster attribute: password

Multi-federation protocol

amster service name: MultiFederationProtocol

The following settings are available in this service:

Single Logout Handler List

List of logout handlers for each supported federation protocol

The multi-federation protocol engine supports single logout. Each federation protocol requires a different single logout handler. The logout handler must implement the com.sun.identity.multiprotocol.SingleLogoutHandler interface.

Default value:


amster attribute: singleLogoutHandlerList


amster service name: Naming

General configuration

The following settings appear on the General Configuration tab:

Profile Service URL

Specifies the endpoint used by the profile service.

This attribute is deprecated.

Default value: %protocol://%host:%port%uri/profileservice

amster attribute: profileUrl

Session Service URL

Specifies the endpoint used by the session service.

Default value: %protocol://%host:%port%uri/sessionservice

amster attribute: sessionUrl

Logging Service URL

Specifies the endpoint used by the logging service.

Default value: %protocol://%host:%port%uri/loggingservice

amster attribute: loggingUrl

Policy Service URL

Specifies the endpoint used by the policy service.

Default value: %protocol://%host:%port%uri/policyservice

amster attribute: policyUrl

Authentication Service URL

Specifies the endpoint used by the authentication service.

Default value: %protocol://%host:%port%uri/authservice

amster attribute: authUrl

Federation configuration

The following settings appear on the Federation Configuration tab:

SAML Web Profile/Artifact Service URL

Specifies the SAML v1 endpoint.

Default value: %protocol://%host:%port%uri/SAMLAwareServlet

amster attribute: samlAwareServletUrl


Specifies the SAML v1 SOAP service endpoint.

Default value: %protocol://%host:%port%uri/SAMLSOAPReceiver

amster attribute: samlSoapReceiverUrl

SAML Web Profile/POST Service URL

Specifies the SAML v1 Web Profile endpoint.

Default value: %protocol://%host:%port%uri/SAMLPOSTProfileServlet

amster attribute: samlPostServletUrl

SAML Assertion Manager Service URL

Specifies the SAML v1 assertion service endpoint.

Default value: %protocol://%host:%port%uri/AssertionManagerServlet/AssertionManagerIF

amster attribute: samlAssertionManagerUrl


(Deprecated) Specifies the JAXRPC endpoint URL used by the remote IDM/SMS APIs.

Default value: %protocol://%host:%port%uri/jaxrpc/

amster attribute: jaxrpcUrl

Endpoint configuration

The following settings appear on the Endpoint Configuration tab:

Identity Web Services Endpoint URL

Specifies the endpoint for the Identity WSDL services.

Default value: %protocol://%host:%port%uri/identityservices/

amster attribute: jaxwsUrl

Identity REST Services Endpoint URL

Specifies the endpoint for the Identity REST services.

Default value: %protocol://%host:%port%uri/identity/

amster attribute: idsvcsRestUrl

Security Token Service Endpoint URL

Specifies the STS endpoint.

Default value: %protocol://%host:%port%uri/sts

amster attribute: stsUrl

Security Token Service MEX Endpoint URL

Specifies the STS MEX endpoint.

Default value: %protocol://%host:%port%uri/sts/mex

amster attribute: stsMexUrl

OAuth2 provider

amster service name: OAuth2Provider

Global attributes

The following settings appear on the Global Attributes tab:

Token Denylist Cache Size

Number of denylisted tokens to cache in memory to speed up denylist checks and reduce load on the CTS.

Default value: 10000

amster attribute: blacklistCacheSize

Denylist Poll Interval (seconds)

How frequently to poll for token denylist changes from other servers, in seconds.

How often each server will poll the CTS for token denylist changes from other servers. This is used to maintain a highly compressed view of the overall current token denylist improving performance. A lower number will reduce the delay for denylisted tokens to propagate to all servers at the cost of increased CTS load. Set to 0 to disable this feature completely.

Default value: 60

amster attribute: blacklistPollInterval

Denylist Purge Delay (minutes)

Length of time to denylist tokens beyond their expiry time.

Allows additional time to account for clock skew to ensure that a token has expired before it is removed from the denylist.

Default value: 1

amster attribute: blacklistPurgeDelay

Client-Side Grant Token Upgrade Compatibility Mode

Enable AM to consume and create client-side OAuth 2.0 tokens in two different formats simultaneously.

Enable this option when upgrading AM to allow the new instance to create and consume client-side OAuth 2.0 tokens in both the previous format, and the new format. Disable this option once all AM instances in the cluster have been upgraded.

Default value: false

amster attribute: statelessGrantTokenUpgradeCompatibilityMode

CTS Storage Scheme

Storage scheme to be used when storing OAuth2 tokens to CTS.

In order to support rolling upgrades, this should be set to the latest storage scheme supported by all AM instances within your cluster. Select the latest storage scheme once all AM instances in the cluster have been upgraded.

One-to-One Storage Scheme

Under this storage scheme, each OAuth2 token maps to an individual CTS entry.

This storage scheme is inefficient - use the Grant-Set Storage Scheme once all servers have been upgraded to a version which supports it.

Grant-Set Storage Scheme

Under this storage scheme, multiple authorization codes, access tokens, and refresh tokens for a given OAuth 2.0 client and resource owner can be stored within a single CTS entry.

The possible values for this property are:

  • Label: One-to-One Storage Scheme (Value: CTS_ONE_TO_ONE_MODEL)

  • Label: Grant-Set Storage Scheme (Value: CTS_GRANT_SET_MODEL)

    Default value: CTS_ONE_TO_ONE_MODEL

    amster attribute: storageScheme

Enforce JWT Unreasonable Lifetime

Enable the enforcement of JWT token unreasonable lifetime during validation.

The JSON Web Token (JWT) Profile for OAuth 2.0 Client Authentication and Authorization Grants specification states that an authorization server may reject JWTs with an "exp" claim value that is unreasonably far in the future and an "iat" claim value that is unreasonably far in the past. This enforcement may be disabled, but should only be done if the security implications have been evaluated.

Default value: true

amster attribute: jwtTokenLifetimeValidationEnabled

JWT Unreasonable Lifetime (seconds)

Specify the lifetime (in seconds) of a JWT which should be considered unreasonable and rejected by validation.

The JSON Web Token (JWT) Profile for OAuth 2.0 Client Authentication and Authorization Grants specification states that an authorization server may reject JWTs with an "exp" claim value that is unreasonably far in the future and an "iat" claim value that is unreasonably far in the past. During token validation AM enforces that the token must expire within the specified duration and if the "iat" claim value is present, the token must not be older than the specified duration.

Default value: 86400

amster attribute: jwtTokenUnreasonableLifetime

JWT Required Claims

Specify a custom list of claims that will be treated as required during validation of an OAuth 2.0 authorization grant or client authentication JWT. This is in addition to the default mandatory claims, "iss", "aud", and "exp". AM will throw an error if any of the claims defined in this attribute are not present.

This attribute does not apply to a request object JWT, such as the JWT parameter used when invoking the PAR endpoint.

Default value: [Empty]

amster attribute: jwtTokenRequiredClaims

OAuth2 allow unauthenticated user code entry

Determines whether authentication must take place before a user is permitted to proceed to the verification URL to enter a user code.

If set to true, users will be able to input a user code without first logging in.

This setting is intended for backwards compatibility purposes only, and should only be enabled on existing installations that require legacy functionality.

Default value: false

amster attribute: allowUnauthorisedAccessToUserCodeForm


The following settings appear on the Core tab:

Use Client-Side Access & Refresh Tokens

When enabled, AM issues access and refresh tokens that can be inspected by resource servers.

This setting can be overridden at the client level. See client profile configuration.

Default value: false

amster attribute: statelessTokensEnabled

Use Macaroon Access and Refresh Tokens

When enabled, AM will issue access and refresh tokens as Macaroons with caveats.

Default value: false

amster attribute: macaroonTokensEnabled

Authorization Code Lifetime (seconds)

The time an authorization code is valid for, in seconds.

Default value: 120

amster attribute: codeLifetime

Refresh Token Lifetime (seconds)

The time in seconds a refresh token is valid for. If this field is set to -1, the refresh token will never expire.

Default value: 604800

amster attribute: refreshTokenLifetime

Access Token Lifetime (seconds)

The time an access token is valid for, in seconds. Note that if you set the value to 0, the access token will not be valid. A maximum lifetime of 600 seconds is recommended.

Default value: 3600

amster attribute: accessTokenLifetime

Issue Refresh Tokens

Whether to issue a refresh token when returning an access token.

This setting can be overridden at the client level. See client profile configuration.

Default value: true

amster attribute: issueRefreshToken

Issue Refresh Tokens on Refreshing Access Tokens

Whether to issue a refresh token when refreshing an access token.

This setting can be overridden at the client level. See client profile configuration.

Default value: true

amster attribute: issueRefreshTokenOnRefreshedToken

Use Policy Engine for Scope decisions

With this setting enabled, the policy engine is consulted for each scope value that is requested.

Scope decisions are made in the following way when based on the policy engine:

  • If a policy returns an action of GRANT=true, the scope is consented automatically, and the user is not consulted in a user-interaction flow.

  • If a policy returns an action of GRANT=false, the scope is not added to any resulting token, and the user will not see it in a user-interaction flow.

  • If no policy returns a value for the GRANT action:

    • For user-facing grant types, such as the authorization or device code flows, the user is asked for consent or saved consent is used.

    • For grant types that are not user-facing, such as those using password or client credentials, the scope is not added to any resulting token.

This setting can be overridden at the client level. See client profile configuration.

Default value: false

amster attribute: usePolicyEngineForScope

Scopes Policy Set

The policy set that defines the context in which policy evaluations occur when Use Policy Engine for Scope decisions is enabled on the OAuth 2.0 provider. Leave this field blank, or set it to oauth2Scopes to use the default policy set.

This setting can be overridden at the client level. See client profile configuration.

Default value: [Empty]

OAuth2 Access Token May Act Script

The script that is executed when issuing an access token explicitly to modify the may_act claim placed on the token.

This setting can be overridden at the client level. See client profile configuration.

The possible values for this property are:

  • Label: OAuth2 May Act Script (Value: c735de08-f8f2-4e69-aa4a-2d8d3d438323)

  • Label: --- Select a script --- (Value: [Empty])

Default value: [Empty]

amster attribute: accessTokenMayActScript

OIDC ID Token May Act Script

The script that is executed when issuing an OIDC ID Token explicitly to modify the may_act claim placed on the token.

This setting can be overridden at the client level. See client profile configuration.

The possible values for this property are:

  • Label: OAuth2 May Act Script (Value: c735de08-f8f2-4e69-aa4a-2d8d3d438323)

  • Label: --- Select a script --- (Value: [Empty])

Default value: [Empty]

amster attribute: oidcMayActScript


The following settings appear on the Advanced tab:

Custom Login URL Template

Custom URL for handling login, to override the default AM login page.

Supports Freemarker syntax, with the following variables:




The URL to redirect to after login.


The Authentication Context Class Reference (acr) values for the authorization request.


The AM realm the authorization request was made on.


The name of the AM authentication module requested to perform resource owner authentication.


The name of the AM authentication chain requested to perform resource owner authentication.


A space-separated list of locales, ordered by preference.

The following example template redirects users to a non-AM front end to handle login, which will then redirect back to the /oauth2/authorize endpoint with any required parameters:${goto}<#if acrValues??>&acr_values=${acrValues}</#if><#if realm??>&realm=${realm}</#if><#if module??>&module=${module}</#if><#if service??>&service=${service}</#if><#if locale??>&locale=${locale}</#if>

The default AM login page is constructed using the "Base URL Source" service.

This setting can be overridden at the client level. See client profile configuration.

amster attribute: customLoginUrlTemplate

Persistent Claims

Set of custom claims that can be persisted between token refreshes. This list should not include the RFC 123 OAuth2 specification defined list of claims.

Default value:

amster attribute: persistentClaims

Response Type Plugins

List of plugins that handle the valid response_type values.

OAuth 2.0 clients pass response types as parameters to the OAuth 2.0 Authorization endpoint (/oauth2/authorize) to indicate which grant type is requested from the provider. For example, the client passes code when requesting an authorization code, and token when requesting an access token.

Values in this list take the form response-type|plugin-class-name.

Default value:


amster attribute: responseTypeClasses

Additional Audience Values

The additional audience values that will be permitted when verifying Client Authentication JWTs.

These audience values will be in addition to the AS base, issuer and endpoint URIs.

amster attribute: allowedAudienceValues

Token Exchanger Plugins

List of plugins that handle the valid requested_token_type values.

When using the Token Exchange grant type, these handlers will be used to convert the provided subject_token and actor_token into the appropriate impersonation or delegation tokens for use with downstream services.

Default value:


amster attribute: tokenExchangeClasses

Token Validator Plugins

List of plugins that validate subject_token and actor_token values.

When using the Token Exchange grant type, these handlers will be used to convert the validate subject_token and actor_token values to ensure they meet the required criteria to be exchanged.

Default value:


amster attribute: tokenValidatorClasses

User Profile Attribute(s) the Resource Owner is Authenticated On

Names of profile attributes that resource owners use to log in. You can add others to the default, for example mail.

Default value: uid

amster attribute: authenticationAttributes

User Display Name attribute

The profile attribute that contains the name to be displayed for the user on the consent page.

Default value: cn

amster attribute: displayNameAttribute

Client Registration Scope Allowlist

The set of scopes allowed when registering clients dynamically, with translations.

Scopes may be entered as simple strings or pipe-separated strings representing the internal scope name, locale, and localized description.

For example: read|en|Permission to view email messages in your account

Locale strings are in the format: language_country_variant, for example en, en_GB, or en_US_WIN.

If the locale and pipe is omitted, the description is displayed to all users that have undefined locales.

If the description is also omitted, nothing is displayed on the consent page for the scope. For example specifying read| would allow the scope read to be used by the client, but would not display it to the user on the consent page when requested.

amster attribute: supportedScopes

Subject Types supported

List of subject types supported. Valid values are:

  • public - Each client receives the same subject (sub) value.

  • pairwise - Each client receives a different subject (sub) value, to prevent correlation between clients.

    Default value:


    amster attribute: supportedSubjectTypes

Default Client Scopes

List of scopes a client will be granted if they request registration without specifying which scopes they want. Default scopes are NOT auto-granted to clients created through the AM admin UI.

amster attribute: defaultScopes

OAuth2 Token Signing Algorithm

Algorithm used to sign client-side OAuth 2.0 tokens in order to detect tampering.

AM supports signing algorithms listed in JSON Web Algorithms (JWA): "alg" (Algorithm) Header Parameter Values for JWS:

  • HS256 - HMAC with SHA-256.

  • HS384 - HMAC with SHA-384.

  • HS512 - HMAC with SHA-512.

  • ES256 - ECDSA with SHA-256 and NIST standard P-256 elliptic curve.

  • ES384 - ECDSA with SHA-384 and NIST standard P-384 elliptic curve.

  • ES512 - ECDSA with SHA-512 and NIST standard P-521 elliptic curve.

  • RS256 - RSASSA-PKCS-v1_5 using SHA-256.

    The possible values for this property are:

  • HS256

  • HS384

  • HS512

  • RS256

  • RS384

  • RS512

  • ES256

  • ES384

  • ES512

  • PS256

  • PS384

  • PS512

Default value: HS256
amster attribute: tokenSigningAlgorithm

Client-Side Token Compression

Whether client-side access and refresh tokens should be compressed.

Default value: false

amster attribute: tokenCompressionEnabled

Encrypt Client-Side Tokens

Whether client-side access and refresh tokens should be encrypted.

Enabling token encryption will disable token signing as encryption is performed using direct symmetric encryption.

This setting can be overridden at the client level. See client profile configuration.

Default value: false

amster attribute: tokenEncryptionEnabled

Subject Identifier Hash Salt

If pairwise subject types are supported, it is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to change this value. It is used in the salting of hashes for returning specific sub claims to individuals using the same request_uri or sector_identifier_uri.

