Register or 'pair' your email address, so you can receive a one-time passcode (OTP) to your email, and use it to authenticate securely with PingID.
Pairing creates a trust between your email address and your account.
If your company configuration allows it, you can use email to access your account using a Web browser, to access your company's VPN, or to access a Windows login, or Mac login machine.
The option to pair your account with this device type is defined by your company policy.
Pairing your email
Register or 'pair' your email address from a web browser, so you can receive a one-time passcode (OTP) to your email, and use it to authenticate securely with PingID.
After you have paired your device and authenticated successfully using a web browser, you can also use it to authenticate when accessing your VPN or Mac login machine, if your company allows you to do so.
The next time you sign on to your account or app:
- You receive an OTP through your email.
- Enter the OTP.
- Click Sign On to complete the authentication.
Pairing your email (Windows login)
Register or 'pair' your email address, so you can receive a one-time passcode (OTP) to your email, and use it to securely access your Windows login machine with PingID.