Any user with User Reader entitlements can view user details.

  1. Go to Users > User Directory.
    The Status column displays the current state of each user. This can be:
    • Enabled. The user can access PingOne.
    • Disabled. The user has been disabled and cannot access PingOne.
    • Pending Approval. The user needs to be approved before they can access PingOne.
    • Locked. The user has exceeded the maximum number of sign on attempts. See Configure the directory password policy for more information.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Click a user ID to display the user details. Alternatively, you can click Details.
    • Search for a user. The search begins matching users as you enter the characters. You can search in either of these ways:
      Simple search
      You can search on:
      • Username
      • First Name
      • Last Name
      • Emails

      Use the dropdown list of search categories to constrain the search domain. You can search all users (the default), or only those users having a Status of: Enabled, Disabled, Invited, Locked, or Pending Approval.

      Advanced search
      Enable advanced search. The suggested text in the search box changes to a SCIM example. The search begins matching SCIM criteria as you enter the characters.

      Your search criteria needs to conform to the SCIM filtering specification. You can find the SCIM attributes for your searches on the Attributes page. See Manage directory attributes.

      Operator Description Behaviour
      ( ) Precedence grouping Enclose boolean expressions in parentheses to have the expression(s) evaluated first in the order of operations.
      and Logical AND Matches if both expressions are true.
      or Logical OR Matches if either expression is true.
      eq Equals The value of the specified attribute equals the specified value.
      co Contains The value of the specified value is a substring of the specified attribute.
      sw Starts With The value of the specified value is a substring of the specified attribute when starting at the beginning of the attribute value string.
      pr Present The value of the specified attribute has a value (not a null string), or (for complex attributes) contains a non-empty node.
      gt Greater Than The value of the specified attribute is greater than the specified value. The comparison used depends on the data type. For strings, the comparison is lexicographic; for DateTime, it is chronological.
      ge Greater Than or Equal The value of the specified attribute is greater than or equal to the specified value. The comparison used depends on the data type. For strings, the comparison is lexicographic; for DateTime, it is chronological.
      lt Less Than The value of the specified attribute is less than the specified value. The comparison used depends on the data type. For strings, the comparison is lexicographic; for DateTime, it is chronological.
      le Less Than or Equal The value of the specified attribute is less than or equal to the specified value. The comparison used depends on the data type. For strings, the comparison is lexicographic; for DateTime, it is chronological.

      Some examples:

      username eq "charlie"
      name.familyName co "jones"
      emails.value co "jones"
      name.givenName sw "char"