Default value: changeme

amster attribute: hashSalt

Code Verifier Parameter Required

If enabled, requests using the authorization code grant or device flow require a code_challenge attribute to comply with the PKCE standard.

For more information, read the PKCE specification.

Note that if a client specifies a code_challenge parameter in the authorization request, PKCE is enabled regardless of the value of this attribute.

The possible values for this property are:

  • Label: All requests (Value: true)

  • Label: Requests from all public clients (Value: public)

  • Label: Requests from all passwordless public clients (Value: passwordless)

  • Label: No requests (Value: false)

Default value: false

amster attribute: codeVerifierEnforced

Modified Timestamp Attribute Name

The identity Data Store attribute used to return modified timestamp values.

This attribute is paired together with the Created Timestamp Attribute Name attribute (createdTimestampAttribute). You can leave both attributes unset (default) or set them both. If you set only one attribute and leave the other blank, the access token fails with a 500 error.

For example, when you configure AM as an OpenID Connect Provider in a Mobile Connect application and use DS as an identity data store, the client accesses the userinfo endpoint to obtain the updated_at claim value in the ID token. The updated_at claim obtains its value from the modifiedTimestampAttribute attribute in the user profile. If the profile has never been modified the updated_at claim uses the createdTimestampAttribute attribute.

amster attribute: modifiedTimestampAttribute

Created Timestamp Attribute Name

The identity Data Store attribute used to return created timestamp values.

amster attribute: createdTimestampAttribute

Password Grant Authentication Service

The authentication service (chain or tree) that will be used to authenticate the username and password for the resource owner password credentials grant type.

The possible values for this property are:

  • [Empty]

  • ldapService

  • amsterService

  • Example

  • Agent

  • RetryLimit

  • PersistentCookie

  • HmacOneTimePassword

  • Facebook-ProvisionIDMAccount

  • Google-AnonymousUser

  • Google-DynamicAccountCreation

  • PlatformRegistration

  • PlatformProgressiveProfile

  • PlatformLogin

  • PlatformForgottenUsername

  • PlatformResetPassword

  • PlatformUpdatePassword

amster attribute: passwordGrantAuthService

Enable Auth Module Messages for Password Credentials Grant

If enabled, authentication module failure messages are used to create Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant failure messages. If disabled, a standard authentication failed message is used.

The Password Grant Type requires the grant_type=password parameter.

Default value: false

amster attribute: moduleMessageEnabledInPasswordGrant

Grant Types

The set of Grant Types (OAuth2 Flows) that are permitted to be used by this client.

If no Grant Types (OAuth2 Flows) are configured nothing will be permitted.

Default value:


amster attribute: grantTypes

Trusted TLS Client Certificate Header

HTTP Header to receive TLS client certificates when TLS is terminated at a proxy.

Leave blank if not terminating TLS at a proxy. Ensure that the proxy is configured to strip this headerfrom incoming requests. Best practice is to use a random string.

amster attribute: tlsClientCertificateTrustedHeader

TLS Client Certificate Header Format

Format of the HTTP header used to communicate a client certificate from a reverse proxy.

The following formats are supported:

  • URLENCODED_PEM - a URL-encoded PEM format certificate. This is the format used by Nginx.

  • ` X_FORWARDED_CLIENT_CERT` - the X-Forwarded-Client-Certformat used by Envoy and Istio.

    The possible values for this property are:



Default value: URLENCODED_PEM
amster attribute: tlsClientCertificateHeaderFormat

Support TLS Certificate-Bound Access Tokens

Whether to bind access tokens to the client certificate when using TLS client certificate authentication.

Default value: true

amster attribute: tlsCertificateBoundAccessTokensEnabled

Check TLS Certificate Revocation Status

Whether to check if TLS client certificates have been revoked.

If enabled then AM will check if TLS client certificates used for client authentication have been revoked using either OCSP (preferred) or CRL. AM implements "soft fail" semantics: if the revocation status cannot be established due to a temporary error (e.g., network error) then the certificate is assumed to still be valid.

Default value: false

amster attribute: tlsCertificateRevocationCheckingEnabled

OCSP Responder URI

URI of the OCSP responder service to use for checking certificate revocation status.

If specified this value overrides any OCSP or CRL mechanisms specified in individual certificates.

amster attribute: tlsOcspResponderUri

OCSP Responder Certificate

PEM-encoded certificate to use to verify OCSP responses.

If specified this certificate will be used to verify the signature on all OCSP responses. Otherwise the appropriate certificate will be determined from the trusted CA certificates.

amster attribute: tlsOcspResponderCert

Macaroon Token Format

The format to use when serializing and parsing Macaroons. V1 is bulky and should only be used when compatibility with older Macaroon libraries is required.

The possible values for this property are:

  • V1

  • V2

Default value: V2
amster attribute: macaroonTokenFormat

Require exp claim in Request Object

If enabled, the exp claim must be included in JWT request objects specified at /oauth2/authorize or /oauth2/par.

The exp (expiration time) claim defines the lifetime of the JWT, after which the JWT is no longer valid.

To comply with the FAPI security profile, this setting must be enabled.

Default value: false

amster attribute: expClaimRequiredInRequestObject

Require nbf claim in Request Object

If enabled, the nbf claim must be included in JWT request objects specified at /oauth2/authorize or /oauth2/par.

The nbf (not before) claim defines the earliest time that the JWT can be accepted for processing.

To comply with the FAPI security profile, this setting must be enabled.

Default value: false

amster attribute: nbfClaimRequiredInRequestObject

Max nbf and exp difference

The maximum permitted difference, in minutes, between the nbf and exp claims, as defined in the request object JWT.

A value of 0 indicates that there is no maximum time requirement.

If set to a value greater than 0, and either nbf or exp is not defined, the JWT is validated successfully, providing the claims are not required.

If set to a value greater than 0, and both claims are present, the JWT is validated accordingly, even when not required.

To comply with the FAPI security profile, this setting must be 60 (minutes) or less.

Default value: 0

amster attribute: maxDifferenceBetweenRequestObjectNbfAndExp

Max nbf age

The maximum permitted age, in minutes, of the nbf claim.

A value of 0 indicates that there is no maximum time requirement.

If set to a value greater than 0, and nbf is neither required nor specified, the JWT is validated successfully.

If set to a value greater than 0, and nbf is present, the JWT is validated accordingly, even when not required.

To comply with the FAPI security profile, this setting must be 60 (minutes) or less.

Default value: 0

amster attribute: maxAgeOfRequestObjectNbfClaim

Request Object Processing Specification

For OpenID Connect requests only, this setting determines which specification is used to validate request object JWTs.

For example, the following OpenID Connect request specifies a request object JWT, and could be validated either according to the JAR specification, or as a standard OpenID Connect request:

/authorize?client_id=myClient&request={JWT with scope=openid, response_type=id_token}

OAuth 2.0 requests that do not fall into this category, such as PAR, or non-OpenID Connect JWT requests, are processed according to the JAR specification, regardless of the value of this setting.

The possible values are:

This table summarizes the differences between the rules that need to be adhered to in each case.

Specification Rules
OIDC specification JAR specification

Request object

May be unsigned.

Must be JWS signed, and optionally, JWE encrypted.

Authorization request parameters

Assembles parameters from both the request object and the query parameters.

If duplicates exist, the request object parameter takes precedence.

Assembles parameters from the request object ONLY.

Duplicates that are defined as query parameters are ignored.

Required request parameters

  • client_id

  • response_type

  • scope, including openid scope value

  • client_id (must match the client ID specified in the request itself)

  • request OR request_uri

Default value: OIDC

amster attribute: requestObjectProcessing

PAR Request URI Lifetime (seconds)

The length of time that the PAR Request URI is valid, in seconds.

It is strongly recommended to set this value to a short interval; for example, between 5 and 150 seconds. Setting this attribute to a higher value increases the load on the CTS, and may even result in denial of service if the requests are large and consume the available storage capacity.

For information about the PAR flow, see Authorization code grant with PAR.

Default value: 90

amster attribute: parRequestUriLifetime

Require Pushed Authorization Requests

If enabled, clients must use the PAR endpoint to initiate authorization requests, otherwise AM will throw an error indicating a missing or invalid request object.

This applies to all clients, including clients that are not configured to require PAR. See Advanced client properties for details.

Default value: false

amster attribute: requirePushedAuthorizationRequests

Refresh Token Grace Period (seconds)

The time, in seconds, that a refresh token can be reused. This grace period lets OAuth 2.0 clients recover seamlessly, if the response from an original refresh token request is not received, because of a network problem or other transient issue. During the grace period, the refresh token can be reused multiple times, if the network problem persists. When the grace period ends, the refresh token is revoked.

The refresh token grace period applies only to server-side tokens, in a one-to-one storage scheme.

Having a long grace period poses a security risk. You should therefore keep the grace period as small as possible. By default, the grace period cannot exceed 120 seconds. You can override this default maximum by setting the org.forgerock.openam.oauth2.client.graceperiod.disabled advanced server property. Note, however, that exceeding the default maximum of 120 seconds is not recommended.

There is no grace period by default, so the default value is 0.

Allow Client Credentials in Token Endpoint Query Parameters

When this setting is true, you can include client credentials in token endpoint requests as query parameters.

Default value: false

For security reasons, you shouldn’t change this setting.

amster attribute: allowClientCredentialsInTokenRequestQueryParameters

Client Dynamic Registration

The following settings appear on the Client Dynamic Registration tab:

Require Software Statement for Dynamic Client Registration

When enabled, a software statement JWT containing at least the iss (issuer) claim must be provided when registering an OAuth 2.0 client dynamically.

Default value: false

amster attribute: dynamicClientRegistrationSoftwareStatementRequired

Required Software Statement Attested Attributes

The client attributes that are required to be present in the software statement JWT when registering an OAuth 2.0 client dynamically. Only applies if Require Software Statements for Dynamic Client Registration is enabled.

Leave blank to allow any attributes to be present.

Default value: redirect_uris

amster attribute: requiredSoftwareStatementAttestedAttributes

Allow Open Dynamic Client Registration

Allow clients to register without an access token. If enabled, you should consider adding some form of rate limiting. For more information, see Client Registration in the OpenID Connect specification.

Default value: false

amster attribute: allowDynamicRegistration

Generate Registration Access Tokens

Whether to generate Registration Access Tokens for clients that register by using open dynamic client registration. Such tokens let the client access the Client Configuration Endpoint as per the OpenID Connect specification. This setting has no effect if Allow Open Dynamic Client Registration is disabled.

Default value: true

amster attribute: generateRegistrationAccessTokens

Scope to give access to dynamic client registration

Mandatory scope required when registering a new OAuth2 client.

Default value: dynamic_client_registration

amster attribute: dynamicClientRegistrationScope

OpenID Connect

The following settings appear on the OpenID Connect tab:

Overrideable Id_Token Claims

List of claims in the ID token that can be overridden in the OIDC Claims script. These should be the subset of the core OpenID Connect Claims like aud or azp.

This setting can be overridden at the client level. See client profile configuration.

amster attribute: overrideableOIDCClaims

ID Token Signing Algorithms supported

Algorithms supported to sign OpenID Connect id_tokens.

AM supports signing algorithms listed in JSON Web Algorithms (JWA): "alg" (Algorithm) Header Parameter Values for JWS:

  • HS256 - HMAC with SHA-256.

  • HS384 - HMAC with SHA-384.

  • HS512 - HMAC with SHA-512.

  • ES256 - ECDSA with SHA-256 and NIST standard P-256 elliptic curve.

  • ES384 - ECDSA with SHA-384 and NIST standard P-384 elliptic curve.

  • ES512 - ECDSA with SHA-512 and NIST standard P-521 elliptic curve.

  • RS256 - RSASSA-PKCS-v1_5 using SHA-256.

  • RS384 - RSASSA-PKCS-v1_5 using SHA-384.

  • RS512 - RSASSA-PKCS-v1_5 using SHA-512.

  • PS256 - RSASSA-PSS using SHA-256.

  • PS384 - RSASSA-PSS using SHA-384.

  • PS512 - RSASSA-PSS using SHA-512.

    Default value:


amster attribute: supportedIDTokenSigningAlgorithms

ID Token Encryption Algorithms supported

Encryption algorithms supported to encrypt OpenID Connect ID tokens in order to hide its contents.

AM supports the following ID token encryption algorithms:

  • RSA-OAEP - RSA with Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding (OAEP) with SHA-1 and MGF-1.

  • ` RSA-OAEP-256` - RSA with OAEP with SHA-256 and MGF-1.

  • ` A128KW` - AES Key Wrapping with 128-bit key derived from the client secret.

  • ` RSA1_5` - RSA with PKCS#1 v1.5 padding.

  • ` A256KW` - AES Key Wrapping with 256-bit key derived from the client secret.

  • ` dir` - Direct encryption with AES using the hashed client secret.

  • ` A192KW` - AES Key Wrapping with 192-bit key derived from the client secret.

    Default value:


    amster attribute: supportedIDTokenEncryptionAlgorithms

ID Token Encryption Methods supported

Encryption methods supported to encrypt OpenID Connect ID tokens in order to hide its contents.

AM supports the following ID token encryption algorithms:

  • A128GCM, A192GCM, and A256GCM - AES in Galois Counter Mode (GCM) authenticated encryption mode.

  • A128CBC-HS256, A192CBC-HS384, and A256CBC-HS512 - AES encryption in CBC mode, with HMAC-SHA-2 for integrity.

    Default value:


    amster attribute: supportedIDTokenEncryptionMethods

Supported Claims

Set of claims supported by the OpenID Connect /oauth2/userinfo endpoint, with translations.

Claims may be entered as simple strings or pipe separated strings representing the internal claim name, locale, and localized description.

For example: name|en|Your full name..

Locale strings are in the format: language + "" + country + "" + variant, for example en, en_GB, or en_US_WIN. If the locale and pipe is omitted, the description is displayed to all users that have undefined locales.

If the description is also omitted, nothing is displayed on the consent page for the claim. For example specifying family_name| would allow the claim family_name to be used by the client, but would not display it to the user on the consent page when requested.

amster attribute: supportedClaims

OpenID Connect JWT Token Lifetime (seconds)

The amount of time the JWT will be valid for, in seconds.

Default value: 3600

amster attribute: jwtTokenLifetime

OIDC Provider Discovery

Turns on and off OIDC Discovery endpoint.

Default value: false

amster attribute: oidcDiscoveryEndpointEnabled

Advanced OpenID Connect

The following settings appear on the Advanced OpenID Connect tab:

Remote JSON Web Key URL

The Remote URL where the providers JSON Web Key can be retrieved.

If this setting is not configured, then AM provides a local URL to access the public key of the private key used to sign ID tokens.

amster attribute: jkwsURI

Idtokeninfo Endpoint Requires Client Authentication

When enabled, the /oauth2/idtokeninfo endpoint requires client authentication if the signing algorithm is set to HS256, HS384, or HS512.

Default value: true

amster attribute: idTokenInfoClientAuthenticationEnabled

Enable "claims_parameter_supported"

If enabled, clients will be able to request individual claims using the claims request parameter, as per section 5.5 of the OpenID Connect specification.

Default value: false

amster attribute: claimsParameterSupported

OpenID Connect acr_values to Auth Chain Mapping

Maps OpenID Connect ACR values to authentication chains. For more details, see the acr_values parameter in the OpenID Connect authentication request specification.

amster attribute: loaMapping

Default ACR values

Default requested Authentication Context Class Reference values.

