To localize the PingID registration messages in one or more languages, download the localization messaging template, customize the languages that you want to change, and then upload them through the Admin console enrollment configuration workflow.
- Attempting to upload an invalid .zip file structure returns the error message File doesn't contain any valid localizations.
- If a localization file does not comply with the Localization_<locale>.properties naming convention, it is ignored.
- You can include instruction and maintenance files, such as readme.txt, in the .zip file.
- Localization files for unsupported locales are ignored.
Customizations that you have implemented using the Admin portal Enrollment page are reset to the default text when you customize the localization .zip file. Uploading a localization .zip file updates all languages included in the .zip file. Any languages that are not included in file are reset to the default text.
For example, if you have an online customization for English messages, and you upload a .zip file that contains only a localization file for Spanish, then only the Spanish messages will be updated according to the uploaded customization. The English messages will revert to the default message text.