You can choose to enable notifications from PingID mobile app even when the Do Not Disturb settings are set to Priority Only on your device. If you need to temporarily disable pop-ups, you can do so from your PingID mobile app settings.

  1. On your iOS device, go to Settings > PingID > Notifications.
  2. To enable notifications, tap Allow Notifications.
  3. Enable any of the following notification options:
    Show in Notification Center Tap to display all PingID mobile app notifications in the Notification Center.
    Sounds Tap to enable a sound to be heard when a PingID mobile app notification is received.
    Badge App Icon Tap to display a marker on the PingID mobile app icon if it has a notification for you.
    Show on Lock Screen Tap to show a PingID notification on your lock screen, if the screen is locked when the notification is received.
    Alert Style When Unlocked Defines how notifications are displayed when your phone is unlocked. Banners is recommended.