List of strings that specifies the default acr values that the OP is being requested to use for processing requests from this Client, with the values appearing in order of preference. The Authentication Context Class satisfied by the authentication performed is returned as the acr Claim Value in the issued ID Token. The acr Claim is requested as a Voluntary Claim by this parameter. The acr_values_supported discovery element contains a list of the acr values supported by this server. Values specified in the acr_values request parameter or an individual acr Claim request override these default values.

amster attribute: defaultACR

OpenID Connect id_token amr Values to Auth Module Mappings

Specify amr values to be returned in the OpenID Connect id_token. Once authentication has completed, the authentication modules that were used from the authentication service will be mapped to the amr values. If you do not require amr values, or are not providing OpenID Connect tokens, leave this field blank.

amster attribute: amrMappings

Always Return Claims in ID Tokens

If enabled, include scope-derived claims in the id_token, even if an access token is also returned that could provide access to get the claims from the userinfo endpoint.

If not enabled, if an access token is requested the client must use it to access the userinfo endpoint for scope-derived claims, as they will not be included in the ID token.

Default value: false

amster attribute: alwaysAddClaimsToToken

Enable Session Management

If this is not enabled then OpenID Connect session management related endpoints will be disabled. When enabled AM will store ops tokens corresponding to OpenID Connect sessions in the CTS store and an oidc session id in the AM session.

Default value: true

amster attribute: storeOpsTokens

Request Parameter Signing Algorithms Supported

Algorithms supported to verify signature of Request parameter. AM supports the signing algorithms listed in JSON Web Algorithms (JWA): "alg" (Algorithm) Header Parameter Values for JWS:

  • HS256 - HMAC with SHA-256.

  • HS384 - HMAC with SHA-384.

  • HS512 - HMAC with SHA-512.

  • ES256 - ECDSA with SHA-256 and NIST standard P-256 elliptic curve.

  • ES384 - ECDSA with SHA-384 and NIST standard P-384 elliptic curve.

  • ES512 - ECDSA with SHA-512 and NIST standard P-521 elliptic curve.

  • RS256 - RSASSA-PKCS-v1_5 using SHA-256.

Default value:


amster attribute: supportedRequestParameterSigningAlgorithms

Request Parameter Encryption Algorithms Supported

Encryption algorithms supported to decrypt Request parameter.

AM supports the following ID token encryption algorithms:

  • RSA-OAEP - RSA with Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding (OAEP) with SHA-1 and MGF-1.

  • RSA-OAEP-256 - RSA with OAEP with SHA-256 and MGF-1.

  • A128KW - AES Key Wrapping with 128-bit key derived from the client secret.

  • RSA1_5 - RSA with PKCS#1 v1.5 padding.

  • A256KW - AES Key Wrapping with 256-bit key derived from the client secret.

  • dir - Direct encryption with AES using the hashed client secret.

  • A192KW - AES Key Wrapping with 192-bit key derived from the client secret.

Default value:


amster attribute: supportedRequestParameterEncryptionAlgorithms

Request Parameter Encryption Methods Supported

Encryption methods supported to decrypt Request parameter.

AM supports the following Request parameter encryption algorithms:

  • A128GCM, A192GCM, and A256GCM - AES in Galois Counter Mode (GCM) authenticated encryption mode.

  • A128CBC-HS256, A192CBC-HS384, and A256CBC-HS512 - AES encryption in CBC mode, with HMAC-SHA-2 for integrity.

Default value:


amster attribute: supportedRequestParameterEncryptionEnc

Supported Token Endpoint JWS Signing Algorithms.

Supported JWS Signing Algorithms for 'private_key_jwt' JWT-based authentication method.

Default value:


amster attribute: supportedTokenEndpointAuthenticationSigningAlgorithms

Authorized OIDC SSO Clients

Clients authorized to use OpenID Connect ID tokens as SSO Tokens.

Allows clients to act with the full authority of the user. Grant this permission only to trusted clients.

amster attribute: authorisedOpenIdConnectSSOClients

UserInfo Signing Algorithms Supported

Algorithms supported to verify signature of the UserInfo endpoint. AM supports signing algorithms listed in JSON Web Algorithms (JWA): "alg" (Algorithm) Header Parameter Values for JWS:

  • HS256 - HMAC with SHA-256.

  • HS384 - HMAC with SHA-384.

  • HS512 - HMAC with SHA-512.

  • ES256 - ECDSA with SHA-256 and NIST standard P-256 elliptic curve.

  • ES384 - ECDSA with SHA-384 and NIST standard P-384 elliptic curve.

  • ES512 - ECDSA with SHA-512 and NIST standard P-521 elliptic curve.

  • RS256 - RSASSA-PKCS-v1_5 using SHA-256.

Default value:


amster attribute: supportedUserInfoSigningAlgorithms

UserInfo Encryption Algorithms Supported

Encryption algorithms supported by the UserInfo endpoint.

AM supports the following UserInfo endpoint encryption algorithms:

  • RSA-OAEP - RSA with Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding (OAEP) with SHA-1 and MGF-1.

  • ` RSA-OAEP-256` - RSA with OAEP with SHA-256 and MGF-1.

  • ` A128KW` - AES Key Wrapping with 128-bit key derived from the client secret.

  • ` RSA1_5` - RSA with PKCS#1 v1.5 padding.

  • ` A256KW` - AES Key Wrapping with 256-bit key derived from the client secret.

  • ` dir` - Direct encryption with AES using the hashed client secret.

  • ` A192KW` - AES Key Wrapping with 192-bit key derived from the client secret.

Default value:


amster attribute: supportedUserInfoEncryptionAlgorithms

UserInfo Encryption Methods Supported

Encryption methods supported by the UserInfo endpoint.

AM supports the following UserInfo endpoint encryption methods:

  • A128GCM, A192GCM, and A256GCM - AES in Galois Counter Mode (GCM) authenticated encryption mode.

  • A128CBC-HS256, A192CBC-HS384, and A256CBC-HS512 - AES encryption in CBC mode, with HMAC-SHA-2 for integrity.

Default value:


amster attribute: supportedUserInfoEncryptionEnc

Token Introspection Response Signing Algorithms Supported

Algorithms that are supported for signing the Token Introspection endpoint JWT response.

AM supports signing algorithms listed in JSON Web Algorithms (JWA): "alg" (Algorithm) Header Parameter Values for JWS:

  • HS256 - HMAC with SHA-256.

  • HS384 - HMAC with SHA-384.

  • HS512 - HMAC with SHA-512.

  • ES256 - ECDSA with SHA-256 and NIST standard P-256 elliptic curve.

  • ES384 - ECDSA with SHA-384 and NIST standard P-384 elliptic curve.

  • ES512 - ECDSA with SHA-512 and NIST standard P-521 elliptic curve.

  • RS256 - RSASSA-PKCS-v1_5 using SHA-256.

  • RS384 - RSASSA-PKCS-v1_5 using SHA-384.

  • RS512 - RSASSA-PKCS-v1_5 using SHA-512.

  • EdDSA - EdDSA with SHA-512.

Default value:


amster attribute: supportedTokenIntrospectionResponseSigningAlgorithms

Token Introspection Response Encryption Algorithms Supported

Encryption algorithms supported by the Token Introspection endpoint JWT response.

AM supports the following Token Introspection endpoint encryption algorithms:

  • RSA-OAEP - RSA with Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding (OAEP) with SHA-1 and MGF-1.

  • RSA-OAEP-256 - RSA with OAEP with SHA-256 and MGF-1.

  • A128KW - AES Key Wrapping with 128-bit key derived from the client secret.

  • RSA1_5 - RSA with PKCS#1 v1.5 padding.

  • A256KW - AES Key Wrapping with 256-bit key derived from the client secret.

  • dir - Direct encryption with AES using the hashed client secret.

  • A192KW - AES Key Wrapping with 192-bit key derived from the client secret.

Default value:


amster attribute: supportedTokenIntrospectionResponseEncryptionAlgorithms

Token Introspection Response Encryption Methods Supported

Encryption methods supported by the Token Introspection endpoint JWT response.

AM supports the following encryption methods:

  • A128GCM, A192GCM, and A256GCM - AES in Galois Counter Mode (GCM) authenticated encryption mode.

  • A128CBC-HS256, A192CBC-HS384, and A256CBC-HS512 - AES encryption in CBC mode, with HMAC-SHA-2 for integrity.

Default value:


amster attribute: supportedTokenIntrospectionResponseEncryptionEnc

Authorization Response Signing Algorithms Supported

Algorithms supported for signing the /oauth2/authorize endpoint JWT response.

AM supports signing algorithms listed in JSON Web Algorithms (JWA): "alg" (Algorithm) Header Parameter Values for JWS:

  • HS256 - HMAC with SHA-256

  • HS384 - HMAC with SHA-384

  • HS512 - HMAC with SHA-512

  • RS256 - RSASSA-PKCS-v1_5 using SHA-256

  • RS384 - RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 using SHA-384

  • RS512 - RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 using SHA-512

  • ES256 - ECDSA with SHA-256 and NIST standard P-256 elliptic curve

  • ES384 - ECDSA with SHA-384 and NIST standard P-384 elliptic curve

  • ES512 - ECDSA with SHA-512 and NIST standard P-521 elliptic curve

  • PS256 - RSASSA-PSS using SHA-256 and MGF1 with SHA-256

  • PS384 - RSASSA-PSS using SHA-384 and MGF1 with SHA-384

  • PS512 - RSASSA-PSS using SHA-512 and MGF1 with SHA-512

Default value:


amster attribute: supportedAuthorizationResponseSigningAlgorithms

Authorization Response Encryption Algorithms Supported

Algorithms supported for encrypting the /oauth2/authorize JWT response.

AM supports the following Token Introspection endpoint encryption algorithms:

  • RSA1_5 - RSA with PKCS#1 v1.5 padding.

  • RSA-OAEP - RSA with Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding (OAEP) with SHA-1 and MGF-1.

  • RSA-OAEP-256 - RSA with OAEP with SHA-256 and MGF-1.

  • A128KW - AES Key Wrapping with 128-bit key derived from the client secret.

  • A192KW - AES Key Wrapping with 192-bit key derived from the client secret.

  • A256KW - AES Key Wrapping with 256-bit key derived from the client secret.

  • dir - Direct encryption with AES using the hashed client secret.

  • ECDH-ES - Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman Ephemeral Static key agreement using Concat KDF.

  • ECDH-ES+A128KW - ECDH-ES using Concat KDF and CEK wrapped with A128KW.

  • ECDH-ES+A192KW - ECDH-ES using Concat KDF and CEK wrapped with A192KW.

  • ECDH-ES+A256KW - ECDH-ES using Concat KDF and CEK wrapped with A256KW.

Default value:


amster attribute: supportedAuthorizationResponseEncryptionAlgorithms

Authorization Response Encryption Methods Supported

Methods supported for encrypting the /oauth2/authorize JWT response.

AM supports the following encryption methods:

  • A128GCM, A192GCM, and A256GCM - AES in Galois Counter Mode (GCM) authenticated encryption mode.

  • A128CBC-HS256, A192CBC-HS384, and A256CBC-HS512 - AES encryption in CBC mode, with HMAC-SHA-2 for integrity.

Default value:


amster attribute: supportedAuthorizationResponseEncryptionEnc

Include all kty and alg combinations in jwks_uri

By default only distinct kid entries are returned in the jwks_uri and the alg property is not included. Enabling this flag will result in duplicate kid entries, each one specifying a different kty and alg combination (RFC7517 distinct key KIDs).

Default value: false

amster attribute: includeAllKtyAlgCombinationsInJwksUri

Use Force Authentication for prompt=login

This setting is applied only when you’ve implemented modules or chains, and you’ve specified the prompt=login parameter.

Default value: false.

When set to false, AM forces the end user to authenticate even if they already have a valid session. After reauthentication, AM creates a new session.

When set to true, AM forces the end user to authenticate even if they already have a valid session; however, after reauthentication, AM returns the same session ID.

If you set Use Force Authentication for prompt=login to true, you must also set the org.forgerock.openam.authentication.forceAuth.enabled advanced server property to true. If you do not do this, your users may end up in an infinite login loop.

For security reasons, it is strongly recommended that you leave Use Force Authentication for prompt=login set to the default value (false), so that a new session is created when the user reauthenticates.

Use Force Authentication for max_age

This setting applies only to reauthentication that is triggered by the Default Max Age property of an OAuth 2.0 client.

Default value: false.

When set to false:

  • If the user requests authorization after the max_age has passed, AM destroys the existing session and starts a reauthentication process.

  • Reauthentication triggered by the max_age creates a new session.

When set to true:

  • If the user requests authorization after the max_age has passed, AM does not destroy the existing session.

  • Reauthentication triggered by the max_age returns a new session.

    If you set Use Force Authentication for max_age to true, you must also set the org.forgerock.openam.authentication.forceAuth.enabled advanced server property to true. If you do not do this, your users may end up in an infinite login loop.

For security reasons, it is strongly recommended that you leave Use Force Authentication for max_age set to the default value (false), so that a new session is created when the user reauthenticates.

Device Flow

The following settings appear on the Device Flow tab:

Verification URL

The URL that the user will be instructed to visit to complete their OAuth 2.0 login and consent when using the device code flow.

amster attribute: verificationUrl

Device Completion URL

The URL that the user will be sent to on completion of their OAuth 2.0 login and consent when using the device code flow.

amster attribute: completionUrl

Device Code Lifetime (seconds)

The lifetime of the device code, in seconds.

Default value: 300

amster attribute: deviceCodeLifetime

Device Polling Interval

The polling frequency for devices waiting for tokens when using the device code flow.

Default value: 5

amster attribute: devicePollInterval

User Code Character Length

The number of characters in the generated user code.

Default value: 8

amster attribute: deviceUserCodeLength

User Code Character Set

The set of characters to be used to generate a user code.

Consider limitations of low resolution mobile devices when defining a character sets. For example, the OAuth 2.0 Device Grant specification recommends removing characters that can be easily confused, such as "0" and "O" or "1", "l" and "I". See RFC 8628 for further examples.

Default value: 234567ACDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTWXYZabcdefhijkmnopqrstwxyz

amster attribute: deviceUserCodeCharacterSet

The following settings appear on the Consent tab:

Saved Consent Attribute Name

Name of a multi-valued attribute on resource owner profiles where AM can save authorization consent decisions.

When the resource owner chooses to save the decision to authorize access for a client application, then AM updates the resource owner’s profile to avoid having to prompt the resource owner to grant authorization when the client issues subsequent authorization requests.

amster attribute: savedConsentAttribute

Allow Clients to Skip Consent

If enabled, clients may be configured so that the resource owner will not be asked for consent during authorization flows.

This setting can be overridden at the client level. See client profile configuration.

Default value: false

amster attribute: clientsCanSkipConsent

Enable Remote Consent

Enables consent to be gathered by a separate service.

This setting can be overridden at the client level. See client profile configuration.

Default value: false

amster attribute: enableRemoteConsent

Remote Consent Service ID

The ID of an existing remote consent service agent.

The possible values for this property are:

Remote Consent Service Request Signing Algorithms Supported

Algorithms supported to sign consent_request JWTs for Remote Consent Services.

AM supports signing algorithms listed in JSON Web Algorithms (JWA): "alg" (Algorithm) Header Parameter Values for JWS:

  • HS256 - HMAC with SHA-256.

  • HS384 - HMAC with SHA-384.

  • HS512 - HMAC with SHA-512.

  • ES256 - ECDSA with SHA-256 and NIST standard P-256 elliptic curve.

  • ES384 - ECDSA with SHA-384 and NIST standard P-384 elliptic curve.

  • ES512 - ECDSA with SHA-512 and NIST standard P-521 elliptic curve.

  • RS256 - RSASSA-PKCS-v1_5 using SHA-256.

    Default value:


    amster attribute: supportedRcsRequestSigningAlgorithms

Remote Consent Service Request Encryption Algorithms Supported

Encryption algorithms supported to encrypt Remote Consent Service requests.

AM supports the following encryption algorithms:

  • RSA1_5 - RSA with PKCS#1 v1.5 padding.

  • RSA-OAEP - RSA with Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding (OAEP) with SHA-1 and MGF-1.

  • RSA-OAEP-256 - RSA with OAEP with SHA-256 and MGF-1.

  • A128KW - AES Key Wrapping with 128-bit key derived from the client secret.

  • A192KW - AES Key Wrapping with 192-bit key derived from the client secret.

  • A256KW - AES Key Wrapping with 256-bit key derived from the client secret.

  • dir - Direct encryption with AES using the hashed client secret.

    Default value:


    amster attribute: supportedRcsRequestEncryptionAlgorithms

Remote Consent Service Request Encryption Methods Supported

Encryption methods supported to encrypt Remote Consent Service requests.

AM supports the following encryption methods:

  • A128GCM, A192GCM, and A256GCM - AES in Galois Counter Mode (GCM) authenticated encryption mode.

  • A128CBC-HS256, A192CBC-HS384, and A256CBC-HS512 - AES encryption in CBC mode, with HMAC-SHA-2 for integrity.

    Default value:


    amster attribute: supportedRcsRequestEncryptionMethods

Remote Consent Service Response Signing Algorithms Supported

Algorithms supported to verify signed consent_response JWT from Remote Consent Services.

AM supports signing algorithms listed in JSON Web Algorithms (JWA): "alg" (Algorithm) Header Parameter Values for JWS:

  • HS256 - HMAC with SHA-256.

  • HS384 - HMAC with SHA-384.

  • HS512 - HMAC with SHA-512.

  • ES256 - ECDSA with SHA-256 and NIST standard P-256 elliptic curve.

  • ES384 - ECDSA with SHA-384 and NIST standard P-384 elliptic curve.

  • ES512 - ECDSA with SHA-512 and NIST standard P-521 elliptic curve.

  • RS256 - RSASSA-PKCS-v1_5 using SHA-256.

    Default value:


    amster attribute: supportedRcsResponseSigningAlgorithms

Remote Consent Service Response Encryption Algorithms Supported

Encryption algorithms supported to decrypt Remote Consent Service responses.

AM supports the following encryption algorithms:

  • RSA1_5 - RSA with PKCS#1 v1.5 padding.

  • ` RSA-OAEP` - RSA with Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding (OAEP) with SHA-1 and MGF-1.

  • ` RSA-OAEP-256` - RSA with OAEP with SHA-256 and MGF-1.

  • ` A128KW` - AES Key Wrapping with 128-bit key derived from the client secret.

  • ` A192KW` - AES Key Wrapping with 192-bit key derived from the client secret.

  • ` A256KW` - AES Key Wrapping with 256-bit key derived from the client secret.

  • ` dir` - Direct encryption with AES using the hashed client secret.

    Default value:


    amster attribute: supportedRcsResponseEncryptionAlgorithms

Remote Consent Service Response Encryption Methods Supported

Encryption methods supported to decrypt Remote Consent Service responses.

AM supports the following encryption methods:

  • A128GCM, A192GCM, and A256GCM - AES in Galois Counter Mode (GCM) authenticated encryption mode.

  • A128CBC-HS256, A192CBC-HS384, and A256CBC-HS512 - AES encryption in CBC mode, with HMAC-SHA-2 for integrity.

    Default value:


    amster attribute: supportedRcsResponseEncryptionMethods


The following settings appear on the CIBA tab:

Back Channel Authentication ID Lifetime (seconds)

The time back channel authentication request id is valid for, in seconds.

Default value: 600

amster attribute: cibaAuthReqIdLifetime

Polling Wait Interval (seconds)

The minimum amount of time in seconds that the Client should wait between polling requests to the token endpoint

Default value: 2

amster attribute: cibaMinimumPollingInterval

Signing Algorithms Supported

Algorithms supported to sign the CIBA request parameter.

AM supports signing algorithms listed in JSON Web Algorithms (JWA): "alg" (Algorithm) Header Parameter Values for JWS:

  • ES256 - ECDSA with SHA-256 and NIST standard P-256 elliptic curve.

  • PS256 - RSASSA-PSS using SHA-256.

    Default value:


    amster attribute: supportedCibaSigningAlgorithms


The Plugins settings are used to configure the following supported OAuth2 plugin extension points:

  • Access Token Modification

  • OIDC Claims

  • Scope Evaluation

  • Scope Validation

  • Authorize Endpoint Data Provider

Each plugin is configured using three different attributes:

  • Plugin Type:

    This value can be either SCRIPTED to run a custom script, or JAVA for a custom implementation class.

  • Script:

    The script that is run for SCRIPTED plugin types.

  • Implementation Class:

    The class that is invoked for JAVA plugin types. The class must implement the appropriate Java interface in the org.forgerock.oauth2.core.plugins package for the plugin.

    These plugin settings can be overridden at the client level. See OAuth 2.0 provider overrides.

The following settings appear on the Plugins tab:

Access Token Modification Plugin Type

Default value: SCRIPTED

amster attribute: accessTokenModificationPluginType

Access Token Modification Script

This script is run when issuing an access token. The script lets you modify the token, for example, by altering the data fields, before it is persisted or returned to the client.

The script is run if Access Token Modification Plugin Type is set to SCRIPTED.

Default value: OAuth2 Access Modification Script

amster attribute: accessTokenModificationScript

Access Token Modifier Plugin Implementation Class

The Java class that provides the custom implementation for the access token modifier plugin interface, org.forgerock.oauth2.core.plugins.AccessTokenModifier. This class is invoked when Access Token Modification Plugin Type is set to JAVA.

Default value: [Empty]

amster attribute: accessTokenModificationClass

OIDC Claims Plugin Type

Default value: SCRIPTED

amster attribute: oidcClaimsPluginType

OIDC Claims Script

This script is run when issuing an ID token or during a request to the /userinfo OpenID Connect endpoint. Use this script to retrieve claim values based on an issued access token.

The script is run if OIDC Claims Plugin Type is set to SCRIPTED.

Default value: OIDC Claims Script

amster attribute: oidcClaimsScript

OIDC Claims Plugin Implementation Class

The Java class that provides the custom implementation for the OIDC claims plugin interface, org.forgerock.oauth2.core.plugins.UserInfoClaimsPlugin. This class is invoked when OIDC Claims Plugin Type is set to JAVA.

Default value: [Empty]

amster attribute: oidcClaimsClass

Scope Evaluation Plugin Type

Default value: JAVA

amster attribute: evaluateScopePluginType

Scope Evaluation Script

This script retrieves and evaluates the scope information for an OAuth2 access token.

The script lets you populate the scopes with profile attribute values. For example, if one of the scopes is mail, AM sets mail to the resource owner’s email address in the token information returned.

Default value: --- Select a script ---

amster attribute: evaluateScopeScript

Scope Evaluation Plugin Implementation Class

The Java class that provides the custom implementation for the evaluate scope plugin interface: org.forgerock.oauth2.core.plugins.ScopeEvaluator.

Default value: org.forgerock.oauth2.core.plugins.registry.DefaultScopeEvaluator

amster attribute: evaluateScopeClass

Scope Validation Plugin Type

Default value: JAVA

amster attribute: validateScopePluginType

Scope Validation Script

This script validates and customizes the set of requested scopes for authorize, access token, refresh token, and back channel authorize requests.

Default value: --- Select a script ---

amster attribute: validateScopeScript

Scope Validation Plugin Implementation Class

The Java class that provides the custom implementation for the evaluate scope plugin interface: org.forgerock.oauth2.core.plugins.ScopeValidator.

Default value: org.forgerock.oauth2.core.plugins.registry.DefaultScopeValidator

amster attribute: validateScopeClass

Authorize Endpoint Data Provider Plugin Type

Default value: JAVA

amster attribute: authorizeEndpointDataProviderPluginType

Authorize Endpoint Data Provider Script

Use this script to retrieve additional data from an authorization request, such as data from the user’s session or from an external service.

Default value: --- Select a script ---

amster attribute: authorizeEndpointDataProviderScript

Authorize Endpoint Data Provider Plugin Implementation Class

The Java class that provides the custom implementation for the evaluate scope plugin interface: org.forgerock.oauth2.core.plugins.AuthorizeEndpointDataProvider.

Default value: org.forgerock.oauth2.core.plugins.registry.DefaultEndpointDataProvider

amster attribute: authorizeEndpointDataProviderClass

Access Token Enricher Plugin Implementation Class

The class that provides the custom implementation for the access token enricher plugin interface.

The access token enricher plugin interface is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.

Default value: org.forgerock.oauth2.core.plugins.registry.DefaultAccessTokenEnricher

amster attribute: accessTokenEnricherClass

Device Code Flow User Code Generator Implementation Class

The class that provides the custom implementation for generating user codes for the device code flow.

To override the default implementation, create a Java class that implements the UserCodeGenerator interface, and set this property to the fully qualified class name.

Default value: org.forgerock.oauth2.core.plugins.registry.DefaultUserCodeGenerator

amster attribute: userCodeGeneratorClass


amster service name: Platform

The following settings are available in this service:

Platform Locale

Set the fallback locale used when the user locale cannot be determined.

Default value: en_US

amster attribute: locale

Policy configuration

amster service name: PolicyConfiguration

Global attributes

The following settings appear on the Global Attributes tab:

Resource Comparator

AM uses resource comparators to match resources specified in policy rules. When setting comparators on the command line, separate fields with | characters.

Default value: serviceType=iPlanetAMWebAgentService|class=com.sun.identity.policy.plugins.HttpURLResourceName|wildcard=|oneLevelWildcard=--|delimiter=/|caseSensitive=false

amster attribute: resourceComparators

Continue Evaluation on Deny Decision

If no, then AM stops evaluating policy as soon as it reaches a deny decision.

Default value: false

amster attribute: continueEvaluationOnDeny

Realm Alias Referrals

If yes, then AM allows creation of policies for HTTP and HTTPS resources whose FQDN matches the DNS alias for the realm even when no referral policy exists.

Default value: false

amster attribute: realmAliasReferrals

Realm defaults

The following settings appear on the Realm Defaults tab:

Primary LDAP Server

Configuration directory server host:port that AM searches for policy information. The default value is the directory server specified during setup.

Configure the directory server settings if you want to use an external identity store in an LDAP filter condition in a policy.

These LDAP settings are only applicable to the identity repository of the LDAP accounts or groups used in the filter condition, and do not affect how other data, such as policies or policy subjects, is stored.

Format: local AM server name | hostname:port

Multiple entries must be prefixed by local server name. Make sure to place the multiple entries on a single line and separate the hostname:port URLs with a space.

For example,|

Default value:

amster attribute: ldapServer

LDAP Users Base DN

Base DN for LDAP Users subject searches.

Default value: dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org

amster attribute: usersBaseDn


Bind DN to connect to the directory server for policy information.

Default value: cn=Directory Manager

amster attribute: bindDn

LDAP Bind Password

Bind password to connect to the directory server for policy information.

amster attribute: bindPassword

LDAP Organization Search Filter

Search filter to match organization entries.

Default value: (objectclass=sunismanagedorganization)

amster attribute: realmSearchFilter

LDAP Users Search Filter

Search filter to match user entries.

Default value: (objectclass=inetorgperson)

amster attribute: usersSearchFilter

LDAP Users Search Scope

Search scope to find user entries.

The possible values for this property are:




Default value: SCOPE_SUB

amster attribute: usersSearchScope

LDAP Users Search Attribute

Naming attribute for user entries.

Default value: uid

amster attribute: usersSearchAttribute

Maximum Results Returned from Search

Search limit for LDAP searches.

Default value: 100

amster attribute: maximumSearchResults

Search Timeout

Time after which AM returns an error for an incomplete search, in seconds.

Default value: 5

amster attribute: searchTimeout


If enabled, AM connects securely to the directory server. This requires that you install the directory server certificate.

Default value: true

amster attribute: sslEnabled

LDAP Connection Pool Minimum Size

Minimum number of connections in the pool.

Default value: 1

amster attribute: connectionPoolMinimumSize

LDAP Connection Pool Maximum Size

Maximum number of connections in the pool.

Default value: 10

amster attribute: connectionPoolMaximumSize

Heartbeat Interval

Specifies how often should AM send a heartbeat request to the directory.

Use this option in case a firewall/loadbalancer can close idle connections, since the heartbeat requests will ensure that the connections won’t become idle.

Default value: 10

amster attribute: policyHeartbeatInterval

Heartbeat Unit

Defines the time unit corresponding to the Heartbeat Interval setting.

Use this option in case a firewall/loadbalancer can close idle connections, since the heartbeat requests will ensure that the connections won’t become idle.

The possible values for this property are:

  • Label: second (Value: SECONDS)

  • Label: minute (Value: MINUTES)

  • Label: hour (Value: HOURS)

Default value: SECONDS

amster attribute: policyHeartbeatTimeUnit

Subjects Result Time to Live

Maximum time that AM caches a subject result for evaluating policy requests, in minutes. A value of 0 prevents AM from caching subject evaluations for policy decisions.

Default value: 10

amster attribute: subjectsResultTTL

User Alias

If enabled, AM can evaluate policy for remote users aliased to local users.

Default value: false

amster attribute: userAliasEnabled

Check resources exist when Resource Server is updated

Check all registered resources exist when updating Resource Server.

Policy Set will check each registered Resource Types one by one against config datastore if enabled. Consider disabling this option if you have large number of Resource Types registered to a Policy Set.

Default value: true

amster attribute: checkIfResourceTypeExists

Push Notification service

amster service name: PushNotification

Realm defaults

The following settings appear on the Realm Defaults tab:

SNS Access Key ID

Amazon Simple Notification Service Access Key ID. For more information, see Create an AWS (Push Auth) Credential in the ForgeRock Knowledge Base.

For example, you might set this property to: AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE

amster attribute: accessKey

SNS Access Key Secret

Amazon Simple Notification Service Access Key Secret. For more information, see Create an AWS (Push Auth) Credential in the ForgeRock Knowledge Base.

amster attribute: secret

SNS Endpoint for APNS

The Simple Notification Service endpoint in Amazon Resource Name format, used to send push messages to the Apple Push Notification Service (APNS).

For example, you might set this property to: arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:1234567890:app/APNS/production

amster attribute: appleEndpoint

SNS Endpoint for GCM

The Simple Notification Service endpoint in Amazon Resource Name format, used to send push messages over Google Cloud Messaging (GCM).

For example, you might set this property to: arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:1234567890:app/GCM/production

amster attribute: googleEndpoint

SNS Client Region

Region of your registered Amazon Simple Notification Service client. For more information, see

The possible values for this property are:

  • us-gov-west-1

  • us-east-1

  • us-west-1

  • us-west-2

  • eu-west-1

  • eu-central-1

  • ap-southeast-1

  • ap-southeast-2

  • ap-northeast-1

  • ap-northeast-2

  • sa-east-1

  • n-north-1

Default value: us-east-1

amster attribute: region

Message Transport Delegate Factory

The fully qualified class name of the factory responsible for creating the PushNotificationDelegate. The class must implement

Default value:

amster attribute: delegateFactory

Response Cache Duration

The minimum lifetime to keep unanswered message records in the message dispatcher cache, in seconds. To keep unanswered message records indefinitely, set this property to 0.Should be tuned so that it is applicable to the use case of this service. For example, the ForgeRock Authenticator (Push) authentication module has a default timeout of 120 seconds.

Default value: 120

amster attribute: mdDuration

Response Cache Concurrency

Level of concurrency to use when accessing the message dispatcher cache. Defaults to 16, and must be greater than 0. Choose a value to accommodate as many threads as will ever concurrently access the message dispatcher cache.

Default value: 16

amster attribute: mdConcurrency

Response Cache Size

Maximum size of the message dispatcher cache, in number of records. If set to 0 the cache can grow indefinitely. If the number of records that need to be stored exceeds this maximum, then older items in the cache will be removed to make space.

Default value: 10000

amster attribute: mdCacheSize

RADIUS server

amster service name: RadiusServer


The following settings appear on the Configuration tab:


Lets the AM RADIUS server listen for requests on the listener port, and handle the requests.

The possible values for this property are:

  • NO

  • YES

Default value: NO

amster attribute: radiusListenerEnabled

Listener Port

The UDP port on which each AM server will listen for RADIUS Access-Request packets

According to the RADIUS Authentication Specification, RFC 2865, the officially assigned port number for RADIUS is 1812. Specify a value from 1024 to 65535. All client requests are handled through the same port.

Default value: 1812

amster attribute: radiusServerPort

Thread Pool Core Size

When a RADIUS request is received and fewer than corePoolSize threads are running, a new thread is created to handle the request, even if other worker threads are idle. If there are more than "Thread Pool Core Size" but less than "Thread Pool Max Size" threads running, a new thread will be created only if the queue is full. By setting "Thread Pool Core Size" and "Thread Pool Max Size" to the same value, you create a fixed-size thread pool. Specify a value from 1 to 100.

Default value: 1

amster attribute: radiusThreadPoolCoreSize

Thread Pool Max Size

Maximum number of threads allowed in the pool. See also "Thread Pool Core Size".

Default value: 10

amster attribute: radiusThreadPoolMaxSize

Thread Pool Keep-Alive Seconds

If the pool currently has more than Thread Pool Core Size threads, excess threads will be terminated if they have been idle for more than the Keep-Alive Seconds. Specify a value from 1 to 3600.

Default value: 10

amster attribute: radiusThreadPoolKeepaliveSeconds

Thread Pool Queue Size

The number of requests that can be queued for the pool before further requests will be silently dropped. See also "Thread Pool Core Size" and "Thread Pool Max Size". Specify a value from 1 to 1000.

Default value: 20

amster attribute: radiusThreadPoolQueueSize

Secondary configurations

This service has the following secondary configurations.

Client IP Address

The IP Address of the client.

Section 5.4 of the RADIUS Authentication Specification, RFC 2865, indicates that the source IP address of the Access-Request packet MUST be used to identify a configured client and hence determine the shared secret to use for decrypting the User-Password field.

This property should hold the source IP address of the client. This should match the value obtained from Java’s InetSocketAddress.getAddress().toString() function.

To verify the value, send an Access-Request packet to AM’s RADIUS port and watch for a message stating: "No Defined RADIUS Client matches IP address '/'. Dropping request.". The value used in this property should match the IP address returned in the single quotes.

Default value: /

amster attribute: clientIpAddress

Client Secret

This secret shared between server and client for encryption of the user password.

This secret must be conveyed to the RADIUS client and entered into its configuration before the User-Password field of incoming Access-Request packets can be decrypted to validate the password for the represented by that packet.

amster attribute: clientSecret

Log Packet Contents for this Client

Indicates if full packet contents should be dumped to the log.

When troubleshooting issues with RADIUS it is helpful to know what was received in a given packet. Enabling this feature will cause packet contents to be logged in a human consumable format. The only caveat is that the USER_PASSWORD field will be obfiscated by replacing with asterisks. This should only be enabled for troubleshooting as it adds significant content to logs and slows processing.

Default value: NO

amster attribute: clientPacketsLogged

Handler Class

The fully qualified name of a class to handle incoming RADIUS Access-Requests for this client.

This class must implement the com.sun.identity.authentication.modules.radius.server.spi.AccessRequestHandler interface to handle incoming Access-Request packets and provide a suitable response. An instance of this class is created when configuration is first loaded to validate the class and then once for each new request. The configuration properties will only be passed for the request handling instances and not when validating the class.

Default value: org.forgerock.openam.radius.server.spi.handlers.OpenAMAuthHandler

amster attribute: handlerClass

Handler Class Configuration Properties

Properties needed by the handler class for its configuration.

These properties are provided to the handler via its init method prior to the call to handle the request packet. If these values are changed the next handler instance created for an incoming request will receive the updated values. Each entry assumes that the first ‘`=`’ character incurred separates a key from its value. All entries are placed in a properties file handed to each handler instance.

Default value:


amster attribute: handlerConfig


amster service name: RestApis

The following settings are available in this service:

Default Resource Version

The API resource version to use when the REST request does not specify an explicit version.

The possible values for this property are:

  • Latest. If an explicit version is not specified, the latest resource version of an API is used.

  • Oldest. If an explicit version is not specified, the oldest supported resource version of an API is used. Note that since APIs may be deprecated and fall out of support, the oldest supported version may not be the first version.

  • None. If an explicit version is not specified, the request will not be handled and an error status is returned.

Default value: Latest

amster attribute: defaultVersion

Warning Header

Whether to include a warning header in the response to a request which fails to include the Accept-API-Version header.

Default value: true

amster attribute: warningHeader

API Descriptions

Whether API Explorer and API Docs are enabled in AM and how the documentation for them is generated. Dynamic generation includes descriptions from any custom services and authentication modules you may have added. Static generation only includes services and authentication modules that were present when AM was built. Note that dynamic documentation generation may not work in some application containers.

The possible values for this property are:

  • Label: Enabled with Dynamic Documentation (Value: DYNAMIC)

  • Label: Enabled with Static Documentation (Value: STATIC)


Default value: STATIC

amster attribute: descriptionsState

Default Protocol Version

The API protocol version to use when a REST request does not specify an explicit version. Choose from:

The possible values for this property are:

  • Oldest. If an explicit version is not specified, the oldest protocol version is used.

  • Latest. If an explicit version is not specified, the latest protocol version is used.

  • None. If an explicit version is not specified, the request will not be handled and an error status is returned.

Default value: Latest

amster attribute: defaultProtocolVersion

Enable CSRF Protection

If enabled, all non-read/query requests will require the X-Requested-With header to be present.

Requiring a non-standard header ensures requests can only be made via methods (XHR) that have stricter same-origin policy protections in Web browsers, preventing Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks. Without this filter, cross-origin requests are prevented by the use of the application/json Content-Type header, which is less robust.

Default value: true

amster attribute: csrfFilterEnabled

Remote Consent service

amster service name: RemoteConsentService

Realm defaults

The following settings appear on the Realm Defaults tab:

Client Name

The name used to identify this OAuth 2.0 remote consent service when referencedin other services.

amster attribute: clientId

Authorization Server jwk_uri

The jwk_uri for retrieving the authorization server signing and encryption keys.

amster attribute: jwksUriAS

JWK Store Cache Timeout (in minutes)

The cache timeout for the JWK store of the authorization server, in minutes.

Default value: 60

amster attribute: jwkStoreCacheTimeout

JWK Store Cache Miss Cache Time (in minutes)

The length of time a cache miss is cached, in minutes.

Default value: 1

amster attribute: jwkStoreCacheMissCacheTime

Consent Response Time Limit (in minutes)

The time limit set on the consent response JWT before it expires, in minutes.

Default value: 2

amster attribute: consentResponseTimeLimit

SAML v2.0 SOAP binding

amster service name: SamlV2SoapBinding

The following settings are available in this service:

Request Handler List

List of handlers to deal with SAML v2.0 requests bound to SOAP.

The required format is: key=Meta Alias|class=Handler Class

Set the key property for a request handler to the meta alias, and the class property to the name of the class that implements the handler.

For example: key=/pdp|class=com.sun.identity.xacml.plugins.XACMLAuthzDecisionQueryHandler

amster attribute: requestHandlers

SAML v2.0 service configuration

amster service name: SamlV2ServiceConfiguration

The following settings are available in this service:

Cache cleanup interval (in seconds)

Time between cache cleanup operations, in seconds.

Default value: 600

amster attribute: cacheCleanupInterval

Attribute name for Name ID information

User entry attribute to store name identifier information.

Default value: sun-fm-saml2-nameid-info

amster attribute: nameIDInfoAttribute

Attribute name for Name ID information key

User entry attribute to store the name identifier key.

Default value: sun-fm-saml2-nameid-infokey

amster attribute: nameIDInfoKeyAttribute

Cookie domain for IdP Discovery Service

Specifies the cookie domain for the IDP discovery service.

Default value:

amster attribute: idpDiscoveryCookieDomain

Cookie type for IdP Discovery Service

Specifies the cookie type to use.

The possible values for this property are:



Default value: PERSISTENT

amster attribute: idpDiscoveryCookieType

URL scheme for IdP Discovery Service

Specifies the URL scheme to use.

The possible values for this property are:

  • HTTP


Default value: HTTPS

amster attribute: idpDiscoveryUrlSchema

XML Encryption SPI implementation class

Used by the SAML2 engine to encrypt and decrypt documents.

Default value: com.sun.identity.saml2.xmlenc.FMEncProvider

amster attribute: xmlEncryptionClass

Include xenc:EncryptedKey inside ds:KeyInfo Element

Specify whether to include the xenc:EncryptedKey property inside the ds:KeyInfo element.

Default value: true

amster attribute: encryptedKeyInKeyInfo

XML Signing SPI implementation class

Used by the SAML2 engine to sign documents.

Default value: com.sun.identity.saml2.xmlsig.FMSigProvider

amster attribute: xmlSigningClass

XML Signing Certificate Validation

If enabled, then validate certificates used to sign documents.

Default value: false

amster attribute: signingCertValidation

CA Certificate Validation

If enabled, then validate CA certificates.

Default value: false

amster attribute: caCertValidation

Buffer length (in bytes) to decompress request

Specify the size of the buffer used for decompressing requests, in bytes.

Default value: 2048

amster attribute: bufferLength


amster service name: Scripting


The following settings appear on the Configuration tab:

Default Script Type

The default script context type when creating a new script.

The possible values for this property are:

  • Label: Policy Condition (Value: POLICY_CONDITION)

  • Label: Server-side Authentication (Value: AUTHENTICATION_SERVER_SIDE)

  • Label: Client-side Authentication (Value: AUTHENTICATION_CLIENT_SIDE)

  • Label: OIDC Claims (Value: OIDC_CLAIMS)

  • Label: Decision node script for authentication trees (Value: AUTHENTICATION_TREE_DECISION_NODE)

  • Label: OAuth2 Access Token Modification (Value: OAUTH2_ACCESS_TOKEN_MODIFICATION)

  • Label: Social Identity Provider Profile Transformation (Value: SOCIAL_IDP_PROFILE_TRANSFORMATION)

  • Label: OAuth2 May Act (Value: OAUTH2_MAY_ACT)


amster attribute: defaultContext

Secondary configurations

This service has the following secondary configurations.

Engine configuration

The following properties are available for Scripting Service secondary configuration instances:

Engine Configuration

Configure script engine parameters for running a particular script type in AM.

ssoadm attribute: engineConfiguration

To access a secondary configuration instance using the ssoadm command, use: --subconfigname [primary configuration]/[secondary configuration]. For example:

$ ssoadm set-sub-cfg \
  --adminid uid=amAdmin,ou=People,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org \
  --password-file admin_pwd_file \
  --servicename ScriptingService \
  --subconfigname OIDC_CLAIMS/engineConfiguration \
  --operation set \
  --attributevalues maxThreads=300 queueSize=-1

Supports server-side scripts only. AM cannot configure engine settings for client-side scripts.

The configurable engine settings are as follows:

Server-side Script Timeout

The maximum execution time any individual script should take on the server (in seconds). AM terminates scripts which take longer to run than this value.

ssoadm attribute: serverTimeout

Core thread pool size

The initial number of threads in the thread pool from which scripts operate. AM will ensure the pool contains at least this many threads.

ssoadm attribute: coreThreads

Maximum thread pool size

The maximum number of threads in the thread pool from which scripts operate. If no free thread is available in the pool, AM creates new threads in the pool for script execution up to the configured maximum. It is recommended to set the maximum number of threads to 300.

ssoadm attribute: maxThreads

Thread pool queue size

Specifies the number of threads to use for buffering script execution requests when the maximum thread pool size is reached.

For short, CPU-bound scripts, consider a small pool size and larger queue length. For I/O-bound scripts, for example, REST calls, consider a larger maximum pool size and a smaller queue.

Not hot-swappable: restart server for changes to take effect.

ssoadm attribute: queueSize

Thread idle timeout (seconds)

Length of time (in seconds) for a thread to be idle before AM terminates created threads. If the current pool size contains the number of threads set in Core thread pool size idle threads will not be terminated, to maintain the initial pool size.

ssoadm attribute: idleTimeout

Java class allowlist

Specifies the list of class-name patterns allowed to be invoked by the script. Every class accessed by the script must match at least one of these patterns.

You can specify the class name as-is or use a regular expression.

ssoadm attribute: whiteList

Java class denylist

Specifies the list of class-name patterns that are NOT allowed to be invoked by the script. The denylist is applied AFTER the allowlist to exclude those classes. Access to a class specified in both the allowlist and the denylist will be denied.

You can specify the class name to exclude as-is or use a regular expression.

ssoadm attribute: blackList

Use system SecurityManager

If enabled, AM will make a call to System.getSecurityManager().checkPackageAccess(…​) for each class that is accessed. The method throws SecurityException if the calling thread is not allowed to access the package.

This feature only takes effect if the security manager is enabled for the JVM.

ssoadm attribute: useSecurityManager

Scripting languages

Select the languages available for scripts on the chosen type. Either GROOVY or JAVASCRIPT.

ssoadm attribute: languages

Default Script

The source code that is presented as the default when creating a new script of this type.

ssoadm attribute: defaultScript


amster service name: SessionUserService


The following settings appear on the General tab:

Latest Access Time Update Frequency

Defaults to 60 seconds. At most, AM updates a session’s latest access time this often.

Subsequent touches to the session that occur within the specified number of seconds after an update will not cause additional updates to the session’s access time.

Refreshing a session returns the idle time as the number of seconds since an update has occurred, which will be between 0 and the specified Latest Access Time Update Frequency.

Default value: 60

amster attribute: latestAccessTimeUpdateFrequency

DN Restriction Only Enabled

If enabled, AM will not perform DNS lookups when checking restrictions in cookie hijacking mode.

Default value: false

amster attribute: dnRestrictionOnly

Session Timeout Handler implementations

Lists plugin classes implementing session timeout handlers. Specify the fully qualified name.

amster attribute: timeoutHandlers

Enable Cross Upgrade Session Reference

If enabled, the AM session will contain an additional session reference property, the value of which is persisted across session upgrade.

To access the cross-upgrade session reference—for example, from within a script or when getting session information—allowlist the property XUSRef in the Session Property Whitelist service.

The session reference can be tracked in the audit logs for session creation and session upgrade events.

amster attribute: crossUpgradeReferenceFlag

The following settings appear on the Session Search tab:

Maximum Number of Search Results

Maximum number of results from a session search. Do not set this attribute to a large value, for example more than 1000, unless sufficient system resources are allocated.

Default value: 120

amster attribute: maxSessionListSize

Timeout for Search

Time after which AM sees an incomplete search as having failed, in seconds.

Default value: 5

amster attribute: sessionListRetrievalTimeout

Session property change notifications

The following settings appear on the Session Property Change Notifications tab:

Enable Property Change Notifications

If enabled, AM notifies other applications participating in SSO when a session property in the Notification Properties list changes on a server-side session.

The possible values for this property are:

  • ON

  • OFF

Default value: OFF

amster attribute: propertyChangeNotifications

Notification Properties

Lists session properties for which AM can send notifications upon modification. Session notification applies to server-side sessions only.

amster attribute: notificationPropertyList

Session quotas

The following settings appear on the Session Quotas tab:

Enable Quota Constraints

If enabled, AM lets you set quota constraints on server-side sessions.

The possible values for this property are:

  • ON

  • OFF

Default value: OFF

amster attribute: iplanet-am-session-enable-session-constraint

Read Timeout for Quota Constraint

Maximum wait time after which AM considers a search for live session count as having failed if quota constraints are enabled, in milliseconds.

Default value: 6000

amster attribute: quotaConstraintMaxWaitTime

Resulting behavior if session quota exhausted

Specify the action to take if a session quota is exhausted:

The possible values for this property are:

  • Deny Access (org.forgerock.openam.session.service.DenyAccessAction). New session creation requests are denied.

  • Destroy Next Expiring org.forgerock.openam.session.service.DestroyNextExpiringAction). The session that would expire next is destroyed.

  • Destroy Oldest (org.forgerock.openam.session.service.DestroyOldestAction). The oldest session is destroyed.

  • Destroy All (org.forgerock.openam.session.service.DestroyAllAction). All previous sessions are destroyed.

Default value: org.forgerock.openam.session.service.DestroyNextExpiringAction

amster attribute: behaviourWhenQuotaExhausted

Deny user login when session repository is down

This property only takes effect when the session quota constraint is enabled, and the session data store is unavailable.

The possible values for this property are:

  • YES

  • NO

Default value: NO

amster attribute: denyLoginWhenRepoDown

Client-side sessions

The following settings appear on the Client-Side Sessions tab:

Signing Algorithm Type

The algorithm that AM uses to sign the JSON Web Token (JWT) containing the session content. Signing the JWT enables tampering detection.

The possible values for this property are:

  • NONE

  • HS256. HMAC using SHA-256.

  • HS384. HMAC using SHA-384.

  • HS512. HMAC using SHA-512.

  • RS256. RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 using SHA-256.

  • ES256. ECDSA using SHA-256 and NIST standard P-256 elliptic curve.

  • ES384. ECDSA using SHA-384 and NIST standard P-384 elliptic curve.

  • ES512. ECDSA using SHA-512 and NIST standard P-521 elliptic curve.

Default value: HS256

amster attribute: statelessSigningType

Signing HMAC Shared Secret

Specifies the shared secret that AM uses when performing HMAC signing on the session JWT.

Specify a shared secret when using a "Signing Algorithm Type" of HS256, HS384, or HS512.

amster attribute: statelessSigningHmacSecret

Encryption Algorithm

Specifies the algorithm that AM uses to encrypt the JSON Web Token (JWT) containing the session content.

The possible values for this property are:

  • NONE. Session content is not encrypted.

  • RSA. Session content is encrypted with AES using a unique key. The key is then encrypted with an RSA public key and appended to the JWT.

    AM supports the following padding modes, which you can set using the org.forgerock.openam.session.stateless.rsa.padding advanced property:

    • RSA1_5. RSA with PKCS#1 v1.5 padding.

    • RSA-OAEP. RSA with optimal asymmetric encryption padding (OAEP) and SHA-1.

    • RSA-OAEP-256. RSA with OAEP padding and SHA-256.

  • AES_KEYWRAP. AES key wrapping.

    Session content is encrypted with AES using a unique key and is then wrapped using AES KeyWrap and the master key. This provides additional security, compared to RSA, at the cost of 128 or 256 bits (or 32 bytes) depending on the size of the master key. This method provides authenticated encryption, which removes the need for a separate signature and decreases the byte size of the JWT. See RFC 3394.

  • DIRECT. Direct AES encryption.

    Session content is encrypted with direct AES encryption, with a symmetric key. This method provides authenticated encryption, which removes the need for a separate signature and decreases the byte size of the JWT.

Users can accidentally disable all authentication by disabling signing and not using an authenticated encryption mode. To prevent this, set the org.forgerock.openam.session.stateless.signing.allownone system property to true to turn off signing completely.

Default value: DIRECT

amster attribute: statelessEncryptionType

Encryption Symmetric AES Key

AES key for use with Direct or AES KeyWrap encryption modes.

The symmetric AES key is a base64-encoded random key.

For direct encryption with AES-GCM or for AES-KeyWrap with any content encryption method, this should be 128, 192, or 256 bits.

For direct encryption with AES-CBC-HMAC, the key should be double those sizes (one half for the AES key, the other have for the HMAC key).

AES key sizes greater than 128 bits require installation of the JCE Unlimited Strength policy files in your JRE.

amster attribute: statelessEncryptionAesKey

Compression Algorithm

If enabled the session state is compressed before signing and encryption.

Enabling compression can compromise encryption. This may leak information about the content of the session state if encryption is enabled.

The possible values for this property are:

  • NONE

  • DEF. Deflate Compression.

Default value: NONE

amster attribute: statelessCompressionType

Enable Session Denylisting

Denylists client-side sessions that log out.

Enable this setting if the maximum session time is high. The denylist state is stored in the Core Token Service (CTS) token store until the session expires, to ensure that sessions cannot continue to be used.

Default value: false

amster attribute: openam-session-stateless-enable-session-blacklisting

Session Denylist Cache Size

Number of denylisted sessions to cache in memory to speed up denylist checks and reduce load on the CTS. The cache size should be approximately the number of logouts expected in the maximum session time.

Default value: 10000

amster attribute: openam-session-stateless-blacklist-cache-size

Denylist Poll Interval (seconds)

Specifies the interval at which AM polls the Core Token Service to update the list of logged out sessions, in seconds.

The longer the polling interval, the more time a malicious user has to connect to other AM servers in a deployment and make use of a stolen session cookie. Shortening the polling interval improves the security for logged out sessions, but might incur a minimal decrease in overall AM performance due to increased network activity. Set to 0 to disable this feature completely.

Default value: 60

amster attribute: openam-session-stateless-blacklist-poll-interval

Denylist Purge Delay (minutes)

When added to the maximum session time, specifies the amount of time that AM tracks logged out sessions.

Increase the denylist purge delay if you expect system clock skews in your deployment to be greater than one minute. You don’t need to increase the denylist purge delay for servers running a clock synchronization protocol, such as the Network Time Protocol.

Default value: 1

amster attribute: openam-session-stateless-blacklist-purge-delay

Enable Invalidation of Sessions Based on User Identifier

Let AM permit logging out all client-side sessions for a specific user, through the logoutByUser action.

Setting this to true causes AM to store logout user tokens in a local cache. For multi-server deployments, AM polls the CTS at a specified interval and populates the cache with the logout user tokens of all servers in the deployment.

Default value: false

amster attribute: statelessLogoutByUser

Invalidated Sessions Poll Interval (seconds)

When Enable Invalidation of Sessions Based on User Identifier is true, this setting specifies the frequency at which AM polls the CTS for changes to persisted logout tokens.

Default value: 60

amster attribute: openam-session-stateless-logout-poll-interval

Dynamic attributes

Configuring any of the following properties at the realm level (Realms > Realm Name > Services > Session) causes the values to be stored in the identity store configured in that realm.

If you remove the identity store from the realm, the properties will use the values configured at the global level (Configure > Global Services > Session).

The following settings appear on the Dynamic Attributes tab:

Maximum Session Time

Maximum time a session can remain valid before AM requires the user to authenticate again, in minutes.

Default value: 120

amster attribute: maxSessionTime

Maximum Idle Time

Maximum time a server-side session can remain idle before AM requires the user to authenticate again, in minutes.

Default value: 30

amster attribute: maxIdleTime

Maximum Caching Time

Maximum time that external clients of AM are recommended to cache the session for, in minutes.

Default value: 3

amster attribute: maxCachingTime

Active User Sessions

Maximum number of concurrent server-side sessions per user.

Default value: 5

This value does not apply if Enable Quota Constraints is OFF. In other words, session quota constraints must be enabled for any configured maximum to apply.

amster attribute: quotaLimit

Session Property Whitelist service

amster service name: SessionPropertyWhiteList

Realm defaults

The following settings appear on the Realm Defaults tab:

Allowlisted Session Property Names

A list of properties that users may read, edit the value of, or delete from their session.

Adding properties to sessions can impact AM’s performance. There is no limit on the set of properties that you can add to sessions, and no limit on the number of session properties you can add.

Adding session properties can increase the load on an AM deployment in the following areas:

  • AM server memory

  • LDAP server storage

  • LDAP server replication

Protected attributes can NOT be set, edited or deleted, even if they are included in this allowlist.

Default value: AMCtxId

amster attribute: sessionPropertyWhitelist

Session Properties to return for session queries

A list of session properties that can be returned to admins in a REST session query response.

This setting may impact REST query performance - when session properties are added, the CTS token must be retrieved, and will be the subject of decryption and decompression, if configured.

Protected attributes will NOT be allowed to be set, edited or deleted, even if they are included in this list.

amster attribute: whitelistedQueryProperties

Social authentication implementations

amster service name: SocialAuthentication

Realm defaults

The following settings appear on the Realm Defaults tab:

Display Names

The display names for the implementations - this will be used to provide a name for the icon displayed on the login page. The key should be used across all the settings on this page to join them together.

For example:





Default value: {}

amster attribute: displayNames

Authentication Chains

The name of the authentication chains that are the entry points to being authenticated by each respective social authentication provider. The key should correspond to a key used to define a Display Name above.

For example:





Default value: {}

amster attribute: authenticationChains


Either a full URL or a path relative to the base of the site/server where the image can be found. The image will be used on the login page to link to the authentication chain defined above. The key should correspond to a key used to define a Display Name above.

For example:





Default value: {}

amster attribute: icons

Enabled Implementations

Provide a key that has been used to define the settings above to enable that set of settings.

For example: google

amster attribute: enabledKeys

Social Identity Provider service

amster service name: SocialIdentityProviders

Realm defaults

The following settings appear on the Realm Defaults tab:


Default value: true

amster attribute: enabled

Transaction Authentication service

amster service name: TransactionAuthentication

Realm defaults

The following settings appear on the Realm Defaults tab:

Time to Live

The number of seconds within which the transaction must be completed.

Default value: 180

amster attribute: timeToLive

UMA provider

amster service name: UmaProvider

Global Attributes

The following settings appear on the Global Attributes tab:

UMA Policy Upgrade Compatibility Mode

When this setting is enabled, AM creates backward-compatible UMA policies. Enable this setting when you are upgrading from servers prior to AM 7.2.0, and when you are upgrading multiple servers in a deployment at different times. Disable this setting when you have completed the upgrade for all AM instances in your deployment.

Default value: false

amster attribute: umaPolicyUpgradeCompatibilityMode


The following settings appear on the General tab:

Permission Ticket Lifetime (seconds)

The maximum life of a permission ticket before it expires, in seconds.

Default value: 120

amster attribute: permissionTicketLifetime

Delete user policies when Resource Server is removed

Delete all user policies that relate to a Resource Server when removing the OAuth2 agent entry or removing the uma_protection scope from the OAuth2 agent.

Default value: true

amster attribute: deletePoliciesOnDeleteRS

Delete resources when Resource Server is removed

Delete all resources that relate to a Resource Server when removing the OAuth2 agent entry or removing the uma_protection scope from the OAuth2 agent.

Default value: true

amster attribute: deleteResourceSetsOnDeleteRS

Pending Requests Enabled

Use the Pending Requests subsystem to notify the resource owner that an attempt was made to access their resource.

Default value: true

amster attribute: pendingRequestsEnabled

Email Resource Owner on Pending Request creation

Send an email to the Resource Owner when a Pending Request is created, when a Requesting Party requests access to a resource.

Default value: true

amster attribute: emailResourceOwnerOnPendingRequestCreation

Email Requesting Party on Pending Request approval

Send an email to the Requesting Party when a Pending Request is approved by the Resource Owner.

Default value: true

amster attribute: emailRequestingPartyOnPendingRequestApproval

Grant Resource Owner Implicit Consent

Implicitly grant the resource owner consent to the resource, regardless of policy conditions.

Default value: true

amster attribute: resourceOwnerImplicitConsent

User profile preferred Locale attribute

User profile attribute storing the user’s preferred locale.

Default value: inetOrgPerson

amster attribute: userProfileLocaleAttribute

Re-Sharing Mode

Specifies whether re-sharing is off or on implicitly for all users, allowing all users to re-share resources that have been shared with them.

The possible values for this property are:

  • Off

  • Implicit

Default value: Implicit

amster attribute: resharingMode

Grant RPTs…​

In UMA, scope comes from both the permission ticket and from the token request. An RPT is always granted when all scopes match, and is never granted when no scope matches. You can configure when RPTs are granted for partial match conditions here. For more information, see Assessment and Results Determination in the UMA 2.0 Grant Specification.

Default value:

When the scope from the request is partially matched.
When none of the scope from the request is matched.
When the scope from the ticket is partially matched.

amster attribute: grantRptConditions

Username attribute

The name of the attribute whose value must be specified by end users when sharing resources. For example, if a user wants to share a resource with another user, based on that user’s email address, set this value to mail.

The attribute that you set here must contain unique values; otherwise, a resource share can grant access to multiple users unintentionally.

If you leave this attribute empty, UMA policies are based on the attribute that the underlying data store considers the username (for example, the LDAP user search attribute). This behavior is compatible with previous AM versions. The UMA Postman Collection sets this value to uid, which works in most deployments.

Changing this setting can invalidate existing UMA authorizations.

Default value: None

amster attribute: usernameAttribute

Claims gathering

The following properties can be set on the Claims Gathering tab:

Interactive Claims Gathering Enabled

If this setting is enabled, and no PCT is provided on the request, the UMA provider returns a redirect_user hint to the client, where the requesting party can authenticate themselves.

Default value: false

amster attribute: interactiveClaimsGatheringEnabled

Claims Gathering Authentication Tree

The authentication tree to which the requesting party should be directed, in order to collect claims. This authentication tree should collect all claims necessary for successful UMA authorization.

Default value: None

amster attribute: claimsGatheringTree

Persisted Claims Token Lifetime (seconds)

During interactive claims gathering, AM can issue a PCT, that clients can use later during RPT flows, so that users don’t have to go through the interactive claims gathering process too frequently.

If a PCT is issued, this setting determines the interval (in seconds) that the PCT should be considered valid.

Default value: 604800 (7 days)

amster attribute: pctLifetime


amster service name: IdRepositoryUser

Dynamic attributes

The following settings appear on the Dynamic Attributes tab:

User Preferred Timezone

Time zone for accessing AM admin UI.

amster attribute: preferredTimezone

Administrator DN Starting View

Specifies the DN for the initial screen when the AM administrator successfully logs in to the AM admin UI.

amster attribute: adminDNStartingView

Default User Status

Inactive users cannot authenticate, although AM stores their profiles.

The possible values for this property are:

  • Active

  • Inactive

Default value: Active

amster attribute: defaultUserStatus

User Self-Service

amster service name: UserSelfService

General configuration

The following settings appear on the General Configuration tab:

Encryption Key Pair Alias

An encryption key alias in the AM server’s JCEKS keystore. Used to encrypt the JWT token that AM uses to track end users during User Self-Service operations.

For example, you might set this property to: selfserviceenctest

amster attribute: encryptionKeyPairAlias

Signing Secret Key Alias

A signing secret key alias in the AM server’s JCEKS keystore. Used to sign the JWT token that AM uses to track end users during User Self-Service operations.

For example, you might set this property to: selfservicesigntest

amster attribute: signingSecretKeyAlias

Google reCAPTCHA Site Key

Google reCAPTCHA plugin site key.

amster attribute: captchaSiteKey

Google reCAPTCHA Secret Key

Google reCAPTCHA plugin secret key.

amster attribute: captchaSecretKey

Google Re-captcha Verification URL

Google reCAPTCHA plugin verification URL.

amster attribute: captchaVerificationUrl

Security Questions

Specifies the default set of knowledge-based authentication (KBA) security questions. The security questions can be set for the User Self-Registration, forgotten password reset, and forgotten username services, respectively.

Format is unique key|locale|question.

Default value:

4|en|What is your mother&#39;s maiden name?
3|en|What was the name of your childhood pet?
2|en|What was the model of your first car?
1|en|What is the name of your favourite restaurant?

amster attribute: kbaQuestions

Minimum Answers to Define

Specifies the minimum number of KBA answers that users must define.

Default value: 1

amster attribute: minimumAnswersToDefine

Minimum Answers to Verify

Specifies the minimum number of KBA questions that users need to answer to be granted the privilege to carry out an action, such as registering for an account, resetting a password, or retrieving a username. Specify a value from 0 to 50.

Default value: 1

amster attribute: minimumAnswersToVerify

Valid Query Attributes

Specifies the valid query attributes used to search for the user. This is a list of attributes used to identify your account for forgotten password and forgotten username.

Default value:


amster attribute: validQueryAttributes

User registration

The following settings appear on the User Registration tab:

User Registration

If enabled, new users can sign up for an account.

Default value: false

amster attribute: userRegistrationEnabled


If enabled, users must pass a Google reCAPTCHA challenge during user self-registration to mitigate against software bots.

Default value: false

amster attribute: userRegistrationCaptchaEnabled

Email Verification

If enabled, users who self-register must perform email address verification.

Default value: true

amster attribute: userRegistrationEmailVerificationEnabled

Verify Email before User Detail

If enabled, email address verification will be performed first before user details screen is displayed. This will take effect only if Verify Email is enabled.

Default value: false

amster attribute: userRegistrationEmailVerificationFirstEnabled

Security Questions

If enabled, users must set up their security questions during the self-registration process.

Default value: false

amster attribute: userRegistrationKbaEnabled

Token Lifetime (seconds)

Maximum lifetime of the token allowing User Self-Registration, in seconds.

Default value: 300

amster attribute: userRegistrationTokenTTL

Outgoing Email Subject

Customize the User Self-Registration verification email subject text. Format is locale|subject text.

Default value: en|Registration email

amster attribute: userRegistrationEmailSubject

Outgoing Email Body

Customize the User Self-Registration verification email body text. Format is: locale|body text.

Default value: en|<h2>Click on this <a href="%link%">link</a> to register.</h2>

amster attribute: userRegistrationEmailBody

Valid Creation Attributes

Specifies an allowlist of user attributes that can be set during user creation.

Default value:


amster attribute: userRegistrationValidUserAttributes

Destination After Successful Self-Registration

The action to be taken after a user successfully registers a new account.

The possible values for this property are:

  • Label: User sent to 'successful registration' page (value: default). User is sent to a success page, without being logged in.

  • Label: User sent to login page (value: login). User is sent to the login page to authenticate.

  • Label: User is automatically logged in (value: auto-login). User is automatically logged in and sent to the appropriate page.

Default value: default

amster attribute: userRegisteredDestination

Forgotten password

The following settings appear on the Forgotten Password tab:

Forgotten Password

If enabled, users can reset their forgotten password.

Default value: false

amster attribute: forgottenPasswordEnabled


If enabled, users must pass a Google reCAPTCHA challenge during password reset to mitigate against software bots.

Default value: false

amster attribute: forgottenPasswordCaptchaEnabled

Email Verification

If enabled, users who reset passwords must perform email address verification.

Default value: true

amster attribute: forgottenPasswordEmailVerificationEnabled

Security Questions

If enabled, users must answer their security questions during the forgotten password process.

Default value: false

amster attribute: forgottenPasswordKbaEnabled

Enforce password reset lockout

If enabled, users will be prevented from resetting their password after the configured number of failed attempts.

Default value: false

amster attribute: numberOfAttemptsEnforced

Lock Out After number of attempts

Can be set to 1 or more attempts for a user to correctly answer all their security questions. After the number of configured attempts the user has not correctly answered them the password reset feature will be disabled.

Default value: 1

amster attribute: numberOfAllowedAttempts

Token Lifetime (seconds)

Maximum lifetime for the token allowing forgotten password reset, in seconds.

Specify a value from 0 to 2147483647.

Default value: 300

amster attribute: forgottenPasswordTokenTTL

Outgoing Email Subject

Customize the forgotten password email subject text. Format is locale|subject text.

Default value: en|Forgotten password email

amster attribute: forgottenPasswordEmailSubject

Outgoing Email Body

Customize the forgotten password email body text. Format is locale|body text.

Default value: en|<h2>Click on this <a href="%link%">link</a> to reset your password.</h2>

amster attribute: forgottenPasswordEmailBody

Forgotten username

The following settings appear on the Forgotten Username tab:

Forgotten Username

If enabled, users can retrieve their forgotten username.

Default value: false

amster attribute: forgottenUsernameEnabled


If enabled, users must pass a Google reCAPTCHA challenge during the forgotten username retrieval process to mitigate against software bots.

Default value: false

amster attribute: forgottenUsernameCaptchaEnabled

Security Questions

If enabled, users must answer their security questions during the forgotten username process.

Default value: false

amster attribute: forgottenUsernameKbaEnabled

Email Username

If enabled, users receive their forgotten username by email.

Default value: true

amster attribute: forgottenUsernameEmailUsernameEnabled

Show Username

If enabled, users see their forgotten username on the browser page.

Default value: false

amster attribute: forgottenUsernameShowUsernameEnabled

Token LifeTime (seconds)

Maximum lifetime for the token allowing forgotten username, in seconds.

Default value: 300

amster attribute: forgottenUsernameTokenTTL

Outgoing Email Subject

Customizes the forgotten username email subject text. Format is locale|subject text.

Default value: en|Forgotten username email

amster attribute: forgottenUsernameEmailSubject

Outgoing Email Body

Customizes the forgotten username email body text. Format is locale|body text.

Default value: en|<h2>Your username is <span style="color:blue">%username%</span>.</h2>

amster attribute: forgottenUsernameEmailBody

Profile management

The following settings appear on the Profile Management tab:

Protected Update Attributes

Specifies a profile’s protected user attributes, which causes re-authentication when the user attempts to modify these attributes.

amster attribute: profileProtectedUserAttributes

Self readable attributes

Specifies the list of attributes that users can view when accessing their user profile.

Default value:


amster attribute: profileAttributeWhitelist

Advanced configuration

The following settings appear on the Advanced Configuration tab:

User Registration Confirmation Email URL

Specifies the confirmation URL that the user receives during the self-registration process. The ${realm} string is replaced with the current realm.

Default value:${realm}#register/

amster attribute: userRegistrationConfirmationUrl

Forgotten Password Confirmation Email URL

Specifies the confirmation URL that the user receives after confirming their identity during the forgotten password process. The ${realm} string is replaced with the current realm.

Default value:${realm}#passwordReset/

amster attribute: forgottenPasswordConfirmationUrl

User Registration Service Config Provider Class

Specifies the provider class to configure any custom plugins.

Default value: org.forgerock.openam.selfservice.config.flows.UserRegistrationConfigProvider

amster attribute: userRegistrationServiceConfigClass

Forgotten Password Service Config Provider Class

Specifies the provider class to configure any custom plugins.

Default value: org.forgerock.openam.selfservice.config.flows.ForgottenPasswordConfigProvider

amster attribute: forgottenPasswordServiceConfigClass

Forgotten Username Service Config Provider Class

Specifies the provider class to configure any custom plugins.

Default value: org.forgerock.openam.selfservice.config.flows.ForgottenUsernameConfigProvider

amster attribute: forgottenUsernameServiceConfigClass

Self-Service trees

amster service name: SelfServiceTrees

Realm defaults

The following settings appear on the Realm Defaults tab:


Default value: true

amster attribute: enabled

Tree Mapping

Maps the self service function name (the key) to an authentication tree (the value).

Default value: {}

amster attribute: treeMapping

Validation service

amster service name: ValidationService

Global attributes

The following settings appear on the Global Attributes tab:

Valid goto URL Resources

List of valid goto URL resources.

Specifies a list of valid URLs for the goto and gotoOnFail query string parameters. AM only redirects a user after log in or log out to a URL in this list. If the URL is not in the list, AM redirects to either the user profile page, or the administration console. If this property is not set, AM will only allow URLs that match its domain; for example, Use the * wildcard to match all characters except ?.


amster attribute: validGotoDestinations

Realm defaults

The following settings appear on the Realm Defaults tab:

Valid goto URL Resources

List of valid goto URL resources.

Specifies a list of valid URLs for the goto and gotoOnFail query string parameters. AM only redirects a user after log in or log out to a URL in this list. If the URL is not in the list, AM redirects to either the user profile page, or the administration console. If this property is not set, AM will only allow URLs that match its domain; for example, Use the * wildcard to match all characters except ?.


amster attribute: validGotoDestinations

WebAuthn Profile Encryption service

amster service name: AuthenticatorWebAuthn

Realm defaults

The following settings appear on the Realm Defaults tab:

Profile Storage Attribute

The user’s attribute in which to store WebAuthn profiles.

The default attribute is added to the schema when you prepare a user store for use with AM. If you want to use a different attribute, you must make sure to add it to your user store schema prior to deploying webauthn with AM. AM must be able to write to the attribute.

Default value: webauthnDeviceProfiles

amster attribute: webauthnAttrName

Device Profile Encryption Scheme

Encryption scheme to use to secure device profiles stored on the server.

If enabled, each device profile is encrypted using a unique random secret key using the given strength of AES encryption in CBC mode with PKCS#5 padding. An HMAC-SHA of the given strength (truncated to half-size) is used to ensure integrity protection and authenticated encryption. The unique random key is encrypted with the given RSA key pair and stored with the device profile.

AES-256 may require installation of the JCE Unlimited Strength policy files.

The possible values for this property are:

  • Label: AES-256/HMAC-SHA-512 with RSA Key Wrapping (value: RSAES_AES256CBC_HS512)

  • Label: AES-128/HMAC-SHA-256 with RSA Key Wrapping (value: RSAES_AES128CBC_HS256)

  • Label: No encryption of device settings (value: NONE)

Default value: NONE

amster attribute: authenticatorWebAuthnDeviceSettingsEncryptionScheme

Encryption Key Store

Path to the key store from which to load encryption keys.

Default value: /path/to/openam/security/keystores/keystore.jceks

amster attribute: authenticatorWebAuthnDeviceSettingsEncryptionKeystore

Key Store Type

Type of key store to load.

PKCS#11 key stores require hardware support such as a security device or smart card and is not available by default in most JVM installations.

See the JDK 8 PKCS#11 Reference Guide for more details.

The possible values for this property are:

  • Label: Java Key Store (JKS) (value: JKS)

  • Label: Java Cryptography Extension Key Store (JCEKS) (value: JCEKS)

  • Label: PKCS#11 Hardware Crypto Storage (value: PKCS11)

  • Label: PKCS#12 Key Store (value: PKCS12)

Default value: JCEKS

amster attribute: authenticatorWebAuthnDeviceSettingsEncryptionKeystoreType

Key Store Password

Password to unlock the key store. This password is encrypted when it is saved in the AM configuration. You should modify the default value.

amster attribute: authenticatorWebAuthnDeviceSettingsEncryptionKeystorePassword

Key-Pair Alias

Alias of the certificate and private key in the key store. The private key is used to encrypt and decrypt device profiles.

amster attribute: authenticatorWebAuthnDeviceSettingsEncryptionKeystoreKeyPairAlias

Private Key Password

Password to unlock the private key.

amster attribute: authenticatorWebAuthnDeviceSettingsEncryptionKeystorePrivateKeyPassword

Ports used

The software uses a number of ports by default:

Default ports used
Port number Protocol Description



Port for Java Management extension (JMX) traffic, disabled by default.



Port for AM’s RADIUS server, disabled by default.



Port for the embedded administration connector, enabled by default.



Web application container port number.



HTTP port for monitoring AM, disabled by default.



SNMP port for monitoring AM, disabled by default.



RMI port for monitoring AM, disabled by default.

50389, 50899, 58989


Supports LDAP communication between embedded AM data stores.

Sometimes multiple services are configured on a single system with slightly different port numbers. For example, while the default port number for a servlet container, such as Tomcat, is 8080, a second instance of Tomcat might be configured with a port number of 18080. In all cases shown, communications proceed using the protocol shown in the table.

When you configure a firewall for AM, make sure to include open ports for any installed and related components, including web services (80, 443), servlet containers (8009, 8080, 8443), and external applications.

Additional ports may be used, depending on other components of your deployment. If you are using ForgeRock Directory Services, see Administrative access in the DS documentation, for the list of default ports used by DS.

Supported standards

AM implements the following RFCs, Internet-Drafts, and standards:

Open Authentication

RFC 4226: HOTP: An HMAC-Based One-Time Password Algorithm, supported by the OATH authentication modules and nodes.

RFC 6238: TOTP: Time-Based One-Time Password Algorithm, supported by the OATH authentication modules and nodes.

For more information, refer to Open Authentication.

OAuth 2.0
OpenID Connect 1.0

In section 5.6 of this specification, AM supports Normal Claims. AM does not support the optional Aggregated Claims and Distributed Claims representations.

AM applies the guidelines suggested by the OpenID Financial-grade API (FAPI) Working Group to the implementation of CIBA, which shapes the support of CIBA in AM.

Implementation Decisions Applying to CIBA Support in AM
  • AM only supports the CIBA "poll" mode, not the "push" or "ping" modes.

  • AM requires use of confidential clients for CIBA.

  • AM requires use of signed JSON-web tokens (JWT) to pass parameters, using one of the following algorithms:

    • ES256 - ECDSA with SHA-256 and NIST standard P-256 elliptic curve.

    • PS256 - RSASSA-PSS using SHA-256.

Plain JSON or form parameters for CIBA-related data is not supported.

AM currently only supports backchannel logout when acting as the provider.

For more information, see:

User-Managed Access (UMA) 2.0
Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) and Federation-related standards

AM supports SAML v2.0; support for SAML v1.1 and v1.0 was removed in AM 7, although WS-Federation functionality still creates assertions in SAML v1.x format.

SAML Specifications are available from the OASIS standards page.

For more information, see Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)

Encryption and signatures
Other standards

Service endpoints

A service endpoint is an entry point to a web service. This page lists AM service endpoints that are accessible by default.

If you are certain that a particular AM service endpoint is not used in your deployment, you can block access to the endpoint.

For more information, see Secure network communication.

JSP files

Some AM JSP pages are directly accessible as service endpoints. The following sections describe the files for those JSP pages. Directory paths in this section are relative to AM’s deployment path, for example, /path/to/tomcat/webapps/openam/.

Top-level JSP files

You will find these files in the top-level directory of AM’s deployment path.


Provides a page to configure debug logging.

See Debug logging for details.


Provides a page to encode a cleartext password for use in SAML entity configurations.


Supports requests for server information. This page is used internally by AM.


Displays a "Server is ALIVE" message when AM is ready to serve requests.


Supports access to a remote identity provider through the federation broker.


Lists service configuration information. Use this page when translating configuration changes made in the console into corresponding ssoadm commands.


Displays system configuration information, including the deployment URL, OS, Java VM, configuration directory, and more.

validat*.jsp pages

These files serve pages and provide endpoints for the classic, JATO-based UI when testing and verifying SAML v2.0 federation.

User interface JSP files

Some classic, JATO-based UI pages rely on JSP files in the com_sun_web_ui/jsp/ directory. They are not intended to be used directly as external endpoints.

Authentication JSP files

The JSP files in the config/auth/default*/ directories provide templates and endpoints to serve classic, JATO-based UI pages of the AM admin UI that allow users to authenticate.

To adapt the current UI for your deployment, see UI customization instead.

OAuth 2.0 JSP files

The JSP file, oauth2/registerClient.jsp, provides a template page to register an OAuth 2.0 client application without using the main console.

The JSP files in the oauth2c/ directory serve the Legacy OAuth 2.0/OpenID Connect authentication module. They are not intended to be used directly as external endpoints.

SAML v2.0 JSP files

The JSP files in the saml2/jsp/ directory provide endpoints used in SAML v2.0 deployments.

See Federate identities for descriptions of externally useful endpoints.

WS Federation JSP files

The JSP files in the wsfederation/jsp/ directory provide endpoints used in WS-Federation deployments.

WEB-INF URL patterns

The AM .war file includes a deployment descriptor file, WEB-INF/web.xml. The deployment descriptor lists services implemented as servlets, and <url-pattern> elements that map services to AM endpoints.

When protecting an AM server, consider blocking external access to unused services based on their URL patterns.

The web.xml file changes from release to release. If you remove endpoints from this file to disable access to parts of the AM configuration, make sure you review web.xml when you upgrade to a new release of AM. Remove the restricted endpoints and decide whether to disable the new endpoints.

For information about securing your deployment by restricting access to endpoints, refer to How do I remove admin UI access in AM and Best practice for blocking the top level realm in a proxy for AM.

REST API endpoints

REST API endpoints are discussed in detail as follows:

Authenticate over REST

How to use the AM REST APIs to authenticate to AM.

Policies over REST, Policy sets over REST, Resource types over REST, and Policy set application types over REST

How to use the AM REST APIs for policy management.

Request policy decisions over REST

How to use the AM REST APIs for requesting authorization decisions from AM.

OAuth 2.0 endpoints

How to use OAuth 2.0-specific endpoints to request access and refresh tokens, as well as introspecting and revoking them.

OAuth 2.0 administration REST endpoints

How to use AM REST APIs to perform OAuth 2.0 administrative tasks such as registering, reading, and deleting clients.

OpenID Connect 1.0 endpoints

How to use OpenID Connect-specific endpoints to retrieve information about an authenticated user, as well as validate ID tokens and check sessions.

Retrieve forgotten usernames, Reset forgotten passwords, and Register a user

How to use the AM REST APIs for user self-registration and forgotten password reset.

Configure realms over REST

How to use the AM REST APIs for managing AM identities and realms.

Manage scripts (REST)

How to use the AM REST APIs to manage AM scripts.

Capture troubleshooting information

How to use the AM REST APIs to record information that can help you troubleshoot AM.

Manage sessions using REST

How to use the AM REST APIs to manage AM sessions.

Consume REST STS instances and Query, validate, and cancel tokens

How to use the AM REST APIs to manage AM’s Security Token Service, which lets you bridge identities across web and enterprise identity access management (IAM) systems through its token transformation process.

Well-known endpoints

The endpoints described in this section are Well-known URIs supported by AM:


Exposes OpenID Provider configuration by HTTP GET as specified by OpenID Connect Discovery 1.0. No query string parameters are required.


Exposes User-Managed Access (UMA) configuration by HTTP GET as specified by UMA Profile of OAuth 2.0. No query string parameters are required.

For an example, refer to /uma/.well-known/uma2-configuration.


Lets a client retrieve the provider URL for an end user by HTTP GET as specified by OpenID Connect Discovery 1.0.

For an example, refer to OpenID Connect Discovery.

Log files and messages

This section describes log files and messages for the classic Logging Service, which is based on the Java SDK.

OpenAM 13.0.0 introduced a new REST-based Audit Logging Service, which is an audit logging framework common across all ForgeRock products.

The classic Logging Service will be deprecated in a future release.

Log files

This section describes the different classic Logging Service log files.

Audit log files

This section describes classic Logging Service audit log files:

Audit logs record information about events. You can adjust the amount of detail in the administrative logs under Configuration > System > Logging.


Contains log data for when users log into and out of an instance, including failed authentications.


Contains log data about errors encountered when users login and out of an instance.


Contains data about actions run as the administrator in the console, including changes to realms and policies.


Contains data on errors encountered during administrator sessions.


Contains data about authorization actions permitted by policies, including policy creation, removal, or modification.


Contains data on errors encountered during actions related to the policy.


Contains data about actions as part of the policy delegation, including any changes to the delegation.


Contains data about policies accessed remotely.


Contains data about access to REST endpoints.


Contains data about authorizations to access REST endpoints.


Contains data about user sessions, including times of access, session time outs, session creation, and session termination for server-side sessions.

Contains data about session creation and session termination for client-side sessions.


Contains data about actions run against the core token.


Contains data on errors encountered regarding the core token.


Contains data about the circle of trust.


Contains data on errors encountered for the circle of trust.


Contains data about entitlement actions or changes.


Contains data about actions for the OAuth 2.0 provider.


Contains data about errors encountered by the OAuth 2.0 provider.


Contains data about SAML 2 actions, including changes to assertions, artifacts, response, and requests.


Contains data about errors encountered during SAML 2 actions.


Contains data about SAML actions, including changes to assertions, artifacts, response, and requests.


Contains data about errors encountered during SAML actions.


Contains data about actions completed for SSO as admin.


Contains data about activity for Web Services Security.


Contains data on errors encountered by Web Services Security.


Contains data about activity for WS Federation, including changes and access information.


Contains data on errors encountered during WS Federation.

Debug log files

Debug log files provide information to help troubleshoot problems.

The number of messages logged to the debug log files depends on the debug logging level. The default debug logging level is Error. Using other logging levels such as Warning or Message may increase the number of debug log messages and files.

When configured with the Message logging level, a server instance can produce more than a hundred debug log files. Use the debug log file names to determine the type of troubleshooting information in each file. For example, the command-line interface logs debug messages to the amCLI debug file. The OAuth2 provider logs debug messages to the OAuth2Provider debug file. The Naming Service logs messages to the amNaming debug file.

Log messages

This section describes log messages.

COT messages



Level: INFO

Description: Invalid circle of trust name.

Data: Realm or organization name, Circle of Trust Name

Triggers: Accessing the circle of trust.

Actions: Check the name and retry accessing the circle of trust.



Level: INFO

Description: Configuration error modifying the circle of trust.

Data: Error message, Name of the circle of trust, Realm or organization name

Triggers: Modifying the circle of trust.

Actions: Check COT debug , fmCOT, for more detailed error message.



Level: INFO

Description: Error retreiving all circle of trusts.

Data: Error message, Realm or organization name

Triggers: Getting all circle of trust.

Actions: Check configuration; check debug for more detailed error message.



Level: INFO

Description: Invalid name , error creating the circle of trust.

Data: Realm or organization name

Triggers: Creating the circle of trust.

Actions: Check the name to create circle of trust descriptor.



Level: INFO

Description: Circle of Trust exists.

Data: Name of the circle of trust, Realm or organization name

Triggers: Creating the circle of trust.

Actions: Create Circle of Trust with a unique name.



Level: INFO

Description: Circle of Trust Type is invalid

Data: Realm or organization name, Circle of Trust Type

Triggers: Creating the circle of trust.

Actions: The values for Circle of Trust type are IDFF , SAML2. Create Circle of Trust using either of these values.



Level: INFO

Description: Configuration error while creating circle of trust.

Data: Error message, Entity ID, Realm or organization name

Triggers: Create circle of trust.

Actions: Check the fmCOT debug file for detailed errors.



Level: INFO

Description: Circle of trust created.

Data: Name of the circle of trust, Realm or organization name

Triggers: Creating the circle of trust.



Level: INFO

Description: Circle of Trust name is null, error adding to circle of trust.

Data: Realm or organization name

Triggers: Adding to the circle of trust.

Actions: Check the name of the circle of trust.


ID: COT-10

Level: INFO

Description: Entity Identifier is null , cannot add entity to circle of trust

Data: Realm or organization name

Triggers: Adding to the circle of trust.

Actions: Check the value of entity id.


ID: COT-11

Level: INFO

Description: Error adding entity to the circle of trust.

Data: Error message, Name of the circle of trust, Entity Id, Realm or organization name

Triggers: Adding entity to circle of trust.

Actions: Check COT debug for more detailed error message.


ID: COT-12

Level: INFO

Description: Null circle of trust name.

Data: Realm or organization name

Triggers: Removing member from the circle of trust.

Actions: Check the name of the circle of trust.


ID: COT-13

Level: INFO

Description: Null entity identifier.

Data: Name of the circle of trust, Realm or organization name

Triggers: Removing member from the circle of trust.

Actions: Check the value of the entity identifier.


ID: COT-14

Level: INFO

Description: Error while removing entity from the circle of trust.

Data: Error message, Name of the circle of trust, Entity Id, Realm or organization name

Triggers: Removing entity identifier from the circle of trust.

Actions: Check COT debug for more detailed error message.


ID: COT-15

Level: INFO

Description: Null circle of trust name.

Data: Realm or organization name

Triggers: Listing entities in Circle of Trust

Actions: Check the name of the circle of trust.


ID: COT-16

Level: INFO

Description: Error listing providers in the circle of trust.

Data: Error message, Name of the circle of trust, Realm or organization name

Triggers: Listing providers in the circle of trust.

Actions: Check COT debug for more detailed error message.


ID: COT-17

Level: INFO

Description: Error while deleting the circle of trust.

Data: Error message, Name of the circle of trust, Realm or organization name

Triggers: Deleting the circle of trust.

Actions: Check COT debug for more detailed error message.


ID: COT-18

Level: INFO

Description: Invalid name, cannot delete circle of trust.

Data: Circle of Trust Name, Realm or organization name

Triggers: Deleting the circle of trust.

Actions: Check the circle of trust name and retry deletion.


ID: COT-19

Level: INFO

Description: Cannot delete circle of trust which has entities.

Data: Circle of Trust Name, Realm or organization name

Triggers: Deleting the circle of trust.

Actions: Remove all entities from the circle of trust and retry deletion.


ID: COT-20

Level: INFO

Description: Invalid type cannot delete circle of trust.

Data: Realm or organization name, Circle of Trust Name, Circle of Trust Type

Triggers: Deleting the circle of trust.

Actions: Specify correct Circle of Trust type and retry delete.


ID: COT-21

Level: INFO

Description: Circle of trust deleted.

Data: Name of the circle of trust, Realm or organization name

Triggers: Deleting the circle of trust.


ID: COT-22

Level: FINE

Description: Retrieved the circle of trust from cache.

Data: Name of the circle of trust, Realm or organization name

Triggers: Retreived the circle of trust from cache.


ID: COT-23

Level: INFO

Description: Error while getting the circle of trust from data store.

Data: Error message, Name of the circle of trust, Realm or organization name

Triggers: Retreiving the circle of trust

Actions: Check configuration; check debug for more detailed error message.


ID: COT-24

Level: INFO

Description: Error determining an entity is in a circle of trust.

Data: Error message, Name of the circle of trust, ID of an entity, Realm or organization name

Triggers: Determining an entity is in a circle of trust.

Actions: Check debug for more detailed error message.


ID: COT-25

Level: INFO

Description: Retrieved the circle of trust descriptor.

Data: Name of the circle of trust, Realm or organization name

Triggers: Retrieving the circle of trust under a realm.

SAML2 messages



Level: INFO

Description: Invalid Service Provider Identifier

Data: Service Provider Entity Identifier

Triggers: Invalid Service Provider,cannot process request

Actions: Check the Service Provider Name.



Level: INFO

Description: Invalid Identity Provider Identifier

Data: Identity Provider Entity Identifier

Triggers: Invalid Identity Provider,cannot process request

Actions: Check the Identity Provider Name.



Level: INFO

Description: Unable to retreive Service Provider Metadata.

Data: Service Provider Entity Identifier

Triggers: Cannot retrieve Service Provider Metadata

Actions: Check the Data Store is accessible .; Check the Realm name.; Check the Service Provider Entity Identifier.



Level: INFO

Description: Unable to retrieve Identity Provider Metadata.

Data: Identity Provider Entity Identifier

Triggers: Cannot retreive Identity Provider Metadata

Actions: Check the Data Store is accessible .; Check the Realm name.; Check the Identity Provider Entity Identifier.



Level: INFO

Description: Unable to retrieve SingleSignOnService URL.

Data: Identity Provider Entity Identifier

Triggers: Error retreiving SingleSignOnService URL.

Actions: Check the Data Store is accessible .; Check the Realm name.; Check the Identity Provider Entity Identifier.



Level: INFO

Description: Redirecting to SingleSignOnService

Data: SingleSignOnService URL

Triggers: Sending Authentication Request by redirecting to Single SignOn Service URL.



Level: INFO

Description: Unable to retrieve Response using Response ID after local login.

Data: Response ID

Triggers: Response doesn’t exist in the SP cache.

Actions: Check the SP cache clean up interval configuration.



Level: INFO

Description: Unable to retrieve Artifact from HTTP Request.

Triggers: SAMLart is missing from HTTP Request

Actions: Check with sender.; Check web container server log.



Level: INFO

Description: Received Artifact from HTTP Request.

Data: Artifact value

Triggers: Received Artifact from HTTP Request in the process of Single Sign On using Artifact Profile.


ID: SAML2-10

Level: INFO

Description: Unable to find Identity Provider Entity ID based on the SourceID in Artifact.

Data: Artifact value, Realm or organization name

Triggers: No matching Identity Provider Entity ID found in meta data configuration.

Actions: Check if Identity Provider’s meta data is loaded.


ID: SAML2-11

Level: INFO

Description: Unable to load Identity Provider’s meta data.

Data: Realm or organization name, Identity Provider Entity ID

Triggers: Unable to load Identity Provider’s meta data.

Actions: Check Identity Provider Entity ID.; Check Realm or organization name.; Check if the identity provider’s meta is loaded.


ID: SAML2-12

Level: INFO

Description: Unable to find Identity Provider’s Artifact resolution service URL.

Data: Identity Provider Entity ID

Triggers: Artifact resolution service URL is not defined in Identity Provider’s metadata.

Actions: Check Identity Provider’s meta data.


ID: SAML2-13

Level: INFO

Description: Unable to create ArtifactResolve.

Data: Hosted Service Provider Entity ID, Artifact value

Triggers: Error when creating ArtifactResolve instance.

Actions: Check implementation of ArtifactResolve.


ID: SAML2-14

Level: INFO

Description: Unable to obtain response from SOAP communication with Identity Provider’s artifact resolution service.

Data: Hosted Service Provider Entity ID, Identity Provider’s Artifact Resolution Service URL

Triggers: Error in SOAP communication.

Actions: Check Identity Provider’s Artifact Resolution Service URL.; Check SOAP message authentication requirements for Identity Provider’s Artifact Resolution Service.


ID: SAML2-15

Level: INFO

Description: Obtained response using artifact profile.

Data: Hosted Service Provider Entity ID, Remote Identity Provider Entity ID, Artifact value, Response xml String if the log level was set to LL_FINE at run time

Triggers: Single Sign On using Artifact Profile.


ID: SAML2-16

Level: INFO

Description: Unable to obtain Artifact Response due to SOAP error.

Data: Identity Provider Entity ID

Triggers: Error in SOAP communication.

Actions: Check configuration for Identity Provider


ID: SAML2-17

Level: INFO

Description: Received SOAP Fault instead of Artifact Response.

Data: Identity Provider Entity ID

Triggers: Error in Identity Provider’s Artifact Resolution.

Actions: Check Identity Provider; Check debug file for detailed fault info.


ID: SAML2-18

Level: INFO

Description: Received too many Artifact Response.

Data: Identity Provider Entity ID

Triggers: Identity Provider sent more than one Artifact Response in SOAPMessage.

Actions: Check Identity Provider


ID: SAML2-19

Level: INFO

Description: Unable to instantiate Artifact Response.

Data: Identity Provider Entity ID

Triggers: Error while instantiating Artifact Response.

Actions: Check Identity Provider; Check debug message for detailed error.


ID: SAML2-20

Level: INFO

Description: Unable to obtain Artifact Response from SOAP message.

Data: Identity Provider Entity ID

Triggers: No ArtifactResponse is included in SOAPMessage.

Actions: Check Identity Provider


ID: SAML2-21

Level: INFO

Description: Unable to verify signature on Artifact Response.

Data: Identity Provider Entity ID

Triggers: Error while trying to verify signature on ArtifactResponse.

Actions: Check configuration for Identity Provider; Check debug file for detailed info


ID: SAML2-22

Level: INFO

Description: Invalid InResponseTo attribute in Artifact Response.

Data: Identity Provider Entity ID

Triggers: InResponseTo attribute in A